Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 22, 1921, Page Page Four, Image 4

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The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Capital Journal
Salem, Oregon
An Independent Newspaper
Published evenings except Sun
lay bv CaDltal Journal Printing
Co.. 135 South Commercial.
Telephones Circulation and
flualness, 81; Editorial, 82.
3. Putnam, Editor and Publisher
Entered as second class
matter at Salem, Oregon.
Growth of Bureaucracy f
Growth of bureaucracy in the United States since the j 1? OCAnllftt J II Off G
birth of the nation was emphasized bv Congressman Camp-; S w5t
bell of Kansas in his Washington's birthday address. He:
declared that over 690,000 civilian employes now make up!
the army that oversees and directs the affairs of the people;
and assumes guardianship over them. Among other things
he said:
Gives Man Life
Term fcr Rape
Kosoburg, Or., Feb. 22. Wm.
Harrow charged with assault with.
SUBSCRIPTION RATES n,,t I"1' object of their supervision, their solicitude or their authority. I Intent to commit rape wu sentcnc-i
By carrier. 65 cents a month. I Government agents ami Inspectors Eo merrily on. Government control l'd by Circuit Judge J. W. Hamilton
By mall, in Marion and Polk . ...... .... , ' a life term in the peniten-
ountli s, 50 cenu a month. Else- " ' o " ..r............ ... .- i tlary of the state or Oregon. Bar-1
where $7 u year, $3. 6f for 6 months ' every good. The people pay all the expenses of this complicated I row was Indicted by the grand Jury I
$1.76 for three months. Mail sub- machinery of government that has its agents looking over the shoulders of an assault on C-year-old Kuth
wrlptions payable in advance. . . . , wick ii-, imhter of Prof i.nd Mis
- , . ' I"' every business man anil directing the affairs of every cit zen. Wick, u.iugntci ot trot, ana Mi.
Advertising representatives W. as. T . jh , , . B. E. Wick. Harrow halted the
i,, jriouue mug., i ui n. rv.s a iiiatLfi ui tact, Lite army ui i'i v iiiants em uiweu in i,-i ,, htv wav home from school
-W. H. Stockwell,
Bldg., Chicago
Peoples Gas !
federal regulation is only a fraction of that employed in 'and persuaded her to accompany
member associated PRESS j state, county and city regulation. Every state legislature at ""J B;LZa":
.ivrty Jitlto thTwe for pub- i every session creates new bureaus to supervise and safe-1 was apprehended in the city late.
iication of ail news dispatches, guard trie public, while there is no county and no city with-."1 "1L a"u Kllir
-edited in this paper and also out its official bureaucracy engaged in the same pleasant
local news published herein
By Robert Qtilllen
ounty Jail admitt"i!
A writer speaks of "Debs' en
durance." He probably means in
du ranee.
In the case of
intuition; in the
It Is a hunch.
womn n,
jf a man,
When money talks for the ac
cused. It usually says its say In a
short sentence.
pastime at the taxpayers' expense
One would think from the solicitude shown in their behalf
that the American people had degenerated into a nation of
crooks and morons and that it was necessary to safeguard
the feeble-minded masses from pillage by the sharks in
every walk of life. And beside the official supervision is
added the unofficial solicitude of the uplifters, well-fare
Workers and professional charity busy-bodies.
We are no longer the self-reliant, capable, efficient, inde
pendent, God-fearing people whom Washington led to vic
tory. Whether the change is due to the growing luxury of
a pampered pleasure-seeking civilization and consequent
decay, or to the attempt to absorb the riff-raff of the world
in the national melting pot, all must admit the change. From, Mail Arrested Here
placed in the
tiis guilt.
He made no attempt to deny hh
clime upon bein nrrested in eouri
He entered a pleu of guilty and af
ter ascertaining the maximum sen
tence for the crime Judge Hamilton
pronounced life imprisonment h
the penalty for Barrow's crime.
Harrow had served a term in the
penitentiary previously. He was ar
rested in June 1920 in Portland fo.
the crime of burglary and was sen
tenced to serve two years but was
confined for only a few months.
During the past few months he has
! n living with his mother near!
Wilbur, being employed in a saw
mill there.
tax problen
Sure thing-
Whf t mire
t a study
I the
the cradle to the grave our affairs are now supervised and
regulated and despite our vast educational machine, ignor
ance of the vital and essential seems increasing.
Character cannot be manufactured by law or strengthened
by the removal of temptation. Yet we are endeavoring to do
both. In coddling, safeguarding and protecting we are
destroying resistant powers and perpetuating the unfit.
Parents are shuffling off their duties on the state, as
welfare workers relieve them of their responsibilities and
the home is breaking down. Instead of solving their own
problems, people are looking to the government for their
solution, and expecting the state to make good personal
deficiencies. Initiative is being destroyed, resourcefulness
atrophied, and stamina sapped.
We have traveled a long way since Washington's time and
entirely lost sight of Jefferson's doctrine that the best gov
ernment was the one that governed least. Every day that
douuow QOAfl itjB ih'iflmo furl har from thp iilpnls: of thp
Th,,!,. I iw, thin'- wiii-nr sine4 in I . v. - - v-.w. .
ihe fact that John Barleycorn is! founders of the republic and bureaucracy only intensifies
dea.i. He wa stillborn. conditions it is designed to correct, enfeebles the people and
When the devil was after .lob's
goat, the thought of almost every
thing except a Congress.
The tax Wilhelm pays on his
forliiin arouses thi suspicion that
Moll. mil won the war.
Tin injuction to love your neigh
bor as yourself was spoken long
before Ihe neighbor bought a
In this nge, the jewels are set
in platinum and ihe gems of
thought in platitudes.
One rnn't help wondering what
the newly-converted savage thinks
of the poison gas industry.
And Just a few years ago il was
considered a punishment to send
men from Petrograd to Siberia.
Eventually ITncle Sam will ap
proach thai wide-open town tn
Michigan &nd "ay: "Out, dump
I iiomutitiitoc If ..-lt
; " ' , i . ii-ii.
The Restless Sex
By Robert Chambers, Author of "Barbarians," "The Dark Star,"
(Copyrighted 1918 by Robert W. Chambers.)
by Sheriff Charged
With Grand Larceny
Charles Russell who, aecordin
to Sheriff O. D. Bower, is wanted I
ut Port Orchard, Wash., on a ffrftnd
larceny charge, was arrested down
town Saturday night by Deputyl
Sheriff Do Morelock and an opera-1
tive of the Burns detective agency j
and is at present held in the coun-'
ty Jail.
No details concerning Russell I
have as yet been learned by local
officers. Sheriff Bower Mid, The
prisoner will be returned to Wash
ington as soon as Port Orchard of
ficials can secure extradition pa
lters, it was stated.
T H 6 TALfc
thousand d0g!JP
howllne i t T,
A- soon"
' Coyote V
,.,ou k."a
Stmngi' I'artners
Mr. Coyote's plan for helping
him catch Ground Squirrels did
not piease Benny Badger in the
i..-..:t i'ii iii thai time he had
always, had fair luck hunting alone
And he said as much to Mr.
Coyote, in none loo friendly a
Though Benny thought he had
made his feelings plain enough, it
seemed as if Mr. Coyote couldn't
take a hint. So far was he from
guessing that he even suggested
that it might be a good idea If
he brought a half dozen of his
brothers along with him. He was
very cheerful about the whole af
(ajt was Mr. Coyote. Indeed, he
appeared quite ready to arrange
Benny Badger's business, without
.er a "By your leave," or "If you
don't mind."
But Benny Badger was no per
son to stand quietly by and
like Mr. Coyote a
After a long alienee he
"is that all you ha VI
sympathy it seems
Germany thinks she can't pay
the Indemnity. For that mailer.
sin thought she couldn't be lick
ed. Once In a while one finds n
queer old fashioned preacher who
persists in pre. idling the gospel.
In the old day II look four
rpiorlH In make a gallon, but that
was before they learned to dilute
And there are people mean
enough to wish the Government
would give all mayors ten dnys lo
leave the country.
American cities are running out
the undesirables. Immigration
figures Indicate thai (he practice
is universal.
A man who h is had experience
Willi landlords knows Ihnl the
groundhog Isn't the only one that
can't be depended on.
A British wel rerers lo the
"Juggernaut of prohibition." Well.
It's simply a question of the Utile
brown jug or not.
The pious habit of visiting those
in prison will become much more
general when the coal profiteers
get what is coming to them.
If Joseph's ce il of many colors
was anything like to make-up the
modem lounge Hoard uses, one
can t reallv blame his brothers.
suld: the very
to tell draw.
Steve, I have asked him to spend
July with us. He seemed quite
little disconcerted
"Near!;, all. . . His father died.
lift. ....... ,1IA,1 HliUu.. L.nli, '
. . . . 1.1 ,111111 11. J i i ' .- ' i.i.i
seem unrelated. Rut thev were surprised and
not. . . . And then then Os- by the invitation just as he seeni-
wald lost his money. . . Every- ed lo be when I asked him to do
tiling. . . And married him.(h lo1 a"d fountain.
. , . . There was more than I We said he would like to come
have told you. ... I think I may If he could arrange it whatever
tell thia I had better tell- you, (that may mean. So it was left
perhaps. . . Did you ever know that way.
lhat my aunt employed lawyers Don- you approve?
to investigate the matter concern-' It will be wonderful to see you
Ing the money belonging to Chll- here, moving in the gulden, stand
tern Grlsmer'S sisler, who was my ing out yonder on the lawn!
mother's mother?"
"She did. 1 have seen Mr. Grls
mer at the hospital once or twice.
He came to see my aunt in regard Sometimes when 1 am thinking of
to the Investigation. . . . The last i you and I think of practically
time he came, my . mint was ill, j nothing else! I seem to see you
threatened with pneumonia. I , as you were when Inst here a
saw him passing though the girl in ribbons and while, dancing
grounds. Ho looked frightfully , over the lawn with her chestnut
haggard and 111. He came out
of the infirmary where my uuot
was, in about all hour, and walked
Steve, herself, in her own actual
and matchless person! Steve in
the flesh, here under the green
old trees of Runner's Rest. . . .
Just Folks
By i:iG R A. QUEST
Slowly down the gravel path as
tbouith be were in a daze
He died shortly afierward. . . .
And then my aunt died. . . . And
Oswald lost his money, . . . And
I married him."
"Is that all you can tell me?"
After a silence she looked up,
her lip quivering:
"All except this," And she put
her arms around bis neck and
dropped her head on bis breast.
Chapter xi
In reply to a letter of hers,
delated wrote to Stephanie Ihe
middle of June from Runner's
Rest in the Terkshlres:
Home Ha sates
I peed the sight of a frier
To cure 1-mglng that
ih spire
The aid-familiar maple tree.
The curling sim ke of a cheerful
The little street of my heart's de
sire. There are merry eyi s that I
koon must m e.
I must tak. the children upon
my knee.
V t. Use ' ' 1
Or wire.
Oh. the wand
of smiles
Of men ar. 1 women who come
end go.
by the mall
sicken In time
Steve, Dear:
The place Is charming and every
thing Is ready for you and Helen
j whenever you care to come. I had
the pare take's wife and daughters
here for several days' scrubbing
and Cleaning woodwork, windows
Pd floors. They're put a vacuum
cleaner on seey tiling else and the
house shines!
As for the new servants, they
seem the usual sort, unappreoiat
Ive. sure to quarrel among them-
si Ives, fairly efficient. Incapable
ot gratitude, and likely to leave
yen i:i the lurch if the whim seines
thei- They've all come to me
with complaints of various sorts.
Tlie average servant detests clean,
fresh quarters In the country and
Utterly misses the smelly and oily
SnimatiOa of the metropolitan
Ml this BP pretentious old place
Is very beautiful. Steve. You
h uen't been hero since you were
a girl, and it will he a surprise to
roe to find how really lovely are
this plain old house and simple
0 ild has made several sketch
es of the grounds, and is making
others for the pool and fountain.
II- is anything but melancholy:
he strolls about quite happily with
the eternal cigarette in his mouth
i.d an enormous rosescenter
white peony In his geittoa gailli.
jand it. the evening ne and I light
! S f i in .tiA III -w-
I" ".' mi iii 1 1 1 1 1 Of fl -
l,v nil, or or Discuss men
Judc, Noble of 15. and costs. Tie f Zt
sheriff raided the Riws idsce which you are so conscious. 1
shout Kehruiry .. hut did net ap- -. 'f ., .rc. e There seems
prrh. n l Hi ... i. : . i! 1. Id . v. when I- . deep within him. an Inex
he found In Port'niul. IpllpaMc quality which appeals
I something latent, indefinable
JOl'RNAL WANT ADS PAT ome;hirg that you suspect to be
Jo' HN!. WAVT Anp P fwtatftt! ei which Is too sensitive
.' ' I RNAL W ANT ADS PAY too s :f distrustful to respond
hair flying; or down by the river
at Ihe foot of the lawn, wading
hare-togged. fussing and poking
shout among Ihe stones: or lying
fulMePgth OP 'lie grass under the
trees, reading "Quentin Durward"
do you remember? And I used
to take you trout-fishing to that
Mysterious Dunbar Brook up in
the forest, where the rush of ice
cold waters and the spray cloud
ing the huge round bowlders al
ways awed you and made you the
slightest bit uneasy.
And do you remember the brown
pools behind those bowlders,
where you cautiously dropped your
line: and the sudden scurry of n
clack shadow In the pool the
swift tug, the Jerk ami spatter as
Sou fung a speckled trout sky
ward in mingled Joy and conster-natlop
Jail at Roseburg
To Be Improved
ROSeburg, Or., Feb. 22. Plans
for Ihe improvement of the county
Jail at a nominal expense will be
proposed lo the county court by
Sheriff Sam Starmer. At the pres
ent time the jail Is in fearfully bud
condition, dark, unsanitary, dirty
and poorly ventilated, and has been
condemned by practically even
grand jury for the past ten years.
All the light that reaches the cage
where the prisoners are kept, comes
from three small, heavily barfed
windows, about eight feet from the
floor, and from one old style car
bon light hung outside of the civ
There filters into ne main cell
enough light to enable one to dis
tinguish large objects and that; is
all. To write a letter or read in the
cell is impossible without a severe
eyestrain. As a consequence it is
Impossible to keep the jail clean
and for an officer to go Into the
cell is a great risk, ns he" is unable
to see the occupants after going
in from the outdoors. An offices
scarcely ever goes Into the Jail un
less accompanied by another person
Joseph delights In the unusual as
ia offers this lovely variant of the
Jirectoiregown. It is of gray crepe
Je chine baund in rose crepe. Heavy
embroidery on the sash ends. Filet
of cream lace and net. The hat is oi
gray taffeta and straw. Bunch ol
roses in front held in place by FreneJ
blue ribbon.
I I !
.! I
whole life. He shook his head in
a most obstinate fashion, givinc
his visitor fair warning not to go
too far.
I "For goodness' sake, don't bring
, any of your brothers here!" Ben
,iy IBadiger shouted. "I never
I could stand a crow of your rela
tions. It's bad enough to hate to
I listen to your six brothers when
I they're half a mile away."
Mr. Coyote took no offence at
that remark.
"Very well!" he reulled. "No
doubt they'll want to sing if they
came here to help you. And
certainly their singing would inter
fere with your digging for of
course you'd want to stop and
listen to It."
Benny Badger's only comment
sounded somewhat like "Humph!'"
Hut Mr. Coyote must have thought
that Benny agreed with him. At
least, he nodded his head. And
he went on to say that he mrnM
be glad In help Benny alone, with i
out calling on his brothers.
Benny Badger made no further
objection. To he sure, having one
of the Coyote family with him
every night would be bad enough.
But it was so much better than
having seven of them that he be
gan to feel almost pleased. Per
haps be was lucky, after all! And
besides, he thought that when Mr.
Coyote came to help him catch
Ground Squirrels that good-for
nothing scamp would soon tire of
m-v six h' e m
'o have
that I'd
-mile iSi?!
'I'lj VSJ
''-'"urrow nigh, "3
Antl tne next'- 1
gone. 1 "HpJ
lie . 11
moonlit I.? "WeJ
loui as th. j: '
I "Mr c,"
'bro och? has 4
Knocks j
i Chest
Hustuiat rv. .
Begy's 1
yoyii tow "C"
result producer tht ! PI
quer the l,1,,!h1 , 9
equal tiso of &t7&
in u yellow Vi.' K.J
throat or aur EXSELl
tlon, he eure and rah ir"
the Ouinko.i S.i-1?.."
- i .iU alU(t
Dntilol T m
rrycan ad
ieniry BaJger stood and watched hin
12 lopid off across thL moonlit rlai'
Oregon Products
Are Gaining Hold
In South, Report
Kugene. Or.. Keb. 22. uregor.
products are gradually gaining a
foothold in California, according to
J. O. Holt, manager of the Kugene
Kruit Q roWers association and salss
manager of the Oregon Co-operative
Growers, who has just returned
from a business trip to thai s"tate.
Orcgcm canned vegetables, es
pecially beets and string beans
Backed at the Kugene plant, have
beep sold in large tpiantities in Cats
j iforuia, during the past year or
two says Air. Holt, and some Ore
gon prunes are being sold in that
Ml. Holt says that while at San
.lose, he observed that the growers
there are packing their dried
prunes in fancy cartons that seem
to take well with the buying pub
ami ue iniimaieu mat tne Oregon
growers could emulate the example
of the Calif Om as growers in mak
ing thie,- product more attractive
to the eye.
And though he
roses grow.
Hi heart goes tr
To the little pl ee
ones wait
And he yearn- fi
humble g itc
.ilk where rich
voting hack the
is loved
at his
Itonso Coats Owner SM
Oregon City. Ore.. Fob 25 John
Rose, of the Kstacads county, who
Was arrested by Sheriff Wilson for
place, was issessed
"r.rrland Hen Must
: Take Back Nest ::
Salem Eggs Larger
K t'lythintj but thr hen and its
MM were ftirnuhil Th" UApUal
Journut by Walter 11 Smith, routo
.T. this I mi I nlll(. to suhstiniLuo hl
;innoi!iii'i mi-nt that one f his fowls
haw entirely outdone Poi tiimV
"Susie," who received ponwi publ'o
it sterda in-e:iuse h Kil l two
KK-S reputed to 7U in his In clr
eumLrieiiet the long Wy and
inches the other ai.d te v"i;h five
onnrt s.
Suie."' of Portland, i usr take
a seat in one of the h iek AMt Mi.
Smith's fowl has furoisl eil tv
t'lOfs. which measuiv I ; - 4 inches
the to uk w i and ii i-S th - oil. or
Hitd which wiith TS jum".
Oregon City Girl
Left Voluntarily
Is Recent Theory
Oregon City. Or.. Feb. 22 At a
sMclat meeting of the Oregon Ctlvj
council ordinances pertaining to!
taxilu; riuto delivery wagons from
Pprttand ami other towns which de
liver coods in this cits', were dis
cussed and drawn up for first
readmit Two important ordinances
MfecUng oeAeldsi tiusuui ineorpor
ati IPging bread wagons .io per
aesatl which datives Portland
bread to the merchants here; and
a fli) tax on wholesale delivery)
wagoPS ,1 laering products in Ore-) City from out of town These I
Pldlnggu i'0 will come up for final
i. i.ii i Bad juieange at the nest
regular meeting of the council.
erheeh tikes plac- on tWdnestlavi
evening. March 2.
Sunday Service
For Aurora Phone
Patrons In Doubt
Aurora. Or., Feb. 22. As n re
sult of the hearing in Aurora some
time ago by the public service com
mission the Aurora Mutual Tele
phone company has been granted
the right to increase the rates and
the increased rates is riow in effect.
Patrons will be billed according to
the new rate this month. The board
of. directors, at a recent meeting.
elected the following officers: John
Murray, president; A. 1). Yergen.
vice-president, and N. C. cstcott, '
secretary and treasurer.
In Its order the commission
raised the rate for party residence !
phone to $1.75 per month. The
company had intended to allow 25
cents per month for prompt pay
ment, but the commission refused '
to grant this offer stating that $1 .50 I
rate is Inadequate. Neither does
the cemmissiou permit Sunday sen
ice and service during holidays, at
the rate given. Unless some change
has been made there will no Sun
day service in the future. The com,
pany. however, will make an effort
to retsore the Sunday anil bolidav
service for the convenience of the
patrons, but only a day service will
be permitted under the present rale
I Starts Today
Telephone Company
Won't Reduce Force
Replying to the request of the
public service commission that no
action be takent oward a reduction
of their working force before
March I. by which time It is ex
pected that the BOSS rate or ter nrfl
have been handed down, 'he Paci
fic Telephone & Telegram company
in a letter received by the commis
sion mis morning give assurance
that the wishes of the comnP sinn
in this matter will be respect 1 slid
in. 11 no i 1111 1 oisposillon of its
rorces will be made until before
Kebruary 18.
(letting only one bid for stieet
patrlesj at Dallas, and that con
sidered too high, 'It Is possible the
project will be entirely abandoned
this year.
M. Blaschke suffered a stroke of
paralysis a few days ago and is now
in ine aaiem nospital receiving
treatment. He has been failing i
health for some time.
V. B, Truman, representing th
war risk bureau, was in the city
several days last week on bustnes
in collection with the bureau.
K. J. Snyder, who has been i;
Hanks in charge of the Watt hard
ware store for some time, lias
turned to his home in this city.
.Jlis. Kei r and son. .lack.
are here from Seaside visiting at
the Khleii home.
Mrs. Jack Vandeleur and chil
dren have returned from an ex
tended visit in Tillamook.
i. oioper or uorre-. was
shopipng in the city and visiting
among triends a few days last
Mrs. Orundhind ol" Oregon City
mis neen visiting friends in Aurora
for a few days.
1 M
Sage UUlk for INFANTS Jim
ForInfanta,InvalllBndOrowlncChildran I Rich Mill.. MalteoOnln
The Original Food-Drink For AUAges fto CooUlMr-Jllol
General Bankinb Busin
Office Hours from 10a.m.ioM
c.eorge Carls, a young man of
noseburg. left that town for the
hills with a prospecting nam
about five months ago and has not
been heard from since.
Start The Day
Right by eating
food that will not
clog digestion.
is ideal for breakfast
Hall of real sustain
ing nourishment and
easily digestible.
"77iere's a Reason"
for Grape-Nuts
tells a
story c
Hjseps a secret
Outwit the passing vears' Re
store the natural color. life and
luster to your gray and faded
hair in a manner nature ap
proToe. with CoLo a scientific
process perfected bv Prof. John
H. Austin of Chicago, over 40
jears a nair and scalp specialist.
Secrets of Co-Lo Success
m00'1", ' 8 wonderful liquid.
Clear, odorless, greaseless. Withoul
&S sulphur. Without sediment
t ill not wash or rub off. Will not
injure hair or scalp. Pleasing an. I
simple to apply Cannot b.- detect
I,ke.,?,r,"n!ir' hir tints and
JEaf W J11 not ''ause balr to
spilt or break off
Oo-U Hair Restorer for even
natural shade of hair-A. f-
A. TOT et bUck hal 11 r
dium brown shades: A9, 'for' li.-;--brown,
drab and auburn shades
SIJ lj All Dntgati
Seeal for Trial Bottle of Co-Lo
to Prose It. Worth
15 cents for an t
packing. Wrtte todi,' BC ina
151 --Willsi.U Asla,Cal
There Is The Utmost Charm In The Serjj
and Tricotine
Of This Spring's Fashioning
There is an air of jaunty youth about them that M
,captivate's your fancy. The straight, slender lines hii
o4- :., u ii. i icrnriuiY
hi cue late winter iasnions nave uecn uco
ized in the sprine desip-ns. While navy is the predw11
inc Sharif aevoml lntralv rlressps arp to be 1" 1
tans and greys. And just about the material! Itj
the very highest grade and promises to give we
satisfaction. The workmanship on these aressra.
of recognized worth. They range in price ironi
$12.48 T0 $48.75
.. u n enntinn to an ssso
c nuuiu can your pwea.i ..iivioi"-
of these dresses that we have gathered into one v
and which we quote at the very reasonable price
-u -m m arts sssssm v y u u mur.
M - e A
ihe "Pay As You Go" plan has already
good in Salem.
It has been the mean "f ...
. . .... , .n'gV W""
growing bank accounts it nas aone
annoyinp: monthlv bills and. most of all.
many women the ease with which they can
their income.