ONLY 7 SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS The tremendous crowds that fill our stores daily prove that this is Salem's Xmas Store. Thousands have taken advantage of the opportunity offered to buy seasonable merchandise at such slashing reductions. We are firmly resolved to sell at any price, so as not to cany stock over till next year. - Monday Begi ins Our sale of 49c Bar kets in our Fconcmv 09c Bundle Surprise i Grocei-y Dept. Look FQa and stock srces. regardless of former costs. THESE PRICES WILL BRING THE CROWDS COME EARLY CHRISTMAS YEAR SPECIALS For Xmas NOW. WHEN WE BAY "SPECIALS," WE MEAN THAT EVERY PRICE QUOTED IS REDUCED So that w-a may not have a large stock of Xmas goods on hand after the holidays, we have decided to cut the prices without regard to our costs. You will find all the things you desire to purchase, not only as gifts, but for yourself, priced at a reduction in most instan ces from -50 percent up. Beautiful embroidered Handkerchiefs Boudoir Caps All Stamped Goods Vanity Bags Velvet Bags Infants' Needs These and our entire stock of Xmas goods at a reduc tion of 50 oercent. GIFT SUGGESTIONS Very pretty Silk Ties, worth $1.50, now ... $ .49 Fiber Silk Hose for men, special at 49 Silk front Shirts, regu lar value to $4, now at 2.49 Figured Pongee, very de sirable for Kimonaa. Former price $.'',.25, Now, the yard .... 1.49 Ready-made Lace and Mar quesette Curtains. Value at $4.50, now, the pair Bathrobes for Ladies and Men, formerly priced to $10, now I Bathrobes for Children ; a sensible gift, at only 2.98 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists ; regular value to $10, now only 2.98 Corduroy Velvet, 34-in., former price $2.50. our price, the yard 1.35 Tricofette, in white and brown only, the yard . .98 Figured Silk Pongee and also Figured Satin, very appropriate for waists, dresses, etc., 36-in. 1.49 54-in. Wool Flannel, in khaki, gray and blue; the yard 1.159 (This has only recent ly arrived.) All our Sheetings and Bil low Tubings have been greatly reduced. W have in Men's Hand kerchiefs: All-linen, regular value $1.. for .59 One-Half Linen, pretty border, for .25 SPECIAL SALE of FELT SLIPPERS We have on hand a v n derful line of Felt Bedroom Slippers. These come in hand embroidered in flow ers and many beautiful de signs. The colors come in all kinds, and the styles and sizes are many. These formerly sold for $3.50. our special price at $2.49 Children's Felt Bedroom Slippers in ml and blue, regular value to $2 the pair, our price only . 98c 1.98 .98 DOMESTICS 1921 Calendar Free Saturday DRKSS GINGHAMS, 27-iiHi, ." yards : $L0O Oil Cloth, all colors, 2 yards. . 1.00 Table Damask, 02-inch, the yd. .To Bilkoline in very beautiful col ors, ") yards 1.00 Table Damask, in colors, red, blue and gold, checks and flowered, standard size, yd. .98 SPECIAL, Bluebird Lunch Cloth, without scams, 54x54, Japanese linen, formerly $5, for jJ2 25 XMAS SALE OF BLANKETS Just arrived from the East, 20 cases of Blankets, bought at the low market prices. These have arrived in time for our Xmas Sale. Following our policy of low prices, we have cut these deeply. As a result, note these prices: Heavy Fleeced Cotton Blanket, 60x76, double size, good quality, former value $4.75, now at $2.49 Plain Cotton Blankets, 66x80 2 75 Cotton Plaid Blankets, all colors, 64x76, a special at 2.95 Sub-woo) Blanket, an extra special size, was formrly priced at $7.50, now 3.49 Nashua Woolnap Blanket, in very beautiful plaids. 64x76. worth 87, now 3.49 Nashua Woolnap Blankets, 66x80, silk borders all in Plaids 4.1)8 Received especially for our Christmas trade, a shipment of Quilts, very pretty borders, regular value $8, now .. .t 3.98 Cotton Batting, pure cotton stitched, 3 pounds, special for today 1-90 Received a shipment of samples from a wholesale house of All-Wool Blankets, value up to $40, we will sell them at HALF PRICE. What a wonderful gift a Blanket Will Make for Xmas. SUITS and OVERCOATS Young Men's All-Wool Suits, the verj latest in styles, regular value $35, now for Boys' Wool Suits, an exception;:! value at j Hoys Wool-Mixed Suits, with two naiw pains, loimer price ,io. now tor Men's Belted Raincoats, Goodyear brand aiueu ai ii, now jjji Boys' Wool Mackinaws, well worth $10, now, .special at jjji Men's Wool Mackinaws; recently sold ' . ffir . ioi pi,, now, at jju No. 220 Denim Overalls, blue: regular price .:o, now jj LADIES' NEEDS Bungalow Aprons, extra sizes $ .08 Heavy weight. Ladies' Union Suits, all styles and sizes, regular value 2.50, now 1.48 Heavy Weight 2-piece Underwear, 2 garments 1.00 Fine Muslin Embroidered Combination Suits 1.00 21x44 Turkish Towels in plain white & bordered, 3 for .00 Fiber Silk Hose, 2 pair 1.00 Best Grtde Person. Hose, 3 pairs 1.00 Wool Cashmere Hose, 2 pairs 1.00 Cotton Lisle Hose, 4 pairs 1.00 Children's Bear Brand Hose, 3 pairs .. 1.00 Pure Silk Hose, per pair 1.00 DRESS GOODS CORSETS LESS 35 OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF THE FAMOUS KABO CORSETS HAVE BEEN PUT ON SALE AT A REDUCTION of 35 percent. We are prepared to give you especial service in this department during the Xmas rush. We have obtained the services of a thorough ly experienced Corset Fitter, and we can, therefore, guarantee each fit. Our Corsets are very nominally priced at S1.9S Up. SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Always have been a big item on the family budget. Why not let us help you solve that problem as we have done to thousands of other families. Bring your shoe troubles to us, whether it's the fit or the price. These prices will show you how much you can save. LADIES' PETERS' $14 SHOES will go at $6.98 (These come in all styles and colors, and a wonderful value.) Girls' Chocolate Brown and Black Shoes 2.98 Men's Work Shoes at pre-war prices, only 3.98 Men's Feit Slippers, leather soles, Christ mas special 1.49 Fancy Ladies' Bedroom Slippers, up from .98 Men's Chocolate Tan English Toe, regu lar $9, now 5.98 MEN'S ND8 fffflft nti We have a very beauti ful showing of Dress goods at prices all can afford. 32-inch All-Silk Velvet in black and brown only, regular price $6, our price, per yard 2.85 Woo! Serge and Shep perd Checks and Plaids, the yard .1.00 Beautiful Kimona Flannelette, 3 yds. 1.00 All colors heavy .-,,iirht PlannMa v 5 srards 1.00 C X J OUR DOWNSTAIRS ECONOMY STORE If YOU have never visited our Economy Basement we want you to do "6 before Xmas. fiiis is a store all of its own. Well lighted and well taken care of as to Bargains and Samples of all kinds. You can buy here your every-day needs of ail description at prices about one half the original value. All our energy is directed to keep a good supply of Samples of the very highest grade at the very lowest prices, and we can afford this, as we do not pay any additional rent. All our Remnants are marked at one-half price, and consist of from Percales to the highest grade of Woolen Goods. YOU must come to this small store of ours with the low prices. SANTA CLAUS HAS MADE THIS his HEADQUARTERS for TOYS Here you can find the biggest selection of Toys at prices everyone can afford. Bring the Kiddies down here and pick out the Toy they like lest, and you will like the mtoo becau se the prices are so that you can afford them. THOUSANDS VISIT OUR ECONOMY STORE- YOU DO the SAME You'll be glad you did. Bargains alore. We have Dishes, Crockery Ware, Hardware, Notions, Shoes, Suits, Dresses. Hose, Blankets, Remnants, Underwear, Comforters, Gloves, Hats, Shirts, and etc., etc. Engineers' and Firemen's Hose, in black & brown, 5 pairs $1.00 Men's Silk Hose, all colors, 2 pairs $1.00 Cashmere Wool Hose, 3 pairs $1.00 Heavy Canvas Fleece Lined Gloves, per Heavy Moneysworth guar in striped and solid blue Medium Weight Union Suits, s Wool Process Union Suits Heainea' Union Suits Haines' Heavy Fleeced 2-pitce wear, per garment .... Men's Heavy Flannel Night Go Men's Heavy Flannel Pajamas Boys' Wool Flannel Shins, rejrul ue $2.50, now Men's Wcol Flannel Shirk value $3, now urts, I nuer- rns ar val- ular 1.00 1.(10 1.65 1.49 2.40 1.25 1.75 Pure Sugar 11 lbs for 95c Best Mix. Candy 40c value for 23c 5 lbs. of Coffee in bulk 90c 9 lbs. of Crisco for $2.19 W are especially in ;' position sell Domestic lower than any of our competitors, The reason for this is our tremendous turnover through small profits. A spedpl wire to an Eastern factory hrought us ." cases of Percales and Gfoig-hanis. Special Xmas Offerings In Our Grocery Department CHRISTMAS SPECIALS CEREALS Best Mixed Candy $ -23 wi Wheat Flour, our own brand $2.25 Northern White Spray FJour 2.60 lies! Mixed Creams .28 io pounds White Beans 50 . .. j y U) pounds Japan Rice 75 I liocolates .Jo , A , , . . ... 10 pounds lornmeal , .45 Walnuts : 22 , ,o LARD, CRISCO, OIL Almonds 28 ' ' , 1 pound-; Pure Lard in bulk $1.00 tl'am,ts . 4 pounds Hake White Shortening in bulk .70 Mince Meat 23c 6 pounds Frisco ..... 5 .' 1.59 3 pounds Crisco 86 Dates in bulk 24 Best Salad Oil in bulk. gallon 77 Dry Figs, black and White 15 SYRUP Raisins in bulk 27 , 0- Karo Syrup, No. 10 $ .70 1 runes - 4 ,bs- 25 Marshmailow Syrup. No. 10 1.20 Honey in bulk 2 lbs. .40 Marshmailow Syrup, No. 5 .62 COOKIES MEAT Cookies hi bulk Graham Cookies Oyster Crackers 20 .22 2 lbs. .25 BUTTER U. S. Government Bacon, 1 can, 12 pounds Roast Beef, No. 2 Bacon Squares net. .40 .18 Best Creamery Butter 55 8 pounds Nut Margarine Butter 1.00 5 pounds Peanut Butter in bulk 58 FRUIT VEGETABLES 100 Cases of Fancy Hood River Apples, 1 $1.60 Fancy Oranges, large size. 1 box 4.85 Cranberries. 1 quart 22 Spuds 100 pounds 1.55 Onions 100 pounds 15 CANNED GOODS Carnation and Borden's Milk, 4 cans Armour's and Libby's Milk, 4 cans Sugar Peas,, 4 cans Sugar Corn; Clams. 4 cans Shrimps, 3 cans Cling Peaches, No. 2' i, 2 cans "Apricons, No. 2 '.., 2 cans 45c Pineapple, 2 cans Pumpkin. No. 2'4 .50 .48 .50 .60 .72 .45 .48 .65 .15 20 NEEDY FAMILIES Will be provided with Flour, Spuds, Candies, Nuts and Fruits free of charge, and with no publicity in our Xmas Cheer Parcels. Can't YOU help us in names and suggestions? See the Manager. THE COME AT OUR EXPENSE With each purchase of $15 m oar ir Dept. we refund your fare ne wa , round-trip with each purchase ot Dry Goods Department TO OVT-OF-CUSTOMERS. 9 9 V MMM vr I inc. vair 1 oiunt