Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 22, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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The Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon
Pcdk Farmers
Lay Plains For
Active Season
Uallas, Or., Dec. 22. The annual
airrting of the Polk County Farm
tareau at Dallas Saturday was
narked by almost radical plans for
.1111 work. Committees represent
ing those interested in the several
iwojtfcta, such as rodent control,
livestock improvement and others,
met previously and outlined work
in considerable detail. The com
mittee recommendations were re
ceived, discussed and in most cases
adopted without revision. While
liarmony prevailed m all
there was some difference .f nni
ion relative to ways and means for
pnauung tne project R-oals.
A feature of the livestock work
U the offer soon to be made to any
breeder in xood standing to ex
changc. a purebred bull calf for p
wrun or grade now in breeding
service. Breeders of pure stock
have pledged their support and the
Jureau has undertaken to place the
1ur bulls lo the best advantsne.
There are no strings to the plan,
the breeders donating (he pur,'.
calves outright, The scrubs will
lie disponed of for slaughter pur
IKiscs arid lb,- funds so received
placed in tb(. bureau treasury. The
object is to stimulate and popular,
we- the bleeding of better cattle in
iriiM roomy. A stated by P, o.
J'owell, president of th orguilaa
tion and ebairman of the livestock
project committee this is the flr-st
lime that the plan of even ox
change has been tried by a farm
Organisation and the outcome wi'l
he watch' , 1 thi-ouMliuttt the west.
An extensive campaign for the
elimination of tuberculosis in cattle
ik to be waged in co-opera lion with
federal veterinarian, Tests will be
made without charge and it is fully
expected that Polk county will be
taberouloaia-free by the close of
Two local orchard operators,
Kvans Bvans of the llallns, and F.
C. Swing, of the Brush College com
manlty. have signed to condu -t
their proprieties m gooperfOon
with the tuJrlcUltural college and
fruit work will be centered around
I hese places.
The poultry plants of V. J. Oar
ner of Snillhfleld and Hotslngton
Hros. of Bridgeport are being oper
ated with the poultry department
at the college In the keeping of ac
curate cost and income records.
While considerable work with
poultry will be done throughout the
county, full annual nroernms will
lie conducted In these communities.
vint Up Father By George McManus
(Copyright H20 by InttrnaUowuTe-
. C : . V3-v J . Ant riA.e 1 1 Sj I jO ALOWG I
w i b i r f ! 11 i t irr i ii sw aw swx , i i i ia j m 1 - i vj to- ' r
I i A- ' I irrni
are Pals
CoolD i
Too ?
VOO Worn ru . ..
I&tSSL S 1920 ,T F'u J
child sufferers was given a good ferent catujis were represented at
start Sunday night at the union the gathering.
church service when Ed Smith, ' Violet Thomas has been sick
the banker, made the address of for the past few days,
the evening followed by Mossrs 1 Shirley Roli'ind, who has been
Loekhart, Btson and Hornshuch In I 111 for the past two weeks, has re
short talks emphiisizlng the needs covered to such an extent that he
of the case. Mr. Smith, who has will resume his work at the office
charge of the campaign, stated I next Wednesday.
that the entire quota of $200 The Misses Laiura, Viola and
ed of Jefferson might be easily Bonnie Haack of Portland are ex
raised at the service but that Mi peeled home soon to snend Phi-ist-
DOt the plan. The entire comniu
nity was to have a share in the
nris with their parents.
Six auto loads from here went
life saving undertaking. Some- to West Stayton last Monday night
thing like JB) was handed him at where they met with people from
the close of the meetinir. The that Dlace in loim tuhiai n
amount nsked of this town will be Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ,1,. r nr,h
exceeded. -An enjoyable time mmm Kki w on
A great crowd of the . . . . . I T T Ira Haw .
i i .ww - v t pnnmpivu a
of this section is expected to throng new sedan.
tne Masonic hall Friday night K. H. Bauman, who has been
when the community Christmas ill for some time, was taken to
program, fostered by the three i the Salem hospital Viet Saturday,
churches of the town Is held. Br-1 Mrs. Sadler and little boy of
nest preparation are being made I Portland spent last Sunday with
io nave this undertaking the most I Mr. Sadler, who is in charge of
outstanding one of its kind in Ibis I the S. P. office riurlmr th t1r-
wuimuHwy lor metny years and It'
nuiri tne interest lie-
ing taken by the participants and
the public at large it will be n red
letter occasion. ChristmaH trees
now adorn the homes of many res
idenlR j, ml Vw.iiri..,. C
To better meet the demand for recognized in some of the church
es otsi Minauy Dill the culmina
tion of the Christmas spirit in a
public way, will take place Fri
day night.
Mrs. Bust and Miss Brewer of
the school staff, will spend Christ
mas at their homes, the former In
Salem where she has resided for
the past two years and the latter
in Portland.
pore grain to,- seed purposes, grain
certification work is to be prose
cuted with vigor.
A leading project Is that or ro
dent Mntrol. The committee n
charge of this work, made of one
representative from each of the
mrranlzed sections of the county,
" Prepared plans to extend equlr
rr! poisoning to every Infested acre.
The county court is to be asked to
Jnroke the state rodent control law
and to place Inspector in the field
mat ,..e iaw is observed. Tha Marion, Dec 22. George Stiav
' !,hl" ""7 """ who came from Uickfeal has
m the ,"n Jt i , "' ,,U,rrel etered th sih grade at school.
S 'thTpW l ,1,X h d ,M'- SSt Kennel,
Active support and strong "fol ! mVed the hUSe for-
low up" wort was dedg ?r . T'lK Uyle
nty fair. le p , ,o , , n"r.
ahow and for the boys and rfrte1 , "r '""V'""" had a t,U'ee
-nub work To better care for nub! lay olUion ' week us their
IJclty and Incidental expenses th," teuche Mrs- BatW, was in Sulem
membershii, fee wna j . laKing the Uuehers examination
Marion Items
eaanee dollars a venr
,J.V1FK" " MWM of Mcdford
MMent of the Oregon State
g ''-. spoke at length on
tm necessity f0r concerted action
iht m",','h ;"!" f",m onranlaatlons
Mft the, rights be proper,y re
siwcted ai Washington.
Te following were eleoted to
-rve on the executive .!,, '
TB2i wh ornc,,, M ,;;;; f '
J'T "" - Pwell, mo,,,,,,,. h
mn lives,,,,,, ,,,-ojt, ,"::,'! , "
tarr W i , i" ; secre-
Jeffers,,,,, ,,,,. ,.,
'uh ,,,i ,, (.',,iT,T;ArrH Horn-,
Xottlaml m, L .. '".l,,re" will go ,o
- r.:h:'"r "-true,
ieaaa to .iff "V'urg, h;.
jraiXiuai " "Pnd ,h.
.full " "'I'll 1 1 .
wherr:r::n' .
tfl brother V,M
Siristmas festivi,, J. ,hHi''
'-moon. Tl " "'S. T1"'sday f.
rol by !' '-m.I Christmas
Mr vk joub- people.
desB-tiye,, ,., , . ,
the Irish sea, visited FViris for
,w7ty day. ,d af,. it
et win, an accident end wu laid
tip In a naval hospital in Boston
tr months. h,,,, naJ some fx
The campaign for the European
Mrs. Gentry is confined to her
bed with a severe attack of 'a
Mr. Creasy had the misfortune
to lose one of his horses last Sun
day night. Ii whs In the yard, the
gate wus loft open by some one,
the animMl got out and was man
gled by u passing tram.
Mrs. Schmidt and daughter,
Charlotte, spent part of last week
visiting friends and relatives at
Archie Rankin will soon be
home to spend a two weeks vnca
tion with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Blnley Pressnetl
will spend Christmas week with
relatives in Seattle.
Mr. Arstlll and Mr. Gaiieutt,
who were employed on the sec- J
tion, left Thursday for their
homes In Dallas.
Mrs. Palmerton tind son, Sam. I
were called to Portland last
Thursday on the account of the
j serious illness tif a relative.
I Oscar Bouck returned home I
Thursday from a visit in Idaho I
and eastern Oregon.
Miss MtM Trester left Monday
far Salem where she will undergo
la critical operation on her eves tt
the Wilamette sanatorium.
The Marion W. O, W, went to
Salem last Saturday night whfie
they had the Salem leant initiate
twelve new members for them. A
supper was served and a general
good time was had. Fourteen dif-
Solid comfort Only
be obtained when
eyes as well as all other
parts of the body are en
tirely at rest.
If your eyes bother
you, they should be at
tended to immediately.
No chances should be ta
ken with such delicate
We are in a position to
offer a service unexcell
ed in our Optical Shop.
Drop in and see us.
Morris & Keene
Optical Co.
Eyesight Specialists
ROOMS ail-2ii
Bank of Commerce Bldg.
Today Tomorrow
"Sour Dough
tin Mraoa)
and his
Wolf Dogs
The only rtlM trained
huflkies in exislenri'
ImM oil to CHnvwrihi
Back to God's
Bligh Theatre
Bifr Spoia Yaudevill'
Show Friday and Christinas
Christmas Suggestions
for Men
Let as suggest Handkerchiefs, Neckwear. Scarfs, Slipper, Bathrobes. Shirts, Hos-
111.. 1 1 O. I . . .
m., m, tuimri., -u-pennt-rs. ,ee ineierv. Suspenders. Bells. Pajamas. I'nderw
above listed articles at (he
Salem Woolen Mills Store
ness of Mr. Roland. , council living there and to aecom
Don't forget to attend the three modate these member the council
Christmas trees next B'riday. One held a smoker in Woodburn
will be given at the school tU 2 p. i nlgbta ago
and one in each of the chut
es in the evening.
Mt. Angel Items
Ml, Ansel. Or.. Dec. 22. Mrs It.
Qeorge is visitii,e friends in Pnvl
land this week.
Miss Catherine Conner has been
here from BUvertOn for several
days viaitlna frienns. She fmir,...
ly lived in Mt. Angel.
Fred, Schwab and chitflren lei'i n
few days ago for California, where
Mr. Schwab goes on business and
they will also visit with his son,
.IOC. Who is h-.indlinp- Iho na I 1..
More than
members from Mt. Angel were pies
John Prelsan, who has been etn
ployed In the S. P, station here for
a number of years, is now located
a; let f'c ison, where he has a posi
tion in the depot.
Mrs. Frank Kroemel has return
ed to her home In Mt
a visit of several
violin solo, accompanied
Ortrude Smith. Rv. J
a few nett made a short
score of i address
by Mrs.
A. Ben-
hut pleasing
The Babe of Kethlehem."
Mrs. Welch, Mrs. McCall and Mrs.
Richardson sang 'Silent Night.' All
through the meeting the Yuletide
Silverton, Ore., Dec. 22 In ... e """l
. Stayton, J
Umg Ihe estate of the l.-.i.. w...
Finley, and before making a sale of h,l.
Angel after
months in Kan-
sptr was prevalent, am. . , I a train wreck in Hood Hive,
(it nave l.een inn- u. ioi- itiun.
ant meetings the club has ever held
the real properly belonvlti ... ,..
estate It was necessary for the ad
ministrator to send a deed away to
be signed. It seems that the deed
was lost In the mall at the time M
and it
"for th tntwtjb
las ivwH
Women's Club Meets.
Silverton. Ore., Oec. 22. Carry
ing out the Christmas thought the
Women's Social Science club he'td
a very interesting meeting Satnr-
end ot the I.Vc-1, i j
. . ppvmwm uiiiniia- ; miv aii.-i noon ai un lionie o, .till-.
SlOB company. C,eo. W. Hubbs on Coolidge street.'
oodhurn has no Knights of Co- The program was as interesting as
lumbus order, but there 'are S9V-1 It was varied and appropriate for
era! members of the Mt. Anael occasion. W. W. Cooley gave a
lliivs Bakery.
Silverton. Ore.. Oec. 22. John
1.M..I....... filtiAlrniwa IXfn'ah.. arriv-
ed i i Silverton last week and has
taken over the Silverton Bakery
which he recently purchased from
Mr. BuSch of Salem. Mr. Bunch
Durchased the business shortly af
ter the detith of E. H. Knoll and
has been making it a great ruc
ces. His family and all his inter
ests at in Salem, however, and he
decided to sell out and go there to
or a Barrel of Flour?
Why not a Sack of Sugar
Best Mixed Candies Per Lb. 25c
We have sold to date over 9,000 pounds, and have much more on
r. 1 n X. X. 1 A- 1 . . r
acne mat price m any quantity irom one pound and up.
Best mixed Chocolates, per
wAMMa yvX lUi 4
Walnuts, special for Xmas.
per pound 15c
Peanuts, per pound . 14n
Mixed Nuts, per pound . . 25c
Fresh Dates, per pound . . 23c
Bleack & White Figs, per
pound 15n
Mince Meat in bulk ner lb. 23c
Oyster Crackers, special, 2
pounds 25n
Large size Sweet and juicy
Oranges., ner dozen Rfio
Hood River Apples, per box
Xmas special $1.69
Cranberries, per pound . . 22c
11 pounds sugar 95c
5 pounds best bulk Coffee 90c
Cocoa in bulk per pounii. . 15c
Regular 55c English Break
fast Tea 29c
Carnation and Borden's
Milk, 4 cans 50c
Libby's Milk, 4 cans ..... 48c
Peas, Tomatoes, and Tall
Salmon, 4 cans 49c
Cling Peaches, Apricots,
No. 2V2, 2 cans 45c
Pumpkin, No. 2V2 15C
Pure Lard, 4 pounds ... $1.00
i Flake White, 4 pounds ... 70c
Best Strained Honey, 2
lbs 50c
Peanut Butter, 5 pounds 60c
(Bring your pails)
Fresh Eggs, per dozen ... 53c
Hard Wheat Flour, our own
brand $2.20
Valley Flour $2.10
Best Northern Bleach Hard
Wheat $2.60
11 pounds Whit Beans . . . 50c
Best Salad Oil in bulk, 1
: gallon $1.55
Crisco, 9 pounds $2.20
Crisco, 6 pounds $1.60
Mazola Oil, 1 gallon $2.25
Mazola Oil, V2 gallon . . . $1.20
U. S. Government Bacon,
12 pounds $2.73
Bacon Squares 18c
Bacon Backs 30c
Cottage Rolls 35c
Cheese 33c
The Gift
Fails to
Dainty white, embroidered handkerchiefs, or thufl
delicate colors, or even the more strikingly
handkerchiefs are always greatly appreciated. Nil
days, one's costume so often calls for a harmona
handkerchiefs as the final touch, and no one ever
has enough. For this reason, there is no gift so una
sally in demand as the Christmas Handkerchief.
W have justreceived our Holiday Assortment of J
and attractive Handkerchiefs, 25c, 35c, 50c, up to I
t L-,r nifi" ;0 tiio mff that is Eriveii underl
1 11C VI11 U tliv. t?1-" o
Buy a
and a
Visit our
Dainty, exquisite underlings are one oi i
ale gifts one is privileged to give, in- j,
. .1 it. : rt nmul 1 V . l
snowing mis momn i wju cnoow
be rjerfect remembrance. Many a man
; rlaiti nf being lire"
lor ms wiie, wiiiic n
Christmas Brides.
Included in our stocks are
$1.98 t
TPXTirTPT riDlTC M-1.0H at " - txa a
rnnrPTMATTriKS nriced at to
GOWNS priced at jg
CAMISOLES priced at $4 jg ( I
ThP HanniPst Givers will be those wno