Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 08, 1920, Image 5

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    December 8, 1920
The Capital journal, Salem, Oregon
2y.0 o'clock
,c. 16 ,J"
HI, Moose
mm :-""-r:Zu
fef'lO, 11, 12.-Western
14 Annual election
lie in j3us""-"
Dec. 15- wv
Bee.'li--Business Mn'
E. .-Christmas Day.
- A". -T T-
filed. Date of petition December 6
Petition for letters of adminis
tration in the case of Isaac Wag
ner, deceased, have been filed
under date of December 7.
Marriage Licensee
r raiiK j? . -ayeer, fortiancf po
lice officer, age 29, and Pearl Mo
Clure, 23, of Salem, were granted
a license to wed today. The young
couple will make their home in
Valley Masons Meet I ' A
at Armory Tonight '27 LnOSeii As
Uatherinf at the armory here to-
nignt as the guests of local Masons
members o the various lodges I
throughout the valley will be en
The reunion is planned as a gen
eral "get-to-gether" to bring into
closer proximity, the numerous
Masonic lodges of the valley cities
and preparations have been made
uy the arrangement committee for
a large assembly.
Besides the entertainment and !
dinner, business matters will prob- i
ably be taken up to a small extent'
in the furtherance of
the different lodges.
art House Notes
Circuit Coon
iu, Kndicoit
Uigei ness, unaer i ucuc
Icember 7. in which ne a -
IUiat Digerness is uuutwiui
dig some property that he
Icatening to sell it; that mis
t.., helonKK to the planum.
BEZMER At the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Byron Iftm'itt,
who resides in Polk county,
three miles from Salem, on
Tuesday 7, 1920, Jacob Bezmer,
at the age of 90 years.
Mr. Bezmer had resided in the
vicinity of Salem for approximate
ly 35 years. He is survived by his
daughter, Mrs. Harris, and one
son, Kfeius Bezmer of Centralia,
Wash. Wabb and Clough have
charge of the remains. Funeral
announcements will be made later.
Vick Brothers report a success
ful day's business the first day in
their new offices at Trade and
High streets, having sold F. E.
Evans, a prominent farmer and
fruit grower living near the Keizer
j school, his second Samson tr.iet
i or and H. J. Pearson, a prominent
! farmer and fruit grower living
south of Salem, an Oakland Sensi
, ble Six. 293
ks for a 1 1
ling Digern
Irty to him
Ike defend:
ll the coal s
IE. Daniels
jent comn
of the court
ss to restore the
and iisks further
nt be required to
of this action.
state industrial
sion. Order sus-
. riomurrer of defendant is
I by the court December 7.
(lip J. Minizer vs state muus
accident commission. Order
ining demurrer of defendant
m. Coffey vs Kate M. Coffey.
ot divorce on cnarges. oi
,1 r.,tti
Won, is grameu u,,
mber 7.
i C. Black vs U. a. unrisue.
to action tiled. All alle-
Probulc Court
m.. was issued ordering Al
ii" Cline to appear and show
,hv euardian should not
Upointed to administer his af-
iCline is a person oi unsounu
the mater of the appraise- i
of the estate of Morten Bell,
Inventory and appraise-;
toners have been filed. Thei
value of the estate is given
nd of Mrs. Emma Bell, ad-
rator of estate of Merten
deceased, is approved and
Bond is for $2000.
ventory ad appraisement Pla
ta the case of the estate of
leth 5. Miller, deceased, is
December 7. The total value
i estate is given as $8894. .
iers confirming final account
he estate of J, N. Starr, decerts-
tave been filed. The bonds-
and administratrix are dis-
the matter of guardianship
retire Sylvester Starr and
B May Starr, minors, an or-
aooointim; aimraisers to tie-
sine the value of their inheri-
i is issued by the court.
he inventory and annraisement
fart relating to the estate of R.
porn, deceased, has been
Total value of estate $600.
he semi-annual account of the
Biniatrrttor E. B. Stroud of the
We of Roby J. Stroud, deceased,
been filed and approved.
lie estate of Custay Drager, de
ed, has been appraised and
wt of app-.iisers has been fil-
; tWal value of his holdings is
the matter of Mary J. Creigh
teeeased. affidavit' as to the
sis of notices of sale of cer-
personal property in Wallowa
. Or., has been filed with
I tourt.
Archers t0 .iccompany the fin-
ount In the ease of estate of
Albig have been received
(the case of Lucien G. Mc-
a person of unsound mind;j
iianship papers have been
for. and the court hps al
tered the appraisers to de
ne the value of property be
es to him.
ers for hearing a petition of
guardian of Louis Mjoset. an
e person, have been issued by
M the matter oi the estate of
Olson, deceased, a petition
letters testamentarv has been
The funeral of Cloyce M. Math-
ews, who died herl recently, was
j held from the Ri.gdon chapel this
j morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. Pem-
berton officiating. Interment, un
j der the .auspices of Elks, was
! made in the City View cemetery.
I Mr. Mathews was a member -of
the Walla Walla Elks lodge.
Salem lodge No. 4, A. F. & A.
M. Pacific lodge No. 50, A. F. &
A. M.' Don't forget big Masonic
reunion Wednesday night Decem
ber 8th, 6:30 p. m. at the armory.
If you have not returned your
cards, do so at once. If you have
not received card, phone 720. Re
turn fit once to committee the post
card attached to your invitation.
While she was driving west on
I Union street her car collided
with an automobile driven by W.
! a. oarKes wnich was
norm on Winter street, Mrs. P.
I LnVson told police today. Her
I machine received a broken fatt
er and si,ished radiator in the
I crash, and Mr. Barkes' car had a
! fender bent and a light broken,
jMrs. Larson said. Nnbnilv wo in
jured, according to the report.
Nominees for
Club Offices
J. W. Chambers, FredericK W.
Schmidt and C. S. Hamilton were
nominated 'for ptresidlent of he
Salem Commercial club tnd 4
other prominent citizens were
named as candidates for eight ad
ditional offices when the club's
nominating committee met last
night. The other nominees, it was
announced today, are as follows:
For vice president, George Grif
fith, O. J. Schei end Max O. Bur
en; for secretary, William Gahls
dorf, C. B. Webb and T. G. My
ers; for treasurer, Joseph H. Al
bert. T. M. Hicks and TT. L. Stiff;
i legislative, George Putnam, Ivan
Martin and Hal D. Patton; social,
C. O. Rice. I, Oreenbaum find
i dames Young; agricultural, D. J.
I Chapin, C. 1. Lewis and Bruce
Cunningham; industrial. WiWiam
i McGUehrist Jr., C. W. NiemeX'r
tind George Vick; civics, T. E. Mc
j Croskey, R. O. Sm iling and H. O.
i White.
movingi The election will be held at the
club on Thursday evening, at
Commercial club it 8 o'clock
All kinds of jewelry, Love's.
"A life investment" will be the
subject presented at the revival
service in the Jnson Lee Memor
ial church at 7 :.'!() tonight. The
service is of vital interest to all
and especially the - young people.
Come early. 293
Small boys are running over her
lawn and tearing it up, one Mrs.
Long, 249 South Church street,
complained to police todVay. An
officer was sent to investigate.
The home of better service,
moderate prices and largest stock
Webb & Clough funeral direct
ors. 293
Depot restaurant under new
management, all old friends wel
come, come and try our meals.
Young lady waitress, good service.
All meals reasonable price. 293
The Charles R. Archerd Imple
ment Co. is overstocked on ground
wheat and ground barley, and to
reduce this stock will make a spe
cial price for the remainder of
this week. It will pay wou to in
vestigate. 293
Shriners attention. Special meet
ing at the Spa 11:30 a. m. Fri
day. 294
Tailored suits, reduced
See Mosher, Court street.
No damage resulted from a flue
fire which occurred this morning
near the corner pf 15th and Che
meketa streets, firemen stated.
For your Xmas mince meat
come to Presbyterian bazaar Dec.
10th, at the church parlors. 294
Complaint that hogs are being
kept at the corner of Winter and
Howard streets, and that the ani
mals were being butchered tDdav,
was lodged with the police, and
was referred to the sanitary offi
cer for investigation.
Presbyterian ladies Christmas
bazaar Friday Dec. 10th at church
parlors. 294
Season tickets for lyceum course
on sale at the music stores. Res
ervations Friday at armory 9 a. m.
to p. m. 293
A fire from which no damage
resulted occured in the Great
Western garage this mornipg at
11 o'clock, when a can of oil up
set and was ignited by a gas fur
npce. Salem firemen, making a
quick run, extinguished the blaze
with chemicals.
Club Officers Will
Be Chosen at Open
Forum On Thursday
The largest attendance of the
year is expected at the Commercial
club's open forum next Thursday
night when the annual election of
officers will be held. A president,
secretary and board of directors for
the club will be chosen.
A meeting of the Salem Business
Men's league will be held at the
club rooms at 8 o'clock, December
1 5, at which time a president for
the ensuing year will be picked by
members of the league.
"Those eligible to be present at
these meetings are urged to be
out," Oscar Steelhammer. actiiv
manager of the club said this morning.
The Crocodile ask to hear this
saxanhone sextette record. Stiff!
Furniture Co.
Open Forum
forum ) o
To The Editor: In your story Of
expected rentals decrease publish
ed in Monday evening's Journal, is
a paragraph wherein someone
claims that "because of the exist
ing disturbance in financial cir
cles," loans for building cannot be
obtained in Salem.
Any persons desirous of borrow
ing money for the purpose of buil
ding, may obtain all he requires
up to a certain percentage through
several agencies in Salem.
But there is not a business insti
tution in the world which wiif lend
100 percent which many borrowers
seem to think should be done.
There is lots of money available,
even though there is a little de
Salem, Ore., Dec. 7.
Cafeteria lunch and supper will
be served by Presbyterian ladies I
in connection with their bazaar j
Friday the 10th. Hours 12 to 1 and!
5:30 to 8. 294
Love's store for diamonds.
When you think of good clothes
think of Mosher, the tailor.
Tailored Clothing reduced
Mosher's; high class tailor.
Auto tops dressed with our wa
ter proof, sunproof dressing will
save that top. Hulls Top Shop, Y
jeweifi, watchmaker, Sa-
Ethel Clayton
i re Sins
of Rozanne"
hav, an eye-witness to the
who tor.k the centerpiece off
isn't returned to us by mall
r trill
wimre a snort ximr
Publish your name and
and send the authorities
Edp to make Salem the city it should, and can be.
Industrial development along lines which will provide fairly regular
employment the year 'round are particularly needed.
i 4c ;n Washington have had located in their midst, plants,
J-f tSiW KS iust as well have been situated
in Salem. , .
5.ry locating in Salem or elsehere.
. in thp late of Oregon desire new business undertakings.
buu bXvTt 10 ut nd it! ;
fhthl aTter 1 shaa have a chancc
of success. ,
i!o,0i in solicit votes for such an office may be
Probably anadver Usenient o so , and , arn
a little unique lZZ 1 even more to mold the destinies
raTmlunUvTh?naevenrga city council. Councillors advertise for support,
and I consider it logical to do the same.
., i rgvanprlfnllv solicit vour votes for which in
Therefore Gtkem JJJJta S office in addition to doing
return, I will, if e!ec';.f" f riSreconomy in the management of the
what I can to advocate the most ngid noarv thaf a liuie mony
etab (even ng of f a Wrdable if nec - Flower
nught be available or prm for .r with (he "Salem
Show a Salem Poultry bho. an occasion arise, em-
f which might have a tendency to cause
8 Thave a fine city andag. f - -"ine
-go out" for a prosperous, industrial Salem.
215-216 Masonic Temple.
Phones 1000-1014
Bearcats line
Up Pre-Season
Loop Contests
With his team as yet only in
fair pro-season shape for the heavy
conference bu;ketU;iU schedule
which h'e hopes to arr&nge at the
meeting of the conference college
representatives in Spokane this
week-end , Coach Mathews has
lined up a game with the Silverton
Athletic club five, to be played in
Silverton December 16.
Mathews is also negotiating for
other games before the Christnu.R
holidays, and plans tu line his men
up agttinst as many formidable
teams before the opening of the
season as he can. hTe " games for
which he is now negotiating are
with the Dallas legion, December
1J, tt'td the North Pacific Dental
eollegt?, of Portland.
Rarey Joins Squad.
The. Willamette basketball squad
has been materially Strengthened
by the addition of "Russ" Rarey.
who has been out of the game for
some time on account of a dislo
cated shoulder received during the
Thanksgiving football game with
Whitman. "Russ" is taking it
easy now, on account of his weak
shoulder, buit it will not be long
before he will lie back in his tdd
fighting form.
Rarey made the varsity basket
ball team in his freshman year in
1917, and has been playing guard
on the Willamette quintet since
then, with the exception of the
time he was in the military serv
ive during the war. He is com
paratively light in weight, but is
invaluable to the team on defen
sive work, and probably has more
fight per square inch than any
other guard in the conference.
in the district where they do busi
ness it !s probable that at the Jan
uary meeting of directors, several
changes will be made. This will
permit members in Polk county
who do business iiv, Salem, .to vote
in the Salem district for directors.
primary election now in
progress will close Friday, Decem
ber IT. Any member of the asso
ciation is eligible as director. When
the 21 are chosen, they meet and
select five to serve on the execu
tive ommittee. The directors meet
every three months and the execu
tive committee monthly.
Oregon Growers
Reduce Wages
Five Percent
The Oregon Growers Packing
Corporation have made a reduc
tion of 5 per cent in the wages of
5 per cent in the wages of their
employees. A slowing up of or
ders, in conjuction with the ever
im'n,i.' ting stringency of the money
market, forced the move. While
many other concerns throughout
the country are making 20 pet
cent reductions all along the line
it will not be the policy of the
(Jrowvis to make any more reduc
tions than is absolutely necessary
la meet the changing conditions,
the officials ivtve announced
Tailored overcoats $50.
coatings at Mosher's.
See the
Poultrymen, keeping Reds or
Rocks, phono 400, Needham. Have
attractive offer. 293
Lewis Will Speak
At Farm Meeting
C. I. Lewis of the Oregon Grow
ers' Cp-Operative association, will
leliver' an addrfcsa tottlgrht at Dal
las before the state convention of
Farm Unions. HiH adtlross will he
on "Co-Operation and Oregon Ag-j
Mr. Lewis has also been inid'i
and has accepted an invitation to f
deliver an address before the Spo-I
kane Ad club December 15. This
address will be delivered before
not only the Ad men of jSpukaac,
but. before deb-Kates of the Wash-
ington Stat Horticultural conven-i
tion in session at that time in Spo
kane, and who have been invited (
to hear the address.
Before, the Ad men, Mr, Lewis1
will talk on " Advertising and Agri-
George Butler Sutton, . . world's
champion balk-Hne billiard player j
and George 10. Spears, world's I
chamipon straight rail hiriiardist J
are In the city and will ?lve each!
bitlons ths evening at (he Adolph
Bros. Billi.i rd I 'arsrs.
Mr, Sutton was one of the lead
ers of the balk-line KU,me.s foe hcv
era! years and still retains the
world's highest of 100
made against Willie Hoppe at New
uVrk city.
SpeafS has been seen in the city
on previous oeen sinus and is wet 1
known to t ho local fans as the
world's greatest fancy a od trick
shot player.
Bracelet watches at Love's.
Where's a Gw
Nam kin Cafe toi
American and
mvt N. Commerc 1
The Prior
If you're a kid, or ever wore s
kid see "Soul of Youth." 295"
Examine Troopers
For Appointments
To Military School
Sergeant Carl W. Holcomb of M
ompany, Salem, of the Oregon na
tional guard, and three other enlist
ed members of the National guard
of Oregon are today taking the
physical examinations for appoint
ment to West Point.
The four men, selected by the of
ficers of their companies for appli
cation to West Point will be given
examination their afternoon ami
tomois-ow at the armory here. Tin
three men besides Sergeant Hoi
comb are: Corporal Beryl B. Berry,.
Third company, coast artillery;
Private Wallace Walsh, of the same
organization, of Newport; and Pri
vate Roland M. MqPJberren, of the
Fifth infantry, Portland.
Members of the board of examin
ing officers are Colonel C. Dent
ler of Portland, Major Dusenburry
of Salem, J. A. Churchill, state su
perintendent of education, and Dr.
Carruth of the national guard med
ical corps, Portland.
The physical board -continued ex
aminations during the morning to
dayand mental examination was be
gun in the early afternoon and will
be continued until tomorrow.
If the men pass the examination
they will proceed to West Point
next term, it is said, and will bo
given the regular course in military
technique the general educational
advantages of West Point.
Every suit at Mosher's reduced.
See our patterns.
Growers Elect 1921
Directoral Board
Members of the Oregon Grower'
Co-operative association are now
oting in a primary election for the
21 directors for tljg coming year.
Marion county was repi t-senteu
he past year by Senator Charles
McNary, .Allan Bellinger of .Sootts
Mills and Seymour Jones, former
peaker of the house of representa
tives. Mr. Jones also servett on tne
xeontlve committee of five.
In order that members may vote
Is Cor
Every Department in the Store
Quality Merch:
to meet this t
Silk Underwear
Silk Hosiery
Boudoir Cups
French Ivory
Hand Bags
IT 11..
Neck w i
Bath I
Auto 1
Crib B ti its
Stores Will
NOT be Open
l L.
Good Goods.
There is no gift that can compare with the Hoosier for
the joy of owning a Hoosier extends throughout the year
every day of the year.
Its many special features and superior construction make
it the one kitchen cabinet in greatest demand in America.
HOOSIER BRINGS HAPPINESS by cutting out the need
less steps and waste motion of kitchen work.
Balance Easy
of All.