Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1920, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    The ' . ".)it
7 Srhnnl 1 pjiAs
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Others In Exams;
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The CapHal Journal, Salem, Oregon
Page Threi
. , .uatrlet No. 1, un
Lpervisio" of Principal
I" ,i i leading in the
I monthly scnooi t
Mmontl. to all the
the county. The average
1. .h. school was (, Pr
1 points out of a possible
the test
Lf ion per rrni. -r
F o.,.n,iL-hout the year,
C'W Mi's. Mary L. Fulker-
Kd school has held high
i tests. .
1 Z-i.i ,,nder supervis-
fnche Webber, wa. second
ersiles on w
1, received the examina-
i ten ot mem i.t- -tt
.nauing, winning tor inei.
E,j points of a possible suu
nu i - .. ,
firoxlmateiy "'";
i Creek Bcnooi, .iiuf,.- j
beber, receivea .
Bible 80 points, " v
( receive,l the test in
school, 16 mauc e.u..."
Lfare yet to be received
Ivenil schools. The highest
Brtnty-flve Bcnooi., -
tabulated below. l
Lis is equai iu ..v i
Postmaters May
Be Asked; to Pay
Telegraph Bills
Washington, Dec. 20. To deal
with the situation arising from the
refusal of the Western Union Tele
graph company to accept from
members of congress messages to
be charged to government account,
Representative Ireland of Illinois,
chairman of the house accounts
committee, has introduced a bill to
authorize local postmasters to pay
bills presented by managers of tele
graph companies for messages ac
cepted from government officials.
The postmaster general would re
imburse the postmasters.
Results ni 1 "ils-
Points 100 Pup
Scored tirades Exam
. .639
5 2
I One Accident Fatal.
Fowler, rigger, of Alle-
on-., was the only wormim-n
his life In Oregon industries
I the week ending ecoDmrier
Lrdlng to a statement issued
Industrial Accident com-
, Friday, which shows a
J92 accidents reported dur-
t week.
She Has $100,000 If
She Can Collect it
Newcastle, Wfyo., Dec. 20. Mrs.
Fred Walker may never be able
to collect It, but the amount
sounds mighty attractive.
Judge Ilsley, in district court
here, awarded Mrs. Walker a
ludenicnt of $100,000 against Wal
ter Sim and the Reel brothers, who
are accused of killing Fred Walker
in the Osage oil fields last summer.
The quarrel between the men
arose over disputed oil lands.
The Reel brothers have never
been captured and Sim recently es
caped from jail and is also missing.
New Treaty With
Siam Is Signed
Washington, Dec. 20. A new
treaty of commerce and navigation
between the United States and Siam
has been signed by Acting Secre
tary of State Davis and the Siamese
minister. The treaty grants full
fiscal autonomy to Siam and a pro
tocol provides for the surrender by
the United States of extra territor
ial jurisdiction in that country.
Willard Plans
Long Training
Kansas City. Mo., Dec. 20 Jess
Willard, former heavyweight cham
plon, expects to train intensively
three months In preparation for his
bout with Jack Dempsey In New
York, March 17, according to Ray
Archer, his manager, today.
I.olita Armour Kngagod
Chicago, Dec. 20. Announce
ment was made today by Mr. and
Mrs. J. Ogden Armour of the en
gagement of their daughter Miss
Lolita Armour to John J. Mitchell,
Jr., "on of the chairman of the
board of directors ot Chicago's
largest banks.
By Ruth Lenore Fisher
ANE of the social events of this
week and one which will start
the holiday gayeties for the young
er folk will be the dinner and
theater party given by" Miss Dor
othy Brock to a coterie of nigh
schol friends, the occasion being
her seventeenth birthday annlver
: a.y. Covers will be latiu for 12 at
the Hotel Marion and after the
dinner Miss Brock will take her
guests to the Oregon theater. The
party will consist of Miss Gene
vieve Endicott, Miss Thelma
Young, Miss Ruth Moore, Miss
Ava Miller, Miss Junelle Vander
vort, Miss Caroline East, Miss
Helen Peterson, Miss Wilma
Spence. Miss Carmeletta Bfirquest,
Miss Bruce Powers of Portland.
Miss Helen Moore from O. A. C.
and the hostess.
J. D. White was given a sur
prise party last Tuesday at his
home, 1490 Chemeketa street. Six
teen of his relatives gathering to
help him observe his seventieth
birthday anniversary. Lavendar
and green were used to decorate
the house.
Miss Grace Hunt and Miss Ma
rion Miller are home from O. A.
C. to spend the holidays with
their parents.
Miss Gretchen Brown is visit
ing relatives in Portland for a
few days.
Miss Magpdelena Kuntz return
ed today to Dallas after spending
the week end with her parents in
Miss Marjory Brown has gone
to Roseburg where she is the
guest of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. J. Bellans, until after
the holidays. The list of the week
she will be joined by Justice and
Mrs. George M. Brown aim mun
Elaine Brown, who will spend
Christmas and New Years at their
former home.
Mr and Mrs. Northup Waters
are in Salem and will be the holi
day guests of the former's grand
mother, Mrs. E. E. Waters.
Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith Jr.,
are entertaining tonight with a
dinner and dancing party at the
Smith home in compliment to
their son, Malcolm Smith, who
arrived home Saturday from O. A.
C to spend the holidays with his
parents Covers are to he Viid for
eighteen. the guestr Including
many of the college folk.
To Miss Hellna Wlllett and
Miss Lyle Muray, teachers at the
Englewood school, is given much
praise for the Christmas playlet
"His Christmas Tree,'' composed
by them and presented under their
direction by the pupils of the En
glewood school last Friday eve
ning. Over seventy children of the
school participated in the playlet,
about thirty nf whom represented
brownies, spiders, fairies, bees and
fireflies all of whom helped to
make the Christmas tree for the
small waif who had wished for a
Christmas tree like other chil
dren. Invited guests besides the sev
eral hundred parents who attend
ed were Superintendent find Mrs.
George W. Hug, L. A. Packert of
the Y. M. C. A., Miss Anna Fish
er, principal of the Richmond
school: Miss Edna Sterling, head
of the department at the senior
high school, and Mr. and Mrs.
Henry W. Meyers.
Miss Maud Crast of Portland
left this morning for her home af
ter being the week end house
guest of Miss Amelia Babcock, en
route to her home from O. A. C.
where she and Miss Babcock fire
Alpha Chi Omega sorority sisters.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N Derby and
their son in law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morris, will
go to Portland Friday to spend
Christmas with the Derby's son
and daughter in law, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Derby, and with their son
in law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Collins.
Miss Margaret i.onain is num.-1
from the University of Oregon for;
the holidays with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. B. Goodin.
F. R. Vance spent the week end
in Sutherlin on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Niemeyer
and son. Stewnrt, and Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Niemeyer will motoV
to Portland for the day tomorrow.
American Mail
Robbed By Post
Officials Abroad
Vienna, Dec. 20. A number of
postal officials in Budapest have
been arrested in connection with
thefts of American mall, says a dis
patch from Budapest today. It has
been discovered that $300,000 have
been stolen from American letters.
Many children were in and out
side these stoies, gazing longingly
at the displays of every conceivable
kind of plavthing.
Christmas Trade
In Berlin Slack
Berlin, Dec. 20. The Christmas
trade In Berlin which once was
greater than at any season during
the year, up to the present time
has left huge stores of toys and
other articles virtually Intact on
the shelves, according to the man
agers of the city's largest depart
ment stores. The manager of the
toy department in one store said:
'Only the rich can afford our wares
this year. Here is a rocking horse
for 600 marks which sold before
tne war for 60 marks. It would
cost a workman nearly his month's
salary. The people are hesitating
even over spending one mark on
something that is useless. They
are saving their money for fond
and clothes."
Quarantine Extended.
Washington, Dec. 20. Extension
of the pin boll worm quarantine to
include the state of New Mexico
was announced today at the depart
ment of agriculture. The quaran
tine will affect the movement of
lint and seed from Dona Ana coun
ty. Texas and Louisiana already
are under the quarantine.
To whom tliis may concern:
I will say that for n number of
yenrs I was afflicted with a cancer
on the left side of niy fact. It wor
ried me greatly and I decided to
have it removed. On July 8, 1020,
I culled on Dr. S. C. Stone for treat
ment. He applied a medicine for n
few days ami on July 15th tlie
cancer came out. The plaw healed
up readily and has caused me no
t rouble since.
I can recommend Dr. Stone and
Ills treatment to any one who may
lie afflicted with Cancer.
1260 X. 18th Street.
Salem, Ore., Dec. 15, 1920.
Another Sleepless Night?
It's been a busy and fretful day. Brain fagged, nerves fray ed
and body exhausted-conscious that tomorrow is f raui?ht with
T ":: i ,haf,nna he raK,a the imnerative need of a refrehlimu
,.;,ri,t .: ..., Vet hp hesitates ami dreads to i? to
bod lest he roll and tos3 throughout the night.
Do yuu experience the horrors of nightmare and InKHnnuit
Ar you troubled with wakeful, rcellesn night.? Do you .ret
up in the morning foelinK more tired than when you went to
bod, becauaeyourreetiaaouinturbod and broken! ltoe, ur
Pope Benedict
Holds Consistory
Rome. Dec. 20. Pope Benedict
held a consistory with all the mem
bers of the sacred college in Romo
participating. They included Car
dinal Mercler, primate of Belgium.
The pontiff appointed Monslgnor
Cosensea, archbishop of Capuaas.
as vice chamberlain of the Holy
Roman church, one of the highest
position in the papal court.
We are always ready to serve you whether you wish to buy or not.
A wonderful assortment of all that
is bright, new and desirable. Don't
' miss these. Priced from $1.00 to $4.50
Come and see the Interwoven brand
Silk, Lisle and Cassimere Hosiery.
They come in all colors and several
fancy heather mixtures.
Prices $5c to S3.00
Street Gloves in capes, mochas, silk
and knit fabrics $$.50 to M.50
Driving Gloves in capes, horsehide,
fur-lined, gauntlet and plain.
Priceg $3.50 to $20.00
Be sure to see the Pendleton Indian
Robes. They're here for you now, and
make the best of Xmas Gifts.
Price - 1500
Just the thing for a gift. They're
here in every' color and price. Tom
taMMM. Thermo Coats. Sweat
er Vests. Young Men's Pull-Overs, all
colors. Prices $7.00 to $13.50
Scarfs that will appeal to the men
of exclusive tastes. Knitted and
Crochet, embroidered figure?, cross
stripes and two-tone effects. $5.00 to $10.00
Madras cloth Shirts. Wonderful
new patterns and color combinations.
Prices $2.50 to $5.00
SPECIAL All Silk Shirts, special at
$9.00 each. Many new patterns.
A Bathrobe is always an acceptable
gift. We have a wonderful assortment
in Cotton, and Wool. Prices $10 to $25
AH stvles, soft, pliable leathers, and
richly colored felts.
$2.40, $2.80. $3.00
If it needs Attention
Let us do the repair work.
We are experts on any auto job
and are responsible. If wj fail
to make good on the job, we
will make good financially. We
will guarantee to put your car
in first class running order.
Auburn Sales Co.
197 S. Commercial St.
Opposite Marion Hotel
LYKO I. told in orlilnai ptk
tlta only. Ilk plelur nbov
R.fu.a all BubatttuU.
fim Vpen for the day'a activltiee; rested and ref
appetite uneuualea since you it
"LYKO" it a aulcr.did gen
eral tonio; n relUnable appe
tiser and an excellent stimulant
to the nervous oyatem. It re
lievaa brain fair and phyileal
cxhauation: b u i 1 d a up the
nervca: etrengtlione the mui
Mei: correete dlireetivo disor
ilemnnd rehabilitate!! generally
the weak, irritable and worn
ut. Ak your druggist for a
bottle today and get rid ol
aleepleBa night.
The Great General Tonic
The hour of bed-time will eocn loto it terrora and on w
beein to aeek your couch with pleasurable anticipation of a
SSt free from disturbance.. LYKO will bk.a you with
night free from disturbance.. "LYKO" will MaM you wnr
sweet, sound and peaceful slumber and bring rMOOWn toMM
breakfast table in the morning in good spinPJ ;ri in nirntin
ides- rested and retie.hed in body and mWd. tad with ...
Sol Mnaufadurr n:
T(ark Kanta. City. Ma.
For Saio by att Druggists
in Stoeii at Perryn Drug 8tor.
Eleventh-Hour Christmas Shopping
Is Now Upon Us
For your own sake as well as for those who are here to
wait on you, we urge you to complete your Christmas
shopping just as soon as you possibly can. You are sure
of obtaining the lowest possible prices on anything you
buy here and at the same time receive merchandise of
'merit and good quality. .
Shop in the Forenoon as much as you can
Gloves A Good Gift? to Give and
Every woman is glad to receive gloves on Christmas-provided they are good
trloves It's a safe, satisfactory present to give, especially if bought here.
You would not care to present anyone with inferior gloves any more than you
would want to receive them. So it is wise to buy your glove-gifts at this
store where you are sure of getting a sa tisfactory quality no matter what the
price Ceitemeri Gloves in Black, Wine. Tan, Mode, Brown, Grey, some have
self color stitchhing, others a contrast as black on white or white on black.
They are priced at 8.S.; pa,r-
8 button at $-r-i0 a pair
12 button at
6 button at
$;.7r a pair
$7.50 a pan-
on ai .'"'w 1'"" m-crnci
Linen Lunch Cloths
Linen Lunch Cloth bought here are sure to please. We have some very nice sets.
beautifully hemstitched; size 54x54 ; priced at
. i. .. i . . .
Lunch Napkins to match, priced at
Madeira Hand
Doilies in all sizes some plain scalloped edge while
others have neat pretty eyelet designs. Prices range
from 35c, 85c, $1.00, $1.25, $2.25, $2.95. on up to
$8 95 6Ech.
Mexican Cut Work and Hand Embroidered Lunch
Cloths and Scarfs, the most beautiful handwork you
ever saw. Prices range from $6.95 up to $45.00 each.
Bed Spreads
that are good looking and of good wearing qualities
are of interest to gift-buyers, they are useful and there
fore will be greatly welcomed. Prices range from $3.1. ,
$3.60, $5.75, $6.95, $7.20, $8.00, $8.55 up to $11.60.
Silk Hosiery
Silk Hosier' is always sure to please, we have a fine
selection and you are sure of getting the qualities you
desirre and are looking for. Colors are Black, White,
Grey, Brown and Flesh. Priced $1.00, $1.25, $1.45,
$1.98 up to 14.75 a pair.
Christmas Glove
Certificate as Gifts
If in doubt as what to give,
give Merchandise Bonds, is
sued for any desired
The Gift of a Waist is the Gift of a
Thoughtful Person
WAISTS as we are showing are admirable Christmas
presents. You can easily make selections from an as
sortment as broad as we offer. Colors arc 1 lesh. White
Mais, Bisque, Brown, Navy, Black. Materia Is are
Georgette, Satin, Tricolette, Crepe de Chine and Wool
Warm Cozy Bath Robes for Christmas
Gift Giving
They have been remarked and prices are as low as it in
possible to have them
A Bathrobe is a gift sure to meet with appreciation
-especially such as we are selling. We have gone
through our stock and remarked them all to the very
Iwttom of low prices for quick selling. Prices range
from $3.95, $5.45 up to $1 1.75.
Exquisite Dresses for Party Wear
We are certain you will find in our display the party
dress that best suits you. Especially for Christmas we
feature some very pretty ones in pink, blue, peach,
pale green and black. Prices range from $29.75 to $jo.
Christmas Merchan
dise Bonds as Gifts
If you don't Vnow !ir i.
buy a lo citifi-ttte for any
amount whtcli ihe cn tfnt
to u r Ctirlatnwn and mako
lrtlon aa to alae and color.
.1 "