Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 23, 1921, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six The Capital Journal, saiem, wegun . . - -w
Straight Party Ballot Measure Dies In Stormy Session of Sens
Senate Fails
To Override
Lie Passed, Charges1
and Counter Charges
Enliven Session of
Tuesday Afternoon
Lies were r.assed, charges and
counter changes were hur'pil nnfl
Just as promptly denied. The gul
lerles packed with sensation seek
ing humanity added their quota to
the general confusion which pre
vailed on the floor of the senate.
And when order had heen restor
ed and the casualties counted sen
ate hill 53 of the special sessioti of
1820 the Justly Infamous straight
party billot bill was wrltherlne In
the last throes of its death agony.
Seventeen senat
Norblad. Mho chant
on the demand of Senator Dennis ,n;,de statement It was t
both with respect to the bill and to
Senator Moser.
"This is a most Iniquitous bill
aimed at the Oregon ballot system'
Joseph declared. ,
"It Is public kmjM-tcdge that Sen
ator Moser has been carrying this:
measure around in his pocket eve.
since the opening of this session In
order to trade on It in an effort to
line up enough votes to insure its
passage." he charged.
"That's a lie; that's a lie," Moser
yelled, while Joseph continued his
"You lied when you promised to
bring this bill out last Saturday,"
Joseph continued directing his re
marks at Moser.
"This bill Is as rotten as Moser's
conduct has been," he concluded. J
Hnator Norb'ad declared his dis
approval of the bill, having opera
ted under similar measure in
Michigin and asserted his intention
to vole agalnBt It. He did vote
against it but was compelled to
change his vote in favor of the bill
when Senator Dennis demanded
that he make good his promise to
support the ttr'.asure.
Senators QUI and Thomas poke
against the bill and then Moser
arose to a point of personal privi
lege in refuting the charires of trad-
s Including! jp. .,n,i bartering made by Joseph.
1 his vote up-1 -"'h(. senator knows when he
Marion Loses
One Delegate
To Multnomah
Reapportionment Bill
As Finally Passed
Cuts Valley Counties
of Members
district and stole a representative ing the bill and shut off the speech
from Sherman, Wheeler and Gil- es which several members w.-ic
llam counties and made a few other preparing to deliver. Mr. Chiuis 01
alteration.. iUnn asked that he be permitted to
One of the most vigorous oppo- write an explanation to have enwr-n-nta
f tht- hill was Renresenta-! ed in tile record, and he was ac-
who insisted that he deliver as
promised had arranged them
selves in defense of the bill and
been counted as enemies of the
Oregon election system, nut this
was three short of the two-thirds
vole necessary to pass the bill over
-the veto of Governor Olcott ah 1
its puny efforts at recuperation
from the effects of the executive
veto administered shortlv after ad
journment of the special session
were unavailing.
Attention was first publicly di
rected toward this measure last
Saturday by Senator Joseph, who
wanted to know the whereabouts of
the bill When informed by Senator
Moser that it was safe In the hands
, of the Judiciary committee Joseph
demanded that it be produced forth
with. Moser assured the senate
that the bill would be forthcoming
in due time, upon which .lost ph in
sisted upon immediate delivery of
the measure declaring that Moser
had delayed its appearing long
enough already and charging that
tne cnairmaii ot the judiciary com- had held the bill UP for Hie
purpose of trading on it in ex
change for support of other ineim
urcs. Moser refused to comply with the
demands of Joseph and the senate
upheld him in his refusal.
Jo.:eph renewed his demands
again Monday with the same re
Yesterday afternoon the hydra
headed monster dragged ils .usjilu
ous form forth from ils hilling
place in a last feeble effort to un
dermine the Oregon primary s.s
tem. A.llhotiKh it was reported out by
the senate Judiciary committee that
committee did not see fit to stand
aponsor for its debut Into polite
society and It carried no recom
mendations either favorable or un
favorable. Senator Moser, however, arose to
befriend the measure which, ho de
clared to he ar gootl one which
"ought to pass notwithstanding the
vido of the governor." This con
tingency, however, Moser doubted
asserting that sunn- of the senators
who believed in the provisions of
tin- bill would not vote for it be
Muse I hey lucked the courage of
their convictions.
The measure lie Insisted would
not deprive any person of the right
of voting as they wished wlill- al
the same time it would result in
the saving of thousands ol lull its
In election expense through simp.i
fylng the ballot system.
Moser also denied ttiat ho had
ever asked any one to vote for I he
bill excep! upon their approval of
the principles contained therein.
Seiator IMieiiiard, also a mem
ber of the Judicial') committee,
follow, d Moser in befriending the
measure although he Insisted that
if he had been allowed to use his
Judgment in the matter the bill
would not have been brought out at
this time but would have been per
mitted to sleep on undisturbed In
the bosom of the committee. There
were 1 senators who would vof.
for the bill If it could be passed.
Mberhard Instated, but he doubted
If it had that many friends under
the present adverse circumstance.
It was at this stage of the argn
nv nt that Senator Joseph found in
op.'Oitunlti to voice his sentiments
Moser declared. "I have never
asked any senator to vote for this
bill except to express his honest
convictions on the subject."
"The conduct of the senator from
Multnomah county (Joseph) fully
bears out the record he has made
in this and other legislatures."
Joseph, he Insisted had only two
ambitions in life one of which was
to raise ciin in the senate and he
turned lo the senate for confirma
tion of his opinion that Joseph had
fairly succeded in realizing this ambition,
Roll call idiowed the following
lineup on t he bill ;
Ayes --Hanks. IP-ll. Dennis. Rber
hard. Rdwards, Karrell. Mall Hare,
Moser, Noridad, Patterson, Robert
son, Smith, Staples, Upton,
No Eddy, Rills. CMH, Hume.
Jones, Joseph, Ijuchmund, L.'tFnl
lette, Nickelsen. Porter, Strayer,
Thomas, Vinton 13.
Bill Validating
Old Contracts Is
Killed In House
Senator Hell's bill. 235, designed
to legalize the claims of some 35
contract holders in the Tumalo ir
rigation project, whose contracts
were invalidated by the expiration
of the time limit prescribed by law'.
went down lo defeat when It fall. . I
to receive the required oonatltu
tlonal majority in the house Tues
day afternoon.
The representatives split evenly
on the ballot, the roll call show
ing 27 in favor and 27 opposed to
the bill.
Representative Kay led the op
position in ils fight on the floor,
declaring that the intent of the bill
was simply to reimburse holders of
worthless contracts which became
Invalidated at the expiration of the
legal time limit, July 1, 1917. The
bill sought to extend this time lim
it to January 1, 1921.
Charging that the state entlc 1
settlers into the project which Int
er proved to be a failure, Gallagher I
declared that the slate owed an ob
ligation to these settlers and that
means for them to realize on their
contracts should be provided.
In theinterest of harmony, the
reapportionment bill as passed by
the senate was adopted by the
house late Tuesday afternoon, the
house receding from the amend
ments which it made at midnight
Here are the only changes
brought about in redlatrlctina the
legislature: Two new represents
tives are gulped by eastern Oregon
and one by Multnomah county. Ir
detail they are:
Crook, Deschutes, Jefferson
Klamath and Lake counties, nov.
having two representatives, havi
Grant county, which was part of
the above large district, Is ma le a
Joint district with Harney, which
was joint w ith Malheur. Now Gram
and Harney have one representa
tive under the new law.
Malheur counts', hertofore a joint
with Harney, has one representa
tive of Its own.
Multnomah gains one representa
tive. Marion county's representation is
reduced from five to four members;
Linn county's representation is re
duced from thro to two member;
the joint district of Douglas and
Jackson is abolished.
Tillamook now joined with Yam
hill on one representative, has the
i eoresentative alone.
These are very few changes, con
sidering the trouble that the re
apportion ment issue has caused for
the last six weeks. Not a singl.'
change was made in the senate, bul
th e senators were like Artemus
Ward, willing to ,rriflce all of
their relatives In the house, and
that Is why the housr- was forced
finally to adopt the senate bill with
out a mend men t,
Senate Has Upper Ham.
It had to go the way the senatt
bill read or there would have beer
no reapportionment, when the sen
ate passed the measure it went to
the house and bobbed up near the
synching hour Monday. A storm
broke immediately. When the hem
passed the bill, it had amended it
so that It combined Curry and Jose
phine counties In one senatorial
live Kubli, who insisted that Mult
nomah was entitled to 21 repre
sentatives and that the meusur.'
submitted was unjust, unfair and
unreasonable. He intimated that
he would take the matter Into the
Kubli was supported in his con
tention by Korell and Belknap. Mr.
Pierce of Curry uttered a vehem
ent protest against linking thai
Bounty with Josephine in a sem
torlai district and about thla time
the house was full of oratory and
Conferees Arc Appointed.
After the house passed the bill as
amended, the senate refused to ac
cept the amendments. A confer
ence committee was appointed, con
sistinit of Senators Hare, DennD
and Karrell and Representatives
Burdick. Gordon and Kletcher.
corded the privilege.
Bill To Legalize
Betting on Races
Fails In Senate
it under the Jurisdiction of a com
Eleven senators voted agalns
Senator Noddy's motion to indefi
nitely postpone the bill and In sup
port Of the measure
imhI Hall. Hate
mund, Moser, Patterson, Robert
sun, Ryan. L'pton and Ritner.
I ones, Lach-
This conference committee iron
1 nut the differences to some ex
'ent and eventually brought in a
larmonious recommendation. Th.
dan of Representative Kay to take
i representative from Washington
i.nd divided this acquisition be
'ween Marion and Linn was side-
racked. This would have resulted 1 tnt. members of the board h id told
In afarlon losing only a hail r
"sen tat! ve instead of a whole rep-
Playing the ponies at the Oregon
state fair is not to be a legitimate
sport with the approval of the
state legislature. The senate last
night by a vote of 16 to 11 voien to
in.i. iiintelv nostnone Representa
tive Mul arland's bill which woulu
have legalized betting on horse
races the same to be under the con
trol of a state racing commission
of five members to be named by
the governor.
Although the bill was represent
ed as having the backing of the
state fair board who had requested
its introduction this was disputed
during the consideration of the
measure last night by Senator
tnnle w ho declared that three of
Senate Enacts
Bill Allowing
Women Jurors
If women of Oregon want to
serve on juries surw shall be their
privilege if Governor Olcott gives
his nnnroval to Mrs. Kinney's bill
lege and had to submit to a trial by
a Jury or men.
Compromise On
Bill Is Enacted
By a vote of 36 in the affirma
tive and 16 in the negative, the
house Tuesday afternoon passed
house bill 396, a compromise bill
on the Roosevelt highway. The bin
designates it as a state highway, so
that it can take the benefit of co
operative federal aid when such is
Speaker Bean took the floor of the
house to lead in the suppurt of this
measure, urging that under the
provisions of the bill it is not m
hieh passed the senate Tuesday i attt0ry on the state highway com-
'aentative as the final bill provid
"s. It would have given Linn one
half senator and two half repre
sentatives. Senator Hare objected,
at this would have left Washing
ton i more populous county, with
uily one senator and two represent
atives. Recommendation is Accepted.
The conference comimtte reported
hr recommendation that the house
recede from its amendments. Mr.
Kay took the floor and said that
While th.- bill is willed with discrep
ancies, he was willing to yield and
permit the oppositio n to take a
member from Marlon county grlva
it to Multnomah, which latter OOUn-1 tempt to convert the state fair into
ty Is entitled to more. In the in
terest of harmony, he concluded
ipponenta of reapportionment
nlaht by a vote ol 28 to iu
privilege of jury service, however,
is only optional with the members
of the gentler sex who may refuse
to serve in this capacity if they ao
choose, giving only their sex as the
reason for such refusal.
With Senator Lachmund declar
ing himself in opposition to the
hill forced to mat position
through the influence of his wife
w ho does not want to serve on jur
ies so the senator explained and
with Senator Strayer opposed to
the bill as an "assinine measure"
which would completely disrupt
the justice court practice in Ore
gon prospects for favorable action
on the bill in the senate looked
rather gloomy until Mrs. Kinney
came over from the house to de
fend her pet measure.
The women's clubs of the state
provmgl representing between 2U.UUU anil
35.000 women, everyone of them
with a vote, too, wanted the bill,
Mrs. Kinney told the members, in
timating that any senator who vot
ed against the bill would find him
self out of luck with the women
voters of his particular baliwick
when next he was a candidate for
the legislature. II had been re-
that the law
I were organ
ized to defeat the bill because they
could handle mere men on the jury
but were not able to fathom the
minds of women. She did not like
him they were opposed to the bill.
Staples declared bis unqualified
opposition to any move on the part
of the legislature which would place
the slate on record
gambling, especially at the state
fair which wn - an educational in
stitution, and should be kept free
from such contaminating influ
ences. The pure bred livestock as
sociations of Oregon, he declared,
had declared their opposition to
any games of chance at the fait.
Senator Biddy characterized the
measure as one of the most auda-1 ported, she declared
clous pieces of legislation brought i yers of the legislatu
into the senate at the present ses
sion. "It is a most cold blooded at-
a gambling den," he charged. to believe such a report) she de-
Senator Moser declared his ap-'clared, and the vote in the senate
proval of the measure "regardless! did not substantiate the suspicions.
wou'd accept the recommendation of what the other senators or the Women, Mrs. Kinney Insisted,
of the conference committee. audience thought" of his stand, had a right to a trial by a jury of
When Mr. Burdick moved that! This bill he insisted was merely an their peers when haled into court,
the house adopt the report, which ' attempt to take the crookedness Under the present system she de
it did. this was tantamount to pass- out of the racing game by placing clared, they were denied this privl-
mission to sell any bonds for the
construction of this road under i
present conditidha; that the
500.000 provided for the Roosevelt
highway is conditioned on federal
action matching this appropriation,
and that the whole effect of the act
is to put the road on the highway
map, making it mandutory on the
commission to proceed with the
making of this highway at such
lime as the government provides ns
part in the financial program.
- motor n
... ' "-.aiat. ,.
..omah delegatlr 7l
"e '"'"'finitelyn"""
"""!y report w
passeu, with tht 7.rlH
"luting the ? .""
Per cent niu
ed 'r in the b
"Hie obj,.cton to th.
who urge.d th.ii .l-Kl
I would pn
COimiv ,...., a l
the way for ., Ui
r other 7
Bill Dividing
Auto License
Fees Defeated
By overwhelming vote the hons"
Tuesday afternoon indefintcly post
poned senate bill 318, providing, j
through amendment, that at leant
25 per cent of the money collected
in Multnomah county by the Stats
J Holt, Cow,.
lis Wilson
and . I
ce lid,
Where (I Big ShJ
House Action
Authorizes Sale
Short Form Bonds,
Wlie never in the. judgment of th-
stale highway commission it will he ,
for the best interests of the state.
And will more adequately promoter
highway construction nnd conserve i
and protect highway funds, th. j
highway commission Is authorized,
by house bill passed by ne
house, to sell short term bonds
which Shall mature at a date not,
later than five cars from the date i
of sale. The commlsison, by the 1
terms of this bill, Is authorized to
pay or refuel such bond as thev
shnll mature with funds procured
from the sale of other bonds an-:
thorired under the provisions of I
the act. The short term bonds are
to bear .1 rate of interest to be de
termined and fixed by the commis
sion, but not greater than 6 pcr
cent per annum.
Your Duty
It's your duty to your
self, your family and to
your country to be as
nearly 100 per cent ef
ficient as possible.
You may be considera
bly handicapped by eye
strain without even sus
pecting it.
A thorough scientific
examination of your eyes
may prove a revelation
to you by indicating how
you can increase your ef
ficiency. Keep thinking about it.
Optical Co.
204 to 211 Bank of
Commerce Hldg.
Any Doctor Knows
that children should not drink
; and that it is harmful,in greater
or less degree to many adults.
Why then.take chances with a table bever
age which may prove definitely injurious?
The Famous Cereal Drink
Postum Cereal
has every element of a satisfactory safe table
drink. It offers pleasing aroma a snappy
coffee-like flavor, and its wholesome ingredi
ents can only make for health and comfort.
"There's a Reason"
Hade by Fbstum Cereal Co, Inc, Battle Creek, Mien.
FORD TOURING, $510.00 with starter
F. 0. B. Detroit
Buy That
Car Now
FORD ROADSTER, $465.00 with starts.!
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The only sure way to have that new car next spring is to by it NOW
you may lose much.
You gain nothing by waiting bal
Take Advantage of this Buyers Market
T? 1 rrVi-f nrntr itah An - va4- J 1 ..... 1 n . .
w jr vu mw ecu any iiiuuei you cnoose. am n you hold offa nr? n0,f kw tt, mriw mm i
no be able to get delivery. We now have on hand just now One RoadsterJMx Touring and Ismail numb
of trucks and closed models and NO MORE IN SIGHT. ounng ana a smau
When spring buyers rush in it may take months be-fore you can get your car.
Don't Be Caught Napping
ZTJZl rr f UB :uaV? a"aou wm see the conditions chamred from a sellers to a buys
MILXZJ fs I" fact the boys have alredy got out the old
-o " vajuoijiuuus 111 our sales room at. ven o nniiei,,' 1in fnr anota
in the spring advantage ot it, or you may have to buy your car on a seller's mart
Foresight Beats Hindnsight
Enjoy that car now and be sure of having it in the sprine- The in rhii ii a wire. Do
come in too late and hear us say "I told you so," But
Buy That
Car Now
FORD SEDAN, $795 with starter.
F. O. B. Detroit
FORD COUPE, $745 with sttrt
F. 0. B. Detroit
Insist on
Ford Parts