Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 18, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    The Capital Journal, Sakm, Oregon
Saturda? 1
Bringing Up Father By George McManus
v vj ternaUon-M FeatuT,
Dallas Seeks
Free Delivery
Mail System
Dallas. Or.. Dec. 1? Among
th matters of importance brought
. up at the Commercial club meeting
last night was the discussion of the
free mail delivery service for D:il
a--'. me business turn of Dallas
arc Kiven the ODDortuntiy to voic
wmma sentiments in ragard to the
"" "enite. ana applications wtll
ne receivi-d ut the Commercial elm
.-, . ,.: .. ,retr man delivery
J. W. Wagner, of the Social Hy
' aociety of Porthind. spoke
before the club and plans erc
made for a meeting- to be held in
January, to which the men and
women of Dallas will be giv en i h
Wrtvilege of attending. The affr
oon session will be given for the
women and girls of Dallas, while
the evening meeting will be for
men only.
Delegates to the meeting of the
state chamber of commerce in
Portland, which will be held De
rem her 27 and 28 were chosen, anj
',H. A. Joslin. president of the club,
and Mrs Robert Sachtler. secretary
were named to attend the meeting.
The advisability of purthasjeg a
fire apparatus was also discussed
hut nothing definite was decided
uon at the meeting, and ifr will
H taken up at another time.
On January 4th, the annual g-t
together meeting anil election of
officers will hi- hi Id, and it is th
plan of the membership commute,
of the club to hai all the mem
hers In attendance.
"" j ' "Tl i'T '0
' 1 "IU1I
Christmas season. A son, olaf, atter part of the week, enroute home
,32 " lNrL
i 8. Mr,
H Jefferson. Or., Dec.
lioseh was in Portland oi
this week.
':- Mrs. IMji'dy and Miss Ptndy who
Mve out on the Albany road some
IE mile and a half were in the city on
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Worrell of
t Albany wi rp .Jefferson visitors last
Sunday at the home of A. B Ulna.
Mr. Worrell has been connected
1 with the Albany poctofficc for the
past twenty-two years.
Mis Myrtle Stevenson Is out
. again following an Illness of several
lira. Aiattie Christiansen expcciR
next week her daughter, Mrs.
Si-hull, of Portland, with her hus
1 liaiid who will visit her for the
Life's shadowK lenjrth
en. Twilight is at hand
and man's senses falter.
Cottage Grove will also return
home for the Yuletide period.
Mrs. I.. French of this city, now
visiting at Brant Pass, is enjoying
her visit in the southern city but
may return to her home town be
fore the winter is over ir. stead of
remaining the full s itson in the
raining country.
Mr. HuWUon or Salem was a
Jefferson visitor during the week.
The basket social at the school
building was well attended on Fri
day night.
Over 160 Masons were here on
Wednesday nifrhl from out of town
Business men report that the
Christmas trade is now being felt
in commercial lines and the out
look is good for this section from
the trade standpoint, the stores
showing well selected stocks for
the special season.
The women's Christmas sale held
Wednesday in a building down
town was well patronized by towns
folk and by those of out of town
sections. It was held by the wom
en of the M. E- church, who report
results beyond their expectations.
Rev. Mr Hertzog of Salem was a
visitor here onen Ight during the
week, preaching at the Methodist
cnurcn. lie was entertained at the
.Mien home south of town.
Miss Blate Powell has resigned
her school near Scio on account of
Poor health.
from Dallas. He was traveling in
his car and was held up here some
time on account of the high water
in the Luckiamute river.
A feature of the Christmas en
tertainment staged by the Normal
students Wednesday night was an
Illustration of the starving children
of Central Europe. At thus meet
ing considerable money was raised
to be used in comforting the suf
ferers. The Misses Allison French and
May Johnson gave a birthday par
ty Monday evening and the even-
and it may lead to one or more ar-
Two young men who went
to Independence a few nights aro
are said to have been brought
home uncenscious.
Mrs. Claude Stevenson vinlted the Perhaps after they have watteo
primary room . riday afternoon. I through mire for two more years
IRg was happily spent by the sev- The committee has cince inter-
eral guests present. An interesting viewed farmers in that vicinity on
feature of the party was a dinner the subject and it is learned that
prepared by the young ladles. j they are not only willing, but anx-'
James Goodman, who has been ious to get the road through in j
working at Tillamook for several that direction. A meeting of the'
months, is visiting home folks and club was held yesterday afternoon
will remain until after the holidays, to make arrangements to survey;
T. T. Parker moved his family the proposed road, and it is be-'
here from Atrlie this week and Is lleved that the right of wav will
living in the k'urre house on Mon- obtained and the road built within
a short time. It will mean a great
convenience to farmers in that
Linn vounty people will realize
Old Rc.-idcnt hwsl other counties have already done,
Independence, Ore.. Dec. 18. that they cannot have good roads
Mrs. W. X. O Kelly die 1 at her I Without paying for them. Albany
At a recent meeting of the Mon- home near Independence Wed tie-'
mouth Commercial club the que- day niht- aBeU 00 vears- Mr
. O'Kelly had been sick for several
tion of a road west of town was montns she . ,s bur,.d , 0 0.
discussed at some length. Oh- p. cemetery south of town yester-
way to the north of the Fisback day afternoon. Mrs. O'Keliy had
stacles, it was reported, had been been a resident of Polk county
met in the plan to get a right of since a young girl.
hill and a committee was appoint- ,
ed to investigate the advisability of JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT
building a road south of the hill. '
Trunks, Bags, Suit
Music Rolls and Brief CVtses, a
Call at 404 Ferry Street
Phone 1177 Salem,
A satisfied customer return
Rowland Ptp. C
Phone 1611, over Pttoo Blr u-
Starts Tomorrow
Monmouth News
mouth street.
Mr. I. J. Warren, who has been
living in Monmouth for some little
time, left yesterday for California;
where she expects to remain
On account of the high water in!
I the Luckiamute river the fore ,
part of the week the creamery
i truck was unable to get out in I
that country after milk.
Rev. Rossell and family have'
arrived in Monmouth from The
Dalles. Rev. Rossell has been em-j
ployed as pastor of the Christian
ohurch In Monmouth.
Messrs. Ostrander & Bush, who I
Nature, calling
help, must be heeded,
or happiness is threat
ened. -Particularly true is
this of the sense of
sight, most important
of all to human comfort.
When eyes grow dim,
optical science must
come to their rescue.
Supplementary lenses
expertly Kround o f
glas.- and skillfully ap
plied, must reinforce
those provided by na
ture. -We have devoted (he
last 18 years to pre
scribing and fitting
glasses. We ought to
know how. Our pati
ents will tell you that
wo do know how.
1 Morris & Keene
Optical Co.
Eyesight Specialists
ROOMS Ml.g i
Bank of Commerce Bldg.
under :
Monmouth, Ore., Dec. 17. Fred
rick Wardo, a leading character in
standard and classic drama for a
I half century, spoke to a large audi
ence in the Normal school audi
torium Thursday night, using for changed
... njct ., rmy iears or .Make i from "The Norm" to
..e,iee. j ne lecture was highly i Theatre." The first show
; euieriaimng, and said to have been : the new
j "ne of the best over delivered In
j 'hjit room.
K. H. Lawrence has recently sold
Ills store building in Monmouth
occupied by the Monmouth Hard
ware company. .1. K. Vaught of
Fairfield, Iduho, Is the new owner.
Mr. Lawrence takes a farm in the
. onsldeiHtion. Mr. Vaught is in
the city trying to dispose of the
Mr. Walter, a nephew of Mrs. J.
F. Smith, has been here on a visit
at n latter s noma. te nvtiM , ,
ucie oi iiie niiniKll.
is ti sheriff of Kansas and is in J. E. Wenger was in Portland on
Oregon on his way home from business several davs this week
Canada where he went after a it is said that moonshine has
man wanted In his home county been delivered in Monmouth from
ror embezzlement. He was here Independence in large
waiting the arrival of extradition of late, both in bottle and in per-
Pa!'.r' son- The tjr recorder has evi-
, . r"1 a'ld' rtB0,Pl of the donee in his office of what is said
"cnooi, was in town the lat- to be th
Liberty. Or., Dec. 18. Mr. Anna
Winter of Wenona. Iowa, is visit
ing 'her daughter, Mrs. James
Chester Dencer's have moved to
Caroline and Frances Hrubetz
are home from Berkeley, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. Bear of Mountain
Lake. Minn., are visiting P. C.
TV,,. T I Vu,,n v.n-,.1 ..1 1 ,
-e,...nlle ,,.,r.l..i.oil ,h .1 F' a lew
. ' , . . ,, i selections for the Artisans who
ture equipment in Monmouth, have h.1H ,.,. Zrfi!? V
the name of the theatre j night. They had a delightful tiro-
the Star t ,M fri of mni nnrl renrtinTu .'l,il.
was followed by refreshments.
management was given Leonard Kmnn arrive. l r,.n,
Tuesday night. Wri"tchie, Wash., and is visiting rel
Mr. Will of Salem was In the atives in Liberty. He expo!s to
city a few days ago looking after remain here for the winter
the property interests of his broth
er. Ceo. Will; with a view of sell
ing the house and lot here.
Ci. W. Chesebro left yesterday
for The Dalles where he will re
main until after the holidays visit
ing friends.
Miss Brookhart of McMinnvllle.
has been visiting friends at the
Norma) this week. She is a grad-
Harold Zosel spent the weeK-end
in Portland.
Mrs. Chestnut of Portland i vis
iting friends in Liberty this week.
C. W. McLoughlin of Cv:ird.
N'eb., is visiting his daughter, afr
W. H. Nevens and expects to spend
the wlnter here.
Mrs. Earlett of Poel. Wvo is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Haden I
Patterson of Salem.
can UIMOn has removed Lis
yard fence and several fir tre-?s.
William Westenhouse has a cre.v
working on the road between here
and Salem Heights.
The Liberty school children
cleaned their playgrounds Prid.iv
Charlotte Schmidt of u,rl.
product visited school Friday.
SHU,. Ml Sfc . Xa&TrH I CtSBB ' n f fiKK
mm madnw mzw
jjm'M bCGardnerSiiliivari BiiBr A
TiwiiWi iiFTrr iiiiiM urn mi mtwiti iTmr
Bigger and Better than "Sex"
Our Comedy-"Watch Your Husband" 2 Reel Comiclassic
I? E
1 1 141 1 J
- -7,'?i
Ce back on your job bv
using Dr. Bell's Pine-
Tar -Honey
NOBODY Iik to be around a
pertun suffering from a heavy
cold. It expo! thtm nctdlrst-tf-
You can talr care of your job ami
sarp buiineti and aocial cncacemrnti
eJsMtlv after you b sja mini; I)i Brli's
earn ar-tionry. ror I u pronii i in
Mniag Nature epl pha-cin, al!j
aaflainsaation, rate hrrathinf, and
4nve away irritating coughi
Ue it give it to the kiddies. Don't
saaTer a minute lonerr than you havr to.
sac ingredient. s used in Di. 1--11
jPast Tar-Honey are hiehlv benehcial
aa sraaioting the relief cold-aiaTrreri
sacs. Safe and rconomiral.
At ad driigguti. 30r , V . $1.20
LJllPU dNf
ferCovixs and
Oamr Ymmr Co
sen. mom and o
Anyone may give a diamond this vear. We have a most
wonderful display in all sizes, but in qualitv all are the
same Perfect. '
Do not think a diamond is beyond vour mean see
display and let us show you how you can secure one of r'
wauutui stones THE PERFECT GIFT.
w ' r j Art 1 'w
ecure one of these
is will never be priced lower than 11 nil-
lwts trom all sources indicate they will go much higher.
Salem, Oregon
We Are .
To 20 of the most needy
families in this commun
ity with a Xmas cheer
ABMT is in to judge
and j ick out the 20
families. Phone or write
10 mm ot any
tions you hare.
The most fea
fragrant and he
powder perfumes 1
; skm. Antiseptic,!
'lactic, deodorizing!
reiresning, it is aal, skin, baby and j
ng powder. It
.j i -
anu UW1S, is con
and economical
takes the place of c
perfumes for tie
Splendid after
with Cuticura Soap,
- grains sufficient
i Pjftfn.andt 'jt!curaTalri!iDMi
penume, r romweand miatans
f7. pknrnmfnrtaivl'itmtiMlt'ii.
lalldaeMeffigtofail Fv.rws
barr.plefaCEtreebyniail. Ailcrrs
unmet,. Ptpt U lbUa,a
.th. luticuraoapiittvtgv
For Bargi
of all kinds, such s I
ture, stoves, ranges,
chiner)', of all kinds seal
Capitol Junk &
215 Center. Pbouel
Luggage and
All new and ae
179 N. ComT
w. w. mon
Horn of Tl
,-,n!i ros m
you wi zMnnmwt i
mi i o.VO Daa-H
Valley Trot
nOOVl 1
rt any
eVsiiiaaasailiM aSat tin iln
Bmrrxr see taaar. Aar snasaait.
Eczema Ointment
Oi- Bsar
nrHl i