inaertioo k rents: - eacn - TT.A racn I II ree Insert." month. 20 g ceni v- yea -' ad 'ear' Vl d 25 cents. hoiu r-- - - New iu- advance casn m " , ' nver Phone, uiess ken oer i ,, t. " nlinlie crrora Fit. '-'' and calf. St Liberty. .sJi- chei 21 1325 E. JZ1 , ., L.,.e now ; and calf j;f,ti MiaalO". l o- wood 21 Pllelie . uquire r ,ent on a. Cottage. Ford )(.; nub " " Ly, 4s -N. 2:1 i-d iL':; Rock jjCnolce wutu 'hone and cotnwi f shorthand honk Call ! ii a. in. ami a '10 l 21 ante broom in t Journal office. ilem Hi- k2a v'i' I-ui uisneu siet furnace heat, close bah. pSng in fu neral nouse win n.. U' 1 . l.lllaru. .leuersu.-i r. .'......' urn h2.' pill" " - ' state qua mi i.iee mail sample to o..i Cn . until. ! mv and calf f sell or trade r! .- S. 12th St. o 21' lUl, bred nun urn . ... iie 1 Ii nun. -- , . i e i ' MThlta Fii fcwels. 1 250-egg ele i i i i n ha I nr e-nnrl ..n 1 ' i A I f ,K mini. i a 'i- - Front Si. ( all and sec i.i f,i..m rs. u. A. ... oi 11; - L farm, eiiuipment, .stock i ..f ts in in. 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ... . ;iid Oregon bid, b' sraci on ih" Pacific high- soil ready to plant, e. easy terms. V, It. i Oregon bldg, n nil i 1 1 iv i f in' i . . . ni. . nns i.i ' ' "i v i" ir.s k9 Improved farm, close i on terms. V. R. Put Oretron bldtf, b Cheap. Russel steam K 111 i te I , u. 1 1 in, u; is. Wood. 185 s. Com- -Semi' one to rut good Mk c. l-'iit-. phone s n. . . mix ti tr . - , inn.- ituiii .-a it-ill. kui',1 ... ru .1 ii , II' ' . i I I I t I I ' i to nulla a anod not latre. bargain, Jl'uoO. terms. uui.nn. n ' i I! eiii , lie u b Bsnaan aesirnufi of home IS. C.ln l)av Hiatal m,v j, ii. H juuniu, h2:i also horses thai viwk B'eiirhinir froin !"nn t,i Slork is ill Hirht w.,nu nil collars. Call at 420 S. eroia!. .o Bore truer nlnn blow in Salem; fair m poultry plant, ;i-4 acre of in", :n'i'i. ..r .... i, ...a ' snod black soil well only Maoo. $(ir,o cash. Putnam. 208 Oregon bltlf. b p-vontraot for all hand ' nop yard. Hucn lop. Wbblngr, settlnst notrs "'inir., M r n nti;r ,'non ' antll picking time. No recnonsihlo ,,.,,.( , ft If. Villi,,,. Or. I'll,,,,.. rA,,, ,. ' ""i-i. Mui'm. oi rviio l!m,p ma. .uu.i"e a 2 -bun,, i '777 : H ' ' . . i i 1,11 111 7.".. ' roetil ii ,.,, a,.,, ami er law ear.,.,. , ,."V. red 300 7 ' lire .' . Hit, ... IT,... "r" a I in,.., per Orc- I .ii ui er vim ' "' '-e. eorni-r o-rta -. 01. j pi :i 0 K. f... ' "null win cttage with : lenc. s. gnod bnso uiea:. I o ni.,,, - H. Grabenhorst St. a21 -"-MTa-i 11 :i tr.HC V V 7 l t- i " sue s v.'Ri sews iT we CiU , Ucn Art-, ... - NTtfriiiM '"in FOR SALE ROOM house for rent, or ft saie. installments, Hmati pay ment down and $20 month. Phone 608J. j21 FOR SALE 8 room modern home on vjouri til., lurnace, fireplace good lot with variety of bear ing fruit. Trice $42.tO. Mrs. Win nie Pettyjohn, 275 State St. Tel 6 1 5 . MARCAIIVS 7 rnnrii Iuiiim c. Winter St. $000 down balance izv per momn. a room house and all furniture located on S. uotiage st. price ooo cash W. H. Gra-benhorst & Co., 27: State St. FOR SALE flood old house, plas tered, and with modern conven i''nre, itne ovrnvr ii'i paved on both sides, close in; will be sold for just what the lot is worth. Price $3500. Mrs. Winnie Pet tyjohn, 275 State St. Tel. 515. FOR SALE 6 room house. Includ ing pantry, city water Inside, toi let, wood shed, new barn, chick en house, lot 110x150, three blocks west from Richmond ohool. 001 S. 22d. Price $800 easru n 2 1 4 ROOM house for rent. Hav splendid working women who would work by noun, sewing ironing, sweeping and nursing. Have several good buys and splendid exchanges. Gertrude J M. Page, 492 N. Cottage. Phone 118G. VOll SALM 1640 Mission St. 7 room piasierea nouse, every thing modern except gas; beam ed ceilings, beautifully finished wood work, full basement, ce m 'nt foundation; four lots, lOOx 210 tt. nice lawn, garden, roses, apples, cherries, prunes and grapes, fine garage, two nice chicken houses, good barn. Ev erything In fine shape. It will pay anyone wanting a nice home to look it over. Snap if sold by May isr. see owner on premu any afternoon. a24 run. irii.e. i room nouse. nice shrubbery, some fruit, paved St. Price $1700. Hart. & Muller, 20S Oregon bldg. n . ROOM bungalow 4 blocks from Stat? street, $3500. 5 room bun galow. 1 H acres, on carline, $4, fOO. 7 rooms. 7 lots on Highland avenue. $4800. $400 down $20 per month for 7 room modern house cn carline. Lnfiar & Laflar, 406 7 Oregon bldg. a For Sale Farms FARM of 73 acres for sale or trade for a good live business, up to $18,000. Write Geo. E. Cooper. McMinnville, Or. n22 ONLY 337 shopping days before Xmas; 40 acres. 22 cultivated. Trice $1000, good terms. Magee, room 29. cor. State and Com mercial, over liusick's grocery. WILL take a $3500 residence as part payment on a 102 acre farm, 00 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, good buildings. Located on main road between Dallas and Falls City. Price $12,750. Terms at 0 per cent. W. II. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State St. a21 PRl'NE ORCHARD FOR SALE 21 acres, 18 acres bearing prunes 3 acres of log.ins in full bearing, 0 room house, electric lights. 24 stack pnine dryer, Ford truck, al! farming implements, one horse and 24 chickens. , Trice $12,000. Terms. Located close to paved road on good rock road near Liberty. W. H. Grabenhorst K Co., 270 State St. Ml FOR SALE One half acre with young orchard cherries, apples and prunes, new bungalow. Trice $1600. terms. Coll at 81S N. Liberty St irRES all cultivated. 30 acres of the richest kind of made land, was once covered with water; 9 acres set to logans, very good farm buildings. 1 M miles to town, about 13 miles from Sa lem; will take some smaller acre age or Salem property. Magee, room 29, cor. State and Com mercial over Rusick's. n Trade Have 5, 10 and 25 acre farms in Salem vicinity to sell on terms, or trade for good Sa lem residence property. These tracts are mostly improved. List it with us as we are con stantly in touch with buyers and traders. Forms, large and small, city property, business chances. Grocery store for sale, terms. BARBER & PEAI1SON 200 Gray bid;, near Com. club, n FOR SALE Or trade, 19 acres rich loam land, all in cultiva tion; new 8 room house, good bam and out houses, fruit and berries. 10 minutes ride out on the Electric Call at 818 Broad way, n for sale so acre exceptl nal- ly me seoona grow in nr liuioui 8 miles from Salem, "-4 mile to Pacific highway. Price $75 per acre. Hart & Muller. 208 Ore gon bldg. n FOR RENT A good 7 room house close in. for rent at $50 with furniture, though I would pre fer to sell the furniture te the renter. Address ABC care Jour nal. W 38 FARMS 38 Most of them per sonally inspected. From 30 dol lars an acre up. The Fleming Realtv Co.. 341 State St. n A 5 ACRE rural home close to Salem, good 6 room house, good parage, full set of outbuildings, tlack loam soil, perfect drain-, age; all stocked and equipped.) Owner will not refuse a reason- j nLle offer. V. R. Putnam, 209 , Oregon bldg. n ui il I inn wi ii n , , , . . , . v 4. i- rt - , v viaiiir i v I ill r lilt s unniiiM aei i i.iir: i j ir 1 l -! IT-llTlJAI'lirt-TlWI-' '- I i ----- -II II 11- ( F . , aU r.l rV M9t I - k. - ' - I t- . j v II rJL-A SOIVAC- COMPUrAeMTr jFp . Jt r-r, , .TO JU CWTVOOGHTIO f . jm has - . rt-T r 1 -- Uvc-v MVMrt I , na.-, Bess M FOR SALE ElJiale Miscellaneous EOR teAl .1-: im ,. .... . dltl 5"" con- "' .. commercial, ci Uu, i'"'i s'."e' "lCe oats " U4 r rJhn H' SCOtt' Ph0,le TI:M.I3ERrS0 ;lc,'U3 o io timber - f ...i.e.-. soutn of Salem at $75 S-LiSf' thu bt and cheapest Pioperty in Marion countv. This .Nour chance to make money See Petersen, 229 Oregon bldg. bZ3 'OR SALE win... ... i , , " vu 1 ei y ue- suable piece of property with modern home. Properly worth -"0o, equity $1400, draws 8 per cent interest; monthly pay ments $50 each, covered with J1..00 insurance. For particu . tars phone 1049. c23 OR SALE Excellent family cow J years old. 1970 y. Com'l. e21 COMPUTINO scales, cash r..,.itti anu general store fixtures at 226 Stark St.. Portland. Or., be tween 1st and 2d streets. c RELINQUISHMENT T hZZZ goon relinquishment, 160 acres In southern Oregon near Grants Pass, splendid climate, good soil, lays about level, plenty of wood, good spring on place, also creek across one corner, located on main Pacific highway: R. R. sta tion and town tow miles. Rogue river country O. and C. grant. Must dispose of this account sick ness. This is a fine proposition. If interested address P O box n24 FOR SALE Thoroughbred White r-iy mourn rioeu roosters $3 each nay tor sale. Phone 7F32. f22 HOME made candies to order for parties, picnics and socials. Ad dress Mrs. J. M. Kavanaugh, 515 S. 25th St. Salem. c42 FOR SALE 314-ton dump truck. with long job. Inquire Geo. Christensen, 891 N. Commercial St. nil BA13Y chicks direct from produc er, English, Tom Barron or Tan cred White Leghorns. R. Wojl ery. 344 S. 25th. Phone 798W. f40 FOR SALE Cheap, drag wood saw. Stoner & Lewis engine. 2495 Laurel ave. c37 ORDER your awning from DIU- man, 'joii Maple ave. c20 FOR SALE Oats and vetch hay on good paved road 8 miles east of Salem. Milo Wilcox, Salem, Or.. Rt. 7. or phone 491. c For Sale Automobiles FOR SALE 1918 Maxwell, like new, cheap; Ford touring. Big young team, wagon and harness. If you have horses, cows or cars to sell see us, we buy or sell on commission. Auto storage. U. S. Garage. 504 Ferry. q22 GOOD Overland touring car. 1921 license, new top: will sell cheap. See Harry Robinson at C. S. Hamilton's, 340 Court St. q22 For Sale Livestock FOR SALE 6 head of horses from 4 t o7 years, weigli from 1300 to 1500. A. P. Nys, Brooks, o22 FOR IMMEDIATE sale, team, weighing 2500, harness a no wa gon, dandy orchard team. Very cheap if taken at once. LT. S'. Garage. 554 Ferry St. e21 FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Reg istered block, rnuni1 l.iri, For SaleWood PHONE 1565M for wood. ee32!l OAK wood for sale. Thone 933. ee22 PHONE 1727 for sale 16 inch old pitchy fir, reasonable. ee22 DRY 4 ft and 16 inch wood. Phone 1678W. ee361 NICK dry ash wood for sale. Phone 254 or 622. ee21 DRY' wood. oak. ash. maple and big fir. 16-in. $12 per cord, rie livered. Blc old fir not thorough Iv rtrv. finest kind of furnace and heater wood, 16-ln. $11 per curd, delivered. Office phone 998, night phones B7J or I11SJ Enipey Transfer Co., 204 S. Lib ertv St. ee2! DRY fir 1D a cord. 12U0 Felly St Phone 683. eo21 FOR RENT FURNISHED and heated sleeping rooms at The Baker apts. J22 FOR BENT 2 furnished house keeping rooms at 1215 Marion. 321 FOR RENT Large, light, furnish ed rooms for business men, fur nace heat, bath, 1 block from P O. Phone 358. J FOR RENT 7 room house, mod ern, full basement, furnace, gas, lights, fireplace, located at 444 N. 14th St. Will give lease for 6 months. L. A. Hayford, 305 State St. J FOB RENT Sleeping rooms with heat, $2.50 up, free baths and sitting room privileges, also house keeping rooms $2.50 up Florence hotel, 1 block west of S. P. depot. Phone 828. J21 MISCELLANEOUS OREGONIAN Beauty Shop, 185 S. Commercial St. Marcel wav ing, hairdressing special treat ment for oily hair. Phone 477. ONE of the best Carina In Polk county to exchange tor Salem pro pert?. V. R. Pllinam. 203 Orep-nn lil'lrr. PLUMBING, repairing and coil work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey. shop foot of Union St. Phone 13171. m39 m ci K 1 1 o j.wwui The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon MISCELLANEOUS BOOKKEEPING machine school: The agency manager of the Burroughs Adding Machine com pany has found it necessary, in .order to supply competent oper ators on the Bookkeeping ma chine and Calculator, to open un evening school to teach a short coursj in these machines. First class starts February first. Any one interested call at 307 Ma sonic Temple or phone 518. hil ' FOR furniture packing and stor age, phone 933. 122' PIANO TUNING Harry Robin son with the Sherman Clay Cn. at C. S. Hamilton's', 240 Court St.. Salem. m21 CHAS. E. TATRO, foot correc tional specialist, 404 Masonic bldg. Bring us your foot trou bles. 36 FRANCES CROW, 147 S. 22d. St. m35 SERVICE garage, 803 N. Liberty. Expert mechanics; night work specialty. Hour 75c. Ford over hauled $15. Phone 1436W. m32 BOARD $5, with room $7, meals 35c at 142 Court street. Board is so different, barbecued meat every day. m26 WE have some good farm mort gages to sell. Hawkins & Rob erts. 205 Oregon bldg. Salem. PRIVATE maternity hospital. Phone 1959. ni335 TRANSFER L. A. Barriok Co., country trips, moving. Wood for sale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Phone 734. PLUMBING and repairing done reasonable. Phone 287W. m34S LIBERTY bonds bought and sold Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Ore gon bldg. SALEM SCAVENGER Garbagi and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rate Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167. night phone 1680R, R. O. Cum mins, Mgr. ni Wanted Help WANTED Elderly woman to do house work. Phone 1146. g2 2 " WANTED Lady waft He as. Home Rest., 223 N. Com. St. g22 Want ed Miscellaneous WANTED Wood cutters, Rt. 5, box 35. Phone 90F4. q21 WANTED Some cheap lands. Write full particulars and price. Ranch 4 care Journal. 125 WANTED Gentle work and driv ing horse between 1200 and 1400 lbs. Julius Gehring, Rt. 3, Silvertpn, Or. 20 1 AM in the market for a small fruit farm, might consider gen eral 'farm, some timber, from owner; give full particulars and price. Farm 71 care Journal. i25 WHO has work for middle aged man at $1 a day and board. F. B. Grinstead, Rt. 4, box 65, caro I. A. Bates. h21 W ATE D To borrow $200 on auto ami other chattel, more than ample security. Box 200 care Journal. 121 WANTED Job of pruning trees. Call 1112, D. Stewart. h21 FRUITLAND Nursery has sales yard corner High and Ferry St. Special price on Italian prunes thousand lots. Please call and see my stock. Phone 1140M, Salem, Or., 161 S. 14th St. d2S REAL ESTATE HERE U R 4 room plastered bungalow Large screened In front porch, nice back porch, large bathroom good closets, electric lights, full basement, good chicken house. 6 lots. cow. chickens and all furni ture are included for $3000. It's a good buy for someone. See PETERSEN 229 Oregon bldg. nnrsi-'S 5 room plastered house, except kitchen; water, toilet, etc., lot OOx 120. Cheap at $1050. 6 room plastered bungalow, toi let, etc. Price touu, wan jiiuu down. 6 room plastered bungalow, hntii tnitot lights, erarage. etc.. large lot, block to car. Price $2250, terms. K rnnirt clustered hnnimlOW. 0 blocks from the center 01 me cny, strictly modern in every way. Price $4000, terms. K I .... , . - rinse In. full basement, toilet, bath, lights, gas, water, good lot and garage in basement of house. Price $3000, cash $1060. 10 acres on paved rood i miles from Salem, all in cultivation and .... . 1 .,-lth woven wire: family orchard bearing; 6 room plastered house, good barn anu oiner uui buildings. Price $8500, good terms, in acres bearing logans and evergreens. Price $7600, terms. 10 acres 1 14 miles from aiem, ait in riiHIvntfnn. Family orchard. some logans and strawberries, 7 room plaster d house, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc.. gooa barn and other out buildings. rice $7500, terms, in l- from AW I em. good soil and all under cultiva tion. Price $3200. terms. 25 acres 1 miles from ha K m, 14 mile from paved road, all clear- ..A nn In eiillivatifin. Family Or- ehnrd 3 room house, good barn. etc. Price $6000, terms. L. A. HAYFORD Real Estate and Fire Insurance SOS State St. n" JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT REAL ESTATE GET A HOME 8 room double house close in, for $1800, easy payments. A good buy in a six room house on N. Commercial. A fine modern bungalow on Falrmount hill, up to date, and has the location. A fine bungalow ease and on car line and paving, for $4000, terms. A good buy on car line and pav ed street, east, :'jr $1800. Several buys in south Salem, tivo new bungalows. Modern house, with basement, furnace, and wood lift, $2700, terms. ACREAGE 6 acres in Salem Heights for $1500. LOTS A fine lot on Marion sheet with water and eowjr "ons in. for $900. Another one on S. Commercial for $900. paving paid. One good large lot on S. Liber ty, close in, for $1900 An extra nice tot on N. Cottage for $1250. Others as low as $Ui0 e.ith. H. E. BROWN Room 29. over Buslck's store. State and Commercial. a GOOD BUYS 10 acres all cultivated, house, barn and chicken house, close to station on Oregon Electric. Price $2200. 10 acres close to Salem, good buildings. 8 acres bearing prunes, good road, close to car line. Price $S500. Well improved 15 acres 414 miles out. good buildings, family orchard. 1 acre strawberries, good soil. Price $6000. 20 acres of fine prairie soil all cultivated, 4 room plastered house, barn. Price $5350. Terms on part. 21 acres. 18 acres of prunes, 3 acres of logans. fair buildings, tood road, good dryer, farm ma chinery. Price $12,000. 6 14 acres of brush and timber land, 14 mile from S. Commercial street car line, beautiful view. Price $1800. $500 down. 200 acre farm close to Salem, buildings. 100 acres cultivated, lots of good timber, good road. Price $100 per acre. 44 acre farm 0 miles out. build ings, good prairie soil. Price $170 per acre. Good 6 room plastered house and three lots close to carline, electric lights. Price $2100. $1100 down. If you are looking to buy, trade nr sell, come in and see us, as we may have just what you are look ing for. W. II. ORABENHORST & CO. 275 State street. n BEST BUYS 6 acre chicken and berry ranch, close to station, $2700. 10 acres, 5 logans, 5 blackber ries; buildings; $7500. fl acres, 214 logans, modern house; at car, $8800, $4800 cash. 7 rooms, strictly modern, one block from post office, $7500. 6 rooms, modern, State street; lot 50x220. $3600. 4 rooms, plastered, 2 lots, $1275 $775 cash. (I rooms modern, lot 50x275; $2, 500, $600 cash. 5 rooms, 1 acre lot, in loganber ries, at car; $2600. $1700 cash. D. D. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State street. n 4 room house, lot 50x100, today $1000. 7 room house on High St. $2700 6 room house, plastered and splendid bath room, $1800. t room house will be put In good condition throughout, $13a0 fi room house with furniture $2300. 7 room house with furniture, and 2 large lots, $4000. Famished apt. for rent, phono 1524. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. n FRUIT AND STOCK RANCH OF 233 acres tillable land located 6 miles from Salem on paved road, 80 acres In fall grain. A fine 7-year old, 20 acre prune orchard, (pro duced 15 tons of dried fruit in 1920,) 20 head of cattle, 6 head of horses, 70 goats, about 900 bushels of oats, 40 tons of hay and 70 tons of silage, fully equip ped with all kinds of machinery and tools. An 8 room fully . cd ern house, furnace, bath, elet.iiic lights, etc., full cement basement, barn and out buildings in -first class condition. Price, everything included, $180 per acre, i amall oavment down, and your own time on the balance. This farm could be cut into vei y nicely. A fine stock ranch of 720 icrer at $25,000, very good term!'. We have manv other good buys. LAFLAR v LAFLAR 406-407 Oreuon bldg. Salem. n FIRST CLASS INVESTMENTS Fine 100 acre farm about all in cultivation, fine large bungalow, barns, several out buildings. 414 miles from town, rock road; fine dark soil. 3 good horses, 4 cows, fowls, feed crop, machinery, tools; fine home. Price $15,000, half down. 20 acres near Salem. 12 in bear ing prunes. 4 in berries and cher ries. Snap, some trade. 8 room plastered nouse, line lots, barn, near ear line. Snap, $2,- B00, easy terms. 2 fine residences In Kosenurg to exchange for Salem property. Several small improved tracts close In at bargain prices. For all kinds of exchanges see us. Fine modern 5 room bungalow. large lot. fruit, carline. Bargain at $3500. PERRINH MAR STUBS yil-12 Gray bldg. n . t DIRECTORY Osteopathy DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 506 U. S. bank building. Phone 85. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834, DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic physician and surgeon, 403-4 Oregon bldg. Res, phone 58F6. Farm Loans FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 6 percent. Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Oregon hide., itotem. Or. Stove Repairing SiOVJSlS rebuilt and -epaired. 00 years' experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high. Paints oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent. Life, Fire, Health. Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. Water Company SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable month ly in advance. Phone 67. Optician DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician, eyes thorough ly examined, glasses made and fitted. N. O. S. C. Lens Insur ance. 510-12 U. S. Bank. Phone 341. WHY SELL FOR LESS? WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid before you sell. People's Furniture and Hardware store, 271 N. Commercial street. Phone 734. Salem Markets Compiled from reports of Sa lem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Revised dally.) Buying Prices. Grain: Average valley wheat, (bulk) $1.35 bushel; average val ley oats (bulk) 42c bushel. Hay: Cheat hay $22.00 $23; Oat hay $22.00 $24.00; clover hay $20.00 $22.00. Vegetables: Oregon onions $1 cwt.; potatoes $1 cwt. Meat: Hogs $11.50 1 1.75; dress ed hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows 35c; bulls 5c; spring lambs 6c; sheep yearlings 4c; ewes 23c; eal (fancy dressed) 16c. Poultry and eggs: Eggs 45c; light hens 23 24c; heavy hens 27c: old roosters lOStlli; springs, over 2 pounds, 20c. Butterfat: Buttertat 43c; cream ery butter 47(g) 48c. Wholesale Prices. V'ee-elHhles: Oregon onions $1 1.50 cwt; California onions $1.75 cwt.; beets $2.00 cwt.; lettuce 3.25 per crate; turnips $1.50 cwt; ;arrots $101.50 sack; parsnips $2 cwt; cauliflower $2.20 per dozen; potatoes $1.25 cwt.; sweet pota toes $7.00 cwt; cabbage $1.90 r 2.25 green peppers 10c; celery $1.00 dozen; spinach 10c pound. Fruits: Oranges $4.005.00; lemons $4.00; bananas 13V4c; dates (pound, bulk) 25c; Drome dary dates $7 case; black figs 10c; white figs 1214c; California grape fruit $4.00; Florida grapefruit $8; Arizona grapefruit $5.50. Retail Prices. Butter and Eggs: Creamery but ter SlO&lc; country butter 45c; eggs 50c Feeds:' Wheat $1.95 bushel; oats $2.75 cwt. Miilstnffsr (Ton lots sacked). mill run, $39.00; Montana mill run taa.Aft: short middlings $49.00; ruled oats $45.00; whole corn $40; ground (inn $45.00; cracked corn $53.00; ground barley $50.00; scratch feed $74.00. Flour: Hard wheat flour $2.75; soft wheat flour $2.60 $2.60. Portland. Or., Jan. 24. Cattle weak; receipts 2464; choice grass steers $8.509.25; goca to choice $8.008.50; medium to choice $7.5008.00; fair to good $6.00 7.50; common to fair $5.50 0 6.50; choice cows and itaitara $7.00 7.50; good to choice $0 250 7.00; fair to mcd. $5.0013)5.50; common to fair $4.0005.00; cannesr $2.50 fi3.5C: bulls $5,0046.00; cnoice dairy calves $12.00 013.00; prime light $10.00012.00; medium $9.00 Binoo: houvv $6.00(fti7.50; best feeders $6.75 07.75; fair to good $6.75fi'0.75. Hmma lower; receipts 1 n 1 0 ;pi ime mixed $1 1.00 Hi 1 1.25 ; smooth heavy $10. 50 11.00; rough $7,000 fat pigs $10 i 11; feeder pigs $9011.' Sheep iidiii. steady, ree. S.I;east of mountain lambs $9,000 10.50: valleys $9.0009.00; feeders $6.00 't 7.00; cull lambs a,u)6; only; i wi s $1.0016 5.00; light yearlings $7.50 fi 8.25; .heavy $6. 00ft 7.50; wethers $606.50. Portland, Or., Jan. 24. Butler weak; extra cubes 40c; parch ment wrapped prints, box lots, 45c; cartons 46c; hair dox tots 14c more; less than 14 box lots 1 cent more. 48c f o b Portland; undergradesi 41c f o b Portland. Wheat: hard white $1.65; soft white $1.63; northern spring $1.58 wnue ciuo i.oj; iiuru iramw $1.57; red Walla $1.55. Eggs: selling price case count 52c; buying price 47048c deliv ered; selling price candled 50 0 52c; selects 52 053c. Poultry. Hens light 24c; heavy 32 34c; broilers 26 029c; old roosters 14c; turkeys 58 060c; geese 40c; ducks 45c. Millstuffs: Mlllrun $30 036. Hay: Buying mice timothy $27 28; alfalfa $20021; grain mix ed $23; cheat $22023; clover $20 022; straw $13 LEGAL NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon in ami for .Million County In the matter of the estate of John Koeneke, deceased. Notice of final account. Notice is hereby given that the undersiened. as executrix, of the estate of John Koeneke, deceased. has filed her final account in the county court of the state of Ore gon, for Marion county, and that .Monday, the 7th day of March, 1921. at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in the court room of said court has been named by said court as the time and place for the hearing of ob jections thereto and the settle ment thereof." Dale of first publication Janu ary 22, 1921.. Last publication March 5. 1921. .MARY T. KOENEKE, BXecutrix McDougal & MoDougal. attorneys 900 Northwestern Bank bldg.. Portland, Oregon. New Books at Public Library "The Human Factor in Indus try" a study of industrial better ment interesting for the gencr il readers as well as for business men and employers, by Lee K. Frankel. "The Worker and his Work" sel ections from literature and art picturing the workers in various industries, chosen by Stella S. Center. "The Constitution and What it Means To-day," by Edward S. Corwin. The explanation of less understood passages; gives Also interpretations which 'the courts have decided. "Theodore Roosevelt and his Time" the fullest biography of Roosevelt that has been received, written by Joseph Bishop. The man is shown through his corres pondence. "In the Days of the Pilgrim Fathers" a history full of- the un usual, less known bits of lore, by .Mary Caroline Crawford. "The Cossacks" their county and their history including the legend ary heroes, written by W. P. Cres- son, formerly secretary to the American embassy at Petrograd. "Luck on the Wing" thirteen stories of a sky spy, by Elmer Haslett. "Who's Who in America'' a bio graphical dictionary of notable living men and women of the Unit ed States, edited by Albert Nelson Marquis, 1920-21. "Civics for Americans in the Making" simple, well written les sons of our history and our gov eminent with a long list of useful words in seven language by Anna A. Plass. "A First Book in English for Non-English Speaking Adults,'" by Frances K. Wetmore. "Stories for Talks to Boys" anec dotes by subjects useful for speak ers who wish to point a mora I, prepared by a Y. M. C. A. leader of boys F. II. Cheley. "Beading the Weather," by T. Morris Longstreth. "How to Write Poetry" sugges tions for those who would know more of the. art of the poet, by Ethel M. Colson. "The Haunted Hour" a collec tion of the best poems of mysteries and ghosts, chosen by Wiildeiner. "Old English Chronicles," edited by J. A. Giles. "Short Stories of the New Ame rica" stories chosen from our new er authors to llluatfate the best type of patriotism and citizeniship of today, edited by Mary A. Laselle. "Czechoslobak Stories" a group of stories, some of them especially pleasing and true to the custom and thought of the people, collect ed by Sarka It. Hrhkova. Some notes concerning the authnrs are included. "The Ralstons" sequel to "Kath arine Lauderdale," by K. Marion Crawfnrd. "The Nigger of the Narcissus" a tale nf the fnreeastle, by- Joseph Conrad. "Youth and the Brighl Ifeduaa" by Willa Gather. "A Poor Wise Man", by Mary Roberta Rinehert. "All-Wool Morrison, Time: To day, Place: The United Stales, Period of Action: Twenty-four Hours, by Ifnlman Day. "Pollyooly Dances," by Edgar Jepson. "The Foolish Lovers." by John O. Ervlne. Copyright 1920 by H. C. Flabe Trade mark Reg. U. 8. Pat Offlci Page Seven Children's Book Bobby and the Big Road" what he found as he walked there, told for small readers, by Maud lands- say. "The Children's Fairy-Land'" eight attractive fairy tales from Countess d'Aulnoy illustrated In silhouettes, by Harriet Mead Ol cott. "A Pilgrim Maid, a story of Plymouth Colony In 1620", by Marion Ames Taggart. "American Leaders, Book Two" life stories of inventors, soldiers and other leaders, both rtien ancl women, written by Walter Lef ferts. "Billy Burns of Troop 5", by I. T. Thurston. "In the Great Apache Fores, the Story of a Lone Scout," by Schultz. Chautauqua Is Now Overseas London, Jan. 24. The "chau tauqua movement" has at last: spread to England and another link has thus been forged in the bonds) uniting the British Isles with her Dominions and America. Miss Mildred Clemens, cousin of Mark Twain, is the American lec turer who has decided to bring the Chautauqua to the attention of the British people. In discussing her veil lire. Miss Clemens said: "We are anxious to introduce the Chautauqua movement into Eng land and elsewhere, so that all Bngllsh-speakfng peoples may be brought Into closer relationship. "My little show is not exactly a Chautauqua, but it is its forerun ner. I have toured with it all over America, Canada, Australia anil New Zealand, and I hope It will prove the beginning of a great Inter change of speakers throughout the United States, British Isles and the Dominions." "My miniature CChautauqua con sists of the presentation of 'Happy Hawnii." I have six native assist ants who sing and dance in the native fashion and I show a num ber of moving anil still pictures Il lustrative of life in the islands." "My cousin. Mark Twain, visited the islands fifty years ago. It was a great pleasure to me to follow where he had been, "I met the chaining Prince of Wales in Honolulu. I never found anyone more truly democratic. He is a great snort." Pasadena Has Greatest Private Library in World Pasadena, Cal Jan. 24. With the work of removing it from New York to this state Hearing comple tion California may now lay claim to having the greatest private li brary ever ussembled. It is owned by Henry E. Huntington, and Is valued at more than $6,000,000. The last of the wonderful collec tion of books has been forwarded from New York City and Boon all the rare volumes will be on the shelves in the magnificent library which Mr. Huntington has built for them on his estate here. Books for the library have been crossing the contlneit in a stendy stream In steel boxes, transported In special cars and guarded by pri vate detectives, The structure in which the collection will be placei? is of fireproof construction and there Is room, for 200.000 volumes. Eventually the books will be made accessible to booklovers, it Is understood, but just how they can not be seen. The fruit of the Jamaica nut meg resembles that of a small cal abash. Galveston has the largest and deepest haibor on the Gulf coast. jfOR LONG DISTANCE AUTO TRUCKING Willamette Valley Transfer Co. PHONE 1400 W ALSO DO LOCAL HAULING 1 PRINTING A satisfied customer returns. Rowland Ptg. Co. Phone lilt, over Patton Bk tll For Bargains of all kind3, such a fund-:: ture, stoves, ranges, ma-;; chinery , of all kinds see the Cafitd Junk & Bargain': House 1 215 Center. Phone 398:; --- imim Our Cars are bonded for your protection.' Portland - Salem Stage Line and Way Points Salem to Portland $1.75 On the Hour, Every Hour Leaves Bligh Hotel, Salem. Leaves Seward Hotel, Portl'nd First Stage 7 a. m. Last Stage 7 p. m. I Ifl UI 111 i i. ifi Care of Yick So Tong Chines Medicine and Ve Co. Haa medicine which will cure any known disease Open Sundays from It a-aa. until S ? aa. III Booth k gh ftre Salem. Oregon. hDoa) Ml