The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Page Nine FOR SALE ft- lTrZ , montn. le id, 25 cent. P'cash !" advance. F ldi . r Dhone, uless LtaL monthly account. Ir hw ' fc errors. fcnwiSrb ii i " r P .,:., ..rwnn. Tui'iiL e!:."" T",,,,, i nartinen.. tTCa't. 558 StateStlS; lp--77or iaK good or, j- rr....-MT Bur 5 room uu F"N1 n E depot. 74;. Prora i62ow. iy PTh' - re isonjj ble it.- Iter. H SB ggfbwf trom ownerr! . room house, must be phoiwjl - 7-tt rB,,n, ..u. PC Z , i, work, ex- , man riUen "uBnetesary. Olsen f hotels v, . - .v B .n rs oi""j; lawyer, "" x nversuse I tou i overhaul (ee I his, it ! bps till li.ii ,. AHamB 8t. q Ohon Fi, h iiulle mu " I good hauled 1. ait Plinne Anam- P- Young stock, dou- Eh. hr : milk cow. Rt. 1. hox in , , Vlel - 4 feet and " "" u8. t)3 s. -'' " " "" . ILK - Conn ii sales 264 a Unerl y Bt 1 good double har Bowes, 1 . ,n,l raw null in !" St on investniem '" m 3 c"i'il;l1 J"urna'; C I Kiettlcated wild Mallard If a! Jl to y- eai ii mi have :l (fW '" 1,1 '"" ?" share? l''11" J 1 r 1940. L-J. lrEr, room cottage, eie.c- Cm hath, buili I" rn 1,, 1 1 1 7 feet Enrini fruit, n good buj (.t: Mr- Winnie Pelt5'John L V Tul. 515 a30 ftuttplows, aiso ! H' lokn'.i (or a leven or eight iliunealow; Ihey muel be In, Hagee, room 29 corner bml tommernni inn au- ( tnt 55 i" consider rt 1 at r.isttt Rttooi ana ine Lr. , l.o ..rii-..,l there- tiSep w m -Call It the Capital Husi nllege and let us explain B11 C. ISSC8 in in;1 loriyeu, 11 I .1l,),'I.I.'. .I.IMUII I I . - ' tt C.ii'ailia n govt, pro- mi city litimln. Absolute l Hidt rate of exchange l! percent tn 1 1 percent funds. Deal thru tor.;. Advance no money ill receive bonds. Full par 1 Rok Thiw Journal. c27 HX-At low price black ae 4. weight 1 ?,00; bay We 5. weight 1SB0; bay Iafee 5. weight 1 100; three tenn. three sets of FW"". breaking c ri and Mm Feed barn, 420 S. irdil St. Phone -JTR. 25 IHIOKS-Our lasi seaaon lier- are our besl custom- 1 season. Orders .ire 00m- I fas" Let 119 hook your or- tatalog, sivinir varl- ln.i rrices. free tinon re- C N. Ni edhnm, 558 State liosite county court bouse. iLE 6 room 1.1,1,1,.,.,, m. Ihome, best residence dis- P"t construe! ion. old HUM, r ,v b 1 n(ed and in bndition throughout. This fn- artistic heme and Is Bmd it a bargain. Price w Winnie Pettyjohn, Tel 515. a 30 t room bungalow, Weplace, newly painted e.i. On. l.lnr.L- ir, .aa land ureet e ,. i..-i..' .i . I bnnmtnu. .,11 ,.i Inrtv ... I ', , , ..... 11 ...... 1 in : (mi, 11. Prl.-o -.nii.i iplOtr.aJI modern, sim- ahoea I ... . e ...... . 1.11111P1 nut. B.VM Mrg. Winnii Pettv- V' "'"' 81 Tel. 515. aS0 lESaleHouses k,T r- pi-t.-ily ow,,..,. M,l.,l- P ( room but g ilow. two - capitoi buildings; turn ..... 1 , i"u ouut in 1 withi- 1,, , ' kert.,.- s at a pos- . of 10 percent, a truit. fn...l . , . in 1 1,. nouse "T.. I n .... . fri . : " 'Jin satem Kv m wnuine bar-m- F,,niin, ;!4l State see what Ive IT is hv TLt . : v, i mi- AV cufc JUATCH' FOIl SALE 5 room house, barn 4 lots, $1300. $800 cash, balanc $10 per month. Many pood buys In farm and city property, Bee Wm. W. Powell, 341 N. Com! St. List your properly with me. a2 8 ROOM house for rent. $45 a month. 7 room house, 2 large lots with all kinds of fruit and shrubbery at a low price. Ger trude .1. M. Page, 402 N. Cot tage. Phone 1 180. n NEAH high school, ' room hou. $2700; near high school 2 flats In very good condition, $6500; near high school. 8 room house $2700; a beautiful bungalow, plate glass, hard wood floors, splendidly located $0500; near post office 7 room house $4800. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cot tage, phone 1 180. HOME OPPORTUNITY A strict ly nign class huwii ugvt iious.2 on improved street. I huge up stairs looms. Large living room, dining room and kitchen have hardwood floors. Furnace, fire nlace. .screened in porch, full basement and garage, etuildlng newlv Dalnted. If oid wi'lii- ten davs. $7500. See me for terms. Petersen, 221 Orogon building. a2o FOR SALE 7 room plastered house, garage, 1 lot. Price $2309 $800 cash, balance $20 per month. Hart & Muller, 208 Or gon bldg 4 ROOM bungalow, fireplace, built in fixtures, .new. Price $1575. Magee. room 29 cor. State and Com. over BUMOK s. a FOR SALE 7 room house, nice shrubbery, some rruit, paveu St. Price $1700. Hart & Muller, 20S Oreiron bldg. n ROOM bungalow 4 blocks from State street, $3500. 5 room bun g:'!ow, 1 Vi acres, on carline. $4, f 00, 7 rooms, 7 lots on Highland avenue, $4800. $400 down $20 per ironth for 7 room modern house rn carllno. Laflar & Laflar, 406 7 Oregon bldg. aj For Sale Farms FOR SALE By owner, 135 acre farm. 35 acres clear, inquire ISo H Com. 3d floor room 9. b2(l 5 ACRK tract on tiie Pacific high way, black soil ready to plant. $250 per acre, easy terms. V, R. Putnam, 209 Oregon bldg. n t)NK of the best big farm buys in Polk county, $65 per acre for 265 acre improved farm, close to Dallas, on terms. V. R. Put nam. 209 Oregon bldg. b 5 ACRKS 1 mile from Salem, good bartt. woven wire fence, lumber enough to build a good cottage. This is a bargain, $2000. terms. V. R. Putnam, 209 Oregon bldg. b A GOOD 5 acre tract close to pave meat, close to Salem; fair im provements, 5 room house, barn good poultry plant, 3-4 acre of raspberries, H acre of orchard, balance good black soil well drained, only $3300. $650 cash. V. R. Putnam, 209 Oregon bldg. b ONLY 332 shopping days before X'mns; 40 acres, 22 cultivated. Price $1600. good terms. Ma gee. room It, cor. State and Com mercial, over Buaick'l grocery. n FOR SALE One half acre with young orchard cherries, apples and prunes, new bungalow. Price $1600, terms. Gall at 818 N. Liberty St. n Trade Have 5, 10 and 25 acre farma in Salem vicinity to sell on tffnis. or trade for good Sa lem residence property. These tracts are mostly improved. List it with us as we are con stantly in touch with buyers and traders. Farms, large and small, city property, business chances. Grocery store for stile, terms. BARBER A PEARSON 200 Hr.ny bhlrr. near Com. club, n FOR SALE Or trade, 19 acres rich loam land, all In cultiva tion; new 8 room house, good barn and out houses, fruit and berries. 10 minutes ride out on the Electric. Call at 818 Broad way. n FOR SALE SO acres exceptinal ly fine second growth fir timber 8 miles from Salem, 3-4 mile to Pacific highway. Price $75 per acre. Hart & Muller, 208 Ore gon bldg. n A 5 ACRK rural home close to Salem, good 6 room house, good garage, full act of outbuildings. Lack loam soil, perfect drain age; all stocked and equipped. Owner will not refuse a reason able offer. V. R. Putnam, 209 Oregon bldg. n For Salt; Miscellaneous HAY for sale. Phone 105FU. c2 FOR SALE Ladies suit, size 36, good style. $8. Phone lOtiOR. c25 Ftilt SALE Or trade, fresh row and calf or trade for beef cat tle. Phone 1213, ,. eJ5 FOR SALE 1 R. I. Red. 1 Ply mouth Rock and 1 White Lag horn rooster. 295 S. 16th. f25 $00 Electric rash register suit able for any size business, $275 Phone 1260 FOR SALE--A few full blood P. R. pullets and a few roosters, also a few R. I. Red roosters yet for sale. G. M. Campbell, phone ISFU. Hi FOR SALE 8 Barred Rock pul lets, laying; 1 cockerel. full bloods. Small new chicken house. 716 N. Front. Qi COMPI'TING scales, cash register and general store fixtures at Stark St.. Portland Or.. DC Jjteaof a punk time-piece is a sun-dial fl SOOT IT ANt BoMGKT A T . i -r-,,rc' CLASS JU in... i TO fN iW-umi- CAN CAilcJ r, ucn Don't t---vr-- ' - m lockup tell TH.e timc it A To Me'. J " j "v V iiue-Piece SOM that's L f f j t x'f(1Sr ... Lt.J .r-r,- V . 6U LOOK -Jl?Lale--WwceUaneou8 Y ,a"a horse's for sale " 7 need the burn rQom I 12 hV.f"7 60 tons and 1- head of work horses. Tele- ramiim, ur. Rt, i. CL6 WHILE lumW .." m.i r l. V. Bne aown fn fii RVe th,C8e aUctive lots fot sale, it wui be well for you n"r,chase one now and plan the building of your home. Ger trude J. M. Page, 492 N. Cottage Phone 1186. ,,. lOR SALE The lease of a large stock farm, equipment, -stock and crop in. Inquire of V. R Putnam, 209 Oregon bldg. b" BABY chicks direct from produc- cngnsn, Tom Barron or Tin cred White Leghorns. R. WojI ery. 344 S. 25th. Phone 798V. flu FOR SALE Cheap, drag wood saw. Stoner & Lewis engine. '-' i 05 Laurel ave. c37 OK1JEK your awning Hum uiii- iiapie ave. c26 For Sale Automobiles SACRIFICE New Chevrolet road ster. $800 cash. Only run 1225 miles. 1145 care Journal. 26 U. S. GARAGE. 554 Perry, has several good bins in us.-J cars. FOR SALE 1918 Ford, just ovei hauled, cash talks. $275. Call Mr, Cray, Hotel liligh. q26 For Sale Livestock HAVE peveral teams of good young horses suluide for any purpose, wagons and harness. U. S. Garage, 554 Fry. e25 FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Reg istered stock. Phone 13F21. c" For Sale Wood SECOND growth fir cord wood $9 a cord. Phone 23F15. ee30 WOOD for sale, 16-inch old fir. Phone 981M. ee27 WOOD sawing and dry wood for sale at a reasonable price. Fish er Broi., phone 2046 or 21F11. ee27 DRY 4 ft and 16 Inch wood. Phone 1678W. ee361 DRY wood, oak, ash, maple and big fir, 16-in, $12 per cord, de livered. Rig old fir not thorough ly dry, finest kind of furnace and heater wood, 16-in, $11 per cord, delivered. Office phone 998, night phones 679J or 1778J Emp'ey Transfer Co., 254 S. Lib erty St. ee25 FOR RENT GARAGES for rent, 492 N. Cottage St. J FOR RENT Large, light, furnish ed rooms for business men, fur nace heat, bath, 1 block from P O. Phone 358. ! MISCELLANEOUS WOOD buyera and shippers, Book & McDonough, 542 Stale St. phone 807J. list your wood with us. Carload shipmen'ts ,a spe cialty, i CLOSINCJ ol'T BALE Of U. Selig's store, Falls City, Or.. now going on. If you want a good business location investi gate this opportunity. For furth er particulars inquire 1115 Ma rion St. or phone 1556R. c28 LARMER TRANSFER moving Storage and fuel. Phone 930. m TIMBER 120 acres saw timber, y, mile from railway station, (about six million feet of tim ber) $3 per M. Laflar & Laflar, 406-407 Oregon bldg., Salem, Or. n TO LET Contract for all hand work in hop yard, surn as noe ing, grubbing. setting pegs, witH tmlnfn. strinuintr. keen in shape until picking time. No one but responsmie psrvraa nc apply. E. M. Young, Independ ence Or., Phone 50F4, Salem, Or. i3 ONE of the best farms in Polk countv to exchange tor Salem cro party. V. R. Putnam. 203 Oregon bldg PLUMBING, repairing and coil work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1517 J. m39 FRANCES CROW, 147 S. 22d St. m35 SERVICE garage, 803 N. Liberty. Expert mechanics; nignt warn specialty. Hour 75c. Ford over hauled $15. Phone 1436W. m32 BOARD $5, with room $7, meala 35c at 142 Court street. Board is so different, barbecued meat every day. rn26 PLUMBING and repairing done reasonable, i-nonc - 1 vv . iuji j wl- kaM HAtn rrnnri fnrm mort gages to sell. Hawkins & Rob erts. 205 Oregon Plug, naicm TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co., country trips, moving. Wood for sale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Thone 734. LIBERTY bonds bought and sold Hawkins & Roberts. 205 Ore gon bldg. Wanted Help EXPERIENCED wood cutter want tt Call 555 Center St. Salem. Or., at 6:30 p. m. evenings. g2h HOUSEKEEPER wanted for fam ily of two, middle aged person preferred. See Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage. phone ti ' g inVRr.b r"v ' - urj - - 1 is riA&MTSCST .Mi Vmi llff nTTl 4 ......rrc ti?5le I ZTSE J -(.)- tMATOrv. r V. n . r'-- " ' t- ru'MC f " . Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED $1500 loan. Box 61 126 Journal. WANTED $1500 loan. Box 61 Journal. J26 WANTED Woman for general iiouseworK. rnone leva aner n o'clock. g25 WANTED To rent a larm, will buy machinery and stock. Ad- dress 1541 D St. 125 WANTED A furnished apart ment or flat for two persons to be available about April 1st. Ad- dress box 2 care Journal. Jtt I HAVE somu parties who want to buy a small tract near Salem and some wanting city property. List your property with Powell, S41 N. Com'l St. n2d WANTED Practical nursing de sired, can furnish references. Phone 62F11, h25 SALESMAN WANTED We want a real salesman that is reliable and energetic, with an auto, for a permanent position in each county of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to sell 8 labor saving and farm conveniences articles for the house, barn and stock. They are articles with real mer it and one that the farmer will buy if properly presented. Thev are lines that any salesman can handle with credit to himself and on which he can build up a permanent business that will last for years. In answering state territory preferred, your age. selling experience and referenc es. It is a commission proposi tion. A good salesman can eas ily make from $2500 to $5000 a year. If you can qualify for the position it's worth th while of any salesman employed or un employed. Coast Culvert & Flume Co., Portland (Kenton) Oregon. g28 WANTED PrunesI state quanti ty and price, mail samples to Portland Salvage Co., 626 First St. South. i26 WANTED Some cheap lands. Write full particulars and price. Ranch 4 care Journal. 125 I AM in the market for a small fruit farm, might consider gen eral farm, some timber, from owner; give full particulars and price. Farm 71 care Journal. i25 FRU1TLAND Nursery has sales yard corner High and Ferry St. Special price on Italian prunes thousand lots. Please call and see my stock. Phone 1140M, Salem. Or., 161 S. 14th St. d25 REAL ESTATE GOOD BUYS 8 room modern house located in La Grande, Or. Will exchange for modern home in Salem. Price $8000. Three fine lots in S. Salem, 60 by 150 feet each. Will consider Portland lots in exchange. Price $1500. 60 acre tract of fine land locat ed on Howell prairie, all cultivat ed. Price $135 per acre. 200 acres of timber land lo cated 10 miles from Salem. Price $65 per acre. Well Improved 130 acre farm, 50 acres fall wheat, modern build ings. Will consider modern home in Salem up to $5000 as part pay ment. Price $150 per acre. 30 acres of good prairie soil lo cated east of Salem. Price $125 per acre. Well improved 5 acres, logans and prunes, 5 room bungalow. Price $5000. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see W. H. GRABENUORST & CO. 275 State street rr GET A HOME 8 room double house close in, for $1800, easy payments. A good buy in a six room house on N. Commercial. A fine modern bungalow on Fairmount hill, up to date, and has the location. A fine bungalow east and on ca. line and paving, for $4000, terms. A good buy on car line and pav ed street, east, :'jr $1800. Several buys In south Salem, tivo new bungalows. Modern house, with basemen' furnace and wood lift, $2700 terms. ACREAGE 1 5 acres in Salem H'l-Thts for $1500. LOTS A fine lot on Marlon street with water and btwer corncc 'cns in. for $900. Another one on S. Commercial for $900, paving paid. One good large lot on S. Liber ty, close in, for $19)0 An extra nice 13t on N. Cot! tgs for $1250. Others as low as $150 fs:h. H. E. BROWN Room 29, over Buslck's store. State and Commercial. a FIRST CLASS INVESTMENTS Fine 100 acre farm about all in cultivation, fine large bungalow, barns, several out buildings. 4 14 miles from town, rock road; fine dark soil. 3 good iiorses, 4 cows, fowls, feed crop, machinery, tools; fine home. Price $15,000, half down. 20 acres near Salem, 12 in bear ing prunes, 4 in berries and cher ries. Snap, some trade. 8 room plastered house, 2 fine lots, barn, near car line. SnajJ, $2. 600, easy terms. 2 fine residences in Roseburg to exchange for Salem property. Several small improved tracts close in at bargain prices. For all kinds of exchanges see MS. Fine modern 5 room iiungaion. large lot, fruit, carline. Bargain at $3500. PERRINE A- MARSTERS SI 1-1 2 Gray bldg Tte svjW THAT"i TH6 t& LOOK I (Vi 6 Tiwe -piece SAW. REAL ESTATE 1 GOOD BUY 78 acres, cultivated, 15 acres fall wheat, running water, good well, good pasture and timber, on main rock road, mail and cream route, only 2 14 miles from Jeffer son; 9 room plastered house, out buildings, family orchard, for $7500, terms. H. E. BROWN Room 29, Murphy bldg. Salem, Or. BSBT BUYS 10 acres all cleared, 5 room plastered house, outbuildings; 5 miles of court house: 14500. t!nnn cash. income property, well located on pavement. Rentals $150 per month. Price $8000, half cash. 15 acres stump land, macadam ized xoad, running water; three miles from Salem 1 $900, terms. Fine selection of houses from $1500 to $18,000. D. D. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State street. n WE AVANT STOCK OF MER CHANDISE FINE 90 ACRE FARM ON PAV ED HIGHWAY All good land and some of it Is very fine. Excellently located near station and high school; this place has a big future. Will take a stock of goods as part payment. Price, only $15,000. 126 ACRE GENERAL FARM Located in Linn county; about 90 acres cultivated, balance is fir and oak timber. About 25 acres fine river bottom land with 5 acres cultivated 100 acres fine second bottom land. Land lays nice; no buildings. Price $80 per acre. Will exchange either place for good stock of merchandise. KINNEY & SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor. n" L. A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE ..n FIRE INSURANCE 305 STATE STREET See this nice modern house, bun galow style, basement, furnace, double garage, and in a fine loca tion. This is unusually good for the price of $5800. terms. A good home of 6 rooms in fine condition with good garage, fruit, lot 50x110; N. Salem. Price $3200 cash $1000. 7 room house, plastered, base ment, bath, toilet, electric lights, garage; one block to street car. Price $4500; cash $1000. 7 room i:ousc plastered, base ment and 4 lots, barn and lots of fruit. Will consider auto as part payment. Price $2600; cash $1250. 7 room house, plastered, full basement; modern except furnace, on paved street and street car: good lot. If sold soon at only, price $4, 500; terms. 7 room plastered, 5 years old, hot and cold water with station ary tubs; fruit and shade; 1 block to street car. Price $4000; cash $1000. 6 room plastered house, bath, toilet, electric lights, large barn, large lot, chicken house and good yard; lots of fruit, etc. Can sell this today for price $5500 with terms. 7 room house, plastered, bath, toilet, electric lights, barn, wood shed, chicken house; various kinds of fruit: one block to street car. Price $3500, terms. 10 acres, 1V4 miles from Salem and a 4 room new house; 6 acres cleared, 4 acres pasture with small timber, place fenced, woven wire, about 4 acres Is in orchard, mix nrt: ltt acres strawberries and logans for family use; one cow, 7i chickens eo with place; garage antl small barn, new; well and spring of good water. Price $4250 cash $1500. 17 acres. 4 M miles south of Sa lem on new Pacific highway; 10 acres in bearing prunes, apples, cherries, etc. 24 acres in young nrunes. 2 acres logans and som nthpi- berries: 3 room house, old barn, rood well and pump. Price $10,000; terms. 60 acres, 6 miles east or naiem 40 acres cleared, 20 acres in pas ture and timber, and all fit to cul tivate: all fenced und cross fenc ed; dark soil, about 32 acres now in wheat and hay, 2 acres mostly prunes, bearing, 6 to 10 years old; 7 cows, 2 heifers, 2 good horses. 2 wagons and 1 truck, binder, mow er and rake, 2 plows and cultivat or; 9 room house, hot and cold water, good barn, silo, garage, well, spring and running water the year round. Cheap at $20,000, ternis L, A. HAYFORD 305 State street. 5 Acres, 4 room house south 26 street, $2000, good terms. 5 Acres, new house, 4 rooms and bath, paved road, 1 mile from city limits. Price $4200. 5 Acres, good house, 2 miles from Salem, $3500, will take trade to $2500. 27 Acres at Jefferson, 15 miles from Salem, good buildings, $175 per acre. Will consider some trade. 31 Acres on main road, new woven wire fence, all new build ings. 64 acres logans, balance cul tivated, price $8200. Good terms. 40 ACRES 6 miles from Salem, 15 acres bearing prunes, 1 acre logans, family orchard, 6 room plastered house. Price $12,500; will take house in Salein as tun payment. 158 Acres. 90 acres under cul tivation. $65 per acre. See LAFLAR LAFLAR 406-407 Oregon bldg. BALEM SCAVENGER Garbagf and refuee of all klnus removeu by the month at reasonable rate? Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. night phone 1680R. R. O. Cum mins. Mgr. fa JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT BSAvJTY ABOUT A - Tjial is THAT set out of opDee-. all You week T"o TELL TH TINAC I' -rue sow- ANt that's REAL ESTATE RADCLIFF & WARINGS SPECIALS 5.04 acres best river bottom land, does not overflow, Just outside the city limits on the Keizer road, 4 acres in logans, acre in straw berries, blackberries, etc. This is our own property and we can make you good terms. If you nam something good see this. 17 acres 44 miles from Salem on the Pacific highway; 3 room house, barn and chicken house, 10 acres bearing orchard, 2 acres logans and some young orchard. Jin ASA wilt eKplinnee for room- I ing house in Salem. 5 acres fine new land, 3 miles from Salem on a good gravel road 2 acres' in cultivation, new barn used for residence. The best buy around Salem; if you want a chance to buy a home on installments, see this. $100 will handle it. Price $1250. We have several tracts to ex change for city property. 5 room bungalow, full basement, fireplace, built in kitchen, bath ind toilet. 2 good lots, nun: t block to pavement and car. $3500 5 room modern bungalow. 11 blocks from center of business section, good location, 1 block to car. $3500. 7 room strictly modern nouse, on car line, gravel street. $5000. 9 room house. 1 moons irom car line in south Salem, $3500 on installments. 6 percent interest. If vou have a good House or va cant lot to sell, list it with us. We have the buyers. RADCLIFF ct AK1INU 141 State St. n26 DIRECTORY SECURITY BENEFIT ASSOCIA TION Meet in Foresters nan. 229 N. Commercial street, every Wednesday evening. F. G. Brock, Finance. 340 Court St. Osteopathy t.oq wTITTin A'll MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians anu ui geons, 506 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic physician ana surgeon, mj-i Oregon bldg. Res, phone 5 8F5. Farm Loans FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 6 percent. Hawkins & Roberts, 206 Oregon bldg.. Sflleai. Or. Stove Repairing STOVES rebuilt and epaired. 60 years' experience; Dcpor ra tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 inches high. Paints oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124 BUILDING LOANS MADE -May be repaid like rent. Life, Fire, Health. Accident. In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A P ROHRMSTEDT 401 Mflsonlc Temple. Salem. Or. Water Company SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice corner commercial Trade Sts. Bills payable month ly in advance. Phone 57. Optician OR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician, eyea thorough ly examined, glasses made and fitted. N. O. S. C. Lens Insur ance. 510-12 U. S. Bank. Phone 341 wnv HVIlt.l. icon. LESS? WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid before you sell. People's Furniture and Hardware store, 271 N. Commercial street. Phone 734. CIIAS. E. TATRO, foot correc tional specialist, 404 Masonic bldg. Bring us your foot trou bles. 36 Salem Markets Complied from reports of Sa lem dculcrs for the guldaiute or Cupltul Journal readers. (Revised dally.) Bujing Prices. Grain: Average valley wheat, (bulk) $1.30 bushel; average val ley oats (bulk) 42c bushel. Hay: Cheat nay zj.uu v Oat hay $22.00 $24.00; clover hay $20.00 $22.00. Vegetables: Oregon onions i cwt.; potatoes i owt. Meat: Hogs $11.50 & 1 1. 1 0 ; dress ed hogs 14c; top steers be; cows 1 96c; bulls 5c; spring lamos oc, sheep yearlings 4c; ewes Z (, eal (fancy dressed) 16c. Poultry and eggs: Eggs 45c; light hens 23 24c; heavy nens 50170; old roosters lavilfl springs, over 2 pounds, juc. Rutterfat: BUtterfat 43c; cream cry butter 4 1 Wholesale Prices. Vegetables: Oregon onions $1 O1.I0 cwt; California onions i.(,i cwt.; beets I2.0U cwt.; lettuce 3.25 per crate; turnips $1.50 cwt; arrots $101-60 sack; parsnips $2 wt; cauliflower $2.25 per dozen; potatoes $1.25 cwt.; sweet pota toes $7.00 cwt; cabbage $1.90'2.25 creen peppers 10c; celery $1.00 dozen; spinach 10c pound. Fruits: Oranges $4,5015.00; lemons $4.00; bananas UMiC, dates fpound, bulk) 25c; Drome- Ulary dates $7 case; black figs 10c; I white figs 12Vjc; California grape- HeRe, mutT, tou'll y ITS LltiC- A CHtNGSe Ki2 2.L ROTH'S Fisher's Blend Flour We are unloading a car of this Flour today and to move it out rapidly are making special prices in barrel lots. There are all kinds of cheap brands of flour on the market and while they figure a few cents less per sack market and while they figure a few cents less per sack of high grade flour will produce more loaves of bread per sack without mentioning the better quality of bread you will obtain... So if you want the best bread obtain able for your family and at no higher cost per loaf buy Fisher's Blend. Fisher's Blend, per sack $3.05; 4 sacks $11.60. Fisher's Preferred, per sack $2.95; 4 sacks $11.20. Montana Hardwheat, per sack, $3.05; 4 sacks $11.60. Fisher's Pancake Flour and Rolled Oats, package 40c. Special 3 for $1.00 Fisher's Yellow and White Corn Meal 45c per 9 lb. sack Fisher's Rolled Oats, 70c per 9 lb. sack. Fisher's Graham and Whole Wheat Flour 65c per 9 lb. sk Fisher's Farina 80c per 9 lb. sack. Fisher's Rye Flour 75c per 9 lb. sack. See our big window display of Fisher's Goods. Fisher's Scratch Food, $3.60 per hundred. Canned Goods Specials Banquet Brand Canned Peaches, 3 for $1.00 Banquet Brand Canned Apricots, 3 for $1.00 Aloha Sliced Pineapple, 3 for $1-00 BJair Corn, 2 for 5c Blair Corn, 2 ror c Del Monte Peas, 2 for 45c Del Monte Tomatoes, 3 for -o5c Van Camp Pork and Beans, small, 2 for 25c Van Camp Pork and Beans, medium, 2 for 35c Coffee For years we have made a specialty of selling good bulk Coffee with the result that we sell more of our Gem Blend Coffee than any canned coffees. When you buy canned coffee vou are paying from eight to ten cents for the can which you throw in the garbage can and pay for hauling it away. Whv not save this ten cents by buying a good bulk coffee which is guaranteed to give satisfac tion or money refunded. Gem Blend Coffee 40c; 3 pounds for $1.00 We also carrv all the leading brands of canned coffee and buy them direct from the roaster notwithstanding the fact that recent ads in the Sal-em papers convey the idea that only certain merchants buy their coffee direct. M .1. Brandenstein & Co. sell only direct to retailers in this territory and any statement to the contrary is pure unadulterated bunk. Roth Grocery Co. Phone $4.00; Florida grapefruit fruit $8; Arizona grapefruit $5. B0. Retail Prices. Butter and Eggs: Creamery but ter 52 53c; country butter 45c; eggs 50c Feeds: Wheat $1.96 bushel; oats $2.75 cwt. Millstuffs: (Ton lots sacked), mill run, $39. 00; Montuna mill run $36.00; short middlings $49.00; roled oats $45.00; whole corn $45; ground coin $45.00; cracked corn $53.00; ground barley $50.00; scratch feed $74.00. Flour: Hard wheat flour $2.75; soft wheat flour $2.50 $2.60. Portland, Jan. 28 Cattle nom. steady, receipts none; choice grass steers $8.50(9.10; good to choiu" $8.008.5O; medium to choice $8.O08.50; fair to good $7.00& 800; common to fair $6.00(8i7.00; choice cows and heifers $6.75 Si 7.25; good to choice $6.25 & 7.00; fair to med. $5.50 6.25; common to fair $4.00&5.u0; canncrs $2.00 4.00; hulls $5.00(116.00; choice dairy calves $12,00413.00; prime light $1A.00 12.00; medium 3.ou W10.00; hrivy $6. 00". 50; best feeders $6.76 T. 75; fair to good $5.756.75. Hon steady ; receipts none; prime mixed $11.00 11.50; smooth heavy $10.50(1(11.00; rough $7.00i& 9.50; fat pigs $10 11; feeder pigs $10 11.50. Sheep steady; receipts none;east of mountain lambs $9.50 1 0.50; valleys $9.oo9.50; feeder $6.00 7.00; cull lambs if ! only; ewes ll.SVBB.OV; ngnt yeaning-. $7.508.25; heavy $fi.007.50; wethers $6 6.50. Portland, Or., Jan. 28. -Duller steady; extra cubes 110 40ei parch ii nt wrapped prints, box IoIb, 45c; cartons 46c; half box lots V4c more; less than box lots 1 cent more. Dutterfat No. 1 chiirnlnt: 43c fob Portland; undergrades 41c fob Portland. Wheat: hard white $1.61; soft 4244c; buying price 40e de livered; selling price candled 41 iff 43c; Helerts 44?i'45c. Eggs: selling price case count 42 44c; buying price 40fu43:: tW- Copyrlght 1S20 by H. C. Fisher Trade mark Reg. U. a Pat. Offlc 1 ( 0 I Poo(5 1885-6-7 livcrod; selling price candled 44 B45c: selects 4648c. Poultry: Hens light 26 26c; heavy 30.31c; broilers 25426e; old roosters 14c; turkeys nom; geese nom; ducks nom. Millstuffs: Mlllrun $3536. Hay: Buying mice timothy $27 28; alfalfa $1819.50; grain mixed $23: ehNit $2324; clover $1920: straw $15. l.nst Nasi' Found. New York, Jan. 28. The $500' Sevres vase, lost In transit after Us presentation by the president or France to James A. Flnhcr'.v. su preme knight of the Knlghti of rto-. lumbus, has been found in Con-a Htantinople, a message received here today said. It had been placed, by mistake, in a shipment of furnishings for the knights club there. rOK I.ONQ D 1ST A NCI AUTO TRHCKIKO Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PHONE 1400 WW ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING PRINTING A satisfied customer rata Rowland Ptg. Co, Phone 1111, over Petton Bk BteM -" i For Bargains of all kinds, such s furnl ;ture, stoves, ranges, m-; ichinery, of all kinds see thet Capitol Junk & Bargalot 1 2 15 Center. Phone 398 i "Our Cars are bonded for your protection. Portland - Salem Stage Line and Way Points Salem to Portland $1.75 On the Hour, Every Hour Leaves Bligh Hotel, Salem. Leaves Seward Hotel, Portl'nd ! First Stage 7 a. m. Last Stage 7 p. m. L.M.HUM Care of Yick So Tong Chlne Medicine aa4 Co. IIaaVtnlne which will euro any known Opsn Sundays from It until 8 m. 1SI South U h Btra Salem. Oregon