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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1920)
The Capital December 18, 1920 Orders ugar Buyers fo Pay Price nee. 18. Supreme T0rk'Cohalan today hand s''" ??. ,elling con- sugar cases .L..M .1 II ""I 1 ....ty two cents a W ... they had , a decision con ' -v-four in I for from Lamborn ut that price away the gravel from the road bed west of town and using it In the improvement of roads in the coun try.' Independence was well repre sented at Monmouth Sunday at the dedication, of the new Baptist church. Clyde Ecker is receiving a visit from his father this week. Mr. (Ecker, Sr., has been mining on the Santiam for some time. Mrs. Florence. Whiteaker, who has been employed as linotype operator in the Independence of fice for some time, has vacated her position. Miss Kreamer, a teacher In the Salem school, was here during the nurcn.i-" ' 01 ;,.t on its ar- week end to visit her parents, M I reiuseiHu Baltimoi'' i slumped I after the mar o less than ten 'School Charge Is Jury's Verdict - iittine in the Justice court hear the evi- f F. X. Morin, to send nis I n me -" I, ...nil failure f W . t l U-n,icrVil In amion, to ''V ' " , .. Iructed veruici 01 ! that uamwu "" " , which would make his at- ce at scnooi cvium.,. iependence Items Umlenee, Ore., uec. i..- Insent of tne ownei. v,.JUC ihe intertype wnicn nan ieed In the Polk county post al independence for several Was sold by the Intertype . .. it. A IVia mn. Iny ot roriuiuii bum as shipped 10 roruauu jco- Jjonsch, a recent arrival Fependence, pnrcnasea tne and one acre of land on 7th a few days ago and has tak- nession of the property, ihe TO consummated by Peter Mr. Kurre sold the place few months ago to Dave and this week turned it at a prom ror tne iormer lumber of Independence Odd- went to Dallas Monday to attend the Poly County kllows' ViBlting association H. Cherrington of Salem was Int on business yesterday, Sir. linpmi delivered a piano In lountry near here which he lust sold to -Air. Sparks. liners living near the old I. , railroad bed are hauling and Mrs. O. A. Kreamer. Dallas Dallas, Or., Dec. 18. After an absence of a year and a half, C. B. Sundberg has again taken up his duties as general manager of the Dallas, Indepndence, Monmouth and Kails City branch of the tele phone company. H. M. Richard son, former incumbent, has gone 10 Portland and will later go to Washington state, where he will have charge of a telephone ex change. Judge H. H. Belt went to Mc Minnville last evening to hold court there today. He will be in Portland on the bench next week and ex pects to be assigned a murder case without prejudice which will pet mit Mrs. DeSelm to begin action when the year of residence has expired. His Wife Beat Him. Tottenham, Eng., Dec. 18. man named Thorn had his seventy-four-year-old wife summoned for assault. He told the court she kept his clothes from him and when he tried to take them away she struck him with a chair. She was bound over to keep the peace. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Basket Ball Legue , Planned by Y Men' Organization has been Btarted by the basket bull committee of the Y. M. C. A. under rw F. L. Utter of the 1921 Commer-j uuu uasKet uall league. Registration for players has been opened and four or more teams Will he nr?nni,l TV,- i i business houses planning to have teams tare Hauser Bros., Anderson and Brown, Capital National bank and the United States National bank. Of the four teams planned at present the ooptains will be Ho mer Hulsey, Glenn Gregg. George Cadwell and Dr. Utter. Invitation has been extended by the commit tee for the young men of Salem to register If they wish to take up basket ball, and enough teams will be organized to care for those qualifying. The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Page Three" Labor Papers To Consolidate The plant, of the Pacific Coast Metal Trades Worker, a union trade publication, will be moved from Pan Francisco and publica tion of the paper continued from Salem in the near future, accord ing to W. R. McQuade. editor of the publication Who was in Salem Wednesday. McQuade expects to associate with himself I. v. Mc Adoo of this ctiy who recently at tempted the publication of the La bor Leader here. Road Aid Endorsed. Continuation of federal aid for highway construction in public land states was heartily endorsed by the American Association of State Highway officials in session at Washington, D. C, according to a teeerram received hv the Hmmh highway department here Thurs day, from Herbert S. Nunn, state highway engineer, who has been attending the meeting. Nunn left for home Thursday. Bids On State Supplies Opened The opening of bids for the semi annual supplies for the various state institutions under the juris diction ot the state board of con trol, Thursday, was attended by more than the udual spirit of rival ry', indicating, board of ' control members declared, a keener desire for new business than has been dis played at any time during the past few years. While it will require several days to check over the bids in order to arrive at any accurate comparisons with former prices, a general trend toward reductions was noticeable in most lines. This is especially true in the case of wool blankets which show a ma terial decline from their former high plane. The bids opened Thursday cover the needs of the state institutions in the line of gro ceries, clothing, drugs and miscel laneous supplies for the six months period from January 1 to June 30. 40,605,000 Acres of Winter Wheat Sown Is Report Washington, Dec. 17. The area' sown to winter wheat this fall is 40,605,000 acres, which is 2.8 per cent, less than the revised area own last fall. The condition of the crop on December 1 was 87.0 percent of normal, comrured with 85.2 a year ago, 98.5 on Decem ber 1, 1918. and 88.4 the ten year average on that date. Wilson Thanked Manila, P. I., Dec. 17. A joint resolution of thinks to President Wilson for his recommendation for Filipino independence express ed in his recent message to con gress, was adopted today by the sixteenth Philippine legislature. Kate Increase Granted. An increase in rates is granted to the Sheridan-Willamina Tele phone company of Sheridan and Willamina, in an order issued by the public service commission Thursday. Top the New Year With a new top for your auto. Surprise yourself with a fine new "topper" for that dandy new opr of yours or for the good reliable old model. One of our tops will make this year's car look like next year's model. Compare our tops for touring cars or closed cars with any you've seen in the big towns, and we'll get your order Hull's Top Shop Back of Y. M. C. A. corner nly Five More Days ho buy that Xmas present. Our Store is full of dependable Merchandise suitable for Xmas Gifts. Our prices as usual are the lowest. Easy Chair In Genuine Leather Tapestry and Cha se leather. On our floor you will find these Chairs priced from $19.85 and up. Our pact uri n A nxiT oVivsira nno nT trip finest. Hisnlavs of Electric Lamps, Fern Dishes, Baskets, Smoking Stands and Trays, Pyrx Glassware, Nut Bowls, Percolators and Picture irames ever displayed in Salem. ELECTRIC WEEPER-VAC WITH'MOTOR DRIVENBRUSH A Real Christmas Present iPId with Mlrf rt' "J"? e lever to cut off the brush if so desired. ne 1.350 revolutions Pr minute. Let us demonstrate. C. S. HAMILTON HOUSE FURNISHER kfes Representatives of Sherman Clay & Co. Pianos JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY SUNDAY VAUDEVILLE FOUR ACTS JOHNNY CLARK & CO. "Daring Prohibition" ALF GRANT Just Joy DAUBY & BROWN "Back Homo" LOU and GRACE HARVEY Popular Selections Tuesday BACK to GOD'S COUNTRY' Friday FOUR NEW ACTS Vaudeville's Greatest Offer ing. "Overseas Review." Com ing DEC. 26. Bligh Theatre George Taylor, probably the old eat resident of Benton county, cele bra tod his ninety third birthday In Corvnllis last week, where he has lived for 50 years. MAGNETOS All types and styles; GENERATORS, STARTING MOTORS, DIS TRIBUTORS, of all models and makes are repaird, cleaned, overhauled, rebuilt HERE at the least cost con sistent with Al workmanship and materials. Our AUTO ELECTRIC I SERVICE insures against trouble try it. R. D. BARTON, 171 S. Commercial St. The Bargain House ..... - . "- Of The Capital Junk Company Are Giving You Bargains YOU NEED THE GOODS WE NEED THE MONEY We have a nice assortment of Furniture. Also have a nice asort ment of Columbia Ranges, Occidental Ranges, Charter Oak, Crown Ranges and Heating Stoves. We have a complete line of Plumbing outfits such as bath tubs, sinks, lavatories, toilets. Also crockery, granite ware, aluminum ware, dishes, brooms, etc. Everything will be at an exceedingly low price. We can save you from 30 to 50 percent on everything. Come and see for yourself and be convinced. Satisfaction guaranteed. These bargains are good for the rest of the month. 215 CENTER STREET PHONE 398 -Capital Journal Want Ads Pay H Grand Opening M II VICK BROS. U mm . . -.-oMHBBMBM . -