Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 20, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Tht Capital Journal Satem. Oregon
Page Six
i eUrtu Nlri'ct- 11 a. hi. subject
1Wm". Sunday : t'hool at U : 4 f j
In sr U'Htinuminl inert in? at S c
Masonic Temple open fVeipy
Imlidays, from tl;4Q to 5 p. ni.
) I i 1 I e I t'HHo ii ' 'So u t and
. in. Wednesday rven
'elock. Hi1:! diiiK room
lay except S inula y mid
All arc cordially in-
ih .l to our services ami our reading room.
;iiIUAta, Nov, 1W. Sentiment in a saloon has ita
drawback, two Of which are bartenders and patrol
vt agony,
Qordon and Aliss Kva B.
und twenty-one, and John
Missouri, mv t he priuci pals
recently opentd with Ltiem
discussion of just how oltMM
a flfftt,
-Miss J
t wrnty-l hive
Kantffca City,
point. They
i.nd (Jarriek a
i, .ay resemble
Hi-own. ayed
.1. Davis, of
of a ease in.
enaiUH Lukes
ardent love
of the
w h o
lie tried to make love to us," declared on1
yung ladieH, after their arrest by I'olieemon
Mini Anderson in a dowtown but't'yt.
"They WTQ fiyhUuK," declared the bartender
va on Uuiy at the time. "It was a three-cornered mill,
ftUd ii luoked like Uiey would wrwck the place. "
KliN tlordon said thai she and Miss Brown had been
aUtOMObtlinX with havis and three other men who left
t he in earlier 'm the evening. They were drinking in
a Pooth at the time I 'avis is said to have made amorous
aov, noes. The Kills resented, with acronipanyin; dam
age to lilassware about the bufUt.
IJeiiin, Nov 19. Although Allied officers may go
v here they pleawe in Germany and in a high -har.UeU
w uy de ma nd Information in furtherance of the fulfil
ment of the Versailles Treaty, it's a thankless and dan
m roiiH umlerstakitiK for (ierman citlxens to engage in
(he spy business for the Kutente,
The Munich police have arrested three young mech
anics rangitiK between nineteen and thirty-one yearn of
age on the charge of high treaso. The youths are ac
cused of having attempted to sell information to the
Kntente. On of ttu defendants declared at the pre
liminary bearing that he had been informed that for
information of the type he was peddling the Allied
Missions had been known to pay as much as ."0 0,0 Oil
narka, and he didn't know why he shouldn't also re
ceive some of the easy money.
ashing ton, Nov. 19. Germany's exports will pass
imports during the present year, if the record 'made by
that country in May, as just announced by the Bureau
of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, continues through
cut the war.
The bureau, in explaining the large increase in Ger
many's imports and exports during the firs; five months
in this vear. as compare! nn tne same momns mm
year, explains that the vulm i f the mark has depre
ciated In t ha t time The export s. however, increased
from 251.000,000 mark, in M. . m. to M47,OM.W
m May. 1920.
La year's figures, made public by the German Gov
eranjsnt and received here Indirectly by the Depart
ment ot Conlerce. nhuw that Oeriuan Imported giwds
valued at .376.0te.W marks last year, sjrainst exports
of 10.1 57.000,000 marks.
Salem Churches
' (Conliiiucil from f'agu Five.)
i.ksijk METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Corner South
Comiiiciclul and Meyer Stre'ett, Horace N. Aldrtch.
paator. :i:4.r. SuiidaV tcbool. B. A. Rheten. uparlnten-
0ni. A ChUM BM iill Who njiiy attend. Primary Ui -partoin
meetn In Lenlli Hull, under the direction of
Mhx F' iu WelU, il:ou u. m, public wprahip. with t
lnon by the pniftor. Tberrie. "Sups to the Christ itui
Oonei ptlon of Cod." (Special music will include an an
theni. "All Hull" jenhjngn. by the choir, and a olu.
'The Ninety ami Nine" Campion, sung by Alius tie; ItAA ii m iln. Junior luiirui' will uiee
coder the supervision of .Miss .Marguerite (.iutehow, p?30
p, in. chapter Nos. l ami win nnei, leu oy me paauir,
topJO! "Who is my Cvunr.'" 7:30 song service led by
the rlniir, a xylophone solo by Leslie H. Springer, and
an illusl rated lecture "The city beautiful" by A. 0.
Iiarber. allowing one hundred and twenty slides of
colored photography. No admission but a silver of
ftrlng will be taken. Come!
NAZAKKNE CHURCH. Nineteenth and .Marion Sta.
one bloeii south of Center on Marion. Services Sun
day school at !I:-Ci a. in. I'rcaehlng at 11 a. in. and
.,. s p. in. Voung People's meeting at : 30 p. m.
1 rayermeetlhg 7:$8 Wednesday evening. Come over
and enjoy an hour with us. A. Wells, Pastor, Klorence
Wi lis, Deaconess.
M....H, l'.i and Fcrrv streets. H. C. Stover, minister.
Sunday sohool at 10 a. m, Mrs. IJ. E. Edwards, super
ii.iniiient Mornins sermon at 11 o'clock. Christian
Kndeavor at 0:45 p. in. The evening address will be
delivered by Dr. John 8. Matthews, ot Seattle, Pacific
Coast representative of the Congregational Education
Society. The public is cordially invited to attend the
Thanksgiving Concert to be given by the choir, Thurs
day evening at 7:110 o'clock.
FIRBT M. E. CHURCH. State and Church Streets.
Services beuin at 11:1 Ii with class meeting in room 4,
j: 45 Sunday school, Alphens OHIetto, aupt. 11 o'clock
sermon by Kev. Blaine KlrkpatrlCk; subject "The Un
speakable (lift." Offertory solo by jirof. E. W. Keoh
son "The Lord is My Light".
In th evening at 6:8d the Intermediate and Senior
Gpworth league's will hold their regular services and
Ailss Majorle Slack will lead the Intermediate' and
Paul Day the Senior, at 7:30, Rev. KlrkpatrlCk will
deliver a sermon using for Ills text "The Fiery Con
quest.." The annual harvest home reception and tea will occur
next Tuesday from 2:30. to 4:30 p. in. at the Old Peoples
Home at 1144 Ferry St. All friends of the home are
cordially Invited to bring or send gifts such as fruit,
groceries, vegetables or anything that would add a note
of pleasure to the "ahutins." Next Sunday will be
observed as the anniversary of the Women's Home Mis
sionary Society with the annual thank offering. Rev.
Kirkpatrlck will-preach the sermon.
CATHOLIC CHURCH. Masses nt 7:30, 9:00 and a
high mass and sermon by the pastor at 10:30. On
Thursday next. Thanksgiving day, there will be a high
mass at S:00 o'clock. Sunday evening Benediction at
7:30. instruction by Rev. Father Derouin.
I'RESIIYTERIAN CHURCH, The regular services,
morning and evening nt the Presbyterian church will
b( In charge of James Elvin, secretary of the Y. M. C.
A. Sunday school at 10 a'clack. Joseph H. Albert,
nipt. Subject for the morning church service: "A
Psalm of Thanksgiving." Christian Endeavor at 0:30.
Evening church service and rally of Roy Scouts at
7:30. Several troops of Roy Scouts will attend this
service. The Elks Orchestra of ten pieces will assist
in the song service and will furnish special music.
I'rlef addresses will be delivered by Messrs Denton Ot
tne and MeCroskey. The public is cordially invited 1o
eilend the services of the day.
FlRjrr UNITED BRETHREN. Yew l'aik. Bible
school at 10 a. in. class, s for all ages, and competent
teachers, preaching by the pastor at close of school
text "Look unto the whence ye were hewn, and to the
hole of1 the pit whence ye were digged." C. K. at 6: JO
h. m. Wanda Wiekizer. leader. Topic "The Thanks
giving habit" preaching at 7:30, subject, "Sinning against
light". Midweek prayer and song service, every 'Wed
in sday evening at 7 o'clock, a cordial invitation is ex
tended to all who desire to come and worship with us
('. W. Corby. PiiBtor.
EV. "LUTH. CHURCH. Kasl State and Blghtesnth
Streets. Sunday school at !!:!! a. in. Divine service
(Merman) at 10:30 a. in. Luther league at 7 p. it.
Topic: "Our English llible and Its first versions."
Evening service (English) at 7:30 p. m. Visitors are
veleonie. Geo. Koehler, pastor.
Twk ANNUAL HARVEST HOME will be held at The
Old Peoples Home, 12th and Ferry sts. on Tuesday
Nov. 23. A reception will be held from 2 !i o'clock
to which all are cordially invited, Please send or bring
your donations of ruit, vegetables, cash etc.
The Furniture You Want at Rock Bottom Pri
Greatly Lowered Prices
Dining Room Furniture
Colonial Table, 6 Chairs, slip seats.
Here we have the old
stand-by, Golden Oak
in an extension table
and (J chairs at a price
that is astonishing for
its lowncss. The chairs
have slip-scats in Span
ish leatherette, the table
opens to six feet. The
usual selling price was
$87.50. Only a limited
number on sale, sa
come early.
25 Off on all Suit Cases, Bags,
Trunks, Etc.
Belber Luggage
is best
See Display in East Window of
Corner Store.
Blankets at 20 Less
Take your choice of any Blanket shown in
our bedding department and own it at a
saving of 20 per cent. Good news, indeed, f
for warm bedding does not come amiss
these cold nights.
Extra Special for
A first class Tarpet Sweeper that cleans well and runs easily. Has
a heavy Japanned body and long- bristle brush. Worth .00, to
sell at $1.75
Imported Oriental Rag Ri
Unsurpassed for quality, durability, beauty of design and ft
of weave, far superior to any domestic line.
Saving 21
See these W
Rugs in our Westi
clow, for real econon
Floor Coverings
Thousands of yards of inlaid, print, 6 ft.xl2
ft., 6 and 9 ft. Congoleum in all of the best
makes. Some pieces as low as 69c square
yard. Get others best prices and then see us.
6000 Yards of Curtaini
Scr i m s, Marquisettes
and Curtain Voiles.
Our Entire Stock
At 59c 79c
Which means a savins
of more than 33 1-3-
on practically every!
Plain and Pancv Mar
quisette, Pla i n and!
Fancy Voile. Plain!
Filet Marquisette, all
in White, Cream andj
Ecru Color, 3(5 to 13!
inches wide.
2500 Yards of Cretonne Reduced to 59c
Many Yards at Less Than Cost
Every yard at a great saving. Thirty
six inches wide on light and dark grounds.
Most every desirable color combination.
1000 Yards Filet Curtain Nets Reduced
49c a Yard
Regardless of their former prices we
have reduced these drastically Good qual
ity figured Filet Curtain Nets in white or
cream, thirty-six to forty inches wide.
price. 1
1800 Yards Heavy-Weight Cretonne
HiifPd to 98c a Yard
Save more than one-third on every
of cretonne purchased at this pr
large selection awaits you in all the
1 able color combinations.
LESS 3313
Scrims, Marquisettes, filet nets,
sels nets and ruffled curtains.
Hear the Sweet Toned HOBART M.
Store. Easy terms.
Buy Your Xmas Jl
Gifts Now