Page Four The Capital Journal, Satan, Oregon CapitaJ&jouraal Salem, Oregon An Independent Newspaper Published eveninKS except Sun day by Capital Journal Printing Co , 135 South Conimorclal Telephones: Circulation and Bus iness. 81; Bditortal, 82. U. Putnam, Keillor and Publisher nUDQn a firm foundation To Stabilize the Berry Industry Organization of a $10,000,000 corporation to handle the canning and marketing of the berry crops of Oregon and Washington by completing a merger of the various can neries, comes as good news to the growers and operators of both states. The new project will be financed by bankers of both states and has for its object the placing of the industry mail Entered as second class matter at Salem, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier, 65 cent3 a month, llv mail, in Marion and Polk counties. 50 cents a month. Else where 17.00 a year, 13.50 for 6 months, $1.75 for three months. Mail subscriptions payable In ad vance; Advertising representatives: W. D. Ward, Tribune Bldg., New York; W. H. Stockwell. Peoples Gas Bldg.. Chicago It is the announced plans of the corporation to take over the preserving and canning plants that are found efficient and construct new ones where necessary, and market prod ucts under Washington and Oregon labels. Enlarged markets will be sought by an extensive advertising campaign. The rapid growth of the berr industry in the Northwest and the chaotic conditions existing as a result of the under capitalization of plants, the recent inflation in prices and sugar followed by the collapse of markets due to the slump, make this the psychological time for the formation of a strong company to reorganize the industry upon a business basis with adequate capitalization for operation. Huge profits were made in the past few years by the processors, but these profits were spent along with new capital in enlarged plants. The business depression found costly stocks on hand that had to be sold at a heavy loss on a falling market or kept on hand to deteriorate without a market. Only the strongest of concerns could absorb the loss and continue in business. The advantages of the merger are many. It will permit a reoperation that will eliminate waste, curtail costly competi tion, eliminate duplication of overhead and permit the de- Seidom has interest n a aeoae , ye or)rnent of effjcjent marketing machinery. Uoon its sue contest attained such proporltons cesa depends the future of the berry industry in the North west and the staoilizing oi trie triuusuy. MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclu sively entitled to the us for pub lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper, and also local news published herein. Willamette Will Defend Name of West Alicia Hammersly A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry J I S 4 . 4 By Idah McGlone Gibson The Noted Writer iffJVflV My mother's cheek was aTe tou-d, ier as sue murmured: "Mv t .7 1119 UoIy. tt little girl! My little girl! I, your , 'hU .& ft, mother am ,.. .. '"ur 01 chamr- h7T. wa"wthlii: , v uuuappy oecause I -"ukb tint .1.. iu. ... bum. . An your first little shoe and hid It nere in tois iruuiv, Alicia's Mother t was almost sure that there up were tears In my mother's eyes 'filled with memories before she raised her head, when I exclaimed My arms went around my moth- Why, mother, what er's neck; my kisses softly closed are you doing up here?" her eyelids down over the tears mother ck ll,oH ii n start ed and Ji at men cufcc- then I found I must have been , was just another girl. She. too mistaken, for, although my moth-'had had the thoughts that had er's eyes were very bright and been mine today. 1 felt so griewu two seemed to be a drawn look 1 ior ner, anu yei auu ,cl , - about them that I had never seen there were no tears dered iI really had anything for which to grieve. "Oh. mother." I wailed, "I don't n Avar want to chanec. I don't want to love Hal less. I want it to be al before them. "I was just lookln i.hiiH for vftnp preat-erand mot .1 er's garter. Your grandmother : ways as it is now. I don't want wore It and I wore it, for you know! to be like 'you and Dad; like Un the old superstition: Somethinw '. cle Tom and Aunt Betty. I want old and something new, something to be young. I want to stay borrowed and something blue.'" J young. I want to keep longing Hal's arms about me and I 1 'I'll OUC Jl i 1. 1 V. u, . ( - . 1 V, Atl as is manrtcst cuncei mus bate this evening between Wil lamette university and Morning stde college, of Sioux City, Iowa, which will be held in the chaopel auditorium of Waller hall. The forensic event is epochal as tt marks the first intersectional debate ever to be staged by Wil lamette university, and the second to be staged In the west this sea son, the first being scheduled by the University of Oregon when they entertained the debate team from Princeton university last winter. Barnard Rarsay, Frank Bennett and Sheldon Sackett, the Willam ette debaters, have been engaged in perfecting their arguments dur ing the past two weeks. Every member of the Willamette team Is a polished speaker, each havlrm represented the university in for ensic contests during the past few years, and have returned home with the "lion's share of the ba eon." Elmo S. White, a prominent at torney of Salem, will be the chair man this evening when the teams meet to discuss, "Resolved, that immigration to the Unitea States should be further restricted by additional illiteracy tests." The Judges of the debate are: A. A. Knowlton, of Reed college of Port land: Prof. James H. Oilbert. of the University of Oregon; Prof U. O. Dubach, of O. A. C. Musical numbers will be contri buted to the evening's program by Evelyn DeLonc Lorelei lllatchford and Marguerite Cook Reviving the Whipping Post k Delaware has revived trie vyx put as punishment for crime and unless sentimentalists again interfere to prevent the "barbarous" punishment, another opportunity will be offered to demonstrate its efficacy as a crime deter rant. Certainly orthodox punishments are not. In a recent statement regarding the increase of crime, William A. Pinkerton, the detective says: "There is only one way to curb crime and that is to re-establish the whipping-post and the rod, as a criminal fears twenty lashes more than twenty years. They have frequently torn me so. A decade or so ago the whipping post was revived in Oregon but there are so many mushy people in this state who want the criminal to lie on a bed of roses that it was repealed before it had a fair chance to prove its value never theless it reformed some of our wife-beaters. Those who protest the brutality of the whipping post forget the brutality that hold up men use on their victims. They forget the average low mentality among criminals, many of whose mental development is sufficient to dread and fear a flogging but not sufficient to comprehend the punish ment of imprisonment, any more than a child does. It is not enough that the punishment fit the crime it should fit the criminal. Until there is promptness, fitness and efficiency in punishment of crime, the crime waves will continue to increase. and held out to me a long piece of narrow, knitted, blue silk. "Surely that is not my great -grandmother's garter," I said in quiringly. "Yes, my dear ,that was the garter that your great-grandmother wore. It was before the time of rubber, you know. And, AH cla, I am going to lend you this want to feel that wlien tney aie there that my whole world is within them. If I thought that Hal was going to change and that my heart, too, might become cold and numb as I grew older I should want to die this morning when everything is at its brightest." My mother's face was saddened child, takes little account of hu man love. "When a man and woman take upon themselves the vows which vou and Hal will pledge tonight, they may sincerely think they are only pledging their love, and that is where lies the great tragedy of most marriages. "If the modern bride and groom could only understand that they both covenant to do their share of the great work of the world. theyewould know that whatever comes, joy or grief, happiness or sorrow, the woman must honor until death do you part,' and the man must take for 'better or for worse.' " "Oh, mother, I am afraid, I am afraid! If it be true that Hal and I may not always live on the mountain top, may we not be able sometime to bring some of the glorious sunlight which we found - . . . .!! up there, down into me vuuy "i our work-a-day life where it may light up the dark corners and brighten the monotony of grey ur nib hp Can't Help Praising Tanlac After it Ended His Seven Years Stomach Trouble, De clares Nudelman me ii ... , from constinatln, 7. snJ headaches. I nad l awt y and uaraty drive m . "u 1 cod nervous the lean. n... '.' i ''Pset me anu ... llle thing , able. Wds s""Ply nh "I kept hnai-in. wnm.1 i,.,i- . uw-"a to see i,l to be the very ".H "After a man has suffered as long and as much as I have he can hardly help praising the med icine that restores him to health," said 1VT. Nudelman. 441 Ross ntrnai - t . - 1UU 1 n. . . , . i wrsi ivn l,.,i.i . vu I'orwanu, wuu uperuies an auto iiies and since lJ l,l.., Ti,,r11.,,l oJ xr.. il"0 more I am 1 ., lH health oni. " couver, a. . my appetit i. J i can cut mvai . --"ibj 'For the past six or seven years 'out anv hi!,. Wan' ' I suffered terribly from a severe 'am n,i i afterwln case of stomach trouble and mv sthntmn . , . lea lth or heailacho. rheumatism k,. . nothing. Nearly everything I ate .,, TT elu'rely appetite got down to almost little gold buckle to thread the anj sae drew a long sigh as she knot of the garter through," and UaM. "I know. I know. Allx. The mother pulled out from the to of the little baby shoe an exqui ite gold buckle set with diamonds "Why didn't you keep this beau tiful thing in your jewel case. mother?" I asked iu astonish ment. "Because I never wore It, dear, except on my wedding day and after you were born 1 felt that here was a jewel case more ap propriate for it. And so I put it Twelve New Recruits Enlist In M Company Twelve recruits have been en listed in M company of the Ore gon national guard within the last ten days bringing the tot il up to 80 men, according to Ser geant Kobblns who was handling v i 'i run 111 Tim mm SLEC PY-TIME TA LES THE TALE OF TOMMY FOX ARTHUR SCOTT BAILEY ,.vv Hl7 Tommy Fox Makes a Strange , ' hat was what made Farmer Friend. Green suspicious. There was oue thing, especially, Fanner Green went out into his that surprised Tommy Fox. And dooryurd, where Tommy Fox was I think it surprised the dog Spotibasking in the sunshine. Tommy even more. Tommy and hpot oe-nooaed up at f anner tireen verv jumu friends. j innocently. You would have thot At first, whenever Spot came he had never done auythjng near, Tommy would run into ins wrong in an nis lite. bole, as far as his chain would al- Farmer Green began to examine low him. Hut after a time he be-jtlie ground about Tommy's house. gan to peep out al ins visitor, ne man t iinu anything unusual. And finally he grew so bold that Hut when he knelt down and when Spot came to see him he , peered into the hole Tommy b'ox the enlistment of the men at the I stayed above ground, though to; had dug tor himself, what should armory Monday night. Within the! he sure he sat close to the door he see but several hen-feathers! next two weeks, Captain Iieroy I ot his house, so that he could That was enough for Farmer whisk out of sight it spot snouiu unn, ne Knew then where his come too near him. fat hens had gone. But he was Since Spot often came to look puzzled. There was Tommy, at Johnnie Green's new pet, he chained fast to the stake. How began to like Tommy. And ui-jcoiuu ne ever have visited the Hewlitt expects to bring his to tal strength up to 100. A tentative rifle range has been ohtained four miles from Sa lem in Polk county and prepara- lions are being made to permit j ot yowling, he would wag hen-house? dians were scheduled lo plav Uieir first exhibition game on their barnstorming trip at San Antonio today, Cleveland. The greatest field that ever competed in a swimming event nere is entered In u. nu tional senior A. A. U. onj hliadiv yard swim for women at tue nth letic club pool tonight. Cleveland. Bryan Downey cf Cleveland and Young h'ijhvr, of Syracuse, N. Y., middleweight, meet here tonight of twelve rounds to a decision. McKeesport, Pa. Pal Mcoie, Memphis, and Tommy Ryai!, Mc Keesport, bantamweights, box ten rounds here tonight. Pittsburgh. The "regular i" of the Pittsburgh National league baseball club broke cam.i at Hot Springs, Ark., today an.1 started for Little Rock where an xhibl-j nun game was scueuuie i 101 this afternoon. Pinehurst, N. C. Mrs .1. V. Hurd of Pittsburgh wi I defend her title today in the north and south golf championshi,) lourra ment agaiust Mrs. F. C. Letls, Chi cago western champion. Bloomington, Iud. The wrest ling championship of the middle west and east will be determined here tonight when the Infllaui. university and Pensylvauia State teams meet. Indiana won the western conference title this yiar, while Penn State is the recognized eastern collegiate champion. bliss of romantic love comes to a woman but once dear, and for a time it makes gods and goddesses of those who experience it. But the rarified atmosphere which is necessary to its life is something which we mortals cannot endure for long. "I have been thinking, as I sat here this morning with your little baby shoes in my hand, that I had not been a good mother to you, Alicia. But I have let you build up your dreams and your illusions because I knew that they were the sweetest things that can come into a woman's life. I am inclined to think now that I should have made you understand, dear ctiild, that marriage from the very first is a very different thing from this wonderful existence to which you are looking forward. "The overpowering, all-embracing emotion of love that you feel now for the man you are going to marry is but one of the delightful experiences o life. Marriage is the greatest part of life, in which love is only an incident. Love, my child, even a great love, may be for a week, a month or a year, hut marriage is for every day. Marriage is the universal business of woman and man. It is obey- Sure Relief Q5fZP) 25 xtjjmr 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief rvi v ri r . upset me. and the eras and tm. .m Tn.n . 8 alo ' - "iat wun in my siomacii wouia almost urive Mendld result,.. BELL-ANS mat? FOR INDIGESTION Perfect Confidence Salem People Have Good Reason For Complete Reliance Do you know how To find relief from backache. To correct distressing urinary ills; To assist weak kidneys? Your neighbors know the way Have used Doan's Kidney Pills Have proved their worth in many tests. Ask your nelghuor. Here's a Salem testimony. Mrs. Delia Davis, 1555 N. 4th St., says: "I gladly recommend Doan's Kidney Pills lo anyone In need of a kidney remedy. I know they are all that is claimed for them. I have used Doan's when my kidneys were weak and out of order and I had dull backaches ing, in the best sense, nature's I anri nainH throuer rny kidneys. great behest, and nature, my dear noan's Kidney Pills from Fry's . I I Drug store removed the backaches I tS""STf N t 'an1 ot,ler s'Kns ot kidney, trou- Apply wet baking soda or oral nary ammonia, followed by Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get, Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Davis had. Foster- Ovcrl7 MUtionJanUtcdYcaiti Milburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. t anv i B1 VI C KS Fords Run 34 Miles On Gallon Gasoline Start Easy in Coldest Weather Other Cars Show - Propor tionate Saving A new carburetor which cuts the men to practice at 200, ,100. S00 and 600 yards, both rapid and slow firing. The company has already had Instruction in aim ing and sighting, but new recruits will be taken over the same course of instruction before they are al lowed to do work on the range. The tentative date for en campment this year has been changed from July to June 16 to 30 inclusive. This will give a i his tail, and try to be friendly. Farmer tireeu picked up Tom And nrst tney tney Knew, uiey my b cnain. Ana to his surprise were playing together, and rolling no round that the end of it wasn't and tumbling about, pretending fastened to the .stake at all! It to bite each other. Now, Spot was much bigger I than Tommy Pox. and stronger. And sometimes when they played together he would get so rough that Tommy would run down into his underground bouse and hide. But he never lost his temper, be cause he knew that Spot dtd not j nau wonted loose, somehow. And rommjr had been free to wander about as much as he pleased. large number or the memoers in lra(,an t0 hurt hilll Ami Tommy the Fifth regiment who are no j was aiways ready to come out In schools and colleges n Chance i aKn an(j pay some more. to go to Camp Iewls Following quarterly and Inspection last night, the company was given Instruction In the use of the light Browning automatic rifle. This is the first time the organization has had an opportunity to learn anything Johnnie Green was very proud muster I f i,is new pet. And one day when he was going to drive to the vll- -- Short Snnrt f Wfarp v . Toledo. Eighty-four bowtom left here this morning for Butfulo where tonight and tomorrow they will take part in the America i Bowling Congress tournsie.ei.t There are fourteen five-men leamj ,uiu enuugu exira men lo ZHM tiie Mabel Normand Coming to The Bligh Friday and Saturday Living up to all past promises, the vaudeville offerings that are being presented at the Bligh thea tre each week are becoming of a BAD BREATH Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Ren.ove it Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the substitute for ca'mnel, set gent- down gasoline consumption bills ;ly on the bowels and positively from one third to one half is the do the work. proud achievement of the Air- People afflicted with bad Friction Carburetor Co., breath find quick reliet th-ough Madison St., Dayton, Ohio. This j Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The remarkable invention not only pleasant, sugar coated tablet i are increases the power of all m . taken for bad brsith by all who from 30 to 50 per cent, but en- know them. nbles every one to run slow on j Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act high gear. It also makes it easy gently but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them to Style and Quality Combined i nese are two essential i mentS thnl irc nnnht.., . , ull)luea m et9 custom tailored suit. Sfvlo lo wv.,, , uc eoaary Because It id important that a man, to mikj the best impression, be ir J keeping with the fashion of tJ uay. Quality is necessary as a m.ani to best style; but more than I it is necessary to get the loni serviceable wear you want get from your suit. We will make you a Custom Tailored Sprin? Suit to your individual measur a( i very reasonable price, and It a nun no nl.vilKIl ana 01 80 I cellent quality that you will mu vel at the reasonableness ot i prices. We use only absolutely 100 1 cent all wool materials the kind that make style and quslli possible. We have these fabrll in hundreds of the newest deslgJ color eftects and weaves an I sortment that makes a pleaiiJ choice possible by even the mod particular man. Scotch Woolen Mill Sto 426 State Street You Save Money says the Good Judge vi'i v 11 1 1' I, vi :i , ii :i !, i,,i h rit y v :i n n . . . . ' " to stare a rorn or any otner car " , . . ,.ccn l. 7: in the colaeBt rather. You can natural action, clearing the blood be four acts of distinct vanetv ,, , .,, v, , . .. J nicftiirav himie -i anu geuiiy puruying me entire gasoline or half gasoline and half system. They do that which dan- kerosene and still get more ,,ow- gerous calomel does without anv er and more mileage than you of the bad after effects, now get from the highest test1 All the benefits of nasty, sick gasoline. Many Ford owners say ening griping cathartics are de- treat for all music lovers and does " " lu J" riven rm Dr. Edwards' Olive everything with his instrument ' Kon.i. o Tablets without griping, pain or headed by "Weber The Wizard and his comedy partner Bobbv Rogers presenting a line of magic and comedy that is different, call ed "Laugh-o-Magic." E. J. Apple by the eminent banjoist has a And get more genuine chew ing satisfaction, when you use this class of tobacco. This is because the full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. And a small chew gives more real satisfaction than a big chew of the ordinary kind ever did. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut I Stat 11? a Stock. lage he took Tommy Fox with doubles event Thursday, the clos- him. He tied Tommy's chain to the wagon and Tommy sat up on the seat beside his young master. He had a fine ride. It frightened concerning this remarkable ! him at first, to see so many peo- Weapon. which Is ras-est shooting , P'c r i w ' marivei uay. wmmm the farmers lor miles around came to the vlllafte to sell their butter and eggs and vegetablesd There was n great number of dogs, too. running about the village streets. Tommy was glad that he was high In the wor ruits of".h e com The twelve recr pany are. Asel C. Eoff. Archie J. Elliott. Maxwell M. Jones. Roy W. Rem fneliin Wilbur F. D.illv. Roland B. Relnheart. Allanson R. Mason. on ,ne seal of ,he waKn- h- suit- jonnnie iireen, ior ne Knew that he was perfectly safe there. nig day of the tournament Boston. Fred J. Wright of Waiertown, state amateur cham pion, will sail for England next month to participate in the Uril ish amateur and open golf tourna ments in May. Ernest W. Schwabhauer. William M. Peterson. Walter I.. Wiggins, Harold B. Millard. Cecil R. Fram. Cambridge. Harvard athletes who had been anticipating the ad vent of the training table season as a means of reducing the cost of ItTtag were disappointed .vUei the athletic committee arni.unced He saw so many strange sights, that the tables for baseball, track but make it talk. The Rica Duo with a wealth of pretty Betting.- these graceful willowy daneers are sure are the manufacturers of the Immense saving their carburetor will make that any disagreeable effects. new di F. M. Edwards discovered they formula after seventeen seen in a series of songs and dan-inffer t0 senn 11 on days' trial years of practice among patients ces. fast and furious. Arthur l" ever rar owner, as u can ne afflicted with bowel and liver James and Edna Shaw, blackface mlt on or taken off. in a few min- complaint, with the attendant comedians supreme, in their own ,,tes D' anyone, all readers of bad breath. original idea of southern negro nr- 'his paper who want to try it Olive Tablets are purely a veg istocracy. featuring southern die- should send their name, address etable compound mixed with lect. songs and patter. Mabel Nor- and make of car to the manu- olive oil: you will know them bv mand in one of her screamincly facturers st once. They ulsn want their olive color Take one funny dramas "The Slim Princes" local ssrents. o i. horn the offer two everv night for a week and will be the feature picture on the exceptionally : i.-gj profits Write note the effect 15c and 30c program. them today.--A4? tisemcnt . (act) Children's Ailments Winnipeg, Man. Tb" Sioltish' team of professional football play ers which will tour the Ueltedl States and Canada during the' early summer, will sail from Liv erpool. May 11. arriving at New York about May 17, according to word received today by Dan Mac- Neil, president of the Dominion Football association. London. Thousands gathered alo"g the hanks of the Thames from Putney to Mortlake this morning to gain position from I whicn they might witness the an nual Ovford-Cambridge boat race, which will be rowed at 5 o'clock this afternoon. HNAL WANT ADS PAY Joi'RWL WANT ADS PAT JOCRNAL WANT AOS PAT that after that first day when ever he saw Johnnie starting off for the village he was never sat isfied unless he went too. On the whole. Tommy Fox did not have a bad time, being John nle Green's pet. And although Farmer Green often complained that Johnnie would rather play with his young fox than drive the cows, or feed the chickens, or fetch water from the pump, still Farmer Gre-n himself rather en joyed watching Tommy Fox. But at last something happened that made Farmer Green very an gry. One morning he discovered and crew squads would not open hhi Apru 2. or about toree weeks later than had been expect ed. No reason for the pesto. cle ment was given. State College. Pa. toot ball pracuce began today at Penn Slate. A large number f caaji dales repo-ted and pral ie v.iil continue for six weeks. Detroit. A new 24-cyl, icit en gine is being designed by E'Kel Ford to dilve a power ixtat he plans to enter in the GoM .-':p und Harmsforth trophy raco here ibis that a fine hen had disappeared summer. The Amerirsn Powirho.u Two Pay Fines for Traffic Violations; Third Is Arrested during the night. And the fol lowing night another ben vanish ed. Farmer Green was puzzled. Old Spot had been loose all the time, and he had never barked once. i association recently raised the pis ton displacement from 1M lo 3 400 In order that the MM boat might enter. "The city's business has been most profitable of late," re marked Police Judge Earl Race yesterday afternoon after two more motorists had paid fines for alleged violations of the traffic laws. L. R. Waters, charged with speeding his automobile, paid a fine of $10 yesterday after noon and G. W. Watfield was fined $5 for driving his auto mobile with his muffler open. Traffic Officer Millei Hayde i yesterday afternoon arrested -i D Daugherty of the Multnomah hotel. Portland, for speeding on Capitol street. Mr. Daugherty pat up $10 bail for his appear Physician Explains Who Should Take Nuxated Iron 'radical Advice on How To Help Build Ud ureat dtrengtn, Lnergy and Lndurance. CWeUnd. Th OtSM ance in policts court today. "Lack of iron in thf blood not only mafcr? a -n a physical and mental weakling , nervout, -ntablr, rastly fatigued, but it utterly rota tm of t!iat virile force, that ?tamina and re nt h of will which are so necesaary to ucce id power in every walk of life." tayi Dr. mm KrancU Stillivan, formerly phvician of V'lt-vue Hospital Outdoor Dept.). Nrw York, ri tlie Westchester County Hmpital. "it i also transform a beautiful, twwl-tempered fl-in into one who 15 crow, nervowt and it ible. 1 have ttroniily empb a. necejity of physicians ma varrirmi ns ot tn:r we.'K. run MR patients. Thousands of persons go oft -ar after year suffering from physical weak ness and a highly nervous coniti.m due to lack f aumcient iron in their red bkod corpuscles sithout ever realising the real cause of their ruaMe. Without iron in your blood your food nere!- paes throus tbe body something ike corn through an old mill with rollers so vie apart that tbe mill can't grind. ' 'For want of bam yrm may be an old man it thirty, d-ill of intellect, poor in memory, nervous, irritable, an at) 'run d itn," while at io or 60 with plenty of iron in your blood you may still be young in feeling, fall of life, your whole being brimming over with vim and energy." But be sure the iron you take is organic iro Nuxated Iron and not metallic iron which prople usually take. Organic iron Nuxated on 's like the iron in your blood and lik the iron in spinach, lentils and apples, whike metallic iron is iron just as It comes from the aCtlOn Of RfmnW nn ant-11 n.. : S3 the .fii'ne,,"nd..! """fore an 'ntirrly differo kinTb- id ,hlr"! fr NraiH iron. Nuntfd Iron rep in ic run- "''i" organic iron in such a hifhlr concta- l,",ru '"r one aoae 19 eaCiuiatrd lo he a;-;.r nauldr rquiralcnt (in organic iroa content) to eating one-half quart of tpinaca, one quart of green Tecetable, or half a doaea baked aTiples. It i likeuking elttacti of berf instead of eating pounds of beef. Over 4,000,000 people annually are nana .luxated Iron. It Quickly helna make rick, red blood, revitalize wornout exhausted nervea and gn-e increaaed strength aad iskisj. Your money will be refunded by the manufacture! it it does not produce satisfactory results. For sale by all druggists. DISORDERS of the stomach and constipmtionij . the most common diseases of children correct them you will find nothing better! Chamberlain's Tablets. One tablet at bed timei do the work and will make your child cheerful the following morning. Do not your children by giving them castor oil. bun's Tablets are better and more pleasant LADD & BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 18S3 General Banking Business sfjk fYl. Af- j. 1 A ro A V- 1 iTTi ro m nil Trnm w ; ' wv axuuio a v- I day i dialh cludi: A I I lave Ism I taken Rei Iflon iwnii I ly inv ar t A 1 J I Tho IBoder tirecti M - I