Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 22, 1920, Image 7

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.November 22, 1920
The Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon
At the public li-
nr. .T H.
ot'sJatUe , wiil
JlI the assembly hour ad
" . " the Community
I f,- Relicious Kdiica-
HCJIuui -
at 8 1. m
Nov. 26.-Football. Wil
... vs. Whitman col
li 4 'Lena Bauman of Portland and
Sirs. Theda Brunkow of Portland.
The deceased had been a resident
of this vicinity for 18 years, com-
lng to the United States from Ger-
many 36 years ago. The funeral
J vas .bjBld this afternoon at one
, o'clock' from the Qerman Method-
tot church. 13th and Center atrooto
Interment was made in the Lee
Mission cemetery. Rigdon and Son
had charge of the remains.
Miss Era Godfrey, instructor in
the physical education depart
ment at the Salem high scnool,
left last night for Portland where
she will spend several days.
Thanksgiving football Wlllam
ette vs Whitman, conference game
Tickets l. .
After spending a short time vis
iting in Salem, Walter Banks re
turned to his home in Portland
last night.
i NOV. -r'""
5 hlrt school vs. The Dalles
i urti SChQul, The Dalles.
T.... in Uiiliv clinic.
if Marion County Children's
Nnrnu, ."""
. a- w-ir Mothers'
HOV. ii.
vjiaar, armory.,
Dec Junior Guild dance
Moose hall.
I Wee. 6. First Concert by
J Sslem Symphony Orchestra
0 nnory. . A -
f Sf -r -r T -w -1"
Salem's biggest football rame
of the season, Willamette vs Whit
man, Thanksgiving day. Tickets
II. .
fCoari House Notes
Circuit Court
toary ' Flynn vs Willmer W.
fjTynn. Execution.
'Incy M. Harillil vs unu w.
' Hardin.. Order, affidavit.
Kred W. Durlnn vs vv. Jay jjcii-
Ijem. summon.
VtolaT. Wiik-en
lt id. Summons.
Mildred Senium;
fldmink. Motion,
i T T,owrv estate. Final ac-
tiOTtrt, order setting time.
Benjamin H. Keiser esiaie.
Mary Anna tijven..ria..
r, petition, oath
lelle Bryant
Mr. Churchill and family, who
have been living in California for
some time past, are moving back
to Salem and will occupy their
home on North 20th street" this
week. '
Liberty steak 15c lb Sausn-Re
15c lb. T-bone steak 20c lb. Mid
get Market. 281
Chas. Siegmund has purchased
a 45 acre ranch two miles from
Salem on the Garden road, and
will move to the place this week
He will retain his position, how
ever, with Gile apd company.
Canton Cafe at 162 N. Com'l
St. which closed recently for al
terations and extensive decora
tions has been reopened, to be
hereafter known as the Nomking
Low, serving Chinese and Ameri
can dishes.
The daughters of Veterans will
hold a special meeting in the Odd
Fellows hall Tuesday evening at
8 o'clock. This will be inspection
night and five officers from Port
land will be present. Mrs. Shirley,
who will do the inspecting, is a
practicing attorney in the metrop.
oils. Members of the Q. A. R. and
Sons of Veterans who desire to do
so are invited to attend.
Grand today, vaudevilje.
George Gochnour of Salein, re
turned here last night after spend
ing the week end visiting in Cor-vallis.
Round steak 20c lb. Beef to
boil 10c lb. Liberty steak 15c lb.
Midget Market. 281
Officer Bro;n Saturday night
took to the police station a bi
cycle which he found irAfront of
the Wilson garage' on Commer
cial street.
Owing to our increasAl vol
ume of business we will continue
our Saturday prices all tj(s week.
Midget Market. 281
Salmon 7
Phone 111.
cents. Fitts Market
Marrlage Licensee
Hell lewey Forgey, 22, railroad
wnplove, Albany .ana ub
Tern Reeves, 21, stenograpner anu
E clerk, Salem.
Daily Statistics
WILE At the family home,
near Hiyesville, Saturday Nov.
20, 1920, Max Andrew Lytle, the
' infant son of Mr. and Mrs. M.
H. Lvtle.
Ptmeral services were held this
.,..iir nt 1(1 o'clock irom me
Bto View cemetery, where inter-
! iwart was made. Rigdon and Son
bad charge of the remains.
31' ANDREWS I n Salem Saturday
November 20. 1920, Mrs. tea
McAndrews, daughter of Mr.
una Mrs. W'ederman of Salem,
atttie age of 30 years.
BeMdes her father and mother
the leaves two brothers, A. we-
eman and R. Wederman; one
' half brother, Alexx Papelpu, and
' Ante cfflldren, Alex, 'aged 12:
TOda, aged 10. anU John, aged
nine. The funeral was held from
flw Rigdon chapel at 2 p. m. this
afternoon. Interment was made m
Ike Le Mission cemetery.
,t TRIES At his home near
Pnitum, Saturday November
SO, 1920, Hermann de Vr'ies, at
the age of 76 years.
He i3 survived by his wife and
fix children. Fred. H. W., and
: "William of Pratum, and Mrs. Anna
firnsing of Lydia, Xans., Mrs.
IT. G Boyer, county clerk
Marion county, eloped from
post Saturday and attended
football battle at Corvallis.
A. N. Pierce, manager of the
Hotel Marlon, has returned from
Portland after a two. day sojourn
In the misty qlty.
Sausage 15c lb.
pail 1.10. Pork
Midget Market.
Pure lard No. 5
steak 25c lb.
His bicycle was stolen from Lis
home at 555 Center street, Satur
day night, David Engelbretson
told police.
His bicycle was stolen from in
front of the Oregon theater, Cle
one Patton, of the Florence hotel,
complained to police Saturday
10.000 people ought to see
"Snooky," the Humansee next
Friday and Saturday. 281
Choice turkeys, geese or chick
ens, dressed or live, low prices.
Phone orders to 1743 or 1604. 280
F. B. Guthrie of Roseburg was
a Salem visitor Sunday.
James E. Edminston of Med
ford transacted business in this
city Monday. While in Salem, Mr.
Edmonston is registered at the
Hotel Marion.
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Todhunter
of Los Angeles arrived in Salem,
Saturday and will visit relatives
in this city for a short time. Mr.
Todhunler has two brothers re
siding in Salem, Marshall Tod
hunter of 680 Summer street and
M. J. Todhunter, 500 north High
Miss Hazel Todhunter, a form
er member of the clerical force
in the office of Attorney General
George M. Brown, left Saturday
for Rochester, Minn., at which
place she has accepted a position
with the administrative depart
ment of the Mayo Brothers' clinic
A bicycle which, he said, he C. H. Wieder, owner of the Cap-
found on a woodpile in front ofjital City Laundry of Salem and the
his home, 125 N. 13th sUeet, . . .
taken to the police station Satur-i Bj8BxsjsBBBBjBBSBSsssB9BBBBSBBBBajsM
day by Lee Hop Sing. The police i
believe the wheel had been stolen.
For sale, Olympia, pr any other
hard wheat flour in stock, at 12.90
per sack, 111.50 per bbl., all old
wheat flour. Will sell at a,bove
price as long as stock will last
T. Barkus & Son., Phone 755.
Jack Moist, a student at the
Oregon Agricultural college, spent
a short time visiting here last
week end.
SDecial meeting of
Pacific lodge No. 50 A
F. & A. M. .this evening
Work in the E. A. dc
gree. 279'
remains of Mrs. Saran
who died here Novem'her
were shipped today to Indian-
Among those returning
Corvallis Saturday night was Geo.
W. Hug, superintendent of Salem
W. F. Fay of Jefferson, Wis.,
was a Salem visitor Friday and
F. L. Stelson of Eugene trans
acted business in Salem Friday
morning. '':
W. J. Mishler of Woodburn and
S. C. Morton of St. Helens were
among those who were guests of
the Miarion hotel Thursday and
Vaudevilje, (jrarfd tonight. 280
Officer White Saturday left at
the police station a suitcase which
he found just east of the Oregon
Electric depot. In the suitcase
waaa report card on which the
name "Opal Goodman" of Mills
City was nscribed.
Don't fail to attend the Shirley
Co. Concert and dance, armory
Wed. night Dec. 1st, American le
gion, both- concert and dance II.
; Ola, Neb., for Interment, by Rig
from- don and Son. The remains er
accompanied by Mrs. M. H. Ut
ter, of Salem arid Mrs. Aivnie
Walker of Portland.
Vocational t aaeh'jr? cf . the Sa
lem schools are .pe.:inittd' to ob
serve classes in other reliools this
week, and several of them are out
of town, Superintendent George
W. Hug, stated this morning.
Flue fires made necessary two
runs by the SaUm fire depart
ment Sunday night, but the, blazes
were easily extinguished. jn of
the fires occur?! nt the corner of
16th and Nebraska streets, and
the other at Myrtle street and
Highland avenue. ' ri
Love. Jeweini, watchmaker.
F. B. Thorp of La Grande vis
ited friends in this city Friday.
The funeral of Charles R. Scott
who died in Salem Friday after
notm, will be held Monday at 2
p. m. from the Highland Friends
church. Interment will be made
in the fcity View cemetery.
Reading is the greatest
factor in education. Get all
you can out of the News.
But be sure your wisdom is
perfect. It may not dis
tress you now but the long
pr vmi neelect your eye
sight the more seriously it
will affect your imure
health and efficiency. Bet
ter see us for an examina
tion. Morris & Keene
Optical Company
Rooms 202-211
Bank of Commerce Building
Salem, Oregon
Will be presented in a splendid
By Capital Post No. 9
American Legion
Wednesday Night, December 1
- Salem Armory
A wonderful program of 20 numbers vfTl
i -be rendered.
This will be a rare treat Everybody
Admission to both Concert and Dance $1.00
m cu
fW 2 Morrow
it Bligh
Charli Chaplin
For the Kitchen
Dining Room
Albany laundry, was a Salem vis
itor from the Linn county city,
Mr. and Mrs. Ves . Jones at
Houston, Texas, were guests of
the Marion Monday, while Mr.
Jones is transacting business in
this city in connection with his in
terest n oil propertes n the Lone
Stir state.
The public library offers prizes
to the high school students for
the best poster to totter better
books in the home. The posters
are to be presented at the library
at 4 p. m. Wednesday Dec. 1. Miss
Paden will criticise ai d give some
assistance if the designs are plin
ned by the Monday proceeding.
The prizes offered isre $2 for fifst
and H for second beat.
The case of R. L. Davis, charg
ed with non-support of his fam
ily, was today continued by Judge
Q. E. Unruh until tomorrow morn
ing. Davis' f,imlly is said to reside
in Portland at the present time.
provement clu)
' S W l i
school at ait I t
night. A mush . i
been arrange.) r. . i
and all mem' i
the club are u,
Make your
your Thanksi
Marion hotel
(ieorge W. Hug, city superin
tendent of schools, will address
members of the Richmond lm-
Mcmbers of
o( the First "
attend a m
the church i
day afternooi
lh. I
S to
Orb :'l
Final Clearance in Dres
These come in models of Silk and
desirable in every way.
Carving Sets
Cake Pans
Pudding Moulds
Glassware .
Orange Candles
and Shades
Infact everything to pre
pare a successful
Thanksgiving Dinner.
Wm. Oahlsdorf
The Store of Housewares
135 N. Liberty Street
'.hey are marked less than
$14; )
Jersey Pettico
Through a most fortunate purchase,
cash, we can offer this almost uiii
value. There are many shades and e
to select from. .
They are strictly High Quality, manu
experts in the business. We, have set t :
price for a rousing special, at . . . ,
Just Received! Pure Wool Swe
a i n ft t t i"4 i I it n i
A most beautifully Knit sweater, irorn tne tinest o! vaii
colors that embrace the season's demands. They ar -
i it n tit- j -i --r V i
open down tne tront, to be worn witn v ests, anu arc nai l id
ly adapted for school girls' wear. We have put tbem i
ihia PrlnTlksovinD TTiVPnt nt Snpmnl
t linn in 'i T T vis. i. rrjJ vv
JERSEY SPORT JACKETS, in navy blue, brown
The very last word in Knit Jackets, specially priced '
L Goods. CL
tor new store is now open for business. We will carry
erything in the line of hardware and will gurantee
For Thanksgiving Needs
J"? Sets, Roasters, Aluminum, Granite,
tookm? Ware. Kitchen Cutlery, etc. Full li
varnishes and wass
and Pyrex
line Paints
110.00 Pize for the best slogan to be used fo our business.
Contest closes Nov. 30.
Knit Underwear
For the Children
Children's fine fleeced Union Suits made in several dif
ferent styles are priced at 69c to $1.35 a garment.
Children's fine fleeced sepaate vests and pants are
splendid for cold weather wear and are priced at 48c to
75c each. ,
Retailers at Wholesale Prices
More Loaves for a Dollar
Women's fine fleeced separaate vests and pants are very
popularly priced at 69c to $1.25 each.
Women's fine fleeced union suits made in several differ
ent styles are priced at 98c to $1.98 a garment.
of knit underwear such as "Keysera" and "Carters" knit
wear in a completed line of styles in union suits, vests
and pants in weaves of cotton, silk and wool, wool and
cotton and al wool. Our prices in this department, as
throughout our entire store, meet the new market prices
in their reductions.
U. G. Shipley Co.
The Best Flour Cheaper
Life of Whei
Easy to Order, Call 186 or 198, Say VI