Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 18, 1921, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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    , ,-. I Ji- I J L
I, ti l UfW
... insertions, n.
6 cents;
a; ,a- one ir.un
,.nr Ot'l " '
lie , ad. 25 cents.
U""! h in advance,
W f" r phone, uless
monthly account.
for iihone errors
K&fnd growth dry
High St.
nrk tor
ran vjL-
. -jj.i.
Some nyaia
phono " 43
,. and heating
,,eT:ll.ll illl'l
feather pillows for
I'nnne v
r, si earn
, bowekeepl
. 43
iv fresh Mar.
weeks old;
IF2B. c4S
. J hrifer C.H
Umli Willi
nil 4 f. "H
ntfty. Prompt
H Tracy w oon uo.
Vuuns team with
lALE -
n,l light wagon, or
for Ford. 2230 N. 4th.
(ALE-"""-' r
piiinp pen,
1 reesifi , o 1,1 ,,.-
,! I mile out.
.,,( Bnd hi on display
, tl'hlt..M feed slore
fMilnrv. plume .urn . in.
m:i 1 ll';i, Willi 1111-
.. (H e I'M lilUIBK
Will paj easii. .,co.
311; Si, ile St. I
SALE Or trade '4 acres 2
east, foou inipruveiiirnw.
L i.ike S"i'11 nouse in chmchi.
Thoinuson. .en uum
lAtE Nearu
light farm harness. D. R
Phone 701 Id.
., not
D. R.
SHI .'lea"..
1300 to I'"" IDI
HU 10 years old.
H Rt. 9, oox 82A,
E . . d?.
DUt Logan berry tips, an
& ., t I ilc 'r.
. ., , 1.. II C Rt
of calls
with me
for I
n sirt'i
UL tKrk Lin iner snnttie'bl
UB vtlt " " II F'
I'. Houeer, Rt. 3.
st of Liberty, 1 V4
Riverside drive on
mil nun i mis. also sri -
EflBfoeM, prices rwiwifl'
F I V.....H... ... r.TiB a.,t..
I rutin house. 43
"cdils and ends" also sev-
larieiiis. prices reason-
e v V...-..U. .. . hi ..
ni hum ei ten dollars
ti:s liaailll - n nl ,,r fne in-
I lllll , 1,1 1.. i . : i 1 i P 1 ' rj I'll 1 s , house nr
Phor.e 1919, 144
OTAKTEl: I'.I.III'K' laweot-
rairmiitnii lull. rnce
III 171,11 .1.,,,., I...I AO,,.,
Fsr at h percent interest,
fi. Ombenhorsi k Co., 276
ISTMt. :i44
ULE CI I v room hous?
href li.t fl ....
, ,, ,, ' ine ea si i,.t , i
wn. Price $1 i cash. W.
Mudiont tv ("e., 7.", State
ItKT S rears en R mm
A-l fOr heri'lea r,r on,kU,W
. . wt, will i raue
, . .... M i,ei i m.-iius
. ... i , , l I l ... I ,1V , e;l
Journal 4"
Uriff- file r,,om I,,..
M blAflt ,,ff i. , ',
"uili Siilimi Price $4750
Also s ... ,,,,,, , ,
"'I in j anil with Sinn.
II U PC It' , .
. ii. i.ruoennorst ft
Stat, si. ;.j4t
mar Tore 1920 mod
"n'l' has had good
P "r - shock absorh
.' i .!.- nheel. foot
m BMttnmi 1 1 !. dash light,
e-e . would consider
IWlate model Dndirr, tnnr.
Cettage si 43
t rn.,1,, h,.., oil
1 toilet. Electric
Miient. earage. lot Sxtl3
, loo,...l :.. . . .
half 1 , " ti Maleni
" ' ''leek fi ,., -
'' "2 ash Inlniuw
interest. VV
m . c.
U I I - I ' I
- .-. u, i.-smh.
P7. fLl work.' No o-
1 1 nnv on
IOST Ladles Mack leather purse
containing pair of glasses, check
for $5 and 4 $5 bills, lost be
tween Saginaw street and court
house. $5 reward it returned to
t Ypital .1 . II 111-1 1 . 4 j
j.oorc A good Investment, i good
4 room modern houses, renting
for $ a 0 per month, with 4 nice
lots; only 2GO0 for both, part
cash. Geo. Thomason, 33 H4
State street. ...
H want some listings ,jf houses;
in south Salem, also small im
proved tracts. Have a buyer for
a small house on easy terms, i
Geo. Thomasoit, 331 14 State St
I .
LOST In men's lavatory Marion
hotel, one black dial silver wrlat
watch with silver strap, Binder
return to Mr. Hunlock. Marion
hotel. Liberal reward and no
questions asked. 43
RBDIMADB houses; garages built
in four foot Motions. Easy tu
erect. Saving 20 to 30 percent.
Garages $59 and up. nouses
$200 to $700. Call and see plans,
or write for catalogue. Alladin
Ready Cut homes, stores, barns.
40 to 70 percent discount from
last year's prices. Will help you
figure with plans and estimates
for construction. Save 30 per
cent on labor, 18 percent on
waste. 'Complete drawings fin
office. If desired will call upon
you. Chas. F. Smith. 400 Oregon
bids. a
For Sale Houses
FOR SALE Modern 5 room bun
galow just completed at 1050
Broadway, Price $4000, reason
able terms, inquire 1195 N.
Liberty. a47
GOOD 4 room house close to school
and paved street. Price $1000.
Magee, room 29. corner State
ond Com. over Buslck's, a
WANTED Small furnished mod
ern house or nicely furnished
apartment for adults. Must be
close In. Address House care
Capital Journal. 145
A NEW 4 room bungalow, 1 block
of pavemei.t, good location. $1,
000, 2 cash. Putnam & McLar
en, room 21, 180 N. Commer
cial, a
FOR SALE 7 room plastered
house, garage, 1 iot. Price $2300
$800 cash, balance $20 per
month. Hart & Muller, 208 Ore
gon bldg. n
house, large rooms, good condi
tion, city water, good well, close
to car line, depot, store, school,
sewer connections; worth every
dollar asked. Price $1000 cash.
Brown, over Busick's, corner
State and Commercial. a
For Sale Farms
FOR BALE By owner, 38 acres.
16 acres in fruit, small house, 0
miles out. 2274 N. Church. b44
FOR SALE 10 aires, good build
ings, prunes, loganberries, other
fruit, terms; consider Salem
property or small acreage, close
In, 700 N. High St. b44
FOR S-LE 034 acre grain farm
all tillable land. $25,000; Currla
county, Idaho, 8 miles from rail
road station, good well, windmill
and buildings for sale or trade
for small farm. Box 102, Mc
Minnville, Or., b67
FOR SALE 53 acres y, mile
west of Aumsvllle, Or., stock
ami machinery. Write for terms
Henry Fennel!', Aumsvllle, Or.
Till-: best 5 acre tract buy around
Sulem. only $3200, $600 down,
balance long time. 5 room houso
barn, poultry plant, .good orch
ard. 1 acre of berries, balance
garden and . qlover. Putnam &
McLaren, room 21 over Peoples
cash store, 180 N. Commercial.
190 ACRES of timber, 7 miles
from Salem on paved road, will
cut 15.000 cords of wood. Price
$S5 per acre, good terms. 14 lots
between Court and Chetneketa
streets, on 24th and 23rd sts.,
$350 to $450 each. Laflar & Laf
lar, 40C-7 Oregon bldg., Salem,
Or. b
FOR TRADE 5 ai res 3 miles east
for house, want good lot close
in, must be cheap for cash. List
your property with us for quick
sales, tleo. Thomason, 331 M State
street. 143
TRADE for city property or im
proved tract, 60 acres joining
city limits. Good $8000 farm
mortgage trade for Salem prop
erty. Geo. Thomason, 33H4
Slate street. t43"
FOR SALE By owner improved
Willamette valley ranch, 140
acres at St. Paul, Or., 25 miles
from Portland. Address owner,
Mia Conner, 207 Tudor Arms
opts., Portland, Or. i44
40 ACRE farm close to Salem and
Pacific highway, 1 acre of or
chard, 3 acres strawberries, 10
acres clover. 15 acres of wheat,
balance ready for crop. Fine set
of buildings, stock and equip
ment. A profitable farm as well
as fine home. Price $14,000.
Putnam & McLaren, room 21,
180 N. Copimercial. n
21 ACRES. 4 acres of loganberries,
6 acres of peaches, 2 acres
prunes, about 300 new prunes,
balance oats and vetch; 4 room
bungalow, barn, garage, well
and running water, only 2 miles
from Salem. Price $9000. Stock
and equipment. Putnam & Mc -
LA rea, room -1 ui" rwrw
cash store.
A FINE 10 acre tract, close in on
paved street, all set to logans
.. .1 . 1 7 room house
and barn." Price $8500. terms. I
See Laflar Lnflar, 406-7 Ore-
gon bldg.. Salem, Or. b
nes It's Very Discouraging to Be An Inventor.
iOCr- awe
All AT
1 CRr2.7 :
lff BvR6i - rfc
Id. v ii - if lSWi ! J l I ,-3 vl N
JrSale Farms
5 RESv.Clae t0 C"y- gOOd SIX
uuuse, nam, chicken
IT saruge, good soil and
ui uiTO oi iruit; horse, cow
chickens and equipment $4200
muuui : mcivaren, room 21
"vi t-eupies cash store.
u ACRES of the verv host of ,.i
er bottom, most all in cultivation
small amount of timber, good
house, barn and outbuildings,
close to school, stores T? n
station and hard rock road, not
iar irom saiem. J4200, terms
Putnam & McLaren, room 21
over peoples cash store. n
For Sale Miscellaneous
WHITE Rock eggs for hatching
Phone 17 5 4J. f46
FOR SALE A barn, reasonable.
Call 410 Rural ave, Salem, Or
NEW Royal sewing machine, drop
head, folding cabinet. Phones
li-'Ll, 14So. c44
1'OR SALE One anvil, forge,
oenows. stock and dies, tweez
ers irons, ram and small tools.
S0J .. Liberty St. W. Fennel.
APPLES delivered. Phone 4F2.
FOR SALE Christie brooder
large size, good as new. Phone
631 J. f43
FOR SALE Partridge Wyandotte
cockerels. M. A. Vandenburg,
Rt. 2, Salem, Or. f4G
FOR SALE Cream senarator
A-l condition. Bargain. Phone
TEAM, wagon, harness, plow, com
liieie ouuic, A-l condition, true
pullers, gentle every way, wt.
2900: trial allowed. Low price.
See owner, big rea barn, 420 S.
Commercial St. e43
1' OK SALE Treblas, inspected,
iree or root weevil, $5 per 1000,
you dig them. John Bailey, Rt.
9, box 55. dGO
BALED clover for sale. Rt. 7, box
137. Phone 39F5. c44
FOR SALE No. 1 mower and
buneher, 1 corn planter, 1 pair
wood ladders. Phone 1959. c44
FOR SALE Surrey and set driv
ing harness, nearly new. Route
5, box 144. c43
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE 1 Hosier kitchen
cabinet, 1 new bed, cook stove,
heating stove, chairs, leather
rocker, linoleum, dining table,
rug. 1370 N. Church. c43
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE 1 Ford touring car
cheap. Marion Auto Co., 235 S.
Com'l St. Phone 362. g44
TO Chevrolet buyer, I have a cred
it order on new Chevrolet car
for $500 that I will sell at liber
al discount. O S care Capital
Journal. q44
FOR SALE Several matched
teams ranging from 2650 to
3200 lbs., ages from 5 to 9 years
old, these horses are good
workers and blocky and in good
shape. Club stables. e45
USED cars for sale. Phone 380,
185 S. Com'l. q
For Sale Livestock
FOR SALE A-l young black team,
5 and 6 years, weight 2600, with
good, heavy harness. Price $300.
Team guaranteed sound, true
and gentle; positively no dealer.
Phone 1140R, 1312 State St. c47
HORSES for sale privately; hav
ing moved to town must sell 5
head young, well broke, heavy
boned chunks. At Salem Feed
barn across from Oregon Elec
tric. e44
HOI', orchard men and farmers.
Ten good young chunky teams
some single horses. 1900 pound
brood mare with foal, cheap; all
must be sold, no reasonable of
fer refused. Old Salem Horse
exchange, V.. S. Garage, 654
Ferry. e44
FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow, 1 Dur
ham cow. 679 N. 16th St. e43
FOR SALE Young cow, will be
fresh in few days. Phone 76F6.
No. 1 cows for sale. Call 1959.
FOR SALE 4 foot wood.
4 YEAR old mare and horse, per
fectly gentle, blocky built, heavy
boned, kind, weight 2600; also
harness. No use for same; will
explain more. Inquire at 420 S.
Commercial St. e43
For Sale Wood
TRY' 1565M for wood.
WOOD for sale. No. 1 second
growth fir wood, 4 ft. or sawed,
old fir 16-inch, mixed hard wood,
oak and ash. Empey Trans, and
Fuel Co., 2 54 S. Liberty St. Phone
998. ee47
FOR SALE For your 16 inch old
pitchy fir phone 1727. ee46
FOR SALE Dry fir wood 4 foot
length. Phone 1756. Call any
day but Satu rday. ee4 3
FOR SALE For your 16 inch old
pitchy fir, phone 1798. ee46
FOR SALE 16 inch and 4
second growth and 4 ft. oak.
Prompt delivery. Fred E. Wells,
305 S. CTlurch, phone 1542. ee
mil 1 it and lt incn wood. Phone
1S7&W. ee361
j. - ort rtENT Sleep
1115 room,
FOR RENT Large furnished
room with kitchenette, corner
Chemeketa and Liberty. j44
n.t sleenln
room for rent. 639 Center, call I
between 2 and 4. J43
T TOUT "fco
- p,?coF !
WiTHOu v
! ALL'. AT UIW ! icuR LOCK -VI MJUJ ONLY VCO 11 r, 7 , I TTorrVl A i HAC BuRGl' VL
.... x,, ftO-P&COF i ....retouT A J ,jT VeviltLt ' I LCMd n r V f,
J Mf BVar-rw. i T 11. ,u ' r -r. ,-ar-J T" r I f"
, ' S KEf HCLC . ,, .o 4iir THAT BUflL- 1 '
The Capital Journal,
FOR RENT A good farm all
equipped. Putnam & McLaren,
room 2, 180 N. Commercial, j
E'L'RNISHED rooms for business
men one block from P O. Phone
358. i
Lost and Found
LOST Gold sorority pin with
name Hazel C. Fishwood en
graved on back. Reward for re
turn to 575 Court St. k43
PARTY who stole gold Eversharp
pencil with ribbon, off of show
case at Patton's book store is
known. Return by mail and no
questions asked. k43
TRADE Eugene for Salem.' six
room bungalow, lots of built ins,
own water system, 3 lots, large
barn, one block to car line, fine
view. H. E. Brown, over Busicks
store. State and Commercial, a'
We have a listing of high class
properties for sale. You can buy
through our office, small acre
age, homes or large farms with
good improvements showing good
income, priced right. Our house
list is good. Many are good in
vestments, also some select fa
cant lots close in. We solicit
your inquiry and will be pleas
ed to take you out in one of our
cars and show you what we
have without obligation on your
part. Satisfaction to you. is our
motto. Arthur E. Petersen, 229
Oregon building. n44
FOR carpenter or any kind of
work, call 1959. mlfi
RADIATORS and fenders repair
ed, all work guaranteed. 805 N.
Liberty St. q44
TO TRADE 5 2 enrrla nf wnnrl nnd
4-40 Auburn car, in good condi
tion, for sheep. 2195 State St.
PLUMBING and repairing done
reasonable. Phone 287W. m66
WOULD like to contract to cut
cord wood or white fir. Phono
1534.T. h43
desire to build a new home or
repair the old one and need
money, please call on us imme
diately, we can help you. Laf
lar & Laflar, 406-7 Oregon
bldg., Salem, Or. m64
G. T. WHITE, dentist, 408 Oregon
bldg. m62
FOR carpenter work phone 806M
WE will pay you more cash for
your household goods. Get our
bid before you selU People's
Furniture and Hardware etore,
271 N. Commercial street. Phone
and refuse of all kinds removed
by the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phone 167,
night phone 1680R, R. O. Cum
mins, Mgr. m
ORDER your awning from Dill-
man, 2011 Maple ave. c58
MISS GOODHUE will take orders
for "Better Sox Mills hosiery.
Call 251 S. 17th St. or phone
741M. c59
FRUITLAND Nursery lias sales
yard corner High and Ferry St.
Special price on Italian prunes,
thousand lots. Please call and
see my stock. Phone 1140M, Sa
lem, Or., 161 S. 14th St. d53
WOOD buyers and shippers, Bock
& McDonough, 542 State St.
phone 807J, list your wood with
us. Carload shipments a spe
clalty. M
WE have some good farm irnm
gages to sell. Hawkins & Rob
erts, 205 Oregon bldg. Salem.
PRIVATE maternity hospital.
Phone 1959. mS3
storage and fuel. Phone 930. m
PLUMBING, repairing and eoil
work a specialty, reasonable
charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop
foot of Union St. Phone 1517J.
m 62
TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co.,
country trips, moving. wooa
for sale. Good service. Stand
271 North Commercial. Phone
Wanted Help
WANTED Girl for dining room
and tray work at v tllamette
sanatorium, apply forenoons, 764
Ferry St. 43
WANTED Young girl for light
housework, no washing. Apply
forenoons. 754 Ferry. g43
w anted Miscellaneous
WAXTED Ironing by the hour.
BhAiu 940. OH
WANTED To purchase modem
or 6 room house, uox n.
WANTED -Wood cutters. Phone
23F13. B
WANTED To rent by March 1st
modern u room iutiuiihu uuuoc
or down stairs apartment. Must
be nicely furnished and conven
ient. Address box H G care Cap
ital Journal
WA NT ED Carpenter work,
kind. Phone matiu.
nlastered house, sleep
ing porch, east front on pavement,
car line, li block to store and close
i, ., ,,,1 A beautiful home. Price
foi a few days $2650, V, cash.
20 acres timber, iuuu corns 01
wood, $2650.
Tic vnnr nronertv with Sawyer
& Emmett for quick results.
3 11 State street. n43
JOUBKAIi want An pav
rfCSBT I've
got A ;ey Ho-e
roojj o.vlv You
caw'T see
exposes x
Salem, Oregon
One a 100 acre highly improv
ed and In crop at $150, near rail
road and town.
another 4J acre, food build
ings, .-a cultivated at $4300, easv
.t-8 arre on Paved highway,
o-ou and a 34 acre at $150. All
Boon places.
ji st noon nttve
An attractive '. , -
In good location, for $3500. with
suiiie terms.
A new 5 room, strictly modern
bungalow, with latest style fire
place, beamed ceilings, full ce
ment basement, cement sidewalks
5 room plastered cottage, with
lights, water and b-ath, for $2100
on terms.
Cheap 7 room house. 824 foot
wont lot, fruit. walnuts and
grapes, 'Jioo. with $300 cush, bal
ance monthly.
8 room plastered house. citv
water and drilled well, electric
lights; large barn in fine condition,
lot 90x137 feet; near school and
carline. Price $2625, with $1350
at j.aU monthly, including in
terest. 8 room plastered house, electric
lights throughout; 84x150 feet lot;
abundance nf frnii f'KSn
terms. .
rt. ucaiiuiui sirietiy nionern six
room home, on paved street and
cur line, $6250 with $1000 cash,
balance monthly at six nereenl.
This place is convenient to the
state nouse and Willamette uni
versity. We have a number of good
places to exchange, among them
a 160 acre stock ranch in Coos
county, for a small house and two
or three lots in Salem.
W. A. LISTON, Agent
484 Court street. n45
Fine 90 acre farm on paved high
way near Corvallis and close to
electric station. 75 acres under cul
tivatlon and balance In pasture.
Excellent soil and mostly woven
wire fencing. Old house and good
barn. Good spring on this place.
Price $15,000; will accept good
residence property as part pay
ment or will trade for stock of
100 acre dairy near the coast;
about 15 acres cultivated and 20
acres tide flat. Good 5 room house,
large barn, chicken house, etc. In
cluded with the place are 8 cows,
2 horses, about 100 chickens, 25
ducks, plows, cultivators and other
implements. Price for everything.
$10,000; very best of terms or will
accept Salem residence property
as part payment.
An ideal farm home with ex
cellent modern improvements on
west side Pacific highway about
lti miles from Corvallis. 150 acres
of fine land and practically all
under cultivation. Considerable
clover and about 30 acres in fall
wheat. Completely stocked and
equipped in first class shape. See
us for complete details. Pric; for
everything, $28,000; terms. Will
accept Salem residence property
or good small rract as part pay
ment. If you waul a place tbat is
completely stocked ttnd equipped
and that is first clais in ail .1
spects, this will suit you.
We have a good list of trades
for nearly all kinds of property,
and we are want'.nij more af thorn.
469 State St. Ground floor. n
96 acres, 90 cultivated, good
dairy barn, silo, house, water
system, fine dairy herd, all ma
chinery, horses and Implements;
$27,000. This close to Salem and
worth investigating.
50 acres, all cultivated, new
house, barn and silo, will be on
paved road, can be irrigated, close
to school and creamery, $6300.
31 acres, all cultivated, house,
barn, 6 acres logans, all bottom
land; $8200.
35 acres, 30 cultivated, 5 timber,
8 bearing prunes, 2 mixed orch
ard, 1 logans, on Pacific high
way, close to Salem, $13,000.
20 acres good second growth
timber, close to Salem, on rock
road, $3200; contains about 1500
cords of stumpage.
10 acres, all timber, on rock
road; one mile from shipping sta
tion, $1200, $400 cash, balance 6
6 rooms, modern, large lot, gar
age, wood shed, $2750, easy terms.
6 rooms, all furniture, chickens,
I rooms, striclly modern, best of
neighborhood, fine corner lot, on
ly $500, terms.
Fine lot on pavement, close In,
$600; half cash.
Fine lot, half block of car, $250
341 State street. n
Fine 10 acre tract near Salem,
new house and barn, nearly all in
fruit, rock road, fine location. $3,
800, terms.
30 acres best river bottom land
all In cultivation, 6 acres logan
berries, fair improvements. near
town. Snap, $8200, easy terms.
Extra fine 19 acre tract close
to Salem, good buildings, orchard
and berries, fine team, machinery,
tools, feed, crop. $S000, terms.
Good large plastered 8 room
house, two fine lots, barn, wood
shed, hen house. Sacrifice price,
$2600, easy terms.
20 acres timber 8 miles from Sa
lem. Bargain price $2000.
212 Gray Wdir. n
' THe Doo
' iT CeV;S
r-r-r AT A
He CAM Pick T .
4.80 acre tract located 4 miles
south of Salem, close to Pacific
highway, rock road, all cultivated,
good tree and berry soil. Price
$1600, $200 down, balance $200
per year, 6 percent interest.
6.87 acre ract, located south of
Salem, 5 acres cultivated, balance
easily clearedl good 5 room bunga
low, well, large chicken house.
Price $4500.
5 acres close to car line, all
cultivated. Price $2500, $800 down
balance terms.
64 acre tract of land H mile
from carline, good soil, timber
and brush land. Price $1800, $300
down, balance terms.
A block of ground, 200 by 200
feet, close to carline, good soil.
Price $600, $200 down, balance
terms at 6 percent interest.
Well improved 10 acres, good 6
room bungalow, basement, barn. 1
acre bearing logans, some prunes,
apples, cherries and strawberries,
Price $7500, terms.
Improved 5 acrjs on good road,
5 room plastered bungalow, barn,
well, 2 acres of bearing logans, 2 M
acres prunes. Price $5000.
5 acres, 4 acres loganberries, 1
acre strawberries. Price $3500.
Improved 10 acres close to car
line, good road, 7 room bungalow
barn, 8 acres bearing prunes, fam
ily fruit. Will consider good home
In Salem as part payment. Price
Acre tract close to car line, nil
cultivated, good berry soil. Price
$700. $10.0 down, balance terms.
10 acres all cultivated, 5 room
house, barn, well, good road. Price
$3000. y, cash.
320 acres located in Harney
county, small house. Will ex
change for property In or near
Salem. Price $2500.
Good 5 room bungalow located
close to car line, south Salem.
Price $4750.
7 room home, bath, toilet, lights
water, large lot, south Salem.
Price $4800. $2300 down.
Vz block located on paved street
150 by 300 feet. Price $2000.
5 room cottage located in south
Salem, furniture goes. Price $2000
6 room plastered house on paved
street nnd carline, bearing fruit.
Price $2800, $1000 down.
If you are looking for a build
ing Iot. see us before buying.
275 State street. n
80 acres of first class berry
land, 2 miles from city limits,
first class buildings, 10 acres in
logans. Price $250 per acre. Might
33 acres, 6 miles from Salem on
Pacific highway, 10 acres bearing
prunes, 10 acres appleB, cherries
and pears. Price $12,000.
158 acres near McCoy, 90 acres
under cultivation, $65 per acre.
30 acres near Sheridan, 3 acres
of berries, good house and out
buildings. Price, $4500; will trade
for small tract.
198 acres, 4V4 miles from Crab
tree, fair buildings, 100 acres un
der cultivation. Price $65 per acre
150 acres, 8 miles from Salem,
good pasture, about 2500 cords of
wood. Price $50 per acre.
356 acres near Pratum, fine
buildings, $92.50 per acre. Will
406-7 Oregon bldg., Salem, Or. n
Good buy in apartment house of
18 rooms, partly furnished, income
of over $70 per month, only $3000
part cash, balance terms.
6 room modern house, largo lot,
irood barn, nlenty fruit, block
to car line, graveled street; good
huv at 2750.
Two 7 acre tracts Just outside
ciiy limits, no buildings, easy
terms, or trade for city property.
6 room cottage, N. 4th street,
gcod buy at $1600, easy terms.
5 room modern house, paved
street, $3500.
We want listings of some houses
on easv terms. Also vncant lots.
Have buyer for well located lot
on paved street.
3311,4 State street opposite Ladd! i-.titth bank. n
4 room house 2 blocks irom
post office. $2600, ter ns.
5 room house. nniu, iuv v
Urn modern house, paved St.
$6000, $1000 will handle.
Many other good oargains 111
city homes.
farm ri vi at a, a
B. 10. 15. 40 tracts cast near the
citv. imnroved nnd unlmp- ved,
all wail located and persona'! In
spected, no misrepresentations on
these tracts.
72 acre real farm, 10 r'.om
house, large barn, land black, Hch
well drained on good road, only 5
miles east; 3 acres in berries, 16
In fine timber, for a short lime
175 acre fruit nnd grain farm
12 miles out adjoining railroad
town, 27 acres prunes, 14 lngans,
6 peaches, 60 in crop, balance pas
ture and timber; house, barn, out
buildings, commercial dryer, S
wells, running stream. A real
money maker at $17 5 acre.
320 acres in Harnoy county, $2,
600; will trade for valley land.
See us for business.
442 State St. n4T,
Stove Repairing
STOVES rebuilt and '-epalred. 5U
years' experience; Depot Na
tional and American fence, slxee
26 to 68 Inches high. Paints
oil and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 25U
Court tret. Phone 124
4 room house, plastered, barn,
chicken house and 2 lots on cor
ner. Price $1275, cash down $350,
and $15 per month.
7 room house plastered, on pav-
1 ed street, 2 large lots, lots of fruit,
chicken house. Will exchange for
5 or 10 acres of equal value; let
I us show you this.
6 room house, bath, toilet, lights
! and garage, lot 66 130, fruit,
j share, 2 blocks to street car. Price
$3200. terms.
5 room bungalow, plastered, full
basement and dry, modern with
I fireplace, stationary wash tubs, gas
' plate, etc., barn. Price only $3600
j terms.
5 acres y miles east of Salem
on good road, all cleared, black
loam, fenced, no house, worth
! more than the price. $1500.
I S05 State St. n
Foot Specialist
CHAS. E. TATRO. 404 Masonic
bldg. Bring us your foot troubles
TION Meet in Foresters hall,
229 N. Commercial street, every
Wednesday evening. F. G. Brock,
Final e, 340 Court St.
Farm Loans
r akm LOANS Any amount. lw
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about
our 20 -year loans at 6 percent
Hawkins & Roberts. 206 Oregon
bldg., Salem. Or.
G. SATTERLEE, 404 Ferry St.,
Salem. Or.. Phone 1177.
Water Company
fice corner commercial n
Trade Sts. Bills payable month
lv In ndvnnce. Phone S7
Osteopathic physicians and sur
geons, 606 U. S. bank building
Phone 859. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall.
residence phone 844.
be repaid like rent.
Life, Fire, Health. Accident. In
demnity, Liability and Auto In
surance written.
I Mflinnlo Temple. S'tlem. Or
Salem Markets
Compiled from reports of Sa
lem dealers for the guidance
of Capital Journal readers.
(Revised dally.)
Buying Prices.
Grain: Average valley wheat,
(bulk) $1.IIJ bushel; average val
ley oats (bulk) 42c bushel.
Hay: Cheat hay $22.00 9 H
Oat hay $22.00 $24.00; clovei
hay $20.00 $22.00.
Vegetables: Oregon onions $1
cwt.; potatoes $1 cwt.
Meat: Hogs $11.5011.(6; dre
ed hogs Lie; top steers 6e; cows
36c; bulb 6c; spring lambs 6c;
sheep yearlings 4c; ewes 203c;
;eal (fancy dressed) 17 ttc.
Poultry and eggs: Egga 2123c;
light hens 18 020c; heavy hens
2c; old roosters 10 9 12c;
mrlngs, over 2 pounds, JOo.
Butterfat: Butterfat 51c; cream
ery butter 56056c.
Wholesale Prloea.
Vegetables: Oregon onions $1
S1.60 cwt; California onions $1.75
cyt; beets $2.00 cwt; lettuce Imper
ial valley $3.75; turnigs $1.50 cwt
carrots $11.50 sack; parsnips $2
cwt; cauliflower $1-50 per dozen;
potatoes $1.25 cwt.: sweet pota
toes $8fii8.50 cwt; cabbage $1.2",
cwt; green peppers 25c; celery
$1.25 dozen; spinach 10c pound.
Fruits: Oranges $3.006.00;
lemons $4.00 ifr 4.50; bananas 12Vic,
dates (pound, bulk) 25c; Drome
dary dates $7 case; black figs 10c
white figs 1214c; California grape
fruit $4.00; Florida graperrun
$8.50; Arizona grapefruit $6.50.
Retail moes.
Butter and Eggs: Creamery but
ter 59460c; country Duller nvu,
eggs 28 ill) 30c.
Feeds: Wheat 10
oats $2.76 cwt.
Millstuffs: (Ton lota sackeai
mill run. $39.00; Montana mill run
S36.0D; short middlings $49.00
ailed oats $43.00; whole corn $46.
(round corn $45.00; cracked
MM $53 00; ground barley $60.00
scratch feed $74.00.
Flour: Hard wheat flour $2.75
choice M.71! fair to goon
lg.M0t.TI; common to fair $0di
soft wheat flour $2.60 0 $2.60.
Portland, or., rah, 18. Cattle
ady; receipt 754; choice grass
steers $7.50 8.25; medium to
6; choice cows and heifers $6.5ftDi
7 II
good to choice $6.2507.00;
fair to med. $5.0001.00; common,
to fair $4.0005.50; canners $2.00
4.00; bulla $6.0001.00; cholc
dairy calves $12 0013 00; prlmi
light $10.00 vi 12.OU; medium .uv
fi 10.00: hwvr $6,0047.50; beat'
feeders $6.5007.00; fair to gOOdl'ng lection 1660, Oregon Laws ro
ll,, us steady; receipts no prime
mixed 10.S0i 11.00; smooth he:iv
$10. OOfi 10.50; rough $6.5009.25:1
fal pigs $1(1.0011 11.00; feeder pigs
$ 10.noi 11.00.
Sheep steady; receipts i&O: easi
of mountains lambs $8,6049.0" '
Copyright 1920 by H. C. Ftshei
Trade mark Reg. D. 8. Pat. Offli
Page Nine
valleys $7.50fg 8.00; feeders $6.00
0 7.00; cull lambs 0; only;
ewes $1.006.00; light yearlings
7. 2508.00; heavy, $6.6007. 2a;
wethers $6.5007.00.
Portland, Or., Feb. lg. Butter
steady; extra cubes 47049; parch-. J
ment wrapper prints box Iota 6$c;
cartons 54c; half box lots Ho
more; less than H box lots 1 cent
Butterfat No. 1 churning
51053c fob Portland; unAer
grades 64055c fob Portland.
Wheat-. Hard white $1.50; .soft
white $1.48; northern spring $1.38;
white club $1.48; hard winter $1.38
red Walla $1.35.
Eggs: selling price case count
2830c; buying price 2528o de
livered; selling price candled $0
&32c; selects 320350.
Poultry: Hens light 25027c;
heavy 28 30c; broilers 28 0ije;
old roosters 14 17c; turkeys 18
29c; geese nom; ducks 40 046c.
Millstuffs: Millrun $36.
Hay: Buying mice timothy M7
28; alfalfa $ 19 19 50; grain
mixed $23; cheat $230J4; clover
$1920; straw $15.
of Sale of Real Property o'
Notice is hereby given, that by
virtue of an execution duly lasued
out of the circuit court of the
state of Oregon, for the countr-of
Marion, and to me directed on the
7th day of February, 1921, upon a
Judgment and decree duly render
ed, entered of record and docket
ed in and by said court on the 26th
day of April, 1920, in a certain suit
then in said court pending, where
in E. Horton was plaintiff and
Josie L. Stewart and Fred S.
Stewart, were defendants in favor
of plaintiff and against said de
fendants by which execution I am
commanded to sell the property
in said execution and hereinafter
described to pay the sum due the
plaintiff of $10,099.78. with In
terest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from the 1st day
of April. 1920, until paid and the
further sum of $750.00 attorney's
fees, and costs and expenses df
said execution. I will on Saturday
tho 12th day of March, 1921, at
the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the west door of the coun
ty court house in Salem, Marlon
county, Oregon, sell at public auc
tion to the highest bidder for caeh
in hand on tht day of sale, all the
right, title, Interest and estate
which said defendants and all per
sons claiming under them subse
quent to the execution of plain
tiff's mortgage In, of and to said
nremlses hereinbefore mentioned
and described in said execution as
follows, towit:
Lots five (5) and six (6) In
block thirteen (13); lots three (3),
four (4), five (5) and six (6) In
block fourteen (14); lots three
(3), seven (7) and eight (8) In
block five (6); lots four (4) and
five (5) in block four (4); lot five
(5) In block two (2), and the west
one half of lota seven (7) rtnd
eight (8) In block twelve 1);
lots seven (7) and eight (8) In
block thirteen (13); lots one (1),
two (2). seven (7) and eight (8)
In block fourteen (14); also lots
four (4), five (5) and six ( In
block six (6) all of which said lots
and blocks are In the Oaks addi
tion to the city of Salem, Marion
county. Oregon.
Also the following described
premises, towit:
Beginning at a point on the south
line uf Lamberson street in the
Oaks addition to the city of Sa
lem, Marlon county, Oregon, where
sold Ln m hereon street Is inter
sected by the Southern ' Pacific
railway right of wny; thence south
along the said right of way two
hundred (200) feet; thence west
erly parallel with the south line
of Lamberson street two hundred
nnd twenty (220) feet; thence
north parallel with the said right
of way to the smith line of Laos
hereon street; thence east along
the south line of Lamberson street
to the place of beginning, all of
siid described premises being la
the city of Salem, Marlon county.
Said sale being made subject 'to
redemption In the manner provtd-
ed by law.
Dated this 8th day of February,
Sheriff of Marion county, Oregon
By A. L. Morelock, deputy.
House Votes
(Continued from Page One.)
H. It. 243 by Curler Amending
seel inn 4Jn7 Oregon Laws, relating
to assessment of utilities.
II II. 329. by Sheldon Provid
ing fin (he formation and adoption
of .1 new ni amended constitution
for the state of Oregon, and hold
ing of a eoiiMiltutional convention
for sueh purpose.
s. B. $Tt, by
vision of lawi
committee on re.
Cioiiltng proced-
lire for enforcing claims to person-
nl pnipcrtj when- defendant is not
wiiniu me stute 01 uregon.
S. It. 111. ! El.eiharil Amend-
, 'at lug to arrest of Judgment.
K II. 2n5. I.y 1 Hum, is Amending
'on 4.17'.' Oregon Laws, rclatins
"ls for taxes.
H- B by Banks Providing
free school books to public school
xecpt high schools.
H H 143. bj - -I'rovldinif
for InveMiKHtlnn ;in! roiTOQtton Of
iMtttfty chooiH.
I-'ii t l"riir'- -
Like Buttermilk?
Is Has Big Wallop
Ren. I. (11 lei. is. Since the
r, e, ni idt of a Kovcrnment chem
ist and praMfeltfon uKent, whoae
sta-v iii C.end wan kept a piufnund
ee,,., liistriet Attorney A. J.
Moore Is wondering why the bibu
lousl; Inclined go to the trouble
risk of fermenting and distilling
litpiors. The mirhi Just as well us
i inllk. he sa; unoting from
on ale,, I. ,,ii. contest given
him by the government ageat.
"Kven a ri!- apple has thre per
- of alcohol." shIi ih- di&irr
ney. quotiiiK ii"fo tlie same
source of information, "but than
an a;. pb i-a a Leverage. The pro
'libition I iv doesn't include fruit,
'lood. ripe biiitetmilk, however, ,4s
uppoted to roiii.iin four er cent
f eleafcei s m Ighi times the aa-
o - i, ne eighteenth
In "pile of these figures, the dla-
i-forne. ii, - no inclination "bf
Ing m crusade against bat tee"
nilk di - II- It, lievee that any
indlvi, t,rt u ho can drink enofefh
buttermilk at a time to get a VNfc
from the ere ,mry product Ml a
: to the sllhi resultant feeling