Saturday, January 1, m The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon (Copyright 1020 by International eature Service. Inc.) Pagf Eight Bringing Up Father By George McManus -ty. -ii r Arrangements Made on Recall Of Polk Judge Dallas, Jan. 1. he people pro moting the recall against County L7 VOU MAKE ME tlCK - YOU NEVER HELLO - 1 THI MR. ,ifl VOU WUZ- ?imin VHEH LEFT THfb MORrsirV AN" YOU'RE 5TIL-L- fmAT IT MR JlCCt) I VsrOULD UKE you TO JOIM OCR i CLUB IF VOO ARE IN FAVOR OF THE OLOE. OH: HErXR THE eiROt LIKE ANY AMUSEMENT - AFTER THIt) I'LL HAVE TO tIN! OtS UNOA-fti A TWEET - TWEET 1.FVW- we VTQP AMUiEMET OH IT WILL fbE THE ONLY TIME I'LL I M IIM C-A.Vr-c w inrvi CLtMsal J LAW- I WANNA JOIN -ZZB Ml. -J iw: , ) rrTTS t IISCVAN - I MO r. c A rr-x t, . r- S . . i -v . . . iru . - i n i " Lh PE'OENT - r- QiT WT cCjf Yy . V ) i PI 14 m u Ml ft Judge Robinson report that It has j taken longer than exported to He cure the recall petition.?,- hut the documents are ready now Following the recall convention it was found necessary to organ Izc the committee and formulate the charges upon which the recall will be nsked. Before the attor ney could get to work it was nec essary that he have this Inform tlon. In addition the committee He cured full data from Baker coun ty, where a recall election was re cently held. Members of the com mittee th light it le-st to secure all possible Information before for mally proceeding. More than a hundred applica tions are on file from those will ing to circulate petitions, and if each one of these gets ten, there will be signers a plenty and some to spsre. During 'he past week there has been a big chance of sentiment In Dallas relative to the recall o' Judge Robinson, the county Judge and the members of the Ulrlch for county Judge committee are now confident that the'r candidate will carry the town. The members of the committee ay that report! from all sections of the county are favorable, and thai from now i n It will be an fcgresslve fight. If Judge Robin son stays In the field ihey say they propone to defe r, him. Following the fllln'i or the p. tltlon Willi the requisite number Of names, and the calling of the election Judge Boblnon will have five days in which t resign. It is believed, however, that he will risk the election. The campaign Issues .irj beam ing apparent. It Is now evident that the state nignwiy mim..i . to cut a big figure in th hurtle for votes. The Ulrlch committee i. BMiwrtiur 10 lay bcfoio tha vot ers the teetlmony n 'lie Portland u.iii.ri. the court found against the contention of the Dal laa and Inaepenaence li.ullmnnv is held clIlzeiiB reflect upon Judg'' Robinson. T11....U nr.. Iwlnir made by the recall forces for a series of oel fashioned campaign meetings dui lnB the election. It is pioposed to 80 before the people with a defi nite program, and to ask support upon this ground. No pors nall tl,.s will be Indulged In, but o tar as charges against Judge Robin son uro concerned rcllainv) will oo placed upon mi elaboration of the .1 . i.i.i.wr nreoared. and accusal i.mi.-i - - which will soon be "f public N Old. Woodburn Briefs Wondlmrn. or., .Ian. 1. Hearing of th- accidental dealt! of her hus band's aunt, win. wan struck Christ mas day al Mudford by a luxlcab, shortened the visit of Mr. M. L. Miller who was Kla.lin; at me home of he,- met Mrs. 1 .(:' Tlvey. Mrs. Miller expected to remain all the week With her mother, but re turned to I'orlland Mond ly when he reoelvcd word of the accident. An old fasiiionea iw was held in the I'resuyieriau cluirch here last evening and a pleasant lime was had. Several young people from (lervali attend ed the party. Mr. ttiid Mrs S. C. Mills were guests of Mr. and Mn. Roy Pergu oii at Salem on ChrUtmae day Mr. Mill" returned Monday and Mrs Mills went to Bllverton to visit with Mrs. Dan Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Courtney returned the fore part of I be week after a Christinas visit with the lat li r's parents al LaFayette. Judge and Mrs. lieorge C. Ulng ham were Chrlatmae guests at Hie heme of their daughter, Mrs. Kellh rowell, and husband. uparlnl lent W. J. Mlshler, Mrs. Maude Me, le i and Miss Madge Bcollard have returned from Poiilitml. where Ihey attended the Stale Teachers' ine. n : : which ad journed last evening. PoatmaRter 11. r.. r,'i!s unl fam- tin home of e 1'atton, In Salem Samuel Stewi the new baker it the Woodburn bakery, has raOV d his family here from Portland, Mr. Stewart was empioyca neie several years ago. Superintendent and Mrs. w. J. fishier and family spent Christ la) nt the home of Mrs. Mishler's parents In Salem. H. fi. Thurston u Salem, secre- larv of the Religious Literary assn- .tlon, was here from Salem a few i ul uuy mm . ' . .11 , .. '..I I,' AL'f'l r 1 . (. Vlekers who has been held at home on account of smallpox for several days will be able to resume work in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. R. It. I.lvesay and JhaS Ium n,i Tuaadav from Hates, Or., and are visiting at the home of his parent, Mr. and Mrs. D. s. Uveaay. Oaoar Beok left yesterday for his home In Wyoming after quite an extended visit with relatives in this vicinity. Albert Harden has been appoint ed rural mall carrier on route 1 out of Woodburn and made his ini tial trip on Tuesday. Krank Hos I el Her has ben acting us carrier i emnorarllv. u..,i Un Alfred Schumann ire rejoicing over the arrival of u baby girl th first In the home which appeared Tuesday night and Ihey are just as happy as they w, hava I n if it had been a real Chriatma present Mrs Hancy Brannam (Had at the Inline of her d.iiighlcr. Mrs. .lonn I.ane in Woodburn. Tuesday night. Services were held nt the house Thursday, Rev, It. B. Myers offl- l.itlng, and Interment was made i Salem. Mrs Brannam was 85 years of age ami a naiive oi icu- neee, Hnntn Claus was not the only Strang character that visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Broy les. The stork came Sunday night and icrt a belated Chriatmaa pres ent. The young lady, in future yean, win celebrate two .eventful oeeaeton close togethor, l'or having spent twenty years In the service of Hie national guard and served in the late war, Cap tain QrOVOr Todd and Mnjor Ku gene Mosgberger of this city were presented with medals at the na tional guard muster In Portland Mon,ajl ngi,t of this week North Howell North Howell. Or., Jun. 1. Mrs. Alice Willis, who has been touch ing school at Tatooch Island. Wash., ami spent her vacntlon here has returned lo resume work. She will return lo North Howell after closing her lohOol in May. Mrs. Willis has taught in the Washing ton school for Iwo years. Miss Rva Stevens, who is attend ing school in Salem, has been spending her vacation here with her parents. She will return to Salem tomorrow, Mr:,. C. A. Sawyer has returned from a visit wilb relatives at Kddy ville. Tuesday wis Mr. and Mrs. Ra le iti Dunn's oui I h wedding anni versary and they had as guests to help celohr-ite Hie occasion Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ilaughinan and little d lighter. The Misses Amy. Mabel and Clara HJr spent Chris' i bis sister, Mrs. We Wish You All A Happy and Prosperous New Year 466 State St. Phone 877 Lueders of Newberg are visiting relatives here. Lois Vinton has been spending a week with relatives in Camas, Wash. Vinton vis- j Mr and Mrs. Oeorg ited in Wood the week. urn tb fore part of Brooks Brooks, or., Jan. 1. Lucile As plnwall. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Pierre Aspinwall, is reported very sick WHO pneumonia family will Tne r . a.. .vniMM lUalr hntna h MTV .1 I'm..."' . " today ami u is "i" " ."" members of the family will be pres eni. Mra. t. C Naylor h her home in Brook in Oerval for some returned to fter staying nte to assist her kleter who met with the mis fortune to dislocate her collar bone recently A great deal of sickness is re ported in this vicinity Just now. Among the recent cases of pneumo nia reported is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Slergis. Mis. BUiott Savage has been vls itinf; ai the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Walter L. Fuller. Mia Iheltno Wanton and Miss Btnal Harris will return to Kugene tomorrow to resume their studies In the high school there, after hav- Ittg Pnt the holiday vacation with their parent! her. Postmaster and Mrs. Carye have returned from Portland where they went to spend Christmas and visit a few dayi with their daughter. -uis. "-"'""" Jefferson Jefferson. Or, Jan. 1. Mr. See hale was In Portland the first of the week, . Mills Iris Powell Is spending her vacation in Salem. Service al tile uainoilc cuurcii on l Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Airs. Mary Meeker had this week as visitors from out of town her sister and brother-in-law. B, S. Slultz, who is at the head of tho Jacksonville schools, has been vlaltlng in Jefferson, (There be formerly taught at educational headquarter! in this neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. J nek Hale were In Salem for Christmas. At the regular meeting of the Eastern Star lodge here this week the following officers were elected lo serve for the ensuing term: Worthy matron, Mrs. Mary Oe Lalauax; worthy patron, Ouy Ap perle; associate matron, Mrs. I'ue Smith; eonduotoreaa, Mrs. Mary Mason; associate conductress, Mrs. Maude Faiiow; secretary, E. R. Howell; treasurer, Mrs. H. 1). Mars. Mr. and Mis. William Scott had as visitors over Christmas Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Adams of Kugene. Mr. and Mrs. T A. Ward of Waldport, Or., have been visitors of Jefferson of late. Miss Shields, a former teacher in the Jefferson schools, is hero this week. Mr. and Mrs. O, M. QrlUey, of the Cherryclty. are visiting here for the winter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Law, Miss (iladys Overhalser, who re cently lived here and moved lo Ku gene, was married to l,eonard Tol maii on Chriatmaa, , The Masonic order here this week elected the following officers rnr the ensuing year: James m ii... ... vv . a. B. Hinz. S. W.; J. I O. Van Winkle, J. VV.; O. C. Mason, treasurer; J. A. Roland, secretary; James Black we 11, trustee for three yea. -s; IS. S. Allen, trustee for two years, ine npjwmuvc --. Guv Apperle, S. 1).; tt. U. -Viars. j. 1).; E. B. Howell. S. S.; Cecil Oe Saiaux, J. S.; Clint Reeves, tyler; W. VVUson vvas the installing offi cer. Mr. H. Thompaon and daughters of Oaklund. Cal spent Christmas with relatives and friends in this city. Rev. Mr. Clark, who resides some five miles out from town was in the city day before yesterday on business. Morris Allan and Mrs. Allen of Roaeburg are visiting at the par ental home in Jefferson. Mr. Al len is a railroad engineer. For the past two or three days there have passed through town several show wagons of the circus type. Rev. Mr. Scott, a Scottish evan gelist, is hold special meetings at the Evangelical church of this town under the direction of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Hornshuch, who arrived from Portland day before yester day when- with his family he visit ed relative. Mr. Scott Is said to be an earnest speaker and good is an tilcpated as a resu't of the serv ices. Mr. Scott arrived yesterday. Ed Smith reports that the quota lor this place, $200, for the child sufferers, has been overpaid with some pledges yet unpaid. Mr. Smith Is chairman of the fund com mlttee. Mr. and Mrs. B. E, Le and oth ers of All, any visited for Christinas at the K K. Ijooney farm home. Kenneth Wall, a teacher in the Lebanon schools, is home in Jeffer sun for the holidays. The Jeffer sonian is doing well, it is said, in tho strawberry town. Miss Bollter, who taught in the schools of this ctiy for two years, was a visitor during the present week. She is now teaching In Sa lem. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Booth of Sa lem were visitors of late at the Bryan residence ill Jefferson. State Commander Sherwood of the Maccabees Is expected hero next Wednesday night when the A LAFFY SNAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR SHOW TODAY YE LIBERTY Sunday, Mon., Tues. A 20th CKN'Tl'R V CAVE MAN, WAS HE BERT LYTELL IN "THE MISLEADING LADY" ALSO KOIt Till: Kl(i THAT IJNliKRS IX)Xt;KST Treat yourself to a tickle by the side splitting BUSTER KEATON As A Rural Lover with Many Troubles, in the Third of Hb. Seria. of Ola Getter i(....n..i.. will install officers and initiate a candidate Mrs. Monroe Nye was a Mon-: mouth visitor for Christmas. his home. Will Moses will open a real es- People from all parts of the coun tate of flee In the Henry building In I try are looking toward the WU Portland in the near future, ac-i lamctte valley with a view of lo oording to reports. He has recent- I eating here. Frequently some cltl- ly returned from a viait at Oerval. I sen of nervals receives inquiry A committee has been formed to ! about conditonsl here. A. R. Sieg Inveatlgate the lighting situation or mund Is in receipt of a letter from this community which has been, a man who has farm land in the putting it very midly, bad of late. Resident have been compelled to retire early in the evening on ac count of not being abie to read or see properly to get about the house, according to some reports. In fact some have said that they thought a piece of orang skin hanging in place of the elwtrto light in the homes would do as much good in illuminating the rooms as the pres ent light, while others have sug gested substituting red apples. Gervais Gervals, Or., Jan. 1. The regu lar monthly meeting of the Her mosa club was held Thursday aft ernoon at the home of Mi's. M. D. Hennlng A pleasant afternoon was Spent in music and dancing. After exchanging Chrisrmas gifts a lunch eon was served by the hostess and her mother. The next regular meet ing of the club will be held some time during the month of January at the home of J. V. Keppinger. These meetings afford much amuse inent for the people of Gerv-us and are becoming very popular here, Miss Mortie Mendenhal of Ger vais vvas married on Wednesday of this week to Alvin Kostenliorder ! of Salem. The ceremony was per formed at Balam and they will re side in that city where the groom is employed. John H. Gtltsfnrlh b.-, hMn Buf fering from a peculiar sickness for FEATURE SERVICE. INC. several days. While not very ill. .he has been annoyed very much by hiccoughs. He is still confined to Twin Kail irrigation district Stat Ing that he would like to trade his place for one in the valley. Mrs. J. J. Schieble left Thursday for Oakland, California, where she will spend some timo visiting at the home of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hening went to Lodi, Cal., a few days ago in re sponse to a telegram announcing the death of Mr. Helming'! father. They returned to Gervais Thursday evening. A. R. and L. K. Siegmund were visitors In Salem li a business way Tuesday. Miss JuanitQ Gleason, who is em ployed in the First National bank of Grants Pass, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Glea son. Miss Gleason expects to va cate her position in Grants Pafs about the first of next month to accept a position as secretary to Or. Legion with headquarters in Portland. E E. Russell of Portland is fill ing a vacancy in the S. P. depot here while the regular agent is vis iting in California. Mr. Russell is accompanied by his wife and daugh ter who are stopping at the Depot hotel; Ira L. Vincent and family stop ped In Gervais a few days ago while on their ,way to Portland from Wren, Ronton county, and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Molaan. William Rowley of Portland is A HAPPY NEW YEAR To Our Friends and Customers C. S. HAMILTON, HOUSE FURNISHER, wishes to thank you for your generous patronage, as we find at the close of our 26th year in business in Salem, that this year shows an increase of 30 per t-ent over any pi-evious year. This is due to the fact that our customers have found our business methods, quality of Merchandise and prices right. For some time past we have been reducing prices all over the store from 15 to 25 per cent, and shall continue to do so as fast as the market conditions will permit. The discounts we will offer you on our entire stock beginning .hmuary 3, 1921, are much greater than we could get from our factories at this time. Thanking you again for your support and wishing you the compliments of the season. C. S. HAMILTON HOUSE FURNISHER spending a few days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rowley Sr. Dr. Hickman vvas called to Salem Tuesdy morning where he perform ed three operation during the clay. L. P Gleason is spending the holiday week with his family In the city Ml", and Mrs. Lambert, who ar rived here from Dallas some time ago, have purchased the William Bovviey residence. Mr. Lambert is the village blacksmith. Blair Funeral To Be Held Next Hubbard, Or., Jan. 1. The re mains of Nixon RIair, who died at Kansas City, Mo., Tuesday morn ing, are expected to reach here to day and the funeral will be held in Hubbard. Mrs. Hlair, who has been visiting in the east with her husband, is expected to arrive with the body. Mr. Blair had been In j poor health for some time. He; spent several months at Rockaway Beach before going east and his health seemed to improve there. He made the trip east hoping to benefit his health. Besides his wife the deceased is survived by three daughters and one son. Miss Rona'.da Johnson of Port land has been visiting Miss Ruth Calvert a few days thfs week. J. E. Langdon received the sad news Wednesday of the death nf aunt. Mrs. Will Pedrlck, at the hos pital in Oakland, California. William Rlemer, who has been attending school at Gaston, is home this week spending his vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rlemer, of the White school dis trict. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY TOTTRNAL WANT ADS PA l Tli FIRI $21 Everything AGS Cuticura Soari suggests Hihc e Charles Rail Peaceful vaiw in ed tin do v. 3fil LIBERTY THEATRE bai Kit! . NEXT WEDNESDAY , JM KJfBjwosjcajnnur v Idf .vJVx fit I The Scarecrow III