Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 18, 1920, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    December 18, 1920
The CapH Journal, Salem, Oregon
lg i
- tnrr.VTfl
i?l5-cnri.stmas Day.
J J7.Salem O. A a
Dreamiand Rink,
j-t 10-State legislature
probate Court
flinrles Hrewer agtunai
' 01 L ? ... ....... t nhlr
"L.y wed
fa,,,.,rt. A. SlUIUI- lC
W the same estate)
r account w .
ed and wfll be heard In,
ta. Miller, appoimeu
... iiiw Tr n min-
l lor Henry i"", - - -----
'.: ,,f Cenree H.
,d C. J. Hun, . .
LiUon ' aupomnnem. u.
Hans', a
jrie M. Eweu was
, is in the state hospital.
lareport oi ueorge . --
aflminlstri ot me
Win S. KICK. . u "
of (be court, oaif
yg and willows exenwpw.
-ratecinent Ot l-ar u..
by the appompBu
joln Berhorst, A. J-
A.S. Boschier. aiu a
Permlsslim .. L nh
propei.. -
rting, execuior.
mily Statistics
BENT To Mr. "na Mrs- jUy
Nugent, 2068 Traae street, a
Dec. 18, to be nameu nou-
t Charles.
Frunk C. Bramwell, who will
succeed Will H. Bennett as state
superintendent of banks after
January 1, was a Salem visitor
jjriaay acquainting himself with
some of the duties of the depart-1
merrt and incidentally easting
about for a place in which to live
when he becomes a resident of the
capital city. Bramwell is. now
cashier of the Grants Pass Bank
ing company at Unints pas8, a
position which he has filled for
the past four years.
uuo Busch of Salem, who has
been conducting the Silverton
bakery for several months, having
purchased the oronerrv frnn, .,
estate of the late E. H. Knoll, has
um me Dusiness and equipment
to a Spokane man and will again
become a resident of Salem. Mr.
Husch's family has been living in
Salem during the time he was m
charge ot the Silverton enterprise.
lOHES At y
friday, 1 Kiel i
iard Hughes,
, TIk bo
Vrtland for
i and Son.
local hospital,
r 17. 1920, Etl
t the age of 76
was shipped to
erment by Rig-
Ttie three weelts Christmas va
cation began yesterday at Wlllani
ette university. Practically all of
the non-resident students hiive
gone home for the holidays, and
the fraternity and sorority houses
are left with only three or four
occupants until the return of their
brothers and sisters on January I.
J. J. Handfyiker, state chairman
of the Near Kast relief committee,
is in Salem for a short time on
business. He is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Keeney, 554 North Liberty street
Carping criticism does not ac
complish anything worthwhile.
Only intelligent action will. Get
informed. Mondtiy Moose hall.
(adv) 302
In Salem to spend his Christmas
vacation is "Brick" Hagedorn. for
mer Salem high school footlvll
star who played this year with the
O. A. C. rooks. He will return to
Corvallis when school opens after
New Years.
Snow will tell how to prevent
anarchy and chaos in America.
Monday 7:30 p. m. (adv) 302
lason Lee Memorial T xr.
church will present a program of
-nnsimas music on Sunday Dec.
19th (M 7:30. This is the result of
many months of painstaking ef
forts on the part of the choir and
will be well worth hearing. It is
expected that there will be a large
attendance. On such occasions, in
the past few years, have been
heard by ever increasing numbers.
Plans and specifications have
been submitted to the state en
gineer's office here by the Patter
son irrigation district, a new pro
ject of some 1500 acres located
near Morrill in Klamath jounty.
The project contemplates the con
struction of a pumnintr nlant nnrt
IB system of canals.
We wish the public to know
that the number 270 N. Commer
cial St. appearing in our "Cherro
Flour" ad in yesterday's paper
was a typographical error. Th!s
flour can be purchased most any
where in Salem. 302
A rear wheel was smjBshed, a
tire cut, and a radius rod bent on
his automobile yesterday when it
collided with another machine,
Frank Judd, 1255 North 4th stree'.
told police last night. Mr. Judd
said he was traveling south on
Commercial street iind that the
other driver was proceeding west
on Center street when the crash
occurred. Nobody was injured, he
Somebody entered His barn on
State street, between High and
Church streets, his automobile col
lided with a delivery wagon of the
City Cleaners' shop. R. W. Both,
396 S. 21st street, informed police.
Neither vehicle was damaged, and
nobody was injured. Mr. Rath 3aid.
Tailored clothing reduced at
Mosher's, high class tailor.
Holly wreaths, cut flowers and
potted plants for Xmas decora
tions from the Plant & Blake
greenhouse at Fletcher & Byrd's
feed store, 233 North Commercial
Phone 1250W. 302
Damage estimated at $450 which
was done to the Dreamland rink
during the recent wind and rain
storm, has been repaired, and the.
building is now in good shape, it
was stated today.
George King, fullback on the
University of Oregon tootball elev- i
en. arrived in'Salem Friday morn
ing from Eugene to spend Christ-!
mas visiting his parents, Mr. and j
Mrs G. L. King, 732 Chemeketa ;
Love, jeweler, watchmaker, Sa
Solid comfort in a Herman ar
my shoe, regular $12.20 value
now $8.50. Hauser Bros. 302
Miss Martha Wikberg, an O. A
C. student, and Miss Olga Wikberg,
an University of Oregon student,
arrived in Salem yester day lo
spend Christmas visiting at the
home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Wikberg, of Salem heights.
rornial complaint against the
inadequacy of the Southern Pacific
depot facilities at Oregon City has
Viee: tiled with the public service
commission by the Oregon City
Commercial club.
His biccle was stolen from a
dowzuownd warehouse last night.
J. C. Barker told police Friday.
Hugh Latham and Marc Latham
of Silverton are in Salem visiting
friends. Both are students at the
University of Oregon.
Turkey shoot at Herron's on Gar
den road Sunday Dec. 19. 302
Frank Holmes, Jr., of Mc.Minu
ville was in S'-alem yesterday on
his way home from Eugene where
he has been a student at the uni
versity. He will not return to school
next term.
I will probably be sought from the
i federal government for rcclama-
tion work, Cupper states.
un ms way home Cupper stop
ped over In Klamath Falls where
he attended a hearing before fed
eral reclamation officials relative
to lands in lower Klamath lakes.
California representatives at the
meeting. Cupper states, were In
sistent upon again flooding these
lands which are now subject lo
fires during the dry season in the
peat lands. Residents on the lands
in Oregon, however, most of which
have been reclaimed, are very well
satisfied with present conditions
and are opposed to flooding the
The problem has been taken mi
ller advisement by the reclamation
If Melville Pendleton of Port
land desires to see his creation
adopted as a state song he must
carry his case to the state legisla
ture. Secretary of State Kozer to
whom a copy of Pendleton's song.
"Oregon, Sweet Oregon," has been
submitted, has so informed the
PortVtnd composer.
D. D. Socolofsky reports the
sale of the E. Hartley residence on
the corner of Court ana Summer
streets, to Judge H. Bean of this
City. The Hartleys contemplate
spending the winter in California.
Dance at Auburn tonight. 302
Miss Lillian Godsey, county
nurse, is in Portland attending a
meeting of the state board of
health. Miss Godsey went to Port
land Thursday night to take up
some details connected with her
work here.
Ash wood for sale. Call at room
206 Oregon building, phone 304
or 601. F. N. Derby. 304
Hear Snow at Moose hull Mon
day 7:30. (adv) 302"
There has been no warning light
on a pile of gravel at the corner
of State and 12th street, accord
ing to a complaint lodged with
police this morning by Ira Fitts.
is no provision in the Ore-
w for the recall of the dl
of an irrigation district, ac
; to Attorney General Van
who has so informed State
eer Percy A. Cupper.
find mere people are com-
to believe that things used m
union should lie owned in corn-
Should they? Moose hall
J6, "::10. (adv) 302
Miss Dorothy Mnnville spent a
short time in Salem last night
while on her way from Eugene to
her home in Portland.
Olive Thomas
"A Homespun
While parking his automobile in
front of the Oregon theater yes
terday it was struck by a machine
mowing east on State street, Ray
Gilbert told police today. No dam
age was done to ilher car, and
nobody was injured, he said.
The home of better service,
modemte prices and largest stock.
Webb & Clough, funeral direct
ors. 302
Herbert Darby arrived here to
spend the Christmas and New
Year holiday yesterday. He is a
student at the University of Oregon.
To reduce our stock of feed be
fore inventory, we will reduce
prices on mill run, grdbnd oats,
barley, wheat nnd rye, Molas-o-Meal,
milk flow and scratch food
(taring the week beginning Mon
day, December 20th. or until our
stock is exhausted. Any one using
feed should investigate our prices.
Charles R. Archerd Implement
Co. 303
Photos framejl at Gilbert's Stu
dio and Craft Shop ups'airs over
Commercial book stor'. Ptace
your orders as soon as pos'Vf'jle.
Wiring of the tree on the court
house lawn to be electrically light
ed by the Cherrians during the
Christmas holiday will commence
immediately, it was stated this
morning. It will be Illuminated
Christmas eve.
Tailored suits, reduced prices.
See Mosher, Court street.
Whit Gill. Salem man and base
ball star of the Oregon Agricul
tural college, returned here last
inght from Corvallis to spend the
Christmas holiday.
Fred Dunn, : Eugene resident,
spent yesterday afternoon in Salem
visiting friends. He returned home
last night, im
After spending several days in
Portland in post maduate work.
Dr. .1) X. Heeehler, of this city,
has returned to Snlem.
Oupper Returns
From Convention
Of Irrigators
Bracelet watches at Love's.
"Speck" Keene, well known Mrs- eo- w- Steelhammer and
Salem man who is president of the Mtoi Merene Digerness of Silver
student body at the Oregon Agri- '"" were shopping in Salem yes
cultural college, has arrived in ! ,e,'y.
Salem to spend the Christmas
All kinds of jewelry. Love's.
Percy A. Cupper, state engineer,
I returned Friday from Salt Lake
City where he attended a meeting
of the executive committee of the
I Western States Reclamation asso
eiaiion. Plans were perfected at
, the Bnsaion, Cupper states, for send
ing six representatives of the asso
ciation to Washington. D. C, in an
effort to educate the people of the
BMtorn states up to the needs of
(the reclamation states In the mat
'ter of financial assistance. An ap
propriation of some $500,000,000
Jurors for Circuit
Court Impanelled
Circuit court v
jurymen to sit as
January term of
were made frORl
terdnv d
the jury
ourt. Se
all parts
county. Th
A. Pelland,
R. W Hoov
Prime, Sian
selection inclm
. Paul; A. A. I
, L. Mikelson.
V Culver. R. E.
of the
:'Ct ions
of the
led: C.
V. 1
i io n
ing, W, A. Listen
Waldo K. Milter,
Wilbur I leaver.
H. Gardner, 15. E.
Aut'rance all of S
Murphy St. I'aul; Elllr; M.
Waeonda; Anton Leikeo,
Kails; H. C. Magurcn. Bng
Onie L. Martni. .Macleay;
Ryan, Butteville; Frank R!
W. F. Poster
timer while,
NailslaneU, A.
'a I mer,
ewood ;
W. M.
ket, En
Page Seven
glewood; Thurston Yergcn, Donald
Steve Buumau. McKee; J. M. Wat
son, Turner.;'Charles Koumal, West
Gervais; Fred Rock, Stayton; Hen
ry Slute, Scollard; Eugene Man
ning. Kast Gervais; Jas. H. Lives
ley, l'ast Woodburn.
October Earnings
of Railways Are
Short Is Report
Washington, Dec. 18. FOestirnat
ing the net operating income of all
th principal railroads for October
at $iU.7Hl,O90, the Association of
Railway Kxecutives today said this
figure fell approximately $20,674,
000 or IS. 4 per cent short of ttio
AVttouiK necessary to pay a six per
cent return on the property value,
as provided in the transportation
act. On the basis of the October
net earnings, the association nid,
the railroadu would earn annually
4.J per cent on their property vaHia
as tentatively fixed by the inter
state commerce commission at
A lone bandit, masked, entered
the .Mocha cafe at Granta Pass, and
after taking '', from the cash reg
ister, made his escape ami in still
at la rge.
Where's a Good Eating
Namkln Cafe formerly Canton.
American and Chinese dishes.
13V4 N. Coram rcial St.
Mistland Bakery
Fine Line of Cakes, Pastries, and Our Own
Make of Candies
Better-Yet Bread
A call from You appreciated
N. B. Jones ,md family, who
live between here and Independ
ence, were shopping in Salem yesterday.
To decide things right requires
intelligent paction. Moose hall
Monday, 7:30. (adv) 302
Special taxi service to and from
the big dance at Auburn tonight.
Take a taxi. 302
Miss Hazel Browne, an instruc- i
tor in the Salem high school, left
Salem Friday for Portland where
she will sjiend the week-end visit
ing relatives.
C. J. Branstetter of Silverton is
in the city. Mr. Branstetter wyi
go to Eugene this evening to re
main until after the holidays.
Auto tops dressed with our wa
fer proof, sunproof dressing will
ave that top. Hulls Top Shop, Y
Mrs. Edward Lune and children
who have been visiting her moth
er in Eugene, have returned to
their home in Salem.
Turkey shoot 9 i. m. to 4 p. m.
Sunday Dec 19. werron's on Oar
den road. 30:1
Turkeys, geese and ducks at
Herron's shoot on Garden road
Sunday Dec. 19. Hot un-jh and
ammunition on ground, 303
pert in the business at Tyler's j
drug store. 302
Lyle McCroskey, son of Mr. ,ind i
Mrs. T. E. McCroskey, will arrive
in Salem tonight from Eugene j
where he is attending school.
Hoosier cabinet $35, excellent
Christmas present; baby cart. 340
Division. 302
Ralph Keene of Corvallis -wa A Jarge crowd attended the an
In Salem a short time last eve- nua informal dance given In Co
ning. He is on his way to Texas. tjnion hall last night by Business
j college students.
Shall things used in common be
owned in common? Moose hall
Monday 7:30. (adv) 302
oJhn Brock, A. Koencke, Jess
Patton and W. R. Masters were
given beds in the city Jail last
j 1921 calendars. Horner H. Smith,
I insurance. McCornack bldg. Free.
C. A. Harwood, wood denier of
Silverton, transacted business In
town yesterday.
W. J. Busick was looking after
business matters in Albany a few
days this week.
Big value, (n woolen shirts.- When you think or good clothes
to $12.50 values now $3.60 to think ot Mosher, the tailor.
$8.50. Hauser Bros. 302
Adeste Fideles ask to hear this
Christmas record. H. L. Stiff Fur
niture Co. 302
.1. H. Sngeman, dairyman and
David Boydson of Independ- milk vender of Silverton. was .in
once has been visiting at the town on business yesterday.
home of his son in law. W. F.
Campbell, at his home on North 21 Tailored overcoats $50. See the
street coatings at Mosher's.
The Biggest Christmas We Ever Had
Every Department is doing capacity business but why not? We've the Merchandise
What maltes a nicer, more
useful present than a piece of
Ivory; appreciated by all.
You will find our stock very
complete, and prices far lower
than you expect for this high
grade ivory.
From the business we
are doing you would
think every woman was
going to receive a Hand
Bag for Christmas.
When you see the beauti
ful and wonderful bags
we have you won't be
surprised they find a
ready sale.
Don't Forget the
Parker's Games will
please they amuse,
instruct and satisfy.
Our stock is yet fairly
complete, but going
fast. You must step
lively now with your
Christmas shopping.
Our Handkerchief booth is a bee hive of
activity. If its handkerchiefs, see us.
Tomorrow j UHEWll ,M.,M.,A, I
monaay rli, n im.m.ihw iihiwmiiiumim i h m tun r
, associated producers 7:30, 9:15 p. m.
IX UtJSUd,y f hoK H Ince Mack Sennett, Marshall Nei'-An, Allan Dawn,
George Loine Tucker, Maurice Tourneur, J. Parker Reid, Jr.
special (prodxtRiori I EEs
Thru Winding Walls
Fox News Pictorial