Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 11, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    .,..-. tinn liv : r. : t-riia tii.nal PVilure Sr.
tiupyrigiu - ------ " " " . . "-'-csV
Trade Mark regleteron in uw u. ; ffent Office.
Rr.-Hi . hatharBv George McManus
1 Buyers of
MMr-m-MAP STP NftTtt f ME OF Uu"
Mt. Angel Safe
Banker States
The Capital Journal, Salem, Cregoii
ry win , jbht u, , I -Sawrjv --v,v nr
Mt. Angel, Or., Jan. 11. Reports
have gone out to the effect that
the Morris Bros, failure in Port
land hit Borne of the business men
hire rather hard, including the
Bank of Mt. Angel. "While the re
port la not wholly without founda
tion," said J. J. Keber, president of
the bank, "it is Incorrect.' Mr.
Keber said that only $3000 worth
of bonds had been subscribed
through the Dank of Mt. Angel, but
the Institution has ample collateral
In Its possession to secure them,
ind the patrons will suffer very lit
tle loan. If any.
Hefore Miss Rosella Keber left
for Kugene a few days ago to re
nme her studies at the University
of Oregon about 0 of her friends
called upon her Sunday
ami nave her a farewi
Opsins wen enjoyed by t
lieonle fuel 1 ' i ' f r in the
luncheon was served.
Henry B. Kochler was busy t
Txal days last week installing a
lifrhl and water planl on the I'ct'-r
Kahut farm near VV'nodburn. Mr.
Kahnt is only one- ot man; who are
making this great Improvement in
their farm homes.
The Misses Louise Fisher and
Carrie Etch tern i.f Portland have
been visiting' the former's mother
(n t be elty.
More eoal Is being consumed In
Mt. Anpl tiiis winter than ever
pin Bum due to the advanced t" '
in wood. N Bchmaltz S- Son have
list tided a new supply and for
(he first time in the liiM'.ry "f this
wood sin roumb il city, the demand
is great. There wan little wood cut
lust year because of the great de
mand for work in other lines.
I)r. J. B. Webb was a I
visitor in Portland severi
Mr. and Mm. John Olllls
few days ago for Bl Paso,
where they will spend the rest of
Ibe winter with their daughter.
Ham Oua l''ft for I,os Angeles,
Ttnl., n few days ago to spend the
remaining winter months.
.f. Bcram left during the latter
port of the preceding week for Han
IMVjro, Cal., where he will visit
among frlenils and relatives until
Miss Mabel Gardner of Salem
visited several days law! week with
Mr C. Gardner In this cltv.
1 days
left a
BTST m mm
rv I m o vu
CXeS II : -- . "
n i in si fin to n r . s: u..." i,:
tree rjip
' o the
. Buffei
-Pound Hen Lays 7V2-Ounce Egg
Silverton News
Hllvofion, Ore., Jan. U. Dr. -'
tl. Wilson and bride arrived In this
eily Sunday after a short wedding
lour. Dr. Wilson and Miss Opal
(boors of Riddle, Ore,, were mar
bled in Portland Thursday evening
,u the Methodist parsonage. The
wedding was a qulel affair, only
Ultimate friends and relatives lie-
ing present. Miss Alia VWlBon, a
ulster of the groom, acted as
inidesmnlil and Dewey Wilson was
he groom's attendant, Dr. Wilson
has been practicing dentistry in
ktllverliin fin a ipla of years and
lis very popular In this city, He
mmr here from Riddle where him
elf and wife were reared. After
Uia wedding, supper wiih served at
the Hotel Benson in Portland,
g Q. Oooley, who has been
spending the summer and winter
leading the orchestra for tile Alu
a Show company, Is visiting his
Mather, Mrs. M. Cooley, In the city.
It. K. Heck and wife have re
turned from a visit with relatives
fa Portland. In returning Mr. Peek
sound it necessary to go by way of
(the west side, crossing the river at
Salem, on account of high water.
Facing tile excessive rain and
rllnagrecalile wentliei, t'ar.acrs in
i in- Waldo Hills country are plow
ing Plowing Is possible, it is said,
in the Waldo Hills, where In other
mtiii.hs ot i lie country it is nut ..f
.the question.
noting the past 4S houn wnt
3n the Pudding river has fallen
DMuuderalilc and tratin ever the
.highway between here and Salem
a been n ailisd. The fiver is al
iniist al normal winter stage at
Sn esent.
Mr. and Mrs. (!. W, f.imeron of
CSoldendale v 'ash . Ii:i . be. . i n
lit Hie home of Mr. and Mrs
Kursell. Mrs. fainei'.in is a
deter of Mrs. Russell.
.She's Here Even If
She Did Have to
dumb a Coal Chute
rPatroris Asked
To Help Settle
School Problem
Bllverton, Ore., Jan. 11. For the,
purpose of discussing ways and
nieans of providing more school
room in Silverton. the board ol
directors has rallied a meeting so
be held in the high schoor room
next "Monday evening. The increas
ing school population of Bilverton
has made il necessary for the
directors to do something to re
lieve the present crowded condi
tions of the different departments
of (he school before another year.
The members of the board are
now asking the patrons and tax
pay t re of the district to help
iheni in solving the problem with
which the directors are confronted.
At the meeting reports on the
actual condition of tne schoul
rooms will be made and the pa
trons will have an Opportunity to
discuss the matter fully. That the
ultimate decision will be to ereol
another building is more than
tome time. Included in these plants
were the Ford and Buick factories
s a result of this decision on sli
part of the manufacturers, thou-
sanda of men arc out of employ
ment The boys say that thej
came back to Oregon to stay when
prosperity is prevalent twe'v
I hi
This is the wonderful seven and a half ounce egg that the (T. S.
department of agriculture received for a New Year' present, the hen
that laid the egg and the little daughter of the man who owns the hen.
The girl is Beatrice Aabye, daughter of Lew Aabye, of Kvanston, ill.
ll lien's name is Hetty Shepard Anemia. She is black. Oh yes, the
gg incisures six and one-half Inches around the middle. The tuner
egg is shown In comparison with one of ordinary size.
At the regular meeting of the
Silverton Community Club Friday
evening the primary feature was to
( etc the sale of market roads
bonds in order to Insure more
road building for Silverton.
Prank Decker shipped two car
loads of mutton to California dur
ing the preceding week. He finds
Hi nei market In California, he
,says, than in Oreuon.
P. J. Nraswanger, who with his
family moved back to Illinois last
(fall, writes to friends here that he
is not getting along very har
moniously with the weather man,
coming out second best 111 every
comiist. He lias a longing for Ore
gon and the Oregon climate, for-
1 getting all the bad things be said
i last winter about the .-now .net
The steid bridge on Silver creek
in this city Is to have new walks on
'either slue, and the material has
been purchased for the repairs.
. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd ingrain of
Tillamook, former reld
Silverton, have be n in the
several days visiting relati
Building Active
During Past Year
-- a. '
son Dvangeiical church, Kev.
Mrs. Burt, one of the local teach
ere, is sick and her sister from Sa
I. in is doing her work in the
1 The evangelist at the Evangel -ileal
church held a divine healing
meeting Sunday afternoun and
several were annotated with oil by
'the minister, in the interest of bet
ter health. A large audience was
out to hear him Sunday night, the
other churches of the community
giving way In the interest of the
A new bridge is being put in
1 over the mill race on Main street
a half Moeh south of to railroad.
I Rev. K.sson preached at Dallas
both morning ami evening Sun
day. There it a report that the
Jefferson minister had received
cr would receive a call to the pul
pit Of the neighboring town, but
it has not been verified. The min
ister who also takes care of a
large farm near here was I visitor
at Parkersvllle one day last week.
Messrs Kerguson. Hint and John
' son of this city were Shriner vis
itors to Purtland priday. return
! ing from their lodge business Sun
! day night.
I Dr. and Mrs. Van Winkle
Salem visitors Priday.
Pred Swartz. who came
about three years ago from
and whose place is north of town,
spent Several days in Salem last
! w eek.
i The Sjatl-saloon lea BUS repre
sentative, a Mr. Sprlggs. was In
town the other day endeavoring
to make arrangements for i.ouis
Albert Banks to isit this place J prospers for
and address the citizens on Sun
Im slant. Jamiarv SO. 'It is un
l-.i.. wu no! .ie. an in I'aii is aeieT-mineu to rei
Silverton, Ore, Jan. tl. - Despite
of the high cost of building mater
ial last year Sllverlon and vicinity
enjoyed as gnat building pros
perity as has been experienced In
previous years under pre-war con
ditions. More MUta ;ltl new resi
dences were constructed ill the city
during the j'fnr Lttt and sonic sub
stantial business blOCXI Were alse
erected. In all of llle rural dis
tricts tributary n. Silverton there
lias also been much building activ
ity and the prospects are favorable
tor a greater volume of building
during the coming summer. With
the drop In prices of in aerial it is
predicted thai the year I til will
witness more progress than am
prevtovja year in the history ,,f
this city. Among the new build
ings planned Is the Coolidg.. .m- m,..
CI. line Hank on the corner of Main ' ''
ana strat treat. The directors will I 1 ' """ "
nom new regular annual meeting. " l" " " " "-" "
in a few ..i. . Mne off since the holidays, i fair-
"ate buildiiiK plai..-. n is . ,.. i..H bT ,h:,t "mmoreiiil
will be 1 1 1 1 1 ... i , . lines the out look is good for the
Dallas, Or.. Jan. 11. Dr. and
.Mrs. Mark Havt'r have both been
confined to their home by illness.
Miss Wiona Lewis is visiting her
sister at Hosklns.
Qeorge Coad Is here from Ash
land on business today.
Bura Harter spent the week-end
visiting relatives in Albany.
.Miss Dollie Uurk and .Miss Doris
Welch spent the week-end in Port-
!, .
.Mrs. Pauline Lowe of Seattle is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. V. R. Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gordson and
son. of Hllsboro, spent the week
end with .Mrs. A. Gooch.
Albert Sachtler and family hav
gone to Independence to make
their home the balance of the win
ter. .Moss Bernice Garrison has re
turnedto her home in Portland, aft
er spending the holidays with
friends In Dallas.
R. W, Smith, proprietor of the
Dormitory apartments, is at the
Dallas hospital taking treatment
for nervous prostration.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barham and
daughter. Loree, of Siskiyou. Ore.,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D.
Plaster over the week-end.
(i. U. Oatesa nd Louis (lutes have
. 'turned home after spending New
Years with A. C. Morrill and fam
ily and O, A. Alford and family at
Hood River.
W. A. (Bill) Dimes, who has
been with the Unbar Construction
company on ntate highway work in
southern Oregon, is spending a few
lays with friend.i in this city.
Mrs. H. Morrison visited her par
ents in Salem last week.
Loren COOper and wife of Airlie
were trading in Dallas Monday.
Misses Clarissa Yashaw and
Kena Bennett spent the week end
In Palls City.
.Mrs. EL D- Wilson (Hiss Anna
Coad i of Oregon City is in the city
on business today
Mr. and Mrs. R. DeArmond and
j son of Vale are visiting her mother,
; Mrs. A (lunch over the week-end.
A. N. Hinshnw and Carl Prakes
'several months ago went into east
were j rn Oregon for the aurpoee of trap
ping during the winter. They had
here Intended going to Bead but they
Ohio, did not get to their destination as
they secured information that the
territory which they had Intendop
to trap was not passalde by pack
norma, They returned and. a few
Weka ago. went to Curty county
for the same purpose. When they
gO to GOld Beach .hey leal lieu tha
tUCCt sst'ui season
nut a.s "int as Un-v bail tincn
id lo believe sa they returned
Failure To Admit
America Right
Ends Citizen Plea
Dallas. Or., Jan. 11. The circuit
court heard the applications of pe
titioner! for naturalization certifi
cates vestcrday morning at which
time John Peters of Independence,
a subject of Canada and of Russian
di scent, was examined first. It de
veloped in the examination that
Mr. Peters came from Canada to
.Montana in September, 1918, took
out his declaration of intention and
about the same time filed on a
homestead, He went back to Can
ada and. some time later, he was
informed that his filing on the
homestead had been cancelled so
lie did not return to the Pnfted
states until July, 1914. It there
fore appeared to the naturalization
examiner, Charles E. Walker, that
the declaration. Also, in the pro
cesi of examination, Mr. Peters
showed hesitancy about answering
questions pertaining to his loyalty.
The last question which was asked
him was. " Do you believe the Uni
ted States was right in going to war
against Oermany?" Mr. Peters hes
itated for some time, then said: "I
would rather not answer the ques
tlon." The court dismissed his pe
tition with prejudice which Is, in
.instance, that lie cannot begin
with naturalization proceedings
again for five years.
Helen Matilda Nichols was ex
amined and her witnesses for her
residence in the state three years
were also examined but. due to the
fact that her deposition from Mon
tana had not arrived, the court was
unable to grant her a certificate
until the arrival of the deposition.
The other petitioner who was no
tified to appear was Peter Bergs
of Buell, who did not put in ap
pearance at all.
tounty for
A Paul H.
esldents o
Cloverdale Briefs
Cloverdale, Or., Jan. 11.
ftlld Mrs. George Mason Wert is
lem shopping Friday.
John Craig of Salem spent
week-end here.
Mrs. Delia Blaco, Mrs. W. J",
Wright and Mrs. Anna Kunke were
spending the afternoon in Salem
1". A. Wood and family were
among the Salem visitors Saturday.
Mrs. C, A. Kunke has relatives
from Portland visiting her this
Mrs. J. D. Craig spent several
days In Salem the past week.
At the telephone meeting In
Turner Tuesday A. E. Kunke was
elected a member of the board.
Secure Divorce
Shown In Court
Has. or.. Jan. 11.--The first
of collusion which has come
e the circuit court in Polk
long time was the ('nse
Smith vs. Mabel Smith.
Rickreall, Oregon. It
was a divorce case and was neara
last Saturday. Mr. Smith asked for
a divorce on the grounds of de
eertion alleging that his wife had
deserted and" abandoned him
against his consent at least one
yea immediately prior to the com
mencement of his suit. It develop
ed In the case that the. parties con
cerned entered into an unlawful
agreement whereby the ' plaintiff
was to institute proceedings for a
divorce and, in consideration of the
payment to .Mrs. Smith by her hus
band of the sum of $10 per month,
'.'-a- would not appear against him.
It further developed in the trial
the the parties had co-habited to
gether as husband and wife only
six months prior to the trial.
In the conclusions of the court
it is stated that the agreements
above mentioned entered into be
tween plaintiff and defendant were
a fraud on the court and against
public policy.
Based upon the findings of fact
and conclusions of law above men
tioned, the suit was dismissed.
The attorney for the plaintiff
was very much concerned over the
developments of the case saying
that the plaintiff, Mr. Smith, had
never intimated that any such
agreement or condition had exist
ed between himself and his wife.
Park Experts Gather.
Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 10. Ex
perts on national and state parks
from all parts of the country were
here today to discuss furtherance
of a program for more concerted
action for establishing and main
taining such places. The confer
ence opened this morning and will
continue until Wedesday evening.
Where there's circula
tion there's life Use
Journal Want Ads
Snows Drive ESk
Into Foothills
card of Sil
ile ration of
Silverton. or.. Jan. II
ik heave snow fall in lb
tains eas: of here, according t
P. Brown. Who was in town a
davs ago from his mountain ft
numerous elk have been seen in
foot bills. The heavy snow
he said, has made it nccessarx
the animals to get on 1
in order to find food.
On. the first dav or Jau
a. trainload of Silvern
were guests of the Silver
bi r company on an ex
logging camps St) mil
verton to witness tin
10 head of el!: in the
These were shipped
same cot 'mission
delivered iti the mountali
tesy of M. C. Woodard, manager
of the Silver Palls Company. They
have aparently prospered well since
their liberation, for (hose who have
been privileged to see one or two
of the animals say they arc look
ing fine. None of the elk had been
seen, it is said, since their libera
tion one year ago. until the snow
came last week. Some farmers in
the mountain section have
nlalned that the elk had been
aging crops, visiting different fields
during the night, but it is claimed
they managed to keep out of sigh)
in day light.
The state ha
Tf 1 a: ,i i u nJ
I'll.- diM-pron
If you are atr
pain and I iscoau
bleeding, pri irudim
d Ie til"
rem Idnh
eon r-
1-holds, go 0V
ami get a i
Cil'' Suppositories 11
lute, ltelit : shoulda
you will v. ctnler WB
continue to suffer f
a distressing condtt
trial package, send
dress to Pyramid Dl
amid Pldg., Marht
made arrang
ments to place two more c
elk in the mountains near he
they will probably be lib
some time this month.
W. A. Taylor of Macleay
charge of the shipments,
Work will never be popular
among simpletons until the word
is changed to something ending in
The Original
Malted Milk
for Infants and Invalids
Avoid Imitations and Substitut
tjhe Charm School" ,
Starting Next Sunday
rand' fWm
in i VS &
Li 9H
I noj
i I Every I
W. W. M0fct
Home of the
auto rRUcnJ
was not SC
OT another
lefferaon at
derslood that the .
'ceptahle and that
speaker may come
a later date.
Mrs. Kneey, whose daughter was
married a few weeks ago here,
states that the newlvweds are hap
I pily settled at Olylopia. W ish.,
where the groom's home lias been
for tagM time and where he is sa
in the flags business.
The stores report nat business
main here during the winter.
Oerllle and Charlie ?pr:n n.
old residents of Delias and well
known hi Shis part of the country,
have Just returned from Michigan,
where thiy have been employed
some months in the Bulek auto
mobile works at Flint. Michigan,
they report 'hat many of the bgl
aiit.nne'cle plants have shut d iwff
and will not conduct sgegnttnns fog
! winter season.
Hie Ai
shs) ysensesi
gf. JL A. C. dui
arrived In a
idionn, who was
!er In the Hiitish
the war. recent -
York. Wh. n the
atei sted at Halifax for nut
Wsdenan went ashhnrt. and
arly left behind wires the
' pulled out in stream Sbr
I a launch to crt from shore ta
sal barge atsng-esde the vessel
thm made her way to the
via the r I shu route.
from coal dust Miss Wnnrf.
sw appeared on deck and was
asjsjratlatd by passengers who
less watching her perform the
Jefferson. Jan 11. ,. anj
Mrs Hosch will 1 a. ISSn for Ne-
halein where the will reside Mr
Hosch is interested In the , ,,
business there.
Miss U7.r BreWSf of the public
school staff, has bees ill far a few
deys and .Mis.- KlaBtpe Is substi
tuting for her
Hugh 1 Mars editor ef the Ite
view, will an this wci k t,. Fu
Kene lo attend the editorial eon
feremv He will he entertained at
one of the fra's
Mrs W T. Klgdsa st Sile-i h is
been visiting at the home of J.
Mrs Ootn. whose place is about
three miles out on the Solo road,
was in Jefferson Simla s1'
ported the roads not very coed in
that section
Miss Virginia MasM spent Sun i
ds.v In the capital city, in the in
terests of the I '..worth League In
stitute for the coming summer.
Jar. Krevrs m.i t s. k
were married la Salem last week
by a termer pastor of the Jeffer-
Buy Machinery
For Flour Mill
SthrrtMfc Of Jan. 1 . After I
VsOrtctng ttfra. months in the
i ;i m of a flour ami feed mill at
thf ir farm ett of Silvrrton aiul
the ensti notion of a vuTt-r power
syvit in from hv titeMlM river. S.
M Unu A Son have purrhastil
the mat'hlnvry in the iHtimld mill
from M. M. Smith and will move
the name to their pro pert at once.
The expect to have the new mill
in operation by March Is! u4 Ml
ie in i-ofitWn u do all kinds of
flour and feed grinding.
4;'7 fob
Ol'R bread is the food with
which to feed the multi
tude that is clamoring- for hon
est, nutritious food values, fj
you order our bread by name
you will receive a loaf of nut
browned richness that con
tarns just the proper proteids.
You'll find plenty of pleasure
in our pastry.
Boy llrcsks rm
l':atum. Or, Jan. 11. Chester
l.eicht. 14 ye;irs old son of Mr.
and Mrs C. U-:cn; M from the
eeond floor of his father's barn
east of here a few days ago. frac
turing his right arm. He was tak
en to the samtorlum in Silverton
wherv the fracture was reduced.
N. Com'l St. Phone 14"
The Quality Merchandise and
Low Prices Offered at Our
Second Annual
Clearance Sale
Has turned this Store into a Busy Bee. There must be a reason
for the big crowds. Perhaps because
Every Articie Is Reduced
In Every Department
Blankets Specials Tomorrow
Ask for our Premium Coupons
Valley Tra
A satisfied en
Rowland Pi
Phone 1B1J. ever PittM
- tret
For Bars
Jof all kinds, suchl
;turc, stoves,
chinery, of all IdaH
I Capitol Junk
i. . . Tl
uui v-uio ait
and Way
Clnx In I'nrt
vyii iiic iiwui .
i-iuitve uc"" j
First Staire 7a.
I .1 T
1 M H
mmm s m s - -
Care el
V i rL- n i
M i-VV LI" '
Chinees Medlcln
s . - - P
. 111. J . .
enro anT kno
nnn Bnod iys fr
unt;i r
is nouth ae
Salem. Orepon.
B Of tl
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th sol
s -that
Hon 1
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Id er
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