Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 18, 1920, Page Page Ten, Image 10

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    rc Ten
apit;il Journal. Salem. Oregon
Expenditures on State Highways
For 1 91 9-20 Total $21 ,548,652
A total of I21.54S.652.28 was
-expended In state highway con
struction. Including forest road
projects, during 1919-1920, accord
ing to a gummary just prepared by
he state highway department here
-According to the summary there
have been completed in the two
year period 347.2 miles of paving,
369 miles of macadam and 761.4
miles of grading.
Contracts awarded during the
fciennlum totalled 34,419.35 miles
of grading, 638.41 miles of macad
m and 1000.57 miles of grading
wt an aggregate estimated cost of
428,479,980.94, divided into 26 pro
jects as follows:
Pacific highway 140.65 miles
paving, 89.17 miles macadam,
133.89 miles grading, $7,022,041.03.
Columbia River highway 106.78
miles paving, 147.82 miles ma
cadam, 173. 25 miles grading, $J,-
"West Side Pacific highway
51.26 miles paving, 18.84 miles
macadam, 46.53 miles grading, $1,
989,842.42. Salem-Dallas highway 13.07
miles paving, 13.07 miles grading,
McMinnville-TIIlamook highway
si miles paving, 31.69 miles macad
am. 25.34 miles grading, $765,20''.
John Day River highway 5 . V 2
miles macadam. S3. 18 miles frail
nit;, $1,606,896.97.
La Grande-Knterprlse highway
17.75 miles grading, $222,611.28.
Tualatin highway 31.95 miles
paving, 6.75 miles macadam, 21.2!)
miles grading, $841,921.46.
Ashland-Klamath Falls highway
5.91 miles macadam, 18.80 miles
grading. $318,000.
Coos Bay-Roseburg highway
14.17 miles grading, $390,500.
La Plni-Lakevlew highway-
12.87 miles macadam, 12.87 miles
grading, $154,000.
Oregon-VVashinglon highway
Sfl. 7 miles paving, 10.48 miles ma
cadam, 30.48 miles grading, $1,
070,625.99. Old Oregon Trail highway 6. SO
miles paving, 41.71 miles macadam
42.05 miles grading, $891,342.48.
Raker - Cornucopia highway
18.05 miles macadam, 27.86 miles!
Kradlng, $336,631.77. i
Crooked River highway 31.99
miles grading, $331,500.
McKenzie River highway 35.10
miles macadam, 65.98 miles grad
ing, $888,045.
Crater Lake highway 7 miles
macadam, 39.55 miles grading,
Flora-Enterprise highway 6
miles macadam, 13 miles grading,
Coast highway 32.01 miles pav
ing, 23.61 miles macadam, 23.79
miles grading, $1,713,385.61.
Corvallis - Newport highway
8,86 miles macadam, 9.30 miles
grading, $165,042.63.
Mt. Hood Loop highway 14.40
miles grading, $200,000.
Grants Pass-Crescent City high
way 2.40 miles macadam, 2.40
miles grading, $75,300.
Central Oregon highway 27 18
miles macadam, 27.19 miles grad
ing, $411,000.
Klamath Falls-Lakevlew high
way 13.91 miles macadam, 13.91
miles grading, $166,000.
The Dalles-California highway
2 miles paving, 78.34 miles ma
cadam, 74.95 miles grading, $1,
008,576.09. Willamette Valley-Florence high
way 11.29 miles grading, $134,
000. -
County roads $48,000.
Editor Praises
Oregon Weather
There is no special virtue in
sidestepping the fact that it rains
occasionally in Oregon, according
to a recent editorial appearing in
the Eugene Register.
In fact, the Register is inclined
to think that the name "Mistland"
chosen by the Oregon Growers Co
operative Association to advertise
Oregon fruits and berries and
especially prunes, is most proper.
Editorially the Register says:
"The finalities that make Oregon
fruit especially desirable are the
direct results of the Oregon cli
mate. Its richness of flavor and its
beauty of appearance are com
pounded out of the mild, misty
winters and the brilliantly sunny
summers that are characteristic of
Oregon, and the part that is played
by the Oregon mists In this alch
emy of nature is fully as Important
as the part that is played by the
"The sun is the ripener. It paints
the crimson glories of the Spltzen
berg apple and the du'.ry blue
black of the prune. It touches th
loganberry with its hue of purple
and flushes the red cheek of the
Royal Anne cherry.
"But it is the Oregon mist, with
its assurance of abundant 'mois
ture in the soil and proper humid
ity in the air, that gives to gorge
ously colored apple and prune, ber
ry and cherry, the juiciness and
flavor that makes of them the de
lights to the palate that they are."
O. A. C. Passes
Buck On Querry
Asked by Farmer
Frank Barnett the Burner farm
er is quite indignant at the lack of
co-operation extended by the O. A.
C. to farmers. He sent them some
samples of material he proposed
to use as a fertilizer and asked as
to Its value and suitability and has
been referred to a private chemist
to find out at his own expense
The reply of the O. A. C. follows.
"Mr. Frank Barnett, Burner,
Oregon. Dear Sir: You letter of
December 10 addressed to O. A. C.
has been referred to this depart
ment for attention.
"For the- analysis and valuation
of the material in question we ore
obliged to refer you to a commer
cial chemist, Mr. E. P. Harding,
602 Worcester building, Portland,
Oregon, doubtless will do whatever
analytical work you desire at a
reasonable charge. I would :up
gest, however, that you inform him
as to the nature of each particular
sample. He naturally would want
to know their origin and any use
that is being made of them at the
present time. Information of that
kind would help him to reach some
conclusion In placing a value on
whatever ingredients he might find
contained in the sample.
"Yours very truly,
"Department of Agricultural Che.n
Wholesale and Retail Distributors VIM
We buy direct from VIM Manufactures;
there is no jobbers' profit added to the price
of VIM to the consumer. Direct buying en
ables us to sell you the best Flour at 20c a
sack less.
Buena Vista Briefs
Buena Vista, Ore., Dec. 18. Guy
Prather, a student at the Ellison
White conservatory of music in
Portland, arrived in town yester
day and will remain with his par
ents until after the holidays.
Mrs. E. E. Cole of Monmouth
was visiting with her sister, Mrs.
N. C. Anderson several days this
Mrs. Gladys Reynolds, who is
teaching school at Albany arrived
yesterday and will spend the week
end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Reynolds.
The series of revival meetings
held here for some time will close
Sunday night. The meetings have
been in charge of Rev. Ebert.
No school was held here during
the latter part of the week as the
teachers were absent, attending
the examination in Dallas.
Case Is Continued
Till December 28
The trial of George Aschenbren
ner, charged with rape, was not
held yesterday afternoon in the
justice court as scheduled. The
case was continued by Judge G. F.
Unruh until Tuesday, December 28.
John Aschenbrenner, son of
George Aschenbrenner, is the
private prosecutor. A jury recent
ly disagreed in a case in which the
father was charged with assault
and battery.
Dallas Knights
Entertain Wives
at Special Meet
Dallas, Ore., Dec. 18. -The en
tertainment given at the K. of P.
hall last evening by the local
Knights for the purpose of enter
taining their wives and celebrating
the arrival of the Pilgrim Fathers
in America was attended about by
about 75 Knights and their ladies.
One of the charter members, John
Ford, who has been a member of
the K. of P. for more than 25
years, presided at the meeting.
The entertainment was opened
by singing "America" followed by
a quartette that sang "Pilgrim
Fathers." Several musical num
bers were rendered later in the
The principal address was given
by Glen O. Holman who dwelt
forcibly upon the teachings and
conduct of the Pilgrim Fathers
and particularly endeavoring to
show that the Pilgrim Fathers who
came here preaching freedom in
the worship of God were in reality
persecutors, as they were radically
insistent upon the religious ideals
of their particular creed being pre
dominant. A banquet was served to those
people present after which some
of the older members were called
upon to give some funny stunts
among which was sung "Johnny
Smoker" by A. V. R. Snyder and
"The Baptist Sermon" by Glen O.
This is the first entertainment
the Knights have given thus far
for their wives and friends and it
is expected that they will be 'con
ducted in the future three or four
'times annually.
Ohio Football
Eleven Starts
For Pasadena
Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 18. Twenty-three
members of the Ohio State
University football squad, unde
feated champions of the western
conference, left this morning for
where they will
meet the University of California
eleven New Year's day. in addi
tion to the team and its corps of
poaches, trainers and camp follow
ers, half a hundred rooters were
aboard the special train whtcli is
scheduled to land the Buckeyes on
the scene of combat next Friday.
Two practice sessions are sched
uled en route at Denver, Decem
ber 20 and Palto Alto, Cal., Decem
ber 23 and several shorter stop
overs will be made at points where
alumni have arranged receptions
for the party.
The Buckeyes finished their
daily practice schedule yesterday
with a light workout on a snow
covered field. Coach Wilce an
nounced that recovery of several
men from slight injuries would
mean mat an regulars
ivuuiu ue in acuon at Pasadena, in
cluding "Pete" Stinchcomb, all.
American halfback, "Hoge" Work
man, quarterback, and other stars.
Janitors to Lose
Homes If Strike
Voted Is Called
Chicago, Dec. 18. The Chicago
Real Estate Board hn 1 1. ,. . , .
. . - . . - it l : i l , .1
the five thousand :mrim,. k
janitors who have voted to strike
January ist ror a wage increase of
$1 a flat with eviction from their
living quarters In the ov.Mit nt
strike. Apartmtnts are at aoiemi
um in Chicago.
Clear Baby's Skin
With Cuticura
Soap and Talcum
RmD,Otntmtnt.Tlfwm.2Bfl.e(7w!w Foraampltii
S. C. STONE, M. D.
and does a general office practice.
Office Tyler's Drug Store
157 South Commercial Street
Only 'a value sufficiently above the average to be realy notable can ac
count for the preference motor car buyers show for the Nash Six.
Compare it with 'others ; compare the power of its perfected valve-in-head
motor, its roominess and comfort, and the really exceptional beauty
of its design and finish-
And then compare its price.
Touring Car $1695. Roadster $1695. Sport $1850.
Coupe $2650. Sedan $2895, f. o. b Kenosha.
Cord Tires are standard equipment.
Salem Nash Company
237 State Street
p08ltlvo Proof
that he is &i!4
10 ure tubercu.
'0"ta y inhal4l
m y eii.
mate. sv. .
- - mr
'ner information
id dress
mnalent Com
Originated by
Get the OmicMM
Fresh, full-cream milk and the otw
lected malted grain, reduced to
The Food-Drink for All A.
Used successfully for over lceotJ
pv superior io iea, coffee, e
A quick lunch readilv
Invigorating, Nourishing, Delid
Ask for Hr-irlirlr'e at All n.
- , nll r0r,nU)D
Preoared in a moment hv hricVi,,
hot or cold water. Keep at home or 3S
" Uifl
thus Avoiding Imitation,
vitlV i
Write lor tree sample to HotUck's, Dept B, Racine, Win
The Old Reliable
Round Package
To decide upon a lovely handbag will be one of I
wisest things you can do, for what girl can resist I
charm of a new and attractive recticule!
Our assortment of beaded handbags are direct
portations from the best French and American maken
In all styles of bags we have an extensive lot for you!
choose from.
Vanity Cases $2.79 $7.5j
Beaded Bags J5.97-IZU
Hnvolnnp Pnrsps - 74t 5.8
Leather Hand Bags - $1.4M12
Children's Bags 36t-
There are but a few days remaining in which i
choose your gifts.
'Where the PAY AS YOU GO plan simplifies ChAta
Some We
Rolled Oats
Ground Oats
Ground Barley
Rolled Barley
Ground Corn
Cracked Corn
Ground Screen
ings Scratchfeed
Mill Run
Short Middlings
BECAUSE we buy our feed
grown near Salem, no freight.
BECAUSE we manufacture
our feed in Salem with Salem
BECAUSE our feed is sold at
Salem manufactured prices.
BECAUSE there is no freight
or jobbers profits to be added.
BECAUSE we sell for cash
f. o. b. mill.
Some We
Milo Maze
Oat Groats
Oil Meal
Beef Scraps
Egg Mash
Alfalfa Meal
Hog Fatener
Cherry City Milling Co.
refund your money and you keep the flour.
If you don't find VIM to be better we will
Blouses of Exquisite Charm!
Why not let an attractive blouse solve
one i. nristmas uui i team
We have an assortment of new blouse u
every imaginable style ana
tailored models.
Blouses of . $3.98-
Crepe de Chine, priced at jajM
Georgette Crepe pncea ai - j7 48-4'1
Combinations priced at
1. &wi$
Ml m Ji CA JSjxt ion -n ide
no afto-H
"Th Pay As You Go piau
Christmas Bills