jay, December 22, 192( The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Pae Seve uyDri&s An increase in the taxes paid by The Knights ol Pythias lodg insurance companies toward the was highly entertained last eve maintenance of the state insur- ning by the Pythian Sisters. The ance department was tavored by , occasion was a Christmas enter representutives of the six mutual talnment and tree. "Aunt Jeru fire insurance associations oper-1 sha" and her company of enter ating in Oregon who met here tainers provided the entire pro- legislature A dog gained entrance to his rabbit pen Monday night and kill ed some of his rabbits, D. M. Munuy. 960 Cottage street, com plained to the police last night. The dog hits caused much annoy ance In the past, Mr. Munuy said. He asked that officers take some action to see that it is taken care of. CtlUiWM EVENTS ,5.Cl)risimas Day. r!T Salem O. A. C. "K Kink. J.nCC Lea....-- --. OK? .t. I, ! - QUI I v v Woodmen and friends are in H 4"Vll11t ' iTiU,f A.mst,. CI.!.. Ti-... jUVuai 'lcu uaiii-L- i iwj infill., nil I. nidation was ;w.ua ct-eus 10 go to European reiiel .1.,, .iirc.t nf the .Tan- oc ce on ... tno ' , term o F. ivtounue vo wwi two oicycies wen lourm hy w . f R. Palmer. 960 North 22(1 street. ri iccouut ol tne estate oi -wmie he was in the woods north' "l,,ns l,u" , fila IMltMMftV i U 1 1 . L. .1 e Killed' , of J. Mr. Monday afternoon to consider leg islative needs. The increase in tax es would go toward extending the scope of activities of the stats de partment, it was explained. All drug stores In Salem will be closed Christians and New Years days except between 8 and 12 a. m. 307 gram, after which presents were delivered from the tree. There was a stocking of camjy for everybody and a present for many. After the distribution of presents dancing and cards were enjoyed for some time. Tailored overcoats 50. See coatings at Moaner's. tiie . Regular meeting ol Chemeketa 'lodge No. Only two men sought shelter of the city jail last night. John M. Carpenter and Walter Cartei were given beds. 36 Industrial Club Projects Are Launched Thirty-six boy and girls' club projects have been organized In the schools of Tillamook and Yumhill counties by J. E. Calavan, field worker for the state departim-nt of public instruction, who his just returned from two weks' tour of these two counties. Calavan re ports a very keen interest by both pupils and teachers fin the club work projects. Tilamook county is especially strong in calf, sewing and cookery club work while Yam hill county's Interest includes pig, poultry, sewing, cookery and gar den projects. A number of the schools of Umatilla, Morrow, Co lumbia and Washington counties were organized In the club work earlier in the school year. Died. KlTZCiEKALD In Salem. Tu--day. December 21, 1920, J. M. Kit7gerald. He is survived by one sister. Miss M. Kitsgerald of Buckingham, Quebec, Canada. The remains are at the Kigdon chapel. Funeral announcements will be made later. Mrs. Afthur Keeney of tills city Is spending a few days in Eugene visiting relatives. All kinds of jewelry, Love's. Shop Early, Is Plea of Merchants Here Another reminder that Salem stores will not be open (iny eve ning before Christmas, togeth with the plea to shop early, came from the headquarters of the Sa lem Business Men's league this af ternoon. Hundreds of Salemites ore ap parently waiting until the last min ute to do their buying, it is stated, Pratrum, Or., Dec. 22. 1. 8. Kaufman, a farmer living east of here, killed and dressed four Mff j type hogs one day last week. Obb of the animals was exceptionally large. When hanging with its nose close to the ground it was all Mr. Kaufman uuuil io reacn the end of its hind legs, and he is no "-hort kid" either. The hog weighed pounds dressed and rendered 2 pounds of lard. Bracelet watches at Love's. Automobile drivers are violat- I ing the 10 miles an hour speed limit in the vicinity of Salem grade schools, W. F. Buchner, Sa lem councilman, complained to police yesterday. Mr. Buchner asked that officers be sent to the schools to arrest some of these before some child is "The Clod" and "The Shop" Wed. eve. Florist 305' lauui.v mection g. Brao I J D- ' Juison Hartin executor. Hearing has been set for 30, next. tlth VY exe est rt, ummoned, in C. Winslow vs . rn circuit court. ;e and Claude '8 of Henry Sea toned to answer complaint of B. Davis .fault. ' D. H. Moser, et al. delda et rtl file ans- bank circuit col , Enununs- lorder ol ' lI vfl Milo flnhn H. SI rto Suns 1 . UA- l.J.neniiellC" -Miuonui motion lor conureinMo ity Geo P. Dentin ei ai, mm 0f deficiency juuBinem. rJnig(, ', , li. Keliey win. oe JBaleiii I .... inner iu ui died case of tioraon vs iviu.- Jtidge Bingham, or circuit conn rt night returned from Miseview Iter? he Hits oeen ......s - Min i i me l.n'cnsea Ml to W. 8. Lukins, 38. of Wumhus Kerry, or., ana lth. 18. of Salem. i jifrml Murphy, Jl and feffersoii. Lirriap. li he informed police yesterday. Of ficers believe the wheels are the property of Gerald Billiter and Richard Stmusbraugh, of this city. The home of better service, mod erate prices and .Virg-st stock. Webb & Clough, funeral directors. 303 Frank H. Struble. of the school (superintendent's office yesterday visited the schools at Stayton and West Stayton. He reported that he found much advancement in the work of the schools over his earlier visits. Oranges, oranges, orangei- per case $3.95, large sizes per dozen 50, 55, .65c. The Sweet Shop, 63S State street. 306 Judge V. M. Bushey. of county court, and Commissioner J- T. Hunt today visited the toad dis trict of Mehama to inspect th.? roads and fcridges. While there, it i-i reported, they will a'so meet a committee of the district reslclents and discuss the road and bri.lu.1 situation. Tailored clothing reduced Mosher's, high class tailor. at of Laurel. liruckman. 26, of yesterday issued Lest we forget. The countless little children waiting in line thru out Europe before America's re lief stations. Can you see that wist ful, painful look, and forget? Jay H. Stockton of Portland, wiis admitted to the practice of law in Oregon on a permanent certificate by the supreme court Tuesday. Charles James Wilson was admitted to practice law n Oregon on probation. Wilson who has been practicing law in Medi cine Hut, Alberta, Canada, is lo cating In Salem. Magazine club rate. 127 North High. The Act 305 1921 calendars. Homer H. Smith, insurance. McCornack bldg. Free. A big crowd is expected to wit ness the annual game between the! Salem high school basketball team and the alumni to be played at the armory tomorrow night. Sev eral college stnrs will be seen in action for the graduates. Don't forget the Snikpoh plays at S. H. S. Wed. eve. 305 1 I. O. O. F this evening at 730. Work in the third degree. Visiting brothers welcome. 305 hoilv Statistics IMILTON rWednes'!:i Died VI a local hospital. Hecembei 22. 1920. . u Hamilton, ai the age it 16 years funeral nnnounce nents will be n Vde later by Tt'ebl. ami Clough, who have taarg.' of the remains. Irakis Cafe formerly uanton. erlcan and Chinese dishes. N. Cnmm rciai at. Paul Hardy paid n fine of when he appeared before Police Judge Earl Race this morning and pleaded guilty to a charge of having passed a street car while it wus receivinf and discharging passengers. Hardy was arrested yesterday by Officer White. His automobile was held as security when he failed to furnish 82a oai Do not forget the Invisible guest. In spirit the little starving sufferer is hovering over your bountifully laden Christmas table. When you think or good cloth-.-s think of Mosher, the tailor. Auto tops dressed with our wa er proof, sunproof dressing will iave that top. Hulls Top Shop, Y building. tv.,. Mac eav irrange s." Christmas entertainment In grange hall this evening ayd several from fulem expect to attend. Seena Owen IN "The House of Toys" Dance at Cotillion hall Fri. 24, auspices of Woodmen World. Snecial meeting of Pa cific lodge No. 50 A. F & A. M, this evening wru- iii the E. A. de gree. I P. J. Bannon. attorney of Port I land, was in Saleni yesterday. Love. Jeweler, watchmaker, ,Sa- (em. mmm 1 "ii 1 , II J" till! of ' I W age Harry Blldeburn, Roseburg contractor, is a Salem visitor to day conferring with state highwuy engineers relative to highway cor Istruction work in which he Is in terested In the southern part of the state. 2 More Days for Tardy Shoppers We are determined to make a thorough "CLEAN-UP" on all BROKEN LINKS. French Ivory Less 1-3 Our Entire Stock, No Reserve US For dad's Xmas. A strap. Complete line prices. Hauser Bros. good razor at special 304 ' Twelve hundred dollars will be ent hy W Houghton in altering a residence at 991 North Cottage street, according to a building per mit issued to Mr Hougiiton yes terday by Mark Pou.sen, depo.:' city recorder. Tailored suits, reduced See Mosher, Court street. prices. 305 f-.,r,b rt Decker of wns in the city laBt evening left his car in Saleni ceeded on to Portland Oregon Electric. Silverton He nd pro by the Multnomah Royal Arch chapter A. F. t a i will hold election of officers night. By CHEN you are mobilizing vour -abilities for life's battles and taking account of your physical attributes do not overlook the condi tion of your eyes. The gov ernment insists that a sol dier must have good eye sight Did you know that a visit to our expert optome trist and the making of a pair of glasses tr.it fit II make your eyes oi ng again. you feel Thursday order of r.x- H Pixley, a local insurance vt'Sterday returned from tland where he spent ia short B on business. Custer Ross, Silverlon attorney was attending legal business here yesterday. . . , 11 111 ION Ist I'OMUSl ;iii1 :ill llie YMl'HillK PligBPyJH TOILET AKTKMjES. MEr liliwi Jll They make exceptional gifts. "VCtLa4HSKHit J, i) Buy "Her" one of our JERSEY SILK gg ;. Oh W00LSCARFS UNDERWEAR ( SWEATERS Put in two lots for Final ?p mi SNUGGLERS $2.65 Gfl k" ' 1 JJjolorings, finish and style $O.VO ill ALL LADIES' BLANKET BATH ROBES HEAVILY REDUCED 1 t-?61"" "EE DOLLIES I Wright. cellent High Priest Dave Musical by eve, 8 p. m. a m WMM ... i zaz ' See the Smile! OF SURPRISED DELIGHT Whos vn riv ne of our beautiful, lasting and Different Electrical Gifts other appropriate presents. Salem Electric Co. "It its electric Come to Us. THE GIFT STORE Masonic Temple. Mm AND MARBLES WHEN YOU COME DOWN THURSDAY TO DO YOUR SHOPPING BRING THE KIDDIES IN FOR WE HAVE A LITTLE DOLLY AS A XMAS GIFT FROM OUR STORE. BE SURE TO BE HERE THURSDAY AND BRING THE CHILDREN ALONG. HERE ARE A FEW SPECIALS- SHIRTS Dress Shirts, in beautiful patterns which us ually sell at a much higher price $1.50 Work Shirts, a splendid value at 98c Loggers' Shirts $"-00 I Wool Army Shirta 4-90 SHOES We were able to purchase a large stock of the well-known "Master Made Dress Shoes for men, at a price that enables us to you a $11 shoe for 4'g5 Army Shoes ! T $575 Heavy Work Shoes ... $6 00 Dress Shoes, $8.50 value " Shinola, can ' ' SWEATERS Heavy Work Sweaters that will keep you warm. They are half wool at the low price of , - - EXTRA GIFT SPECIAL Men's High Grade Silk Knitted Scarfs that are selling in other stores at $5.50 and $5.75 we have a few left at $ UNION SUITS Men's Heavy Union Suits that are worth much more than our price j ; Men's Fleece Lined Kxtra Quality Unions Boys' Fleece Lined Unions, same grade, at "Valor" Extra Heavy Union Suits for Men Ladies Fleece Lined Unions, dandy grade of merchandise that sells regularly at $3.00. Our price $1.75 $2.00 $1.25 $1.60 $1.50 SOCKS Six Pairs Men's High Grade Cotton Socks for $L0O Other Dress and Work Socks at similarly low prices. GLOVES An extra special value in a suede, fleece lined Dress Glove. Just the thing for driving and dress. Others charge $4.50 and $5.00. Our price for Xmas $3-0 Canvas Gloves, 2 pairs 2St Work Gloves, both straight and gauntlet in heavy leather. Priced from 350 to $150 FREE I For SATURDAY ONLY: With each $6 purchase we will give a Gold Band Cup and Saucen or a Dinner Plate. With each $2 purchase, a can of Kippered Fish. Extra Special Choice Brooms 48c Large Assortment Neckwear. Fine Xmas Gifts 45c Ladies' Silk Hose Regular $2 $1.25 Kiddies' Koveralls 80c Men's Extra Pants $3.25 up STEINBOCK'S -witwiMi m -d a T3 n a Txro" Salem HQUSE OF BARGAINS" 373 377 Court Street X r . r-