f December 8, 1920 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Thi Are Easy tors In Game s a local volley lt0 : t at the gym- fen- """ hoo for tne the su aa,,in8t Woodmen Hold Open Meeting; Officers Named Dallas, Or., Dec. 6. The Modern Woodmen of America held an open meeting in the K. P. hull Friday time the"! D 20 t0 9 The . ,... 111 , ho Mute , Inter. San- SPH.nton "rlgM guard , tprt were forwards, jtlckert we' star 1l ae" The ached balance of the season d BilUnger vs. West coui 1 and Vt Court. Smitn .ataley rano 7 Butler Hue' U1HB"-" ,. r,.rt.. L wins.ow ana Oleson, ue. . pln4e a.",rt ifSLraS Court. .7 .. fl oleson vs. 4.--vuu " n.ntf, Court. d Belling. """,- - K and Newmyer vs. Lankan, west Court .-Gingrich and Smitn SfHeson, Center Court. K and Bellinger .j TTtler, Wosi i 1 uamm and in attendance and with the stu dents enjoyed the address. Miss R,tchel Cook has returned from Silverton where she has been visiting her parents. The Live Teachers' Association of Polk county will meet in the high school building here Saturady here and Dallas by fire one night place between was consumel last week. City Marshal Stewart has been in terested in trying to find where boys under age secure tobacco and cigars. Several iirrests were nlgnt at wnicn time tney enter- , Dinner will be served to visitinc 1 .. '.I...... thiftl. 1 1 v - i . . . 1 ,, 11. ...... . ... u buiatn. members at the noon hnn h 1 nnt-f nr the .. i-. . . ... - . devoted rne earner part 01 tne evening Martin nf th. r-h.n was devoted to an entertainment consisting of an address by Rev. D. A. McKenzie, several vocal selec tions by the Monmouth tria, several instrumental selections by Mr. Manausa, who possesses consider able ability in playing the Hawaiian music, several readings by various other members of the lodge and the flag ceremonial by the lodge team. The visitors were dismissed about 11:30 and the lodge held their reg ular meeting ,at which time the of ficers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: F. L. Senter, consul; James Danzel Moore, ad visor; George Gohrke, banker; Floyd D. Moore, clerk; Clay More land, escort; L. V. Coffin, chief for ester; Russell Kildee, watchman; P.omeny Robinson, sentry; John E. Southworth, trustee for three year term, and retiring Consul W C. Schaeffer assumes the chair of past consul. Applications o'f 10 candi dates wero voted upon and obli gated and the candidates will be taken to Salem on December 16th to be initiated by the Salem camp, where a large class adoption is be ing prepared. ihd Mlnier, Young Cental 11- -Hug and Newmyer vs. and Smith. West cow. Wallace aim " V Fi-anklin. Center Court. ji nlr.onn V'H -Man' ana y"-""" " and Young, wcv ' -Winslow and smem y.. d Bellinger, center y.v, -Dinee and Utler vs. ind Butler, West ESaarfis ami :Byi-e and Franklin vi. Oleson, West wun. -Gingrich and Smith vs. d Bellinger, West v,oui 1. kVVinslou- and Hnieiu ym and Young, went uu.v. iiinse and uuer v. Kpn'yer, Center Court. I Harris and Mlnier vs. Franklin. West Court. Wallace and Butler vs. and Smith, Center Court. 5. Marr anu uiun d filer, West court. Winslow and smem vs. Myers, Center court. 8,-Staley and Bellinger 'is and Mlnier, West couit. 88 Hamilton ana muns Uace and Butler, center 0 Eyre and KranKim . nd Bellinger, West Court. 0. Gingricn and bmltn . nd Bellinger, West Court. 20. Gingrich and Smitn hilton and Young, Centei -Man- and Oleson vs. fcnd Minier. West Court. k, winslow and Shield vs. and Utler, Center Court. 15. Hug and Newmeyer vs. n and Young, West Court. fct Wallace and Butler vs, ' and Shield, Center Court. 117 Eyre and Franklin vs. nd Utler, West Court. 127. Gingrich and Smith lis and Mlnier, Center Court. 129 Man- and Oleson vs. 1 and Butler, West Court. !9 Staley and Bellinger and Newmyer, Center 1 1. Eyre and Franklin vs. fcn -and Young, West Court. 1, Dinse and Utler vs. In and Smith, Center Court. 13. Man- and Oleson vs. Id Newmyer, West Court. 3. Winslow and Shield vs. land Minier, Center Court. 6. Staley and Bellinger vs. 1 and Btler, West Court. ' The farm house on the Grant Stomach Upset Get at the Real Canst- Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That's what thousands of stom ach sufferers are doing now. In stead of taking tonics, or trying to patcli up a poor digestion, they are attacking the real cause of the ailment clogged liver and disor dered bowels. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets aroues the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are performing their natural func tions, away goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have you a bad taste, coated ; back. Coughs and Colds Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat Ban ished by Hyomci The germs of catarrh do not ex ist in the same atmosphere with antiseptic Hyomei (pronounce It High-o-me.) Breathe Hyomei and relief from catarrh, couehs. sore throat or cold will come In two minutes. Breathe Hyomei and that stom ach straining hawking In the morn ing will quickly disappear. Breathe Hyomei and kill the catarrh semis: heal the inflamed membrane, stop the discharge of mucus and prevent crusts from forming in the nose. Breathe Hyomei for afew min utes each day and rid yourself of contemptible catarrh. Breathe Hyomei give It faith ful trial and then, if you are not satisfied you can have your money hnrk. tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't! Hyomei is sold by D. J. Fry and made last week. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Boothby have returned from a visit with friends in Eugene. Constable John Moran is some improved in health, although far from being well. He has been confined to the house for some time. Mis Ruth Smith has returned from Idaho where she has been spending several weeks. T. E. Anderson, a well known farmer living south of here, will retire from farm life and will hold a sale at the farm tomorrow. Korean Bandits Routed, Report Tokio, Dec. S. Armed hands of Korean malcontents have been broken up as the result of Import ant skirmishes which extended over several days near Changtao, Korea, it is officially reported. The Koreans, vrhi held forest posi tions, a-e reported IO have fought stubbornly. The Japanese cap tured three machine guns and 500 rifles One machine gun was m4n ufaotured by an American firm and bore the official mark placed on ajrma used In the British army. Closing of the various mills in Tillamook county has thrown '.'00 men out of employment. A new high speed lightweight I automobile designed by an English man Is narrow gauge, tracking onlv 45 inches.' The car, fully equipped, weighs but 600 pounds. Cuticura Soap -Is Ideal for-jjp- The Complexion Sp.OfaitiaMl,TkleoRirn.vrrwtw, Foraamplwt uMrew: 0Mc4 Utwr Wrl.Dn t. X. MfclfW&iui. H OARSENESS . . Swallow slowly amui pieces 3 well over tne tnroat. ICKS VApo Rub 17 MiHionJar, UJ Ytatlu Bore Throat, Colds Quickly Checked By Hamlin's Wizard Oil Sere throat and chest coMi should never be neglected. Few people realize how often they re sult seriously if not promptly checked. Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe, simple and effective treat ment. Used as a gargle for sort throat it brings quick relief. Rubbed on the chest it will often loosen op a hard, deep seated cold in one night. Keep a bottle on the shelf. Wizard Oil & good dtpondabU prep aration to nave In the modiolno cheat for Brit aid whon tho doctor may bo far away. Bow ofton apralas, bralaaa. outa and burna occur In ovary family, aa wall aa little troubles Ilka earache, toothache, cold aorea, canker aorea, Btltr nock, ape tired aching- feet. Soothing, healing Wl ard Oil will alwaya bring uick ralitf, Claneroua aiao bottla So. ' If you aro trouble with conetlpatlon or elck headache try Hamlin's lart Llvor Whlpa. Juat pleaauit little pljk pllia at drugglsta for SOo. Ouarantoad. Gift of the Snow ed Pines of the Not Your nose will germs. Do not alio your vitality. Use Hlne Needle Bah them at the beg! of common colds causes for the rvpi from flu and piv last few yeara. C ious and dttngero of Mayr's Pine Ne house and at the of i cold apply it tarrh, that embai blesome condition, ly when Mayr's !' iH used. Sold in and GOe tube, Fi lng Geo. H. May Ave., Chicago. M Hitlm is for sale U. J. Fry and il where. JOURNAti WA JOURNAL WA h.irbi henl unoe and one OO no d, atl I a m ADS Itor freight service operating i Kansas and Nebraska has Itor trucks. New York state lias over 400. motor express 1 operation. It is estimated I the whuie country there less than 5000 such lines Ma. BAD BACK lou have a dull, steady ache len-iill of the back sharp, twinges when stooping pg distressing urinary dis- ' For bad back and weak- fcdntys Salem residents rec- aw Ooan's Kidnpv Pills. phis Salem woman's state- IRuth Denison, 150 N. Lib4- says: "I r.,-ve used Kidney Pills ner and n n : time. I had attacks of oonijdaint uud mv back considerably. I could scarce f on my feet and I felt mis- "hen I stooped over I PSSJ and littlp eiiots l before my eyes. The act- I m' kidneys was irregular pmatural. I used Dnan's Pills flped me right away The Vtnit ley and I was Ml the di7ir,oo .!.. kidnov trnnl.la ' 1 'e. at 1. II -Senior. Tn,.t task for 1 i 1 . Denison had, S-osfefc v. mn., Buffalo, N, T tatlv Monmouth News Monmouth, Ore., Dec. 8. H. K. Sickafoose of Monmouth, presi dent of the recently organized vis iting association representing Odd follows of Polk county, announces that the first meeting of the as semblage will be held In Dallas toniorrow evening. The associa tion was organized' in Dallas a couple of weeks ago and its object is to inculcate the spirit of frater nity among the orders by visiting the different lodges of the county at stated times during the winter at the call of the chairman or sec retary. J. E. Richter of Dallas is secretary. President Ackerman, and Messrs Gentle, Beattie and Butler of the Normal School went to Portland Saturday to attend the educational conference. Henry Thiele chief at the Bes son Hotel in Portland, spoke to the students of the Normal Friday forenoon. Several citizens were Grandmother Knew There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds as Mustard But the old fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while I it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, wlth- out the poster ana without the blister. Musterole does it. It Is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mustard. It is scientifically pre pared, so that It works wonders, and yet does not blister the ten derest skin. Gently massage Musterole In with the finger tips. See how quickly it brings relief how speed ily the pain disappears. Use Musterole for sore throat, bronchitis, tonsilitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism,, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore mus cles, bruises, chilblains, frosted! feet, colds of the chest (it often: prevents pneumonia. 1 35c and 65c jars; hospital size; $3.00. S. C. Stone, M. D. TREATS CANCERS 157 South Commercial Street and does a general office practice Office Tyler's Drug Store Li care feeling, no ambition or ener- druggists everywhere. I gy. trouble with undigested foods?! Take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mix ed with olive oil. You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without griping, cramps or pain. Take one or two at bedtime for quick relief. Eat what you like. 15c and 30c. (adv) Ends indigestion It relieves stomach misefy, sour stomach, belching and all stomacn disease or money back. Large box of tablets at all druggists in Hi towns. In From the Cold After the romp outdoors a good oil heater is first protection against colds. Filled with Pearl Oil it gives cozy warmth wherever wanted. Economical. No smoke, no odor, for Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special proc ess which makes it clean-burning. Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere and by our stations. Order by name Pearl Oil. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) 1 1 T aigigSS S BLOUSES THAT CHARM AND SATISFY With their Beauty and Real Value fSSPEE SlVt the hhest ot Georgette or urepe ae whc Sailored Blouses or heavy Crepe C A j r-v,;r,i qW nriced at UC iianv' r Georgette Blouses in novel patterns are pricea at $9.75 $3.-98 ta $24.75 You don't lose sleep over Back Bills if you Pay As You Go .QUALITY MERCHANDISE - POPULAR PRICES- Without Doubt Ti is Salem Xmas GI t Store Make This Your Xmas-Gift Store We have a full line of Xmas Gifts such as Hand-bags, Kimonas, Bathrobf ity Bags, Silk Hose, Manicuring Sets, Toys, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc., etc. A Few Xmas Specials $1.00 $1.00 $1.98 $5.98 $2.98 Blue Bordered Lunch Cloths, 48x48. Regular value $2.25. Now only One Dozen Napkins to match Also Japanese Embroidered Kimonas, tip from Bathrobes for Ladies and Men. In very beautiful colors Bathrobes for Children. Very appropriate for a gift. Only Black, Navy and Brown; heavy grade, soft finish Satin, Silk back. Regular value ?C the yard, $3. Now, at only P A W Georgette, in very original colors. d1 9C At the yard vlMW Crepe de Chine, nearly in all colors ; di 4( to suit all tastes 45Ax'- White and Flesh colors Crepe de Chine. Very desirable for underwear. Regularly priced OK at $2.25. Now, the yard PAW Corduroy Velvet. Very suitable OQ for Kimonas. 34-inch. At." TJX.J Brocaded Corduroy Velvet. In. very (jt rjr beautiful designs. At the yard T)A I O Crepe in the very latest colors. And also in solid colors. This was a regular 75c seller. Now, at OVK, Bovs' Wool Suits. Regular value from $14.00 81?? $5.98 AND $6.98 Young Men's Suits. Truly up-to-date styles. The very ones you pay to $35.00 for can & 1 r A be had here for only IAVWW Very pretty Silk Front Shirts, in stripes vou will like. For only The above Shirts we recently sold as high as $4.50. Fiber Silk Fancy Hose for Men. JQ Jt J V English cut Dress Shoes for men. (1 Were $12.00. Now at ' A very stylish Dress Shoe for jr) OM young boy, at only ' The girls all like our Dress Shoes. You (j , , 'ai I $3.49 $3.98 will, too, because the price is only For the Ladies' we are specializing in a $14.00 Shoe for See for yourself if that is not so. A $4.50 Heavy Cotton Fleeced Blanket 66x8. i 1 plahi colors and plaids. ty) Sub-Wool Blanket, 66x80. Regular value $6.50. At only A Nashua Wool-Nap Blanket, 64x76. Was formerly $6.50. Now at Nashua Woolnao Blanket, size 66x8" In "iyi pretty plaids and finished in silk bordt W;i regularly priced at $9.50. QCy Wp have now priced it at P Very Pretty mercerized Marquisette, 36-inc regular price, 75c yard, special at 95c Curtain Goods, 36-inch, at, per yard All colors in Scrim, bordered and solid, 36-in regular value 49c, special at, yard 27-inch Curtain Scrim, flowered and pin veryspecial at, per yard Barred Dimity, regular value 55c, now at $2.49 $1.00 21c Specially priced at This is only a mention of the many bargains our store has for you. All v to do is to come and take advantage of it. Curtain Madras, regularly priced at $1.00 now, per pard Genuine Hope Muslin, 5 yards Beautiful Cretones in very pretty fesifne per yard 39 59. 15' 29 9' Mid-week Xmas Specials in Groceries PURE LARD, per pound SHORTENING, or Com pound, per lb 25c 19c BEST SALAD OIL, 1 $1.55 gal PEANUT BUTTER, 5 lbs. gQc MACARONI, in bulk, 5 lbs. 4Q(. OATMEAL, 5 pounds QPyQ BULK COFFEE, very best Cfl 5 pounds COCOA, in bulk 15c ENGLISH Breakfast TL f PEPPER in bulk 3 SODA Oyster CRACKi.IS Jg HARD WHEAT FLOl ' 9 9 "in uwii ui ami Save Our Coupons THE l'SSiraSSSP..'iaa-i SHOP EA ' m. aJCCll Face Before?