Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 20, 1920, Image 1

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    The (
77 Weather
OREGON: Tonight and Tues
day fair, except ..probably rata
near coast, moderate southwester
ly winds
IjOCAIi: Temperature, manlmans
46, minimum 86. Trace rainfall,
river . feet, stationary
ful 1'-"' .. .g.
av . , salem iuw.
F"1! ,4 094; 1920. 17,7.
"iu' X ... 1920, 47,177; roil
cou' audit Bureau of Circu-
" Associated Pres. Full
jV We.
tar Imports
Trade Com
ation Up to Con-
nrt Th.. npas.
without power under exist-
to shut out wheat im
..l hp "apparem.y
La undT the Lever act to
L. trading In wheat," the
. ...
bride commission sj u
l.n-.rt LO m'SlUflH VYHOU"
Llic today at the White
miinn says that "while
i not available that fu
Line is responsible for the
lis wheat prices, it does not
I that future trading IP
L at present operating, is of
iWe service to tne grain
It suggests, however, that
htory action Is to be em-
the question be consiaereu
L-pss and that legislation
ected wnti war powers u
Salem, Oregon, Monday, December 20, 1920.
'Dutch Frank' Killed IGreek King
At Astoria In Duel
By Warden's Posse
limm:ssioii tells the presl
Li because of the failure of
kcago board ot trade 10 co-
was unable to ontnin
In- information as to whoth-
, had been large transac
heat futures ot a manlpu
seven Main Causes.
i the concentrated purchases
at in this, country by foreign
Iments which have under-
ko regulate home flour prices
ictive of the price of wheat,
icminission declare that if
I jiurcltases are iutvuiiiiuv,
desirability ol tne unnou
I meeting them inrougi. u
ikllUUtton should be care-
Icorniiiissions report is oaaea
In investigation of the wheat
which the president re
lit to make last October aft -
law Henry J. Allen ol Kan
k others had urged him to
anailian wheat Importa total
Ike such action as necessary
Ibilize Hie rapidly declining
market. Declaring the de-
M wheat prices would appear
"in .art duo 10 country-wide
lorld wide conditions," tne
kwion assigns .-even specific
:The outlook for an ln-
I world supply ; concentrated
i to foreign govenunenti last
rind slack purchases later
Imileiitert" importations from
following "an unprece
I yield and a discount in rate
hansc"; the record breaking
Inf corn in tli.s country; the
kiting of demand for flour
ineral tendency to decline i
tcommodlli, and the changi
Oil conditions "with resulting-
from accumulating usual
Astoria, Or., Dec. 20. Frank
Yagner, known as "Dutch Frank,"
in escaped convict from the Ore
gon penitentiary, was killed here
yesterday in a duel with Warden
Compton of that prison and nine
ither officers. Wagner was found
n a blacksmith shop where he was
forging a new set of safe robbers'
tools. In a cache of his belongings
was found a package containing
$6560 in liberty bonds, property of
John M. Hedden, Scottsburg, Or,
which had been stolen from Hed
den's store following Wagner's es
cape. Five persons at Astoria
have been accused by the police of
harboring Wagner.
Wagner escaped from the Ore
gon penitentiary about three
months ago after he and Earl Riley
had braved a volley of shots from
the guards. He had been a model
prisoner and was employed at the
brick yards at the time he made his
Convict Starts Duel.
Wajrner started the duel by fir
ing two shots in answer to the
:ommand, "hands up." Immediate
ly the posse retu-.ed the fire and
Wagner fell dead from two bullets.
Wagner is the man who robbed
the fvife in the Kallunki 'store in
this city, and slightly more than a
year ago was sentenced to served
40 years in the penitentiary.
After Wagner's escape from the
i.enitentinrv. all trace was lost of
him tor a time, but Warden Comp
inn. believing the fugitive would
eventually return to Astocia, has
h.,,i n officer here for some weeks
watching for him.
About three days ago Wawnei
was seen by officers and as a re
sult a posse consisting of L. H.
Compton. warden; Percy M. Var
uey, parole officer; E. C. Halley.
principal keeper; Emery James
Robert Gibson. Louis Hubbard,
John Davidson and Sol Worden.
guards, all of the penitentiary, ar
rived at noon yesterday and sur
rounded the blasksmith shop.
As soon as the officers were in
their positions around the building
one of them called to Wagner to
enme nut with his hands up and
surrender. Wagner answerea me
challenge by stepping to the door
and firing two shots, neitner oi
which took effect. The answering
volley from the posse riddled the
building. Entering the shop, the
officers found Wagner dead.
Man Believed Harmless.
Since his escape from prison.
Woo-no- has been following his old
.ran,, of safe breaking. Several
robberies in various parts of the hi,up heen credited to mm.
,,nn them being the ronoeu o.
..... attuKro- brink when the
111V. OUlwuu.O
bonds which were recoveieo j
tpivinv were stolen.
While Wagner had tne re "mo
tion of being a clever criminal, he
had never been regarded as a dan
gerous man. He appeared proud
of his ability and when in custody
often told of the safes he had
cracked, but said he would neve
take a life except in self-defense.
ed that he never caiuen
By People
Constantine Returns tc
Athens and is Hailed
as Hero by Subjects:
Noisy Celebration
For Motors
liability Measure for
Auto Drivers Popes
ed for Enactment by
and declait
gun when committing
a robbery
Dig Up Corpse Of
Murdered Man In
Garden of Ranch
Vale. Or
George W ,
Dec 20. The body of
Sweeney, a tailor of
Vale, missing several wumi
unearthed yesterday at Watson,
Or., following admission by George
Howard that he bad buried
body after dragging
In the
poit&g Canadian Wheat.
russinp; (he barring of Cana-
iieat, the commission says "it
Wionalile whether such a pro
kg would hove the effect its
ates. expect, because the
M States and Canada both
Ifturiiluses to export, and will
Inch other in competition
here or in l-'urope."
the commission devotes
erahlc space to a discussion
ding In wheat futures, it as
Ithat it is ool niuv expressing
rnion on this subject as it
I give it 'extended treatment
mrtacoming report.
poire contracts may have a
te use for hedging,' " the
pwicn says. "In this connec-
l Is claimed that future trad-
(erforms an insurance function
I ordinary insurance methods
1 not be pratcieabto and that
restrictions of future trading
would deprive the grain
I of this m i vie,- might result in
dealers r .miring larger mar-
consequents result eithe'.
mm prices to the farmer o.
price to the consumer. i
nL . .
runout row . xnreattnf an
W n this subject it appear:
re is a large volume of fu
radinp; that is mere gam
nd involves a great eco
isle, the r-medv for th!
Wneressiona! action to nrr-
L tradir.i; which is essentially
' limitation of the volume of
lculative trades in wheat.
rtothe limitations placed on
Peculation durine the period
anient control would nrob-
Itend to reduce the nosslbilltv
pulation trading."
it from the
n.evhf river, iiuwlllcll ne -nau "'"
it o trte.iK, accuiums
BkavtM 14 Lea Noe. I'll in
,...i;,.e Hi ,i Howard, wno,
to Sheriff Noe confessed some tiim
m ih killing of Sweney, hac
',,Tm,,vert the body from the river
he said he Had put it, the
sheriff said that by persistent ques
tioning he and Acting
torne.- Lvtle obtained from How
ard 'an ' exact diagram sliowing
where the body was buried
A posse of deputy sheriff b yes
terday dug for an hour in the froz
rn,mil before i.nding the boas,
which was brought here. An in
most is being hem ay
O. t'ayna waay. , . . ,n
Howard in his aiiegea w -,ald
he left the body in the river
... ..... ,.... .if Hantember
unui llie uiti.-' I - .
when he decided to leave Watson
Ud then fearing tne DWJ """
rise to the surface ot tne rive. ...
waueo in...
Japs Favorable
To Naval
Tokio. Dec. 29.-The Japanese
i manifesting great Interes
! i of Senator BO rah
m ine . i
e tahn for a tripartite nava
agreement under which the I nited
. c,t i:,itain and Jntian
.ould' Pledge themselves to Ihnha
......i armaments. In g' "
tlOll Ol - . .v., ,l,e.
i th.. newspapers
but 'regard Japan's present pro
i.irriHinfitn one.
Sn":,.: s in, strong approval of
nMmflHJ the
Shimnuu m " - -
pan's ye
... ... . I ., 11,1 :
arlv expenditure u.
. calnries with
000 yen i . ...endi
i m 1 1 n veil
tne .h. present rat.
turo- mr ,he navy is su.
. , . . v 1 1 e I H 1 1 1 ' , . '
na ' - ' . j .h
m one night aim pane..
its watery grave. v i ap
Th,. .Tiii Bhimpo
..u the hope tha
to tr".-"
.. ill naSS the Bor
r;"Hh outbreak of rivalry h. an
- . .. I Mlil
Tokio ex
the senat
ih resolution as
the world iron.
Athens, Dec. 20. Amid the
thunder of cannon, the hum of cir
cling airplanes and the roaring
cheers of a great throng, Constan
tino of Greece entered Atnens yes
His arrival was compared by his
admirers to Napoleon's return rrom
Elba, and tears of Joy were seen
flowing down the cheeks of people
swarming near his carriage.
Immediately after alighting from
the railway train, Constantine
drove 'to the cathedral, where
magnificent service was given, all
the bishops in Athens participat
ing. It was noticeable that no for
eign ministers were present during
the welcoming ceremonies. The
arrival of Constantine was not mar
red by any incidents.
"Be Still, My Children."
The approach of the royal train
was signalled by the arrival of the
tiny terminus of the railway near
mace La Concorde of three royal
carriages, wnicn sioppeu u .......
of the station at 11 o'clock. The
king's carriage was drawn by six
black geldings driven by three uni
formed outriders and was draped
in royal purple. In the tnrong were
villagers, wearing the national cos
tume of white skirt, red cap and
black stockings, dock laborers and
otly dwellers and a detachment of
French bluejackets was in evl
j i-ahinet members arrived
lust before the train pulled into the
station and were followed by Queen
Mother Olga and Prince and
prlnoess Christopher.
When OenStatlne emergen in.",
his railway carriage he bowed salu
tations to the crowd and tears
wore seen in his eyes as he said to
hose near him: "Be still my elul-
.!,.. ombraoed Queen -uorn-
uiu.i. . . . . ..I,.
Olga and shook nanus vw...
Princess Christopher, ami pnw
escorted to his carnage ... v....v.
he was taken to the cathedral.
promises. Peace.
Constantine read his address
from the balcony ol tne oiu ph
in the presence of S00U persons. .v
is dressed in a marsnai s iipavnu
and Premier -
right Queen Sophie ann r...y
Christopher also were present
He declared he wouu. rntnU..-..
internal unity ancl exie. ....
by using the army to cultivate good
o 1 ... .11141 nmvers.
relations wnn me ,',.
He said the marriage w. .
George, Duke oi spaom ,-
ss Elinbeth ot Kunn.o.o,
an Uiianee with tnai
he declared he woum ie" "
...i.. r..' his fathers, anu cmn.o.. Greek culture
tine asserted he
during his exile
the late King
Emergency Tariff To
Protect Farm Stuffs
Favorable Reported
never ma
lt Is
An attempt to nact a compu
sory public liability insurance mean fm- automobile drivers will be
made at the forthcoming session .
tv, otate legislature according to
Information reaching state oruciais
here from individuals and organ
izations interested in the safety
There were rumors of a similar
move Just prior to the special ses-
.in h,,t he measure, for
SIOI. Ol i,v ' '
some reason or other
TTt.rior nresent conaiuuim
pointed out, but a small percent:.-,
of persons who are injured in au"
mobile accidents ever collected com
pensation for their Injuries. In a
great many Instances the drive
who is responsible for the acclden
Ib financially i.responslble. making
collection Impossible even when
li. unUihiiitv is proven, m
other eases the identity of the guil
ty motorist is never established.
In manv Instances the person so
ini.ned or his or her dependants
Eftrtm wards of the state throupr.
. . . . .. i, I, cell
f nravlaion to cop'- vim.
an emergency in which case
t most bear the burden
posed by the carelessness of some
irresponsible motorist. i
Compensation for Injuries, It Is
suggested, could be based upon
scale similar to that In effect 1
connection '.vith the admlmstrat on
of the workmen's compensation
of con.iensa..,M.
bv the nature ot tne
. . .....
injury and the ex:.'..i i "" . "
Im would be tnoapaciiawu .""'
i result oi u.e in-
John D. Sued
for $292,678
By Uncle Sam
New York, Dec. 20. The gov
ernment today brought suit
against John D. Rockofeller for
$292,678 charging that his in
come tax report was "incorrect,
misleading and false."
The complaint alleged that In
his return filed March 28, 191b.
Mr. Rockefeller "failed to .n
clude in it as part of his income
50,104 shares of Illinois Pipe
Line company and . 67, 176 sh&.-es
of the Prairie Pipe Line com
House Ways and Means Committee Ap
proves Emergency Tariff Bill; Lemons and
Peanuts Added; Frozen and Refrigerated
Meats Fail to Secure Protection
Wq v- Tw 20 House amendments to the jomt
were accepted today by the senate. The measure now go
the president who is expected to veto it.
The house eliminated the section suggesting thrtj fte
, -111 Kn-ra o-nmt more liberal credits to farmer and
erui icaci v . o
also the preamble.
Maine Is Yet Very
"Wet," Reports Say
Houlton. Maine, Dec. 20. The
liquor has grown to such propor
tlons here that charges are being
openly made that those in author!
tv are not enforcing the law. It is
claimed that conditions are so bad
in certain sections of this town that
it is not safe for women and girls
to be out alone after dark. Judge
Archibald's court is crowded daily
by defendants accused of violating
the Volstead act. Prohibition ad
vocates claim liquor is being ped
dled in n most open manner
There is also evidence of "rum
running" across the border.
act. the rate
ing measured
further work
aa is known in
toi circles the proposed pin" if
.....,. ..Surinai venture, no
in the onion having as yet attempt
ed anything of this nature.
state en til -
Harding Resumes
Best Mind Talks
Germany Needs
Cows to Preserve
Life of Children
Pastors Urge
Child Relief
'Jjp, Q. Deckebach, Salem, Or.
Mailing additional literature to you
and all town emu....."
Starving children appeal wins uu
,n doing over the top again with
your spelndld appreciated co-operation.
Let nothing halt work unl
quota secured. Success to you.
Regards. Robert K. Smith."
Foregoing is copy of a telegram
rec-ived by ft O- Deckebach, Sa
lem chalman of Kuropean relisi
work, from K. E. Smith of Ioit
land. state chairman.
Salem ministers, nuuna " ""
with the drive for the KuroP-an
relief, yesterday urged from -then
pulpits that each individual aid in
...t.ioe. Halaaa and Marion OOUIIU
, ...... . f,,,. fuMdN
111 UH m
mcmber of
run, Dei
lilies of
over the top
for children of Kurope.
Additional effort is being extend
.., .... ic n teckebach, shairman
the Ma em drive in. on.....
an ueoepi:..!.'-
solution of the
uffered deeply
He referred to
Alexander as one
"v.-h j had done nis omj.
The merchant steamer
correspondents from
not arrived at Piraeus
Venice has
blanket he half carried - A11ierica's intention o
garnen . j lhe worm.
nave in- - - ,.. ln na-
will lead io a "
body from
nine it In a
hn.F dMHHl it to
of a nearby ranch. It was so ne..v
he said he was forced to lay t on
the ground ana rest many time.
It took him a whole night to g
the gvave and get the body in it.
he said, according to the officers
Howard is reponeu .
he killwl Sweeney m -light
about one mile from " ale foi
possession oi an o... no."
..i sta v, 1,1 the ooay li"" "
, l.,. in the hack OI me "
drove back into aie 10 " "
trunk in which he secreted the
bodv and hauled it around wit
him all day until darkness gave
him a chance to sum n im"
OvykM river at Watson near
whirh place the boys parents lived
ments -.'" ,., I, not a
a"d !" ' aVe.' this newspaper
O enlargemeni.
Put.rnns to Sign
Shimmy rieage
20. "This is xo
trig the dance Just
no snnn"'.
mtog a. 1 1.
n Banking
Firm Suspends
r"a Itec ?0 Farrows
Jastitutlon doing business
' ith small denositors In the
ot London where it had
SI branehfcv ...1
1 rniTP.:, rr that navmrntS
laefrn sasnenHMi n. hank
w a ca tial nf i nan nno
'rims j-.d dettositi. unof-
estimattd at nossiblv from
Coal Trust Probe
Now Underway
Washington. Dec. Ifc J
the heaifquarters nere oi
onal Coal association, hav-e oeec
laced under subpoena oj -
ate cnmraiiiee 1 X. . " the
and will be brought before the
nmmittee in open sasw ""-
ow a was announced toda b
Senator Calder of New ora, cn.
man of the commitee.
Officers of the assocau."- - -
e expected to be called to testify
before the committee. The coai w-
. ...on ahnrnlv crllicizeu .'. "
iu'bmitted to the
senate by the committee last Tues
f-H to
txplanation for It-
T'lyments. it
: have any effect
sehange. The on
caused mtle surprise
I paass sri
iT? ha 000 shareholder!"
gj7r,i of trade states that
or the bank were
1"" m trading extending
" years.
tl of n,.
Mr i '
'as the levy for
be f. mllU.
levied ta tha
Chicago. Dec.
lfv that, dur
n-M1d. I saw
cheek-to-cheek dancing o
C 5fir hiec.ioiiable features
The foregoing pledge
... .. trt l.e fertile
end ,
issued the order
Every dance. Dean
order reads, g yen
the " ... of th
be attenaeu - , the
under w.."
As enaei.M,
,-itlen pledge ai
. -....- iho 5i n -
dance HignunB
Declare War on
Chicago Butchers
Chicago. Dec. 20.-R"8'""; , methods In fighting high food
prices was adopted in Chicago to-
when Kusseii " "...
Ot the fair price committee
of the city council, - -
.. rip" nuotations for
tnai . -
meats will be issued aauy
council committee.
Wholesale 'pisccs quote.,
ackers and the stockyards
... the basis or me
hedule. he saio. .
.'Marlon. Ohio. Dec. 0 PMg
dent-elect Hardin-,- pagan "" T
nd week of his consultations on
foreign relation, today with on
e muvini coniiaenov
realize his hope
and practical).
peace tangle.
Although not revea....B
taltt his conference have cleared
up In his mind, he indicated that
the plan for an International Mo
...,i.,n .raduaUV was assuming
afinito outline. A world court to
.,...,. .lism.tes under international
law is understood to be poimirient
la his consideration for the founda
tion of a new structure.
Although several notable .mo
are expected here during Christ
mas week, the only engagement
announced is that for former .es
Ident Taft who will be here Tuesday.
the future mu
,ff., lr is R
ill sign the written
end of th
ene" of objectionable features
fiUra Smitli Will
Face Her Accusers.
r. p,l. Texas,
" - . crn.ilh
and Jir ,, ..-anted in
mother of t... of
aZr connection with the
murder in c" Bt their
they had
death or
home tooa . that
American Duchess
To Leave England
. n. . The Duchess
ltauvn, --- -nelr,
of Marlborougn. ion...-. ...
Vanderbllt, who was rece....,
i .-. frntn npr iniioiiw
ea ' a,:r ',h. has decided
UUKC oi . -7 , Hi
make Pans ner
. -in to the L'Si...
llir -
pec. a- "
father and
ETLS decided to give herself UP
and face enarge..
The T ' c r Smith was but
rterVVacetriar They denied
father refused
had arrangeo
in Chihuahua
I lie
price scneuuie, ..
..ill be added oveo.u
ond a fair prom.
"The meat dealers pru...
t ,,nw than at any time dur
ing ,he war," .said Everett C.
prown of the Chicaso Uvestock
exchange. "The meat dealer
could cut prices 10 to 20 percen
and still Wke a bigger margin of
profit than before the war.'
C H Frye. a Seattle packer, on
his'wav from an eastern visit, said
retail meat prices in the east and
tninnie west ore higher man
the Pacific coast. He said meat
prices in Europe were za io ..v i
cent lower than in Chicago.
Old Vets Issued
First 2 Licenses
for Coming Year
of the Civil war
Fourth Election
To Decide School
Problem Called
Aurora, Or.. Dec. 20.-For the
'ourth time since the last regular
school meeting, patrons of the Au
rora school will hold an election in
the I O. O. F. hall tomorrow
evening. At this election It will M
........J ...hother the new high
lie. .u'-v. - ...
school building will be sui.a.e..
land to be purchased from Hlesj
ITers in the south end of town or
on land available near the district
school building In the north pan
There is some
about selecting
20. Surrender to
800,1100 milch cows,
which have been demanded
the terms of the Versailles treaty,
wuuld have disastrous results in
Cermany. says a letter to the wom
.... .,f i.'raiice from a committee of
d or mcvn women. Continued depri
vation of the Germany people of
the milk supply represented by
theso vows would result in weaken
ing public stamina anu .....tvi. ......
resistance and therefore operate to
reduce the ability of Germany to
fulfill the treaty obligations
through necessary production, It Is
Bal",s women are defenders of the
rights of children," the letter de
clares "we embrace with equal
sympathy suffering children of all
.,.,ti,. .,u Oar sympathy goes out in
fullest measure to children In the
devastated regions or r-rum,.,
where it appears to us to be urgent
that nip should be granted us
s, illy as possible. On the other
hand we see the need of every part
of (lermonv Is so great that further
eduction in the milk supply would
be equivalent to the death sentence
,, hundreds or tnousanus ... . ....
iron. Instead of the twenty billion
iters of milk which Germany pro-
llv In peace times, u.e
... ......In nt X. on
reaen h"" ....... ..-in
when tnn cami"""
fhe entiro county has been
, .....i ih., ....oiu for tn
y"exc;:pUg Salem is ?...
making a county quota of t 2 u.
, ,e reall7.e.l from a population ol
47 177 of the county.
Several of the churches have or
Banlsed committees to handle thj
campaign for funds for Lino," .
relief. These committees have til
. m . . . ...... In i I I
been rSQUasxvu i -
Deckebach tb results of thete can
vass in order that his tabulation ol
, e county returns will ."t
awry All four of Salem's banks
have offered to cooperate with M'
neckebaeh in the drive, fully real
ilng that It has not time to, .1. -v,!
M.e to largo proporllous ,,.
anyone desiring to send money 10
.. e Muroiiean ehimi'u
tne re..... , ,,nv hnun.v,..-
has only to deposit in.' """ . I "
, the local banks In tne ........
the European relief.
l"The drive will ol Friday even
. . hv mail not Intel
hf. , he following Monday will be enough
,.,,..., will, i."
duced aim
roduclng only
Pinned Under Rock,
Trapper Saves Self
Washington, Dec. 20 The hoaae
ways and means committee today
voted out the Knrrtney emergency
tariff bill designed to Pr'e;'
farmers and Instructed Carman
irordney to make all eftaete VMf
ble to obtain aotlon on It before
the Christmas recess.
In finally approving the bill, the
... .. ,1,. two change- Lem
ons were added to the llat and an
import duty of IH cent- a pound
established. The rate on peanut
oil was Increased from
cents a trillion.
nenrnsentatlve Young.
KTnrth HakOta.
. ........ ,1 1 et
ui, ways and me.i -----who
was chairman of e confer
ence committee which drafted the
report, told the conference .thai : he
saw no hope for
by ,he ways and means committee
on the recommendations of tae
conference. --
lie urged members to
time and to drive for protection for
the other articles wnen a
nent tariff was taken up.
Turirr on Meat.
Representative Oraham. republi
can, mmois. messed for
of froaen and refrigerated meius.
. . hi from iuepreeenta-
wnien iiiuiis"1
tlve Blanton, democrat. .0
assertion that these Praduatwaes.
omitted "as a sop to the
city consumers whose vote are
"Representative Young said east
ern members of the committee hsd
stood out against a tariff on lamb
and mutton and that the, .greed
finally to include these articles "
der the argument that they could
explain to their constituents Jhat
frozen meats were "ot forced to
come in under J duty, lie said the
feeling was thai failure to place a
duty .... frozen and refrlerted
meats would keep down "
extent at least an Increase in tn
cost of living.' .
Representative wiser,
of California, asserted that
should be included in the list of
articles lo be protected tmt no
action was taken.
Opxflrt'" Apparent.
Opposition to the legislation.
was appearina j
ol 'several sl.b'S. Itep
from the manufacturing ltf
.. auuiitlsfuctlon of the
bill because It did not include,
nianufi.cliiren .ti.
Traditional opposition lo anr n.K
tariff still held amona a 1
deinoernts while omw ........
,.u..rted I hot enactment or
of own.
cult v. It seems,
.... ..nH
ne T. Z". 1,,-rted her soon to
DUl cws
b? in m p50-
o leave
will probably
T.irning i
.a. a .. -V A1
Man. roi ' - ...tion
has given a cup o
P ir:ih"U,h . vear, cup Wm
S3tura -.. , no,
presented, tmt tne
be made in future.
mn-tantin,. I -cave Vrnoe.
Venice. - K."d
.-ttine Queen Sophie
, children sailed from ; : .hot dead by a
todav on the G.e cruiser Avero.. y
for Gretce
. . i-jit.-dalnmetil
. T,im.- ...,..irt an
. wr- Mrs. ks.uu.-i."
of the is-iii - rparing a
Miss Anoe.-. - which
Chrtstmas gchool
w'" 1 . ..... Thev are giv
house C ,t.emlon and
exacted' that the people ot
It is expecrea Mrtl,v enter-
thls vicinity a... -clow Frt
S for the usual holiday vacation
f Pork, says
ived a telegram
Trainman Fined;
Money Returned
20. A
on the
..,.t..i a ns
. ears old and the otner .
Btarted the "-
of hunting and- fishing licenses
hen they were
first. 1
who ha'
13J5 Madison.
combination huntinir
license snd John
t;ervais was vmu -
(!. The
MJ'- ... . n
the Central nrw
stsnnr vu.
fc. nM.Kt OI
Magner. pan
Dunmanway umformed
one 64
vears voung
frei. veteran licenses.
f- Walker m rven. in,. -
. u., onnrtsmen in
n one oi i"- .
v.orlnn countv, Was u.e
' n another veteran
won recogition a, a huntsman ace
isherman. living near - -
h. second to be granted a 121
rense. ,n
Two other nnpiica .
-I Ime license, for the coming
.ear. J. W. Foster,
vras issued a
ind angling
Ruscher of
fishing license.
i.. tiii.-nt.-r Teas
.h. rrnits used for food
the abator pear I. rem.r?.b,e
nrooortion or tai.
which runs as high a. 20 per cent,
the same as that of com
mon cream.
Woodburn. Ore.. Dec.
nooiinir to Mayor Hall
ground that he was not respons-
lhie IOr Dlnuia, -
slreol In thlH CltV, h.
Beckett, a Southern Pacific freight
conductor, was given back h:s 1 1 n
bucks. bwsw wss
era! davs ago by Marshal Olson on
ST 1 area of blocking the cross
ing with his train for several
hours. The conductor handed
over $10 to appear at the appoint
ed hour, and when he made the
next trip through Woodburn he
appeared as directed and was
.ii and costs. He appealed
against the decision of the mayor,
......... wherein he was not re-
.ihi. for the delay, and Mayor
u-ii ordered the case dismi
, .w ' ni rn.' h returned to
anu ine km. . "
the defendant, wa"
$,800,000." ,
For nearly six years the popula
tion of Germany cities have not
bud milk, the letter asserts, and,
owing lo this fact, the death rate
from tuberculosis has doubled
since 1013 nnd IK. 000 more chll
il.eii died In tDIX 'ban In 191 1. In
l'i-usiaaloni then' has been an In
crease in child mortality of 100 pet
.. . .1 i,...,.u theKf
nt. The mnsr i-
facts nre not known to m- ri
liMiniis the press nas ..... ... -
mined trie information to be madi
public." Law l) lar. il.
i-iee ik. -Martini law
1-1 KU., ' -
,as leen declared at Uruex. a town
n llomniia, fourteen miles north
f Basil In consequence of a clasn
ictween troops and strikers during
,vhich six workmen were killed and
'ifteo wounded,
Wheatland. Wyo.,
Waller Murphy.
lodged a boulder
aoroae brook
Dec. 17 dls-
when he leaped
n I'lethcher Para.
near here, the large rota. ...
IZ leg and pinning him under u
Miirnbv lal.o.eo
..h Inir awaV pieces
v...i,w with his hunter's
before he succeeded In liberating
h"w'h hls leg broken he crawled
,., mile through deep SHOW
and over a rocky trail to his
where he W exhuuhte
Muruhy suffered
exposure but will recover.
During the past two mo..'L- t
Porvallls a total or nmm
- In fines from
lekad up by the
several hours
af the
at tht
much fron
umiahal and
In this gladsome Christmas
time, we must not forget that
.,,eh lt L-lslallon would in
I Increase In the cost of living.
Representatives from farming
districts will attempt to gain g
'partisan support of the measure
...i , . , ference of members.
Support also is to be sought for the
Young Tli.ebe. bill to wm nmr
00,001) of the profits of the federal
reserve books In loans to livestock
men.and a resolution to revise the
war rinance coiij. mm - (
Wage of Miners
Reduced Today
New York. Dee. 20 A redaction
of $1.00 n day in tne wanw
higher priced miners ai in-
Hodge cnrporatlon s mm
zona will becon.e effecuve o
1, an official or tne eorpur-v.....
. . ... ....... mlnt-rv.
announced toaay --------
who receive smaller pay. wm .
affected by correspondtnif reduc
tions, he added.
It was reported In financial awr-
cles that other copper om-.n.
were to make similar reouciionn ...
existing wage scales.
. . e .... t
.. . . L ..en mlllinnH fll
in li,urope tneie i v .......
Starving Children
ii the lift Of a
j 4U Hi. ar mven win nc.p
t Villi i mil -
helpless little one.
0Wo' Qu.1.1 The SSSk SSSi
Ten dollars nuy saw.
Nurses Injured
In Omaha Blaze
Omaha. Neb.. Dec. 20 Six nur
.i.,.,i when they Jump
sen w - j , , .
m .h seennd story of tne
hm. of the Cnlverstiy of
v.h,,.v, hospital to escape fire
mA 115.00 damage to the
ll earlv today. Flrty-flve other
nurses escaped without Injury The
cause of the blaze is not Know...
..i,u.ts Win In Spain.
adu Dec. 20 Monarchist
iu.u to the Spanish Cortes
' ,..a larre majorities In th
.lection held ln Spain yesterday
... Unnirn the soeiallsU
' nnlv two seats, while republl
nm successful la any
ran. w..
bert Hoover
Europe " - .
"Wait until harvest, .ttui
But little childrei
Police Judges
To Be Recalled
Ban Francisco. Dec. -filiation
of a petition for an election
.h- ,.r,.imsl recan of poi
t..A. inhi, J Sulllvsn and Morris
Opuenhelm. 'as
cannot wait. . - mat nan t he irap
Ampr ca. out oi ner iivnwi -a -Amenc.i,
w ,mM, And Salem
or,l make the way oi .ii"
And so
race, or religion, or
that vexes the minds
and Marion county must help.
There is involved no question ui
L w nnauhnn
nnrrisan lieliet, or any ome.
of men grown stupid with years. -very
n ...iin a a tatner 'ji i."k -
cverv in - - , , ,,, t answer
tecman who has a child-or nungr . ---
he rv of the millions of starving ch. Wren J-"Z
r.'siilt of the
ndltion of ptwn
prevailing In this community
enables criminal" o. ...
escape Justice." was stated here la
day by the Civic league of lin
i.roveinent clubs and a.clallorui
The San Kranclsco liar
inn .in. has drawn tup a
.nen. anion charging malfes
..!.. .ludse Sullivan for pr
tatlon to the state supreme court.
Did you ever see
eye3 r
the old, dead look in a starving baby's
The campaign for
Orecon follows
the reHef of Europe's starving children is underway. 1 here
. IXL L goliriution. It is left with you individually to
J 3 IIV Va t a
do your r money with any of
JSSL or with F. G. Deckebach, chair-
the JSaiem oanaa ui w. , --
man. and help in this task of mercy.
Warn Social Clubs
To Report Due
Washington, Dec nvery
... !... -hlct. fail" to coll. t aart
. .....IM
pay over isxe . .t
Bn,l fee from Its mess
able to a penalty ol im . cording ro rert
tlons issued today by the baremwea
penalty of S per cent of the J
Internal revenue. In -dditloa a
penalty of 6 Pr cent -f
Imposed when a return flle ny
club is found to be false or fraawiw-lent.
revised i-ci-asa-