Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 13, 1920, Page Page Six, Image 6

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i-r,. i. r,J ,, ,,.
Page Six
The Capital Journal Sale?". Oregon
Salem Churches
(Continued from 1'age Jive.)
Commercial and Meyer Sts., Horuoc N. Aidrlob. 1'ustor.
yt4fi a. in. tMM4uy fChopl. B. A. Ithoten, supi rliitendem.
Primary department supervised by Miss Fern Wells.,
There Is a class for every person Who may attend. LI j
. m. public worship with addreiw by Captain Frunk j
Ebbcn cf Washington, I). C,' .who is a '. brorher-ihIa.w'j
the lute Eishop. Matt S. Hughes. Special music- wjll j
lltoludo an anthem, .'Sins: Unto the Lord" Oavis, by I
Mrs. J. N. England and choir, and a solo, "The Trayer
,re .llwmwd and each member
Have i current event item.
Miss Gertrude Aldrich sang two
solos during the social hour. Miss
Mary Hunt wan taken Into the
club at thejiulncss hour. nefrcsliT
in puts were served.
Miss .lunette Jones presided
over a dinner (Lit the country home
of her parents, Mr. and Mr. Sey
mour Jones Thursday motoring
her guests out after the Motball
riates we're set for six.
jwtitt i&iit-S :iitM -'afCiLkthrfi!ir-
n...l. Mshrr I Important business dl Jo.tak.,r "u , . .. 7, .,'
VHIC accialmed Ha precedent fn up By tne cum outing mc jinur
over els. this week in the 1 to precede the program. inI re-
oiit was red with a large basket
Mr" Homer Ingrov eiitertoiiW j ot fruit making the eenterj)ieeo
the members of ihe.lrOldcii Jl-r and red DM placed In bow ls at
Hah at her trome. Tluw.Iy after- I each end of the vibte. Kcd'ehart
n'non'fof the.rffcularmfctmsr, Th4ed candles added to (he- WBffc
Miss Grace Bean Joined Mr
J. H. Loeken and Miss Heatrlee
t-ncke of rortland to motor m
The color scheme carried i Eugene, Friday afternoon to spend
J'erfect," Stenson. sung by Miss Mildred mrevey.
:.: ii. in. Miss Marguerite Uutchow will meet
.lunior League. io l- " i'irli il,ld seoohi chap
rers of the Epwurth League meet.- Second cbupter in
the SuniVy Bchool rooms under the leadership of the
pastor. First Chapter will bein their "Win my Chunii'
meeting. The topic for this first meeting; Is "Wlnnlnif
our Friends for Christ," leader, Edwin II. Norene.
The 7:30 hour will be given to the Coy Scout move
ii ert A preclude of music will be given by the Elks
Orchestra, led by E. J. Kurtb. Special vocal numbers
Us j,esiie Church choir, and uddreases by Charles Know
land and Hr. V. L. Utter. All Boy Scouts and their
parents ate especially Invited. All parents who fetsje
i.v of the Scout age are urged to come. No solicita
tions for funds. At the close of the evening aervices,
members of Chapter No. Z of the EpwortU league and
the.r friends will meet In the League Itoom for a HpelaJ
hour. ,
Uurh.g the week meetings as follows will . be held,
snday 7:00 sharp, the choir will meet. MomVvy 5:1.)
cond meeting of "Win my Chum," topic, "Can we be
fair with our chums?" Leader, Iieslle II. Storlnger.
Jhursday, 4:3V the Queen Esther Circles meets, with
Miss Late Nye, 1400 Saginaw vtieet for luncheon. fld
imslne meeting. Miss. Sylvia Marteri, president, .. tUH
4 'hum
til who uttend l-slle church and- especially me
members of the Sunday achool board and the official
boar are Invited to be present to meet Rev. and Mrs.
K K. Gilbert. The first Quarterly conference will be
held, but the-m.yjor -part f the;evenlng- will be devoted
toa secVU hour. i t ' -
All supplies for the old i'eople's Home should o
brought in before November 22nd.
At recital fcf Harold Henry, pianist.
'he at the Grand theater Friday night. U, tii - .Marion coun. i.ieuci-..i.' i
Salem en masse was called out to h "man tauo.-. iu mot
Woodburn recently.
nn i-nmnMHIHi "Tlia ' ln nr.
r. :i.V...-:.vMz jknSc ,w i informal oaneer ;n; ljecemoeiv .
Wtton. superintendent. MJ:; The guerff M&lMK ,fM
my ChW liieeUng;, topic. The seea r .W .-.-..Sflii. e'AIlaK!:.: ,. -.J,-,
leader. Miss Helen Ingrey. Thursday. 8:T0 f .Y?r.!rl ' -.S'l' Ellen TWeiett. Catherlrie-Tarsm',
TVinter and Jefferson eta Thrmas Acheson pastor. On
Sunday November-14th we cordially i Invite the public
to Join- us In the following church program: Bunday
ehool 0:4S Charles Hageman will be In charge. Cluss
ea for all ages under the care of cupable teachers.
Ktrangers arc always . welcome. Public worship 11 a.
at, tibjeet: "Iiw Eirforceroent In Oregon." This will
b an Important meeting. A apecial speaker from -the
Antt-SalOon League will be piesent and will tddrcSS(
the meeting. Junior League 3 p. m. A splendid op
portunity for children. Mothers plan to let the little
,,n tome. Eoworth League 6:30. The meetings arc
wide awake and really worth while. Young people ul- j M0nmouth Toinsp"cct the dor'niV
ways made to feel at home, evening worsmp i.ou tofy at the schooI ,lnil who came
lover to Salem Sunday nfterttoon.
Large fluffy chrysanthemums In
laVendar were Used for the tabic
centerpiece and othsr appoint
ments were In harmony. Plates
were set for Mrs. Helen Ladd Cor
bet', Mrs. Elliott Corbett. Mrs.
Hoffman, Mrs. Gerllngcr, Miss
hear this noted pianist make his
debut to Salem, and much praise
is to bo ijiven to the Salem Music
bureau which Is being efficiently
managed by Mrs. WHHBIU Everett
Anderson. The, bur'iiU has imme
diately ettablished itself a the
exponent of the best In mmic and
Salem folk are eager &: the two:
remaining recitals which are
booked for this winter. I
Mr. Henry is a great fjunlst prc-
The social committee lneluilinj;
Mm Ben W. Olcott. Mrs. "J. A.
Llvesiey, Mrs. it. E. Lee gtelner,
Mrs. John J. ' Itoberts, Mrs. T. C.
Smith Jr. ip4 Mrs Curtis B Cross
will be hostesses for the tea hour
which will follow the program.
d by., Mrs. 11. ft: White eerved Ugh'
refrtm'ents. . Chri saiifliemums
were used in dccoiatlnir rlie house.
Gue:it"elio were Invited besides the
slob member were: . Jtrs. 11. It.
fhite and .Mrs. "Will- Mot'.. Club
' j Tncfrrbers who were present were:
Mrs. E. Va'i Stack-, Mrs: C. I). But
., ! lor. Mrs. Claire Y'bbort, Mrs.- G'-o.
Elgin, ' Mrs. Ray 1'enrbcrtr.n, . ,Mrs.
Mason Bishop, ifrs. Carle Abrams;
Mrs. Boy HlXon, Mrs. Allan ClevV"
i: lid 'and the lioste'ss.
Tuesday night the' members
the Aloha iclub -were ho,-?ta for
tlieir InilVtl dance of the Winter
home coming week at the Gam-
j ma rhi Beta sorority house.
' 'Mr. and Mr. Joseph -Mbert rnU
. Mrs;. .1. C. Grifi'lth iiK'tore.l dnw n I
. , 0 aim
' Pry i h '
1'' -Mr.
"-v. Jug
renting IWfl-wrt- in a -nMM pleasing 1 assenihiing. at -the - W
the audience last .iPIP 1
prolusion oi wregoii graye, . c-'.i'
boughs and palm. Yellow Chrys
maimer, find the auIH!nee last
nlg-ht whlcn packed the house "was
. . ..1- ,1..,. P . ( ,. -Kill,.. -t
vJvih, isv&i tul'-t.lmtf ntth,: anthemufnb- and palms Were ban-
ber on histogram. wa the itavel fceO-round' tM orchestra.
The o'clock club of the First
iletliodisthUrCli- nieet Monday
for Us, first .dinner 4md social eve-.
fi hftloi nf llip-vHr'. via .M. VoilME--
son of .Portland gave the uddresi
.of the eyening, Kev. Bialne IKrk
piurlck spoke brlelly. . Hr. B. I.
Steeves, paslilcnt of ihe.-erub.' ype
aided. --V--
This elub. iheludi.. as'-ilir: -iinera
bers. about sixty- itie'n' 6? the Flrsfl
MethOdUH chtu'eh and ' meets twjee
piece. "Valley of the Bells." One d orchetr,t f urnlshei .mu-.c ,w?tV. iAVte6HnjIWUnr
libniber ' much appreciated and ! '? ,lh? WWgfl &8mi W&m .
very chdracterlsM''the' one of " aded with green and gold. .The. to every, jimp, af :lhe-tow- to'Mh
club Js planning to pive -iinoU;'.
out more from this pianist. ,,?.. ,T,.v
Mr. Henry was the house guest r' EZT!Si ,, Z.
of Mr. and Mrs. CItffprd Brown j .L . ri -Emily Kte-
durlnjr his three days st,ty in 8.ta' 5
lem arul was the honor ''gdWit -at FranceUe Hawley Kate Clmtc-urn,
JkLS&mSZ eVniA,- -ae.-iwr.--i Oartrud H.altmana, . -.BAaUtlce
lliim Hi Burghardt Jr., erttertaln-;
ed. a vsmal'. company pf friends
Thursday at luncheon tp hiest him
he hating arrive!!' Thursday morn
lag; fr. HHiVy left .. this morning
for Hvn Francisco. Where he jives
a recital tomorrow nlglit.
MRS. A. N. BUSH was, hosiers
. for -a luncheprtt MndSt. y l.leh
was ,o'f .i-exjulaite" .appointments;
hohorfiig" u group of fr'.e nds fv m
Portland, Mrs. Helen Ladd Cor
bett, Mrs. Elliott Corbett, Mrs.
Lee Hoffman and Mriljeorge. T.
, uenwger wno jiiotoi eu oowjt
uv,t.e. IFiineer-str kers in the spiritual, wonu. inm
meeting will be evingellBtlc, and it Is planned to muke
the service thoroughly helpful to everybody. In view
er the coming revival services we urge a large utten
meting Wednesday 7 ::t0,. subject: Catholicism in Ireland.
Come and bring your friends with you.
May 1 call , your attention to the Red Cross drive
which Is now being pushed forward for memberslilp
i nrollment. As far ,is possible assit these workers in
iiiis worthy enterprise.;'
CATHOLIC CIIUBCH Messes at 7:30, 11, and 10:30.
I.ast mass Is a high mass with sermon by the pastor,
Uenadlotioii at 7::m in the evening with an inetruction
by the assistant nistor. Everyone is welcome. At 3:00
e i lock on Sunday morning there will be mass at the
Mate Hospital for the Insane, and at 2:00 p. m. there
hi be Catholic services in the penitentiary.
Center 'tret is, W. C. Kamiier, minister. 10 a. m. Bible
... i w,ui clauses lor. ail. W. 1. Siaiey, superintend
ent. 77 a. in. "Tile Conquering Cross." 6:30 p. m:
Children Endeavor; 7:30 p. in. 'Gold or the . Man:
Which?" After this addesa the motion pictues which
could not be given last Sunday will lie shown "Trip to
New Orleans."
iaenter and Liberty sis. G. F. Ltcning Sr., Pastor,
funday school at 10 u. m. preaching services at 11 a. m.
Rev. C. I.. Hchuster presiding, elder of Port tind will
have charge of the services, this will lie communion
V P. A. services at 7 p. m. ami preaching at 7:45 p. m.
ill. btiHiiic!': im cling will lit: held Saturday evening .it
I mi and will In- in ehai'ne. of the Presiding Elder.
.l IN ISTER1AL ASSOt'l ATION. The Sailem JHnls
1,1'la) Association will meet in regular session Mundiiy
I ii:00 a. m. in the Y. M. C. A- The address will be
.llvareii by Or. .1. N. Smith.
l''ll' .vi. E. ICPISCOPAI. ClU'ltCH.--Stale and
Church eta, V:i a. tn. class nneting ill room 4 down
.-;alrs. 0:1.'' blUWlaj sclmol, please lie prompt; 11:00
Lev. Blaine Ivirlipatrlck will preach using for his te.vt
The Ceasing of the Manna."
3:00 p. iii. there will be a mass meeting in the church
In the Interest; of the Law Enforcement. Captain lib
bert and supt., Ilerwlg will speak. Or. Youngaton ol
Portland will Rive the principal adorcss at tin. Foun
Atmt Doy and Tulboli menn'rlal service ai the ivinliill
school of Theology, Wednesday afternoon ai 3 o'clock.
On Saiiu-ilay at 2:30 p. in. in the Sunday school room,
the l itHe Llgfcl l'.eavers and their mothers will give a
party for all children under 0 years of ,it: A Christ
. ass offering will be taken for Miss Sophia Black
liiores school. Singapore, Mclaysia.
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. Thege
iMceting are gruwlug in interesi.
At 6:30 the Intermediate League will meet in Ep
worth hall. Russell Lehnin will lead and Miss Heist
vil speak. At 7:30 Rev. Klrkpatricks' Rubjecl will In
"Coepel Light from an old etory."
Jesse Todd of Monmouth, Miss
Cornelia Marvin, Miss Fnanuea M.
Rlcliards and Mrs. Bush.
Motoring back Sunday afternoon
from Monmouth Miss Marvin en
tertained Mrs. Bush and her
guests for tea.
THE Sal'-ni club of Interna,.
tolnaJ Rotary will be host for
one of the largest of the so
cial assemblages which have taken
place In thi. month, it will be n
flintier dance at the Marion hotel.
The full Rotary program will be
given during the banquet and fol
lowing and, the parly will close w jlli
the dancing, one long table wiipiie
set for the ten officers and the re
iua tiling guests Will be seated at
tables for four scattered about the
dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Pike of Portland will be among the
out of town guests. Mrs. Pike was
instrumental in the organisation of
tile Salem elub.
The members and their wives
Whp will attend the dinner dance
are Rev. ami Mrs. Horace N. Aid
ich, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Bauiugailner, Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Burdette, .Mr. and
Mrs. William Burghardt, Jr., Mr.
and Mrs. Kric Butler, Mr. and Mrs!
J. William Chambers, Mr. and Mrs
Luther J. Chapin, Mr. and Mrs'
Russell Catlln, Mr. and Mrs, Walter
A. Benton, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Deckebaeh, nr. and Mrs. m C
Kimlley, Mr. and Mrs. p, E .Fuller
ton. Mr. ami .Mrs. (. s. ciilo, Mr
and Mrs. George P. Griffith Mr
mil Mrs. John Harbison. Mr'
and Mrs. Jt. J. HciHlricks, Mr ami
ei'."' U';,','- 'cnks' MK and 'Mrs.
Giovcr Hcl.nan, Mr. and .Mrs. Thos
B, Kay. M,-. and Mrs. Charles
Vli'v 't M'' Mr8- J"" Sc
-V". Mr. and Msr. p. G. Mcwrs
Mr. and Mrs. K. T. McCroskev. Mr
Mr I ;r- viVi,li:im ':i''.s, jr.;
amines Nlemi
.urn ;urs. .
eibst CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Corner Center ami
High streets. .1. J, Evans, pastor: Dr. 11. ft Hplcy,
superintendent of bilde school; Miss Tatar, choir direc
tor. Religious education is made a prominent feature
of our work and the church school is so graded and
equipped as (o give the best Instruction to pupils of
very itge. The adult classes arc unusually large an 1
map and women will find a place Worth while at 9.4Z
each Sunday. The pastor wil speak at 11 a. in. on the
topic. "VitallaiUK oter Eeli.Unn". evening, "Why Hie
Church'"' The discussion will prove helpful to all who
attend. The aim is to build tip the spiritual, an es
.epilal Vctor in every life. Special musical numbers
by a large choir will feature the services both morning
and evening. The young people met at S::' p. ic
Their enthusiasm is needed by every one. Come.
I . l'..l-- VI..
i.. mvr. -Ml
....... ...cuoic uoth. Mr. and
SuHllinV M'- "J"-""
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Sions. Mr
am , ,, WiHerspauidine;, Ml,
Us O. 1.. Mcevcs, Mr. ,, M,.s w
I ' Mola, Mr. and M,-s. 1-,-cde, ick W
Snlth. Mi. and Mrs. Krederlcl,
Ibielson. Mr. and Mrs. .1 M v .,
Mr. and i Ms. c B. Wehl. M,.
M Herb, o. Wbiiit.c'lav
O'l" A. Hartmaii l i- .
Or u- is ....... ' . ' ""'cnasu,,
... -ni'is,. v
Pal Wail.
x P 'to ami
Walton. Iyiiella' Patton,- :. Johanna
Wismer, Oretchen Brown,- -IMiar-giaret
White, Isabel Geottre; Helen
HuTiges. Vaona IIade,-'Ma?y "Oaro-.thers.-
. .; -.- - . '.' '.'
Tire club members w?ent Were
the Messers: S ' ' ".- '
Fred Mngls, -James -,Yr5r,
Janwa Marr, -ltrey HOfer, Crirl
Gabrlelson. Albert .Bga.Ui.. v.Jte'rt.
r-Vird, Clyarenci ' yrdVv Jrnes
Crawford, :IWlflt Qiiineeherrj,
Clifford Knickerbocker. Fred
Bock, Charles Cntlg, Mark Sk'ff,
Elwln Itndls, Andrew Vincent,
-William Bradley. Oliver Meyers.
Otto Hartmann, "Orley
William Harris. Brazier,
Claud Steusloff, George Nelson.
The American legion, - 8alem
post, was host to one of the- par
amount social events of the 'week
giving an informal dance at the
armory which brought to a close
in Salem the observance of Armis
tice cVty. American flags of all
sizes were used profusely and ar
tistically in decorating the arm
ory. Flags were draped about the
balcony ami flags we hung
about the room in many places.
The Elks eight piece orchestra
furnished music for the evening.
A feature of the evening was the
presentation of -a group of her
dancing pupils by Mrs. Ralph
White. The Liberty danQI given
by Miss Elizabeth Waters i licit el
much praise. The dance, of the
Fireflies, and the Nature study
dances, a. Marguerites; b, Butter
flies; evening; was given by a
group of little foln. The it -nice of
dawn was given by Miss ,1i,inette
Sykes. Floyd Melntyre of Willam
ette university sang a vocal solo.
Several hundred former 'serv
ice men and invited friends spr-nt
the evening In this manner.
Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Bennett
were host and hostess at dinner on
Friday night at their Center street
home. Y'eilow Japanese ponpons
were fashioned into the centerpiece
and plates were laid for Mr. and
Mrs. Edwin I. Baker Mrs. R. J.
Burchell, C. B. Clanccy, F. W.
BlaiiJ and Mr. and Mrs. ltennctt.
Governor and Mrs. Ben W. Ol
cott are to be among the patrons
and patronesses at the horse show
given in Portland this week. A
large number of Salem folk will
motor down lor at least one night
of the show. Mrs. Frank G. Andrac
and Mrs. Zadoc Biggs are the only
Salem women who wil! ride and
there will be well known and skill
ed riders from all over the coast.
Many of the people who brought
their horses to the state fair horse
show have entered their mounts for
next week.
Mrs. George Bingham and Mrs.
M. U. Chapman were hostesses on
vWdnpsday for the Thursday elub
at the home of Mrs. Bingham.
Wednesday was chosen for the
November meeting because of Ar
mistice Hay heing on the regular
meeting day. No program was pre
pared and the afternoon was in-!
formally passed w ith social con-1
verse. White chrysanthemums and I
fern with the American flag inter-,
mingled in the deeoratoins were
ns d about the rooms. At the tea!
hcai i he hostesses weirc assisted by I
.-Mire, una v ii. 1 1 hi i in and .Miss .N'eUieH
It Is Said:
'Motoring Is Expensivi
That depends. Thse who make that statement are not FORD OWnri
concede that jras, oil and tires have advanced,., but.. Ford.. Owners hnriJ
advance; and it is also a fact that Ford.. Cars are increasing their sale,
J j: i.. ...... ....:.n. nji:. wily,
pit VI -Jl.-H I mi'llftl hjii Itic mpmii fiu-srwii MIC
lem with her mother, Mrr
Mr. and Mrs. ,1. N. Feathers of
Corvallis are in Salem over the
weekend and arc the guests of Mr.
end Mrs. E. S. Van Acrnan lL'48
Marion street.
Used for 70 Years
l hru its use urandmother s m
youthful appearance has .
remained until youth has ,A r.
The soft, refined, pearly
white appearance It
renders leaves the Joy
ot Beauty with y
for many
whethea. he:ls ifflliste-i--with the
.Methodist cd),ufch';ir. ;nptr:-.-' ' .
... :TUii -llmwrv'JWmla---wtipi'epar
ed and -served - by .the "w oinert 'cJl
tne; ..west, rahrfia.'-cire-ns. oc.-trvaf.
Mian 'Cornelid .-JdewSin left. Vriq&
day : morning Tor Bortalnd -xo- be-jfl
Utewwrkend .r. gueet.i; f it c i --1 --
Miss Jiti-wia. pkat vatirig W
of the' IiaTtlanfl- iWmejpia- utl
Friday, iiifternooa the ":. . Til
Orient :a'nd Occident.''
3Ialcolni -flmfth-llMre.'OTri Ku.-
iits ''paent9, iV.. jcd- i-w'sm
Ur.JJ. il.- Ii'iias.,of Astptia waa,
htli hohe-ue'idihee;-riei
Oi.a.nd Mrs. Tijp; '-SMtitrtit.. " 3It
w'iis em;ut 4ieviOTa: 'rt"Hkin thol
trip bj motor.
ilr. and JIrs.;-.Riy ' 11 Mills and
their , children .motored down 'to
.ewoerff mis morning -and ar
passing the week end with Mrs.
Mills' brother and sister, in law,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sryiulding.
The annual, Thmvksgivfyijpt pr;. isc
service was 'held by the -a7nTen of
the missionary society of the
First Presbyterian church Friday
afternoon at the church parlors.
The program was in commotio.-1-Tlon
of the landing of the Pil
grims. Mrs. Charles A. Park led
the devotional services and a large
tkankoffering was received. A
chorus of. girls from the Chemawa
training school were presented in
song by Miss Gertrude Eakin. Dur
ing the refreshment,, hour, Mrs. C.
P. Bishop and Mrs. George Blair
presided over the coffee urns and
the hostesses for the afternoon
were Mrs. F. L. Purvirte, Mrs.
Charles Wilson, Mrs. A. F. Mar
cus, Mr. George Shand and Miss
Lillian Applegate.
To begin the activities of next
week is the opening of the R.
Monroe Gilbert studio on No.-th
Commercial street, which will a",
tract , the art loving folk of the
city. In the afternoon f.Ir. aiid Mrs.
Gilbert will bo assisted by Miss
Audrcd Bench, Mies Ethel Fr.izier,
lllss Vivien Hargrove and by
Srederick Webster. In the evening
assisting them will be .'.ties Olsa
Gray, Miss Franccll Hawley t.nd
Miss aKthleen Welch.
Mrs. Clara Pogue of Portland
returned to her home this morn
ing after reusing the w.'ek In sfir
Ford Coupe, new price ;$84.28 . Ford Sedan, new price mm
A The Closed Cars are the coming Cars. Tfcej srf s
m : A k ! '.-J mi, t B
wimi my conveniences. ;mc- will go aaj-whtri
,w- n K9i M-iter every occnant rUh
good ventiltion; every protection from wind, draugats. heat, col and rate
wcauvtiui. easy rwins mm reiianui arsi ro .1 nmst economical to operatesf a
117L-. Mi
Oil and Tn
The Ford' r land for reliakilibJ
economj... There., are., tmt H
built than all other cars cwuM
and output increases daily.
New Price $619.58
We have a f ew snaps in Ford used cars-all thoroql
overhauled. Prices $250.00 to $575.00
$890.35 New Price $890
Delivered on your Farm
K1ISST BAPTIST ClirltOH. WUUa T. MilliRen. O
ii. iwsior. ! prayer meeting; :45 bible echoed, II
E. Hewitt, suiierintendeiit. 11:00. morning wrhi
Mis. J. ltiiberts. Mrs.
V'anDoren, Mrs. James I.lnd
villi,., , ,1... - in ..iieisea. alio Mrs.
... ....
Inst nizhl ,w v. .e. uai k. i.e.!..,- ,iown i.. i-ortiand V
,, ' r gin st at u
""I'll lir, and Mm fuer ' t
homo -.Yidav innht k T''1!" ...ou.rr .u'K Thursday.
I. L.
online horo for his ......V. ; t.a ' 1" . ' . ... ,!a"y
lo be the guests of Mrs. l. H.
rd ltrown Cltv, at th. V. Tl i w . .. . '".ige l
1 .... , tlri TTrS
Music h Ouartette and ehorus. Sermon: 'The Age of -.m.ili iKmimn M, k-J3 .' i T """ur"'u amoi ;he oon--
a I ;..istel sliart r "" me nassaar wh ell
Ud w i m 01h "'U'"; : 'he rW nnrichn Var
heM i low ,. k.?... 1" "0tBr" is the armory
loplc: "Isns from ihc Life of Hinlel." Evening Tho lu-ran- oiuyoay. Noventfeer 2T. The War
Worship at 7:0ui. Sermon: 'llackbaorw.'' Music bu, eome n: over the Mothcrs have been working on
1' dii'Ih'." See.. ud Section of B. V. I'. 1'. at 6:10. Leader
Topic: "Winning OUT Friemls to Christ." Senior H. Y
I', at S:30. meeting uiuttnir. leader. Mr. Struble.
. horus .
Visitors ar cordially welcomed.
.rtieles for this
for many
easKO! w-ith h,.ws of
ami liivemlar tulle
jf,.fl..i . t p., i ...ii-....,, . . . . .'-mn!l I . . . . . 1. . . ... ...
Washington and Comerclal ats. II. Ehner Pemberton. ' ' "her end of the basket nufrv tulle , nt Knights oT"Pylhia.- w'o-
paator. Bible school at 10 a. m. Preaching -at n .. xt nded out onto t.-.M... ' "' ' " -'inir the chapttr in
riilngu.i with , ; ' :uso.,n ?be program
m. will be in charge or Mr?, mix he Hammar.
The Christ , n Endesvore will have rharfrs
evening eervlce at 7:lt.
: Individual silk flowers
in pastel
preiring articles and th
of the were at the piatf, of f arh Mother will Eully . acyerri
. feminine guest
and Mill utrcct". Mornlnc FOrv
ermon P) Ulatriet suiHnntei'Uent Kev. IJnu. Sunday
ebool at II. Ilr. 1 '. C. llasnei supt. The Ladles Aid
wHl be entertained Wednesday ..fternoon at the MM
Of Rev. and Mrs Und. CSS No. High Street Mrs.
John Wickfaerr. president.
Full Gospel fl Ion. 1ST South t'omm. v.-i- 1 -ueet, up
stairs: service Sundays l" p. m. and 7:3d. EvtrytMidv Is
eirome. Nil Hieiions.
. ....... bh..
edish Tabernacle, Uth !., v' W' ! Ell" ef lv.rtland h'P rurnlsh
Ice at 11 o-rlork with ' 1 :,lldro,f' ,he niember, f the now S"Km hos
. . . 1 ,1 1 V ..... ..,'., . .. - . .
...... w,.(no o , NI i ne
I nuns Allien any ntner . r i
lion or,d....l i..W. .to -
tnis avjmI at SJB
hivspit .1 :jr the
Xn. service men. The utility Wiio-b
M inner meetlnjr this aftormKn in to ,K smomr the and most
the Commercial club. He will ; intrresttn havinj; all kinds !f
sieak on Americanization. Miss useful nrtteles for sale.
IXroth- I'earco will sive a jdano'
swlo, an BJMSM .'rranpenient of' Mr. Charles Qlaae was iiilS
the Star Sp-ingled Banner by .' Wednesday afternoon a: :ier North
Josef Hoffman. The program is H'iustx-h street home to the metB
tn charge of Mia William Ever-1 hers of the North Salem Woman
ert Anderson who Is chairman of club for the November mee!i".-T of
the calendar committee. I the members. S,hoI eondfthxi'
A LLtay eelda uew tonake me
f a 'ahut m. ' but no longar for
1 Uk. Dr. BeH'.aa.-THon.v
at the ftnt waraiag of a cold "
T-a ime-i.TiJat) i - .-.--I-
li'Rjjj"'; 'j 1 iii . i l
B. T 1J( VW it
The largest and most powerful Tractor built for
Crops Must Be Put In
This weather permits farm-work to proceed, but to I
the most out of it you must have a Fordson Tractor-
The "Old Mem
farming has p(&
Power Farming1
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Ask the Man who owns one Look at the "New
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Valley Motor
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