Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, February 11, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Pg Tv8
The Capital Jonrnai, Salem, Oregon
Silverton Youth
Missing; Fear
Felt for Safety
Bilverton, Or., Feb. 11. Left
mon. on tne farm near her to c.-tre
for the Mock during iho winter.
'lrmin, 20 years, came up
waring during the latter part of
last week and uiion InvnsHmtiv..
at the ncighborB it dev doped that
the cattle and horses had been neg
lected. A I Bchlndler, a neighbor
In In a short distance from the
Holman home, has been looking
after the stock while other friend?
r the family are trying to locate
young man.
Mr. Holman's father died about
ne year ago, and last fall his
another and her bro'her, J. p Uur-
went to California to M.nd the
winter, hoping to find bettei
health. Young Holman, who has
always been a truste 1 and careful
ooy on the farm, was left in charge
at thc stock. rj:l.son can be
! for his sudden and unex
pected departure.
It is reported thai tho vo'ing
man was s. en in Portland Monday,
mm up to late yest-rd ay nothing
mure nau ncen neprd from hn
Mr Harlio and Mr... lloliiau have
een notiried of hit: denartirre and
iU la expected that they will leturn
mi,, " oon a ner iM. ir interests If
wn.1 report.-. I II, ,u h- had expressed
a desire to join the nrmv and It b)
inouiint pron.iuie that this is 1,1s
reason for leaving home, although
ne report was not substantial d
Bringing Up tattler By George McManus
(Copyright 1820 by International
rran rn registered in the I!, s
"Mt. Angel People
Seek Improvement
of Saafeld Hill
Mt Angel, Or., Feb. 11. Righty
Tour farmers and business nun ot
ft- Angel have contributed JJTl.gO
toe used In Improving the road
wer the Saafeld hill west of town.
OTe paper containing ihi name of
he contributors, together with a
petition asking permission to do
Ohe work, will be presented to the
county court In a few days. They
will ask no assistance from the
swunty in making Hi.. Improvement
"but simply want re-milson to do
,lh work The roaj in that vicin
ity is said to be dangerous to travel
at night because of a danger curve
in the road ami lb., plan In to make
a cut In the hill in ,. manner to
Blraighten the road and the dirt r
moved will be fill,.. q at the foe
or ine hill making less grade. If
the petition is granted, and It Is be
ii-vert that It will be, work of male
mg the cut will be commenced in a
short time.
Nick Hchmalts Jr., and Mrs Car
rie -Oooch, both of (his el'y, were
married in Oregon City on Tuesday
of this week, MBordlns to reports
received here yesterday. Mrs.
Oooch was the wife of Hen Oooch,
a former merchant of this city and
secured a divorce from her hus
band less than a year ao.
The city council met Monday
jevnning. but adjourned wilh.iut
tlransitcting business until Thursday
evening. At the meeting Thursday
rvenlne the regular roultll'i of busl-
amm occupied the attention of the
city dads for nearly 'wo hourw
A fire alarm system has just been
.installed in the new St. Marr's
school building anil to tiv It out
he alarm was turned In ycxtcrnn.
or a fire drill, which has become
m.ftoMunt practice in 'he schools.
When the mechanics finished lay
Hug the tile roof on the school
luilldlnr yesterday every detail was
asaaaplrted in the construction ot
... H .... in TP-si STOPPt. 1 1 r i
f TZ, . - 'I 1 AN NONE OF THEN -J f s
k I TO r' . I I XTvTriaikf f II aei rWP J U "u". U EVER HEARD OF f. .
gk y01, -rT,. wAra uw y.y H iriv; CJ u,w w n,RPAN k ill
11 1 II - Tim isw. I V (III jswBDIbbwT V 1 IBM ' "V . I I .. - Hfl aHswl I I I V
in m n a ay.x it '-ryr v aw rah. m- . an rr.. a a. .sbhbb i - .-w n scvm.i
U 1 I 1 W 1921 ,v Int l Feature SEsv,er
MiliiiaiaiismiaaMaMnMaMaMMlWnWMnilMallaMam HHbWBbbVbbb.
The city council is negotialmV:
Irnlah spent the day- Monday with
present for a fire truck and crc-m- : heir sister, Mrs Harrison Jones and
leal. This matter has be n up be
fore the council several times in
the past few years, but it Is ex
pected that a deal be consummated
S. Tegland was In Salem yester
day. Mr. Tegland took a load of
hogs over for the Valley Packing
timer Dlgcrness, a prominent
young business man of this city,
was in Salem on business yester
I'. W Noftsker. of the Silverton
battery and tire shop, transacted
business in Salem yesterday afternoon.
The home talent entertainment
and basket social given at Falrl'IcM
was well attended, proceds for the
evening totaled $87.30, which will
go toward church furniture.
Mr. and Mrs. U. J. J. Miller were
guest at Jtihn Imlah's Sunday.
Miss Agnes and C. A. DuKeitc of
O. A. C. attended their L'ncle Har
rison Jones funeral and spent one
day wtih their parent" last iveek.
Carl Francis of Portland, who
has been disabled in a mill and was
In the hospital for some time, is
able to be about again. H" was
here looking after his farm.
Eola News
Eola, Or., Feb. 11. Mrs. O. W
Wolf is visiting relatives and
friends at Lebanon and .Stayton fori
several days.
We have several new scholars for
our spring term of school on ac
count of several new families mov
ing in.
B. I. Ferguson went to Delias
Monday on business.
Rev. George Crumley left for
eastern Oregon last week to visit
his sister, Mrs. Blackburn.
C. W. McLaughlin of Independ
ence was In our burg last week on
Hop yard work is retarded very
much in this vicinity on account of
the rain, making it impossible to
work on the river bottom land,
when the sun docs shine.
Miss Harriett Smith of Sab ni
visited her sister, Mrs. L. Fergu
son, Tuesday.
Through the efforts of our teach
er we will be able to hear Profeawi
Aokerrnan of thc Monmouth nor
mal in the near future. His lec
ture will very likely be along edu
cational lines. We hope that our
neighbors In the adjoining districts
will take advantage of this oppor
tunity to hear Professor Ackerman.
Announcement of the date later.
Taconia Mill Burns.
Tncoma, Wash., Feb. It, The
main mill of the Marine Lumber
company was burned late last
night with a loss of $150,000. Three
j million feet of lumber and adja
cent buildings were saved by ia
vorablo wind and the city fire-
boat that played three streams of
salt water on the flames.
Fairfield, dr., Feb. 11. Mrs.
Ivan Stewart of Corvallis spent thi
latter part of last week with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. H 1m
Ketle. Mr. and Mrs. Iiavld Moses visit
ed last week with the latterS par
arenal school building which was ents in Portland, Mr. and Airs. W.
enced early last season. Mt. I Mahony
citizens feel proud of their MrH r K UD Rett! and Mrs John
Next Weak Prune week all week
Next week Prune week all week.
77 A
3 i, 4 m.
Clear-a-way Sale
Its toasted
A Tremendous Success Is Our
17-1 n !
icui uai v icai -a-wd
'ihnfldlug and they have a light to
A stuio nurse reo.cseutlug tin.
lftne health committee was in
tlsvn a lew days ago and visited
Hh schools and colleges, fthc start
ma some very wholesome work in
rthe schools, particularly among th
gTi,fle I . 1 1 1 1 -, and parents are uo-
HMng the Improvement In the
onnger generation.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lais re
asrlved a letter from Utelr .on.
written at Portland, Ida
he was married recently to
i Dora (Ireen of that city. They
are luu. at Portland now. but will
rift urn to Mt. Angel In the spine; to
reside perina ncntly.
"H. H. Koehler wen! to Sab-Hi thi
morning where he will be i-
Km- wvriiil days doinu electrical
M. Michael motored lo S.l!
yesterday on burlne-M. lie returned!
ibff way ot woodlturn .n account of
'the water covering the Pud din
river road
Hen. Oravenkemp was a l-u-i
ness visitor in silverton one d i I
nhis week. Mr. Qravenkemp Is m-in
.nger of the Ilex theatre in this city
'JBilverton Plans
Camp Ground for
Motor Tourists
BIlvcrtoM, i ir . Keb. I I
menl was st ilted at a medio; . 1
the cliy council held Monday night
to purchase a tract of land 'Y en ;
the Cool idea estate adjacent to th
0ta park which is to be ui d for
camping uround for teuri-'-l. In
Um event that a deal i eonstim-
maled, and it is said ill it sifh i
nujre than probable, the city wti
t'Wct su li-
iieoesaary improvement.- to put le,
ennipoe ground tn first el iss .11
A. K. Bastman of tin giiverton
'litnw Pipe company, returned yea
tarda from Mil! City win- - has
been for Several days dolltl
work fm the Hammond Lu
A party was g;ien at. tin- heel,
'Albert Mickkelsoi et of tow-i,
'StUvrdav it ;. hi. Cards and ddttO
4ng affonli .1 i-.. . uteri ilnmeW .m l
u a;ood time was had by ;lio-e wh 1
The Kd Mclonatd farm weal of
IHlvtilon. on tho Salem road. -sold
a few days ano to a hv
the nane ,-f siiii'M- vli., t -olv
jwaaepslon immpdiatel It is un
ilerslood that the Melfonald fnm-l-
will move to Washington
Thi- city is advertising for Mis
far the Improvement of S
'Mill street with hanl surface n
mewl, snd a tetltiop for th.- im
provement of.Msdisen str,'et wj;.i
M surface pavene ir b . t
laamuted to the conn -il It Is x
asjeSed that this will he pi inn I 10
have both streets pave,! it th
sarae time
Tero state fire marshals were in
4Mearlon Monday and that ei
YBjaaaated samples of fire ordi
nsanaa which the council has un
dSar advisement, and which will
u. s.
TO Orvlr. of flirt Tvnv 1 . A. m .
e- vn, UiiU 1 s L Y XWWCClb UUMH H III ll'P I rl PTI 1 flin lTa milPt rt oov. nTirnir v , 1 . mahviiaii(i C ITT n Til Pill
ww0 w "JHWU VAVX tAl T J .Vl if J IV vla-v J lllv WW fV"' I
from our Mrs. Solof who is in the east.
L. i A a m m sa -satae- -am. -Mi .-w. 1 m sg M w j n mm mm Mm mv mm w W M U.
Ta All F. a -X
aii n.11 jepartmem
Steuslof f BrosJ
Court & Liberty St's
'PHONE 1528
10c 12V2c & 15c IB
Pure Pork Country Sausage. . . 2Qc LB"
"UASUAUE" Link Sausage LB.
Valley Packing Company's
Mild Cure, Sweet, Delicious Flavor.
Many Surprises Await You
All we ask of you is to come to our store and get our prices first. Kv-M. msM h, fibres.
- ' -1 .IA JS.WV All. avvsa
sell because we sell for cash.
On Saturday with every purchase of $3.00 or over.
5 Pounds Prunes Free
Our store is flooded with bargains. Come and come early-
On Sale at
Steusloff Bros. Market
Salem, Oregon
Pie 5c Per Cut
ii e ATlS
My be passed at some near
re meeting.