Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 30, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two - The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Mnesday, March 30, in
Latest News Covering Willamette Valley Point
Clubs Discuss
Poultry Show
Donald, Mar. 30. The Marion
County Federation of Community
Clubs held their regular monthly
meeting at Donald Thursday eve
ning , with a large outside attend
ance from different communities
about the county. Salem Heights
was unusually well-represented by
sixteen delegates who were able
to give much experience in the for-
mation of the work that could be
accomplished by any community
tor the uplift and advancement of
local environments.
There were present also repre
' eentatives from Salem, Jefferson,
Brooks, Silverton, Woodburn and
This meeting took up especially
the subjects of advancing the
poultry Industry in the county
and also plans were started by the
federation for the corn and poul
try shows, which are to be held
in Salem this fall, under the aus
pices of the federation.
Upon invitation of the Silverton
delegation It was unanimously
voted that the next meeting would
be held in their city April 21.
Afte'r adjournment a very at
tractive lunch was served those
present by ladies of the Donald
Man Injured
By Runaway
Roseburg, Ore., Mar. 30. E. D.
Lewis, proprietor of the Rough
Dry laundry, was seriously injured
last night when the team which
he was driving ran away on Main
street. The team was in the rear
of the Elki' building when it be
came frightened and started to run
north. When almost directly in
the rear of the Hamilton Drug Co.
the horse collided with an auto
mobile and Mr. Lewis was then chief deputy state game warden,
thrown from the delivery wagon. The penitent message contained
He struck on his head and shoul-;a check covering back pay for
der, being knocked unconscious fishing licenses,
by the impact. His scalp was bad "I have made a decision," the
Iv cut. his face bruised and his; letter reads, "which I wish every-
collar bone broken. His shoulder I one in this land would make,
ws badly hurt and his back! namely, a decision to be strictly
sprained. He was taken to the of-1 honest, and my conception of hon
fice of Dr. Sether who treated hisesty is that it Is everyone's duty
injuries, later conveying him to, to pay his taxes, and as hunting
the injured man's home. Theand angling fees or license fees
team continued its flight to court; are a kind of a tax, T enclose the
... -"d. Mr. 'amount necessary to cover three
as well as could be expected tod unpaid license fees which is $4.50.
- oe uoing
Honesty Best
Policy States
Hubbard Man
Hubbard, Mar. 30. Although
go timid about seeking newspa
per publicity that he would not
consent to give his name for pub
lication, Hubbard has one man
who has decided that "honesty is
the best policy," according to a
letter received by F. M. Brown,
T " (
Judge Extends
Boy's Sentence
walls of the audTIoTuTnTTave been complaint of G. Frisb.e, a farmer
,.,.-rrt with main Kruv and the who claims that the train was left
Veiline- is finished in cream. -I no
entire wood work of the room has
ben finished in ivory. The church
now has a very attractive appear
ance and the members of the aid
are receiving congratulations up- next time he conies to Albany.
on their great success in the
achievement, and for their super
ior taste in m iking the selections.
I know it is a common practice
with many to dodge paying their
obligations for hunting and fish
ing. But that day is past with
ine. Will close, hoping I may
never need write you the same
letter again."
Potato Growers
Dispose of Large
Surplus On Hand
Hubbard, Or., Mar. 29. With
the opening of spring. h"W1" if
potatoes appear quite conspicuous-
Many Candidates
Lxpect Roseburg
Roseburg, Or., Alar. 30. With
Albany Doctor
To Form Guard
Medical Unit
Albany, Mar. 30. Dr. O. E.
Riggs has been designated by Ad
jutant General White to organize
In Albany a medical detachment
of the Oregon National guard.
The detachment will be a medical
unit for artillery, but will be Sep- the expectation that a change will
arate and distinct from the artll-; )t. macie in the office of post
lery company mustered-iu here ,aster as a result of the change
this week. One sergeant, one cor-, ln administration, a number of
poral and seven first class pri- . republicans in this city have an
vates will compose the detachment lloulU:ed themselves as candidates
and Dr. Rlcii asks that any desir- I f(ir nnuirtnt, and it,. ,-.
y on the anxious seat ai.u are us-j,ng to enllst , thIs branch of the , begiuning to take on an active
ing all possible means to dispose I erWce either call on him per-1 t. geYerftl o( those WQ0
of the surplus on hand. Three cars mMlly or bo at the armory al ! , wcnj ear, hayfl
were loaded here a few days ago 'i,.i, wnndm niirht. nrevlous , ,
i " , ...-..-. ., - c . -- ubwjj ami die uu iuuih eeuiiit;
the appointment, and the contest
has now simmered down to five.
namely: G. W. Young, C. S. Hein
llne, A. J. Geddes, R. R. Wood
and James D. Sawyers.
Roseburg, Ore., March 30.
Fifteen days more have been add
ed to the jail sentence of Will lKn
cart, Oakland boy, because he ran
........ 'PI.,. ., .1 ,1 ; ( ;., .. 1 IAn t a n a n
was imposed by the Oakland jus- (Men Injured When
tice of the peace following Kin- t nA Tnme fWor
cart's return and surrender. The JjOaO X UniS UVtJI
h , iinoii ,rot. Albany. Mar. 30. E. S. Bruce s
us J o vii f5 niitii; in i wivvu 1UI 1
breaking quarantine. He plead hip was broken and his head
guilty and was fined $25 and 30 bruised and Allen Gill was slight
days In jail. He was smoking a!iy injured when a load of hay on
cigarette when he entered the which they were riding overturn
court room and being a minor, the P(j 0n the Pacific highway in
ii'de-e pddrt (mother fire days, (he eastern part of the city, near
The boy escaped from the offic ' Lempke's store,
vvno Ij.iu uiui in charge, and went Mr. Hurd was driving the team
to Portland and Eugene, but fall- :ind Mr. Gill was riding with him.
ing to find work, returned home They had been out near the Riv
and surrendered. Fifteen days erside school house for the
more have been imposed and he Is .hay. As the wagon turned over
now doing time in the county jail. ! iioth men were thrown to the
He is a model prisoner and has Lavement. Mr. Bruce was taken
been working out his fine by as-, to his home, 1406 East Front
sisting in the improvements now street, and later was taken to the
being made at the county jail. office of Dr. W. H. Davis, where
an X-ray photograph of his hip
stationary on the Ferry street
crossing yesterday in violation of
a city ordinance.
fiardenhle will be notified to
anoear in municipal court the
The conductor was tineu in me
municipal court Tuesday. He
came to Albany from Portland to
Aid Elects Officer.
Fargo, Or., Mar. 30. The Fargo
Ladies' Aid society, at a recent
The price, paid to the producer
having dropped to, 14 cents a dot
en, Cottage Grove chicken men In
tend to beat the low price of eggs
Methodist Ladies Society
Aid in Improving Church
was taken.
Hubbard, Or., Mar. 30. To the
Methodist Indies' Aid society be
longs the credit for much improve
ment in the apeparance of the
cnurcn Dunuing. A new alter has,. j. Gardenhie. conductor of ex
been built and finished beautifully tra 'freight train No. 253G, upon
in natural wood. The same effect
was given the pulpit. The side
Warrant Issued For
Arrest of Conductor
Albany, Mar. 30. A warrant
has been Issued for the arrest of
with spuds, one each by Messrs,
Morris. Voder and MIrschberger.
While the market price is lower
than the growers had hoped It
would be, the Hubbard men have
received a good price for the prod
uct because of superior quality. It
is stated that the acreage will be
as large during this year as it was
last. Hubbard has always been
a great potato producing section I
and it Is not expected to fall short
of the average during the year
to the first regular drill of the
artillery company.
Dallas To Have
New School If
Plans Go Through
Dallas. Or., Mar. 30. The local
school board will meet on April 21
in regular monthly session, at
which time Information relative to
the erection of a new building will
be ready for publication. During
the past year manual training was
not Included in the high school
course owing to the demands for
higher salary by the manual
training instructors. Many appli
cations have lately been received
by W. I. Ford, superintend
ent of schools, and the course will
be re-Installed next term. Appli
cations are coming Into the super
intendent's office from teachers
from nil parts of the state and the
eletclon of school teachers for the
coming year will be held within a
hurt time.
Native Resident
Buried at Lebanon
Albany, Mar. 30. The last sur
vivor of the children of Mr. ano.
Mrs. Thomas Soinmcrs, who took
up the donation land
Dallas Store Sold.
A. Kiwencranti of the local Peo
ples' Cash Store has sold his in
terests to L Charick and E. Jud
kls of Portland. The deal wns
closed Saturday. Mr. Rosencrantz
has been in Dallas a lltle over a
year, purchasing from Max Solof.
claim on
which the Sodavllle springs are
located, Mrs. Isoura Parrish, died
in Portland last week, and was
burled in the Lebanon Masonic
cemetery last Sunday. Mrs. Par
rish had made her home on the
land claim of her parents since
her birth February 20. 1852, and
was known to many people over
the state. During the 69 years of
her life she had spent but a few
months altogether away from the
old home place. j
Her father donated the springs
and an acre of land to the state,
which has resulted In the present
improvements, and the last legis
lature made another appropriation
of several hundred dollars to im
prove the grounds.
Mrs. Parrish is survived by
three daughters and one son. Mrs.
Estella Blevlns, of Portland: Mrs.
Delia Overton, of Woodburn; Mrs.
Allle McCullough. of Kalispel
Mont.; and A. H. Parrtsh. who re
sides on the old donation land
claim near Sodavllle.
Uprising: Report False.
Mexico t'ity. Mar. 30 Condi
tions in Sonora are better than
ovor and reports of an uprising
among the Yaqul Indians there
are untrue, according to a dis
patch received by the War de
partment from Governor Miguel
Pen a.
Gervais Mint Root
Acreage Is Large
Gervais, Or., Mar. 30 From the
amount of mint roots that are be
ing shipped to different parts of
the state from Gervais it would
seem that the acreage of pepper
mint In the Willamette valley Is to
be greatly enlarged during the
spring. J. U. Moisan and V. R.
Moisan shipped a carload of mint
roots to Mr. Davies of Klamath
Falls, for the association at that
place, who will plant 300 acres of
22 h)C2mkt aTW....Hch.F TH
mint in that section this spring.
Moisan Brothers have sent out a
large quantity of roots this spring
and have other orders yet to be
filled. Digging roots in the Ger
vais yards has become quite an industry.
Starting Sunday
tlliam (j6x:
9he Rpadl)
Btoru and direction bm
'nn y. Qtunoldi )
Gorman Wins Decision
New York, Mar. 29. Joe Gor
man of Portland, Or., was aw-rd-ed
the decision In a 15 round bout
with Frank Edwards In Brooklyn
last night.
Where the Big Shows Play
The First and Original
Cold and Grip Tablet
Be sure you get
The genuine bears this signature
Stor:, .... --.uct
meeting, elected the following of- bv hmTHT
- ".H1UI thai.,
f IjtAM T r Cnnrffa T 1 I , A
president; Mrs. Nell Jennings, vice
president; Mrs. Fred Dentel
retary and Mrs. George F. Clark,
treasurer. Th-election took place
at a meeting held at the hoine'of
Mrs. Fred Dentel. Refreshments
were served atter the business session.
A Popular-priced
Victrola-Number XI
If you are looking for a Victrola that is moderate
in price and at the same time dignified and rich
in design and finish, Victrola XI merits your
Victrola XI may be obtained in a mahogany,
oak or American walnut cabinet and is equipped
with the usual Victor patented features. With a
change of stylus or by means of the doors at the
mouth of the amplifying chambers, the volume of
tone may be changed to suit the size and character
of any room.
A full stock of all models in aH finishes now on
Your credit is good.
Without M.
cernro .. i
Dull1' Mgr., 371 St.?.' Si
1 none !J9. w IB
.J American Life (V
Leaves "WJI WAcil
O. E. Depot
7:l) a. m.
"go a. m.
6:0 p. m.
.. SIIwJ
1:00 p,
Leav, s.uem n """
--:0Da. .S
iuonmnuth Hold ,.
V:0 p- p. m. :li
ReS. nhnn.. ''"P.
r"" U1J- Business i
wEHBlliiiM Til '
P ii I ! Ill ill! H
Sold on a positive
The most successful elec-l
trie washer. Over 10'
use in Salem. See me be-l
fore you buy.
Wm. Gahlsdorf
135 N. Liberty St.
I 'hone 67
Renews Strength!
1 1 71 .1
rvnere mere is
need (or a building-up
tonic after
prostrating illness,
taken regularly, usuaHy I
spells renewed strength I
and vicrnr
8coUaBownf B1ooSrld W J. J
Try Musterole. See How
Quickly It Relieves
You just rub Musterole in briskly, anc
usually the pain is gone a deliciouf
soothing comfort comes to take itsplaa
Musterole is a clean, white ointmen
made with oil of mustard. Use it inste..
of mustard plaster. Will not blister.
Many doctors and nurses use Mustc
ole and recommend it to their patient
They will gladly tell you what relu
it gives from sore throat, bronchit'
croup, stiff neck, asthma, ncuralgi
congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lun
bago, pains and aches of the back c
joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruise
chilblains, frosted feet, colds of th
chest. Always dependable.
35c and 65c jars; hospital size S3.CX
7 IS V I
Superior' fiat
Ivory, Dove Gray,
Green, Sky Blue, Beaver, 1
and White.
179 N. Commercial
One of Salem's finest Annual M usual Treats
Grand Theatre
Thursday 8:30 P. M.
I Buy your tickets at Box Office of Grand Theatre,
tions may be made Wednesday, 9 A.M.
Price of Admission $1.50, $1.00, 75c
Plus War Tax
u for seventy
For years and years thousands of people have
used Folger's Coffee as a daily beverage. It has
become a life-long friend almost one of the
For over seventy years, our ideal has been to
produce coffee of distinctive flavor of uniform
ly good quality.
Folger's Golden iGatc Coffee is the result of
these seventy years,' experience. It is selected,
roasted and blended with the most exacting
care by experts men who have spent years in
this one occupation.
Naturally this long experience has produced
an unusual blend with a flav or that you'll sure
ly like. Antfyou'll find it
"Different in taste from ether coffee and bet
ter." Ask your grocer for it.
San Francisco Seattle Kansas City Dallas
Shizuoka, Japan
Folgcrs Coffin
Nomking Cafe
tlnstairs at
162V, N. COM'LSfc
American or Chinese
ODen 11 a. m. to
la. m.
Every Tuesday, inu
day and Saturday mghti
see we
have ltd
.... DnrtinnH markets and "M
rect to consumers.
Peoples Cash St
Phone "
a .satisfied customer rfW
Phone '511. overrate
To our former loafl
111 IH9nBBH tmmtt
nnrtin GOO&
"F .. I add
rwr- Soutn k I
Bush Bant