Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 24, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    The Capital Journal. Salem.
Wednesday, jf.
Portland Kiuht hundr .. 1
Willamette University Football Team
by the Knight Packing company
wuji-u 1111U8 me puouc has a de
cided appetite for such relishes
The company in 12 months con
sumes 00 tons of cabbages cut
for sauer kraut.
Mothers ai,'
and Orai.dna C
dually iK,,K,( WJI
naive p,P1',U?.b'tCi
Girls! Girls!!
ve Your Hair
With Guticura
Soap and 0 in tman t to ciampiaaireaoi
You Will Be
Page Six
Top row, loft to right Nickel, guuril; Sherwood.
Lyman, end; liaslor, lackle; Itarnray, guard; Bain, center
guard. Bottom row Socolof-sky, e id;
Teams In Fine Fettle for
Turkey Day Clash Here;
Officials Are Selected
fullback; Irvine, quarter; Mathews, coach; R. Rarey. halfback and captain: Zeller, halfback and captain; Zeller, halfback; Wapato, fullback; H. Rarey,
White, guard; Lawson, tackle; Barnes, e end; Ganzans, end.
Willamette Position Whitman
Lyman L-B R Schroeder
Lawson L-T-R Haritage
White L-G-R . Kmign
Bain C Burks
Nlfkel R-O L Blair
Hauler R-T-L Comrada
Barnes R-E-L Dean
Irvine Q - Corkru
Rarey L-H-R Tllton
Wapato F Garver
Zeller R-H-L Shepherd
Officials: Rteree, "Chuck" Reynolds. Umpire; Dean Walker.
Head linesman, "Bill" Holdsn.
Average weight of teams Willamette: line 107 pounds;
backfield, 163 pounds. Whitman: line IJ2 pounds: baekfield 164
pounds (approximate),
At 2 o'clock tomororw afternoon,
on Sweetland field, "Chuck" Reyn
olds, former O. A. C. football star,
will ill his offle.lal capacity as ref
eree, send tho respective gridiron
teams of Willamette university and
Whitman college into what prom
ises to be one of the most spectacu
lar and hardest fought games on
the northwest conference schedule
for this year.
The game will be Willamette's
debut Into fconforence football clr
clea and will be the first contest "1
this class ever staged in the city.
Little Oopc Available,
praotlcall no dope on the com
parative strength of the two tennis
is available, because they have nad
no opponents in common. But
Coach "Nig" Borleskio's Mission
aries will enter the fray as favor
ites, due principally to the more
experienced personnel of his team
and the (act that they 'have ah ead;
met and given creditable accounts
of themselves In games with the
University of Washington, I'niver
slty of Idaho and the University or
Montana. They, annexed the hitter
Wtllamotle, on the other hand
Will face the visitors with the
Strongest lineup put in the field ly
the Bearcats In many years. Some
followers of the game rale C'eaeh
Mathews' eleven as the most for
midable ever developed by the local
school. With Wapato, Zeller. Itarej
and Irvine, a iiiinrtet avering 164
pounds In weight, the Bearcats
have an offensive unit capable of
worrying any college eleven. Zel
ler, trvlnc and Unify contribute tin
upeed to this combination, while
AVatuto's 1 f S pounds el" beef Is a
constant menace to the opposing
line when a critical few yards of
ground are needed.
Whitman Hacks Tast.
into these warriors Coach Mil
I thew has drilled the famous Notre
Dame style of play, before which
patter learns than Whitman have
fallen victims to weaker opponents.
, Opposing the Willamette baok
fd'd ;v:il be an uliVnulvo unit of
u.ual ability and u-tt.v .-epilation
in thf W hitman ipiartet of Garver,
Tllton. Shepherd' vtnl Corkru. In
Corkru, at quarter, the Missionaries
have a diminutive field general who
Is rated as one of the wizards of
the conference in open field work
and who has earned the reputation
of be-in a deadl tackier. In his
team mates behind him is a trio
that plun .ts hard, skirts the ends
fast and picks Iwlvs like a rabbit.
Time I- Ch inged.
Both trams aie reported hv theii
Y. M. Boys Class
To Hold Bicycle
Jaunt Wednesday
rne preparatorv and cadet el,.
es of the V. M. C. A. compcijil of
an noys between the ages of 10 and
l years will hold a bicycle trip to
morrow to Liberty, The boys take
their luncheon returning at 1
o clock. Races, competitive games
and indoor baseball will make up
tomorrow evening the cadets
ami juniors will hold a feed after
which Hie clubs will meet to elect
officers and choose names i,-!,.i.
lass have their separate nlutui .,,i
letlvlties. At 7 o'elnek lh ,..m ....
a mixer for them consisting m !..
Ing popular songs, talks and a four
ieet nirn picture. All cadets and
minors are urged to be present
The Y. M. C. A u.iii i, ......
..... t'l"tll-ll
on lhanksglving day from 5 till 9
p. m. i lie pame rooms can be
used .and although l,o.., ,..m ....
00 gym classes, competitive games
IVIII be put oil bet we,. i. ll.u ....-I
Irrigation of 7
Lane Lands Is
Roll Call For
Red Cross Closes
Thanksgiving Eve
"The success of the Willamette
chapter of the Red Cross for the
coming year, depends upon the suc
cess of the fourth Red Cross roll
call which closes tomorrow night,
strenuous eforts are being mane by
the local office to insure a record
renewal of subscriptions. The last
hours of work are vital to the cause
and every one interested in the Red
Cross should make every moment
count until the last hour of the roll
call," stated Chairman B. McDan
iel this morning. "Out of a popu
lation of approximately 40,000 in
Marion and Polk counties, less than
15 per cent enrolled as members of
me ed Cross last year. The ex
penditures of the Willamette chap
ter directly In Marlon and Polk
counties during the past year ex
ceeded by 100 per cent the am-junt
which last year's roll riti nae,.
If this stiuation continues to exist
one of the greatest f,,,-,.,., '
munlty Insurance will be not only
handicapped but stifled."
High Rnrollincnt.
The reports from the school dis
tricts Indicate a high percentage of
enrollment in the rural mnr
ties. In many cases the enrollment
exceeds the number of residents in
he district. Some of the workers
In these localities have been com
pelled to walk eluhf an . ... ' I
ten miles
,islt a 8i"!f'e family because of
he conditions of the road, accord
Ing tn reports from the local office
i no sacrlfipp tv,,, r
woelh"' '"hl S,,U' "". IS
orlhv of highest praise," stated
President Ueven f,h
i,hj . l"1 inamette
OJwwer when interviewed this
morning. "Rve,-,. a . . .t,uai
health." "",P cases of
The roll n ........
Th 'Hi t-orti. i oiue.any closes
';n? f'iL r
"on unH. '",0. r"f-
utrned In " Z""" ' Sn,,s
allotted Knna a His
tiain " ' Cml. r,newl cam
of the tnt' members
rectior, , ; r "" 'he di
Instrume, I hcott n'-e to bt
neal "nihing a flnfcl an
Polk counties have not been visited
by a Red Cross worker. Any one
who has not been visited anu who
wants to aid, should send his mon
ey by check or postal money order
made out to the Red Cross Roll Call
to Chairman Bruce W. MoDaniel,
second floor postoffice building, Sa
lem, and receipts and buttons will
be promply forwarded," advises he
local chairman, "If any commun
ity or school, district has not been
solicited, due to some unknown
cause, the office will appreciate the
courtesy if it is notified at once."
"The roll call must be a success.
If the Willamette chapter is to meet
the additional' demands thrust nnnn
it, if it is to do its part in assuring
me stability of the nation, no more
efficient or pratcical method of in
juring such resuls exists than that
it securing a membership without
Defeated Greek
Premier Wishes
To Quit Politics
Paris, Nov. 24. former Premier
Venizelos of Greece is despondent
over his defeat at the polls Novem
ber 14 and may retire oermnnentw
from politics. In Snv event ho mill
awau definition by the powers of
their attitude toward Greece, said
Sophocles Venizelos, son of the for
mer premier, to Paris correspond
ents at Nlve this morning.
Oakland Police
Officers Facing
Booze Charges
Cnkland, Cal., Nov. 23. An
nouncement that two members of
the Oakland police department,
one a sergeant and the other a pa
trolman were facing court charg
es because of their alleged deal
ing in liquor without proper per-
' mit, was m.rde by F. P. Morse,
commissioner of safety today.
One of the men manufactured
and the other sold liquor, accord
ing to the evidence at hand. I am
not in a position to make their
names known," he said.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 24. Final
drills n a set of signals are being
given to the University of ' Pitts
burgh football team for the game
against Penn Stale Thanksgiving
Margie witn warm salt wate
hen apply over throat
V A ro Rub
uotr 1 Million Jan Used Yearly
S. C. Stone, M. D.
157 South Commercial R 1 rpl
and doee a general office practice
Office Tyler's Drug Store
,. Sen' m the Money.
" ' I'eopte , Jvi;. ,
.v,t, ti
'V. Li. HtlAffltv .,,wl r r ,, - ,
' w- LfOU-
man f Dexter have made applica
tion of the state engineer's office
for the right to appropriate water
from Lost creek and iiM,io..i
for the irr!itioii of 4iin ...i
for fluming lumber in Lane coun
ty. Other applications eoverihg wa
ter rights have been filed as fol
lows: By Mrs. Myrtle i 'b ,...,,
Bltkum covering the appropriation
" irom an unnamed stream
for domes! ie supply in Coos coun
ty. By John F .m-,, i..,- ,
f ills covering appropriation of
i uter from Jacka ss creek nnil
three springs for the irrigation of
lend and for domestic supply in
.1 lek.-on county.
By Minnie Itongardner of Won
der covering the conetrurtion of
a reservoir on Water creek for
the storage of water for Irrigation
purposes, in Josephine county.
By D. P. Norton of Takilma
covering the appronritlon of
water from south fork. Scotts
Gulch for the irrigation of twenty
- .... ii, ......... .... lit,' illicit ft: .ij
cosohes as in Ihe pick of condition five arrra in ,tinhln.
and playing at their maximum By tho Veer Creek Live Stock
KrniKth cf peiM-mw! in tomorrow's company of Li Crande for the I
ratne "it iicrtich. f who appropriation of water from Tver;
has !on out of tie- '!: mm !i'""-' creek for domestic use and the!
up o . a .lint of injurioa sin. e thelrI.)Ka,ion of fjftv orM m ,A ;U.
Vashin '.el pi me, wll lie back ntjow ootintf,
.en uo. I or. i. .,1. ,11 n-i. i;i.-Kie ami
will add rtiferia!! '.' strenr
Of the Mirsloilary liae.
The tim.i of' the tfame, anneutu
rtit a - i- lto'clp.'k, : .. : T
i cnccraunp, rtnusepnc emo
A Salem Citincn Glve
... . , mmm value
you suffer from backache
.,,daehes. .Uzziness. nerv
weak, languid, depressed
annoying Urinary disord
lo you know what to do'
home Salem people do
oi?a the statement that fi
U s from ,i Salem citizen.
lestmiony that can be investi
Mrs. L. A. Harriott nsi mL.
, .uw. ......
Bt. savs: "1 kin v
.... i.oan
rvmney e s with K.,t.
K.,....y recommend them stv u-
neys were weak ana al tl.,..
had severe backache And felt du'
and languid. I frequently ha
nervous headaches and mv kid
neys would not act rlirht. I r..n.
of Ooan's Kidney Pills and used
them. They soon put my kidnevs
in good order and the hickaches
icrt ami I felt better in every way'
iTice 60c, at all dealers. Don"
simply Hsk for a kidnpv rptiii'tti-
get Donn's Kidney Pills the same
i" airs. narrtoK nail. Kostei
Mllburn Co., Mfrs.. BufAilo, N. 1
k i
In Ui
haa been
la i
hnn-c.i to 2 o'cli ck. Thi
Will Help You
Kliow n abatiilaee of time. It
'i .a i. for fl'.i Ji.lnc il:i . . .. T . . .
! t'li '..for.- 1,11,1 after the fscwr mind n.w olten you have tned .
; aiKi iauea, you can stop oiirtims, ucning
i . . oy applying utho.
Furnied by any druggist for 35c Extra i hfW
large bottle, Healing begins the ! y .
in -merit zemo is .mrmed. In a sh rt f s
time ustfillv every trace of eczema, I
tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads anl Jk J
finnlar skin diseases will be removed.' tJiJQQm
For dearmR the skin and making it g.
vigorouslyhealtliy. OuiPtn
js necjung. ami ..puc nquia. itijnet c m J
at-roasy sa&eaod nckKsnotstain. Whra McVl
in ifj
me seat i.i I. has com
all expectations and it
tin! more than S000
witness tit. conl -si.
others rait it is I In
Irraunent forsttintr.
'itu L W.KU
. :-jfrt
'Mm III II MIU , ;
U : . . . '-,:J:t.:.;r '
I I '
Catarrh Will Go
Help Comes in Two Minutes
Complete Relief tn a Few
Don't 0 on hawking yourself
sick every morning; it's cruel, It's
harmful and It's unnecessary
If after breathing Hyomei, tin
wonderworker, you -re not rid of
vile catarrh you ran have your
money back.
No stomach dosinir l.iot tnV.
the little hard rubber pocket inhai
er that comes with each ni.tfn-
and pour into it a few drops of
Hyomei. Breathe if
directions. In two m-'iutes It will
relieve you of that stuffed up feel
ing. Use it dallv and In n for,.
weeks you should be entirely fre
irom catarrn.
orraming nyomel is a very
pieasant ana coriain way to kill
catarrh germs.
Get a Hyomei outfit today. It's
soia oy druggists everywhere with
guarantee to suickly and eafely
ena catarrh, croup, coughs, colds
sore throat and bronchitis or mon
ey back. It's inexpensive. D. J.
Try can supply you.
GOUVERNEUP. Morris" The Pen a I tv
tnds indigestion
It relieves stomach misery, sour
stomach, belching and all stohiacn
disease or money back. Large box
of tablets at all druggists in all
Rubber Heel Day Every Wednesday
All 50c Rubber Heels Put On for 25c
Kanao Shoes
Fox furapa
3Z6 Statt St.-Nf.ttnUtK.Susli&utK
Exceedingly Attractive Time
Payment Plan '
Bedtime for Children
A good oil heater protects your
children from colds. Filled with
cloan-burning Pearl Oil its
warm glow is ready for instant
service at the touch of a match.
Pearl Oil burns without
smoke or odor, for it is refined
and re-refined by our special
process. Economical. Conven
ient Sold in bulk by dealers
everywhere and by our stations.
Order by name Pearl Oil.
' (CaWorni)
The man who starts out to get the ut
most for his money in a five-passenger
motor car, will be driven to the good
Maxwell by sheer force of logic and
By any and every standard you choc
to apply first price, running-cost,
power, responsiveness, wheel base,
roominess the good Maxwell at $995
Will rMrK 1w rrt-f3cf and COflV
" .VTV lOljL U J WW ill. t . .
parison the greatest buy in the market
today. i
Touring Car . $995 Coupe . . f'95
' Roadster . . . 993 Sedan .
F O B. factory war tarn to bo added
Oscar B. Gingrich Motor & Tire Co.
371 Court Street Phone 635