Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1920, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    : v I
The Capital Journal, Salem, OreftyJ
WinU.S. SnowinCanada
Merry of Last
Rites on Earth
BP -HI 4
,. rir illv ,-vcrv ell." ill the Unit
L,tnJovlfiK the iiiil.l
bud! Heavy snow ha
.. unrl I hi tt iflte
1,1,11.. 111 a v in-:' tiuii- little brothers of the north, but
ami im oon t. tic picture snows a
vim can uei '
Kanadlali trn
Ifuiests, wanning I
ed states is
allur, it is fiery different in
already fallen i nmany parts
I- Sanson has sot in. Tin
nil,- brothers of the north, but
fne picture shows a
brush camp in the northwest
over hit '-ainpiire.
! Hy Frank V,. Mason.
b" Berlin, Nov. II. FutuHstn nnn
Dudjst in funeral styles have ar
: ii cel. A trot est win im when ihe !
jjultinir alltoliearso supplanted the'!
j slow-moving horses hurrying the
.corpse u the grave. l!ul how would
I you like to , buried according to
; I In, Hies ol the (id l)n-.l)ayl
jfio'nhany experienced Its first dud
- iiistir funeral when the head of ihis
.iivf'vul! hurled his wife.
e nuer nine sales, on a love!'
JHUiiny day in lletliany! I hint' Icis.-
01 my dead wife! Sin
hi at a nuaiter past tw.
Hi is a fairv tale fni
''en, hut it establishes a da'.
c fact! Tin. Supreme Hilda. ! ;; ;
ilslr Strrfsse Sreglltsi. We thok ;
hot her. sh.' bore work and
for us no in her uaomi n on
j earth would have done. Hans. Thea ;
' Berta, Fritz Bonder." The above
notice anione the ,.r .h
Biegiitier Anzeiyer created a Mm. I
lion in this suburb of Berlin, ac
! gW'dtliB to the Vorwaerts.
The following day the Steglltzer '
Anzeigcr ran a correction under the
neiiuuis' uaaatem and Deathy The
Supreme Dadn writes us: 'You did
a great Injustice to my son Then I
yesterday in the death notice in
yu cnanged his sex to that of I
He likes the girls, nil rihi i
out no doesn't believe it n ssi
lo change his sex. Ho
continue to be call
Thea.' "
The Supreme Uada took advan
lage ot the correction to secure i
ntue more advertisin
I uncial. "Tin
was employed, ill I
department of ih
la ry
prefers lo
'd Then and not
Wed Cross Work in Eu rope
Aids Millions of People Yearly
Washington, Nov. s. -In furnishing relief to the
luf Russia, through us commissions to isioei'ia,
tor his v f, s
ial will take pinto
k," he contln'oeill
II bear the
one should
lee. Other
alone, win
Jefferson Notes ,
.lel'fiison. or.. Nov. II. The fu-1
Hera I of .Mrs. Kivil Seehale, who
died at her home in this city Mon-1
day evening, was held yesterday !
rind. Interhleht was made In the
Jeffeitiou eenietei'v. sh,. hud been -
sick only a couple of weeks.
,fir. Seeiiale was horn In Itentoni
I county, October :!i. iSKli. she is
survived l,v in,- imsbanil and ttvol
children ami h. i mother. .Mrs. j
-Mary K. .Me. ker. 11.. lore .coming
to J!'tVrrtO." ihe family lived -in M'A
'any where :
the ioi!.!.i..r.;
Hamilton sun
Tin funeral was held from the
Christian church at I ::ii) h m.. Rev. i
Alliyn lissiin enniliiel'ing the serv-l
ices ai ii, church ami at the grave.
I'arkeiBville, Ore,, Nov.. 11 .r-Ttve !
vuod nieetiii'g .'.old at. itiv'
ichool house here lasl Saturday;
as well attended am! everyone '
seems highly nl. ...-oil oyer the re. '
suit. A tin,.,, mill tax va's Voted j
to be aisliihltil ;1 mi the various;
roads in this district. The, tax ear-1
Wed by a majority of 'ja votes.
Theie vvere J7 in favor of tile tlixi
and 7 against, tine notable feature1
of-Ihe election was tin- large ill-,
tendance of the women who turned ;
out in great number to vote fori
hotter roads.
.Mr. ami .Mrs. A. I;. Siegniund
a ml Mil's (in t in Siegniund vktlted
ai lb.' WaPc home ihe fort- part of
tlie week.
John .''lark of I'm ilnnd spent the
wee!; ami with his uncle, Ii. W.
Air. ami .Mrs. Dunn and. Miss
Harold attended the opening' exer
cises uf tin.- new school house tit.
Labish Center ami report a most
pleasant '.line. The building was
last domiileted by W. L,. Junes of
SUMBrtuW, '
tine mine in the 1'orcuplne claim
has an ore reservation of $1(11100.-:
tHMi anil its development is still in
, its infancy. One of the leading min
es at Kirklanil Uihe is recovering;
an average ,,f nearly f'-"' a' ton
from Hum re treated. Among the
newer anil promising mines are
those at ttosiou Creek, Shining'
Tree, hetiverhouso Creek, Itourk.'s
Siding. IJgh'ntng RH'er l-'oit Mata-
ichewan ami Monro.
Canadian Gold
Output Gains
In Last Decade
pine district alone since 1911) ha
been (69,50,4til. That of th
Kirklamt l.ako tlisuiei since L
! been JH, 4511, 955. Dividend:
paid by the mines of these two dis
liricts in the last two years havi
been $16,816635, of w hich the Por
1'i-iine mines have paid $18, .210,
Land Board Gets
$53,000 Payment
The Pacific LivetoeS company
unlay gave (ieorge C5. I'.rown,
clerk of the stale land board, a
check for $5:1,00(1.".'. the seeond
liiymenl on the 1125,000 which it
agreed to pay the state in a coin
promise effected a year ago by
Attorney Oeneif tl Brown in sistile
hiont of the stale's claim lo lands
in llarnev county which wove hoi
; by the company. The original
i payment of $"5,1100 was made
Ihe time of the compromise and
a final pavmenf VST $50,00(1 is due
i year from todSy. I'nder the
tcrins of the compromise the com
liiuy is also placing' ten thousand
ThuKsday, ivovcmber H;-ti9"
acres of laud on ihe market for
settlement at a maximum figure
ftproved by the slate land board.
The compromise was agreed to by
the company when Attorney (ton
era! was nreliaring to file suit '
charging found in conectlon with
I the possesion of the land.
ill Fires In .Mouth
Twenty-one fires in Oregon out
i side of orl land during the inonlij
l ttf Oi-tobi-r resolli'd to fire los-ils
aggregating tl I 1, 250 according l
i a sunuuiirv preiuired by A. C. Baft
, Per. stale lire niarshal.
Oregon, heads the list ot los S( I
With a lumber mill blar.e and a I 'W
..f I ."..',(100.
if iseaseo sum
J. C. Perry, druggist
i extend
the foil
IRussia, the
Red Cross
(o figures t
the organization.
Sanitary trains, or hospitals .
jequippe'l with 830 beds, with a
iThero were also lyphus trains
ml Southern llussia, Ann
? Da-
'd to millions, aooording I
ieotuing annual report of i
n wheolHf. totaled 75 cars,
lapa.-iiy of 1.550 patients,
the work of whitj) was
r traveled 11,000 miles.
: east of the funeral. A
I will speak only in ,.,
ari' to do so without
ise the Supreme I ladj
xpiain whal a dadaisti,- fa
t Why a fiineru 1 Is Mi.-t..,t,,n,.
to be sad.
"One-half StejftltZ was
'dy j funeral, thanks to the go
,,. j agentiug of ihe Supreme
iy Vorwaerts, -The supi
. ! ''" Preached. The thousand
enera ciowded around l
"i --da-da da is life! That word da
da is finally explainable. "
'"The Supreme iJada couldnt
mourn," explains Oermnnla, the
organ of Catholicism 'because
death is no occasion for grief
There Is no death, because matter
lives on through its own forces.
The large crowd in tense silence
attempted to follow the somewhat
confused talk of the Supreme Oada
which he delivered with a smiling
I'l I II II 1 1. ll a li i I I., 1..1-. .1 .
12,000 miles, . . . ' ' ""eicy
.nthimlilll.ineOL- in,,,!:. .,r.l eUIM.jno An Mi nftX-Al-p,! 399 AAA ... 1 UMi.- II1UUU
wiles. The supplies distributed by these tranaijortation
aciiviiics amounted to 8.000 tons and were hiiu!tMl over
MOO miles of railroad. In the way of civilian relief in
Siberia fin average of sveu articles of clothing was uivpn
loeiu-h of riS7fS0i men, :i87,5(UIivomtn and 77 r,au0 ehil-
llo-litjils In SHh-i'Ia.
Ijn earing for the Mick in Siberia the Americnn Ked
Cross operated IS hospitals of its own with a total of
n.SflfJ beds. There were in these hospital fid American
iluftors and '!4 non-Americans. il Kussiuns, 16 .liipanese
and ? Chinese nurses.
Besides aiding and disinfecting ail these Jlussian-s, the
American Red Cross rendered its regular war-time scrv
rhiei'H preventive. Thes
liatlied 11)5.000 persons, disinfected 1,000,000 and issued
500,000 clean garments.
In .Siberia alone thirty-three trains distributed the
cargoes of thirty ships from America and portions of the
cargoes from 112 ships from other countries. In this
0j"k American Red Cross t ruins covered
Ii:n:'u is onje
a vffcit from her mother, M.i
Michae' Oft Albany,
VS . i i (row ii has pu rcliased .
new San :;,mi tractor and is mukin
KOOtl use of iL tiicse fine days.
I.uki- Shields', who. is
U'.ie Siile ti. high school, and his
(cousin, Curtis Townseud, a nd Ea ii
j Htraushn uuh spent Sunday at the
Shields hume. i
lienry HugiU and l'amilv are
I Visiting ;.i the Hai'rison home f)r a
couple if week'.
Jvl rs. l in . i ison is visitthk her
daughter, Mrs. Carlton, in Eastern
Oregon. ...
Henry Klrkvvood, who recently
pU rcliased a farm acioss the river,
has stdd the place and will move
his family to (lervais, iiaviug reat
ed the Joe Strnvens house.
Ottawa. NOV. 11. fJold to the
value of $03, 1 n 7. 4 10 has Im'cii ta
keii from the mines of Northern
Ontario in th past ten years, ac
urdin to tn i rnmeut report.
ng The Im
1 in otit put in a deem
tin been remarkable. It vafl $35
i :! !.' in 1910. and approximately
' 1 o.nilti. oon in 19, production this
'.'c'it' it is expected will he greater
than lust. Kxperts declare thm
from )' 0,000,000 to $ioo,D0fl,oo,o;i
ml i ng i 1 1, ,,( ...... j (,,1,1 i,, ,,,,,,,..,, ;
now under operation.
(I old production of the Po rott
ers of this really wonderful ' prep
aration Will send a trial package
free 'to those who writd at once.
Brownatone is positively guar
anteed and cannot injure the hair
i he crowd was evidently keenly
disapijoimed that the dadaistic
i-cj-emonies did not take im a more
futuristre and picturesque tone,"
fteveiil eases of smallpox have
broken out recently in Springfield.
Tint Your Gray Hair
Trial Package Fres
I Just for a short time, in order
to prove to many more thousands
of women that vmvT'.iiMtone is in
I Ire to 13,830 officers and men of the American forces j f.u,t th( IK,, fef.t tint for gray, fad
ln Siberia alone. The cost of supplies issued to these j p(, s(reai,ed ,r( the manufactur-
To 'nandle the work of Ihe Siberian commission a lo-
ot 8,667 people was reouired. 503' of whom wei e
Americans. Ten thousand different articles were distri
buted, ranging all the way from auto-ambulances to
safety-pins. The total disbursement was $14,000,000.
In Western Russia and the Baltic states the work done
H the American Hod Cross was of somewhat different,
character anil necessitated' less transportation. In this
seclin.i the number of civilian poor unrelieved was L'flT,
ll" M the number of refugee cared for was 21,396.
Prisoners aided numbered 2,522.
l-'ccil J'rlsoiiers of W ar.
Much of the relief in Western Russia was hospital ser
e. The work developed out of the commission for re
Wof allied prisoners' of war in Germany, which closed
"fAtlgust, 191!). During the seven months (hat com
mwion operated, it hail charge of the feeding, health
"it senera! welfare of more than r,0,000 allied soldiers
' Oerman nrison camps.
tilth course of its operations the American Red Cross
5 states, up lo June 30. 19B0, expended oei
'. -00? h0Kl"l alI. Red Cross physicitms treated
'."''J- 20,(100 typhus patients, Nineteen frontier and In
"or disinfecting' stations were established with a dally
I'P.i-ity of 3.900 persons. Sixty-two dispensaries were
'"led at a (list of nenrlv r,jn nun u.i i,t .(!. o-n iier.
a total of 21
'Imilur Insiitntion.
Piles. Tlii,
hting in
eauents over an aggregate distance of 10.300 miles.
T Open FixmI Kin-lien-.
'"' ,,,l" KlUiions and 4
w-re operated
Prfns at a total cost of $405,23.1. The gift of
th.,, ... in general civilian relief was more
i 1452,500.
Ur - 'I
A Terrific Melodrama
A Seething Volcano
Realistic Eathquake
A Real Horse Race
Thrilling Battle Scene
The Joy Of A
n e m. el .:
Know the joy and
happiness that comes
to one thru possessing
a skin of Dliritv and!
"Pkamilu, Thi. ntt. (lis.
l(nvnicliprl !r,n;ir,!ni- it I
Venders brings out your
natural beauty lo its tini
est. In use over 70 years.
A n . Ml &mmr
n r i . ii i Kit x zwak. sx.., : tfv
Make Shaving a Pleasure
With Cuticura Talcum
After shaving with Cuticura Soap the
Cuticura way, Cuticura Talcum is an in
dispensable adjunct. Antiseptic and pro
phylactic, it is sootliiry and refreshing to
the most tender skin jQp
BuapU B,hFrbTll. AddreM: "Cqtlcam
Lftbrtr(,l),pi 2 8r.M,WMi HM, . " Sodl,,,-; v
whw. Soap we, Oititmnt2Sand60c. T!' i,n, :
BirCulicura Soap without mua.
1 k-V,
hospitals ;und 110 orphanages anil
s were aided with money and sup
uilanees were orierated during the
parts of the country and carried 10.-
dry food distributing sta-
dail- feeding capacity of over
ne work
'"f refU!;(.ps
'"'. ft ii,,.
'uih Russia consisted largely
in fighting typhus and chol
if caring
a in the
in anv way hut will qulcrkly trans
form gray! faded hair in the most
amuKing manner so that your
friends will marvel to see you
growing younger instead of older.
Regular bottles can be had from
any druggist at 50c and 1.0.
Two colors: "Light to Mediui
Brown" and "Dark BroWU to
Black. "
For a free trial bottle with easy
send J l ceni!-
and war
Pharmacal -"
'St difficult tasks of the Airier
accomplished in helping the people in
(here was absolutely no ambulance ser
little in the way of hospitals when Ihe
The army was in retreat, the mJH-
'vphus broke out and for
fought the dread disease.
mths the;
In the be-
"wiania. ni
and very
I m5ricans an
r Urv n-n- j.
i tsand .ft0.r8amed and the combined force of sol-:
fijff,-i Clvilia,l to the number of 20.00U was a hungry.
; ?.g- Wnlc-atricke mob.
Cross work
""UK ihtt ...
The dead cleanliness and hospital care,
(he sick' 1'''ed in tnp oorners of -the rooms w ith
''ne husrjit t ' " -ffort al " decent burial was made. In
'Stbeds i' Rev!,n- consisting of a single barrack with
ln spite of "" ,oom' thf,re were 000 deaths in one week.
'NaVmio h'S' 'e A""'rica11 Red Cross stopiied the
antral a "ir"-'!e-h:,naed, and in Narva alone, with
aes assistance of the people, "treated 9.000
Winf,-0, A""'ri''"" Red Cross officers. Lieut. George
ui an
complete directions
to nay postage, pad
tn The Kenton
bldg.. lovingion, i...
539 Coppin
Thank Your
Good Fortune
To leara That Pyramid Pile Sop
poaltorlra Brlac ftolek Kellef
lo lleblBK. HlrediKK or
ProirndlBK Pile".
Pyramid Pile Suppositories bring '
blessed relief in the privacy of youi
Clifford Itlanton, gave up their
plan lo Save Much Meat
hicago. ,-
"i the
To save millions of pounds of meal
supply and millions of dollars for every
'at and livestock industrv is the announ-
eers, rajjr '' niltional conference of livestock pro
'Urtn ora ".'ficiato" meat, packers, r-pi-esentatives
-tsso..j"-tn'Z'""ns' and co-oierative ship
P ontLiJ"?3 f""" PVPr lK,'t "f the Tnited States.
The X? hr --ecently.
of O. V IlPa h-v Everett C. Brown, presi-
"Annoa'l , Uonal Livestock exchange.
fctn prSw IiVMtock before the animal leaves
'ili'-ns ' excel? $2.-.. 00. 000 and takes awa
mi or meat from the nation's supply,'
JJ tHt,,!,'eri liefore the conference opened,
ted hut bruises alone lost year caused a
approaching i r,. 000. 000 Meat whicn
-- bt"n edible was conve ed into in-
It ...
YooCao Cbeaifsttr fc Piraaaid
own home from itchine. bleeding ax
Protruding piles f'SL lor
such rectal troubles. Get a 60c hoi
today of any druggist- A single box
hits often been sufficient. You car
have a free trial package by send
ing the coupon below.
me sample corpus
gftp!!j wi me a free tnirl PjHOi
PU Sliasawtwiei, la plain "rapper.
M-.WS AM) wrtni
Today, Friday and
Burglar Proof
i livery time tie spent a dime, he spent an hour in
t mourning.
J He was so tight that he taught his money to play dead
; Even the Hardshells will see this.
Good Many Laughs Many Good Laughs
All the New November
Vi ftrvr R prords
This month's list contain an unusual selection ot
fin, niimbera In all classes. Check those desired
and order '' mail.
4MN Urowsy Baby Elsie Bake
In the Afterglow Olive KUne-ESJsle Bfthr
I51M Wailing for Ihe Sun to Come Out L. Murphy
I Cannot Sleep Without Dreaming of You
Lambert Murphy
isimi lv Utile Bimbo Down on the Bamboo Isle
.ileen Stanley
The Broadway Iflues ' Aileen Stanley
IXHH3 i ll Be With YOU In Apple BIOBSOnl Tune .
Charles Harrison
TrJpM - -Ioulse Terrell-William IKibyn
I. slit J Tiie.l Of Me BUW
I'd Love to Fall Asleep and Wake Up in My Mam-
mv's Arms Peerless ghMltol
:t.-.TUI Avalon Jusl Like a Oypsy, Medley Fox Trol
P. Whiternan and his Embassador Orcheslra
Best Ever Medley One Step
P, Whiternan and his Ambassador Orchestra
iHKo Whispering fox Trot - -
p. Whiternan and his Ambassador OfWieatra
The Japanese Sandman Fox Trot
P. Whin-man and his Ambassador orcheslra
RHD sFAi. Hi:oitis
MM llv the Waters of Minnetonka Frances Alda
4S7S Trovatore Stride la v ....... ; B. saZ;
0IS83 Ever of Thee Pol funny Ore. R .-nhie Brash...
MMM A flranada In Spanish Enrteo Caruso
Nocturne .lisch;. Lliiii.ii
MM ClareUtO .Carnations. In Spanish Oall -Cu.c
.;!... When Your Shij. Cones In . Orvllle Ha. . old
I ..-. Fedora Amor ti vieia dl nn a mar- In Ita Man
FCd ward .lohnsou
IUH9 Chanson Indoue A Song of India! ICr, islet
f4i Thank Ood for Harden John Mn'or.nack
7lr, Prelude in C Major .Rachmaninoff.
Sergei Kachmaninoff
.41...T jili'lTliT"' Pircob. ainKara (llMks, Utile OypsM
Ilenato fcanelH
$ .sr,
s jut
i M
S1 ,a."
g I M
XI. 7.".
SI. 2.-.
x 1 .2.",
i M
Vou can heal Ihcse neest records
anv lime willioul charge or the slight
purchase. Come In today.
OK I opposite n-, r,ls wmimc. sod ,' with -
H. L. STIFF, Furn. Co.
I'lHMK' Mil
4."o Court Mii-i-i
Km i. BIbbT JbBHbi bMB Hal IHIJJJJJJJJJJJr VMMg mwrnm wmm Al Kt .
Safe Tfflik for INFANTS & INVALIDS
The Original
and Substitutes.
ForInfant.,InvaHdandOrowlncChll,lrer. I Met iMllk.MHedOraln .Extract InPowdcri
The Original Food-Drink For All Ago No CooUng-Nounahing-Oigoatible
The AMERICA Electric Suction
Cleaner has made such wonderful
progress in Salem that it HURTS.
One of our competitors has resorted to the method of
knocking to sell his wares in competition with the
AMERICA. Will this old time method of selling win
in a modern city of Salem's class? Will the housewives
of Salem approve of this selling method? NO NEVER.
Knockers will appear but the AMERICA is in Salem
to stay. It has won its way into many of Salem's hest
homes and those who are the proud owners of the
AMERICA are recommending it to their friends.
Up-to-date electric deanera are not Called sweepers,
because thev clean OVER. I'XDEU and THRU WITH
OUT BEATING. The AMERICA does this. See that
the cleaner you purchase cleanes the AMERICA way.
It pays.
"Ducky" O.W. Holems
Electric Service Co.
We are 100 per cent back of the AMERICA.
s h
LtOt ,1 te
s w -m a-W""