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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1920)
Pae Eight Hi Crotta! Journal. blew. Ortttt . . ji !.,,,.. KlVI. 1 I cial evening Monday at the Odd " Fellow rooms with about forty nresent Mrs. Thomas CalKKett. Mrs. O I Noyse and Mrs. Clara Steigor were on the committee in charge o the evening. After an evening ot mes and music refreshments served. The Salem O. A. C. club met for the regular November meeting on Thursday night at the home of . Mrs A. N. Hansen on Mill street when Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Mam Mc Calltotcr and Mrs. David Wright were Joint hostesses to the club members. Korty members attended and after tne Dusirieso - , songs and games were the enter-1 tainment. The nouse done In orange black, the col lege colors for the evening. Re freshments were served. The piano pupils of Mrs. Clara Hendrv "ill give a series of pinno recitals during the winter, the first one to be held Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. In S. Lambkin at Fifth and Jefferson streets and the second one to be held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. George Koehler on State street. A musical program and a study of the mas ters will be given at these times. Mrs. Lee Canfield entertained the members of the Amicus club at her home Thursday afternoon for the regular meeting of the club. Mrs. Lester D'tvis was a guest ot the club for the afternoon and the re freshment hour the hostess was as sisted by Mrs. Lawrence Simon. ' , Mrs. William Drysinger of Rose burg has been a house guest of Mrs. K. P. Smith during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Webb motored down to Portland to attend the big horse show Friday. Mr. and Mrs. IT. V. compion nave as their house guest Wilbur Mor ris of Portland. In his honor Mr. and Mrs. Compton were host and hostess for a small dinner Wednes day night. . Mrs. .1. Ray pemberton was hot-, toss for the Oolden Hour club at her home Thursday afternoon foi the regular meeting of the club. Chrysanthf mums were used about the house in decorations and an informal afternoon of social con verse and sewing was passed by the eleven members present. Mrs. Earl Baker of Kl.vne Mich., was an additional guest for the afternoon. Refreshments were served at the close. C. B. Clancey passed Friday vis iting friends In Portland, Miss Paloma Patricia Prouty has Veen confined to her home for the week with an attack of pneumonia. On Wednesday afternoon the Hi club met at the residence of Mrs. Fred Bernardi on Portland Road. Tho afternoon was spent in cards; the highest score being made by Mrs. J. W. Keurth. The house was "aecorated and at the conclusion ot cards the hostess served a lunch eon. Mrs. Ralph Hensley and Mrs. Kii IGvens were special guests of thevhostess. The next meeting will be hold at the residence of Mrs. Thelma Andresen on Wednesday. Honoring Mis. Karl Baker (Ber tha Duncan) of Klyne. Mich, who has arrived in Salom for a visit With her parents Mr. and .Mrs. R. B, Duncan, Dr. and Mrs. W. C. KanUif-r were host and hostess at their home Wednesday. An Infor mal afternoon with a luncheon erved nt the close was enjoyed by Mrs. Baker and her two children, Mr, and Mrs. Carle Alliums, her two children, Mr. and Mrs, R. B. Duncan Roy Duncan, Miss La Verne Kantner. Miss Constance ICantner lind Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Kantner. Miss Mella C. White of Portland has been a house guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Kantner during the week. MIsh White is n neice of Mrs. Kantner and she is weyy known among the Sunday school teaohers In 1'ortland. Mr. and Mrs. William Richmond were host and hosiess Tuesday night at their home 111:5 South High street. Inviting Rev. and Mrs W. C. Kanliier. .Mini the elders ,f the First Congregational church und their wives, Mr. and Mis, R. R. Duncan. Mr. and Mis R. n. Hoo verm, Dr. ami Mis. II. K. Chase nnd Mr. and .Mrs. H. r,. Clark to have dinner with them. A basket filled with autumn fruit formed th, centerpiece for the table, and fol lowing the dinner .1 social evening wits passed. Mrs Frederick Stewart is snend- Ing the weekend in Corvallls with her son. Richard Slater. Judge and Mrs. Lawrence T. SHnrrls are in Corvallls today to wh ite! (he lemon yc'low nr. dim- mil bl.tck football battle. Mr. nnd Mrs w c. Winslow are Spending today in Ooi-.allis going .over lo attend the foot ! 'Mrs'R- W. 11 art man l-t't this nnrnlnir for Portland ! visit Willi friends until after Thanksgiving. Jf JUis will be Joined next Wednesday Sky Mr. llactiiian and Iter sons ami daughter. Mr, a S. K-tst Mrs Has K--and niall da tight er Jar,' lft yesterday for StanH.-M eastern Oregon. Mrs Fast will remain with her en I-hw for a f.-w week. ... ... o.,,ith nnd Mrs. anra. nv"" - Margaret l.ovehux were hostesses ti ihe Smith home Tuesday night for one of the large dinners of the . . .- . A a fn- ween, uvim . Hhaggv yellow chrysanthemums VTSre used to make up th. , . nter piece for the table. The Monday Night Dancing club gave Ihe second of he winter danc to be id wen hf that club Thanksgiving ostkP were employed in decorating the Moose halt Turkey nnd other easor..i' motifs were need Th the' renter of jhc room oitM-srical fourth itirituitU the fvenln-. Swaru ra. th dancer Closing laal week'a festivities was the Rotary club dinner aance at the Hotel Marlon, blue find gold, the Rotary colors, were used in decorating and on each table small bowls of pon pon chrysan themums were the centerpiece. At the plate of each feminine guest a Ifinir stemmed rose was placed. The regular RoViry program was used, and in addition several clev er features were given. Thursday a cafeteria luncheon was given at the Washington Junior high school with a number of Sa lem folk interested in the school work present. The luncheon was served by the cifeteria class and the Instructor, Mrs. Kula Creech, and was served in true cafeteria style. The guests were Superintend ent and Mrs. George Hug, Mr. and Mr. G. K. Halvorsen, Mr. and Mrs., H. F. Durham. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. White, Paul Wallace and I. Buoinnon of McMinnville. Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Evans, the former the new pastor of the First Christian church of this city, took place Monday and was largely at tended by the congregation and their friends. Chrysanthemums, ferns and potted plants were used in the .tuditorium of the church where the program was held and in the church dining room yellow chrysanthemums were use in dec- The program Included short talks by James Elvln, Mrs. W. C. Kantner and Rev. R. L. Putnam of the Court street Christian church. Miss Lena Belle Tartar mve several vocal selections and a string quartet composed of Mrs. Alice Wenger, Miss Trista Weng er, Carl Wenger and Ira Cave. Merriment and good will pre vailed at the regular meeting of the Salem O. A. C. club, held Thursday evening at the home o Mr. and Mrs. A. M. H,ansen, 562 Mill street. The particular purpose of the gathering was to promote feeling "ward the football clas- which takes, Place at Corval- " today' . .mu in The CUeSIS wrir th(.ir opinion thnt the decorations were the most beautiful in the hta tCy of their club meetings Ch ange crepe paper set off artto tlcalty with touches of black formed the huge vases of feathery yellow chrysanthemums added a last fin ishing touch to the scheme Mrs. David Wright and Mrs. kVrk McAllister were assistant hostesses at the meeting. The eve n ng was spent with college games 2JS. and delicious reiresiunv.. ed. About 4& guests attended. . , 1 Ttiislness The 1'rotessioiini 1,1 ..... n,..i Tuesday Woman's emu "... -- evening nt the residence of Di. MlH'V KOWiaim. a. wlllWd paper on -The proper w ,'T... ,n,.n Kach mem- ber i invited to bring one eligi ble Visitor. m. .,., fr- the Junior guild ba- .....,-. i i, lie erven Decem- .aar wnun - . Mrs l,er 9 Mrs. Armm Homer Smith enteria.neu v.... panv of the members at theli homes for luncheon, followed by This week, Mrs. Joseph Haumgart- ner and Mrs. Clitrora .m" -.entertain membere of the guild for the same purpose. .... .i m,u .1 B". Hughes en- lur. nn - tertained Mr. and Mrs. W A. Car- ii.iiin,i .as their noose guests over last week-end, the Car ters motoring back Monoay. Mr. and Mrs. R. Monroe Gilbert opened their studio Monday with a tea, lo which over n hundred friends and lovers of art had been bidden. The studio has Just re cently been re-furnished and for the afternoon, masses of yellow and white chrysanthemums were used in harmony about tho rooms. A special guest or the day was Frederick Webster of Chicago who received with Mr. and Mrs. Gil bert. . , Assisting about the rooms in the afternoon were Miss Vivien Har Krove. Miss Fthel Frazler, and Miss Audrey Bunch. In the eve ning. Miss Hargrove, Miss Olgo Cray. Miss Kraneyl Hawley. and Miss Kathleen Walsh assisted. Mrs. V. G. Shipley was hostess yeaterdaj afternoon to the mem bers of St. Paul's auxiliary for the I alar business meeting and for social tlnie following. At mi tea hour Mrs. Shipley, assisted by niece, Mrs. J. B- Law, serven 1 , 1 ti oshmcnts. Miss Marie Churchill was. In Eu gene Friday lo piss the day with friends. Mra. J. K Locke and NRss Bea 'trlce Locke were down from Port land the first of the week, and ....... it,- house guests of Mrs. fenrv L. Bean and Miss I, race Bean. 1 m churles Whltmore enter- itained a company of matrons Wed nesday afternoon to organne w mm ...1.1 k l ,, .1, is the Wednesday in " " - Afternoon Bridge ctub, and will meet Informally. link roeebuds m-ere placed about the rcoms. Mrs L. S. Sheldon received the prlr.e for highest scoring. Those who re member of the club are Meedames U S. Sheldon, c v -ir-f,,rri Pharlee Stricken, Paul Hauser, M. Drew. D. C. Kelly. V. A Franklin, Kenneth Lowe. J. C. McLead. Frederick Klein. W. D. Clarke. C. B. McCullough. F. O. Mas-.n. James Nicholson. Charlee Whltmore and Lee filbert. . Mra. Hugh MeOamnton Uft Tuee day night for Sacramento. Cel.. where she wHl Meet Mr. MrJCam moti to spend several weeks- Miss Bernice Craig and Miss Helen Houghton of Portland left last night for Corvallls to pass the week-end. Calling together a company of .friends for dinner, and later to go to the Monday Night Dancing clul party, Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spauldlnt entertained at the Spaulding home Monday. Yellow chrysanthemums and French marigolds were placed about the rooms to carry out the lellow color scheme used. A large silver candleabra burn ing yellow candles centered the ta ble, around which plates were set for Mr. and Mrs. William Hamil ton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Compton, Mr. and Mrs. Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walsh, and Miss Hazel Downing motored down to Portland Friday to attend the wedding of Miss Olive Risley and De Wltte Gilbert, which took place last night at the home of the bride's- mother, Mrs. J. K. Risely, at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. FulleVton were host and hostess to a com pany of friends for a supper party following the Tillicum dancing party Tuesday night. Large yellow chcrysantheuiums were held in a crystal bowl to form the center piece. Plates were set for Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knowland, Mr. and Mrs. Lester B. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Can-; field, Mrs. John Savage of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Fullerton. 1 Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Smith, Jr: motored over to Corvallis to the football game today. They are be ing Joined there by their son, Mal colm, who Is attending the Uni versity of Oregon, and who went down from Eugene to Corvallis this morning. Mr and Mrs. Joseph McAliSter and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Luper mo tored over to witness the annual football battle between the Uni versity of Oregon and Oregon Agri cultural college. Wiggins came down' the first of the week and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Albert. After a visit of several days more they will return to their, home in Toppenish Washington. Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Robert-..-.n Mr and Mrs. Thomas B. Kay Mr. and Mrs. Ercel Kay and MIsn Marjory Kay motored over to Cor vallis this morning and are attend ing the football game. The friends of Miss Kathryn Gun nell, will be interested to know that she has fully recovered from her late illness, and has returned to active duties at her studio. j Mrs. A. W. Regner of Portltnd has arrived ni Salem and is visiting hr siser, Mrs. B. Cooteke Patton December 1, when 'she will go to Cleveland, Ohio to spend the win ! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shisler of iHarrisburg are receiving congrat ! ulations upon the arrival of a dau Ighter at their home Thursday I November 18. She has been named Barbara. Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Griffith ac cmpanied by Dr. Griffith', sister. Mrs A. J. Giesy f Prtland who is their house guest, motorel over to attend the football game at Coi vallis today. Carl Gabrielson was among those Corvallls bound this morning to attend the football game. Roberts of Manila. Phil ippine islands, will arrive In Salem mmorrow to spend some time visit ...... - - ing old ilme friends. Mr. Roberts is a former Salem man but for several years has made 'his homo in the Philippine Islands:" He has been in Oregon several weeks visiting friends. Dwight Flndley was among the Salem high school students attend ing the football game at Eugene yesterday and Bayard Flndley left this morning for Corvallis to at tend the footbUll game staged in that city. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Edwards and their house guest. Miss Lucy Roach of Victoria, B. C. motored down to Portland Thursday and passed tho day with friends. I (Continued from Page lour.) Rheumatism Comes I From Tiny Pain The Salem Arabian Knights club announces the second of the series of formal dances which the club will give this winter. This one will be held Tuesday evening, Novem ber 23, and will also be in the Moose hall. The Swartz orchestra will furnish the music. The com mittee in charge of this dance consists of Glenn C. Niles, C. Vib bert, F. G. Brock and Lee Gilbert. Mrs. George Mayers returned Thursday night from Portland where she passed a few days with her mother, Mrs. E. M. McGulre. Mrs. Lee Gilbert passed a few days visiting friends In Portland. Mrs. Ida Niles was hostess at dinner Thursday evening at her home having covers for six. F. A. Wiggins is expected to ar rive tonight from California, where she has been on business. Mr. COKE The Convenient Fuel WHY? Because you need have but one load (2 tons) delivered at a time. It is being made every day right here in Salem, and can be delivered any time on 3 days' notice and generally on only 1 day's notice (except when we are sold out). It is not necessary to fill up your basement in the fall if you burn COKE. Keep your basement for other purposes. SAMPLE ORDERS from one Sack, up, gladly filled, and we will send a man out to instruct you how to get the best results from the COKE. Portland Railway Light & Power Co. 237 N. Liberty Street, Salem, Oregon The Story of Coke -Iast Installment) First of all, gat it firmly fixed in your mind that all the liniments in the world have no effect what ever on Rheumatism. A very common form of Rheu matism is caused by millions of tiny disease jrerms which infest the blood. The one and only sensible treatment, therefore, is one which cleanses the blood of these jrerms, and routs them entirely out of the circulation, Thi. I. known hlni lrr ft tism. Tr 1. M 1 the hW ..jCZBt u win l case germs that en matism, affordlnc Pennine S.S.S.' is sold by . Free literatore and a Medical Adv&.wftLJ'J torv. Atl.nfa Tnl1""! Kill i This $ho&4 was a 19 to modi LAST MONTH, on a bet. WITH THE boys up home. I SPENT a night ALONE IN the Old. " HAUNTED HOUSE. AND WHEN X heard, MOANS AND gTOCfifl, ? I 8AID "The wind." AND TRIED to sleep, , ww I HEARD rap pings. AND SAID "Rata." WW AND ROLLED over. w THEN I heard steps. AND IN the light. OF A dying moon. w A WHITE spook rose. I WASNT scaredmuch, W W BUT DIDN'T feel like. STARTING ANYTHING,. BUT THEN I caught JUST A faint whig. OF A familiar. AND DELICIOUS toA WHICH TIPPED me ot 80 I gave the ghost. THE H0R8E laugh, . AND 8AID "Ed. YOU FAT guya. MAKE BUM ghosts. BUT BEFORE you fads. LEAVE WITH me one. OF YOUR cigarettes. a) THEY 8ATI8FY." THAT spicy, dellctoMi a fine tobaccos, both 1 Domestic, makes you alma for the "satisfy-smoke" i Isn't a ghoet of a chance j find its equal anywhere- Chesterfield blend is at t blend. It can't be copied, CIGARETTES EVERY FAMILY AND EVERY INDIVIDUAL WANTS A GOOD MOTOR CAR. A GOOD MOTOR CAR MUST BE BACKED UP BY THE RIGHT KIND OF SER VICE BY THE LOCAL DEALER. STUDEBAKER AND- Mr. and Mrs mm- -Mr. r.u. Uelrn Borell o. FRANKLIN CARS Are GOOD Cars and we Give the BEST SERVICE ASK THE OWNERS WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR CARS AND LET US EXPLAIN OUR SERVICE. COMPLETE LINE OF ACCESSORIES EXPERT REPAIR WORK OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Marion Automobile Co. Special-six THE 50-horsepowerStudebakerSPECIAt SIX is one of those cars it's a real pleasure to drive. It's responsive; it gets away quicWJ- In the SPECIAL-SIX you can travel from 55 M nilea an hour without unpleasant vibration or app effort. You'll be a proud of it! performance ai oi m w pearanc and a beauty. We urge you to tee thia car ride in it drive it-p to any test and tee for yourself just how pnee -doesn't becin to indicate the quality that has been w into thia car. ' AUStmA,lm .rO.M fS'StSSd $1750 4 Dmvnt THIS IS s'TCDIBA II TSAt" Marion AutomobileCj 235 South Commercial, Salem, uic 235 S. Commercial Street. SALEM Phone 362 rohn Carson. Mr ' Jy HenArtfk Mla 33 L :t:'l tin ax luriwru j -.-v v . j grfB WFSTFRN HIDE & JUNK CO.- ARE NOW LOCATED ON THE CORNER Of MFRriAI. AND CENTER STS. ti, i - ; . . , j ii AwwriptionS' ! we ouy rtousenom uwus ytfBt kinds of Junk. Phone orders v PHONE 16. Before you seH, See Us. 323 CENTER STREET.