If jJjJL 5-. insertions, '""-l nts; one muiit,.. rear Per mnln' . t rf.Jum per md, ?? ffion only in ew r!L?r '"-5LM errorg- r-RTHANKSOI F ,iV 4T FAKMrJKS i-w feT?0 160. HIGH. f281 FCEC.0"v,.T,cow. Phone ""' c286 f2, rr"T7,,- used tires 32x En. conn st. cm 5f5 N. High. Ml "V . w! nhnnp 1 rd.:"f, Pi, Transfer Co. KrdeUveiX ! ,...,.1 ,,-ht-ij ipam and r"- - t-prnis, i nunc i x tunes, teinu. I ' i .... 7Ko l -j Mmixe. China flisi. " "T A.i nnn- Ki tires, $450. Highway E. Phone 339. ,288 lS bed for wood enart- I4 '? SnnP 1044M. 281 Intt SALE J1 'in - Evtr. Valley Motor Co L - . .a. Pi.- J10 nak KVT Hamilton.' 256 ElhoneJS.3. ee888 I H RENT i room ....w. n J55 Ferry St. mornings and VMun8i . ; : ; KTirrived another tar luuu ui Waiuif" phnll. Q3.q mrr r co Wiale atiim." CoNdar posts tor sale at 17e f,-i 25c; can De seen at aj. kh jU yard, or phone 75F11 or I Trudgen. Ca?B t hit c r. cnnm 111 oilern house " " ,t 325 N. 23 St. doing east must 1, cash or terms. it there Sundny Nov. 28. a283 ANTED Anyone driving car (through to Los Angeies, t,i. i. t.tip evirn passenger. Iplease notify Rt. 8. box 232. S- CTr-r p..iH hmnrh; either on inn CreftR or at woolen mills. Find- Ier pleaw return 10 twnv Mr. G. Brickson or call liii. ppwartl. K.jSS nwH4 Kim ir J lfiU' 1)11 Fairmount lv:n .r.r1r.n eveellt furnace, lot 6W50. fruit and berries, $2500 1 (1000 cash, balance t percent. Ilnnnire 19 uutner m. uj " BENTS Large manuiaciurer wants agents to sell hosiery, un aervrear. shirts, dresses, skirts,. waiFt, shoe, clothing, etc. Write for free amples. Madison Mills, EOS Broadwiy, New York. 281 far not save 25 cents out of ev- lerv dollar you are now spend iins tor your fire insurance? Take your next policy witn me Ore. Fire Relief Assn., phone !. Standiey c Foley, agents, Irtiom 2 Push bank lildg, 281 OR SALE A IS l aorii house on ;faveil street, electric lights, 'bath, etc. (11000 down, balance like rent. East Salem. Also new I room up to date bungalow at lit 115 Leffelle St. Owner 420 N. 24th. a282 DffiD CAR 11ARCAINS Ford sedan $700 m nwu $400 , 11H8 Maxwell $700 Chevrolet $550 (Overland $775 These cars are all in first class I condition, terms. 0U1SMOBILK SALES CO. 115 S. Com'l. Phone 380. q283" For Sale House3 OR SALE By owner" 3 strictly modern houses; automobile for . Call 1540 State St. 280 PART ME NT house for sale at (bargain for few days only. Call lM. a282 OR SI.H .1 Into u-iMi FbuiMin? lfire pnmiffli fnr email I Swelling, cheap, easy terms. I Rt 2, box 32A. r297 OR SAr.Kn,. . iniuc- lur auiiic- Utlns In Salem nn S V.n... I In Mt. Aneel ATnrreo nnv. oa I corner Stote and Commeroiai L"er Husick s. n ONE ACRE 7 room house and PMd barn, some fruit, irood sntl (in north Salem. Excellent bar Win at $1800, easy terms. I fearson, 200 Gray blrler. CR SALE 6 room mf,.lv i,- I Salow. fllr-nino t T ii Wilt in features, corner lot. Bttctive home for good terms. 1 6 room iivna,.,. u.. i M JXated. Price $4800. J room bungalow. Price $3000. wge house on State street, rnace. two fireplacps, two lroom3' '"irge .ot. House In "Oellent comiitinr, . u Jkf good fraternity house. $6000.. Mrs. Winnie Pet r3!!nL.275 State St. Tel. 515. a ORsTTrTrTTr I J ; T 0 room ana one :omhouse in Salem on good (w stPPing at the L2jTr.ntath h0Use for a few M40 Be me. raone 5s azsi R saleh, rz-rs s i niom bunt, ..,.- i?i- o I "erciai street in,. i LSLLIncoln street.. ' 9i OK here a . ! r I ordw , . ,uunl nuuse, gooa only 6 blocks from bus- 2a!' eJ; take horaes dun', frice iz&u; ZL"1 k'nS' flrst come first : 407 f... 1JdIur Barley, 406 tLOregon bldg a - .uuuern m every re ! Pnc' f;ui'i? on paved street N. Uhl- terms. Call at 818 "vcin ,T . a, R SatT-' o. -. room vT" rl"uuy modern 7n bungal nv, closa in 7 This - -vcentlo, , j , !80ft . ' '' "ice fcii. Oregon bldg. and all 2 in featur'cemenT base lnl Lsarase- 533 N. 16th St. a22 le Farms" : 8r n,T,? ,sood Poultry ranch I Vr- . .. " 800 chickens. in n " 1aropr Pear Lb. Gra bldg. near Com. R rlf rRM-AU good knd 5. TSrSTLJ t tm 2. 1 .: ,rm priced cheap rrunZ I-'00 Jow- Barber mn - 56 acre tnact io- WhtPAi' i Salen. S acres Wtojl' J J of soil, good WS10- large chicken SW?r'-.':i700. W. H. Ora- FOE BALE FOR SALE 5 acres bearing prunes, good dryer, 1 mile from S. Salem car line. Address own er, Kt. s, box 146. b281 FOR SALE 10 acres of good be ry soil, All cultivated, located close to Untlon on the Oregjn Electric railroad. Price $1300, $250 down, balance $240 per year 6 percent In' IV, H, Ura- benhorst li ro., 27f. Sratj St. n FOR SAL.E Nearly 1 acre of ground, H acre fine logans, all kinds of other fruit; chicken park and barn; a modern five room house on a paved street and car line, for only $3750. M. W. Rowley, 305 State. b A 5 ACRE tract close to Pacific highway, exceptionally good soil, only $1000. V. R. Putnam, 209 Oregon bldar. n FOR SALE One half acre with young orchard cherries, apples and prunes, new bungalow. Price $1600, terms. Call at 818 w. i-iiperxy at. FOR SALE Loganberry tract, 8 acres in full bearing, trellised with cedar posts, rich loam soil. Price $4600, cash, balance easy payments at 7 per cent. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg b FOR SALE My 26 acre farm, all new buildings, 5 room plastered two story house with fireplace, 2 barns, gmnary and other build ings, woven wire fences thru out, three wells, gas engine, wa ter piped to house, barn, yard and garden; this is bottom land and jio better fruit and berry land in the valley. 1 am 9 miles north of Salem on good road. My price is $7000, small pay ment, dow nand long terms on balance; will consider some trade L. F. Hill, Rt. 8, box 125. Phone 59F4 call for hill. b285 For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Gas stove and heat er $25. Cyill 140 S. 15th St. c282 ORGAN for sale, in good condi tion, Cottle Apis., 343 North Commercial. c282 FOR SALE Electric washer and wringer in A-l condition. 1396 N. Front, corner Hood St. c282 FOR SALE Second hand adding machine, good as new. Commer cial book, store, phone 64. c282 FOR SALE Nice winter apples, .good varieties, reasonable' prices bring boxes. Two miles north on Front St. box 47, Rt. 8. c284 A- GOOD used piano, looks like new, fine sweet, mellow tone; will sell at special reduced price of $275 cash. The Wiley B. Al len Co., 519 Court St. e281 PIGS for sale, Chester White, 6- weeks old. Phone 14F13. e281 FOR SALE Cheap gents bicycle. good shape, 1225 N. 19th St. C281 GET YOUR THANKSGIVING POULTRY AT FARMERS PRO- CHOICE goat meat for sale at 6c , per pound, by the carcass. Will deliver Thursdays and Satur days. Phone 683. c284 FOR SALE Full blood Bronze turkey toms, extra fine, limited number. Phone 63F13, Rt. 1, box 92F. Ml FOR SALE Home Comfort range other household goods, 2 blocks west of S, Commercial on Hoyt, first Mouse otr n-om corner, cznz FIRST class table potatoes at 41 go no,- tiiinHrei! delivered. while they last. Phone 115. c283 ni,-r CAt.fi. rintts anil vetph hflv on good paved rood 8 miles east of Salem. Milo Wilcox, Salem, Or.Rtp 7, or phone 491 OATMEAL paper, 20-lnch tan, extra special, 34e double roil. Max O. Buren, 179 IN. uom i. a- UEATHER hands bags. $6.76 and up. Max O. Buren, lis . om murcial. m For Sale Automobiles FORD sedan 18. $650, demount able rims, 5 good tires, heater, batterv, newly minted. Will give terms, 334 N. Winter St. n FOR SALE 1916 Maxwell tour ing, very good tires, and good running order. Will sell i-ery reasonable. Phone 48F3. q282 FOR SALE Chalmers Master Six not run since 1918. This car is in good condition with good tires probably worth $300 if junked, $200 for quick sale. Phone 79 FOR SALE 1919 Ford. Call 2640 Rronka ave. evenings. q284 FOR SALE Ford, good condi tion, all new tires, $360 cash. Hnir AS ("lanital Journal. q281 FOR SALE -Used cars at 186 S, q282 Com'l St. SLIGHTLY used Fordson (tract or, a bargain. 349 f ery si. i Hl917 FORD, good condition, good tires' and extras, snocn aoooiu ers, for sale cheap. 575 N. 20th street. q281 GUARANTEED USED CARS Chandler 4 passenger speedster 3600 miles, 1821 model, $1800. 1918 Dodge roadster. Just like new. run 8600 miles, $950 1919 Dodge roadster, run 6600 miles. $1050. 1920 Maxwell touring, Just new, run 1600 miles, $975 Republic truck, 2-ton, $2450; Republic truck, l'A-ton, $1350; Ford touring $300 Overland touring $150 Bethlehem 2V4-ton $2250 W. H. HILDERBRANDT CO. 279 N. CommerciaL JJ FOR SALE 1920 Chevrolet, good condition, driven about 2700 miles. 382 N. 19th or White's feed store. 0281 For Sale Livestock- 50 HEAD of choice nanny goats for sale at $4.50. Phone 33F2:. evenings. c2s FOR SALE Sows and ptgs. Reg Istered stock, pnone iana I Sir Sid's chickens have a right to oe lazy. . ten. r-i...... , , SrA TH 1 COVjlUl I I ffim fgw nsi r- 13 brsws,: . 0 FINE RICH 'iOlt' r ' ! lnj rA t OF & J 'x 1 MM tVtK i-rv-w j i inr-, . i -y m ASsD ALL KINDS Of j AT eviV MCAl. I GYCS oM'. J To '. S - ) B.DODI UVfc V ' V " r I V . - ra ' ! FOR SALE FOR SALE 4 Jerse'y cows' I Ma- milk SOme fraoh 13, 5, box 97, Ma- cleay road. eJ82 FOR SALE Good 3-yeAr old cow Phone 107F12. M. S. Chandle" e281 For Sale Wood DRY wood Phone 1678W ee29 .vio gMgl FOR SALE Ash and fir wood: Pa 110 0 1X1- ee281' DRY wood. Call Phone 77F2. C. D. Querv. . ee284 FOR SALE Dry slab and oak wood. Phone 1438. eeS04 WOOD Old fir and ash $10 Shel- ton, Rt. 3, box 146A. e28i 6 OR SALE Dry second growth fir wood 16-inch and four foot, Fred E. Wells, 306 S. Church. Phone 1542. ea For Rent A GOOD FARM TO RENT- -See Wm. Fleming. 341 State St. FOR RENT Large steam heated room, running water. 2 meals per day. 228 N. Capitol. Phone 1627. 1281 HAVE several Houses for rent. Gertrude J. M. Page, 492 North Cottage, phone 1186. n MISCELLANEOUS YOUNG man wants work, most any kind preferable. Call or write 1613 N. Front St. city. h281 (V ANTED A gentleman 33 years old would like to get acquaint ed with u lady between 25 and 33. Box 97 Capital Journal. 1284 GET YOUR THANKSGIVING POULTRY AT FARMERS PRO DUCE CO., 160 S. HIGH. f281 WANTED Young man with bank ing experience wants position as assistant cashier or bookkeeper in progressive btnk, Box K Cap ital Journal. h281 EMPY TRANSFER CO. moved from 404 Ferry to 254 S. Lib erty street. Phone 998 for re sults. No bills will be paid by me, contracted by anyone with out my consent. O. Empy &. Co. 283 DR. A. R. ANDREWS, veterinary surgeon, office Capital Trans fer barn, 420 S. Commercial St. Phone 278, 301 PLUMBING and repairing done reasonable. Phone 287W. m288 FOR wood sawing phone 1091. ee282 SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167, night phone 1437W. m298 LIBERTY bonds bought and sold Hawkins & Kooerts, zu urei gon bldg. WALLPASTE" Perfect for pa per hanging; no cooking. Max O Buren. 179 N. Com'l. a PLUMBI'NG, repairing and coil r and coll work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1517J. m GREAT WESTERN GARAGE- TIRE AND TOWING SERVICE. OPP. COURT HOUSE. Phone 44. Q290 NOTARY work will be done eve- nings alter 6 p. m. Aaaress an Mill or phone 281J. 1281 WE Have some good farm mort gages to sen. iiawmns oou erts. 205 Oregon bldg.. Salem. Wanted Help WANTED Man find team for 3 T3V,rt,i ovan nH 114F3. ' g281 GIRL wanted for genhouse work nn oniHhiner. Phone 1367 g281 OSITION wanted by man with good references for office work. Knowledge of bookkeeping and t vnewrltinff. Box 346 care .o Journal. WANTED A woman head cook. State school for tne aeai. t-none , beautifui homes splendidly locat 4fi g282 . t ,, kinds 0f Drices to be WANTBU ecireiAA..v. excellent salary if work is satis factory. Mrs. A. N. Bush, 978 nhemelcpta St. g LESS HELP NEEDED If you uave a Perfection on uooa atov. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. g? Wanted Miscellaneous EXPERIENCED middle aged wo man desires house keeping work ri.n, ias h283 WANTED 18,000 loganberry tips C. N. Ruggles Kt. 3, box 172, Salem. Or 1281 WANTE D Have buyer for 4 or 5 .tno-o east Salem: also room JUin a:va. ' ant good six room house F. ttrnrtrl 141 fttate at. 1V1 AlAnii, . .. . UmM ... nn 11A 1" ,i,nn WOU uld like work on ranch, no cnnareo, die any kind of team. Address t?t 4. box 52B. '281 STENOGRAPHER Five years' experience, competent and cap able, desires position at once. Address box 80R Capital Jour- P- rrriTr wood sawed, call IF you want your wood saw ea.t III:. 1802. - WANTED Position by young ; man stenographer with exper-. i o. hoot of references, box . n,o? I B Capital Journal. , M. V TRANSFER LA. Barrick Co. ,1 A . trlnn moving. WOOO!i, -l rtruincd for sale. Good service. Stand o. . . 271 North Commercial. . . nnnR,A,A a i-n niiH 734 73. 7J npeii suit cases. m. ii Buren. 179 N. Com'l. g TRUNKS Stylish and low priced. lint ii.tjuren, n - JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY TOTTRNAL WANT ATIS PA1 Lost and Found LOST Between Sublimity and A good 70 acre farm will AuniHVillA nnn Aiitn tank. jARBl,Dn Lin i - -" I Hi"'" "!-uta Jad,-t?S! LOST A t Onrvollta fnnthali iranie 1 1 n . . , icnaiu, ivmua i jot At (Jorvauis iootoau game Saturday or enroute, sea. otter wubw uuj i i cm uutV v. mm i muff, $5 reward. Leave at Cap ua, journal oxnce. kjs. REAL ESTATE FINE 40 ACRES f ,. ........ .1 l. ; w . .. t 1 1,,. ' i . r.i iiisiiwuj, in, ico li mil Sltlum- nlAaa , .. 1. .... 1 ' .... .1 .!.... More than hdlf is under cultiva tion ana o&iance is line pasture .1 ' i t V. I... ...1 ....... . . . t li..;..n- ,a f .... all can be cultivated and about 6 utica ieiii UC IlllgttlCU l llllxui .V - pense. Excellent soil; buildings tire uiiiy luir. r-rice i:,vuu, fiuuu cash, or will take good small tract as part payment. K-irMwiii & BMirn 469 State St.' Ground floor. n" GET A HOME Do you want a 6 room house 2 blocks of nigh school, four and one half blocks of post office, paved street, fine location, city Witer and sewer connections, for $1800. H. E. BROWN , over Buslck'S store-State and Com mercial. n284 $1350 COTTAGE On paved street with large lot, good soil, doz. fruit trees, barn, garage and chicken house. This is a hnrLTmin with immediate pos session. $1000 down, balance $15 month. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray bldg, near Com, club, n GET A HOME Four acres all cultivated, close in, for $1000. 10 acres, four and one half cleared, three acres of good tim ber, small orchard," good well, 4 room house, barn and out build ings, close to town, $.1500, some terms. 13 acres all cultivated, some fruit, good soil, $1500. H. E. BROWN over Busick's store, corner State and Commercial. n284 L. A. HAYFOR& Real Estate flee this r, mnm hnncsalow. mod ern exceDt basement. Built 4 years for only $2700. A new modern 6 room bunga low In erood location, south Sa lem, finely arranged, for only f 30UU. Twn rnndprn hnnemlnws in south Sfllnm lust liii i 1 1 hnspment. etc.. one for $2200; the other, $2850. ts room Dungaiow on state at., nearly new, fireplace, built in fea tures. See this for only $6500; $1000. cash to handle it. 7 room bungalow on State St., hnfiement flirnnpe. firenlaee. built in bookcases, and built In features, strictly modern, i-rice owu. 000 cash will handle it with $40 per month payments on balance. And this 6 room bungalow on State street, fireplace, basement, furnace, built in features, strictly modern and ofily 6 years old, for $6300. $1000 will handle It with $30 per month on balance. Thi in a frood Inrcrp. 8 room house close In, plastered, toilet, rvaxn, electric ugnt, oiiy wuier, garage with cement floor, light . .,. 'v. ., . f . ...,. nd t3S th month. L. A. HAYFORD Phones, office 737, residence 1905 305 State street. n room furnished house, close in nn nn von st Siir.no- 6 room house , OA ., -I nn (14AA AA,n. oil ptiveu ui, fAduu, fi.u. AiA,n.i,, the hpKt rniv in a. oou me -House on a corner lacing east ana-norm, good rooms on each side, at $460, $2000 down, this is a splendid tn- vestment. .. 6 room house on Ifth St. $3600; 6 room house 14th St $4200; 5 room bungalow 22d, $3, 500; 6 room house on 20th St. $2500; another corner racing enst unit lllirtn O LVeU H11U O ruuill house, good barn, $8800, $1200 down; . 4 -om house 2JOU Cottage St. with old house, this is a good investment, $3200, $1, 500 down; a beautiful lot in the very best location and 7 room house, you never miss it if you ihliv this tor a location o luum cottage close in, with garage, $4,- 200ft uooo down. There are many bought. Many farms to select from 5 acre tract IVi mnes easi, n acre tract 1 mile from west end of bridge; 32 V4 acres 1H miles from town all fixtures go with place. Stnangers are invited to make my office their headquarters; far mers are always welcome. The United States is flhort 1,800,000 houses, says the Oregonian, do not wait to invest do it now for they can not go down. Rooms for rent GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage, phone 1186. n DON'T BUY Until you see our listings. 17 acres on the Pacific highway, 10 acres prunes, a few apples an cherries, 11 bearing, 2 acres young prunes, 2 acres logans, 3 room house, barn and poultry house; 4 miles from Salem. $12,000, terms. 52 acres all In cultivation, four miles out on a main highway, best of soil for fruit or berries, river frontage. Will sell any sized tract at $185 per facre, terms. 102 acres joining the above, 77 in cultivation, balance timber ana running water, 8 room ),. new barn. $22,000 includ.- gtQck ajjd lmp,ements. pr., 9n i fruit. 6 roi 3 acres all in fruit, 6 room new bungajow, 1 mile from bridge. 5 acre8 aj, in cultivation, god j 'en wire, close in. $1600 ... . rarp have a few vacant lots, well ocated on paved .street, at $460 i iocateu oil vnvcu . t ,onrt nn. If vou haven't found house that suits, let us show you tnese ioib. t T,T,i RADCLIr r t wai"" 341 State St. lOURNAL WANT ADS PAT . .i 1 a RJBAL ESTATE n. suwu iv Utfnj iwrm will ex- I ?lwne toprowd.or un- 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 v 1 1 nrYinirTT I 17 acres of nood farm land close acres ok goon iarm iana ciosq to school and atoros will exchange vk viiu va uivi J buw) ui nun have you to offer T 75 acres of good tlmhar land 7 mllAM fvnn, flaUm RAAA MirJi of wood, close to highway. Price $95 per acre, or will exohange for farm of about equal value. v. , ruinM Room 209 Oregon bldg. n 5 Acrea best of soil, family or chard, 6 room house, good barn and other out buildings, water system, etc. A good buy at $4260. 10 acres berry and prune land, fenced. Bargain at $176 acre. Modern 6 room house on 23d street, $3500. Nice home 7 rooms, close in on Liberty street $2500. 331H State street. Phone S07. PETTEYS REALTY CO. n BEST BUM r. u aM rtluniukri 1 V. ricres of strawberries, best of creek bot- , . I.....1 Unnia nnl flnfAheii! U. mile from car Une. $3000, H cash, balance At o percent. . .... .l OB lis acres, uunivatisu, o . timber and pasture, running water. the best of soil, at town, good road, 20 bearing prunes, 7 prunes .i. .vi.t 19 ninw ' full bearing loganberries, 8 logans l-yejir old, 7 acres peacnes, many urunuiu, good house, barn, drier, store house, only $175 per acre. 1-8 cash, balance 6 per cent to suit. The 86 acres with tne fruit is cheap at the price asked for flii. on ani-wa nil cleared: 5 acres bearing prunes, 9 room house, fair large barn, miiK nouse, nog iiuubc, hen house and smoke house. Two wells on the place. About hi mile from town and railroad station. Price $5000, $2500 cash, Laiance to suit. 12 acres close in, HayesvllM dis trict, nearly all in fruit. Mostly prunes and pears, some cnerries ,,,,) gnntes R room house, east front. Barn, chicken house. Good well. U. mile from u. a. mmouu station. Price $7500, easy terms. On paved road. HUUS1SO This is the house rri vjint A Q v.inm RtrietIV T odem bungalow, most tas'.3ly a runifed and finished house in the city. Garage, two lots, close to scnuui. ,. j ,i ,n tAiinn This Is I'rice reuutcw t m less than cost ot construction. Own er leaving city. ,t. 5 room nouse, eieuiuu . u 1 ..t d of fruit. 2 sewer cuitiicv.iwt lots, good barn, chicken house nnd yard, price szzou, lawn wa.,i. mice $50 per month. A modern 7 room house witn l acre of ground. 12 blocks .from state house. Good barn. fruit hnnsA. chicken house and p'en. All kinds of fruit and I ber ries A good ouy at tiro, ,vu cash, balance at 6 per cent, terms to suit uuyi. - 5 room house, with one tacre of berry or fruit land, ft in logans a" bearing; small barn, chicken .. j ......t hmmp Good well. coo3H aim wuv,u ----- , Price $2800, $1700 cash, balance at 6 percent. SOCOLOFSKY mi ctin at aalnm. Or. Ti nnon -RTTVS 5 acre tract all cultivated, two acres of logans, balance young prunes, good 6 room plastered bungalow, barn, well, good road, 4 miles south. Price $5000. 6 86 acre tnact located close In, good 4 ruuiii wua,m...., (.nod 4 room bungalow, large t,it hmmp. wen. rrmo iaiuw- 4.gi acre tract oi un Utrawberry and logan land, good ...j price $1600, $400 down, bal- ance $300 per year 6 percent In terest. 10 acres of good bottom soil, 6 miles from Salem, all cultivated. Price $2100, $400 down, balance 6 percent interest. Well improved 50 acre tract near Cottage Grove, good buildings, 20 1,,,'n-irnr nears. aood road; will trade for Salem income prop erty. Price $l3,uu. 5 acres of timber land located 5 miles south of Salem. Price $550 14 cosh, balance terms. 103 acre farm, buildings, most ly cultivated. Price $10,600. Fine building lot on S. Com mercial street. Price $1200, $800 down, balance terms. Good 6 room house on Fair mount hill. Price $4750. Good 5 room cottage In south Salem. Price $2650. If you want to buy, trade or sen see W W GRABENHOKST & CU. 275 state street. n HOMES AT BARGAIN PRICES 4 room buncalow. large lot. wood shed, east front, gnavel street. $950, terms. Ft rpnm hnnealow. woodshed. corner lot, east front, $1000, $250 cash, balance like rent. 3 room cottage, east front wooa shed. Price $600, $160 cash, bal ance like rent. 75 acres good timbeg land east of Salem, estimated 4000 cords wood, best rarm sina wnen item ed. Snap $75 per acre, terms. Tja plipnt fnr food Close in residence lot, what have you List with us lor results. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Gray bldg. Phone 907. n DIRECTORY Osteopathy DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 506 U. S. hank building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall. residence phone arf4. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic physician and surgeon, 403-4 Oregon bldg. Res, phone 58F5. BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like renf. Life, Fire, Health. Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Or. DIRECTORY X' ! Jliliw gARM Vr)ANS-Any amount. Low DUD tiflW . . . i , ff"1 BU ' ZZi5:..t LT2?-ryearPtlt tler Hawkin. Roberts, 206 Oregon hlrtcr OAlABTl. Or. Water Company SALEM WATBR COMPANY Ot- rice corner uommerciui uu Trade St. Bill payable month ly m advance. Phono 57. Furnitur FURNITURE New and 2d hand. bought ano soia. aiconomy Auc tion House, 404 Ferry St. Phone 1177. Stove STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50 years' experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sixes 26 to 68 inches high. Paints oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, $60 Court street. Phone 124. Optician DR. ALBERT B. MILLER Opto metrist-optician, eyes thorough ly examined, glasses made and fitted. 610-12 U. S. bank. Tel- ephane 341 WHV aWT FOR LESS? WE will pay you more cash for your household goods; Get our bid before you sell. People's Furniture and Hardware store, 271 N. Commercial street. Phone 784. The Markets Grain: Wheat $1.30; feed oats 65c; cheat hay $20.0022.00; oat hay $21.00 g 23.00; clover-hay $20822; mill run $62. Butterfet: Butterfat 57c; cream ery butter 6162c. Pork, veal and mutton, pork on foot $13.26; veal fancy $16,000 16.00; steers 5 7c; cows 36Hc; 74c; light hens 18 20c; heavy hens 24 25c; old roosters 12c; broilers 22c over two pounds; live turkeys 3035c; dressed turkeys 4046c; live geese 18 20c;-dress ed geese 25 30c; ducks, live 22 28c; ducks dressed 27 33c. Eggs and poultry: Dgga seas 73c; light hens 1820c; heavy hens 24c; old roosters 12c broil ers 22c over two pounds. Vegetables: Oregon onions $1.76 per sack; California onions 12.40 per cwt.; beets per sack 81.00; turnips per sack $3.26; lettuce $4.25; carrots per sack $1.50; parsnip per sack $2.00; cauliflow er $1.75 crate; potatoes $1.25; sweet potatoes 4H5c; cabbage $1.26 cwt; head lettuce $1.25 doz; tomatoes 90c; green peppers 15c; celery 90o dozen. Fruit: Oranges $9.00; lemons $6.00; bananas 13 He; hon ey extmct 20c; emperor grapes 14c Dound: cranberries $5.76 crate: huckelberrie's 20c; dates 26c lb. Retail prices: Eggs 83 85c; creamery butter 67 68c; country butter 57c: flour, hard wheat $33.25; soft wheat $2.75. LIVESTOCK. x, a in ') , -Cattle I'UrtlUUU, -!, v-oia.w steady; receipts 58; choice grass $8.509.00; medium to good $6.50 7.50; fair to good $6.006.50; common to fair $6.266.00! choice cows and heifers $6.50 7.00; me dium to good $4.503'6.bu; rair to medium $3.50 4.50; oanners $2.75 3.60; bulls $5.006.00; choice dairy calves $13.00 14.00; prime light calves $11.0013.uti. meoiuiu light $9,0011.00; heavv IT.000 9.00; best feeders $6.7507.25; fair to good $5.756.75. Hogs lower; receipts 321; prime mixed $11.00 1176; smooth heavy $10.76(811.25; rough heavy $9 9.75; feeder pigs $99.50 Sheep lower; receipts 922; eiist of mountain lambs $8.509.50; valley lambs $8.008.50; culls $5.00 ti. 00; yearlings 88.i0O7.60 wethers $66.50; awes $14.60. , Butter. Portland, Or., Nov. 24. Butter steady; cubes extra 64 56; parch ment wrapped box lots 69c; car tons 60c; half boxes Ho more leas than H box lots lo mora, No. 1 churning cream butierfal 57c fob Portland. Poultry and Batgs ' Portland, Or. Nov. 24. Eggs selling price, case oount 7476c; buying price 68 70c; selling price candled 74 76c; selected candled in cartons 76 78c. Poultry: Hens heavy 30c; light 23c; broilers 2730c; old roosters 14c; turkeys dressed 4548c; geese 2025c; ducks 30 40c. Wheat: Hard white $1.45; soft white $1-40; white club $1.45; northern spring $1.40; red Walla Wnlla $1.35; barley $44; oats $40 44; corn No. 3 yellow $4041. Mill stuffs Mill run $45; alfalfa $23; grain mixed $23; clover $20 22. Hay Buying price timothy lr LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF GOV ERNMENT TIMBER, GENERAL LAND OFFICE. WASHINGTON, D. C November 3, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June , 1916. 3 Stat. 218), and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of Sep tember 15. 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold December 22. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the United State Land Office at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the ap . . .i,.,i ,v, tup as shown by this notice. Ml to bo subjeot to the approval or taw wweiwr w Interior. The purchase price, with : nun iui . ,uv f"' r- ' " addition;! iiom ot JL? i ntin iinr cwh. nwmvak mmm ' missions allowea". inliet be dpOS " "e Sn ZJtSSk 2 approved. J?" issue tor tne timmi - "srr" CI c within ten fears. Bids UA3 IWIHV.v- . . , . will ho received from citlseus- of the United States, muo" v. n(HAnfl nd p.nrnorations or X T ,h TTa Ot HM4 United States or any eta terri tory or district tnereox onij. w- on application oi a nmui" AhA.r the timber on any legal LH..I.I.. win hp offered Bensv- auoaivioivii " - . -- . in.v.7 v k , n any offer ot a larger wnltT. 4 R. R. 3 S.. Sec. 5, NEHi NWH. fir ?0 M.. "cedar 20 M. 8B1i fir 960 M., cedar 15 V.. SWH, tin 815 M., SW14 BW. fir 380 Ma, cedar 20 M., n ....... i . . hAinrn dhiuk mwiwww owu fir BUU Ol., wmw iw Sec. SS, SB 14 NW14 fir llW M.. 5wu vrwu. r 1000 M.. NW SW, fir 426 M none otthe fir Or cedar to oe oi ,1.60 per M. TALUtAN, Commissioner General Land Office. NOTICK Notice is hereby given that a , jai.i-ia OTPPtinir will be held l'OaU U1BW1.J1. ---r - . J nt Plbasant Point school house in road district no. i """"" county. Oregon, on Saturday Nor. 27 1920 at the hour of one o clocK . . . 0f levying aii additional tax for rcd purpos es in sa d district. W. M. BUSHEY, Judge. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a road district meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. Ida Couil lard on old Pringlte road in road district No. 27 in Marion county. Oregon, on Saturday, Nov. ..i , l, i, hnnr ill 2:30 O ClOClt p. m. for the purpose of levying an additional tax tor u iuik" es in said district W. M. BUHS'. -lulls'-. Countv Court Proceedings Larsen & Sons, P J oak boards or windshields ...... Liberty Machine shop repair- imr - 9.00 16.50 Oregon State Highway com mission rear spring 28.80 Pearce & son, Lot L chain for hoist 8-40 QuackenbushG C tires, etc 1248.29 Smith, Bliss W driving of truck - : 58-76 Spauldlng, C J do 15.00 Valley Motor company wind shields, etc 1.14.40 Witztrf, C C driving truck .. 40.00 Baker, J A driving truck, etc .... 115 00 Bolller, John driving truck 105.94 Branch, A C do 115.00 Burns. J A do 125.00 Caspell, Frank do 89.38 Clare, Chase do 120.00 Eastburn, John do 54.50 Fiedler, Earl driving truck etc 92.50 5.00 CMlmer, J W driving truck.. Griesanausr, John do 70.00 Heckman, Chester worK on trucks 151.92 145.31 Hcnsley, Ralph do , Hermens, Adrian driving o truck Hill, M O do Mcllwain, Loster driving of truck, etc Rlngwald, oJo F driving of truck 92.04 118.75 96.64 15.00 Schnider, Lorence do 60.00 Stahl, John do 66.88 Yantis, J C do 120.00 Caterpillars Account Barlruff, Robert, operating caterpillar 192.00 Becker & Son, N, repairing fan belt Bishop, Francis, engineer ... 30.00 Bishop, James, work on grader 7.60 Taylor, Crosby, engineer 18.00 Durant, L W, work on grad er , 10. Farmer Hdw. Co., Ray L., repairs and supplies 10.50 Hall, Henry, helper on grader 12.00 Holt Manufacturing Co, The. caterpillar parts 14.24 Sims, H, operating grader.... 109.0$ Piiving Pluntt Account Hoven, Oscar, overseer 172.50 Pearce & Son, Lot L, chain links, etc 13-52 Salem Sand & Gravel Co., gravel 604.80 lIUWSllllll Paving Plan' Account Bones, J M, blacksmithing.. 2.35 Condit, Ross, land rental .. 2 5.00 Davis sOrage, repair work.. 7.00 Drager, D G. advance for freight on asphalt 2,009.92 Drager, D G, advance for freight on gravel 25.00 Farmer Hdw. Co, Ray L. reoalrs 34.05 Gardner, A D. fine sand 19.80 Herrold, L O, asphaltum 5S3.87 Jensen, H P, blacksmithing 11.30 Lewis, Claude, hauling gravel, etc Mielke, John F, lace leather Myers. Mrs Daisy, phone calls Nelson Bros, galvanised iron, etc. Oregon Grain Co, oil .nails. etc 115.37 4.00 15.50 19.88 Copyright 1920 by H. C. Flaher Trade mark Reg. V. S. Pat Office -A pm tt Son. W engine .4! .'f 11.25- lojo 16.0 26. 0) i;.s:? I 61.00 Purcell, A F, dumping a phalt, etc , PurceH, Wm. L, ruimii' mixer Simpson, Rene, holdi freSmy Spaniol, Jacob, repair woi and material Speer & Co. A P, tools, v eto - Taylor, J W, work on fori etc Watson, W B work on forms i 09 m 1 I 2.25 m West Side Gravel Co, gr; Zell, K M, work on ton etc do.UO 31.50 Albua, W J, feeding son Anderson, Wm, helping l forms Bixby, L W. work on foi eto Blake, John, feeding on er - Busit, Lucien, driving tn etc Colvin, Chas, hauling gr el, etc Condit, B B. time keepe Condit, Ross, watchman 1 'lR.no lili.OO. Denham, Chas, hauling Doztcr, A, fresno wortt. 1 51.50 Ellis, Lester, foreman crusher Farley, Percy, drlvlhg tn etc. r Fennell, Henry, work forms Fleber, Raymond, shovi gravel Fleber. Wm, driving qu:. truck Fisher, Philip, foreman lng plant Fullerson. R L, shovr dirt and. hot stuff Fuson, , E G, fresno v etc Gtvens, Uni, water can Harding, i C, shoveling eJnser., Chris, watchmn 40.00 ! 110.90 IMS.75 ' 34.50 ! ti.m 1 3.50 l'77;8a Jennings, P E, shove dirt, etc Judson, eLonard, engi tandem roller Kromwall, A, shoveling stuff Lee L W, firing aBphalt Lichenberger, J E, Bhov ing gravel, etc Lindle, J N, running et. Mayes, G. S.. work on i etc MoCulley, C D, Fresno etc Mlckenhan, H, haullni rock, etc Miller, Fred, work on i Minten, Alex, unlbn asphalt, etc Odell. C H, hauling cr. Phillips, Wm, hauling rock, etc pound, O A, 'hauling rock, etc Purcell. Wm.. running er, etc Rodel, Joe engineer plant Rauscher, Frank, sho hot stuff Richter, Fnank, holdin sno, etc. Richter, Jacob, shove gravel .... Richter, Jos, work on ; Richter, Nichols, shot gravel Scott, Geo, self and e running dryer drui Silvers, Dave, shovelln stuff Simpson, Frank, duni asphalt In vats .... Van Handel, Chas, ft screen at pit Wagner, Dick, forem laying, forus Wallace E F hauling uu Webb, Eliner, carryt wutei- Weisenberg, A F, spr gravel Weisenberg, Geo, ft work White, J H, foreman hot Mtuff Witzel, Roy, weighini and sand Wolf, A, fresno work Wolf, Geo, spread and eled gravel, etc .... Wolf, J H, spread, etc Zuber, A P, shovelln Mt. Angle Paving i Crowe!!, It N, cru rock Drager, I) G, adv. for on asphalt Furmer Hrw, Co, 1 repair parts King E D, aand .... Kirk, MX hauling ci hock Koehler, Henry B, 1 Oswald Bros, matche gh Road builder's 'equ Co. runner shoes f ano Salem Seuer Pipe c .Schmaltz Hi Sons, N. etc Travis, N B. reiian etc Union Oil Co. of Cs Asphalt Weissenfels Bros, i for plaeu. A trucks .65 iVIllaSSTtrf Garage. I as Benaeth. Kenneth, gang Uerning. C J, cutti Berning, R J. adv. t OBliS, et, Uerning R J, oven Bielemler, tfeorge, at plant, etc Blemier. John, i work, etc Bielemier. Peter. gtneer. etc BJellard. Flllman. gang Bjontegard. An her, Buhr. Jo., head, IBuhr, John, spread stuff Butch. Albin, cutti Hutch. Lowrnce. hill ;. R - m a.o! 34.00 fl 15.00 14.00 '4.01 ' : ,0 J . 84.50