Page Eight The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Fri&y, Feb Proposal To Provide Pupils Free School Books rails or passa House Likely To Reconsider Bill, Belief Kay and Davey Line Up With Opponents In Ballot Resulting 29 to 28 'Wherea 'l the sentiment of Twenty-nine affirmative nmi twenty-eight negative votes were cast in the house of representatives Wednesday afternoon on Senator Banka' Senate Hill No. 19, provid ing for free .mil book to pupils of ,ali public schools exrept hieh hoi-ls. The bill nun lost for lack a constitutional majority of thirty-one vote. The indications are that an effort will be made for its reconsideration tomorrow. Conslieratlon of thin bill brought about spirited debate, the support of the bill h-inx led by Represent atives Hlndman, Korell, Sheldon, BurcUck. Carter, .win, Overturf and Speaker Bean. The opposition was led by Ilep rcsentatlns Kny, Belknap, Davey, Visiter, Roberto and Woodson. Hlndman urged that this system has been tried out in other states and has proved successful, espe cially in Iowa, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. Speaker Bean declared the law would bring the cost of school i book down where they ought tn be and would break the school book trust In Oregon. "Two years ago I introduced a nimllar measure in this House," Bald Speaker Bean, "providing that the state printer should print the school text hooks, and there never was a lobby so powerful In this tiutlding as the cne sent to defeat by bill. Sheldon urged that the schools should be free in fact as well a In name and that the expense of book supply should not fall on the individual parents any more than the other school expenses, Opponents to the measure urg ed that many families would not want Jlo accept tree text books, thus placing them In the class of paupers; that there would he clan 8Ter from germs because of the mis cellaneous use of the books; that tho bill itself would work to the advantage of the hook trust, as more hooks would he reiiuircd through careless use by the chil dren, anil thai it would cost at least 1 8Kr,.(.i'i In supply the new books for next tall. (Representative Huberts of Hood River and Wasco counties advan ced the proposition that what would be more useful thin free text books In giving relief to over burdened parents of school child ren, would he a law providing for the uniform dress of all childri n in the elementary public schools, each grade. He declared that this Would eliminate the rivalries and heart burnings over the matter of dress among school girls, and greatly reduce the clothing prob lem, Representative flnllngher called attention to the large number of children w ho are educated In pri vate and parochial schools, and asked for an amendment to the bill which would .permit any pupil taking n course of study provided y the public schools, wherever 1U studies might be, to purchase the text books at actual cost. He received no second to this amend ment. The closeness of the vole makes the final result probelmattcal Should tin hill he reconsidered. the people of the state of Oregon thr.t Oregon money he spent for Oregon products, und "Whereas the state highway ; commission spends annually large j sums of money tor products to be j used in the construction of state highways in other states than Ore gon, and "Whereas such materials as fill-i cr, sand, gravel and other, material necessary to the construction of' highways arc available In Oregon ' at prices cheaper than can be ob-j talned elsewhere, now therefore, be It "ftesolved by the house of rep- J resetttatives of the stale of Oregon, i the senate concurring, that the! state highway commission be and hereby ,s urged to purchase all Its a vo((, road and highway materials, inso- ' Car as possible, in Oregon, and that ''n"UKh "' the secretary ol state is hereby di- j Senator Hail reeteid to forward a copy of this I highway bill resolution to all members of the stale highway commission." Coast Road Bill Passes As Amended Senate Approves Hall Measure; Highway Board Pins Hope On Lower House house than is generally sup- 14. Just in thj posed, Senator Hall paid particular at tention to the "timber interests" in his speech to the senate, saying ghat hen ad been associated with them in the past and been their friend. Cool Attitude. He had noticed a "slight estrange meil" since he had Introduced the Roosevelt highway bill, he said, and he warned them that It they did not Stop trying to block progressive It B ISlation and did not turn to the ad vice o conservative men who still i cii stood tor progress they would tnrl to vote themselves in the hands of tho rad Upton, Mr. Presl- Smith, Staples dent 16. Vavs Eddy. Ellis. QUI, innes Joseph, Lachmund, lette. Nickelsen, Butter, Robertson, Strayer, Thomas, Vinton- Kat Prunes Hume. La l"ol- -14. Measures Passed In House Burdick and section gVPv, relating to salaries in II. B mended R ubi' It Measures Passed By Senate S. B. 348 by Committee on Re vision of laws, authorising supreme court to designate county Judge to si, in place of supieme Judge in fvent of illness or Inability to serve. S. 1). 349 by Committee on Re ViSiOlf of Bavs Relating to filing of notice of Intention to claim a lien upon personal property. 8. B. MO by Committee on Re vision of Laws Amending an act incorporating Kngenu city loitgc No. 11, A. I'. & A. M, s. B. :sr,K (Sui,. for s. B. Ml) by Committee on Revision of Laws amending blue sky law and ex tending powers of corporation commissioner. , S. B. 112 by Bell Increasing 'salary of attorney general from J3.C00 to $4,000 yearly, I S. B. 141 by Bachmund In creasing salary of state tax com missioner from 2,604 to $3,000 . yearly. S. B, Jilt oy Thomas Increasing salary of slate engineer from $3,000 to $3,1)00 yearly, s. b. 284 by Committee on Agri culture and Forestry -Amending cooperative marketing law and strengthening cooperative associa tions. S. B. 301 by Joseph Relating to drainage districts and the levying of assessments and taxes. s. b. Ml by Committee on Roads and Highways Providing; protec tion tor subcontraotorf, material men and laborers on stale highway ' work. H. B, Ml by rTInt Regulating manufacture and sals of dairy products substitutes, II. B. 174 by Hopkins Relating to witnesses In DOUglSS, Jackson and Josephine counties. H. b. 24b by Belknap Defin ing term pupil and high school district. H. u. 2f.o by Roberta (by re quest) Regulating election of school directors in districts of first class, H. II. 201 by Egbert and Roberts' Increasing salaries of certain Wasco county officials and refer Ing to people. , H. B. IM l' Davey Exempting l i on taxation property of any hon orably discharged Union soldier, sailor of (he Mexican war war of j the rebellion, Indian wars in the state of Oregon, or widow of such I person, li. u. 113 by Committee on In-I SUranee Extending pow ers of stale fire marshal. Thui ion and sent it on its way to the house for further and final consid eration. Just before the vote on that hill was taken, the road dis tricting bin, companion measure to the Roosevelt highw ay hill. v. as passed by a vote of 17 to 13. Senator Robertson, who voted for the districting bill, changed his position when it came to the Roose velt highway measure, taking the attitude that while he was not averse to the formation of highway construction districts should the voters Of anv selected area wish to Incorporate themselves together for that purpose, yet he was not In fav or of the Roosevelt highway bil! in its present terms and under present conditions. .Makes Maiiei.s Worse, Tin- passage of the two measures still further complicates the high-1 way program. While Senator Hall, told the senate during his argu ment in support of his measures that "two members of the highway commission had assured him that; they were neutral," it is tin open secret that Chairman Booth of the commission is bitterly oppoied to I the enactment of the ROosevdlt highway measure at this time, con tending as he did til an open hear-' Ing before the highway committee i that it would be unwise and against the Interest ol the highway con struction program. It is also known that, while it may be a fact that the other mem bers of the eommislsbn are neu tral" so far as open opposition to the, bill is concerned, nevertheless they do not favor its passa g,.' in trutli and do not want to sec it written Into the law. Whin Will House Do? Whether the house will pass the Roosevelt hill is the instant puzxle about the lobbies. It was the hous roads committee which Chairman Booth to come before ii and express his sentiments in refer ence to the hill, which presentation was pretty directly responsible for the deleat of the measure when It first oaltle before the senate. The house committee seems moi In harmony with the wishes of the highway commission than the sen ate group. It Is mapping Its legisla tion, most of Which Is now ready to make lis how to the whole mem bership, in according with the sug gestions of the highway commission ami it Is the current guess that the bouse as a whole will swing hack of lis committee, and thus N gainst Senator Hall s bill, unless the sena tor has a half Nelson on more votes Nor!, lad spoke briefly for the bills, and Vinton opposed them, contending that It was not fab to fasten the burden of the direct tax necessary to finance the Roosevel'. highway bonds for the benefit of the coast counties only particular ly when they had been given $?.- road construction al i3o objected to Ihe dause being on the 310, by KubU Authorizing id towns In anv port district streets, .alleys or commons', and authorizing certain classes oi construction. H. B. 144. by Sheldon Exemp tion Oregon road bonds from ex emption as property. H. B. 345. by MrKar'ind Amending section 8564, Oregon Laws, relating to licenses for the practice of dsnistry, H. B. 360. by Joint ways and means committee Amending sec tion 5547, Oregon Laws, relating to salary of clerk of stats land boat ! land declaring an emergency, opposed the bill coil- II B. 325 by committee on roads tending that the district plan estab-1 and highway substitute for H, i. Ushed ii dangerous and unwise ex-1129 and ". f. 1 r,-""idlng for perln ent. He also objected to the! transfer of highway funds. because it gava th,. h. b. 880, by joint committee on bonds tii to lo per roads and highways -Regulatl'i.: sensed valuation of ooo. m ready clilers of He S. B. 153, by Upton, Burdick anu Overturf Amending section 3602, Oregon Laws, relating to salaries in Deschutes county. S. B. 15 4, by L'pton, Burdick and Orerturf Amending section 30C2, Oregon Laws, relating to salaries in Jefferson county. S. B. 155, by Upton Overturf Amending Oregon Laws Crook county. S. B. 47, by Robertso., Ann nd ing section 6188, Oregon re lating to examination fees to be col lected from banks. S. B. 87, by Eddy Kmendltig sec tionfi071. Oregon Laws, providing .....rwnnrt.ition for DUDliS who live more than one mile trt building. S. It. 1)2, by Edwards section 4121 Oregon i.a to books and acocu school clerks. s. p.. 159. by Robertaon Inn inr section 3260. Oregon Laws la ting to the deposit by treasurer of county funds in depositories. S. B. 160, by Robertson Amend ing section 6241, Oregon Laws, re- school -Amending pi, relating of distort nd-re- Is districting bill power to vote cent of the a the district to the seven directors and without any submission of the uiifstion to the voters of the dis trict. Joseph .More Violent. Joseph characterised the bill as "one of 'he worst pieces of legisla tion ever Introduced in the Oregon seriate " while Dennis. Edwards ami Upton spoke in its favor. The vote on the Roosevelt high way bill was as follows: Yeas Banks, Bell, Dennis, Rbor- hard. Edwards Carroll, Hall, Hare, i Moser, Norblad, Patterson, Ryan, Why They Parted "I was down with pain in my right side which at times almost crazed me. .Most all of the doc tors said operation. But what I want to tell you is the pain dis appeared with the first dose of your medicine and I never see any since. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has the right name gas, sour stomach and dyspepsia have left, too." It Is a simple, harmless prep aration that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liv er and intestinal ailments, includ ing appendicitis. One dose will i convince or money refunded. J. ' C. Perry, D. J. Fry and druggists Invited j everywhere. (adv) Kat Prune mo- use. licensing and operation tor vehicles. S. B. 50. by KUis Granting to ami enabling certain parties the right to intervene In actions and procedihgs, and declaring what constitutes an intervention and the manner it shi " i" dure. S. B. 59. by i:-,: Amending sec tions 3891. 3Sfi08, 400". 3008 and 4011. Oregon Laws, relating to elec tion boards. My Show Window of B til r lover i For Sale a Good Home ON' IfC-nTH COTTAGE STREET AND A SPLENDID 8 ROOM HOUSE ON CHEMEK ETA STREET GERTRUDE 3. M. PAGE 492 NORTH COTTAGE PHONE 1188 Senate Bills Purchase of Road Mateials at Home Urged in Bill House Joint Resolution 16, In troduced by Representative l'hillti Hammond of Clackamas county, H in direct line with the general cam paign throughout Ihe state for tho Use of lni u t'l'oducts. It says: S. B. 336, by Judiciary commit lee Requiring records and pro ceedings required by law shall be rllten in llugbsh language, S. B. 367. by judiciary conunil e - -Regulating office hours In Clatsop county. 8. B. 368, by Washington county delegation Increasing salaries of county judge, commissioners, treas urer, clerk, recorder, sheriff, asses sor and school superintendent of Wn dilnglon county. W i sTC KCAL 1 ARDWARE STORE. YOl It WORK Wil l. BE V PL1 VSl'RE TO VOL WHEN 101 I SE Ol R TOOLS. NO MATTER WHAT KIND OE T0O1.S VOI NEED COME IN WE HA E THEM. WE SEEL ONLY RELIABLE MAKES OE TOOLS AND HAROW RE. WE KNOW THEY WILL (JIVE YOl SAT ISE ACTION WHEN YOl ISE THEM BECAl'SE THKY ARE MADE OE THE RHiILT KIND OE STUFF. OCR TOOLS SELL THEMSELVES. THEY LOOK GOOD, AND ARE GOOD. Kay L Farmer Hdwe. Co Everything! io Hardware l rm C n isi n i 1 mm! Csart Su. rasas 191 u. s. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS Steuslof f Bros. MARKET Court & Liberty St's 'PHONE 1528 GOOD QUALITY FRESH 10c 12 Vac BEEF 4 15c La SELECT PORK SHO. ROAST 22 C LB' COUNTRY SAUSAGE 20c Lb. CHOICE HAMBURGER Fresh II, , I 20c Lb. SALT PORK 25c Lb. CHOICE PICNIC HAMS 25c Lb. BACON SQUARES en 25c Lb. FRESH FISH ALL KINDS IN SEASON NEW SUPPLY FINNAN HADDIES. NORWAY MAC KEREL, COD EISH TABLETS. SALT HERRING. SMOKED BLOATERS ii 11 Valley Packing Company CASCADE BRAND Mild Cure, Sweet, Delicious Flavor. HAM AND BACON. LARD. FINEST STEER BEEF PORK. VEAL AND LAMB Sausages of all Kinds a Specialty Steuslof f Bros. Market Salem, Oregon Will interest anv of a Beautiful Home Max O. Buren 179 N. Com'l Salem Banish Catarrh Breathe Hyomei for Two Minutes Jnnd Stiiffe.l Up Head Will i. If you want h Ret 04fd r-'.itf from catarrh, cold in the head or from an irritating cough in the shortest time, breathe Hyomei. It will clean out your head in two minutM and allow you to breathe freely, awake or asleep, or money refunded. Hyomei should end a cold in one day, and relieve you of dis gusting snuffles, hawking, spitting and offensive breath In a week. Hyomei is made chiefly from eucalyptus, a soothing, healing, germ killing antiseptic, that comes from the eucalypti:.' f rests of in land Australia, where catarrh, asthma and other bronchial trou bles are seldom known. Hyomei is pleasant and easy to breathe. Just pour a few drops in to the hard rubber Inhaler, use as directed and relief Is almost cer tain. A complete Hyomei outfit, In cluding inhnler and one bottle of Hyomei, costs but little at D, J. Fry"s and druggists everywhere. MX-ONA Ends indigestion It relieves stomach misery, sour stomach, belching and all stomach disease or money back. Large box of tablets at all druggists in til towns. latlng to fees to be collected for state banking fund. s. b. 230, by Ryan Amending setcion 24S, Oregon Laws, relating to reserve of trust companies. S. B. 234, by Ryan Amending section 0209, Oregon Laws, relating to bank reserves. H. li. 21D, by Sheldon Provid ing for organization, mainteuanoe of school districts under certain conditions. II. B. 327, by Fletcher Repeal ing chapter 108, General Laws of Oregon for 19t7. H. B, 334, by .Marion county del egation Amending sections 2224 46, Oregon Laws, relating to pro hibition measures and declaring an emergency. H. B. 343, by Gordon or Multno mah Providing for collection of tolls by the governor on the Co- j lumhia river Interstate bride and declaring an emergency. H. It. 244, by Bennett Assert-' ing title to the state of Oregon In ! lands consenting the beds ijt lakes. ' Eat Prunen Rishop Jones Dead. Phialdelpnia, Feb. is. Bishop I William A. Jones of the Catholic' diocese of Porto Rico, died in St. ' Joseph's hospital heret odav. He had been in the hospital since Octo- ' her. Bishop Jones was 54 years! old and was a member of the .u-' gUdtiniat) order. Eat Prunes Eat Prune." ,.ai Prunes Clev Judge was "'a, an Wili, ..' acqultt Ilnii',l.. l lection Harold c day. murder with D by i r.v. t en. Night , 23 KOLB AND DILL H In Their Musical Buooeafl I click click I tap. tap tap. Wio'ilk, . BAN( 1 tick- i tock- tick - ock V0U! YOU! YOU! 10 Comedy "The High Cost of Loving" Also PIECE JAZZ 1 f ORCHESTRA iU tower Floor $2.00 1st a rows balcony ... 2.00 l.ji-t 2 rows balcony., Gallery l.oo War tax luri extra. MAIL ORDERS NOW Seat Sale Monday 9:30 GRAND Tl..,....l 'to dial "i rne vi Btamboul" PriscillaDeai Supported ous " nat mnl character actor Lon Chaney i. j " tor M hjbj ine .Miracle Man" "The Penalty" KTAKTS SI'XPAtJ LIBERT j NOT IN THE COMBINE 1 .1 BEST SHORTENS Pure Home-Rendered Lard, Fresh and Sweet. Our Own Make No. 5 Pail 85c KIPPERED SALMON LB. TENDER STEAK pound LOIN PORK CHOPS 25c pound HllllfJI IIBIIIraBflg nt PORK STEAK C20c I pound I IT PAYS TO TRADE AT AN INDEPENDENT MARKET. We are not owned nor allied with any Meat Firm in Salem. BEST SHORTENING! No. 5 pail 65c FANCY SUGAR CURED BACON 30c pound MILD SUGAR CURED HAM 30c pound FRESH SIDE PORK 22c pound FRESHLY GROUND SAUSAGE AND LIBERTY STEAK 15c pound UMEC0 30c pound Midget Market 1 -j ORIGINATORS OF LOW PRICES 361 STATE SI OCR HARDWARE WEARS