Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, January 01, 1921, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    mm -W - "W
pm (churches
CHRIST SCIENT18 449 Cheiu-
in., Kiblc lesson subject, 'iiod"
a. in. Wednesday evening teaii-
atieet. Ai 11 ii.
il mating al ! o'clock. Heading room jj .uusau-
Beiopte. ou-n every day except nouuay auo suimuys,
K 11:45 to 5 p. n. All i. iv cordially invited to oui
93B and lo out- remdlllg rooms.
I Churchill. Dorig Churchill, Lacy Mr. ami .Mrs. Stacy Hamilton. Mr. I MUM Helen Roberta, Miss Janet
lHHULt,, V .'V' A.VU 1a"dal1 "ml " George l-.arl Nelson, and Plimpton. Miss Betsy Abbolt of
' n LT" "'' 'le':;M 5,nf' Mary Wilcox. I Portland. Mrs. Ada Strom,. Mrs. C.
i.lifc.ibcth Bnyiie, lOsiher .......... ...
il..,. i . i i 1 1 i . . n.t . " airieiso l, wnerman i' nipioi,
""s S I ? : .rtH, S"d M,S- Ckc Pa w" Thielsen ami KU-h-
to mw t 'n ,''":l lll""'loon '""and aids, reiki.,, of Portland,
-i ' x, Aiu,ilchiisi, Mrs. Will to spend New Year s with friends. I
i. in. .ilia, l esi.T mhdu ....
leaves tonight
Los Angeles.
for her home in
Bust baptist church. wmiam t.
I (Continued from Page Six.)
Alillike'i. .,.,.n:il exhibition of bal-
H. B. Hewitt, superlnten- jet technic was given by tin- an-
i The nuiirons who were hostesses
livilli Alls J!:ilicock r.'i Airs, 11a-
i-Jvid Wright, Mrs. Datella Smith,
The entire class Airs. William llruiili, ami lira.
"Rose Ballet," Miss j William Cheri ington.
the close of theljeanette Sykes gave the 'La Art-:
will have special1 Ists," solo dance; Miss Margaret Mr. and .Mrs. l nomas .ucuienan
,,, nllmi,,.s hV the nuuri'ttc or the cnorus. J lie wnHe gave uie rieme ou.n-i. -nv.. Mi-n -
ES'nTn i BiilO. Allen Kafoury leader, i Marjory Webb gave tha "Little guests of Air. and Mrs. It. U. liar-
-., vew Years resolutions." The Second Division, ! Glow Worm Banco" and Miss Cyn
Mr. and Airs, ilomor Smith have
issued invitations for a formal
dancing party to be given next
Thursday evening at the Illahee
.lack Bafcln, .Miss Betty Stlllwbll of Albs .loannette Meredith and y' - ,,na ilrs- T- z" Ven Bo'en I Country club. Oyer 100 invita-"
j Independence, soioritj sister ; .Miss Margaret (iriffiih returned ehtkrtalnad with an Infirm! Newl''01"' have been tent out mukin(f
I from out of town. Kriday night from Portland where j Year s supper party at their home j coming week.
j they were guests of their cousin, last night having twenty-two guests
Aliss Uluu Nolan is In Portland 1 iorothv Aletscheu to attend al-Mr. and Aim. H. Q, Perry of Port-1 1,1 l"ior of her sister. Mrs. IS.
KSBIIba. Uil.l. Rrhfiitl al !l:4d
dent. alumina Worship at 11:00. Sermon: "How Do , vunced pupils,
rait' Know?" Kvoning sermon: "Law and Grace. " presented the
The Lord's Slipper will be observed
mornim: Worship. At all services we
v i. i- mi at the same nour. mis soen-iv iki
a mtsnbership contest on, and is rapidly growing.
hia Delano gave the "Rose Dance
Prizes for the best exhibition of
'the 1920 wii Hz were given to Miss
Mrs. Richard Robertson and
Mrs. X. C. Briggs left last iih'ht
for Portland to visit frieuds for a
few days. Kroun there they will
-ndleton to visit their bro-
m. C.
The r
1 1 iemls.
a lew days visiiii,
In honor of her mother. Alls. J.
It. KlanniKnn uiul her SISl el- VI ish:
large .lancing party Aliss Aletscheu
gave at tile Multnomah hotel on
Thursday night.
Aliss Carol Dibble who Ins I
Minnie fjanaigan of Minneapolis, "Pending the holidays with her pal
.iiiiiii.. .is nerce van JJoren was
a luncheon hostess Thursday at her
home. Holiday decorations were
used in the table appointments
hwit a centerpiecu of holly and
fern. New? Year's place ' cards
marked covers for Airs. Flannlgan,
Aliss rlennlgan, Mrs. Amos .strong
Airs. William H. riueghardt, Jr.,
Mrs, Frederick Thielsen. vi i-
ORMED CHURCH. Cor. of Capitol and Marlon Ilertha Rabcock and Robert Rait
. T-,. s.i- s:iii( -... viHia in a a nn Tnr tne t iiiu ra. i..k"
Preaching (German I 11 a. m. o evemos service. n " ,7,. r . he 1 ther for a few days.
, I lIllipiUll, HI- ect,w P ,
ITLE CHAPI.E UNITED BRETHREN CHI RC1I. third year cm. I Shrlhers' club will
er of Nebraska and 17th. Sunday school 10 ft. in the first year pupils -vis another ot their formal dances
P. Wells superintendent with classes for all Catherine Cook ana t.ienn Diaari ,onilt Mt ,he Moose hall onel ....
ing- 11 a. in. aid 7;,10 p. m. C. E. :j0 p. m. won the UlM prize inn u.- ... waK postponed fr0m TueS- " ul o:uem
.,mi- i oorrtiuilv invited lo all the services. 1 ine Marnarch una Mtaniey wnt'f! ..... ,i3r flat, of thuT' -" ".T""'" 00 siven Kn-
....... ... . tia uif.ui. .- . i our mi- i :if .ha
Shrine dances. ;uuny ui iuc be ()l
i. l- h I vhtu' r.1
tivkes and
Lytie, Airs. J. L. Van Horen n.t ' t for San Francisco and
hostess. .Angeles to spend the winter.
ems, .Mr. and Airs. W. C. Dlhhl
will taave Uonday for Seattle to
continue her studies in the Corn
ish School of Expression. Air. and
Mrs. Dibble have also had as their
house guests .Mr and Airs. Lyman
White, of Woodbine. Iowa, wtfo
spent the week here coming from
Spokane, where they had been vis
aing men- son. They left Friday-
land motored dow n in the afternoon 11 oue uC tJl-' larger events of the
to be guests of the Van Dorens Carlton, of Uugonu who is her
for last night and the New Vear"s. bouse gucsl, Airs. Roy Burton en
tertained with an informal lunch
eon Thursday at her home. A
basket holding a pointsctta form
ed the centerpiece and rod nut
baskets wore at each cover. The
So that her daughter Mrs. Alta
Altaian Martin might informally
bid goodby to her friends before
her departure for her home in he
south, Airs. L. G. Altman enter
tained at her home -rliUrsday ev
of the visitor. Fancy work and
social converse filled the evening
hours and at the close the hostc3s
cning asking about 15 close friends
served refreshments.
Mrs. Martin has been visiting
her parents for several weeks and
guests included only a few close
friends of the honor guest. Mrs.
Carlton plans to leave for her
homo .Monday.
The annual coronation cercin my
for King Bing ol tUi Chcrrians will
take place Tuesday night at (he
armery and will be followed by a
I continued on page nine)
George Chapman, pastor.
armory, it will
:-NAZARENK CHI'RGII. Nineteenth and Marlon sts. ; .vnss jeauena
one block south of Center on Nineteenth. Take Cheni- Hoffline.
eketa ear. Regular services. Sunday school at 9:45.
. o ii i. s,,,,..,-i.,..i,le.ii. Classes for all age:-. Air. and Air:
won the first prize " V ' T i which was postponed from Tus
inr S'"U niit-n Tr. .v. j C n i wVtt
join m www wf-s-i it is leading among the musical or
mm bpra will ! " I " "1C svjiuv
- I f ii' T.VT 1 mm T.,.4.
i v iwuuiu, uanaaa.
not h
V. ells.
V. E. Knhn and
j at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Young t'eople s i men uu.UB"w. ........... ...
at 6:30 Sunday evening followed with song reiuriicu " e... "'.' ' ,,f ! cert 15
Setlth deper interest shown id souls are being I C.nistmas ho .days, ..e there
Tho "Old Storv" is being told, come over ami "" - i I
in with us especially do we invite those who tio j w.union. ranged a well balanced and pleas-
un.o , Wells iissior. Florence i .. , i,,,. nnunn. which will melutl
- ... . ... ., e,..n Was me mu-
deaconess. : Uf ii a card parley which Airs. V.
High . ' ,:CL' . , : laren
1 nl 1 lo. .nice irt'jn -
gaiem music lovers are looking
forward to the first popular con-
the Salem Symphony or
chestra, which will ne given to
morrow afternoon in the armory at
:; o'clock". Dr. John R. Sites, con
ductor of the orchestra, has or
ganizations or the Canadian city,
The repertoire of the quartet in.
eludes selections from the great ora
tovior and operas as well us many
" r.ngiisn, .scotch and Irish
.Melodies. Miss Hilda Buckingham
is accompanist for them and the
program includes several piano so
los by her.
I Aliss Xan.-v 'rlii.,1.,.,,, .
ii.ieisen, ctiunren of Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Thielsen have as their
guests over the week end Miss cBt
ty Perry and James Perry, children
of Air. and Airs. H. G. Perry of
... i .1 l-'vans. m.stor: Dr. Hi C. Epley. superlnten
f Church school! Lena Kelie Tartar, cnoir onec
.v, n.ti,r will sneak both morning and evening
on themes of Vila! interest t.i all. The topics trill be
HHfeiallv suited to the opening of the New Year. The
school opens at 0:45 with splendid musical pro
K. led by an unusually fine orchestra. A boy..
Ktment has been organized and will nold it:.
session at the school hour. Many activities have been
'j&nncrt for the , venings of the week with ftood and
S.peieiii leaders selected from the men of the con-
.,;,, Th vonne neonle of the church meet -at
m. for social and fellowship privileges,
are helpful and interesting.
It 10
m hooi
9th and Ferr- streets, H. C. Stover, minister. A
uniting the hurCh school and morning worship
m. Mrs. B. E. Edwards in charge of the ohurot.
hour. Donald Barnard tells a story. Harriett
n.iion Bnmflnid slnE a duett.. A New A'ear
aLKon by the pastor. Christian Endeavor at 6:45
,n. A Communion and Fellowship service at 7:o0 p. m.
Subject "f address "The Call of the Deep."
Kccs changes to 2:30 p. in. Reverend Mary E.
Kbel will preach. Subject: Keeping the Commande
ments of Christ. I .. r
B-v. . -,- -
aehool at 10 a. in. preaching at 11 Young people's meet
ing '30 p in. Alice Wells leader. Gospel sermon at
7-JO, teachers training class Tuesday evening at 7. at the
borne of Mrs. Urckizer, midweek prayer meeting W ed
nesday evening at 7 o'clock, the prayer services will
Hn the remainder of the wek every e vening at
l,,, i i-oii.y. pasloi
Har meeting on Thursday aiternoou, januaij ... .
432 South Commercial street. Bible study at 2:15
BBftaftn I, am u'fleome.
..iu n..,.fie will be held on tne jsi, oio
Thursdays of each month, msieaa oi on bi
hursday as heretofore.
ine' nroaram.
Chopin's famous Funeral .viaicn.
land "The Triumphal Entry of Bo-
by Halvorson. wmcn were
, . , .!!, i,ch :. treinenuoiis
500. Airs. Ralph Glover scored j t concert of the
high in the games. In serving re-1 several weeks ago.
freshinents Airs. Kuhn was assist-1 -"
ed by her daughters, Ruth and Lei-j Salem O. A. C. club dance
la. Those invited were MesdamesJ. .. , lliKht a, Dreamland!
Ralph Clover, W. 1. Staley, W. Al
PAUL'S CHURCH. Chemeketa and Church sts.
ces for the 2nd Sunday after Christmas, 7:30 a.
low celebration of the Holy Communion; a. -to
church school; 11 a. m high celebration ana bei -
"Our Times in God's Hands"; 7:30 p. ni evening
and sermon, "The Promise for the Future."
ybody welcome. Chas H. Powell, rector.
J ANGELIST A. It. l'.ELL will speak tomorrow ev -
Bg at 7:30 in 1 nion Hall, Court sue. w ... High.
HijH'i : "What about the Millennium? 100
BP" Man's Land." Go and hear him.
Htlill.ANU I 'i: I ENDS. -Bible school .it 10 a. m
on Boss. supl. Classes for all ages unuer me eaic
khrisitan teachers. Young people's C. r meeting al
p. in. Proashing services at 11 a. ni. and 7:30
The revival uieetings are still in progress and
tore navtna great -isioiies, peuioe ... - .
rt ..n.l sanctified at almost every service. Bother
is preaching the full gospel of salvation from all
vithout compromise, if you have any interest in
Spiritual welfare, come to the meetings.
inouncements will oe mane Biiua.uu gmmawa
ther services. I. G. and Ida J. Lee, pastors.
regular service at the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
large of James Elvin. Sunday school meets promp-
:4S. Mr. Jos H. Albert, superintendent. lnter-
tte Christian Endeavor mets at o o clock, and
endeavor at 6:30. The subject for the morning
be will he The supremacy or iou. al tne ciose
morning service the celebration of the Lord's
er will be observed. All the members of the church
urgently requested to be present at this service
lubject for the evening service wii be the "Christian
St. W. -C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday
3l with classes for all under charge of competent
Hers. W . 1. Staley, superintendent. 11 a. ni. New
Alessage "The Starting point for better things
p. m. Christian Endeavor. Live meeting. 7:30 ').
Oy request of many who enjoyed the splendid ren
n of the Cantata, "In Excelsis'" last Sunday even
Ithe double Quartet wii repeat the same. Come and
and enjoy the fine music and the message it brings
ter and Jefferson sts. Thos. Acheson, pastor,
n the New Y'ear at the right and by beginning it
le house of God and with God. The year will mean
ilich to you as God means to you, for "In Him we
and move and hove our being." Our services
you a good opportunity. Sunday school 9:45:
tes for everybody. Well organized, and manned by
lent teachers. Public worship 11 a. ni. Subiect:
Portal's of The New Tear. Junior Leaeu 3PM
h Grace Tyler in charge. Senior League 6:30 o. m.
rood place for young people. We want vou ther
nlng worship 7:30 subject: First Thines First.
fre will be special public to come and wnrxhin .
.e aiuuy ciaas on weanesaay evening at 7:30,
EV. LUTHERAN HEHCW Pa.. c.,i. t..
Ith atreeta, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Divine ser
t 'English) at 10:30 a. m . subject "God's Sign-Lan-g.
Visitors are welcome. Th.r. ui .
service. Geo. Koohler.
fl- Commereta,
I V -uY,, .u.e scnoi at 19:00 a. m., Dr
Prert r' "Upt Youn PP1' meetln at .:
rr-T ' V ' 7:3. p. m.
fcK-ra. wi.l "mory at Pacif College.
Smith, Uoy Burton, Fred Ellis,
Clare Vibbert, F. E. Shafer, David
iighl, Paul Hauser, Harry Styles,
and George Riches.
Aliss Florence Stoddard enter
tained a company of friends at
her home on Broadway New Years
eve with a watch parly. Games and
music were enjoyed ami refresh
ments were served. There were
twenty guests present.
New Years eve Air. and Airs.
Clare A'ibbert entertained a f roup
of friends with a five hundred
party having guests for 6 tables
of cards. At midnight Mrs. Vibbert
was assisted by Mrs. O. A. Olson
in serving a supper.
Joy Clarkin Shank of O. A. C.
is visiting at the home of Air. and
Mrs. S. IT. Shank in Halsey.
Mrs. William P- Lord and Aliss
Elizabeth Lord left Salem Tuesday
for Baltimore where they will visit
relatives for several weeks. While
in the east they will go to New
Y'ork city, .Boston, Philadelphia,
and Washington, D. C. They will
return by way of California, plan
ning to sojourn there for some
time. They expect to return to Sa
lem in about four months.
Air. ami Airs. Thomas B, Kay
returned Tuesday from Portland
where they visited relatives for
two days.
Mr. and Airs. Thomas Bennett,
Thelnia Ross), of Alarshfield, ar
rived yesterday from their honey
moon spent in Seattle and were
the guests for a short visit of Mr.
and Airs. P.. M, Hofer.
Mr. and Airs. R. AI. Hofer and
children motored to Portland this
morning and are spending New
Year's and the week-end with
friends in that city.
The Weslminisster guild of th"
First Presbyterian church was en-
tertained at the D. A. Hodger home
.Tuesday evening when Airs. Hodge
and Aliss- Hol'.enbeck were host
esses tor the regular meeting. Re
freshmento were served following
the program.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A. .Mason of
Portland are to arrive tomorrow
to be the guests of Air. and Mrs.
D. A. Hodge for several days.
Air. and Mrs. John Brophy are
host and hostess today for a New
Year's dinner, having as their
guests, Mrs. Margaret Paulson,
Mrs. H. B. Brophy, Air. and Mrs.
J. H. AI,cCrockle, and Air. and Airs.
George Riches.
Air. and Airs. Keith Powell and
son, of Woodburn. came upalast
night to spend New Y'ear's day
with Air. Powell's parents. Judge
And Airs. George Bingham.
Mr. and Atrs. F. R. Wetherbee of
Eugene are the New Year's guests
of Mr. and Airs. W. G. Allen at
their home on Oak street.
Mif. Clifford Brown and sons,
are in Portland over New Year's,
as the guests of! Airs. Brown's
mother, Mrs. W. W. Bretherton.
The Past Alajrons' club of the
Older of the Eastern Star were en
tertained at the home of Mrs. Ida
M. . Babcock Tuesday evening for
the annual Christmas tree. A
short business meeting preceded
Noteworthy among the many pro
grams of sacred Christian music
given in Salem churches during the
past week is that rendered last Sun
day evening by the choir of the
Firsl Congregational church. A new
and heautlful cantata, "In Excel
sis," the composition of J. Lincoln
Hall, was sung by a double quar-
lfll r.nitiiirkonil ..f Ik. r.n i
ditorlum was a splendid opening Mowlamw' Rlphilrd Rbo
a U
for the week, which has been so
full of social functions for the
younger folk. Over 250 couples
joined the members of the club in
making it a success, and enjoyed
an evening of dancing.
The New Year's dancing party
given at the Aloose hall by Aliss
RUth Barnes, daughter of Mr. and
Airs. E. T. Barnes who is spend
ing the holidays at home from the
University of Washington, was one
of the large events which made the
holiday season one unusually mer
ry for the younger set. The bait
room had been decorated in keep
ing with the holiday season with
large hanging baskets of red poln
Bettas and fern, and holly wreaths
were hung around the wall.
Hunt's orchestra furnished music
for the evening and the little Alisscs
Florence Powers, Rosalie Buren,
and Elaine Brown presided over
the punch table. About 175 of the
younger set weer guests of Aliss
Barnes, many coming from out of
town to be her guests.
Aliss Paloina Patricia Prouty re
turned Thursduy evening from a
brief visit with friends in Portland
and Taoome. She was accompanied
lo Taconia by Aliss Mildred Dow
ling of Portland.
l. A . Creech, sopranos; Mrs. John
I. Roberts and Aliss Margaret
Hodge, altos: .Messrs Richard Rob
rtson and H. B. Glaisyer, tenors;
Albert H. Gille and Wm. p. Harris,
basses. Airs. Liilian Hart man pre
sided at the organ and Miss Ruth
Bedford accompanied at the piano.
Of a character, somewhat different
both in theme and musical setting,
the cantata not only pleased the
well filled auditorium of the church
but was presented In a manner as
to cause numerous reqi ests fo? a
repetition. Accordingly Wut entire
program will be repeated by the
Choir next Sunday evening ut 7:30
rumoring .Mrs. .lames s. i- lanni
ran of Minneapolis, Minn., who is
wishing her son in law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Airs. Pearce Van Dorep
Airs. Ada strong entertained with
a small line party Friday afternoon
James Walton of
spending the week In
his grandmother, Airs,
Eugene Is
Salem with
Alary Wal-
E. Hofer and his son Lawrence
Hofer are spending a few days at
Newport, planning to return the
first of the week.
Air. and Al
tored to Eugene n
the guests of AIi-
Daniel l'orwthe Xe
O. L
Flahef nio-,'., and are
nd Airs. C. J.
Aear s and the
Air. and Airs. Homer Copley are
entertaining with a New Year's
dinner today having with them Air.
and Airs. E. C. Appercon. Air. and
Airs. Norwood Apperson and Aliss
Mildred Apperson of AlcAlinnville
who are at the Gouley home lor the
week end. Air. and Airs. Romeo
Gouley, Airs. C. T. Gouley and Aliss
Catharine Gouley. Aliss .Mildred
Apeprson will leave tomorrow af
ternoon for Eugene alter her
Christmas vacation.
Air. and Airs. Walter Kirk have
had as theiv house guests Mr.
Mis. Kirk s brother,. Harry Howe
Aliss Martha Powell is entertain- or I oitlantl who spent two Jays
ing with a tea this afternoon lnere PM route to Brownsville to
honor of Miss Hilda Tillinghast spend New Veal 's with hfs parents,
home from the University of Ore
gon and for Miss Ruth Barnes Mr. and Airs. William Hamilton
home from the University of W'nan-j ne entertaining with a house par
ington. Miss Powell has asked ty over the New Year's having
about 60 of the younger maids to j guests from Portland who motored
the house of her parents, Rev. and down this afternoon, to be with
Airs Charles H. Powell. j them and Air. and Airs. W T
Airs. George O. Brown entertain
ed the members of her Sunday
school class of the First Congrega
tional church at her home Thurs
day evening lor a holiday party,
(lames and music were entertain
ment and at the close the hostess
served refreshments served refresh
ments. Members numbering 14
enjoyed' the hospitality of Airs.
Brown at this time.
Aliss .Mabel Godson who has been
a house guest of her neice, Mrs.
S. E Edwards lor several weeks
will leave tomorrow for her home
in Vancouver, British Columbia,
Mr. and Airs. Slicrma Heckman
and Air. and Airs. Chester Heckman
motored to Portland yesterday af
ternoon and are spending New
Year's day with friends in that city.
For his nephews. Chuies Kay
Bishop and Robert Bishop, Carl
Gabrlelaon was host at a line party
Thursday night taking his guests to
the Oregon theater and to th? pea
cock l'ooni at the Crnnd'.e whne a
supper was served. Mr. Gabriel
son's guests were r'h'rlri Kjy Pis
hop. Robert Bishop, Miss i.ncy
Thielsen, Aliss Mildred Roberta
'omgiit Air. and Airs. Ham.
Honoring a company of Portland I "" l'1' ftntertalnlng with an Inioiv
younge.' folk who came down to bej1JK" dancing party for them and
lib- guests for the Aloha club j tOWtorrqw the party will he taken
dance, James Crawford was host '"r moioi tup around Salem
ai dinner at the Graybelle Tuesday
night. Later the party adjourned to
the Dreamland rink to join in the
I Those
lap id
.Miss Grace
who ca me down from Port
re Afiss Thelma Htnuu
Wilcox. Miss r .orn
dance. Plates were set for Aliss Sue ciace l notiipson. Aliss
Eastman, .Miss Georgia Howe, Miss j JjUt,y Thompson, .Messrs Denver Ri-
Maiv Johnson, of Portland, Aliss , ''"" uuuiap, VVtlltam Dun-
Sarah Lansing, Charles Howe, Ed
ward Thompson, of Portland, Oli
v r Shuldish of San Francisco and
James Crawford.
Oliver A. Heiscr of Hoiimere and
Sylvester Wane of near this city
were married at a quiet service at
2:00 o'clock Friday afternoon at
the parsonage of the Leslie Afeth
ndist church with Rev. H. N. Aid
rich officiating. They will make
their home on a ranch owned by
the groom north of the city
Airs. G. F. Chambers was hostess
for an informal tea at her home
260 North Thirteenth street. eWd
nesday afternoon in honor of Aliss
Louise Williamson of Aledford, a
former college student of Airs.
Chambers. The guests Included Sa
lem women who are members of
the Alpha Chi Omega sorority and
were Airs. R. Alonroe Gilbert, Mis
ses Ila Spnuldlng, Alamie Victor,
Dorothea Chambers, Dorothea
Steusloff, Grace Holt, Grace Hum
phreys, Amelia Babcock and Rach
el Chambers.
Airs. Raymond Walsh was hos
tess at her new South High street
home at tea Tuesday afternoon In
viting the members of the Delta
Delta Delta sorority at the Univer
sity of Oregon and Oregon Agricul
tural college who are living in B.".
lem. An illuminated Christmas tree
and other Yuletide emblems were
about the house. The centerpiece
for the table was a miniature sleigh
drawn by eight tiny reindeer. rAIs.
lap, Mr. and rMs. Joseph Riley,
For Infants
& Invalids
Th "Food -Drink" fot AU Ages.
Quick Lunch at Home, Office, and
Fountains. Ak for HORLICK'S.
iter Avoid Imitations & Substitutes
We Wish You and
Your Family
Happy New Year
Steusloff Bros. Market
We Wish Our
Many Friends
Happy New Year
Roth Grocery Co.
What About The Millennium?
Union Hall, Court Street Near High
the distribution of the gifts from i Walsh was aasisted by Aliss Doris
the brightly decorated tree. Re- . Churchill. The Salem Delta Delta
freshments completed the evening. I Delta girls are the Misses Marie
We Wish Yoa
a Happy and
Prosperous New Year
Morris & Keene
Salem Symphony Orchestra
Sunday Afternoon 3:00 P. M. -January 2, 1921
e. une -hrCi morning and evening. Pray-
SSriSS 7 30 Mrs. Phoebe Ham-
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