f 28, 19.21 z. .e Prizes u. VI UJ. a" Jllll. - nrovlncet it- i urei llie ;II1 teal tef th 3aaai s have long elainied; irhuHl grain land j ,dvancln tbeir rlami luiv i is of (arm! nsnfmuv i.,-ii ijmIiI for wit u :h, i.i liners "I 'lit Irish Priest Arrives Show, Bvthe v J '-'"VX IVUtJ Sinn Fein Route" The Capital Journal, Satan. Oregon la hH nut ,iniiH ,i t li.- ili.liij Jotted ,1 i (lis rLain!. camuia s laltraatient end'1 riK HUUI.I i,. titinil al Ihi reeont I seem to lend name rolor i i" . ,,n..iiin -ii int nf th I lonila- nt y -nix- pPUM'H at Kor aprtna wlicat -Mt lll Canada 111 eom- W' ii,..-i'Hi si''' " il" luiii- at . -, ...ti.-rn Canada in onmiieli- ,ul tin- north central I l.'htll prlV.es. Canada bill. "' rlz- 1,1 """ tilll'S ll0 Mini fiml mid eeotid tai mle Attend the Funeral oi x x icuu wyi ..v -lully twenty Ihousiitid peo-- i emu r kill de il'uiieruJ- hantiiie OX f tin- mo lis ever pH lony, ,;tl,ri ,,,,a SI ' i"' , , L s ,1. ii , h ' H i-, anu ne was onrici 1 ' '.. , ., 0ii Mt earth that oti'ii m " ' ' . if lh' I limese win in ii in i , mis expect in WHICH in was-held i. -in there is supposed to be In! - one tango'1 live I n-eie . CI'"" ' .he IVlU'ie tor k-fati' Sue I" Lit fin11 of hi: ; - . I A. 4, Ml III T WP i V Pare Five tnten i Iv f I by .Mi trow a soci.tl luncheon imr- al the .Mai inn nt&ndpolat, is ihi to be Kiven today kVnUtun limn ii,m mmnben .f the HvIaH I'"ellt ;,l tl. un,.h.mi lor ttie aq AJ rx. I Will In j ter which iernn at ih "l-e r, It.jjj, In mi af- ilned of rs. An Inti ii..L,a...,. .. . ....... hi if.,i t . '-''land .lu,..,, SUl... Hiti ! n ""I"" iSniiria , - .( iiwi)' or Mali'iu, hais .,,. Is ii n ,.fn ... i - ' uwii-n- U)on the r enttrttBjaa, w.,ia. Jmrii, ionye ot abaence Air vjatt in -. ....u orR alter whii l, , Heilwan win eo with hta sl , Honolulu. mer-brlef ami Mrs. H..ji Washington, . Angclen, who hax visited friends in Portland ami Salem daring the last few weeks, leaves today for her home In the south. Miss Nell Sykes. who sienl sev eral months in overtimes! service in Siberia, (jave a very intercaflng address before the .Mountain View parent-teacher rtaaoctatlon TKura day evening. Miss gykea has had many interestlus exerience in' her work olifoad and lsuble to Bve her own personal impressions of some of the greatest iiuestions that are before the world luaay'. i In iinlit-nee was very apprecia tive of the address. he blown to bits. Generally speak ing, all that is left is a Mg hole in the ground and the memory of the !man that was. hut Isn't nny more. liettiiiK back to Brown. He had lived iiiiist all his sixty-uineyears around Bradford, livery old-timer in the oil ii,, is. as will as the youager generation, knew him. l''or the last twenty-five years he has been employed by Hie various torpedo ami ciyeerino conipaiui, s in the capa'olty of shooter, includ the American (ilyeerlne com huny, the Kane Torpedo ootnpany, and the du font I'owder company. Ten years previous to that time he manufactured glycerine for the Roek Glycerine company. Air. Brown seemed to possess a charmed lite, for duAng his eerv Ice in his daoa-erotn profession many fellow -workers were blown to atoms while engajd in their labors. He was a man highly es teemed in the oil country. The passinqr of this veteran shooter, known far and w ide, w ill l keenly regretted. Inn m,c " ' Koe, anti I an writ 'S'' Iftei.v f ' - fan, ii I-'1 1 tfh!niii- I Will" M. the coolie" hum ocean beii fr ln , many res. Tie' i ,1,,. i n i that Chan Alah l'hee, the kad s.oent much of his lifetime and eiealth in the pi'Otectlon or the poor. ,- society in Rangoon - represented at i. wen repreaentatlvea of all braneh- niilsof mourners repre 'Very nationality, rich or poor, was pre i, soap clgftra, matches U'hen the Rev, .l, Me, Cistlebar, County Mayo "r the 1.-; rs of the enn movement arrived in lie was ask,., HJ. jf recently made the would irlvi 'ban, of Ireland, he had Aiiils eompll- -islli , limy lhat it was nei-essary to carrving tables of food, as Is a, his. Over four thousnml cool proeeHalon alone. Is compoaed of Kuropeans, Chi uceedinga at the cemetery lasted nil'- Father Meehan HO clue to the in,,,,,,,,,. Ill, !, 1 - - . i in-, i eucneti merlcii vein to say he had : "f "Sinn Peln rout,. way to vinit his brothe Mr. and Mis. Roy ,,,,o .nrs. will r. Weill onturuay when they mm an eiKht table Bprtng flowers bowls about th, Dr. in.! rick Meeha ex- ome by way lb- is on lis i'. Rev. Pa. and Airs. Mis. Wj- of Sparks. Ncv. a nil and and ami All- Mrs Mrs Mrs. H ed with the funeral were enor- wr,,i ill,' widow ami reiatnes nan to Keep nd this hail l" '"' ' "iitimjed after tin- lu lu the figures woi Ki n oui nv t ne trjeal ili, deceased, Matches in Dark Pheaters May Be Forbidden I Pa.. Jan. :. ,-hile the house Irch for nropped a be iiiuile a serloui L if Inttodui king a match in a Pitts is darkened to read ; tti'les or for any oloer offense under an ordi eity council by Council- iDailey. The ineasui e win oe nil l ouuceit al In o( John B. Iteynolda, manager of two of Lbert theaters hen , llie Alvln ami the Pitt, loust'. Ht strongly advocates such legislation as a r measure In prevent a panic from a real or Pailev agreed to present the ordinance. I Ids nave that as a further precautionary Bftfsinst holding children In the laps of I during the presentation of a play w ill be ked at hnih theaters. If the council has no state legislature w ill be asked to enact sulileh. UtsmilMfle that no one might be ham- 1 there be a necessity for a hasty exit from I'mUr the regulation! children under five lunt to th theater ami children above thai - their own seals. iMusfCome Off wtals Is Claim of Fair One '. M "M'lilileii i MewkU. list come off their pedes i put us there lo get US lildi la Hie din clor of thirty Jetli s t nan '-he n shi ilisnissi'il t he merits companies ami leineinber. In if the average pit unman. " si,,, declared, "is a woman who fine the ordinary ihines. Women's point Pl.nh- I' dOesn'l evisl Ii ahlulMn'l nwtmi no sjienul mission in public life except. fmnhasize points that specially concern ildnn. il to ability that la wanted. I Hone Will lie able In coin rihiil,. to i tw, mmmkiI iseekWM thai the modern woman Is de- me ..ff h,., pedestal, and thinks that she MM on the level around. "A nnd te I is PUble all, I auile iinka" L-v, .--. November 1920 the avevflrrr rlnilir naSA circulation of the Capital Journal Pn the City Limits of Salem was 3302 1 Win of 507 in fear, ami , o. r t . , Bttlll m B1 over prevwus month made "iuui so he tat;r. 2Jmi'- and this gain Qe in or, t . . uhuj -F 1 a raise " Publication."" CSt f iE CAPITAL JOURNAL fining steadily because Rnrt apPreciates the " iu mako ,4- .. sr better h laminates the FIELD m- news- Boy Scouts of India Resent Race Feeling London, .Ian. Just hecuilHC the white Boy soms of ndlti arc so Hiioltbi.sh ih to icfust- to aSHO ciato with their In own Ih .h'k rs is uf4o4ent ;nisc for Die ivin to take a hand in the matter mid for sir uoin'i-t Baden Powell to tae a peeiftl over there. The fact lhat the whHe Scouts ha ve refused to allow the l udiun hoya io affiliate with them hna for some timp heen a great itone of contention. There nr- o "i" 'wo mil lion India n Hoy Peon is. and they have for Home I me felt that i he BCOUl sim-it was not fshowri hy the hite hoys. After the big "ffnmboreo" hore the Indian boyi asain mndo a claim to he allowed to attend with ih' whites ii ixl wore refused. Thtd ca used so much interest ; h it I he Indian povernment appealed direc tly to the Klnpr, pointing out that these hoys were Just of an Mrs tn.u they would eome to manhood :it HOOUi the limp when -he l"r:-ire of Wales would, in the eourv" of na ture, ;ttiain the throne ami thut to have this number of disMfeeted Indians at that time woni.l hardly lc of much value to the Kinpiv. The Kine sent for Sir Rohort, and after due consideration of tin mai ler, il wus deoftdod that Hie chief eout for sueh is Sir Roberta title -would go to India and try to ad just the matter. Sir Robert is now on his way, and il is hoped thai he will be nble to fix things UP so Ihnt ih Ind ian boys will no longer feel that they tire out nf the same as far as their Knlish brothers are con cerned. The- prince of Wales, a, phlef Scout for Wales has taken a bio I I inlerestH In the matter, and be ,t r- ! sonaiiv urged sir Robert lo under-J take the mission. Keep Wheels On Go 24 Hours Per Day, Manufacturer Says entertaln- curd oarty. were placed in mum Tin,..,. ; mi tne occasion sreri Airs. PVed Thompson, Dr Cheater Down, .Mr. ami mini Mouiichrlut, .Mr. Millar McGllchrist, M Merlin Harding, Mr. raenry uorneyer, .Mr Mmunnon, Mr. and Mrs. C. K Spauldlng, Mr. and Mrs, Walter 8 Paul ding, Mr. ami Mrs, Ra Johnson, hi-, and .Mis. drover Bel llnjrer, .Mr. and .Mis. w. m, i.,ln. "ton, Dr. ami Mrs. Charles Baten, Mr. and .Mrs. Raymond "v'als'a. Mr. ami Airs. LeRoy Leedy and AH-s. Carl O, Blngstroni will en tertain the members of the Three Link club this afternoon at her home, 5 7fi North Capitol street. Messages f congratulation are being showered upon Mr, and Mrs. Luther .1. ChapLn who have wel comed into their home a seven anil one fourth pound hoy. The Soufh Salem olrolo of Lho First Christian church i ,et with Mrs. Cass Gibson yest rilny nf.er noon. Ten triembers resiiondefl to roll call. After the btts'.'ien meet ing adjourned a very enjovaMe so cial hour followed. Dr. and Airs. C. A. T'owns weiC Portland visitors during a porUeg of the week. The eighth urade yi' ls w II five the second of the series ol physic al education exhibitions at me Washington junior high. Friday. January 28. at k p. m. These ctl' -hltions illustrate the regular class work day hy day, .in-l shonhl he of inlerest lo all patrons of tie Salem schools. C. S. Fieklin of Falls City Is vis iting his daughters, Mrs. c. r Cams, I, n anil Airs. W. W. Taylor, of Salem. Air. and Mrs. Karl Kugel unl Mrs. W. C. r'ranklln of the Wal lace road are spending the dny in Portland. Nitro-Glycerine Handled 35 Years; Died with Shoes Off ( Ity liiteinatlonal New s 1 Iradford. I'a., .la u. 'J S. Crown, nitro-ul .jid shorter, wild h brink f eternity years tr more, ha I) poaoe and not in plei Service.) J 7. Amos line maker stood at the r thirty-five just died in as happens to most handlers nf nltro-giyoeritte sonner or later. Nil ro-ylycerine is nne of the most powerful explusivrs and p:oes off on ttie slightest provocation ami sometimes without being provoked; A man around this exploitive never known what minute he is going to : MnLTowiiiK a book fr.nii th.- i uh lic llbiarj- in one .-itv ,,i rstkra lllW H th- library in tbe ne.xt ; town in whic h he i.iakt ; a ;vlul 4liay he arrunt'ed tor the trnualiBR uitm. MOTHER S FRIEND For Expectant Mother Used By Three Generations ITI ran SOOKLET ON SOTHCSHOOO A MST.MI StDTICLD BEUIT0 Co. DEPT. I I. Il.ANT M JOURNAL WANT AOS PAT SPECIALS Throughout the Store Down eome prices, i-cjifinllcss of our kss. Several lines we are completely clos ing out others we have in lut :i lew brok en styles and sizes. Yon nuisl see to iipir' ciiite the real value of these ha I'uaius. Salem Variety Store 152 N. Commercial Street CAPITAL JOURNAY WANT ADS SATISFY THE WANTS CAPITAL JOURNAY WANT ADS SATISFY THE WANTS i OL'R BREAD is a dis tinct scientific achieve ment. Just the proper ingredients a r e quite properly mixed by ma chinery and then expos ed to just the proper heat. The result is de lightful. Your sense of taste will hertily approve of our Bread as will your digestion. i Mis. j. B. Wlnatanley if Los PHILIP WINTERS, Prop. 170 N. Cora'l St. Phone 34'. MOM on, .Inn. 27 Btata nn lliree I'lll Ille iht-hovr ni let slliflf and keep the v tii els tinning twenty-four liours a Aa jr. This is the Idea of Fred II. Perklna, of sinews huiy, n mjmafaoturer. "Let the state or the I'nitert stutoK barneM the water iiower ,ind give us heat, light nod power from the water Koins lo waste," he sayn. ".Iiike the worklnK day twenty four hours long, on three eiKht hour shifls. . "Put factories shops, railroad, stores, bunks, educational institu tions, recreational agencies and other activities on such a schedule. "What would he the result? Buildings no wa loss for sixteen hours out of the twenty-four would be in use all the time. Overhead expenses would bo cut. Millions of dollars would be put in circulation. "Business men I have talked with usually praised my plan. "It would triple the number of workers, increase production, de crease living costs, decrease pro duction costs and lessen the social Ills that follow unemployment." Plans To Stage Tittle Battle In Canada Discussed New Tork, Jan. 28. The propo sal to hold the Demsey Carpentier world's heavyweight eli-itnpionship bout In Montreal was dbem'?"d here today between Tex Ri.kaid and two Canadian promoters. C. J". Ornham and V. O. Goodspeed. rat m hers of a dominion syndic i(e. Rickard said he had been re quested to consider the mission confidential and had no- decided whether he would diviiU-' the d' velopments. William A. Braly. who with Charles B Cochran, who rfcontiy withdrew from the bon! s ml 1MB he was prepared, abeacver if queted. to assifm his Mll and that of Cochran, to WekarA, Knelish law doc no- H cjfrr-ize Bamblin or beating debts. s. ' reneral rule, although ihcie hrv b-eii exce ptions. California ranked flral ' production of petroleum It 151 Oklahoma sreond nil Ka.isas u. s. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS Steuslof f Bros MARKET Court & Liberty St's 'PHONE 1528 GOOD QUALITY FRESH BEEF 10c 12 Vac 15c 18 CHOICE PICNIC HAMS 22 C LiL SHOULDER PORK ROAST, 99 C LB" FRESH SIDE PORK 22c LR SALT PORK, 25C LB Bulk Lard AJe23clb. (No. 3 Size Pail 59c LAMB STEW QC LB. FORE QUAR., LAMB 25c LB SHOULDER VEAL ROAST, 22 C OLD FASHIONED Zi A LB COUNTRY SAUSAGE, m Complete Line Choice Steer Beef PORK VEL & LAMB. ALL KINDS SMOKED MEATS. Sausages of All Kinds a Specialty Steusloff Bros. Market Salem, Oregon NOT IN THE COMBINE An Extra Choice Lot of all kinds of Tender Juicy Meats at prices that will please you. Here are a few regular prices: Pork Steak, per pound 20c Loin Pork Chops, per pound ." 25c Fresh Side Pork, per pound 22c Sausage, per pound 15c Liberty Steak, per pound 15c Shortening, No. 5 pail 65c Nuccoa Nut Butter, 3 pounds $1.00 Fancy Bacon, per pound 30c Kippered Salmon, per pound 25c " Midget Market "Originators of Low Prices" 351 STATE STREET We Close Saturday at 7 p. m. J We Are All Employers I n i lie everyday ji of buy ing the thill s we mi and wear we ai r employing llie eopk who make ihvm. If we buy Oregon Products we're helping in make jobs lor Oregon people and in creasing prosperity aJJ around. I't's wake up. And use heads. And our hearts. And prevent a serious un cmploymenf problem in Oregon, , BUY OREGON PRODUCTS ASSOCIATED IOL'-STRIES OK OREGON third. JOVRNAL WANT ADS PAT