Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 29, 1921, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    March 29, 1921
Wk TXmm I me Capital JogrnaJ, Salem, Oregon
" leone month. 20 lot 60xl50. pabement, elos to nb' "' CWn'L ."T " RADCLIFF & WARING
'' year, per month ! car in fine location. $4800. BsckSnpi, ,or afHSrTfice lem Seams'te? i Th, ,W are g0inB to sacrifi acres
"e ' or ad. 2b cents. , Hendrielr. no.-, i" . 1 i Phone 1516M. canister & Thomason. of very fine lan.l No i,rrvn,,B
i!if; -rftZach inse
KS l'er insertions, 5 cents;
Kits, "reL",sf one month. 20
1r,imuni ie. -- -
ne.ur;;rdun ony " -
FPU91-' dS caS" auva'" '
" . for phonerrorj.
U0 Oregon
Cw i .,U47M.
pnu'Y - -
-Tr.. aoarimeni..
"..Case. Phone 286. 7 6
Iriiomv- - hner at Fair
nds ShOP
elSSrrr-iifurnished house
at 359 Center
Win ruu i
mire, weighs
or irllt tiade oil
950 lbs
20 Lo-ujtot:
Keru;i nun wants work
TT.iO Ih V TJi
IfT,h. Ujx a i. t:api
K Journal1
VJ-rr. mTTTo eood 5 car
WZ. .. tra-il for KOOd COW.
llI.P-CMlll 1111. K COW,
SS .,-,..-l l
.old Jersey-nowwiui, uncap.
it Perry st
KSrVii- Man Niid team to plow
P816 : Plione 2047M.
p, -
in city.
kJtfD Ti rent or buy & room
P' ;,, house. Call 304 or see
BWflt" , L. t . I ....... Cl 177
BENT i room lurniHiiea
aba j.
jALE- Aliout w. lay
I hi hi-ns .H'.l one cocaerci. mi
Ln roml. Kt. 7. box 71. f7-
aLR - Kxtra tine i.ucni
cow, test 6 to 8
phone 644M;
Ky to loan on real estate se-
fcjrlt' " - .
Kktkii To lease modern
Ka. i; or 7 rooms. Tel. Dr.
Khbi 573 or 1207R. 178
BbEVT HnuHt'koepmK rooms
Ell 1854 State St. phone 145SM
Ut! for sal
2800 lbs, 8 years
ju blcicky.
Chas. Ross, Rick
loll. Or.
Bek modern
6 room bnnga
Salem for sale
Mi in
119 Oregon bldg f6
j5oM plastered house for sale
iv owner, box oun iapim
7 0
E)0MS, hath, lights, lot 32x103
N. 1-ilnerty street.
InjSO. $500 cash. Becke & Head
jtks, $05 I . S, baim Plug. 10
TED For company. lady
krder, room and board $20 a
oth. Ella Finney, Rt. 2. uer-
kOr. 17f
f SALK - 2 cows, heavy milk-
1 heifer, Duroc Jersey sowy
il burning Queen brooder and
cutter. Rt. 6, box 146. e78
(Between Salem and Turn-
rim off headlight. Finder
kit call 304 or leave at 1st
Liberty St. 7
fvLK By owner 6 room
idem house, close in, splen-
location. Call after t p. m.
1 235 Union street a80
lOOMS, plastered, basement, ga-
ftge, batn. i-ngts. lot iixiuj.
irempnt. $:'.r,00. Becke Hend-
Hck. 205 r S. bank hldg. 70
(i SALE New 4 room house.
kppce. corner lot, on Broad
, Price $1 000, terms. Kr,...-
r. !19 Oregon nldg:
have for aile 2 acres close In
'.irMiiigs. Price $2100.
Bl lmeger, zvv uregon
ftg. 76
"U.R-A modern 6 room
ir.e"-'nw at 345 S. Hth. Call
r-nl"irs or 125 N. Mign nurtr,
Be day. . 377
BOOMS, plastered, lights, hath
nlion N. Winter street.
KOIt tonus. Becke & Hend-
kkt. 20r, r S. bank bldg. 76
IfN'n Will the party who left
kurahrella on 1:15 O. M. train
hrch 26. write or call at 720
ens! St.
IE Leghorn eggs $1.25 per
ttinLT Pen average over two
Mn d eggs per year, O. A
tin. Phone 718.
ID touring, good condition, '17
IS block. upholstering
I tires good, $275, easy tern
"o.i. Box 4891 Lare Jour
90M house. 100x120. very best
Wn soil. $900. small cash
Magee, room 29 cor
State and Commercial over
Tti To e-et In touch with
Pthe-S in vieinltv of Salem
Pko ran Eret out a carload f
Mar poles. Dick Parrott. Butte
Or. 17 1
IPjfW olastered. lights, hath
Kdf'ul corner lot 82x7
from cltv hall. $40on
ke tTcniv. ; TT
Iwk bl 70-
8AI.K Three dwellings in
em. Htsn tkMa lta In Tnrt.
tood nr location
WTI 0. Martin Xtaannic Ten-
' SAT.F Trtrtm mnflorn rilin
f'n0 in oil Htillt in ft
irTIac. pared street. An
WirHi- tTmUm. In ATE f4. C
- 1 y j"iin. t 1 a Diaie v-
51 S a7R
1TiK--r trade for cattle
inch warron comolete with
if double work harness,
iw 5 weeks Ago; must
fit. - mjia my i-otiii.
KLfhurch Rt. c78
"Said one lady in
distribute free
Eronomv Non-Al-
e flavoring. Permanent 00-
F E Barr Co., Chicago
P Or traoe for cattle 1
ieh wagon complete with
PJ of double work har
ew 5 weeks aro. have sold
m have no use for them.
V Church Phone 1250R
J bargain: plastered, bath.
Iron llht Large
rom car. Rearing fmit.
leaving mut sell. Pric
r,'i" on nart O. K re
w,'h I'earcv Rrna II
"r- . room modem house
Salem, well constructed
condition. Large
abundance of hearing
good harn and chicken
1 be ennrht ....
Jee $. Mrs. Winnie
. IIS State St nr,n.
, loeauon. 4800. Becke
Hendricks. 2nr. n u .. .
CHICKS On sale eve,
mmw mis weeK, s leading variet
u"t ium oiooaed stock, be
'Y"t Slraj"s- C. N. Needham
""s oi. opposite court
CHOICE strawberry plants, Stron"i
" rooiefj, Beat va
rieties. State Inspected. City de
or posipaia.
Per 100
Prog. Kverbenring $1 50
Trebla. yields most J1.00
Magoon, table berry .80
Marshall. New Ore. !80
Ktteraburg No. 80 80
K. No. 121. Wilson 75
Gold Dollar . 7 s
$2 2
Less amount at hundred rat. 45
may oe asst. UOgan tins each
10 for 40c; Cuthbert red rasp
berrp each 2V4c 25 for 50c
oiacK caps each 5c, 10 for 40
tun, 101, aooaeoerrv earh inn m
for $1.40. I'hone or mail your
uiuvr. wu.inmv prices interest
ing, ward h. Richardson, 2395
r mm, I'nnne 4:14.
For Sale Houses
L'IMJ o I T in r .
o.-Lun. a room nouse on
paved Ktreet, $lf,()0. $:ioo down
balance $L'o per month. Wm
w. fowell, 341 N. Commercial
sireet. I'hone 006. a80
FOR SALF; Small house and lot
a gooa nuy at J;i2. reasy terms
111 acres improved, mostly
irun, near Salem to rent, also
nouse to rent. Seamster &
inomason. 331 State street.
DO you want 10 buy to win?
houses and 10 lots on good high
ground. 3 blocks from State
east, for $3000. H. E. Brown.
over Busick 3 State and Com
mercial. n'
FOR SALK 5 room modern bun
galow on N. Commercial street
furnace, fireplace, garage, eas
front. Price $45110. Will takf
Ford redan as part payment
Winnie Pettyjohn. 275 State St.
Phone 515. a76
GOOD DRAINS We still have 1
few very good buys in city prop
erties. and Invite you to come
and see us. it will cost you
nothing, and will not put you
under any obligations. Wm.
Fleming. 341 State St. n
$1600 BUYS a 6 room plasterer
house, mostly modern, on pav
ed street, some terms. Wm. W.
Powell, 341 N. Com'l. Thone
666. List your property with
me for quick sale. a76
GOOD berry land. 10 acres Just
outside city limits. 4 blocks from
car line, all In cultivation, good
black loam Bargain, 1-3 cash,
balance terms. Hawkins Rob
erts, 205 Oregon bids. t
FOR SALK 6 room modern bun
galow. Call 1386 N. 18th street,
owner. a79
FOR SALK 5 room modern bun
galow with full basement, gnraev
3 blocks from car line. near
Lincoln school. 1850 S. Church
St. Must be sold at oce. a80
ALADDIN Readycut bouses, barns
40 to 70 per cent reduction. Bit
saving in cost of construction
Money loaned for building pur
poses. Chas. Smith, 409 Oregoi
bldg. a
REDIMADE houses $200 to $700.
Garages $59. Built In sections
Chas. Smith. 409 Oregon bldg.
For Sale Farms
FOR SALE Or rent, our 20 acre
farm east of the penitentiary.
Parties have failed to mak..
good. See Ryan. 240 River St
Phone 608J. b70
FOR SALE -At sacrifice, 8 acres
bearing loganberries, rich loam
soil. Price if sold this week
$3500. $1250 cash. .$750 in one
year. $1500 In 2 years at 7 per
cent. D. E. Hart, 208 Oregon
bldg. n
2 ACRE TRACT of the very ben
of land and all cultivated. Two
acres strawberries, 9 acres lo
gans now being wired and four
acres more logans to be set out.
On good road 7 miles from Si
lent. A real bargain at $225 per
acre; some terms. Kinney A
Smith, 469 State St. n
FOR SALE Or trade about 3ti
acres in prunes, logans and chei
ries. 6 room house, barn and
drier, water works, on main
road Answer owner box 500
care Journal. rnlt
located 4 miles out. 4 in full
bearing logans (netted $1100
last year.) small house, on grav
el road H mile from paving.
Price $2800. $300 cash. good
terms on balance. O. K. DeWjtt.
210 Oregon bldg. d76'
AT a sacrifice price. 19 acres 3
miles from Salem on O. E.. with
mi hnildinirs and plenty of
fruit; also modern house with
large lot. on pav.-d street close
In. Call at 818 N, Liberty St. n
inn KAT.Fi Rv owner, 1 mile
o J of Independence small
.rlri t to 40 acres, suitable
eVir dairv. chicken ranches, ber
rles truit. gardening, etc. This 's
the most desirable land In this
section for a home being, lo
cated near the nighwa" between
Monnowth ano Independence
Price $150 to $275 per acre,
terms. Address Chas, Co-llms.
Innnn,lence Or. b8t
VERY CHOICE A 52 acre place
all m wheat close in and hard
surface road. ISM an acre, and
easy terms. Fleming, agent, 341
20 ACRES south of Salem. Rose
dale district. Price $2000. $300
cash will handle. Wm. Pow
ell. $11 N Com'l. phone
FOR SALE i acres close In 5
room house, barn, large chick
en house, family orchird, cow
and 25 hens go wi'h P'zf
Price $3100. mm terms. Wm.
W Powell. 341 X Com'!. Phone
6. rarms of ail sizes. the
right location at the right Pce
b 1 6
10 ACRES, small payment down,
balance terms Magee. room 21
corner State and Commercial,
over Buaick's. 5
FOR SALE 40 acres 7 miles out
on paved road, new 7 room
bungalow, bam and outbuildings
One soil- A beautiful country
home. Price $11,000. terms. D
g Hart, 208 Oregon b.dg. D
A MUNICIPAL cold storage plant
Will make more work in the
country, more worn the ci y
mor. money for twUlW.W
crs almost wl vi the hdow
- 1Z- nitol. si! cu.tivat-
ed. modern house, modern bars !
u,rM room 2. corner ,
SUN Magee room jmmm - mMM I O1
L... . ,r,,i mmin'r! 1' o'er "..
PO" SALE-TwTlcres . SFSoki.
ave. Call at 2605 Vtkttomi
-r0ad- a7 7
Of SALK seed corn. Yellow
nent and Evergreen sweet. J H
JBnee"'an, Silverton, Or. d80
75 CENTS buys a congoleum rus
18x36 inches. Max O. Buren, 179
f. Commercial St m
FV,?, SALE Conunission housed
254 S. Liberty.vCar load cheat
hay. also clovf, alfalfa, young
laying hens, tmpleraents and
Jdi?gies1 c77
EXTRA special price for all weekT
A beautiful piano, looks like
new this piano is a real bar
gain for $285, part terms. The
Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court
street. e.(7,
April 14. The State Board of
Control, R. B. Goodin, secre
tary, will receive bids for the
lumber contained in a building
located at the state school for
deaf. Said building is 40x60x48,
all ceiled, three floors, and is
to be taken down and removed.
For detailed information apply
to K. S. Tillinghast, superin
tendent. gO
HANI) luggage, brief cases ami
trunks modestly priced. Max O
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m
FOR SALE S. C. Black Minorca
eggs for hatching. Phone 377R
F. P. Wells, 803 S. 21st St. f79
XK VERS PRE A l" a wonderful
mattress. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
Commercial street. c
FOR SALE 2 4-year old calbes
good for the butcher. W. M
Schuett. Rt. 2. Salem. e76
)LD newspapers, 10c the bundle
Fsed as carpet mats, for pack
ing, etc. Capital Journal office
KING COMFORT" the bed sprin.
which doesn't sag in the cen
ter. Max O. Buren. 179 ft. Com-
mercial. c
FOR SALE Sterotyping mats,
10c per bundle, fsed as a light
and stoul weather proofing card
board. Capital Journal office.
FOR SALE Loganberry tips $10
per moo. Phone 1413. d"7
FIRST CLASS red clover seed, re
duced prices. Purity test 99.26
per cent. R 682 Mill street.
FOR SALE Loganberry tins $20
per 10110. Phone 89F13. d94
FOR SALE Ancona eggs for set
ting $1.50 for 16. or $7 per 100.
Phone 109F2. G. L. Johnston,
Rt. 6, box 36 D.
?GGS for hatching from pen of
fine laying strain White Minor
ca hens. 2505 S. Commercial.
Phone 65F2. f83
FOR SALE Imported St An-
dreasburg rollers. "The canary
with a college education." K. B.
Flake, 590 S. 17th. Phone 1046.1
FOR SALE I mprnved Oregon
strawberry plants from young
patch. Mrs. J. R. Pennington,
Rt. 4. box 14A, Salem, Or. d77
For Sale Automobiles
OR SALE One Oakland car,
1920 model. I'hone 44F5. q79
FOR SALE 1920 Maxwell, like
new, run 1100 miles, a bargain
for cash. Address Rt. 7, box III.
SAVE $5 A DAY See the window
at 156 S. Commercial St. We
will reduce the price on this
Overland light four, $5 A DAY
TILL SOLD. 156 S. Commercial
street. Adams 3S1. q.77
FOR SALK 5 passenger Chevro
let, In good mechanical condi
tion, four nearly new tires, or
will trade for hogs or cattle,
$200 will handle. Mullen and
Mullen, Turne r, Or, q8 0
FOR SALE 1920 Ford touring
car in brand new condition. Bar
gain for cash. Box 1920 Capi
tal Journal. q77
FOR SALE Cheap, model 1918
Ford touring car. in good run
ning order, will demonstrate.
See Dan Bonnie, phone 363. q76
SACRIFICE 1918 Chevrolet road
sttr, disc wheels; also 2 new
32x4 Firestone cord tires, tubes
and rims, am leaving, must soil
I'hone 92F3. q77
LATE 1920 Chandler, run 3500
miles, will trade on city proper
ty. Call 997. q80
RUNNING board linoleum, brown
and green. Max O. Buren, 179
N. Comn'rcial. 0
For Sale
cheap. 2373 Laurel
FDR SALE A fine young cow,
will be fresh In May; giving 3
gallons now. Albert Thomas,
West Salem, Or. e77
FOR SALE Good team. weight
2625, 5 and 6. with new wagon
and harness, or sell separate
Farmers Feed barn. High St.
For Sale Wood
FOR WOOD phone 18 .4.
WOOD 16-inch old fir $10. Phone
98 1M.
OLD f;r
wood for sale.
I'HONE 1565M for wood. Satur
day excepted. ee9
OLD pitchy 16-mcn fir lor
Phone 1727.
FUR SALE Dry 4 foot and 16-in.
second growth fir. and 16-lnh
mill wood. Prompt delivery.
Fred E. Wells. $05 S. Church.
phone 1542
DRY 4 ft and 1 Inch wood. Phone
FOR RENT 2 apartments. Po0";
PIANO for rent. Write 001 ..
iar,n, e Or. I !
ihed apartment.
2 -room furn
444 S. High
Ff.o RENT 17 acres in bearing
F prune. See Wm. W Po-ell. $41
V Com'l. Phone $ gg
FOR RENT Private garage in
cludes wash room, store room,
electric lights, $5 per month
Phone 654. 768 State 8t J.
FOR RENT-1 have 5 to 30 acres.
will rent for 5 years, ire r-..-
a svme worn on
Wm. W. Powell. $41 S. Com 1.
r.v,n 6 J
FOR RENT Two upstairs room,
suitable for sleeping or book
tall Union St
keeping rooms
Loot and Found
; ,,5-t pr.rarp pencil enrrav
ef H a R.wlrd. Phone NNL
rTplir of eT, gl
LOri - Xj
"Mi State street.
TO TRADE 35 acres joining Sa
lem, south, for Salem or PorU
land property; 2 houses to trade
for Portland houses. Seamster
& Thomason, 331 hi State St.
WANT To secure $6500 loan on
good ranch security at 8 percent
Socolofsky, 341 State St.
JOY Riders for the children $2
and up. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
Commercial. c
OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle.
Used as carpet mats, for pack
ing, etc. Capital Journal office.
CHERRY CITY. San Louie chop
house. Try my meal, best cof
fee, fine home made pie. Fair
price, good service. Chicken dfn
ner Sunday. 75
INSURANCE that Insures. Our
companies have no assessments
nor policy fees and pay 100 cents
on the dollar. The W. A. Liston
Fire Insurance Agency, 484
Cuurt street 75
Y. M. C. A. Barber shop. Prices,
haircut 35c; shave 15c; neck
shave 5c. 304 N. Commercial.
PLUMBING and repairing
reasonable Phone 287W.
LIST your property with us, we
can get you a buyer for any
thing you have. Seamster It
Thomnson, 331 Va State St. n
Plenty of money to loan you if
you have a good house and need
money, or If you want to build.
See us. Laflar Ik Laflar. 406-7
Oregon bldg. m
WANTED One horse wagon, com
plete. Box 113, Rt. 7. 176
SALEM Alto Radiator shop, ra
diator specialist. 198 S. 12th St.
CAN make reduced prices on slab
wood .special prices on car load
lots for the next 30 days. Sa
lem Fuel yards, office phone 529.
Res, phone 2058. ee91
SEE J. W. Manley tor g aod black
dirt and horse mvturo. Phone
199, Cherry City barn 189
'RIVATE maternity hospital. Call
1959. 188
EXPERT Painting, p.iper hang
ing and kalsomining, also hard
wood finishing. Popular prices.
Large or small contract. J. A
Kallstrom. 343 Vi N. Com'l St.
Phone 1759. 183
XPERT paper hangers and tint
era now ready. Max O. Buren, 17
N. Commercial. Phoi e 131. m
FOR first class painting, paper
hanging, kalsomining and all
interior decorative work phone
Sharpe and Barsness, 554R or
151 8J. Reasonable prices and
perfect satisfaction. m80
EMENT laundry tubs, guaran
teed, factory prices, 314 East
'ashlngto , Portland, O,. clt
PLENTY of money to loan on
improved city property, or for
building pjrposes, no delay. H.
E. Bolingtr, 327-328 Oregon
bldg. m
WOOD Buyers and snippers, Bock
& McDonough, 542 State street,
phone 8U7J. List your wood with
us. Carload shipments a spe
cialty. '
WK have some good farm mort
gages to sell. Hawkins Rob
erts, 205 Oregon Bldg.. Salem.
PLUMBING, Repairing and co;i
work a specialty, reasonible
charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop
foot of Union St. I'hone 1517J.
fRANHFHR L. A. Barrlck Co.,
country trips, moving. Wood
for sale. Good service. Stand
271 North CommerclaL I'hone
Wanted Miscellajieous
WANTED Woman cook,
school for deaf.
WANTING stock hogs.
1576M or 1213
WORK wanted by a battery man.
Write A H carj3journal. r77
EXPERIENCED cook wlsheti
work, restaurant picieinu.
S. Cottage.
WANTED A good live, energet
ic automobile salesman to sell
one of the best known lines of
automobiles. If you're a dead one
don't answer this. Box W Capi
tal Journal. g'c
IF you are going to ouy a piio
nograph soon buy now. We
have several fine slightly used
machines that look Just like new
but very low in price and easy
terms. Such makes as Edison,
Columbia. Brunswick. Emer
son. Palhe and Sonora. The
.-il..v R- Allen Co.. 519 Court
st reet.
ty has 320 acres 22 miles from
Bend which has mile frontage
on Pacific highway. 315 acres
can be cultivated. 45 now cul
tivated, raises 30 bush.l wheat
per acre. Bargain at $15 per
acre. Will trade for good small
acreage to equal value. Kinney
Smith. 469 State St. n
YOUNG men, women, over w. ror
postal mail service. $120 month.
Examinations April. Experience
unnecessary. For free particu
lars of instruction, write J.
Leonard, (former civil service
examiner )1087 Equitable bldg.
Washington. D. I. 76
WANTED A steam boiler 12 or
15 h. p. Must be in good repair.
W. J Culver. Snlcm. Or. 76
WANTED To bay Ford touring
car In good condi'ion. if the
price is r.gM Otat Motor Car
Co 349 N Com'l Trhone 666.
YOUNG man wants woik of am
lr!n,1 Phone 1 00. h74
WANTED Registered or A-I
grade Jersey or Holstein cow.
C. High bee Turner. 171
EXPERIENCED stenographer
wishes temporary or permanent
position. Wrl'e box care uip
Ital Journal.
WANTED Old mattresees to make
over. phoDe 1, Capital City Bed
ding Co.
WANTED To exchange modern
6 room bungalo,w, close in. for
suburban property. V. E. Hart,
2(8 Oregon bldg
Vt' ANTED Position where can get
practical experience in loganber
ries, ow employed. Box 88 Cap
ital Journal. h89
The public service commission
has ordered the Molalla Electric
company to resume Its street light
ing service in Canby ponding in
vestigation lata the controversy
between the city and the utility.
' . . . ..
At the age of s xty-elbt. wu-
ll HenrTHarrison was the old-
est man to 'rk last areaidtnUaJ
Of very fine land. No ioinrnvementK
located a few miles from the city
on a good road. Make an offer,
or will exchange for city property
and pay difference.
6 lots all in one block, exchange
and pay difference.
House and large lot, electric
lights. Price only $700; party leav
ing city, wall take Ford as part
payment, terms.
10 acres all in cultivation, 1 acre
of berries. 6 room bungalow, mod
ern, basement, furnace, water sys
tem, good bam, locates near city.
See us for terms and price.
To exchange, 148 acres of land,
house, barn. Located on paved
Wad a few miles from Salem.
Priced less than any rand adjoin
ing, wants city property or small
What have you for sale or ex
change? There is one way to sell
or trade, list with Radcliff and
341 State street. b80
16 acres at Fruitland, 6 miles
from Salem. All under cultivation;
bearing family orchard and ber
ries; rich, black loam soil. 5 room
house, bath room, milk house,
fine barn. Creek and spring which
run entire year. 5 cows, horse, 2
pigs, au chickens, tools and impie
ments are included with the tarm
at $5000; $3000 down.
A good tract for berries, fruit
and chickens. About 6 ucres are
cultivated and balance Is pasture.
About 2 acres young prunes and
about 3 acres in young bearing
fruits, principally cherries. A well
built house of 6 rooms, small
barn. This place has been neglect
ed but has the makings of an ex
cellent tract. 5 miles from tjulem
and is only a few rods from elec
tric statiop. A bargain at $2500
$1000 down.
About mile from city limits,
In fine section. Good 4 room house
good barn, chicken house, etc. 1
acre or more in bearing logans
and prunes; some strawberries
small family orchard; balance of
place Is under cultivation; all
excellent soil and has perfect
drainage. A bargain at $3600, half
469 State St. Ground floor. We are
members of the Marion Count;!
Realty association. n
10 room modern house, close to
state capito and university, ex
cellent opportunity to keep room
ers. Price only $3800; will pay foi
7 room modern plastered house
close to school and line Ona
$2250, $500 down, rest like rent.
5 room modern bungalow, like
new, two lots, east front, garage
plenty fruit, south Salem. Price
$3000, half cash. balance long
tune 6 percent.
6 room modern cottage, on pav
ed street, close to car line, garage
plenty fruit, east front, large lot
Price $2900. good terms.
5 room strictly modern bunga
low, furnace, fireplace, garage
east front, paved street, one blocl,
to car line; one of the best ii
Salem. Price only $4500.
10 acres 4 miles from Salem,
nearly all in fruit, small buildings
Price $3300. Will exchange foi
city property.
6 room cottage mostly modern
plastered, basement, close to ear
line, east front. Price $2150. $375
will handle it. rest like rent.
200 Gray hldg n
10 acres, 6 acres in prunes, some
mixed orchard. 6 room house, on
aood road, at station, close to Sa
lem. only $2450. $1000 cash, oal
ance $500 annually at 7 percent,
or will take less for all cash.
7.38 acres, 7 cleared, balance
timber, fine running water, 2 acres
nlanted to strawberries. 2 acres to
logans. 3 miles from Salem. $125i
terms on $500.
10 acres, 5 prunes, 2 logans.
house, barn, 8 miles from Salem;
will trade on larger ranch and as
sume. 204 acres, fine 12 acre prune or
chard, 190 cultivated, 80 bottom,
some timber, fair improvements,
silo, hop houses, best of soil, largt
list of stock and equipment Includ
ed, only $150 per acre.
8 rooms strictly modern bun
galow. fine corner lot, close to car
line, vou could not build thit-
home for less than $7500, but 11
offered for a short time at $5000.
6 room new bungalow as com
plete as any bungalow In Sa em
8 rooms modern, goon condition
would cost twice the price asked
for It to build, only $4500, terms
Have a number of attractive
trades listed.
Want to secure $6500 loan on
good ranch security at 8 percent
14 1 Slate St. pJ;
10 acres 3 miles eaBt of Salem on
gnod road, all In cultivation, dark
and; U there are no buildings can
aril cheap if taken soon. Price
only $1800. terms.
2(1 acres miles south of Salem
10 cleared. 10 timber, all fit to
cultivate, all fenced and cross
fc-nced. wire; 8 acres logans. one
year old. 3 room house, small
barn, chicken house, garage, spring
and running water This is a bar
Jjiin at the price. $4250. terms
1 room house plas'ered. lot 50x
iin. close to school, east front and
bungalow style; if you are looking
Ihr a home let us show you this
kt low price of only $1500. easy
9 room houe close In on State
htreet. full basement, furnace, 2
toll' 2 hatha electric lights and
gas. fine lartre barn for 3 ears,
chicken house. 2 fireplaces, fruit
and shade trees, on street car. lot
JtITO; now offered for a low
tie of $6000. terms.
1 room bungalow. plastered
hament. furnace. toilet. hath,
le-trlc llrhtu and g. fireplace,
bulb In features in dining room
end kitchen, bed rooms with Iare
Hr.eta. stationary wish tubs In
baem.nt This Is close In proper
ty Price $4000. terms.
kfrber of Marlon County Realty
Be-M jfj H'ate Ht. n
Ordinarily we consume
thirty ounces of oxygen dally, re-
'ouirinr about twelve ounces of
rarbon to replace the waste, the
equivalent of three pounds of
Page Seven
at Small Cost
160 acre farm. 1 in cultivation -f ION Meet In Forester hall. iJKsUl XJ I l&J O
en i .i .. . ..,.; I itt N. Cnmmrd.l tro.t .v.n
65 in timber and pasture, running
water, family orchard, 7 room
house and 4 room cottage, large
barn, 12 miles from SaJem.
Price $80 per acre, terms.
27 acres. 12a 8-year old prune
trees, family orchard, 1 acres lo
ganberries In bearing, 5 acres sow
ed to hay; mower, rake and all
Implements go with place. $800
down and $500 a year. Price $3700
25 acres 9 miles from Salem on
rock road, new bungalow. Price
Choice 10 acre tract all in culti
vation, 4 miles from Salem on
rock road, family orchard, new 7
room bungalow and good barn.
Brand new 5 room modern bun
galow on paved street, east front.
8 blocks from business center.
Owner going easx. Ptdice ,$4800,.
Nice building lot for $200 cash.
341 State St
21 acres choice 'soil, 4 toora
house, hot and cold water, good
barn, family orchard. 1 mile from
Salem on hard surface road. Price
$425 per acre, easy terms.
29 acres, good soil, family or
chard, good 9 room house, hot
and cold water, large barn; a city
home M mile out. facing 2 hard
surfaced roads. Price $420 per
acre, easy terms.
173 udjoining railroad town, 27
icres In bearing prunes, 14 In
bearing logans, 6 in peaches, 90
in grain, balance pasture and tim
ber; 5 room house, good barn.
commercial dryer, gp.rage and out
buildings, 3 wells and running wa
ter. Price $175 per acre, 1-3 cash.
146 acre valley land, 125 In
grain and clover, good large barn.
0 room house, garage and other
buildings, close to school on good
road. 7 miles from Salem at $85
per acre.
442 State St. n
15 acres of fine berry soli all
ultlvatod. 5V4 miles out Price
$3000, $600 down, balance terms
per cent interest.
10 acres of nine-year old Italian
prunes in first class condition, rock
road. Price $4200.
25 acre tract all cultivated, good
room house and barn. Will con
sider good house and lot, or small
icreage as part payment. Price
Well Improved 30 acre farm, all
ultlvatod. good buildings, silo.
stock and machinery go. Price $8.
6 86 acre tract close to Salem,
good 5 room bungalow. large
chicken house, well, garage. Price
$3900, terms.
7 room strictly modern home
located close In, paved street, ga
rage. Price $6850.
6 room house and three fine
lots, large hearing fruit trees.
Prlre $2660, terms.
6 room plastered house on pav
ed street, modern plumbing, bear
ing fruit, good location. Price
$2800. $1000 down.
Members of Marion County Real
ly honrd. 275 Rtate St. n
rouR 110MK is HERE
CITY will you find such a won
derful display of HOME BAR
trict, every kind of home.
home before being listed with us
is first personally iNSl'KCTKL
AND APPRAISED. If necessary
we'll help you make wuur down
This is the famous "McGulre
System." fbe beat for buyer and
$1800 Excellent buy in a 7 room
bungalow at 1259 Kli
sireet. Tw 1 splenuid ols
(100x150.) fTlgt' barn
and good ,'ruit.
$2500 Five room bungalow on .Mc
Coy street a ital euappy
buy. Terms $ cash
balance $50 molality.
HoOO Close in 6 room hiino. Ga
rage, and u ,v 'M ir re tided
property. Easy terms.
U00 Five room i.uiuviK'W In
Highlan la. $5)0 cisli, (15
monthly. A mil1).
12000 Four room butigalo N iiii
street. Two good 1 its. $500
cash. $25 ni Jiu'iiy.
$2650 Six room house on N 4th
street. Has ubundant fruit
500 rash.
$15000 One of Salem's "homes of
character." Practically
down town, yet In .cai
dence section. Would make
wonderful apartment prop
osition. Etaro wood floors
throughout. Terma
$4000 Modern bungalow on Center
St. Good terms.
"or your home, whether in the
city or the country. Whether
you want to buy. trade or sell,
business or apartment house;
farm r town lot, see
"Just Real Estate"
215-216 Masonic Temple, Salem.
Phones 1000. 1014. n
fi room modern cottage, sacri
fice price $1250. terms
8 room plastered dwelling, two
flue lots, fruit, near car line, $2.
550. terma
5 room modern cottage, nice IM
fruit, near car line. $100.
20 acre fruit tract near Liberty
to exchange for Salem residence.
Fine 18 acre tract near Salem,
partly In logans and strawberries.
$3500. terms.
Money to loan on good securi-
211-12 Gray hldg
O. T. WHITE, dentist. 401 Oregon
bldg. M
COMPUTING scale, cash register
and general store fixtures at
22$ Stark St.. Portia nd. Or., be
tween 1st and 2nd streets.
WE wi'.l Pay you more cash for
your household goods. Get oar
bid befoie you sell. People's
Furniture and Hardware Store.
271 N. Commercial street Phone
and ref una of all kinds removed
by the month at rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. I ay phone 107.
night phone 14I0R. R. O. Cum-
mins. Mgr. m
229 N. Commercial street every
Wednesday evening. F. G. Brock,
Finance, 340 Court St.
Water Company
fice, corner Commercial and
Trade Sta. Bills payable monthly
In advance. Phone 57.
Farm ! -rans
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about
our 20-year loans at ( percent.
Hawkins & Roberta, 206 Oregon
Bldg . Salem, Ore.
be repaid like rent
Life, Fire, Health, Accident In
demnity, Liballty and Auto In
surance written.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Ore.
G. SATTERLEK. 404 Ferry St..
Salem. Ore., Phone 1177.
Osteopathic physicians and sur
geons. 506 U. S. Bank Building.
Phone 85. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall,
residence phone 834.
Stove Repairing
-si ONES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years, experience; Depot Na
tional and American fence, slsos
26 to 58 inches high. Paints,
oil and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 250
Court street. Phone 124.
Compiled from reports of Salem
dealers for the guidance of
Capital Journal readers. (Re
vised daily.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) $1.05 bushel; average val -
ley oats (bulk) 42c bushel.
Hay: Cheat hay $22.00 23.00
oai nay izz.vvo'.i.uu; clover
hay $2022.
Meat: Hogs $11.75; dressed
hogs 14 He; top steers 714c;
cows 6c; bulls 4 (6 5c; lauihs lie ;
sheep yearling 4c; ewes Vic; veal
fancy dressed lGjflGHc.
Poultry and eggs: Eggs 17lSr
light hens 20c; heavy hens
24c; old roosters 1 '.rir.r stags
15 18c.
Hutterfat: Butterfat 9c;
creamery butter IB04te; coun
try butter 3.' ,1 j.,c.
Wholesale Prices
Vegetables: Oregon onions 75c
i$1.00 cwt; California onions
$1.75 cwt; beets $2.00 cwt; let
tuce Imperial valley $125: turn
ips $1.60 cwt; carrots $1.00& 1.60
sack; parsnips $2.00 cwt; cauli
flower $1.25 per dozen; prtatoos
$1.25 per cwt ; Califorula cabbage
$ 375 rut; green peppers 2'ie. cel
ery $1.25if1.75 dozen; Rpinach
l()c pound: rhubarb 12c; aspara
gus 20c pound.
Fruits: Oranges $3.25 ifr 5.50;
lemons $3.50 0 4.50; bananas
11 He; (lutes, pounds (hulk) 25o,
Dromedary dates $7 case; blue
figs 10c; white figs 12Hc; Cali
fornia grapefruit $4.00; Florida
grapefruit $8.50; Arizona grape
fruit $6.50.
Retail Prices.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 23c;
creamery butter 49ti50c; countr
butter 42c.
Portland Markets.
Portland, Or., Mar. 29. Cattle
alow ; receipts 53; cliol
steers $8.0()fl 8.50; medium
choice $7.25 ru 8.00; fair to!
good $6.507.25; common
10 fall $ii.5la(i.50; choice cows
and heifers $6.50 ! 7.00; medium
to good $6.00W6.50; fair to me
dium $5.50$ 6. 50; common to fair
54.50(11 5.50; runners $2.25M4.50;
hulls $3. 505.00; choice dairy
alves $1 2 5051 III 50; prime
$1 1.50ft 12.50; medium $9,500
11.50: heavy ' ah. . $(i.004i 7.50;
Sest feeders $0 50 6.75; fair to
,;ood $5.00 ( 6.50.
Hogs steady; receipts 396;
prime light $ 1 2.00 1 1 2.25 ; smooth
heavy $11.25011.75; rough
heavy $8.00010.25; fat pigs $11
Sheep slow: receipts 39; east
if mountain luinbs $7.50'uN 25;
valleys $6.00 0 7.00: heavy $6.00
07.50; feeders $6.0006.50; culls
14.00 4' 5.00; ewes $15005 00;
light yearlings $6.5007.00; heavy
$6.0006.50; wethers $5.0006.00
Butter steady; extra cubes 36'u)
38c; cartons 44c; prints 43c.
Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream
39'u42c fob Portland; undei
trades 37c.
Eggs: Selling price case c.onn.1
23c024c; buying price 22c; sell
ing price candled 24 O 25c; selects
candled In cartons 26 O 27c.
Poultry: Hens, light 22 4i 2.1c;
heavy 24 025c; broilers 24'" 26c:
roosters 1417c; turkeys nominal
geese nominal: ducks nominal.
Mllstuffs: Millrun $28.
Hny: Buying price. 'Itnothy $25
26; alfalfa $19: grain m.'ted
$22023; clover $16; cheat $220
Wheat Hard while $1 39. soft
white $1.20; northern spring
$1 25; white club $1.28; bard
winter $1.25; red Walla $1.25.
Harvey Good, nurseryman of
Silverton, was looking after busi
ness matters In Salem yesterday.
Mr fl.u.H uttiteu that he bus Kent
out as many orders this year as
usual from his nursery farm, and
belie-ve the fruit business Is
growing every year
lunette valley.
In the WU
James Crawford has returned
from a business trip to Portland.
Mr. Crawford went there Satur
day h-J remained over for the
week end
Bert Rue was In town yesterday
on his way home from Albany
where be had been visiting rela -
Salctn Youth Is
Gone, Relatives
Seek Police Aid
Stating that he was going down
town to look for work, Lester De
Lapp. 19, 1825 North Front street,
left his home here yesterday morn
ing and no word has been heard of
him since that time, worried rela
tives told local police officers to
day. Young DeLapp was said to be
wearing overalls, a jumper, a,
black coat and brown cap. He la
five fet, six inches in height. The
youth is the fourth man to have
been reported missing here durlojr
the last two weeks.
The male quartet of the Eugens
Bible University were in town
yesterday en route to Falls City
where they began a series of
concerts in the north end of the
state. They will appear in Sher
idan, Hillsboro and Newherg be
fore returning to Eugene. The
members are C. H. Phillips, Hugh
McCullum, Lester Jones, and M.
L. Pettelle. with Ruth Boyd,
senior in the school of music, as
J. H. Downing and family of
Conway, Wash., were in the city
yesterday en route home front
California where they had been
spending several weeks with
frendB. Mr. Downing repeated
jthe story bo often told regarding
the serious condition of the Smith
Hill north of Grants Pass. He
, says, however, that his car was
able to pull over the bad place by
its own power.
Wm. C. Jones, a Salem boy, has
been named by the military de
partment of the Oregon Agricul
tural College as Its honor gradu
ate student, and under a ruling
by the war department will be
awarded a second lieutenants
coniniisslon In the regular army.
Young JoneR Is a senior majoring
In animal husbandry. He served
In the navy during the late war.
Mr. and Mrs. Hal D. Patton and
children Marie and Jeanette ar
rived home Sunday evening after
a two months stay in southern
California, visiting Los Angelas,
San Diego, Hedlands, Riverside
and Del Monte, with side trips to
places of Interest.
Salem police were notified last
night by Sheriff Stickels, of Last
county, that an automobile ha(
been stolen from Eugene. Local
pat minion were requested to be
on the look-out for the machine.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Cronlse re
turned yesterday to their home In
Albany utter a visit during the
week end with his parents In
Salem. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Croulse.
One of Hie largeHt crowds that
lias ever Jutnmed the auditorium
at the penitentiary lust night
witness'. 1 the several bouts of-
tu 1 fered at the Institution's monthly
1 tnoker.
F. J. Goodenough went to
iWoodburn this morning whore he
Is working fur a few days In the
Interest of the Oregon Journal.
E. 0. Loe, proprietor of the
big type Poland China faun east
of Silverton, was in the city on
business yesterday.
After spending a day vlsltlnf
In Salem, Claire Keeney, a uni
versity student, returned to Eu
gene yesterday.
Mrs. T. B Kay and daughter
left (his morning for a short visit
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. El wood Small
of Stayton are visiting friends In
the city today.
Matthew Gibson returned this
morning from Turner where he
hud been assessing.
II. E. Abrey returned yesterday
from Albany urter a week end
visit with friends.
John Plass, a Sent Is Mills farm
er, was looking after buslneee
matters in Salem yesterday.
L P. (.arson of I'ratus was In
town on business yesterday after
noon. Banker R. D. Gisy of Turner
transacted business In town yes
terday. Mr. and Mrs E. S. Porter of
the Silverton Hills were week end
visitors in Salem.
W. A. Jones and wife of
Marleay were In town for the
week end, visiting friesds.
Henry Jaquesl. a Waldo Hills
farmer w lookiDg atte, buslneM
' matters In Salem yesterday.
A. A. I'lvln. former deputy as
sessor 0 the Silverton district,
was In town yesterday.
Baggage Trans. 25-SOc. Pa. IM
Paul Vlnsetta. 7(, who had fol-
1 lowed thet radeof cobbler at TTse
1 Dales for 20 years, died suddenly
a few night ago. his body being
, found next morning in the rear Ojj
bis shoo.
a s
1 a
1 V
sick a