Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 24, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon.
Latest News Covering Willamette Valley Point
uvci i"- mar aiicslcu vuaiKcu nun -
3 Dismissed
In Medford
Bank Cases
Medford, Mar. 24. On motion
Of County Prosecutor Rawles
Moore, indictment in the Jackson
ville bank cases were dismissed by
Circuit Judge Calkins in Jackson
ville yesterday against R. D.
.Jlines, former vice-president of
the bank; Myrtle Blakeley, for-
pafcier county treasurer and Chester
Hubli, Applegate stockman, faults
jmx the indictments being admit
ted by the state. The county
Ibroserrutor stated that new in
fdlctmenta will be submitted to
the grand jury in May.
The civil case against J. B.
Bartlett, of Medford, brought by
Superintendent of Banks F. C.
Bramwell, for recovery of money
was being heard yesterday. It Is
expected the case will go to the
jury soon.
Astoria Company
Reported Failed
Astoria, Ore., March 24. The
Watt-Jenkins Clothing company,
which was originally openeJ here
several years ago by F. N. W.itt
under the firm name of the Qri-ham-Watt
Clothing company, tioa
filed with the United States court
in Portland, a petition In bank
ruptcy. The amount of the liabili
ties and assets of the comp.'ny
could not be ascertained. Hi.;
store was closed by Sheriff Nelson
last Saturday on attachment pro
ceedings Instituted by R. L,. Sabln
on behalf of creditors of the fin...
Many Business
Changes Made
In Independence
tures were taken by the (Official
photographers who werj with
each division on the frorr. .In the
World War, and were ncuall ,
made in the midst of battles. They i
show the trenches, men giin;r ov
er the top, stretcher-bearers at
their work, in short all the detail;
of the front line of the army. T)u
unneal nf the-nictures is in their
March 24. j realitv aa tf,ey are true war pic
tures in the actual sense of the
words. The proceeds of this eater
Three Dallas
Add Members
Dallas, Mar. 24. At the arm-!
ory Saturday evening the U. S. ;
Grant post of the Grand Army of.
the Rapublic, the Sherman Circle ,
of the Ladles of the G. A. R. and j
the Sarah Childress Polk chap- j
ter of the D. A. R. held a special
meeting for the purpose of the
Installation of the sons, grand
Bona and nephews or the veter
ans, fourteen being installed.
Following the installation a
most delicious supper was served
In the lobby whim was appropri- ()t- oUler statej uuu ut tne aamo
ately decorate'd for the occasion. nme create wealth for taxation
The walls and doorway weia wli mast put worth a united effort
draped with deep rlcn hangings ( to develop our agricultural ra
which gave a homey atmosphere : sources," Cupper declares.
Oregon Plan
In Favor In
Other States
The Oregon plan of encouraging
the development of irrigation
through the certification of irri
gation district bonds and stute
guarantee of Interest on tbM
bonds has received much favorable
attention from other reclamation
states according to State Engineer
Cupper. Washington, Montana.
Wyoming, Utah and Arizona haw
adopted this plan either in whole
or in part already, Cupper point
out. "While this is an endorsement
of the general plan, It at the same
time puts Oregon irrigation dis
trict bonds in competition with
those of other western states on
practically an equal footing,"
Cupper explains. "However, in
view of the fact that Oregoi
bonds have more or loss of an es
tablished reputation, by co-operi-tion
and careful handling they
may yet be able to hold their lead.
"It is evident that if we are to
keep pace with the rural progress
Independence, Ore
When Gus Miller finished remod
eling his building on Main street
and commenced moving he stirred j tainment will go to the Legion
up considerable activity amon
other business men who were seek
ing better quarters. Mr. Miller
purchased the building last fall
and extensive improvements have
been made during the past two
mouths. All modern equipment
New Lane Trail Is
Completed, Report
Eugene, Ore., March 24. A
trail has just been completed bv
forest service men from the In
has been installed for the Cityian Creek valley to tne ten mi..
Market and the building was leug- creek country in the Siuslaw na
thened several feet. The Windmill j tional forest in the western pa:-t
barber shop will be moved U thelof Lane county. R. S. Shelley, sup
Allen building which is vacated
by the City Market. A. G. Wil
liams recently sold his lattfrett in
ervisor, wno nas jusi reeurne.i
from that section of the forest.
says the maximum grade of th
the barber shop to Jas. CaiiWd ' tTll is seven per cent and the
of Wayne, Neb. A few days later-trip from Indian creeK to ten mi!
he purchased the interest uf.ain
and also purchased the inteii-st o
W. R. Maillie, his former partner.
Mr. Williams is now sole proprie
tor. M. J. O'Donnell has lpased
the building which is to be vacat
ed by Mr. Williams and will move
bis tire shop therein.
to the room. A large table .'enter
ed the lobby and was decorated
with snowy white linen with Hast
er appointments. Centering Hie
table were large bowls of yellow
daffoilPs. Suspended from the
chandeliers wero festoons rf sil
ver and gold crepe paper wiilih
were entwined wl'h my ."lull of
colored lights.
The luncheon was under the
supervision of Mrs. Minnie Har
ris and she was assisted by vari
ous members of
donated the evening's refresh
ments. About f5 guests were vrv
ed during the evening.
New Irrigation
District Possible
Near Roseburg
Willie there has been approxi
mately a 50 per cent increase in
irrigated lauds in Oregon during
the past ten years the rural popu
lation of this state has not in
creased nearly so fast as in soar;
(if the adjoining states, Cupper
points out.
"In Idaho, for instance," he
cites, "the increase in the rural
population has been twiee as great
as that of Oregon. The Increase
In our rural population whi !i
the Circle who 6 1 uuvuiupmcn!. n
our waste acreage and tnereoy in
creases both the value and area f
land subject to taxation, should
be a vital element in tax reduction."
Roseburg, Ore., March 24. -
The residents of the north ami
outh Myrtle Creek districts hel l
a well attended meeting in Myrtle
Creek for the purpose of outlining
procedure for the formation of an
irrigation district to irrigate all
of the agricultural land In that vi
cinity susceptible to Irrigation.
Attorney George Neuner was pres
ent to assist and advise In the
legal phases and it Is possible that
an election will be called In the
Immediate future to authorize the
formation of the district. An ef
fort Is being made to acquire the p0,Irj
Men Successful
Broccoli Growers
Independence, Or
Sloper Bros., have
during the past few
broccoli is among the most pro
fiatble crops that can be grown
in the Willamette valley, the net
return being approximately $300
per acre. Planted in the fall the
harvest is now on and car load
shipments are just now being
made to Chicago and New York.
Sloper Bros., have been engaged
In the business for two seasons
and it is getting to be a great
commercial industry. They have
37 acres of hops and a part of
tract has been interplanted with
broccoli. James Collins. Wells
Bros., and W. M. McGowan are
also engaged in the business on
a successful basis.
creek can be made in an hour an
a half as compared with thret
hours required to make the trip
before the trail was completed.
Brownsville, Or., "arch 24.
A complaint has been filed In til'
court of Victor Olliver, justice o!
the peace, against George Tetzb
and Lou Walker, of Brownsville
charging them with allowing the
cartas of a dead animal to remain
unhuried. The defendants are en-
March 24. ! gaged in the butcher business
demonstrated Tney entered pleas of not guilty.
years thai'nne date for their hearing has not
Lane Placing
Roads In Shape
Eugene, Mar. 26. The annual
scarifying of the main macadam
highways In Lane county has be
gun. One crew started in on the
Willamette highway and is work
ing between the Coast Fork bridge
through Pleasant Hill to Dexter.
Another is working on the main
Pacific highway between Junc
tion City and the Harrisburg fer
ry, and the third is working on
the McKenzie highway between
Thurston and Cogswell hill.
This work will continue for a
number of weeks until all the ruts
and rough places on the macad
am roads are entirely eliminated.
Another construction crew Is at
Everything in
Store of Housewares
. 7, - ... rnH over he-
work grauing a nv "
tween Springfield and the Mc
Kenzie river. This crew also will
have charge of the graveling.
Germans Expelled.
Paris, Mar. 24. Expulsion of
nearly 100 undesirable Germans
residing in Strasbourg has been
decided upon by the authorities
there, it is declared in a dis
patch from that city to the Petit
Mar Arrested Charged With
Burglary, Later Released
Oregon City, Ore., March 24.
M. P. Farusworth arrested last
Saturday night in connection with
the Estacada safe' blowing job on
the night of February 26, was re
leased after bs had proven his in
nocence. Farusworth alleged that
while he knew Steele and Mabus
now held for the job, he knew
nothing of the safe-cracking at
Wanted at Once
We are now open for business and can use produce of
B every description in any quantity and will pay the high
I iivir!, nf itl-tl'iiv
CSt II I 11 IV i I it V n.
We are especially interested in EGGS, POTATOES,
See Max Solof at the Peoples Cash Store, Salem Agent
for the
People's Produce Co.
104 Front Street, Portland, Oregon
Legion Will Show
Pictures of War
Monmouth, Ore., March 24.
On Friday evening, March 25, the
American Legion of Independence
will show a series of war picture!
in the Normal chapel. These pic-
been set.
Independence Residents
Visit Indian Reservation
Independence, Ore., March 24.
S. H. McKlmurry and C. B. Forbs
have returned from the Siletz In
dian reservation where they spent
a week inspecting the Indian al
lotment lands which are being of
fered for sale. While in that vi
cinity they attended the funeral of
a celebrated Indian, a relative of
the wife of former Governor Lane.
The old time Indian ceremony wat
performed in sending the great In
dian off to the happy hunting
Violation of New
Law Causes Arrest
Of Two Fishermen
Oregon City, Ore., March 24.
The first trout fishermen to run
afoul then ew laws and the recent
rulings of the state game commis
sion in Clackamas county, were
Fred Michiel and Louis Miller, of
Portland. They were arrested by
Came Warden Meads. Monday af
ternoon on Clear Creek, near here
nd were fishing for trout, several
of which they had in their posses
sion when apprehended.
Iloth violators were brought be
fore Judge Noble in the justice
ind Miller was fined $2
R A 1 SEE 1
water rights formerly held by the' d C08(H for on( navng n
flour mill and to use water from
the stream during the summer
months. The mill now operates on
ly in the winter, the water In the
summer being too low to develop
sufficient power. There is howev
er, by proper manipulation, suf
ficient water to Irrigate a large
number of acres of land.
Pleads Guilty of
Larceny; Fined $50
Albany. Ore , March 24 J. H.
Russell, who was recently bound
over to the grand jury on a
charge of larceny in a dwelling,
got a sentence of a fine of $50.
Husaell was Indicted by the new
grand jury for simple larceny. He
was then arraigned and entered J
plea of guilty. The grand jury
found a not true bill on the
charge of larceny in a dwelling.
Russell went back to Jail after be
ing sentenced as he had not as yet
paid the fine
fishing license and $ 2 f. and cost:
for fishing tor trout in a stream
not affected by tide water.
Ho you ever see double?
Does concentrating upon fine
print cause your eyes to
smart or burn? Oo you close
them wearily after reading
for half an hour or so? Con
sult our reliable optometrist
anil we will furnish you
with a pair of glasses that
will remedy the defect.
Bacteria are minute vegetable
organisms, many species of which
are harmless; others are harmful
to num. hut all are of more or
less value in the economy of na
t lire.
Work Way Behind?
Papers piled up on
your desk ?
For your wife's sake,
invest in a
"Y & E"
You will stop being
ate for suiiper.
And you'll go home
sweet-ten i pored every
night, with that com
fortable, peaceful feel
ing that follows a good
day's work, well done.
or telephone for our
Service Man to call.
No Obligation.
Full line of Filing Cab
nets, Steel Safes and
Filing Supplies.
Book Store
Phone G4.
Do you
its toasted
To al In the
delicious Burtoy
tobacco flavor.
A Duty or a Pleasure ?
Tfieres real joy in the morning meal.and genuine
preparation for the work hours that follow, when
the menu includes
The full nutriment of wheat and
malted barley in this unique food
provides unusual nourishment with
out burdening the stomach.
Ready to serve from the package with cream or
good milk. Sweet with the natural sugar of the
grains, self-developed in the making.
If your breakfast isrit a pleasure, try Grapeffiit
"There's a Reason"
Made by fbstum Cereal Co, Inc., Bat tie Creek, Mich.
Spring Fashion
Easter Style Show
Continued Friday and Saturday at Salem's Greatest
Women's Apparel Store.
Women who have seen this excellent showing of the new Spring Models,
have pronounced the styles "Exquisite and Charming" and they are women
whose fine discrimination for good taste is well established in Salem social
But we'd like your opinion and judgment too, consequently we extend
to all a cordial invitation to inspect at their leisure this elegant display of
new stylish Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirt, Jackets, Trimmed Hats
and Sweaters and try on as many garment a you desire. Courteous com
petent saleswomen will gladly assist you, and you won't be urged to buy.
Salem Or.
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store.
We have been fortunate in
receiving a new shipment
of Hats for Easter, and
they surely are the latest
creations. Priced from
$1.98 ' $4.98
ray int. resting news besides the usual
arrav of
Shop Where The Crowds Buy
m j
- Hl....-J--I
For Bar
ture, stoves
all kinds
as furniJ
chinerv. nf nii !. f
Capital Junk &
bargain House
For every Ci0p
and Soli AunJ
North PnMi..
w . , ""m.ii. urp
lor Easr Ter,a alla
i044 Mnrlon St.
rr- ' .
Upstairs ar '
American or Chinese
vpen 11 a. ra, to
la. m.
Every Tuesday, Thurs-I
day and Saturday niehtsl
mways pay Zc ptr lq
mure, iuu see we have stall I
the Portland markets and sell i
rect to cunsumen.
Peoples Cash Store!
I'hone 45J
G-enuine WaJnu j
Leather Lined
179 North CommercialS
Salem, Ore.
12 - FOOT
A Specialty
179 N. Commercial St, Sail
x row 1
DRY KASit. -
. .fioi customer
,51;, over
Tatton I
To our former loca
.. r.---. Iore.
. r , Snuth of L
Bush Ban