Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, March 19, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon.
Automobile, Truck, Trabtor and Highway News0
Bids On 15
Are Next
Coming Meeting of I
Highway Board To
See Much Work On! I
Roads Launched
The highway Improvement prop-am
which the state highway
I comiiilanlon will take under qonn.d-
eration at Its meeting in PortUm!,
April o, includes 64.98 miles of
grading, J4.76 miles of sravil!n',
81. 2 mile of paving, three bridges
and one overcrossing. The work Is
divided into 16 aeiarate projects as
One reinforced concrete br!K'.'
over Ueer creek on the Grants Pass
Creaent City highway in Josephine
One reinforced concrete bridge
over Wolf creek on the Grants
PuHH-C'rescent City highway in
Josephine county.
One bridge ove.- Altanioun canal
on the Klamath Palls-Lakevie
highway in Klamath county.
One over crossing of the Oregon
Central & Eastern railway near
Dairy In Klamath county.
Grading 17.05 miles of the
Prlneville-Ochoco forest section of
the Ochoco highway In Crook
Grading 1 4.(12 miles of the liurrs
Sage Hon hill section of the Cen
tral Oregon highway in Harney
Grading and graveling 14.28
miles rif the Ontario-Welser soction
of the Old Oregon Trail in Mal
heur coutity.
(trading 12.75 miles of the k'a-mela-llilgard
section of In Old
Oregon Trull in Union county.
Grading 8.3 miles of the HH-gard-l.a
Grande section of ths Old
Oregon Trail in Union county.
Graveling 8.4 miles of the Wallowa-Canyon
section, La Granil"
Entei prise highway, Wallowa coun
ty. Grading and graveling 12 miles
of the Walowa-Lostlne section. La
Grande-Enterprise highway, Wal
lown county.
Paving 14 mill's of the Wolf
Creek-Grave Creek section of the
Pacific highway In Douglas i.nd
Josephine counties.
Paving 1.2 miles of the Oakland
South section of the Pacific high
way In Douglas county.
Paving 7 miles of the Drain
Anlnuf section of the Pacific high
way In Douglas county.
Paving 9 miles of the Wal'.tcr
Goshen section of the Pacific high
Way in Lane county.
First Packard Sold In Salem
i f . . , .
JlLlHLlHlaa8 4 WIHfKw&M'
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raarraiisialasar - ? E. ' ftHgfrilTjWKji BaWail jfto,)
' v , " Ifttftt - "" "' J"' - .... .
Highway Map
Is Distributed
In anticipation of heavy travel
this summer over the National Iark
to Park highway, the association
furthering the movement is prepar
ing a pamphlet in which points of
interest of this and other communi
ties on the route will be mentioned
for the guidance of road tourist.
Hide trips will be featured.
An Inquiry sheet has been sent
to every chamber of commerce or
.-nmmercial club for Information
concerning drives, auto cops and
other things In which the traveler
IS interested. This slogan is passed
liong to the towns: "Help the auto
traveler linger a little longer in
your community."
Inquiries are coming to the .Ten
eral offices in Denver, not only
from the east, but also from Con
tinental Europe, as to the wonder
to be seen on such a trip. Th"
principal of a private school In
Holland asked for details of the trip
in the expectation that some of the
wealthy families of the children
might desire to make the Journey.
The road pamphlet will be of
equal Importance and service td all
cities and towns, and for Mils rea
son Salem Is to be allote.l a cer
tain number for distribution, ac
cording to the plans of Gus Holmes
secretary-manager of the a-ssoeia-tloo.
He believes Westerners are
going to use the Park to Park high
way. or part of it. to reach the par
ticular transcontinental highway
Ihejr desire to travel over in goi'is
Likewise, the easterner, or the
southerner, in choosing any one of
I dozen transcontinental highways
to journey westward, comes in con
tact Willi the Circle Highway on
the eastern slope of the Rockies.
The road pamphlet will convince
him, in the estimation of Mr. Holm,
that a visit to one or more of th
national parks is feasible and de
sirable. Tourists nray be induced to stay
over here for another day or rwo
through this plan.
The above is of B. B. Robb, with his new P.tckard Single Six. Note the pleasing appear
ance, but who would not smile if they owned a Packard. Vick Brothers sold their first
Packard to Mr. Robb, after taking the Packard agency for their line of cars and trucks.
Mr. Robb says the new car has everything beat for easy-riding and ease of operation.
Little Brother of
Studebaker Tribe
Sets Four Records
Traitor PumIkw Lawn Mower.
A garden tractor has been de
algned that pushes three lawn
mowers In front of it so that Ihe
grasa Is not flattened before being
reached by the knives.
Officially deputized by the post
office department to carry mall, a
stock model of the Studebaker
Light-Six recently established a
record, the authenticity of which Is
beyond question between San Fran
cisco and Los Angeles that is likely
to stand for some spell of time, ac
cording to word received by th-j
Marlon Automobile company, Sa
lem distributors of the Studebaker.
in mull. Ihe Light-Six establish
ed four new records while acting as
a mail car. In brief, here they are:
Made the round trip from San
Francisco to Los Angeles, 844. S
miles. In 21 hours, 211 minutes
elapsed time new record.
Made the one-way trip over the
Coast Route, 453.7 miles, in 10
nous, minutes, 30 second elapsed
time .i new record.
Made tire one-way trip over the
Valley Route. 411.1 miles, In 9
houa, 15 minutes, 60 seconds
elapsed time a new record.
Heat 'The Lark" fastest express
train between Sun Francisco and
I .os Angeles, by 3 hours, 47 minutes
.10 seconds a new record.
Challenging all comers to better
the above marks, the Studebaker
people are pointing with considi
able pride to the records as proof
of their- claims of speed and stam
ina for the Light-Six. That the
little brother of the Hlg-ix and the
Special is able to make long con
tinued runs entirely free from me
chanical trouble was amply demon
strated when the Little-Six smashed
these records on two trips, the sec
ond started immediately after the
first Has completed.
ExU-nsoin Arm for .Spotlight.
The awkardness, and sometimes
danger, of having to lean over the
steering wneei to adjust the wrnn
shied spotlight, is responsible for
the production of a new automr-
Oile accessory, it consists of
small telescoping arm, with clump
and universal joint at one end, and
a ball-shaped handle at the other.
Clamped to the spotlight shank, the
Joint and telescoping arm are. ad
Justed so that the ball handle al
ways is within a few inches of the
steering wheel.
There is no legal form of human
slavery l.i any Christian country; it
exists in mild form in mosl of the
Moharamedan countries.
Highway Viewed
Albany, Or.. Mar. 18. MenVbe:
Of the state highway commission
en route over the Pacific highway
the length of the state north and
south, halted in Linn county Wed
nesday long enough to make a tour
to Lebanon and back to Albany for
the purpose of viewing the two
most commonly traveled roads be
tween the two towns.
Recently delegations from Al
bany and Lebanon called on the
highway commission with a peti
tion for the improvement of the
road between Albany and Lebanon.
The delegations had with them a
signed statement from the Linn
county court to the effect thtit the
court would pay half of tin im
provement cost of the Albany-Leb
anon road. The highway commis
sion at that time promised the dele
gations that when the trip south
was made the commission would
drive over the two routes between
Albany and Lebanon, it ws un
derstood today that the matter of
the location of the road between
Albany and Lebanon to bo im
proved by the county and state co
operating will be left to the county
Auto Driven by
Air Propeller
Saves Gasoline
Paris, March 1. A light car
which derives its motive power
from an 8-horsepower engine, driv
ing a propeller, is the invention of
Marcel Levat, a French airman.
' The "Helica'' is oullt with a
streamline body, something like
that of an aeroplane. Driver and
one passenger sit side by side and
are well sheltered from the draft
of the propeller.
The engine Is an 8-horsepower.
two-evlinder, air-cooled, and en
ables the "Helica" to attain a speed
tit titty miles an lioui. .. ' .Md
gas consumption is well over 70
miles a gallon. The nri"-1' - tKn
diameter of which is less than that
qf the car, is protected u.v a
volviag. "rteniiu
Hy m .
gear 0t thi Huh,..;
owni T ?S
so fining more
The car . '""""or
on th "rtajta.72? b
tn hours of V e'UI f J
""ysical labor ""Hi
ill in
Can Carry Additional Ja.sflnngors.
An Knglish automobile of the
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
The Key to New Pleasures
There is something like magic in the way the Harley-Davidson
Motorcycle changes your pleasure from
the common to the most fascinating, causing you to
wonder bow you could have denied yourself this new
happiness for so long a time.
It is the key to new pleasures, new scenes, new in
terests. It isn't a hobby, but a healthy happy habit.
Whether or not you are now ready to buy a Harley-Davidson,
drop in and see the new models. It is
well to know, when you are ready, which machine you
like best and which will serve you best Come in.
Harry W. Scott
roadster type can carry two addi- j,T)T7.r,T T mTIIC, nrrr
Honnl nassenc-ers in anviliarv sen ts " IXllO VV CCrv
The Cycle Man."
on each
side in front of the rear
We have delivered 37 Ford cars and 7 Fordson Farm Tractors the first 15 days of March. We
have unloaded 3 carloads this week and have 2 carloads that should arrive the first of next week.
The wires are kept hot In our endeavor to get extra cars. The factory output is strained to its
limit, which means, from now on, we cannot get any extra cars over our regular allotment.
Several good buys in Rebuilt Used Machines,
and look them over. Pay as you ride.
Come in
The Starting and Lighting Battei
That Goes Into Your Car toi
THERE is no "perhaps" about the ')Ext&C "
Thirty-two years of battery-building experieoa
guarantees the enduring Tightness of its every detail,
It is built to perform smoothly, powerfully, depetdibly,
"jExl&e" Service is equally practical.
The next time you require battery service, visit oJ
JbXtOe Service Station or, better still, call for a Put I
Battery Test regularly.
In a little while you will come to appreciate that "Elfin
Service is really an important step toward more c&jtfj
and economical operation of the battery in your cat
R. D. Barton
Phone 1107. Salem. (
Spring deliveries of Ford Cars have never been certain. They should not
be depended upon. Demand has always been greater for Ford cars than
the supply or production. If you would be sure of having a Ford car, place
your order today.
DON'T WAIT Even next month is an uncertainty. Onlv a limited, speci
fied number of cars has be?n allots to in: lerntory. fha allotment can
not l increased, because the demand all over the country is greater than
the supply or production. Place your order today and you will be one of
those who is sure of a Ford Car out of our allotment.
It's First Come First Served. All orders are filled in rotation. So, if you
would Ik? forehanded, if you would be certain of having a Ford car when
you want it
alley Motor Co.
Their Ability to Serve
Decides Your Preference
A man chooses a certain doctor, lawyer, or banker be
cause of bii ability to perceive and meet personal require
ments. Your automobile dealer is just as important, for no ear
has yet been made that can embody the human intel
ligence, knowledge and skill which is expressed in the
automotive world by the word "service."
This house is strong for service.
Salem Automobile Co.
Phone 97
Phone 14