Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 20, 1921, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    January 20, 1 Wi
-deach insertion
" " ..tinna. 6 cents;
hree ,. 20
,..or. Dei '
25 cents.
New To
... I ..n f.Tl V l
il ds.
casn i"
n hone, uic
Hakc" " ".v.!, account
-White L'
horn roos-
, t i 1 1 dress slip
Kinder please
oaths, in
strong t"l ug-
box 93.
garage near
Phone 620.
heat. 2
ease; rind
journal of-
linn tc
i If for quiet
1080 Waller
and car
at X
ird roadster with do
muM be in good re
nlcally. 1'hone 159(1
umI i' p. m. lfl
Tea 5 miles
14 acres in
; in timber,
Phone own
is lit Hodge louring, nas i
airirh oversiaa ures, noon
g'li! overnnuieq, jronu
htl upholstery, emu win
Adams III. qi
o Salem, partly
ail cultivated.
ill sell in 5 acre
aeh. 1). M. Wil-
s, D'Arcy Wdg,
under Iwclve
nest, studious,
Ible. Will pay
and $4 per
i school grade
Li I tie work.
photo, c. nr.
l t
Be,! aim lev
! veiling
Cfin make
flll! Willi
Toledo. Or
house, modern, good lo
gooil streets. close in,
I; condition; go rage, , ni
Juki the place for large
ir 10 lei seme rooms,
price $2800, terms $1,
less down, .balance like
rber rearson. 200 Gray
Bear i am. cnin.
KRMS 1 room plastered
lood condition, newly
i Inside ami out, eiiy wa
I large lois, fruit: iminedi-
Ifggion, This is a bargain
50, term ii $350 down, Sal
ke rent. Barber ,v- Pear
PO ij bldg, near com
... 10 ami ' act'
m .siiieai vi imty to self
ns. or trade for good !
isidence property, Thesi
are mostly Improved
with us as we are con-
in lotu-h with buyers and
tarma. large and small
i-periy. business chances
tore for sale, terms.
bldg, near Com, club n
For Sale Houses
fl.K - Modern home.
. Cottage.
a 22
lie- nt in,,,:, in cn
in. cImsp in f.ine lot. $5
J.. Putnam, 2ii9 Oregon
' Bouse ami 4 lots for IT
1-00 cash. balance til
fill sua Mi, tin- Oar On
commercial St. Phone
room house, nice
T.v. some fruit, paved St.
""'. H u t & Muller.
F-u-'- loom nbisloi-c.l
". i lt. Price X2.lon
Jh, ba
lance $20 aos
Halt ,v Mallei- "OS
, K i- I KRS-Two
uungatowi m south Sa-
50x120. Built in fea-
terea, electric lights,
are partly furnished,
have possession at
1 12000 and $2500
fill V
ouys. See me to
229 Oregon bldg.
. nlS
milk cows, work
It, '' years old.
In,., I, m Iinnia r,
Price $6300. An excellent
n -.,,! terms on state
"" rue,. 8, Mrs.
I Mtyjohn, 275 State St.
IP Bungalow 4 blocks from
"feet $3500. 5 rnn,
,. .
pi i re, on carline t4 -
rooms, : tots on Tti,.i,in,i
M$00. $11111 ,7,-,,
, iititiii
Sbldg. ' .
ILK .", r,i(in rnllam, ...,.11
PA modern miim.u.m.
B mod - i n binnlna, Htm
fail cement basement,
rally new. Price $3600.
l- Tel - i-
wul want
nt. ".
-To rent
a Court Bt.
For Sale Farms
'OR SALK Or trade, 19 acres
rich loam land, all in cultiva
tion; new 8 room house, good
barn and out houses, fruit and
berries. 10 minutes ride out on
the Electric,
Call at 818
n FOR SALE 80 acres cxceptinal
ly fine second growth fir timber
8 miles from Salem, 3-4 mile to
Pacific highway. Price $75 per
acre. Hart & Mulk-r, 208 Ore
Son bldg. n
FOB RENT A good 7 room house
close in, for rent at $50- with
furniture, though I would pre
fer to sell the furniture to the
renter. Address A B C care Jour
nal. j
3,t FARMS 38 Most of them per
sonally inspected. From 30 dol
lar.? an aero up. The Fleming
Realty Co., 341 State St. n
A f ACRE rural home close to
Salem, good (J room house, good
parage, full set of outbuildings.
Hack loam soil, perfect drain
age; all stocked and equipped.
Owner will not refuse a reason
able offer. V. R. Putnam, 209
Oregon bldg. n
HAVE you $250 for a first pay
ment on 20 acres close to Sa
lem, 15 cultivated. Price $3000;
or $250 as a first payment on
IPG acres, price $050. Magee
room 29 corner Slate and Com
niercial. over Buslek's'.
FOR SALE One half acre with
young orchard cherries, apples
and prunes, new bungalow
Price $1000, terms. Cull at 818
N. Liberty St. n
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Good barnyard fertil
izer. See Kinney and Smith, 409
State St. c20
FOR SAUK Ladies blue serge suit
size it. 581 N. Church St. Phone
106011. CIS
FOR SAL 10 Thoroughbred White
Plymouth Rock roosters $3 each
Hay for sale. Phone 7F32. f2
FOR SALE 450 cords fir
Phone 44F5.
SPLIT prunes 5c lb.
Phone 108K3L
R. V.
Phone 86
FOR BALE Team, wagon and
harness, team weighs 3330 lbs.
Price $325. J, V. Kepptngei
tlervais. Or. elS
HOME made candles to order for
parties, picnics and socials. Ad
dress Mrs. J. m. Kavanaugh, til
"all St. Salem.
FOR SALE 3 Vi -ton dump truck
with long job. Inquire Geo.
Christonsen, 891 N. Commercial
St. q21
3 horses.
Or will trade
Phone 64F14.
BABY chicks direct from prodUC
er, English, Tom Barron or Tan
cred White Leghorns. R. Wo ll
cry. 34 4 S. 25th. Phone 798W.
FOR SALE -Cheap, drag wood
saw. Stoner & Lewis engine
2495 Laurel ave. c37
ORDER your awning from
man, 2011 Maple ave.
FOR SALE Oats and vetch hay
on good paved road 8 miles east
of Saletn. Milo Wilcox, Salem
Or., Rt. 7, or phone 491. cj
For Sale Automobiles
FORD for sale,
throughout. If
dress box 666
n good condition
interested ad
journal. Q20
AUTO storage
d cars sold on
S. Oarage, 554
For Sile Livestock
Ml ST he sold at once, a big young
team, wagon and harness. U. S
Oarage. 554 Ferry. el9
FOR SALE flood work team,
weight about 2500 lbs. Phone
83F5. el8
FOB SALE Registered Poland
China pigs, about 2 months old,
reasonable. Fred Dacger, Inde
pendence, ILL e!8
('()' SALE Team, wagon and
he mess, $16$; also number 40
Oliver Chilled turning plow, good
as new. J. 1!. ft Wing, Turner, Or.
FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Reg
istered stock. Phone 13F2L c
For Sale Wood
DRY lir $10 :
Phone 683.
cord. 1230
Ferry St.
FOR dry wood
PHONE 156...M for wood. ce329
1 721
for sale 16
inch old
WOOD for sale, big second growth
fir $9.50 per cord. Phone 744R.
for sale,
981. M.
1 0 -in.
Large second growth
i ml 16 inch. Fred E.
S. Church. Phone
fir, 4 ft.
Wells, 30
DRV WOOD Ash, maple ana Dig
old fir, delivered in lb-incn
lengths, $12 per cord. Empey
Transfer Co., 254 S. Liberty St.
Phone 99S. 21
4 ft and 16 inch wood.
FOR LKASE 30 acre farm,
miles from Salem. Inquire . K.
Putnam. 209 Oregon bldg. n
FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms.
with or without board. 1308 N.
Com'l St. , 111
FOR RENT Good 7 room house
on paved street, close in and on
car line. See L A. Hayford. 305
State street. 3
Was Gonna Make It As Homelike as Possible.
fi GOHH ( ' 6o" fiT WHAT HA p 1101 6T HeiO
oor koo ff I a MA.c-so rrvT hcTT f Uit, MAIL bo
w,on1J Busies, I Jv i FR0M A I vmomT GT $AfM 3
s K,,,rT' y pouiTKY J DAcri oner 1 . i J I Jnl J H r
I Vi!!
IlINT L..iri?o irVi, f..cni,b
ed rooms for business men, fur
nace heat, bath, 1 block from P
O- Phone 358. et
v, . Sleeping rooms with
neat, $2.50 up, free baths and
sitting room privileges, also
house keeping rooms $2.50 up.
florence hotel, i block west of
B. 1 . depot. Phone 928. 121
u Beauty Shop. 185
S. Commercial St. Marcel wav
ing, hairdressing. special treat
ment for oily hair. Phone 477.
- .. m2 2
WHbAT land in western Canada
to trade for land in Willamette
valley. Oleson Motor Car Co.,
341 N. Commercial. Phone 066.
U50 TO LET on country real es
tate. Socolofsky, 341 State St.
STOLEN If party that took dark
green overcoat on Saturday eve
ning from the Willamette uni
versity gym. will return same in
care of Farmers Produce Co.
there will not be any questions
asked, otherwise will prosecute.
1 arty known. kl 8
NEW water
systems and lighting
plants, any
will exchan
system or any plant,
for land. Call 857.
l'Oti ca.i'ieu!.t;i- or
my work.
OMO of the best farms in Polk
county to exchange ror Salem
property. . R. puinalUi 993
Ron bldg. n
1'Ll MBING, repairing and coil
Work a specialty, reasonable
charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop
foot of Fnlon St. Phone 1517J.
CHAS. E. TATRO, foot correc
tional specialist, 404 Masonic
bldg. Bring us your foot trou
h'es. 36
S. 22d St.
m3 5
SERVICE garage, 803 N. Liberty.
Expert mechanics; night work
specialty. Hour 75c. Ford over-
hauled ItS. Phone 1436W. m32
BOARD $5, with room $7, meals
ooc at 142 Court street. Board
10 so uuiercnt, uarbeoued meat
every aay. m26
" have some good fai n, mnrt.
gages to sell. Hawkins & Rob
erts, 205 Oregon bldg. Salem.
Phone 193
1KANSFER L. A. Barrick Co-
country trips, moving. Wood
for sale. Good service. Stand
271 North Commercial. Phone
734. .
PLUMBING and repairing
reasonable. Phone 287 W.
LIBERTY bonds bought and sold
Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Ore
gon bldg.
and refuse of all kinds removed
by the month at reasonable rates
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phone 167,
night phone 1680R, R. O. Cum
mins, Mgr. ni
Lost and Found
LOST Sunday, black Shepherd
female dog. finders please send
card, address Joe Dalezal, Rt. 3,
box 6A, Salem, Or. kl8
Wanted Miscellaneous
lOAPlOKlLONClOD shoe and mens
furnishings clerk wanted; state
age, experience and salary want
ed. Write A Z cai-e Journal. gl9
-Job of pruning
D. Stewart.
Call 1112
WANTED Good used piano for
school; state all facts in first
letter. Address W. H. Baillie,
Gervais, or. 120
MARRIED man, 30 years old.
thorough business training, will
invest $2000 with services in es
tablished business. Phone 95.
FRUITLAND Nursery has sales
yard corner High and Ferry St.
Special price on Italian prunes
thousand lots. Please call and
see my stock. Phone 1140M
Salem. Or.. 161 S. 14th St. d25
10 acres of fine land and near
y all cultivated. Nice little creek
of water all year. Fine spring wa
ter pitied into house. A dandy new
bungalow with bath and toilet
Fair barn. And we can sell you
this for $3000, Is located on good
graveled road 1 mile from school
ind store. On mail route ana
cream route. This is a real snap.
You can buv more land with this
if you want a larger place.
11 acres of the finest kind of
river bottom land. Aiiout t acres in
bearing fru and the balance is
under cultivation. This land does
not overflow. Logans grow to per-
tion here. A fine large bunga
low with full basement. Earn.
ch'cken houses, etc. Located on
pood gravel road. Did you know
that a place like this can be
bought for $4200 with a payment
of half cash? Where can you equal
If you arc interested in really
good small tracts, see us about
these before it is too late.
469 State St. Ground floor. n
The Capital Journal,
5 acres all in cultivation, eight
room house, hot and cold water in
house; barn, windmill and some
fruit and berries. Close to city
limits and car line. $500 cash, tit
per month.
160 acres fine timber, close to
railroad in southern Oregon, to
trade for something near Salem
3 acres 1 y, miles from center ft
city; new 6 room bungalow, good
outbuildings, all in fruit. A nice
home for $4800. terms.
10 acres 1 miles from city
limits, 6 room bungalow, about 7
acres of fruit and berries. A fine
home with a living and income.
Well equipt fruit and poultry
5 room bungalow, modern ex
cept furnace, full basement, built
in kitchen. $3500.
7 room house, strictly modern
on car line. $5000. terms.
9 room house in south Salem,
close to Commercial street, good
locution. $3500. on installments.
We advertise nothing but good
341 state St. n!6
4 room house, lot 50x100, today
7 room house on High St. $270!)
6 room house, plastered and
splendid bath room. $1800.
I room house will be put
good condition throughout, $1350.
t room house with furniture
7 room house with furniture, and
2 large lots, $4000.
Famished apt. for rent, phone
492 N. Cottage, phone 1186.
233 acres tillable land located
6 miles from Salem on paved road,
80 acres in fall grain. A fine 7-year
old, 20 acre prune orchard, (pro
duced 15 tons of dried fruit in
1920,) 20 head of cattle, 6 head
of horses, 70 goats, about 800
bushels of oats, 40 tons of hay
and 70 tons of silage, fully equip
ped with all kinds of machinery
and tools. An 8 room fully . cd-
ern house, furnace, bath, elect lie
lights, etc., full cement basement,
barn and out buildings in first
class condition. Price, eVWyUttng
included, $180 per aero, 1 small
payment down, and your own time
on the balance. This farm could
be cut into very nicely.
A fine stock ranch of 720 acre?
at $25,000, very good terms.
We have many other flood buys.
406-407 Oregon bldg. Salem. n
2 acre tract on carline south of
Salem, small barn, bearing cner
ries, Price $1500, $300 down, bal
ance $200 per year 6 percent int.
Well improved 20 acre tract,
two good houses, 8 acres bearing
prunes, 6 acres of logans, good
road. Will consider good house
and lot up to $5000 as part pay
ment. Price $10,500.
10 acre tract, nearly all cultivat
ed, 2 acres logans, good road.
Price $3000.
20 acre tract, small house and
barn, loganberries, strawberries
and prunes, good road, 4 miles out.
Will consider oity property up to
$4000. Price $7500.
320 acre farm, 80 acres cultivat
ed, balance timber, house and
bam. Will consider city property
up to $10,000. Price $65 per acrj.
15 acre tract all cultivated, good
bungalow, barn, well, 2 acres lo
gans, some prunes, 4 miles south.
Price $8000.
5 acres of good berry soil, clo30
to carline south of Salem. Price
9r,n(i $1000 down, balance terms
rsa r. room modern house In
south Salem. Price $3250.
5 room house, bath, toilet, base
,v,ont Price J1600, Vl cash.
Fine east front lot on SouUi
rnmmercinl street. Price $1200,
$300 down, balance terms.
If you are looking to buy
275 State street. Jj
5 room plastered house
kitchen: water, toilet, etc.,
lot 5 Ox
120. Cheap at $1050.
nlastered bungalow, tol
let. etc. Price $1600, with $500
6 room plastered bungalow
bath, toilet, lights, garage
la rep lot. V, block to car.
$2250. terms.
5 room plastered bungalow, 6
blocks from the center of the city,
strictly modern in every way.
Price $4000, terms.
5 room house, close in, full
basement, toilet, bath, lights, gas.
water, good lot and garage
basement of house. Price
casli $1060.
10 acres on paved road 3 miles
from Salem, all in cultivation and
fenced with woven wire; family
orchard bearing; 6 room plastered
house, good' barn and other out
buildings. Price $8500, good terms.
10 acres bearing logans and
evergreens. Price $7600, terms.
10 acres 114 miles from Salem,
alt in cultivation. Family orchard,
some logans and strawberries, 7
room plaster d house, hot and
cold water, bath, toilet, etc., gooa
barn and other out buildings.
Price $7500, terms.
10 acres Vt mile from Baiem,
good soil and all under cultiva
tion. Price $3200, terms.
25 acres 7 miles from Salem,
mile from paved road, all clear
ed and in cultivation, r amity or
chard. 3 room house, good barn.
etc.gPrice $6000, terms.
L. A. HAY 1" OKU
Real Estate tnd Fire Insurance
State St. n
Salem, Oregon
17 acres, 17 cleared, 14
ber; 10 acres prunes; close in
roads. $4500, $2750 cash.
an acres, an eleareu, 6 room
house, barn, sheds. cellar and
coops. One mile from town, good
roaa; 12d per acre; half cash
ou acres, an cleared, 4 room
house, big barn. At town and high
scnoot; jiu.uuo, $2000 cash.
6 room modern bungalow, pav
ed street; $3800. $2500 cash.
5 rom modern bungalow, pav
ed street, built in conveniences
$3800, $2500 cash.
6 room modern bungalow. $3200
$S00 cash.
5 room house, 2 lots, all fenced
two chicken houses and brooder;
on paved street, one block of car
5 room modern bungalow, two
lots, full basement. $2100 cash.
7 room strictly modern house
two blocks of court house; $7500
341 State street. n'
A Beautiful home at
pr'ce, gladly show you
A splendid house on Chemeketa
strtet, modern and close in.
Farms for sale and trade for Sa
lem property.
Looms tor rent In some of our
best residences.
Garage for rent at 492 N. Cot-
tape street.
492 N. Cottage, phone 1186.
1 3-4 acres on car line, 1 acre
strawberries, all kinds of, fruit;
new modern plastered bungalow,
basement, built in features, good
barn and chicken house, water sys
tern; close to school and store, on
pavement. Price $4000, terms.
24 acres all in cultivation, on
pavement, 1 mile from car line;
new house and barn, garage, good
well; 40 laying pullets, linoleum,
shades, at sacrifice. Price $2100,
Fine 100 acre farm about all in
cultivation, fine large bungalow.
barns, several out buildings. 414
miles from town, rock road; fine
dark soil. 3 good horses, 4 cows,
fowls, feed crop, machinery, tools;
fine home. Trice $15,000, half
10 acres near Salem, 12 in bear
ing prunes, 4 111 berries and Cher
's. Snap, some trade.
8 room plastered house, 2 fine
lots, barn, near car line. Snap, $2,
600, easy terms.
I fine residences in Rosehurg to
exchange for Salem property.
Several small improved tracts
close in at bargain prices.
For all kinds of exchanges see
Fine modern 5 room bungalow.
large lot, fruit, carline. Bargain at
211-12 Gray bldg. n-
Osteopathic physicians and sur
geons, 506 U. S. bank building.
Phone 859. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall,
residence phone 834.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
physician and surgeon, 403-4
Oregon bldg. Reg, phone 58F6.
Farm Loans
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about
our 20-year loans at 6 percent.
Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Oregon
bldg.. Sfllesi. Or.
Stove Repairing
STOVES rebuilt and "-epalred. 50
years' experience; Depot Na
tional and Amerionn fence, sizes
26 to 58 inches high. Paints
oil and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 260
Court street. Phone 124.
be repaid like rent.
Life, Fire, Health. Accident, In
demnity, Liability and Auto In
surance written.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem.
Water Company
fice corner Commercial and
Trade Sts. Bills payable month
ly in advance. Phone 67.
metrist-optician, eyes thorough
ly examined, glasses made and
fitted. N. O. S. C. Lens Insur
ance. 510-12 U. S. Bank. Phone
WE will pay you more cash for
your household goods. Get our
bid before you sell. People's
Furniture and Hardware store,
271 N. Commercial street. Phone
Salem Markets
Compiled from reports of Sa
lem dealers for the guidance
of Capital Journal readers.
(Revised daily.)
Buying Prices.
Grain: Average valley
ibulki $1.32 bushe
ley oats ( bulk) 42i
Hay: Cheat hay
Oat hay $22.00 6
; average VSi
bushel. $22.00 6 123;
$24.00; clover
hay $20.00 Of $22.00
Vegetables: Oregon 01.10113 $1
cwt.; potatoes $1 cwt.
Meat: Hogs $11.50 Si 1 1.75 : dress
ed hogs 14c; top steers 6c; cows
3 5c; bulls 5c; spring Iambs 6c;
sheep yearli.igs 4c; ewes 2 3c
veal (fancy dressed) 16c.
Poultry and eggs: Eggs 45c
light hens 23 24c; heavy hens
2527c; old roosters 1012i
springs, over 2 pounds, 20c.
.Lsuitertai: Hutterfat 4uc; cream
ery butter 49 50c.
Wholesale Prices.
Vegetables: Oregon onions $1
61.50 cwt; California onions $1.75
cwt.; beets $2.00 cwt.; lettuce
$3.50 per crate; turnips $1.50 cwt.
:nrrol8 $161.50 sack; parsnips $3
cwt; cauliflower $2.00 per dozen;
potatoes $1.25 cwt.; sweet pota
toes $6.50 cwt; cabbage $1.S5 6 2.25
green peppers 10c; celery $1.25
dozen; spinach 10c pound.
Fruits: Oranges $4.5065 00
lemons $4.00; bananas 13 lie;
dates (pound, bulk) 25c; Drome
dary dates $7 case; black figs 12c
white figs 13c; California gnape-
fruit $4.00; Florida grapefruit
$8; Arizona grapefruit $5.50.
Retail Prices.
Butter and Eggs: Creamery but
ter 55c; country butter 47c
eggs 47 52c.
Feeds: Wheat $1.95 bushel;
oats $2.75 cwt.
Millstuffs: (Ton lots sacked)
mill run, $39.00; Montana mill run
$36.00; short middlings $49.00;
roled oats $45.00; whole corn $45
ground corn $45.00; cracked
corn $53.00; ground barley $50.00;
scratch feed $74.00.
Flour: Hard wheat flour $2.75;
soft wheat flour $2.50 $2.60.
Portland, Or., Jan. 20. Cattle
110m. sieauy; receipts l;choiee grass
steers $8.50!.25; good to choice
$8.0068-50; medium to choice
$7.508.00; fair to good $6.50
7.50; common to fair $5.5066.50;
choice cows and heifers $7,00 6
7.50; good to choice $0.25 rd 7.00;
fair to mod. $5.00 6 5.50; common
to fair $4.0065.00; cannesr $2.50
63. 5C; bulls $5.0066.00; choice
dairy calves $12.00 13.00; prime
light $10.00612.00; medium $9.00
610.00; heivy $6.007.50; best
feeders $6.757.75; fair to good
Hogs lower; receipts 1210;prinie
mixed $11.0-0011.(0; smooth heavy
$1 0.50 0 11.00; rough 7.00Q
).50; fat pigs $10611; feeder
itgi o 11,
Sheep slow; receipts 63; east
of mountain lambs $9.50 610.25;
valleys $9.0069.50; feeders $6.09
67.00; cull lambs $,'u)6; only;
ewes $1.00 4.00; light yearlings
$7.0068.00; heavy $6.007.00;
wethers $6 6.50.
Portland, Or., Jan. 20. Butter
eak; extra cubes 42 6 43c;parch-
ment wrapped prints, box lots.
47c; cartons 48c; half bo Ijts
He more; less than 14 box lots 1
cent more.
Buterfat No. 1 churning cream
45 47c fob Portland: undcr-
grades 45c fob Portland.
Wheat: hard white $1.62; soft
white $1.57; northern spring
$1.60; white club $1.58; hard
winter $1.50; red Walla $1.47.
Eggs: selling price case count
c; buying price 50c de
livered: selling price candled 53c;
selects 53 6 54c.
Poultry. Hens light 24c; heavy
32 6 34c; broilers 26 Hi) 29c; old
roosters 14c; turkeys 58 6 60c;
geese 40c; ducks 45c.
Millstuffs: Millrun $35 36.
Hay: Buying mice timothv $27
28: alfalfa $20621; grain mix
ed $23; cheat $22 6"!3; clovtr $20
22; straw $13.
Woman Jurist
Too Nervous to
Serve, She Says
Harrlsburg, I':
Jan. 20. "Too
nervous," was given as the excuse
for the non-appearance at the
Dauphin County Criminal Court of
.Mis. Marian King Deatrick. of
.liddletov 11, the first woman drawn
for jury duty in the county. The
plea for her excuse from jury duly
was made by an attorney, who pre
sented an affidavit signed by the
woman's physician stating that she
was too nervous for jury duty.
"Evidently the doctor struggled
pretty hard to reach these conclus
ions," remarked Judge largest to
the woman's lawyer.
"You mean that she Joesnt want
to come to court, commented
.Indue Wiekersham.
"Women wanted to take their
part i" the administration of the
affairs of the government and now
1 hey have the right anil with that
righ! conies the responsibility to
assume the full share in such mat
ters," commented Judge Hargeat.
"Jury duty is one of them.
The court then ordered the wom-
ni's attorney to have her phys
irlan In court for examination as
to ber fitness for jury duty.
Dandelions in
I'indlay, Ohio, Jan
ins are in bloom in
20. Dnnde
several parts
tl Is city.
A. E. Moser, govern -r
observer here, re
irmest January since
b.gan here. Robins
en in I-indlay. Old-
meat weath
ports the u
the records
have been s
cobl w
lay there will b.
Lther and that 1
no more
al Spring
in early this
Feel Better After Shave and Meal
1teulT 3 A Kloor
Jieut Vcblle. Htirvtoiv,
Lieutenant L. A. Kloor, Jr., and Lieutenant Walter llinton, pho
tographed a short time after their arrival at Mattice, Ontario, from
-Moose Factory. When the balloonists arrived at Mattice thev were
wearing several days' growth of beard. Their first command was
for a razor. Their whiskers shaved off and justice done to a substan
tial hot meal, they declared themselves ready for whatever might
come their way. Judging from tile photo they aro none the less
down in spirit as the result of their hardships.
Cultivate Mental Power
And Get What Yon Want
Written by Margery Rex for tile
Intel national News Service.
New Y'ork, Jan. 20 Ala 11 can hi
whatever he wishes to be and pos
sess whatever he (leterinines to
Man can become what he wills
if he does not let circumstances
dominate him.
The subconscious mind is ex
tremcly sensible
amenable to
What is put into it
works out into actuality.
Everyone has more power and
intelligence than he is using. But
if one think determinedly his pur
pose will accomplish itself by that
habitual state of mind that has
made it a reality.
The above are a few of the
thoughts from the philosophy of
Mrs. Genevieve Behrend, founder
of a school of healing and pupil of
the late Judge Troward, of th
Punjab, India, whose researches
and discoveries were highly com
mended by William James, psy
We all know, and perhaps be
lieve, tho precept, 'ask and you
shall receive,' " said Mrs. Behrend
in an interview. "But what we do
not realize is that we ought to
think, 'ask, believing you have re
ceived, and you will receive.'
"By such thought you have made
a spiritual nucleus that will get you
anything you desire, which is nat
ural for you to have, that is, any
thing suitable or within the reacch
of your own personality, and com
ing within a natural sequence. I
don't mean that if anyone wished
to bocomo a Chinese emperor that
lie could become one by thinking
about it, but if a man or a woman
wishes for something that he or
she has a right to expect or desire
in his or her own life it will surely
Must Cultivate Xcntal Power.
In the deep brown eyes of the
speaker there was steady confi
dence In her own words, and a
glint of burning determination. A
woman of medium height, modish
ly gowned, her face framed by a
cloud of dusky hair, Mrs. Behrend
presented a personality not to be
"We must all cultivate intuition,
mental power," she continued, "We
must strive to realize God. Judge
Trowurd's teachings and mine,
since 1 was his pupil, are based 011
those of Jesus.
"Troward believed that the Bi
ble, properly understood, would lib
erate mankind.
"He dwelt on 'as a man thinketh
In his heart so he is.' He believed
that thought is power, not good 01
bail of itself, but creative.
"Every thought consistently
maintained manifests itself on the
physical plane, We can capture
our Wishes from the Infinite.
"Thought is both power and pun
ishment here. It is what we make
"But many thinkers claim lie
object of life is to discard the
body, not to immortalize it, as I
believe wo should. Our spirit is
expressed through this physical
form, and if God is lit'.- and gives
Ufa and we claim life must die.
we tacitly admit thereby that we
believe in a power stronger than
God. 't.pb
i Dei) ere in no pow
and leach
Copyright 1920 by
Trade mark Reg. U.
H. C. Flshe;
8. Pat. Office
Pace Seven
no power but that
us from God and
which comes to
which He po-
"The bodies of the
not cumbersome and
ble as those of this
next life are
full of trou
plane some
times are. I know, because of a
remarkable personal experience."
Visit From the Demi.
.Mrs. Behrend then told of the
appearance to her of Judge Tro
ward, whom she did not know to
be dead at the time of his visita
tion. "One night I awoke. It was
nearly 1 o'clock. I felt conscious
of a presence in the room. I Baw
dimly something that resembled
a man. I was terrified. I thought
of an intruder, a burglar. Then 1
saw the shape was changing, grow
ing less dim, recognizable.
"Then I knew it was Troward.
He held up his hand and com
manded me not to be afraid, that
fear would make it impossible for
me to sec him clearly.
"1 tried to be calm, although my
heart was thumping. I seemed to
hear what he said and yet I knew
there had been no sound of his
voice. It was like a voiceleaa voice.
" 'I have come,, he said, 'to take
you over on the other side.' But
I didn't want to go, I told him, I
thought of material things, my
new apartment, my automobile.
That shows now all our thoughts
are physical thoughts. But I re
alized that if I wanted to learn
and do something for the human
family I should not pass by this
"I finally agreed. I was conscious
of a sensation like the effect of
an anaethetlo;. I felt! released.
Something in my mind seemed to
snap. There was a sound of buzz
ing. We were going through space,
not on any physical vehicle or any
such means of transportation.
"A luxuriant land, the one we
reached. Similar to this. Tre?s
were in leaf, and pn earth it was
the month of August. The seasons
seemed the same. Vegetation was
superb, but there were bare spots
just as we find here.
"All the faculties we have wero
possessed by the people there. One
man was writing a book, another a
i.i.,j, am, irowarit was going
iiiusn a mathematical problem
nan neen working on.
Had CltOtoe of Two Suites.
"I seemed after a while to re
turn home ami the make another
trip to tho other side. Finally I
came back and saw my own body
on my bed. I viewed it with a
feeling f impatience and curiosity.
1 didn't know whether I wanted in
eiiirn in it r go over and
live in
tile I a .dies ,, ii,,. ntl,,.
At last I willed to rt
return to It
t ama
again the buzzing sensation.
tile Sli;i,
1 ne mind, and I dwelt
no own lioity again
W hat we call death is like that,
th.- release of the spirit from the
body. But there is no real death
. rantf, since ihe next life
i.s like
mis. mil on a , ,.,
"Did I want to come back?
i non t Know. ! had the
lell, of the I ii gl.,.,
Do you believe a dying man has
a choice o, lenvi,, ,,is hl),,v
"saining it to g.., ell?" Mrs.
Behrend was asked.
"Ves. I ,l," sr. replje,,. ..
great physician said once that we
consent to die
Vou don't
on- unless ion
warn i.. Tk, i.
u-he I, I . ' " "
.so important for a doctor
to buoy up the courage and ,h9
will to live of his patl.-nt.
i no not g as f.- as some
rfu ii I -. . . .
,... M helji of
'-ui i Dellevi
much healinir
can ii, .
accunii.lishe,! i- id.......
Ing oneself with and realizing Qm!
Ji Ooa ihen- is ,,o disease If
we r,,,l,ze ,hiH ,. h(;iIe(1
, ... i.i. e thought is that
l""" perpetuate the
e can prolong bfe
that idea. The body
substance a,,,! it has
by giving Uj
is a neutral
no pow.-r ex
cept when under the control of the
mind. We cannot lift f,llKer un
less the mind will it ro.
"Mental power can be cultivated.
But do you know if 1 said ,0 every
one in the world, you may have
one wish granted you can get It
yourself,' most ,.f us wouldn't
know Just what fine thing we want
ed. That is th. trouble. Few peo
pb have a great overpowering de-sir,-
for .some definite thing. The
wish is necessary for its own con
summation." Amber injures no other good
pigment with w hich it may be mlt-
The old ro;al city of Babylon
was almost entirely destroyed SW
H. C.