n...aWH 1920 gy, iecTOi- BATB8 l---e)i insertion hZTf insertions, B cenU; bW , ?! one month. JO : var per month. 1 iserUon only In New To- ffltv ads. casn . Yukon over pi" not tEKC" .v,i account. -rnr"Thone 4414. eau j oi ' . . . i ...... .u "PVione -r'rrTTrr.r hed with luir- F2 """TT u ' Journal. 293 C?rANl77aiiBe tor sale r. i LJi- T QUlft"r- SALE i-in. St. Mil burn wagon N. W"' c294 ning room and tray M at i. nnette sanatorium. g295 Neat, furnished - rooms. Phone 1823 J294 3v owner, 5 room furnished or hone 1156W. 293 r trade, a good big lee. Call 33F12, Sa- e298 F hogs and feeders l'hone ' evenings 293 SAl.i: bderii hou nishtii. I PIK- i in of mil i lh ?hlp i:i Lturduy. 089.1. SALE Well improved 5 L-et 2 miles from town. Phone KJ49'5 S. Winter St. 293 K SALE I rime oi icii.i "v htoii or came jiisiuie. (i I box 79, Salem. Phone 62 hiT 293 fED Furnished aiyiruiiem. nr three rooms, ciose in, talent, Box 89 care Jour- 295 SALE small payment 1 easy terms, fine 8 room ,10W ' fine location, garage, ine 2024J. a294 SALIC--I'oland and Berk n ttlgs - months old. Near rin school .station. C. C. rticll. eL'95 SALE On easy terms, four lots, s r i plastered house fruit. 2 blocks to car. me Z024J. ii295 Bt 'SALE Used Uuiok, 1917, t)-4. 0 cylinder, new paint, new np, .cord tires; a car in excel lent shape. 4.-1 Court St. Phone 60 or CSO I C295 fANHARD AT TO REPAIR shop ppen for business under new (lanagenient. Worn guaranteed, pices ngnt. Across ironi jvrgo hotel. q294 1EGAIN 1 r, acres of. fine soil all in cultivation, some fruit, cd bandings, with equipment. Ice $6000. W, II. Givibenhorst Co., 275 State St. . b288 OR SALIC I a acres of fine fruit all cultivated, on rock road, close to 1'aeitie highway eoiith. Price $3200, easy terms. m. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. b295 ANTICIi Kooio and board, elope by young lady employed day I lime, must be first class and have some home privileges. State all particulars when answering. lAci.iress H A s care Journal. 293 3ENTS Large manufacturer Iwants agents to sell hosiery, un luertvear. shirts, dresses, skirts. waists, shoes, clothing, etc. Irite for free sample. Madison Mills- 50 3 Mroadway, New York bKKKS. over 17. for uostal mail (Isrvice. 1125 month. Experi ence unnecessary. For free par ticulars of examination, write J. Leonard, i former civil serv- tice examiner) 1087 Equitable bide;, Washington, D. C. g296 ANTKI) To rent a modern InOUSe Close in: wish nrlvilcp-p lof.liuying if suitable. AVill iriio,.- Iiantee best of care and ' be re laponsible for all damage while in my possession. Phone 1S89. 293 OR SALE 5 0 neve ta r.n an acres cultivated, hill- , and bot tom soil, 6 room house and barn, located 5 miles from Sa lem. Prirp SS.tOO ,,t.-n TXT 13 IGrabeiihorsi m tr bo street. i90 5PRADE Federal 1-ton truck town property or i'or Salem Chevrolet r. Also 4X0 acre in Fftstern Oregon, -ood range, to sell Salem property, street. Home evi c295 I uck ranch good mi tor. or trade fo (M s. -:u:u Initio AVK two .vers waiting for a I home i.rii-.., d right, below $1500. for something under - or mail your list - want to look it over fore submitting It Ive' purchaser. M,i- .corner State aid over Busiglt's. n29& 13 acre twm, 16 ited, good ' six l-oom 11 tvirn, family orch "f land in pasture Price $4000. hi cash, i'.s or will take house 'I' io $l'000. W. H. & Co., 275 State b295 Have thro, 1125(10. Briti Pag. we wir I ta value to , pros i ii 1 - tor wonderful in- b:j seller for five years. ' with automobiles. ti i necessity vital as " - er of money and I' - $3 5 sale n day P-r month. Extraor- rtunlty. Exclusive 1 A rite for Revelation. 1 10th street. Rich M' 1 ' ' t. 293 For Sale Hoasea room modern eot ,IJtl43 and a barn and ' ; 1715 R "Hgfc- 26 l'y owner. 6 room In, 13 OR s . Hbcse V Nfems Ki L "or. J. fruit. See A wn. 'iffs secondhand a293 located bungn- I city. 7 rooms, mod ment Ixisement, ef '-0 garr.ge. Owner is n and will sacrifice ' sale. Price $6800 Laflar, 406-7 Oregon - li SALE House sn,l. '"1 on the northwest Capitol and Market - modern plumb- j b.1Semerit, paved ks from school. 1 1 ar. Owner is leaving: lv"k and is forced tot Lest buy in Salem, j live buver call at irket 8C a29 3. lots with n ' -J enough for small reap. eauy terms. 2 2 A. c;97 ": rr.eflern house with ' J' furniture, no reas- i offer refoeed. owner i go to California; give; e possession. Small " oosh, balance like I owner, 209 Oregon ' a FOR SALE FOR TRADE Well improve.? Ash kand residence property for Sa lem residence property or acre age, well improved 1 to E miles from Salem. Notify J. D. Con ger. Baker apts, Salem. n293 For Sale Farms UOOD 160 acre Montana farm to trade for Salem property. What have you, 152 N. Commercial. b293 7tt ACRES on Garden rcnad, close in, good 7 room house, barn large chicken house, garage and wood shed, water system, a fine home. $8000, easy terms. Rad- cinr t waring, room 4, 341 State street. n 120 ACRES' on public road close iu oi-uuui, uuiiaings. .Price $1 - 500: will trnria ' ' . "us. room 29 corner State and Commercial over , rmsKCK . . . A 6 ACRE tract close to Pacific hii'liwnv " avn.nli it .. , A..i.iuntiiiy gOOU soil, only $1000. V. R. Putnam, Vg UTMTO PIQg.. n FOR SALE One half acre with young orchard cherries, apples and prunes, new bungalow N. Liberty St. n. Price $1600. terms. Call at 818 FOR SALE ' One of the finest and best lo cated farms in Marion county ad Joining Woodburn on the Ifacifie highway, close to high school; Good buildings, silo, etc., eighty acres all in cultivation, richest of land: must be seen in he nr.r.noi a ted. Let us show you. Price only ?-a,uuu on easy terms. M. W. ROWLEY L. A. Hay ford, 341 State St. n For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Cows and potatoes. Call 8CF22. e316 FOR SALE 15 While Leghorn hens. 2249 N. Liberty. f293 'none e293 COATS for sale. Cal m. 5F3. before 7 p. 293 TYPEWRITER for sale Phone 31F3. cheap. c293 FOR SALE Or Hade, 6-ton Mac donald pltless scale. Inquire a 1250 State St. c294 FOR SALE Or trade Harley rHav idson motorcycle, 1821 model with side car. J, F. Schrunk, Rt. 6, box 19, Salem. o293 FOR SALE Fine upright ma hogany piano in perfect condi tion. $350 on time or $325 cyish Call 1582. c293 FOR SALE Slightly used Bruns wick phonograph at a bargain ,iud easy terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co.. 519 Court St. c295 GOLDEN oak piano m tine shape and a genuine bargain, easy terms. The Wiley B, Allen Co., 519 Court St. c295 FOR SALE Sanitary couch with pail, automatic adjustable dress form. Sellars kitchen mbinet alljlke new. 112 Union. c293 for sale Auto radiafaJr shefi well equipped, smajl invest ment. See Joe 2Wnom, 122 N. Commercial St., Salem. c298 GROCERY for sale, stock and fix tures, doing good cash bufness. Address Grocery care Journal. c297 SPECIAL Genuine bargain pric es and easy terms on several fine pianos. Come today and choose a pyxno lor Xmas. We deliver now or hold until Xmas eve. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court St. c295 FOR SALE Extna good pure bred dark Barred Rock cockerels. A. A. Nafzlger, Rt. 7. box 151. Phone 105F12. f295 10 ACRES, 4 acres prunes, 1 3-4 acres logans, balance mixed fruits and berries. 5 room house, barn and poultry hous es, incubators, brooders-, about 400 chickens and feed and all equipment and stock. 1 miles from the city limits. Special nrice fm- niitnk snlo T?nlMiee Waring, room 4, 341 State St. n FOR SALE Oats and vetch hay on good paved road 8 miles east of Salem. Milo Wilcox, Salem, Or., Rt. 7, or phone 491. c STROMBER player piano witfi music rolls at 2275 N. Front St. or phone 631R. c292 OATMEAL paper, 20-Inch tan, extra special, 34c double roll. ATav O. Buren. 179 N. Ciim'l. a LEATHER hands bags, $6.75 and up. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com mercial, m For Sale Automobiles EORD. good running condition, $185; Maxwell, repainted and overhauled, $350. Cherry City garage. q293 FOR TRADE Chevrolet 1918 touring car for cord wood. Phone 1270R. q293 GUARANTEED USED CARS Chandler 4 passenger speedster 3600. miles, 1921 model, $1800. 1918 Dodge roadster, just like new, run 8000 miles, $950 1919 Dodge roadster, run 6600 miles, $1050. 1920 Maxwell touring, just new, run 1600 miles, $975 R. public truck. 2Vi-ton, $2450; Republic truck, lVi-ton, $1350; Ford touring $300 Overland touring $150 Bethlehem 2Vi-ton $2250 W. H. HILDER BRANDT CO. 279 N. Commercial. qj FIRST and last chance. Buy a car for Xmas. 1 Overland 4. good tire" on ill 1 Flandei-s 1 Studebaker G 1 Monitor 6 1 2-ton truck 1 Overland 6 All priced right Also general overhauling and repairing. Fair Grounds garage. Phone 08. ' JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Spivis must be related icKtt wrv H D6CS SOCH A P""- i,tiu5i E t-ntvj Grr hiw to cut m PRice A LiTTte . FOR SALE For Sale Livestock f"OR SALE One team cheap. Call 105F13, Rt. 7. e294 ?OR SALE 70 head of pigs, wt. 50 to 80 lbs. market price. L. f- HI", Rt. 8, box 125. Phone - HSJii e296 A GOOD investment, 80 head Shropshire ewe aheep, 3 and 4 years old, a contract for their care for one year, on shares al so goes with the herd. Call 1892 . e294 FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Reg Istered stock. Phone 13F21. e' For Sale Wood OAK, wood stumpage for sale, about 2000 cord or less. A. W. Straw, Rt. 2, box 132. ee295 FOR SALE 16-in and 4 ft. 2d growth and old fir wood, special price on green wood. Fred E. Wells, phone 1542, 305 S. Church, ,. DRY wood Phono 167SW ee294 FOR SALE Dry slab and oak wood. Phone 1438, ee304 For Rent FOR RENT Large farm. Box 5, Turner, Or, , 1293 FOR RENT Good 7 room house close in. Box E Capitol Jour nal. FOR RENT Cheap, partly Jiiod ern and partly furnished house keeping rooms. Phone 5S6J. . J318 FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ments and sleeping rooms. Cot tle apts.. 343 N. Commercial. l'hone 1759. J293 FOR RENT -For three months, a nicely furnished 7 room house, walking distance. Apply to A 1J C Capital Journal. References required. J Lost and Found LOST Amy t hist ring; finder re turn to V. G. Shipley's store and receive reward. k293 LOST In lavatory of .Marion ho tel, Salem, Or., a wallet con taining currency and checks drawn on banks of Vancouver, Wash., lost Dec. 5, 1920. A suit able reward for return of same to the clerk, no questions asked. Otherwise return check to Mr. J. C. Hannam, Vancouver, Wn., care Pacific Creamery. k293 MISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING and repairing done reasonable. Phone 287W m323 WOOL) sawing. Phone 1399W ee318 WILL pay cash for good used pi ano. Phone 492. 295 POULTRYMEN, keeping Reds or Rocks, phone 400. Needham. Have attractive offer. d293 TO loan $1200 on Salem real es tate. Address box Loan Capital Journal. 1293 PHONE 1688W for an all round h316 carpenter. WILL party who accommodated men by leaving suit case and parcel at Peoples Cash store in November, please call 39 for reward. 294 WE Have some good farm mort gages to sell. Hawkins Kob erts, 205 Oregon bldg., Salem. LESS HELP NEEDED If you nave a Perfection Oil Cook stove. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. g LIST your houses and farms with Barber & Pearson for results; 2 cars at your service. n WE have a $8500 mortgage to trade for unimproved land. Ififlar. & LaXlar, 406-7 Oregon bldg. n DO you want to buy a good home in Salem on the installment plan with small payment down"? If so phone 540. a293 THE Fruitland Nursery has a sales yard at corner High and Ferry streets. All kinds nursery stock. Italian prune trees a specialty. Phone 111F21. d293 FORD overhauled $15, expert me chanic hour 75c, 90 day guar antee. Call 1436W. 313 SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed ; by the month at reasonable rates: Cesspools cleaned ana aeaa am- ; mals removed. Iay phone 167, night phone 1437W. m298 PLUMBING, repairing and coil work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1517J. m DR. A. R. ANDREWS, veterinary office Club stables, 301 surgeon, Phone 7 LIBERTY bonds bought and sold Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Orel gon bldg. 'WALL PASTE" Perfect for pa per hanging; no cooking. Max n Buren. 179 N. Com'l. a "Wanted Help WAP I'E Experienced fa sets and millin"iy eslady Gale s294 for & Cc WANTED stumpaf Wood C for sale, tioppen Phone . also 44F5 R297 WANTED Experienced girl ot la, for housework. Good wag es ami pieasant work. Call at , 1277 S. Commercial or phone sfiil g29 5 i . j .,. . Wanted MfacgWWgHg nriMTRn A stock of mercnai ,ii..o ,r. milt for etood Salem in- come nronerty. A B Journal. 3FS hovn .-.ereacre close to Salem suitable for fruit or gardening, with 'some timber: you can buy .,(.. i-honn with very little mon ey down. Barber & Pearson, 200 Gray bldg. to the "Master Mind." th e I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS W TBefR0Zure.PTIencmBe 1 AadreP cTA i2?5 HOUSE wanted as flrt payment 1 on a good 20 acre prune orch ard near Salem; a tiargain for some one. Barber & Pearson, 200 Gray bldg. a WANTED Team weighing 1100 to 1250; also harness and light wagon. Give full description and price in first letter, F 1 care Journal. ! 1284 WANTED To rent or buy room ing or apt. house, furnished or unfurnished. Box 192 care Jour nal. ! WANTED Work by young man willing to do anything. Earle Doyle. Rt. 6, box 19, Salem. h293 WANTED Man to do about one hour's work a day for use ' of good warm room. Box G Capi tal Journal. e" WANTE D Da ma ged feed. Phone 1855 wheat for or see Rae 1295 Bros, West Salem. WANTED To laundry silk, and oreoe de chine waists, silk and fancy underwiejar a specialty. Phone 1310W. 1295 WANTED Furniture by private party. What have you? 'Phone 248. ' 1298 TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co. Country trips, moving. Wood for sale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Phono 734. LOOKERS who need suit cases. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g TRUNKS Stylish and low priced. Max OJBuren. 179 N. Com'l. c REAL ESTATE GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES 20 acre tract near Salem, 1J acres bearing prunes, 2 acres eher ries, 2 acres berries. Price $6000; would- take residence for half Wil lie. '' ; . 21 acres near Salem in prunes, loganberries and cherries, fair buildings, good rock road, good income property. . (.. Nice all modern G room bun galow close In, $1000 cash,, bal ance like rent. Good nearly new 2-ton truck in first class condition, would ex change for residence property or acreage. 115 acres good timber land near Salem, first class farm land when timber is removed. Snap, $85 per aero. 4 room bungalow, large lot, $900, easy terms. Money to loan. For bargains in real estate see us PERRINF. & MARSTERS 212 Gray bldg. n OUR OFFERINGS , of homes include some of the fin est in the city. Our list of farms and acreage is complete. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406-7 Oregon bldg. . n 60 ACRES, $7000 8 miles from Salem in fine fruit section. 15 to 20 acres cultivated and balance is pasture with con siderable wood. 6 room house, barn, shed, etc. Living water on place. A bargain at $7000; wood will more than pay for place. Will accept good trade for equity c $3500. KINNEY & SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor. n 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $2190 Full cement basement and modern throughout except fcrn ace. Faces east ana it on nigh ground. Close to car line and school. Several bearing English walnut trees. A bargain at $2100; $1000 down. See us before it is too late. Steel range included with house. KINNEY & SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor. n 100 ACRE DAIRY EQUIPPED Partly tide lands near the coast. 5 room house with electric lights, large barn, chicken house, etc. 8 cows, 2 horses, about 100 chick ens, 25 ducks, and farm imple- ments are Included with the farm Price $10,000; very best 01 terms, or will accept good Salem proper- ly as part payment KINNEY & SMITH 469 State St. Ground floor. GOOD 13UY8 10 acres, 7 acres of bearing prunes, 2 tacres fine logans, small buildings, 4 miles out. Price $8, 000. 10 acre tract, nearly all culti vated, 4 miles out, good road, fine Roil 9. nrrM ll!inn "Prion S.lflOOL 7ii .nrei au, miles out. 4 acres cultivated, some timber, spring water, good road. Price $1700, $1,- 000 down. j 54 acres, four room house, barn I 2 acres bearing prunes, some lo- j gans, 4 miles out. jfrtea wou, $950 down. 15 acre tract, 10 acres of bear ing prunes, 2 acres logans. good 5 room plastered bungalow, well and barn, good road, ciose to high way. Price $11,000. 200 acres of timber land, laoat ed About It miles from Salem, 15, 000 cords of standing fir timber. Price $65 per acre. 66 acre farm, nearly all culti vated, house and barn, located 5 miles from Salem, good flark prai rie soil. Price $165 per acre. HOUSES Good 5 room modern btini'alow located on good street price 000. 5 room house, hflth. toilet, elec- trie lights, large lot, bearing fruit, bam. Price $2500, V4 cash. Good modern 5 room burilow on naved street. Price $"700. Good 7 room modern house close n, garage. Price $4200. i and walnuts bearing, concrete If you want to buy, trade or I walk, graveled street. $2500, V4 iell. see i cash. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. i SOOOLOFKKT !75 State street. n 341 State St n KVAL WANT ADS PAT rirTM Cfig ' I F 5,tt ToH' tXt L!n'iJ . NLiHT - r- V- , ' A ? 's ' Tf REAL ESTATE BIO BARGAIN P liree" and" M cho SS5& 21 An 8 room modern house on large lot with fruit and other buildings. It is a pick up for S3, 350, terms. Let us show you. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray bldg. a1 A fine 6 room modern bv.ga low, Dutch kitchen, full basement, 4 block from carllne." Price $5, 250. Terms. 6 rooms, good location, modern equipment except furnace. Lot SO by 165. Price $4500. Terms. 6 rooms, Vj block from car line, close to store, meat market and church. Price $2200. 8 room modern house, 2 blocks from school, 4 blocks from car line. Price $4006, terms. FARMS 158 acres, 90 cleared, $75 per acre. 1 610 acres, stock and grain ranch, $35,000, $10,000 down, $1, 000 per year. 22 acres, good 6 room house, barn, terms. LAFLAR & LAFLAR 406-7 Oregon bldg. n HUSBANDS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVE YOUR WIFE A HOME The gift of thrift. If you should need a little assistance to help you put a deal across, call in. I might help you. WIVES GIVE YOUR HUSBANDS THE HINT There is no "better "home town" on the whole Paclflo coast than Salem. She will keep on growing, and those wlio buy now, will be the ones to profit most. As for any serious decline In prices! You know the story of the youngster who asked his little friend for a bite of her apple, and when refus ed plaintively begged for the core, and was told In reply 1 there ain't going to be no core'." That is Just about the situation in re gard to a serious decline. If you want terms, what do you think of these? Strictly modern 6 room bunga low; excellent location; has ev erything: furnace, gas, pavement, street car, schools, university. In fact all that is needed in a real home. Far cheaper than can be built; $6300; $1000 cash and the balance the amount the place would bring if rented plus 6 per cent. Right In the heart of the city; six rooms, and a dandy home. Practically all modern conveni ences. $3500; $500 cash- and $30 monthly. Would rent at $35 eas ily. , . Six room home with two fine lots and an abundance of fruit; $2800, $500 cash, $25 monthly. Eight room bungalow, has very commodious closets. Just the sort of place you have been looking for Pavement; street car; house alone would cost not less than $6000 to build now. Offered at a price you ran afford, $4000 only. Owner wants $1 500 cash and balance ov er three years. But I have several others which may be bought on easy terms. See that five room bungalow; all new ly enameled throughout; base ment; A fine buy at $2500; $600 cash, $35 monthly. CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 215-216 Masonic Temple, Salem. Phones 1000, 1014. n GET A HOME Two houses, 3 rooms each, good lots, one north the other east, $850 each with terms. 4 room, good condition, north, good lot, lights, city water, sarage, some fruit, $950, half cash. 4 room close In, good condi tion, close to car line, $1750, $500 cash, balance easy payments. 6 room, large lot, lights, lUh, city water, (not an old house), paved street, (not far out,) close to car, Immediate possession, $2, 250, $800 down, balance time. Small house, A-l location, car line, paved street, (not far out,) good corner lot, .$1200, with $800 cash. 5 room plastered, (modern) with basement and furnace, and wood lift, one block to car, $2700 with $1200 cash, balance terms. 7 rooms, bath, lights, city wa ter, large lot, one block from cat line, south, $2500, with $800 cash, balance terms. 11. V.. BROWN Over Busick's store, State and Com , mercial. n296 BfiJST BUYS 50 acres. 18 prunes, 1V4 timber, balance cultivated, 4 room bunga- low, barn; 5 miles of Salem $10,- 500. hi cash, 34H acres, cleared, family or-1 chard, 7 room house, burn, Vi milej of town. Woven wire fence. mile of schoel. $4500, $2800 cash, balance 7 percent 5 acres, 4 bearing logans, one prunes, 3 years old; 1 acre straw-j berry fillers. IM miles from Sa-i lem. $3500, $1900 cash, balance 6! percent. 5 acres, 3 logans, bottom land. 6 room house, bairn, chicken house All fenced, 4 miles from Salem. $3000, $2000 casn, balance e per cent. Want to secure $500 and $1500 loans on real estate at 7 percent. HOUSES 6 room house, 2 lots. At school, close to car. Small barn, wood house, chicken coop. $1100, i cash. 5 room modern house, 3 blocks from 'school, 2 blocks from car. Garage. $5000, $3250 cash, bal ance 7 per cent. 6 room modern house, plastered. dutch kitchen, garage with con ;e wawi .oo- d house, fruit crete floor, barn, woo JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT. .. . jp REAL ESTATE WOODS BARGAINS 30 acres river bottom land, close in, $$600 40 acres, 15 acres orchard, most ly prunes; fair buildings, some timber, nt a bargain. 174 acres, fine buildings, half river bottom land close In, price right. 40 acres all in hops, $14,000, F. L. WOOD 341 State St. n293 L. A. HAYFORD Real Estate See this 5 room 1 story house and lot 36x100; plastered, toilet, bath, electric lights, gas and wa ter, some fruit, 2 blocks to car; this Is close In on paved street. Price $3250. terms. 6 room plastered house with garage, good lot, fruit, located in North Salem, 6 blocks to etrcet cur. Price only $2500, terms. 5 room house, one story, lot 50x120, plastered except kitchen, located in North Salem, at a price of only $1200, if sold oon. 8 room house, plastered, lot 414x82 Mi, basement, furnace, 3 toilets, 2 baths, electric lights, gas, garage. 1 blocks to car line, very close in will give poss3!on In 10 days. Price $6000, terms. 7 room modern hous), fine lo cation, basement, furnace, garag., hardwood floors, fireplace, built in kitchen with white tnameled wood work, and sleeping porch. Price $8500. 6 room bungalow, fW and mod ern, good location, 1 blocks to street car-. See tills at only $3250, terms. 20.66 acres good dark soil, well located, V4 mile to school, 4 miles north of Salem, land lays fine; 19 acres cleared, 10 acres In cultiva tion; acres prunes, 4 acres lo gans 7 years old; 1-6 acre straw berries two horses, hogs ull farm tools; 4 room house, new unci plastered. Price $9500. Terms. See this. 10 acres dark loam foil, 8H miles from center of city, ali in cultivation, 2 (icres prunes, 2 acres logans. 1 '4 acres cherr;es. Price only $3000, terms. 10 acres 6 miles south of Salem, 8 acres prunes, 4 acre logans, red soli, good road, spring of wa ter on place, 1 room shack. Price $5500. Wo have a good list of acreage of all kinds of farming lands, see ing Is believing, let us show you. L. A. HAYFORD 305 State St. n DIRECTORY FOOT SPECIALIST CHAS. E. TATRO, foot correction al specialist, 404 Masonic bldg. Bring us your foot troubles. 316 Stove Repairing STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50 years' experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 68 inches high. Paints oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry an hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124, Osteopathy DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. MarshalL residence phone 834. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic physician and Burgeon, 403-4 Oregon bldg. Res, phone 581' 5 Farm Loans FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 6 percent. Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Oregon bldg., Salem, Or. J. Furniturt FURNITURE New and 2d hand, bought and sold. Economy Auc tion House. 404 Ferry St. Phone 1177. BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent. Life, Fire, Health. Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 MAsonlc Temple. Salem. Or. Water Company SALEM WATER COMPANY -Office apTner Commercial nd Trade Sts. Dills payable month ly in advance. Phone 67. 1 Optician UR ALBERT R. MILLER Opto- '.I,....iQ,-,r.tir.i!in pve.s thorough ly examined, glasses maue " fitted. 510-12 U. S. bank. Tel- ephone 341 n 11 v ami.i. I.-OR LESS? WE will pay you more cash for your houschuld gooas. uci bid before you sell. Peoples , , ii,,,-,. nnrt Hardware store, 271 It. Commercial street. Phoue The Markets siiicni MUtrfeeta. Average valle Grain: $1.3.6; f d outs' 55c; cheat hay $20.00 $o. on it 22.00; oat hay : clover bay I2H: mm run .,- llutttrfat: Butterfat 6Jc; cream- n,,mll the city on supposed rusn ery butter 6758o. culls was deferred by th, city conn- Pork, veal and mutton: pork on . ,.n Mt night after consldereW foot $ 1 1. 00 top hogs; veal fancy j al.Rmrnt among various i,bl. i $lU.t0rl4.et) dressed; steers 6c; j n(.n naj been heard. The I .U was cows ;Hi5c; hulls 6c; spring lambs , rlnil !v prterred to special eoi rtiiiHj shewn yearling 4c; ewes jf.w which will lnv.nl Ut Eggs una poultry: r-sw 52c Ilyht hens 20fi22e; heavy hens 2428c; old roosters If. broilers 22c over two pounds, live tnrkevs 30 & 35c: dressed turkeys ii,ralr- live geese mwi:: i.(iiiwi w iini.ni a, ..,., . ducks, live 22 t of what hi beei Vise; ducks dresaon ibh. Vegetables: Oregon onlor . -per suck; Califo5nIa onions $2 Z5 per wt; beets $1.50 per ... j! .10 per cwt ; lettuce $1.6(1 02.75 crate; carrots; $1.(0 sack; parsnips $2.00 per cwt; cauliflow er $1.25 crate; potatoes $1.50 1.75 sweet potatoes 4ttt5c; cabbage $1.25 cwt.; tomatoes $4.00 bu.; green peppers 16c; celery 90c doa. spinach 2.00. 1 Fruit: Oranges $6.50; lemons $5.00; bananas 13V4o; hon ey extract 10c; emperor grape 16c pound; cranberries $5.28 crate, 119.50 barrel, eastern; dates 22 Ho lb bulk; Dromedary dates, $7 crate; black figs lie lb; white figs 13c lb.; California grapefruit $4.00; Florida grapefruit $8.60; Arixomt grapefruit $5.50. Retail prices: Eggs 64c doz; creamery butter 62c; country butter 55c; flour, hard wheat $2.7502.96; soft wheat $2.5002.60. LIVESTOCK. Portland, Or., Dec. 8 Cattle weak; receipts none; choice grass $8.50fi8.75; good to choice $8.00 8.60; medium to good $7.75 8.T5; fair to good $7.007.60; common to fair $6 7.00; choice cows and heifers $6.507.00; me dium to good $5.50 6.00; fair to medium $5.00 (' 5.6i): canners $2.50 3.50; bulls $6.006.00; choice dairy calves $13.00 14.00: prime light calves $11.00 13 G . medium llffbt $.0011.00; beavv 17.O0 9.00: best feeders $6.75 7.25 ; fair to good $5.756.76. Hogs lower; receipts 497;' prime rrtrxea $11.50 tt.OO; smooth heavy $11.00l.80l rough heavy $9.00 10.00; feeder pigs $9.0010.5'0. Sheep weak; receipts 2.48; east of mountain lambs $8.00 8.75; valley lambs $7.508.00; culls $5.006.00; yearlings $6.fi07.60 wethers $56; ewes $14.50. Butter. Portland, or,, Dec. s. Butter weak; cubes extna 62c; parch-1 ment wrapped box lots 55c; car tons 66c; half boxes MiC more, loss than M box lots lo more. No. 1 churning cream butterfai 553 56c fob Portland; under grades 52c f o b Portland. Poultry and Portland, Or. Dec. 8. - Eggs selling price case count 68c; buying price 55 57c; soling price candled 6062oi selected candled in cartons 6466e; storage 57 liOe. Poultry: Hens heavy 2S25c; light 1 7 1 8c ; springs 23 25c; old roosters 12c; turkeys dreasedl SIIR white $1.58; white club $1.60; northern spring $1.58; red Valla Walla $1.55; barley $40.00 42.50; oats $42.00 43.00; corn No. 3 yel low $3S.60u)40. Mill stuffs Mill run $40.00 42.00; alfalfa $23; grain mixed $23. clover $2022. Hay Buying prloe timothy 111 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF GOV ERNMENT TIMBER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C, November 8, 1920. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations, of the Act of June 9, 1916, (8 Stat. 218), and the instruction of the Secretary of the Interior of Sep tember 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold December 22, 1820, at 10 o'clock a. m at public auction at the United State Land Offloe at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The jjurchase price, with an additional scm of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being com missions allowed, must be depos ited at the time of sale, money to be returned If the sale la not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years, Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, Associations of such citizens and corporations or ganized under the laws of the United States or any state, terri tory or district thereof only. Up on application of a qualified pur chaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered sepa rately before being included In any offer of a larger unit. T. 4 S., R. 3 8., Sec. 6, NE'A NW14, fir 760 M cedar 20 M.. SBVi NWVi. fir 960 M., cedar 16 M,. NWli SW. fir 816 M., SWV4 8WV4. fir 380 M., cedar 20 M., SEVi SW'l fir 600 M. cedar 10 M.; Sec. 33. SEVi NWVi fir 1370 M., imru XIWU fir 1090 M.. NWVi SWVi, fir 425 M., none of the fir or ceaar in $1.50 per M lie soiu lor iom rr.AV TALLMAN, neral Land , Office. 803" Cops' Taxi Bills Too High, Claim; toimcumeti aci l'II roetlt SUiil lo I"' drivers for scrvieeo i carrying Salem P ib i ff n , Councilman n. ii. j waH 0f tnc opinion thin V.iiide-v.irt lh" lai l. Ill ,va excessively high, but sugg-st-d that all but $3li be paid IV, t'. L. Utter, however, declared that It Just ib-bl. and urged tlin n:;y an taken should affect only the futon t'uw-iiig to Bepolml. Councilman Wenderotlfw ordi nance, which would provide for Copyright 1420 by H. C. Fisher Trade mark. Reg. U. B. Pat. Office I tests fol Cerred tj do bj I he ctly notify m Jiy that oh street paired, was 11 Mr. Vander deporable cm The counc at last night' recorder wa warrants foi due city oft'i. Llgh That it Is vel In the vi Bellevue tr the fact thai hess, was Ihe or that vie questing tin light. The 1 the light co A petition to gravel an tween Sumn f erred to th opted. Ti rt assert! UMon., adopted meeting, instruct' tile al ios I- Reqnesl "ry daugc Inity of (1 t at hi I he corner tali ment ty in a council itior waul iiiltec, ..quest ing iraiUi Hoi Poor Kiel Ctiual of Dcficieil Electric Indepemh depended u 1 1 i for fuel, the er company con dieapped 01 e n 1 was destro ago, and tl torn in In. month has causing mm agar Joslyn donee a f. company h green, wat. OtHi 0 inked atlng the conditions i tain a stan. inc plant ever, and v . p i short time is i pnt by th. 1 with the I. ' power com : ii. the fuel j. . . 1 Then the given. '.Mr .1. ' tiolng a" ' service an. o 1 delays of a -el . has been a "but In a 1-1 : in. 1 1 give unlnte . Keiser P. 1V1 1 The Kelv.i wir-n soclation of i l" Wednesday for the di portant qu evening 't I ussion of lions. The open with . i I- I o'clock ami i. mittee hm of enterta I I evening bu One of i I r will be lt ,ifoot tin school cen i i of a coun ii repairing also piano i Hi announce, I being mio i I I ince. The be held h k tlon, and an:, in the people Ii en unusuai I alion betu Die homes. Go Ea.1 1 To Six New Oral The stn 1 I cnlled Dr rnce and i K. FiUem to ' 'ii remain u 1 In v will Salem 8at Modern X-ray wn studies tb Ml east and office tn ! I The tri, the Instill of Minne." ! ;,t Roche Miss I S At Miss tl secretary school a an asseli. school fo the puhl. xi J Miss . I i velop in, children ; schools a will dea 1 vat ion o Sunday Apost S fa lem attend tl ,i, the . Court sti and We, Sv. ellMon stated ti Apost. In,;, ling I (lem a Retired To Silveri coiiBtant I (or the The Da ' more th; ; ler has I move to and OCt' I pure has BrnokU score and th. ! ,er mi.' pl.iyei been nh .ps v her of with 1 I on.. The I in Utu heard e certain phys liceman, wa nance comni A motion Vandevort th t instructed to Pacific com), on South Cho