Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 18, 1920, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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Pmtt Eight
The Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon
Many Boosters
Will See King
Bing Crowned
R(M""';sntntivrs of the varlouf
baMter oi ganizationn In this vlcln
Hy will Iip invited to attend tin
CW irionlfs which will attend thi
coronation of C. E Knowland. win
win b made King Bins of thiSu
Ism Cherrians on January 4. Mi
Know la nd succeeds C. R. C'lanceV.
Oil leers of the Poitlund Kosai
iani, the Eugene ItndiatorN. the
Vancouver I'runarians, the Albany
Ilut'ii ian.a and the Lebanon Straw
ben ims will he invited to be pres
ent! t the moetlng to be held a
the armory at H:iO p. in., II was
decided a! a meeting of the Cher
rinnft yesterday.
Tb Cherrians also voted yesler
day lo retire to the honor list
Krautt IOvell and John Rowland,
and nil former King Rings. Mr.
Lovcl! and Mr. Itowland have been
Member of the organization for
many years.
Pilgrims' Landing
To Be Celebrated
by Salem Women
Auto, Cranked In
Gear, Breaks Thru
Downtown Window
arums singing in Salem, whose
reputation as a finished singer 's
W'.rld wide.
"When the king entered all the idfty night to
idles arose, anfl he- very kindly spend the Christmas holiday
Although seveml of the. fore- went personally to all of the eld- uer parents, Dr. and Mrs. Richard
J llnwnrnwn Winrlrmr 1 American singers were also erly miles and asked them to be N. Cartwrlgnt.
in Jondon at the same time, when seated. We then did two more spir-
When Wyndam Huron cranke, I Ambassador and Mrs. Davis wish- ituals. after whlcii the king shook MUM Margaret Grey came down
in automobile hich had been lefi i ed to present a representative Am- hands with us. and asked Inter- from Portalnd this afternoon and
in gear in front of the Buren store ! erican artist to the king and queen estedly how long we had been
on North Commercial street yes-; of England, their choice fell on here and how long we were stay
lerday, the machine backed over j Cecil Winning, the baritone. The ing. He asked if I had been well
Ihe curb and crashed through a : event took place last June after received, and I was proud to tell
Plate giass window and sign of dinner given at the American him that the press bid been wont-ale
& company's establishment, i embassy in hnnr ,.f tH nn on,i j..., .. .
"TJS ! oueen. in a letter written af h" it w d ed . d 3SSS
, lu , B u. BUMi I ward to his American ....I. - ..i! '
Two persons were In Ihe cue i 7 . .. ------- if. uee.i oiner.wise.
the time of the accident. Mr Buren ' ,M!,yer'.Mr' canning gives "ft was a truly wonderful occa-
id. Neither was injured. ; a niosi interesting account of what slon and was so: beautifully and
gracefully conducted . by Mr. and Murray.
Hearing Dale Set ! "ur grelit event this week wtls Mrs. I.tvis. The men were in court
A formal bearing will be held by "ln8lnS fo'' thl' kinB ani queen on dress, and the king also wore a Mrs. R. H. Johnson of Portland
the public service commission at '"onUu' night. Mr. Davis, the Am-, purple decontlon :on-his chest and is a week end house guest of her
Its Portland offices, January 3 , erican ambassador, gave 11 formal the gold garter. I The ladles were brother in law anil sister Mr. and
for the consideration of proposed t ,linner for tncil' "'''Jostles, forty regal, and the exquisite costuming Mrs. J. H. Walker,
changes in the Uniform livestock ! "eonle in U. After 'he dinner and disnlav of lewvls m Wnn,i
Is the over Sunday guest of her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John ;
McNary. Miss Gertrude Grey who I
has been visiting the McNarys for
1 ral days will return with her
sister tomorrow night to their
home In Portland.
.Mrs. Harry Hawkins spent Mon
ty and Tuesday in Portland visit-
her sister, Mrs. Robert Mc-
eonlrnotu imh 1 11 f,, ...... ..11 When the larlies h;id nnmfl nnut.ilru t.j i J
' "- " i.iii- - -1 - aiijiiuiig tuner or us naa ever
roads in Oregon, Petition has been to tho drawing room, Mrs. Davis geen'and you know' we hive had
filed with the commission by the '''sk'''l Permission of the queen for considerable experience in France I
ami norse Kaisers Associa-' ""I"" ana 1 and Italy and
tion of Oregon, the Portland Live- ' entered rind took our places at v,.w York etc
Miss Phyllis Walker arrived
home Thursday night from the Uni
versity of Oregon and is spending
. u in. . iier unriMLms, inciv tears vacuum
In Newj.ort, Boston. , wi(h nPr t . Jfr and Mrg.
PI iia are being nude by Salem
women to celebrate the trl-cent;1-nary
of the landing of the Pil
Rilio., December 21. and jr-stivl-lies
will be continued throughout
jietl week.
The movement, which Is being
i obaarved nationally. Is locally be
inr conducted by Mrs Sara Clarke
Dyer, lif.r, Center street, who Is ln-
vilinrV all descendants of , May-! manifested
nowrr rnsssngers to communicate
wi1b tier for the reclstratlon. Mrs.
Dyei may be reached by telephone
al fi4R
MV;. Isaac Lee Pattefgott, na
ttpnal vie- president general of the
0aUffhters of the American Rev
olution, has issued requests 10 all
members of the organl ntlon to
Communicate with her If thev In-
ciu'M amonv tnetr snteoeuanta any
of llie pilgrims.
stock i:.vchance ami th.. Wnafnen the piano. The uueen bowed eor- H. Walker.
Oregon Livestock Men's League, JiHy to us, to which we, of Mrm a a t ... 1 .u
aaklng for a hearing In order thai eouwe, responded. I sang 'The members' Of tfao SeSL Kinit TriZ ' , Miss Faye Rerrlner left Kriday
these contracts might be amended Time for Making Songs has Come' aid clas Of the ' Srit MhSn lb fnV MP ',
to fit changed conditions. lb, James H. Rogers, a song writ- rhJh LlJMtTgS hT patfPeaV T
ten for me; Sidney Homer's W street Monday evening for the! student at WllUmet te unhrsity.
A good way to close the mouth Leaf, during which 1 saw the Chrlntmaa t.-ee r 1
w un u Lear ram ner eye, nosts for the evening' will be,
then came Burleigh's artyinge- Sanford Hall,, Jerome Hansen,
ment of the negro spiritual 'Deep Daryl Meyers and Duaine Kirk
01 a road critic U to ask him how
much he pays toward its mainten
ance. La -Grande Observer.
(Continued from Page Six.)
flutes are added then strings and
at Jasl all the brass Instruments.
Anent the
Klver,' after which the queen ask
ed to have me presented. She held
oui her hand and paid me
j Airs. Thomas G. Hopkins return
ed yesterday from Albany where
I she visited friends for a few days.
gracious compliments. At her re
quest I tang an amusing spiritunl,
'Stnndin' In de Need ob Prayer' ar
ranged by William Reddick. Mr.
Turpln was also presented and had
next concert of the quite a long conversation wi:h h,..-
Apollo dub. to be given January nyijesty. She asked us to do some
II. IMl, much interest is heinir m.i..,,.,i ....
in musical circles over he came no to the dm vino
the engagement of Cecil Fanning, We were then presented to a num
noted American baritone. Mr. ber of the ladles, among them the'
Panning will be one of the few I wife of the Archbishop of Cantcr-
Mrs. Hopkins formerjv made her
Mrs. H. C. Begun 'of Layfavette home in Albanv
iny Is spending the weekend with her.
sister, Mrs. George .G. Bingham.: Mrs. J. L. Stockton and Miss
Mrs. Keith Powell., of Woodhurn Zoe Stockton returned the first of
and her son are also guests of the the week from Portland where
ninghnms over this weekend.
Breyman Boise is one of the
young men who Is home for the
holidays from his College.
Miss Constance Csirtwright has
returned from a fortnight's visit in
Portland and Forest: Grove. MisH
Florence Cartwrlght who Is
j they spent a visit of several days
I with friends.
Miss Marie Briggs is home from
I the University of Oregon for the
holidays with her parents.
Pioneer Resident Demi
Tnd -'penance. Ore.. Dee. It.
V'-'i S-urt'M M'lhlrenn, a pioneer
resident re this vicinity, nnssc.1
ft wn y at Pite'n Wedne'di.v after,
tiinn The .., . , ,, .,s htMrl In this
city veslrrav nrt.eiioon snd In
tnrmei l '.rlr. in Hie r lr. O.
F reo'Cto"' Ph- wns nast fin nrfl
of s.fre Und had ?;ipnt tnect nf bee
life In Independence and vlelnltv.
Rhe is survived by her htisbantr and
a family of children.
.( 1 R Thf
I" tiI-.h nf the Mt
conina n1
thai It will
l-e f.-..,lit..- nf bn
1 Incillv nnd nl
null m o.p
III! bid. en -1-1
el Ihe
other (awns served by this con
cern T'te bio- power machine ban
been in nb'n for some time. ,ind If
was expected that it would bo In
use dot ine the early fall. Rut when
Certain mllnn nnrts were ordered
from (he f actory It wis necessary
to (rait for sntne. The result was
Ihal the turbine did not turn a
wheel until Thursday of last week.
Electsic Irons
Electric Grills
Electric Pads
Flashlights, all sizes
Electric Jf ercolators
Electric Toaters
Electric Curling
Electric Washing
379 State Street
Just one trial convinces you Sloans
Liniment helps drive uway
rheumatic twinges
HY endure min when vou
now Sloan's Liniment will
relieve it ' promptly? It couldn't
remain the World's Liniment for
30 years if it wasn't highly bene
ficial in relieving rheumatc aches
stiff joints, sore muscles, lum
bago, lame back, neuralgia, strains
bruises and the results of expos
ure to bad weather.
Penetrates without rubbing, 1
lutiving no stained skin, clogged
pores, mussiness. A pain and ache
liniment that stands alone in do
ing what it is meant to do. Get a
bottle today and keep it handy.
All druggists. Three sizes 35c 70c
$1.40. The largest is most econom
ical. 1
OWNERS of the BlG-SlX know from ex
penence the ease with which the car can
be handled, and they appreciate the unfail
ing response to every touch on accelerator or
uicmc. xncy nave me utmost confidence
m the responsiveness of its powerful motor
The BIG-SIX is the crowning achievement of th
unsurpassed manufacturing resources of the ShX
' Corporation - the best that an organization
with 68 years of business success, and the keenS
engineering brains, can produce.
You must actually see and ride in this Studebaker
Car to really appreciate its many splendid qualities
Its light weight and scientific balance induce unuVn"
ally low fuel consumption and high tire mileage
Its responsive motor with hot-spot intake manifold'
gets maximum power from even low grades of fuel'
driving the car with efficiency that will surprise you.'
Compare Studebaker Cars, point by point
wtth other cars on the market, and w'e
mu rest our case with you.
Marion Automobile Co.
235 South Commercial, Salem, Ore. Phone 362
o. b. Detroit
Ihe Highest!
II Machine in
Matchless upright
II Myrtle K
In Ownino a
7) J here is a
I tride oPossession
i I TV Hitfhest Class Talking
1 Machine in the World
I Matchless upright and period styles I j
I 75 to 1800
I Myrtle Knowland I
j (