Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 17, 1920, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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ucn uuwruon
' three Insertions, 5 cents;
a w ... 'r. Der month. 12
aw' "'nimum per ui, 25 cents.
,';ruon only in New To-
lirVr' a ill. cash in advance,
?' nr taken over phone, unless
KL. his monthly account.
f oilVwasce for pnone errors
X"LJ -- SZw
,;L To
buy stump puller.
KT5ALE t or
Christmas trees
3Ec .
wi n room
Court St.
$7, meals
;.Ku" sweet cider. Cumnttnga,
r.4i j
Fob bale-
-l new wool mattress
1 Saginaw.
SnLLY vv'fh berries at City View
ceni-'" i'hone 1266 or 601.
. C.
or Grafanola
tt be a bargain.
C. Kussell. i303
5 room modern bun
tu car. 820 S. 14th
js-aiunlhs old pigs;
VI. Miller, Bt. 8, box
ModeK$ 6 room bun
ding city Dec. 27. Act
I 386 X. 18th St. a3U
p-oi'.n v
JSpon-l $1.
li gu "i
ground, qarbon re
iO; .absolute satisfae
iteed. I'hone 487. 301
$1 each.
I. R.
June pul
Kairinoujit, 301
Itjui e i -Qi.
5HHISTMA3 turkeys and Christ
mas trees, tit Cherry City Poul
try market. 544 Perry St.'c306
LudwiK upright pl
irst ckuu condition.
SW. ... S01
: and harness for
li Phone- Oll'L'l.
R Q (Or sale including
- meJ n-rilieable rang.-,
three months. 175 S. Cot
301 FOK f-ALK
Good horse,
: put him. U
x 231
.aunt. Garden road.
: 303
er female pup, four
white and liver spot
Liberty, E. W. J.ttnes.
Ford touring cur.
1916 model or 1920
. Phore 1IS07J, K. C.
trden road. C302 btifciness loc:i
tr..t. Prefer
A.idress box 46 care
- n
r mules, tntan, harness
' n for sale, $175 if tak
ediateljf. Farmers, Feed
ly 4 room house for
mount down in.l
e rent. Price $100i
a 3 0 3
8, demountable
good rubber,
painted, $680,
car Journal.
the owner does not want
in 6 percent and have
' 10 Py for Ihem.
E ind Waring, 341 State
c SO 3
IANGB for city proper
ii res, !i acres berries, on
road a short distance
ty. See RodOliff and War
1 State St. n303
ty, 12
lIAIitJ fin acres 6i miles
Salem, Will trade for Sa
or California property, nttv
r country. Laflar & Laflar. 406
7 Oregon bids. ki
value, 1s .
cse to car and mve.l
lieving, clot
street, f 150
ftreit $300,
each, one on pnved
paving paid, terms.
Pusicks State and
Brown, ov
i lal
Foil an Xi
chain rnai
First c!,is
as gift have e watcn
e from a friends hoir
hair tork made to
ne Mrs. A. U. Bond.
tl, will call with snm-
several properties to ex
and farm. What
' r with US. If vol!
Od citv nmnawa ...
reason r b
price list with tis.
nd Waring 341 State
Six rooi
fin? fru
ityie, 1 1
Pay for
with bath, gas.
cement walks.
garage, bouse old
'cated on Marlon street
14th and lath streets,
it on installments, it is
at ) torgaja. Radcliff
ring. 141 State St. a303
an 4 n
..ii -xo rent a snvill place
n country close to Salem, would
II priced right with terms.
r.v " trade a good grocery
I j00' 'Vl"nery store In ,Port
nf on equipment on good
J""' ' 1- ise. Address Oro
eer, 24m P.ussell St.. Portland.
a this unless you want
one half your tire ex--u'
lopruf Tire cost less
- much per jnile ns
ure. No blowout
for women drivers
Skfly no trouble,
at Vew Park store
For Sale Houses
SALE On easy terms, two
nev. ,;. r,est buy , Sa
'" Pho te 2024J
I m : ' I n with garage and
large cheap or cheaper, ac-coroi:-
the cash down, the
recr the payment the lower
me i- e. Investors and specu
lators ee on this. Wm. FhmUn
Jeff s there like a Duck
r nn' isa .-TT I Hi ad
Rra A S'.uDi-'
for bchool
Phone V-F
htiaw, l!
DON"? v
to save
pen'. -. Xi
AIL.. ."
No punct
The tire
"..- s re
See thum
Pli, n - 9
I 1.1 SLV
FOK SALE 7 room modern bun
galow, rurnace, fireplace, gar
age, five blocks from post of
fice, cast front, lare lot. Price
6300. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn
. 275 State St. Tel. r, 15. a301
6 ROOM hungalow close in. mod
ern at J4800. 8 room house on
paved street 14800, close in.
wvettu larms foi trade for
iiuuies in saiem. Gertrude J. M.
IVtge, 492 N. Cottage, phone
1 186. n
SALE 6 room rninenlnw
conveniences. near
school, one half block from pav
ing on gravel street, one half
oiock rrom street
school. Price J3000
car, near
B room bungalow, lights, bath,
garage. Price 2400. Mrs. Win
nie Pettyjohn, 275 State St. Tel.
jIj- -ism
i-OIl SALE 6 room Colonial
house, best location, furnace,
fireplace, sleeping porch, old
ivory finish, new and In excel
lent condition, all built in fea
tures. Price Jtlaoo.
6 room bungalow, corner lot,
furnace, fireplace, dutch kitch
en, newly painted and tinted.
Price J4200, good terms. Mrs.
Winnie Pettyjohn, 275 State St.
Tel. 515. a301
GOOD buy, ii room, Uirge lot,
lights, bath, city water, paved
street, (not far out.) Immedi
ate possession, $2 250, reason
able payment down. II. B.
Brown, over Bualck'l store,
State nnd Commercial. a303
BIG lots, small house, several
fruit trees, on car line find pav
ed street 1000.260 down balance
to suit. V. it. Putnam, 209 Ore
gon bldg. a
UOOAl modern house except
basement, good condition, com
fortable home, 1 block from
State street; move right in.
Price $1900, terms. Barber 4i
Pearson, ini Cray bldg. a
GOOD buy. 7 rooms,, bath, lights,
City water, large lot, one block
from car line. $2500, with $800
cash. H. E. Brown, over Uusicks
store, State and Commercial.
PRICED right, 5 rouni plastered,
(modem) with basement, fur
nace, wood lift, close to qar,
$2700, $1200 cash, balance
terms. II. E, Brown, over Bu
siek's store, State and Com
mercial. a303
liO.VIE for sale, 5 room 00ttaff0,
basement, city water, good paint
2 lots, 50 good fruit, trees, grapes
garden room, 2 large maple
trees in parking, shrubs and
flowers. On good street one
block to pavement, close to
school and church. 1895 North
Church street, phone 1565U.
JUSi' listed, 5 room, lights, bath,
hot and cold water, over two
lots,, garage, close to car, $2500,
with $5 00 down, balance $25 pel
month, with interest. H. E.
Brown, over Busick's corner
State and Commercial. a303
FOR SALE Or rent by owner, 7
room cottage at 1269 Fir street,
modern except furnace, large
porches, wood shed, garage,
barn, chicken house, well and
2 lots, variety of fruit trees and
berries. 2 blocks from car line.
Price $4800. Phone 596J. ft302
4 rooms close in, block to
car and paved sueei, ureei uia
ofidamlied in front of house, $150
cash, $25 per month.
Room 29 cor. State an j Commer
cial, over Busick s- n
For Sale Farms
lALlFOKNIA 5 acre! for sale or
trade in city limits, good house.
2 acres oranges, 2 peaches.
Price $7500. Want cheap Ore
gon or Washington land, pre
fer land With some improve
ments. Owner. A. ii. Shirley, lit.
1 rinlarln Pill b305
30 ACRES, part good river bot
tom, 20 acres unuer ruiuwiuun,
balance oak limber, 1 acre of
orchard and a lot of snvill fruits
3 barns and house, only iVi
miles from Salem on a good
road: this is a good buy at
$125 per acre on terms. V. R.
Putnam, 209 Oregon bldg. P
10 ACRES near city limits, almost
level, good soil, all cleared; just
the thing for logans. Priced for
a bet-gain, $1 200 down. Barber
& Pearson, 200 Gray bldg, near
Com. club. "
ACRE improved place 2 miles
from Salem. .". room house, barn
chicken house 18x60, other out
buildings, orchard and small
fruit, good soil; a bargain at $3.
300 terms. V. It. Putnam, 209
Oregon bid
5 ACRES 1 mile ot Salem, duo 11.
off pavement on a gravel road,
good barn and other out build
ings: lumber enough to build a
good 5 room cottage to founda
tion tilreadv laid; this is a dandy
investment for a man that under
stands building. Only $200. $60
cash, balance to suit to right
partv. V. R. Putnam. 209 Ore-
gon bldg.
20 Vi ACRES 3' miles ot saiem.
15 acres cultivated, wood enough
if cut and delivered in Salem, to
half pay for it. will trade for
Salem property. Migee. room .9
corner State and Commercial
nver ousiok
-: - 77. Vjacif ic
A 6 AC III-; iraci uaun j
i,i.i,v exceptionally good
soil, only $1000. 1. K
209 Oregon bldg.
with the "are Harum
rnc foeT oivn-T
I .1 1
A RLRAL HOME, three miles ol
saiem consisting of 5 acres of
the very best of soil, perfect
drairwge, fronting on a good
road, will be hard surface in the
spring; Improvements consist
ot a good 6 room house with
, featur. good garage,
good bam 3 good chicken hous
es, and other out buildings, wov-
.e iences, 21 fruit trees
good condition and small fruit
Owner gives with the place for sue 1 norse, ,1 good
Jersey cow, 100 laying hens,
tools and equipment; good
terms and no leasonable offer
refused. V. R. Putnam, 209 Ore
gon bldg.
For Sale Miscellaneous
SALE Christina 1 otIbm
Call 5F3, J. C. Savage. c302
FOB SALE Hoosier cabinet, good
as new, $35; also reed baby cart
cheap for cash. 340 Division,
basement rooms. c.305
PHONE 1327 for Xmas trees and
C .11 i.-tmaa decorations. m305
VLE Empire cream sepa
rator, No. 1 B, good condition.
Phone 21F31. ios
I-OR SALE Furniture, front room
chairs, bedroom set, heating
stove, buffet nnd some other
goods. Call evening, C53 N
Front. ,
FOB SALE Drag saw, 95 percent
new, cheap for cash. Sawyer &
Emmett. room 3, Bayne bldg.
1-UK SALE Furniture, from room
chairs, bed room set, heating
stove, buffet and some other
goods. Call evening, 653 N.
Front. .
FOK SALE Indian Runner ducks
Rt. s. Saiem, Ceo. Ector. f301
PIANO for sale, high grade piano,
like new, for sale at real sacri
fice. Phone 1702 evenings. c
1 un &AL1'. used piano, good con
dttlon, cheap if sold at once.
Phone 540. c3oi
BRUNSWICK for sale. $260 ma
hogany Brunswick, in perfect
condition with late records. A
bargain. Phone 1702 evenings.
1 L'SED Vtetrola in perfect condi
tion, and $20 worth of records,
for sale cheap. Phone 1878 eve
nings or street address 258 N.
Cottage. o'
rou bALL Apples box 75c; po
tatoes Burbunks. 100 lbs. $1.25.
040 N. 20th St. c301
'OR SALE Furniture, from room
chairs, bedroom set, heating
stove, buffet end some other
goods. Call evening, 653 N.
Front. c
rine permanent building locat
ed in the center of the business
district. Nearly new. Price $6500
or will trade for good property in
or near Salem or for grocery, to
equal value.
169 State St. Ground floor. n
STAR piano in walnut 010 lor
sale, looks like new, bnt less
than ij piice of new one. This
is a genuine bargain. Tne Wi
ley E. Allen Co., 519 Court St.
' 501
FOR SALE Christmas
Economy Grocery.
FOR SALE Acetylene light plant
cheap. L. C. Hubbard, state
prison plant, can be seen at
Capital Junk Co. c303
GOAT meat for sale at 6c a pound
delivered Saturday, Phone 33F25
FOR SALE White Leghorn pul
lets, laying; will sell or trade
Barred Rock and White Leg
horn cockerels. Rt. 6, box 146
FOR SALE Cows and potatoes.
Call 86F22. e316
FOR SALE Oats and vetch hay
on good paved rood 8 miles east
of Salem. Milo Wilcox, Salem,
Or., Rt. 7, or phone 491. c'
OATMEAL paper, 20-lnch tan,
extra special, 34c double roll.
Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. a
LEATHER hands bags. $6.75 and
up. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com
mercial, m
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Dodge car. Call 62
F2. q304
Buy from a reliable dealer.
1919 Dodge roadster with 0
ovessize tires, Hartford shocks,
etc. Condition Just like new.
Long easy terms.
1918 Dodge roadster extra good.
Has new special top and looks
like brand new car. Long easy
1920 Maxwell touring car with
5 oversize tires. Only run 1639
miles. A new car at secondhand
The above cars ,i!l have spot
lights and are guaranteed to be
as represented. Long easy terms
2'j-ton Republic truck, low
price. 1-ton Republic truck $1250
2Vi-ton Bethlehem truck, low
!79 N. Commercial St. Phone 675.
BUB SALE 1919-20 Elgin Six
touring car, almost new, recent
ly overhauled. Will sell at very
low price for cash. Address L
care this paper. q
FOR TRADE 5 passenger auto,
good condition, to tnade ior
small acreage nearby, or Salem
property. Give or take differ
ence. Box 9 Capital Journal.
For Sale Livestock
FOR SALE Sows and plgB. Reg
istered stock. Phone 13F21. e
For Sale Wood
GRUB oak $11 a cord, dry fir
$10. E. L. Hamilton, 256 State.
Phone 683. ee301
M. N 0en -"-I T I'l o"T Uflttli -T H HfWJM -
s, Bt f All KIMM"1 IttltoW O.K.' II TV MCMJ fey r BCD K Cs6J t
1 , . , . . . . .--- . . . . , - 11 in iww - - ii : u 1
I ..... .fl? 1 1. osv . 5 .'i r . - I" ' e- lEu. -
C.yital JounaS,
FOR SALE Wood, second growth
fir. Phone 744R. ee302
FOR SALE 16-in and 4 foot
old fir wood, special price on
green wood. Fred E. Wells,
phone 1542, 305 S. Church, ee
FOR SALE Dry slab
wood. Phone 14S8.
and oak
DRY 4 ft and 16 inch wood.
For Rent
FOR RENT One furnished house
keeping room, heated. Phone
105 1W. J301
EXCHANGES California proper
ty to exchange for Salem prop
erty or farm land. A good con
crete building In a good town,
cost $6000, to exchange for
town property or acreage. A
fine location for general mer
chandise store. I have several
good farms to exchange for
town property, what have you?
A good building lot in north
Salem on easy terms. 3 good lots
close to State, a fine place to
build a home, all for $1000. List
your house with me to sell. V.
R. Putnam. 209 Oregon bldg. n
PLUMBING, repairing and coil
work a specialty, reasonable
charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop
foot of Union St. Phone 1517J.
FORD overhauled $16, expert me
chanic hour 75c, 90 day guar
antee. Call 1436W. 313
INVESTMENT proposition of
good 9 room modern houso and
10 -large lots, fruit- and barn,
paved streets, ohoioa location,
for sale at a bargain to settle
an estate. Priced, to suit you
with terms. Barber & Pearson,
200 Gray bldg. n
PAINTING, tinting and paper
hanging done very reasonable.
Phone 44, J. A. Gardner. m301
WE have a $8600 mortgage to
trade for unimproved land.
Laflar & Laflar, 406-7 Oregon
bldg. n
PLUMBING and repairing done
reasonable. Phone 287 W. m323
WOOD sawing. Phone 1399W.
PHONE 168SW for an all round
carpenter. MM
WE Have Borne good farm mort
gages to sell. Hawkins & Rob
erts, 205 Oregon bldg.. Salem. '
LESS HELP NEEDED lr you ,.ave
a Perfection Oil Cook Stove.
Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. g
LIBERTY bonds bought and sold
Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Orel
gon bldg.
UK. A. R. ANDREWS, veterinary
surgeon, office Club stables,
Phone 7. 301
WALLPASTE" Perfect for pa
per hanging; no cooking. Max
O Buren. 179 N. Com'l. a
Lost and Found,
LOST Toric glasses, shell mount,
gold bows, in case bearing name
Dr. L. R. Miller, optometrist.
Return to Journal office. Re
ward. h303
Wanted Help
EXPERIENCED girl or lady want
ed for housework, good wages
and pleasant work. Call ut J277
S. Commercial or phone 869.
YV anted Miscellaneous
WANTED At market 1 " Sto 21
head of shouts, 70 to 100 lbs.
I.- R McRevnolds. Rt. 5, box
WILL pay cash for goo I used pi
ano. Phono 492. 301
WANTED- 2 Ford salesmen at
Ace garage. Independence. g
WANTED Wood cutlers to cut
100 cords of wood. Robert Beer,
:t miles east of Brooks. (SOI
WANTED We will call for and
deliver your laundry, wollens a
specialty, good work guaranteed
prices reasonable. Phone 1189J
TRANSFER L. A Barrlck Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood
for sale. Good service. Stand
271 North Commercial. Phone
734. !
LOOKERS who need suit cases.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g
TRUNKS Stylish and low priced.
Max O.Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c
Strictly modern 6 room bunga
low; excellent location; has ev
erything: furnace, gas, pavement,
street car, schools, university. In
fact all that is needed in a real
home. Far cheaper than can In
built; $6301 $1U0 cash and the
balance tne amount the place
would bring if rented plus 6 per
cent. .,
Right In the heart of the city,
six rooms, and a dandy home.
Practically all modern convem
ences. $3500; $500 cash and 110
monthly. Would rent at $36 eas
ily Six room home with two fine lot.
and an abundance of fruit; $28o0,
$500 canh, $25 monthly.
Eight room bungalow, has very
commodious closets. Just the sort
of place you have been looking for
Pavement; street car; house alone
would cost not less than $6000 to
build now. Offered at a price you
can afford, $4000 only. Owner
wants $1500 cash and balance ov
er three years.
But I have several others which
may be bought on easy terms. Sec
that five room bungalow; all new
v enameled throughout; base
ment; 0. fine buy at $2,00; 1600
cash. $35 monthly.
"Just Real Estate"
111-211 Masonic Temple, Salem.
I'hnncn 1000. 1UH-
jaiviu, cph
8 room house, fruit and berries,
$1500, terms.
A good house on Marion street
$4000, terms. -
6 rooms on N. Com., sleeping
porch, modern, $3500, terms.
House and 7 lois on Highland
ave. $4300, terms.
9 room house on N. Com. 3 lots.
Price $4000. terms.
5 room cottage, cfose in, bath,
furnace, good basement, large , lot.
Price $4000, $1500 cash, balance
like rent.
9 room on Bellevue ave. modern
except basement. $3000, terms; will
take small car.
5 rooms on S. Liberty. $2250. A
good buy.
26 acres 9 miles south, new five
room house, good barn and other
out buildings, woven wire fence.
Price $6500, terms.
610 acre stock and grain ranch.
Price $35,000, terms.
100 acres near Buena Vista. Wo
ven wire fence: no improvements.
Price $100 per acre, terms.
Highly improved ranch of 100
acres 9 miles from Salem on pav
ed road. Price $13,770. terms.
5 acres close to car line, 4 room
house. Price $2000, $500, down,
balance like rent.
5 room cottage strictly modern,
large barn, cement walks, paved
street, apples, prunes and walnuts
1 block from car line, 3 blocks
from ..ehool. Price $2750, term--.
406-7 Oregon bldg. n
A splendid 40 acre farm on
Howell Prairie, on paved road,
good 8 roo nihouse. fine barn and
other Improvements, fur a short
time $10,500.
52 acre farm center of Howell
Prairie, well improved, at $16,000.
Splendid 6 room house 011 pav
ed street to trade for small farm.
All kinds of city country
properly for sale or trade, what
have you?
4-12 State St. n306
100 acres all cultivated, 40 acres
of three year old Italian prunes;
good road. Price $150 per. acre,
200 acres of good fruit soil, 100
acres cultivated, balance timber
and pasture, running water, enough
wood to half pay for land, good
road. Price $20,000.
380 acre farm, 320 acres culti
vated, balance Umber and psature,
good buildings and fences. This is
a first class farm. Price $135 pe.
5 acre tract, nearly all cultivat
ed, 2 acres of logans set feist
spring, best of soil, rock road.
Price $1650, Vi cash.
32 acres located 5 miles from
Salem on paved road, good bunga
low, barn, close to school. Price
5 acres all cultivaed, good five
room bungalow, 2 acres logans,
balance prunes. Price $5000.
4.81 acre tract, all cultivated,
good berry soil, good road, 4 miles
out. Price $1600, $300 down, bal
ance terms.
16 acres, good road, two houses,
3 acres of logans, 2 acres straw
berries, equipped for chickens,
running water. Price $6000. "
10 acres well improved, logans,
prunes, good buildings; will take
city property up to $2500. Price
If you want to buy, trado or
sell see
275 State street. n
150 acres, 12 cleared 60 can be
cleared with little work. 70 in
timber pasture. 200 cords of wood
cut to be Included. - Fenced on
three sides. Spring. 7 V4 miles
from Salem, $65 per acre
435 acres, 30.) Cleared, 135 rifh
and timber, 100 pasture, I room
house, bath, 2 I t.rns, silo, p
sheds, chicken houses, store room
and garage. 8 miles from Salem,
at station. $80 per acre.
A fine poultry ranch, all well
equipped, capacity for 60110 hens.
3 miles from Salem. For partic
ulars see me.
6 rooms, modern, horn, garage,
fruit, berries. $2500, 4 cash.
10 rooms, modern, full basement,
2 fireplaces, best value in the
city Would cost $10,000 to build
Price $4500, $1750 cash, balance
to suit at 7 percent.
7 rooms, modern, east front, ail
kinds of fruit and berries. Barn,
chicken house, fruit house, woo.
shed, one acre, tbwn property. All
fenced. $6000. $2000 cash, balance
to lult at 6 percent.
5 rooms, 7 blocks from St
street Barn, wood shed. $1600,
$500 'cash, balance easy terms.
341 State St. H
Rcul Estate and Insurance
0 room plastered house vith
uarage, good lot, fruit, oca e.1 W
SSS Salem. 5 blocks to street
car. Price only $2500, terms,
..rrt hmiHp. one story.
50x120, plastered except kitchen,
located in North Salem, at a
of only $1200, if sold n-
7 room modern hoiis;. tine lo
cation, basement, furaace, garag-.
hardwood Hoors. fireplace.
in kitchen with white tnarmled
wood work, and sleeping poich
Price $8500. , .
Broom bungalow, MW and mod
ern. good location,
street car. See this at only $320,
'''Tocrea miles south of Salem.
8 acres prunes, acre logans.
red so... good road,
ter on place. 1 room shack. Price
5We have a good list "f acreage
of all kinds of farming lands, see
ing is bt u "how you.
305 State St
10 acre tract witli 9 acres bear
ing Italian prunes. In fine rrult
section and close to Pacific high
way. Price $4500 or will exchange
for good property in Salem or ior
small tract.
469 State St. Ground floor. n
60 ACRES, $7000
8 miles from Salem in fine fruit
section. 15 to 20 acres cultivated
and balance is pasture with con
siderable wood. 6 room house,
bam, shed, etc. Living water on
place. A bargain fit $7000; wood
will more than pay for place. Will
accept good trade for equity 0
469 State St. Ground floor. n
20 acre tract near Salem, 12
acres bearing prunes, 2 acres cher
lies, 2 acres berries. Price $6000;
would take residence for half val
ue. 21 acres near Salem In prunes,
loganberries and cherries. fair
buildings, good rock road, good
income property.
Nice all modern 6 room bun
galow close in. $1000 cash, bal
ance lke rent.
Good nearly new 2-ton truck
in first class condition, would ex
change for residence property or
115 acres good tlmoer land near
Salem, first class farm land when
timber is removed. Snap, $85 per
4 room bungalow, targe lot,
$900, easy terms.
Money to loan.
For bargains in real estate see us
CHAS. E. TATRO", foot correction
al specialist. 404 Masonic bldg.
Bring us your foot troubles. ;Di
Stove Repairing
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years' experience; Depot Na
tional and America n fence, Maea
26 to 58 Inches high. Taints
oil and varnishes, etc., lognn
berry and hop hooks. Salem
u. -,,.1 stovn Works. 250
Court street. Phone 124.
Osteopathic physicians and sur
geons, 606 U. S. bank building
Phone 859. Dr. AVhite, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall.
a . 1 .. vll
resioence piiqup p-.
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
phvslcinn and Burgeon, 403-4
Oregon bldg. Res, phone BSl'o.
Farm Loans
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rate. Full repayment prlvllegee.
Very prompt service. Ask about
our 20-year loans at 6 percent.
Hawkins & Robert. 205 Oregon
bldg.. aoiewi. wr,
Water Company
fice corner Commercial and
Trade Sts. Bills payable month
ly In advance. Phoao 67.
FURNITURE New and 2d hand,
bought and sold. Economy Auc
tion House. 404 Ferry Bt. Phone
be repaid like rent.
Life, Fire, Health. Accident, In
demnity, Liability and Auto In
sui nee written.
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or.
UK. ALBERT R. MILLER Opto-metrlst-opticlan,
eyes thorough
ly examined, glasses made and
fitted. 510-12 U. S. bank. Tel
ephone 341
WE will pay you more cash for
your household goods. Get pur
old before you sell. Peoples
Furniture and Hardware store,
271 N. Commercial street. Phone
Salem Markets
Compiled 'ww rvi1'1 "r Ka"
lem dealer lor tin- guidance
of Capitol Jbwnatj renders.
(Revised dally.)
r:.-,n- Average valley
(bulk) $136 bushel; average
Icy oats, (bulk) 48c busnei.
Hay Cheat hay $22.00 CI $23;
Oat hay $22.00 0v $24.00; clover
hay $20.00 fit $22.00.
Veuetables: Oregon
onlons $1
cwt.; potatoes $1 cwt.
Meat: Holts $9.50 fj 9.9
steers 0c;
;(,. .- 5c bulls no.
prlng lambs Ii (heap yea, lings t,
,woh 2 lit 3c; veal finey dressed)
1 3 & 15c.
Poultry and eggs: BggBbOJ
light hens 17c ft 20c; heavy hens
.j 2,- 21c; old roosters 10c W
12c: broilers (over 2 pouniiB. 1
20c; geese (live)
(il reused) 2 He
kevs (live! 32c l 35c; turkeys
(dressed) 42c 45c; duckc. dive)
20c fv 30c; ducks (dressed) 2jc
9 35c; (variation in price of
ducks is gauged By amount 0,'
white meat).
Butterfat: Butterfat 50c; cream
ery butter 66c Sti 56c.
Whole-ale Price.
Vegetables: Oregon onions $1.25
ft $1.50 cwt.; California onions $2
cwt.; beets $2.00 cwt.; lettuce
$3.00 per crate; turnips $1.50 cut:
carrots $1.00 a sack; parsnips $2.00
cwt: cauliflower $2.00 per dozen;
potatoes $1.25 cwt.; sweet pota
toes $5.00 cwt.: cabbage $1.00 cwt.;
tomatoes bushel; green
DDera ! celery $1.00 dor.11;
spinach 10 pound.
Fruits: Oranges
$4.00 4.
Copyright 1920 by H. C. Fisher
Truda mark Keg. U. 8 Pt Office
Just Folks
This is the thing I would have
you learn nothing is iyours
to keep,
And never you'll rest from the
need of toil till the last, long
final Bleep;
There's never a place or a time
in life when nothing you,'!!
have to do.
Whatever the post you shall come
to here, It shall call for the
best in you.
You may drcim of riches and all
the Joy which silver and gold
can buy,
But the greater the wealth that
shall come to you, the greater
your care shall lie;
For the more that this life shall
give to you, the more to life
you must give,
Fin- this is the great unwritten
law: No man to himself can
ibis God bestowed on you talents
rare by which you may rise
to fame?
Then upon your soul He has l.d
the charge with courage to
use the same;
Nor skill nor power can bring you
ease, for this you shall find
is true
He who has much to do with hi re,
shall ever have much to do.
For life and talents find wealth
and fame are given to men
in trust,
And each must work with the
gifts he hns till his flesh re
turns to dust,
For this is the lnw which governs
all and this Is the common
He that shall come to the best
life has. must -gTve to the
world his best.
Wind Takes Roof
Off Photograph
Gallery In Storm
Mt. Angel, Dec. 17. The wind
torin that swept over the valley
one night last week proved to be
a real tornado In Mt. Angel ami
this town was hit the hardest of
any town in its path. The photo
graph gallery was damaged to a
great extent. The roof was tmi-n off
and the sky light broken. The
building was near a complete
wreck next morning. An electric
fdgu was blown from the Rex then
ter nnd the building otherwise
lemons $4.00; bananas 13 c; Em
peror grupes 20c; honey extract
20c; cranberries $6.00 crate; cran
berries (eastern) $20.00 barrel;
dales (pound, bulk) 25e; Drome
dary dates $7 case; black figs 12c
white figs 13c; California gwipc
fruit $-1.00; Florida grapefruit
$8; Arizona grapefruit $5.50.
Retail Prices.
Butter and Eggs: Creamery but
ter 62c; country butter 55c; eggs
Feeds: Wheat $1,95 bushel;
oats $2.75 cwt.
Millstuffs: (Ton lots sacked),
mil) run, $42.00; Montana mill run
ie. 00; short middlings $50 0;);
rolled oats $47.00; whole corn $50;
ground com $53.00; cracked
corn $56.00; ground barley $65.00;
cratch feed $74.00.
Flour: Hard wheat flour $2.75;
soft wheat flour $2.50 (f $2.60.
D. C, November 3, 1920. Notice 11
hereby given that subject to the
conditions and limitations of the
Act of Juno 9, 1916, (39 Stat.
218), and tho Instruction! of the
Secretary of the Interior of Sep
tember 15, 1917, the timber on
the following lands will be sold
December 22, 1920, at 10 o'clock
a. m at public auction at the
United State Land Office at
Portland, Oregon, to the highest
bidder at not less than the ap
praised wilue as shown by this
notice, sale to be subject to the
approval of tho Secretary of the
Interior. The purchase price, with
-in additional scm of one-fifth of
one per cent thereof, com
urissions allowed, 111 jst be depos
ited at the time of sale, money
to be returned If the sale la not
approved, otherwise patent will
issue for Ihe tlmbor which must
be removed within ten years. Bids
will be received from citizens of
ihe United States, Associations of
such citizens and corporations or
gantaed undo the laws of the
United States or any state, terri
tory or district thereof only. Up
on application of a qualified pur
chaser, the timber on any legal
subdivision will be offered iepi
rately before being Inoluded Id
any offer of a larger unit. T. 4 S..
R. 3 8., Sec. 5. NE14 NWU, fir
760 M.. cedar 20 M., SE14 NWli,
fir 960 It., cedar 16 M.. NWtt
SWK, fir 815 M., 8W14 BW4.
fir 380 M., cedar 20 M., 8E14
HWV4, fir 600 M., cedar 10 M. ;
Sec. 33. SEVi NWV fir 1870 M.
SWK NW4, fir 1090 II.. NWH
SW14, fir 425 M , none of the fir
or cedar to bo sold for leas than
$1.50 per M.
Commissioner General Land
urn,.. 803'
270 North Commercial Street
Saturday, Dec. 18th
1 P. M. I
Furniture, Ranges. Heaters,
Beds, Springs, lUttPWpw,
Piano, OrjotiiK, Phonograph?, ?!
K'i?s. Linoleum. Sewing Machines.
And anything you want, to furnish a home, h
Be on Time. Invite your friends.
F. N. Woodry, The Auctioneer
"Private Sales Daily"
Edgar A. Guest
damaged. Numerous barns at
out buildings were wrecked in at
near the city.
Miss Evelyn Scharbach, , of Sea
tie, Wash., has been visiting In tl
city with her parents, Mr. ar
Mrs. Jake Scharbach.
Mrs. Henderson of Portland mi
in town the first of ihe , wee
looking over the Rex theater.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fuohs wev
to Portland yesterday mormwg
spend a few days with fri'enfls.
Henry Gravenkemp, manager
the Rex theater, was ih Portia
on business Tuesday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Dreller have, mo
ed to Silverton w here -helb eir
ployed for the winter. "... ;
.Mr. and Mia Geo. Oreeffcen
mer of Hlllsboro have o- tu, vn.i
ing in town a few days. ,
Ed Unger, who went to. f4ort
Dakota some time ago to se,tljle tl
affairs of his brother, the,. lat,
Father Unger, has returned to M
Angel. He was accompanied b
his brother. John, who will like)
remain here permanently. ,
The committee appointed by tl
Knights of Columbus to solio,il,fum
for the suffering humanity in B
rope consists of Jaoob fjurchtol
J. W. Wlrtz, A. M. Oswald and
j W. Elmer.
The Lady Foresters held a spi
elal meeting at their hall Wedne.
day night when a class of 20 car
ilidate took the secret work of tb,
order. Mrs. Rose Retlmau bt Ch.
engo, past high chief, who Is stoi
ping In Portland during the wlr
ter, was In attendance and assist
ed in the work. After the buslnei
session supper was served..
The Mt. Angel council of the P
of C. will go to St. Paul on th
night ot December 26 to help oi
ganize a council in that 'towi
They expect to organize with
charter membership of 90. '
Mt. Angel Knights of Columbu
went 10 Woodburn last nlgHt I
attend a smoker. About twenl
members were present. . ,
Minolf Otte of Melrose, Minn
is visiting at the home of Terhan
brothers. . '
C. .1. Terhaar was a buatnef
visitor In Portland a few days agi
Geo. Critos has sold his
market at Scotts Mills and- wl'
move to his farm near that towi
Four men employed on the
P. section in Mt. Angel 'havBfceet
laid off. to reduce e pmise.H.
Wm. Frank, the draymanM
purchased a new truck andK
abandnni'd the old team andjl
.Mrs. 1; .1 Welt. .11 and! daughh
went to Riddle yesterdai to pen
a few days Willi Mr. Wlton;,wh
is working in the S. t'. statin
Dallas, !)(. 17.1 Editor E
Kneii and son. Edward. wek I
Portland transacting businesa Fr
day and Saturday.
Mrs. L. Ii llrown accoinpanie
Mrs. Don Shepherd and child t
Portland Friday, returning th
next day. Mrs. Shepherd (Margar
et McKImm) was enroute to jBa
kcr to visit with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. J. H. McKImm, and ex
pects to nuikj.her home at Uakei
J. O. Hold, who hus been spend
Ing the past few months In east
ern Oregon, has returned to T)al
las to resume his position wltH th
Willamette Valley Lumber eom
Rev. Frank James nnd P.: .)
Voth were In Portland Tuesday t
confer with E. '. I,owoi .cylUjftiH
Ing architect of Ihe board ot ar
chltoctH of the Methodist Epjsco
pal church or Chicago.
Mis Ida Chamberlain of tjsbJ
non, Or., was the week c'nil gnea
at the home of Rev. mid jMrf
Frank James. .. , , r I
, D. P. Vettetal of McMinnvill
itranaacted business in DttllaaV'th
I last of the week. 5;; I
I .1 E. Coleman of Rndeirl was li
'town the last of the week vle)(ln
I with friends. '
The friends of Ml 1 Geprgi
Shaw will be pleased to hern- jtha
she Is recuperating after a sever
jal days Illness.
Open Forum
To the Editor: F'or tho past yea
1 the capitalist press has been howl
log about shortage of commialltle
land stirring up public .prejudic
.t- : . very strike of working
linen on the ground that it wpub
I curtail n.-eded production. No-
the capitalists are closing down
J their factories -In othr word tb
employers are striking and th
capitalist press tells Ihe PUIili
ih. -re is loo much prodiietlo8ian'
that wages must come down tot or
del to' liable . !!' i ro dowi
Winn will the public prow V-ls'
enough to lb rough this sort o
l.i.i , mi, ,b and to realize that th
'capitalist press Is simply taljllni
'for the capitalists and en an gee-It
tune whence. 1 Ho interests of thi
1 capitalists rhanee 7
Ii. . 15 1920. 645 erfl