P frfnesday, March 80, NewsNotes ofSaiSr, The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Page Fivo and Vicinity Briefly Told s ' . . r.,M4. Brinsnno- tt nrr By George McMamisT liyn' - o Willamette si Willamette I'l .1 fllT -r-L. J Glee dub concert. Grand $ n Baby clinic, ' ',,ii rlub. 1:30. Copyright 1920 by H. C. Fisher, Trsp mark Keg. U. S. Pat. OMloa. W A TAXI -h'E PHONED TO phone TlLLN.T BE WHM A.RH. TOO ONNA, DO-rvAiF:? WE ARE OlN TO WALK THERE -I'LL NOT Mist) A, SOCIAL E VENT I llr-tr BT OLlT - I DON'T THINK I'LL EVER PE Mar. 31 Realtors lunch- t T 0 TO tmp ' WON,T HAVE Keen Marion hotel. . o ' ri) iAraerlcan Legion J I mland i AI5L.E TO WALK. ufferJ 1 UN 1 M :dan id-Rlossom dav si 1 awd COUNTR-f AI" " t 15 Marearet Mat- is: Ai"11 l ...tr.iHn sirmftrv i 1 DOi lenauc uer, wm i 4 Apollo club in May I Mi t concert with Virginia Hea, 4 r. rmorv. 3 ' HELLO-HELLO--" ( twAT'c 1 ltN'T THl'S tfboiq 1 THATSTOO the Phone rMt- " be out of JnZ AN'T r y order: ctt&P v MtXL , 1 1 I ;m Sal iS I sopr"""' " J Dg h 4 'aboj wit I Pruy. Id " t:J Nl Oourt House Notes Circuit Court findings of facts and conclus ions of the law were filed with ; the clerk m i" -"c L ..II- T I ..... ..1, Beach vs i.csne ... Kastman. to cost bill filed in J. W. Fahey vs .Uar- Mr- and Mrs. B (Id Heisley ; object ihp case of Ity, MichaiiK. rnninaint tneo oy Anna pjanlsley vs Ilattie A. Ilhdge. Answer filed In the dlvorcj I wit of Anson W. Jacobs vs Addie I M. Ja'bs- Probate Court n-iinr annointine aunraisers of I (he estate of Henrietta McAdams filed. Order discharging adrntnistra- I (or of the estate of Jacob AH.ig fined. Order a ui horizing the withdraw I, of final account of the estate I of Floral Daniels, and order set tling aside personal property, If ere f 1 1 J with tne court. Report of sale of real property lot the ''State of Mrs. 13, A. Kces- ler filed. Marriage Licenses Edward Diekmau, 2 ', Silverton hnd Augusta Cierke, 20, Silverton went to NaaAm .......j .. . lue custody of Axa IS invest. OMtfncr tl, ..J..,- r ... "adMii abmty of bvi; u' ?: 1 .riM-anl tho 111 "ins-cave 1; tihaver in that city. The Ladies and Sir Knights. Maccabees are giving an enter- m AlcCornack hall, Wed " of Wrnwoc4 i'-t K.tia m b- - license number of 4S911 the court during . "V. M had ''een 8tolen fr0" Dal- !"er parents ' lDe n'Sbt previous. A w is s; unti' tSw , i ... ,,tu- " ..mm javo ne day, March 30 All Sir Knights the child again IM and the msm ,r ., . ' . ,s ol'ereu tor the return M awarded t9 her .n . tti.e Car arul an "ddittonal $2a Klizabeth Tavlnr ti,. '. .' - lne caPture of the thief. Mr Da la was r;1' Jhn,7 f 5 truck was sent to Pur " ST.'S'SL ! A'"any yesterday with the ec.uip- . .,ii. iui lii ima !V aril itv company of the Oregon national miard aild iS lll.KCil in thm. arm- reward ory at that place. ladies and vited. friends cordially in 77 lion when tH Hunt . . j the country. is lT,uLlMUmS f A,,out 30 members of the Get is visiting her nmnic at h tn ... . . l"e uet- week or two. Mr. Adams will ;,r last evening given y Zl "h rive tonight frnr.i hie t ... .,S61,en b-v the "a:h h. i . . " ""K isaoena, a Cathol w " ' 1.1171,1 I ii ;i 1 , 1 1110 riL v. iat- WaS in Alhanv Qn,l K . vmri points south but had found no trace of the stolen car. Royal Archibald of Albany was I business visitor in Salem yesterday. business. ic club of r;iTn in ,u auiuilio- " aDU returned to Albany wijr mis morning after the dau.; Miss Anna Kropp, a student in the Mt. Angel academv. -was tn town yesterday en route back to school from Albany where she had been spending the Kaster vacation. Mrs. Geo. Reeves and son. Rus sell, of Albany were Salem vis itors yesterday. LOOK ! In Business for Your Auto's Sake When Ixmis Kays, 907 South Ipaunercial street, failed to re turn home from school yester- Iday, relatives became worried, land at S o'clock notified the no- Jice to lie on the look out for him. At lit o'clock. Ilftwpvor fhoir lurain Iclenhnned nffi.-ora tht h ' "er mother Ifiii safelv in. few days. Want a loan of $fi500 at 7 ner inn ,ern L.'X" r- u- Klks' the entertain or.meni. committee have somethin $7non at 8 per cent on a goo.iiun thAir .i .... etn n" well improved 102 acre ranch ! night. Rt h.. .. i " See me about the above any Information loans at once. Socolofsky. 341 I State St. Phone 970. hib h,-, . f aioien rrom tne . ""Kn scnoo building ven- M SS fta ItHilev Is hnrr at t h a 1 1-.. mZL.. ... . "u'""" ye9 !.. ... ' - 1. CW1S "est' Court (,'nic unlaid niter Hucompanyins street Dreamland rink, big dance ev- fcrr Wed. and Sat. Good orchestra nd linging. Roller races, Mon Iff and Tues., April 4 and 5. Ad- on 10c. Rennie Younger of Portland. Pacific coast cham- lari and O. A. Pelletier of Frisco fill race, 2 and 3 miles. 80 to Roseburg for a For sale, sterotyping mats, 10c per bundle. Used as a light and stout weather proofing cardboard. Capital Journal office. complained to the police. A large crowd or Salem peo- Ut last night attended a benefit I bare which was gfven under the Wpices of the Daughters of Isa bella at the Salem armory. John Steelhammer and wife of Woodburn were visitors In Salem yesterday. ftm't miss the American Le- kion dance, Dreamland rink Fri- Iday evening, April 1. Public cor dially invited. Tickets $L10 in- IcludiiiK war tax. Ladies free. 79'" A bicycle which was reported to I lave been abandoned at the Sa lem high school was yesterday liken to the police btation. Remember the American Le- Ilion dance, Dreamland rink FrI. owning April 1. Public cordial- r invited. Tickets 11.10 including lar tax. Ladies free. . 79 Old newspapers, 10c the bun dle. Used as carpet mats, for packing, etc. Capital Journal of C. W. Henkle and Ross Nelson, the "movie men" from Independ ence, were in town yesterday. Mrs. C, A. KeUnvr and rfe;. dren, Edward Dickmat. an,l m utto Dickman, of Silverton are in the city today rUtlOg friends. Alfred Kuenei, a farmer from tlie Evergreen district, was a Sa lem visitor yesterday. The bav in Ihp nirit ri I nf I 1 nlt,lns riehtT Rrlne It to A place to get tires, tubes, spot lights, skid chains and tire pumps Great Western Garage Phone 44. Opposite Court House ALWAYS OPEN J. D. Hartwell was in town from his ranch near Mt. Angel yesterday. Mr. Hartwell m engag ing in truck gardening aud this season will sell his products in Salem. Mrs. F. W. Sears and children returned yesterday from v.u M'ash.. where thnv h,. . .' - tnrru visiting relatives for a few weeks 1921 by Int-l Feature Servicc. inc. I'M .ii mmmammmmmmmm H I ' i iiiMiiwiiii wmmmmmmmmm Mi Tuesday morning from the family residonce 105 Miller street, will be held Thursday, March 31, at 2 o'clock from Rigdon's. The Christian Science service will be read, interment following In the City Yiew cemetery. Funerals "he funeral nf a t father of Geo. Swienlnk. who Jk W. T. Itlgilon Lloyd T. Itlgdon W. T. Rigdon & Son licndliiR rnrtertakers Baby Chicks Several varieties now on ham C. N. NEEDHAM 558 State Street Opposite County Courthouse Attorney 0. G. Larsoi or R1 verton is in town ou legal bar! ness. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Alhro Salem are visiting relatives Albany for a few days. of B. P. 0. Elks, big surnrise Thursday night, best entertain-1 ment of the year. 78 Mrs. Vera Slater of Mill City visiting relatives anil Manila in Salem for a few days. Mrs. Gertrude Smith of Silver- ton was visiting in town yesterday. Riley Craven of Dallas was transact' ng business in Salem yes terday. Love, the Jeweler, Salem. the wolf-dog hero of the JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD btory Ever Told Its thrill and romance spring suaignr irom me screen! LAST DAY "PAYING THE PIPER" Friday anrf Saturday Big Bill Russell In "The Man Who Dared" GRAND Portland & Salem Stage Line Every Hour on the Hour at Both Ends Leaves 10th and Alder at Seward Hotel every hour Leaves Salem Bligh Hotel First Stage 7 a. m. Last Stage 7 p. m L M. HUM Caro of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and Tea Co. Has medicine which will cure any known disease Open Sundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. m. iMl South High street Salem, Oregon. Phone J83 Robert Wenger of Silverton was in town yesterday afternoon on business. A bicvele which was found on I Rate street near High last night. W taken to the police station it a night patrolman. The linme of better federate prices and ck. Webb & Clough. (kectors. service, largest funeral 77 1 Dr. ('lias. H. Brewer was In pn from Stayton yesterday on Weaional business. Taxie service. Phone 230. 7t Alex Knutson. wife and daugh ter of Silverton were in town yesterday. Finhv rhleke 55 state St. Handy rolls of white paper, use- fir many purposes. 10 centl P1- Capi ii Journal office. A. Kllnger, merchant of Mt. Ifel. was In town on business Perday. Andits new sets nf linrtl-o nnon- IJi ystem atizing, general account C. Kd Ross, jHiblic account MOt Anna A 1, t-T mi J1 J. T. Bowen and daugh- n Silverton were saopptng in hm sterday. ,The l.nngalow orchestra at ball Friday night. 77 WTiv.' - I- '"ciingB every niui r' 'veek in West Salem lb. itiont ,... -o uaiuiuaj, ' BLIGH Today Tomorrow i r 1 "Men's Spring Shoes 9J LAST TIMES Cecil B.DeMiUes Torbidden Fnut' 1 and 9 p. m. TOMORROW STRAIGHT IS THE WAY" rv The BASIS for our BETTER SERVICE is CORRECT FIT. After all no last or combination of lasts will make an ill-fitted shoe comfortable, and most people can wear the style they desire if their shoe man knows how to fit them. MEN it will pay you to see the JUST WRIGHT SHOES that we are now showing. PRICES ARE VERY MODERATE Men's Shoes $7.00 $7.50 $8.00 $10.oo $11.00 Men's Oxfords $8.00 $10.00 $11.00 Discerning dressers are always. ready to recommend our shoes to their friends. You take no chance to lose if you purchase here. Salem Woolen Mills Store C. P. BISHOP, Prop. Every Family in Marion and Polk Cooties a Patron. Friday Is The Big Day 1 Miller's Bargain Friday OPPOKTTMTY FRIDAY Every Friday in the Year. These "Specials Are For NEXT FRIDAY, APRIL 1st None Shown nor Sold Except on That Date. Men's LEE Unionalls "Union-Made" A Xationally-reoognized I'nionall ; cut full in size and made from the best Cotton Khaki Cloth. The seams ar welted and triple-sewed. This is the famous 202 number, known the country over, and worn by mechan ics and farmers who dpmand a dejend able and serviceable garment. Opportunity Friday $2.95 Fibre Silk Hose. The product of one of the lest Hos iery Mills in the Country. Fvery woman rfcognizes the fact that SILK or FIBRE SILK HOSE k a neces sity to a welllressed woman; and then, they are so comfortable on the feet. The colors in this offering; are: Cord ovan, Black. White, Navy. Bought to sell on Special at 9fk. ECONOMY SILK PETTICOATS All Silk Taffeta Flounce. These Petticoats will harmonize perfectly with your new Spring Gown. They are cut correctly; flounced with an ALL-SILK Taffeta Flounce, and come in a wide range of the wanted shades, Em erald, Brown, Navy, Rose, Turple, Pekin. All sizes from regulars to out-size with 60-inch hip. OPPORTUNITY FRIDAY $3.98 Black Suiting Serge. Next Friday we offer three numbers in Serge Suitings; a few months ago the same qualities were selling at $5.00 and $5.50 per yard. ALL WOOL BLACK COATING SERGE 5J inches wide. Opportunity Friday. . $1.95 ALL WOOL BLACK WHIPCORD 51 inches wide, Opportunity Friday. . $1.49 CAMEL'S HAIR SERGE Imiorted Serge, fully cravenetted, M inches wide, Opportunity Friday . . $2.10 Opportunity Friday 69c White Fantasie Silk Shirts. Beautifully figured, and will be much in vogue this summer, Opportunity Friday $10.95 MLLBKft if Mi