Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1920, Image 4

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    Thursday. November 11, 1920
The Capita! Journal, Salem, Oregon
Capital Journal
Salem, Oregon
An Independent Newspaper
The Restless Sex
Published every evening except
jtanday by The Capital Journal
Printing Co., 136 South Commer-
Telephone; circulation and in the history of humanity, America by her sacrifices and
Business office, si; Editorial j her strenuous endeavor brought victory to the allied cause
" ! and defeat to the embattled hosts of autocracy
I, jrucnam. realtor ana x-unnsner
Entered as second claxs :xuail
matter at Salem, Oregon.
By carrier. 65 cents a month.
By mail, in .Marlon and Polk
counties, 50 rents a month. Else
where $7 a year. $3.50 for 0 months
11.76 for three months.
Armivtico Tin v
. ......
Two years ago the signing of the armistice heralded the
close of a victorious world war in which democracy had By Robert Chambers, author of
vanquished imperialism, and the world's democracies cele- Barbarians,- "The Dark star"
brated the great event in a pandemonium of joy. Inspired by etc (Copyrighted ms by Rob
the loftv ideals of a war to end war and usher in a new neriod ! ert w- Chambers)
xtiai IP 111 unit; u.iu-::
Stephanie," replied Cleland coldly,
discouraging any possible advan
ces on Grismer's part. For there
In the following year, America, through her president fed bringing Stephanie in contact with
the way at the peace conference in securing the realization of I the Grlwhei; ind there might ie
the aims and purposes for which the war was fought by the I r(!a80ns tov keenine her ttnt
,. ,. x , .. ,. . of their existence. Which ouyht
creation ot a League of Nations to prevent war. In the in-it(, be a simple matter because he
i tails," he said "unless It's coat-
By order of U. S. government,
aU mall subscriptions are payable
fa. advance.
Advertising representatives W.
D. Ward, Tribune Bldg. New York
W. H. Sloekwell, Peoples Gas
Bldjt.. Chicago.
terval since, 4,5 nations have joined the League. Only Aimer- never saw Grismer, except when
ica has stood aloof, refusing to share the responsibilities or "u chnctrt to cnc,ou"ter him
,, , , . .... . . 'casually here and there in town.
assume tne Duroens imposed in the cooperative effort to
preserve peace. Alone among the allies, America is still
technically at war with Germany.
SLEEPY-TIME TALES ; "What about cattnils?" Brownie
. 9 1 1 asked. "You'll pretty close to
i HtTALt OFHsome rieht now-
So ynu can nanny say you nave
nothing to do with them."
Mr. Frog smiled.
"I see you're a Joker," he said.
"And it really seems a pity," he
went on. "that a bright young
fellow like you shouldn't wear the
finest clothes to be had anywhere.
If you'll come to my shop I'll
make you a suit such as you never
saw before in all your life."
"I II come" Brownie Beaver
i promised. "I'll be there at sun-
Krnwnip thought lhit ir T "
.,. ,,. c Demanded
roust hp a fl nur .... . i l . .1 "
anu ne.err-.'it
rively entitled to the use for pub
lication of all news dispatches
Dredlted to it or not otherwise
oredlted in this paper and also
iocs! news published herein.
Ily Robert Q ulllcii.
This second armistice day anniversary finds America
celebratinir not onlv the clorious triumnh of the ideals of th?
MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRES.S: ,.,,,. . ' . , . ,
The Ansoclal.'d Press Is exolu- "cjiumiu un uie u;tu luiieitiw ot Trance ot iwo year;, ago, QUI
! the inglorious defeat of the realization of those ideals of
j peace at the polls. It finds America the slacker among na
; tions, refusing to complete the task so nobly begun. So far as
I America is concerned, her dead have died in vain, and the
nation has turned back to the "normalcy" of armaments and
imperialism. Discarded are the inspirations and idealism
that armed the nation in a righteous cause, and discredited
the great leader who as spokesmn for humanity, forced the
first effort to unite the world for peace.
Armistice dav. 1920. finds a Kf'pnriffll world rlisillnuimiorl
II sptclKS r(iir:ivlino fchfl llflhililv of iho mntlvoo that Wl AitMavInn l
lend her might against the common enemy. She has not '
j kept the faith. Her national honor is tarnished. The world is
resentful of her aloofness, her prestige abroad is shattered,
and faith in her near the vanishing point. The policy of!
seltish isolation, of denying a helping hand to shattered
Europe, of refusing to ccoperte to establish peace, is not
one the nation can be proud of in future years.
We celebrate today the triumph of a great cause in war.
We do not celebrate the failure of that same cause in peace..
The faith of America in America, however, leads us to hope
that ere another Armistice day rolls around, America,
emerged from the dismal swamp of politics, recovered from
the reaction of war, will be found cooperating with her sister
nations to preserve the peace of the world and that we can
celebrate the complete victory of the cause for which our
boys made the supreme sacrifice in France with America a
tnembcr of the League of Nations.
When money talk
as one having authority.
Utopia will be established
when reform begins where
charity does.
The right to vote is inher
ent. The choice f a party is
As we understand it, (he
league is to be a co-educational
At forty the virtuous say:
"How good I am." They mean :
"How unattractive I am."
Dear Irish hot-heads, the
price of freedom is but the
price of a ticket to America.
Once marriage was a lot
tery, but now one can see
what he is getting.
Doubtless there are times
when a fervent republican
thinks of it as the stolid south.
Four years from now the
east will again affect a polite
Interest in California's Japa
nese problem,
Here lies the goose that laid
the golden eggs killed by
profiteers in an effort to force
product ion.
Calves may be padded and
a complexion may be faked,
but there is no way to camou
flage an empty skull.
isuuily here and there In tow
"She's older than I supposed,"
remarked Grismer staring steadi
ly at her, where she stood beside
Jim, shyly conversing witli i'
group of his particular cronies,
Boy-like, they all were bragging
.noisily for her exclusive benefit,
talking school-talk, and swagger
ing and showing off quite harm
lessly as is the nature of the ani
mal at thU age.
"I don't observe any family re
srmblance," mused Qrlstfief, pur
sing his slit-like lips.
"No?" Inquired Cleland drily.
"No, none whatever. Of course,
the connection is remote m-m-in'yes,
quite remote. I trust," lie
added magnanimously, "that vou
j will be able to render her life
comfortable to bestow upon her
may, if wisely administered, keep
her from v,int."
Cleland, who was getting mad
der every moment turned very
red now.
"I think." he said, managing to
control his temper, "that it will
scarcely be a question of want
Mr. YosS Question
"Why don't you get some new
It was Mr. Frog that asked the set."
question; and he asked it of And he went. Mr. JTrog was
Brownie Beaver, who was At work waiting for him, with a broad
on top or his house. .Mr. Frog smile on his face. Any smHe Df
had been hiding among the lily- his Just fvid to he broad, because
pads, watching Brownie. But ' he had such a wide mouth.
Brownie hadn't noticed him until i .Come rlght ,ni Mr. Frog said,
he stuck his head out of the water! .,,, ,,,.- ,.,, !lf Sn
Brownie Beaver stepped inside
question I Mr Jf-afi, snm, to be measured
for his new suit.
It was all over in a few minutes.
Mr. Frog scratched some figures
on a flat stone. And then he
went into the back room of his
He stayed there a long time.
I And when he came Into the front
t again he found Brownie
iver still there.
'Whit are you waiting for?"
Mi Frog asked. He seemed sur-
I prised that Brownie had not left.
"I'm waiting for my suit, if
, course." Brownie Beaver said.
"Oh! Thiit won't lie ready for
and spoke.
At first
made Brow
"What's t
thes?" he i
with t hern-
Mr. Frog's
tie a hit peevish,
lie matter with my clo- !
sked hotly.
nothing the mutter i
-nothing at all," said
IJOt agret
told him as much.
But Mr. Frog did
with him.
'I'm very spry!" he claimed.
"On the Jump every minute!"
As Brownie started away, Mr.
Frog called him back.
"I'd get rv new hat if I were
you," he suggested.
"What's the matter with this
hat?" Brownie wanted to know.
"It's a beaver hat one my great
grandfather used to wear. It's
been in our family a good many
yojirs and I'd hate to part with
'You needn't part with it," Mr.
Frog said pleasantly. "Just don't
wear it that's all! For it won't
look well with the clothes
going to make for you."
Then Brownie Beaver moVNl
away once more. n,l aain Mr.
Frog stoppel him.
"I'd buy a collor if I were you,"
he mid,
v nars tne matter with
neckerchief?" ,Brovnie B
....... T.-a
"en Id bo,
We.. .... ..
c jOU," 1.
".And i.
"Won't U L-$!
,. . . " SetlW
'"""me askaj,
Mr C6"ulll
kind of mi
So Brqwajg
"'--'op. Mijm
'"-'t with
now ha w. .as
ha,,?,, H
with Stephanie Quest. What
bles me a little is that she's
than likely to be fin heiress.'
"It looks that way."
"Do you do you mean, CI
that that any legal steps ti
"Uood Lord, no!" sxohi
Grismer, contemptuouijly.
i S 11
. ,. , ... I A
three tl-iys,'
Frog told hin
it, you know."
a 4. i( j i
i Then, of course, all he had to dc
land j ivas to et up and walk away.
Mr. Frog "except that they are
med not as becoming to you as they
She I might be. Of course," he added,
Home-made Remedy
Stops Coughs Quickly
that prayers for
pe&ce are not
It may be
heard because ol the nolae
made by munition factories.
Trying war criminals won't
help much unless great na
tions overcome their disposi
tion to try criminal war.
Let us be thanktul that
gamblers have made no effort
to corrupt our national game
of passing t he buck.
The race is not always
the swift, but John Bull
willing to put his money
the fleet.
The free-love of bolshevism
will give a
any future organization of
Daughters of the Revolution.
Cabinet Possibilities
David Lawrence, the Washington correspondent declares
that President-elect Harding has indicated his choice for
cabinet officers as follows : Secretary of State, Philander C.
Knox of Pennsylvania; secretary of treasury, Governor
Frank 0. Lowden of Illinois; attorney general, Harry
Daugherty of Ohio; secretary of war, General John J. Persh
ing: secretary of the navy, former Senator John W. Weeks
of Massachusetts ; secretary of agriculture, Henry Wallace of
Iowa; secretary of labor, either Representative Nolan ef
California or -John F. Burke of Pennsylvania; post-master
general, Will H. Hays of Indiana; secretary of commerce,
former Governor Stokes of New Jersey, or Albert D. Lasker
nf Chicago. For secretary of the interior, eeither Senator
Fall of New Mexico or former Senator Sutherland of Utah.
These selections are said to be Harding's first choice and
likely to win appointment, although of course the list is sub
ject to revision. Some of them are certain to be found in the
The list is notable for the elimination of Root, Taft,
Hughes, Lodge and Hoover, and all members of the progres
sive wing of the party. Root is said to be out of tune with
Harding's foreign policies. Taft and Hughes will likely be
appoint later to the supreme bench. Hoover will probably
he offered some foreign mission. Lodge will remain senate
Ihe cabinet, as announced, is safely reactionary. Knox, '
representing the steel interest, is opposed to the League of
Nations and author of the resolution for a seperate peace
with Germany as well as father of "dollar" diplomacy.
Daugherty, Harding's manager, is a professional politician
and lobbyist for big business: the selection of Lowden
eotfld probably not bo improved upon; Weeks is a reactionary
ot the deepest dye: Pershing will militarize the civilian con
trol of the army; Wallace is a farm journal editor; Hays is
: orofpssinnjil rmHrfotan nriH aamwfsmr n-f tl-m rnnnhlinon q
. . 1 ... , ... , ,. ;, , '. j "This is amazing. I undei-
tional committee, and will see to it that postotfices are re-j stood thy the family had cast out
stored to the plum tree. Fall and Sutherland are rabid stand- ;u,d utterly disowned the family
patters r ' 8,arr' Quest m-111-m'yes
r ' . , . li 'turned him out completely him
iu tuuuuiicut prugreBBivea ate listen as among me pi'OD- out completely him and his. So
able selections. The cabinet will be eminently satisfactory tolyou P"on my surprise, cie
lil.f hiulnAaa uml utamlmlw --Ml ,,.!,, iu!lam. ts ah the Quest for-
............. , u,mumui,.i enc I tune as it were considerable?"
people what they want as expressed by their votes. "Several millions, 1 believe," rs-
i I pWed Cleland carelessly, moving
Th.-il man PlwaUtott-! Woe-linn- cl,,! PI,.ml,l'A ; JK'1 10 " Jom lis son ,inel Stepha
- - -. v.w. - . .-....... . v. v . 1 .ii,ii, in..-. 1 .... v iiuinuiiaiii nie
wouldn t touch a penny of Gris
mer money not a penny! I
wouldn't lift a finger to stir up I
that mess ugain. even if it meant
a million for her!"
QrlWner breathed more easily,
though Cleland's frank and un
concealed scorn left a light red on
his parchment-like skin.
"Our conception ot moral and
spiritual responsibility differs. I
fear," he said, " fts widely as our
creeds differ. I regret that my
friend of many years should ap
pear to be a trifle biassed m-ni-m'yes,
a trifle biassed in his opi-
nln "
"It's none of my affair, Gris
mer. We're different, that's all.
You hid, perhaps, a legal right to
your unhappy sisters share of the
Grismer inheritance. You ex
ercised it: I should not have done
so. It's a matter of conscience
to put it pleasantly."
"It is a matter of creedf' said
Grismer grimly. "It was. God's
will." "
Cleland shrugged.
"Let it go at that. Anyway,
you needn't worry over any pos
sible action that might be brought
against you or your heirs. There
won't be any. What 1 meant was
that the crild's aunt, Miss, Rosa
linda Quest, seems determined to
I'uve little Stephanie a great deal
more money than Is good for any body.
It isn't necessary. I. don't
believe in fortunes. I'm weary of
them, afraid of them. They chan
ge people often change their very
natures. I've seen it too many
limes observed the undesirable
,1,'iiiytT 111 pi'opic woo were quit'?
all right before they came Into
fortunes. No; 1 am Able to pro
vide for her amply; 1 have done
so. That ought to be enough."
Grismer's dry, thin lips remain
ed parted; he scarcely breathed;
and his remarkable eyes continued
to bore into Cleland with an in
tensity almost savage.
Finally he said,, in a voice so
dry that itseemed to crackle;
he saw that Brownie Beaver
frowning, "you look hand
some in them. But you've no
idea how you'd look in clothes of
my mrtking."
Brownie Beaver felt hnore a
greeable as soon as Mr. Frog had
told him what he meant.
"Do you make clothes?" he in
quired, "I'm a tailor," Air. Frog re
plied. "And I've just opened a
shop at the upper end of the
"What's the matter with my
Brownie shipped. He was
angry again.
Then Mr. Frog explained that a
tailor made suits.
"We've nothing to do with
The bent - -!i im'rtlehie yon rrer
IMed, A family RUppi? easily mill
qlilcklr made. Suves about
Burns in Harney county has a
woman mayor. Mrs. Grace B.
Lampshlre was chosen at the elec
tion last week, although not a can
didate for the position.
You might be surprised to know
that the best thing you can use for
a severe cough, is a remedy which
is easily' prepared at home in jutt
a few moments. Jt's cheap, hut t'or
prompt results it boats anything else
you ever tried. Usually stops the
j ordinary cough or chest celd in zi
hours, lastes pleasant, too children
like it nnd it is pure and good.
Pour li'a ounces of Pltvex in a
pint bottle; then fill it up with plnin
granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari
fied molasses, honey, or corn syrup,
instead of sugar syrup, if desired.
Thus. you make a ftill pint a ('amity
supply but costing no nunc thttn a
small bottle of ready-made cough
And as a cough medicine, there is
really nothing better to be had at
any price. It goes light tJ the spot
and gives quick, lasting relief. It
promptly heals the Inflamed mem
branes that line the throat and air
passages, stops the annoying throat
tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon
your cough stops entirely. Splendid
for bronchitis, croup, hoarseness and
bronchial asthma.
l'inex is a highly concent rated com
pound of Norway pine extract
famous for healing the membranes.
To avoid disappointment ask you
druggist lor "zy-, ounces ot l'inex
with directions and don't accept an
thing else. Gnaranteedto give abs
lute satisfaction or money refunde
The l'inex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
You can better understand J
cae wun wtiich the SPECIAL
SIX steers when you know that
cn steering knuckle carria
two taper roller bearings on
wmcn tne tront wheels revolve.
Atk at about Ihe gatolin, anj
Mrs mthage SPECAl Jix
ownert are setting.
BO-H. P. detchmble-hMd motor llU
tTMi U a Stadtbaker Ytat"
re-election is shown hy the following from a Marion dispatch
in the New York World dated the day after election :
"There was even satisfaction in the prospect of the com
ing back of one Democrat Senator Chamberlain of Oregon.
'You know.' said the President-elect, 'it is pretty hard when
politics and personal feeling come into collision. Chamberlain
is not only a good Senator but a good friend, and while I was
naturally anxious that we should have everv possible Senator
new meaning to of our ovvn faitn the earl' reports that Chamberlain was
losing caused a pang.
Just Folks
The intensity of a man's de
sire for an automobile is mea
sured by the frequency of his
tirades against car owners.
The election proved one
thing. It proved that folks
can muddle through an elec
tion without any instruction
from Mr. Bryan.
Europe's opinion of Wilson
reminds us that the multitude
t 4i r..n.i;
leit .lesus w lieu niej "num. t .....a.i t,o ,.amo man. In luck or
He wouldn't provide loaves out the mm tan,
, . . . j ... i . man mars onniram 10 nvc
ami fishes indefinite. . ,,-,,, ,
Kdgar A. Guest
I Would Ro n Plain Man.
I would be a idain man. a temper
ate and sane man.
A EDM that plays the pame to
win, yet cheerfully can lose
1 ould le a brnvo man. in times
of care a grave man,
A man to take wt luck with
chance nor want to pick and
I would be a clean man. a kindly
and serene man.
A man that doesn't pose to
ph ase the strangers passing j
I would be a fair man. a glad to ! LT?
,).-, !,,.! wtnei.
A man that doesn't stoop to
shame some petty point to
I would be a kind man, sometimes
a deaf and blind man.
A man that does not dwell too
much upon his neighbor's
I would not be a small man, a
bigot, 'spite of all man.
I want to give as I would take
and grant as I request;
I want to be a strong man. an
honest thougb a wrong man.
A man. who though he win or
lose, can say he's done his
where they stood amid the
noisy, laughing knot of school
boys. tiiismer looked after him, and
his face, which had become drawn.
grew almost ghastly. So this was
It! Cleland had fooled him. Cle
land, with previous knowk'dge of
whnt this aunt was going to do
for the child, had cunningly selec
ted her for adoption doubtless
designed her, ultimately, for his
son. Cleland had known this
had kept the knowledge from him
And that was the reason for all
this philanthropy. Presently he
summoned his son. Oswald, with
a fierce gesture of his hooked
The boy detached himself leis
urely from his group of school
fellows and strolled up to his
"Don't quarrel with young Cle
tana again. Do you hear?" he
said harshly.
"Well. I "
"Do you hear? you little fool
"Yes. sir but "
llread Prtce Cnl.
Portland. Ore.. Nov. 11. Tlx
pric of broad by the loaf h ? e will
be rut one cent, effective Monday
MQtnUit, Portland announced to
Tlx- I n,.- count Pomona jrraii'.
has adUltled resolutionn stronfrl.
opposing th- construction of ttu
prop'" "d M.iart IJoo.! scenic high
Bodies of Three
Victims of Ship
Explosion Found
N. v York. Nov. 11 Three
when one of the vessel's fuel tanks j
i-X"loded while she was tied up to '
I her Hiui- river plor. Latest re-'
j ports from the rescuers last night
indicated that there had been no i
j loss of life.
hod-1 Tlx srow in thr
I discovered ihis morning ln.jdriven the herds of sheep and eat-
oi mo line steam-i tie to their wint
at undo on which nine men Mn
quarters in the
lerv pastures arc fine at
injured .xsii-.ujv the r resent lime.
l Livestock, Farm Equipment
For sale at public auction to the highest bidder, one of the best
and most beautiful ranches of the Rogue River Valley, contain
ing 91 5-7 acres of fruit and alfalfa land, a fine wooden dwelling
nouse, mice stories and basement, containing nine large rooms,
sleeping porch, and large bathroom, with screened-in veranda
about 12 feet wide around the house;
Equipped with electric lights, automatic pump for water, fur
nace, and other modern conveniences;
Bungalow, 3 rooms, shower bath and open fireplace;
Large barn, with packing house facilities, pump house and j
modern pump, tool liouse, poultry nouses, etc.
Foreman's house of four rooms;
Well house, with engine, pump and reservoir tank.
The buildings are insured for $10,000.
31 3-7 acres in Sosc, Cornice and Anjou pears, 18 or 19 years -old
and in full beaslng.
The rest sof thsjgpremises, except the garden and the grounds 1
utmmuawiji urouny tne Dunuings, and about six acres of choice
graia land, is all in alfalfa.
The Medford Irrigation District, a State organization, will
supply water to the place for irrigation purposes, not later than
Mav 30, 1922. This is an assured fact. Conservatively speaking
irrigation doubles the alfalfa crop and adds at least
twenty-five per cent to the pear crop.
Marion Automobik
235 South Commercial, Salem, Ore.
Jititi WILL BE HELD at 2 o'clock P. M.
Saturday, November 13, 1920
on the place, Ross Lane, about 4 MILES FROM MEDFORD
No bids will be received for less than $35,000.
A deposit of $2,500 must accompany the accepted bid, the
balance to be paid in one week from date of sale.
Immediately after the sale of the above described property,
the auctioneer will offer the farm equipment and live stock tor
sale. This includes four horses, cow, poultry, spray rig, mower
hay rake, wagons, etc., and all necessary equipment to run the
No bids under $1,000 will be received on farm equipment and f
A first class foreman can be employed.
The following opinion of the value of the property Is given by 1
me men who are or nave oeen airecuy interested In the property
ana its proaucuveness:
"I think the above described property Is worth very much 1
more than $35,000 now. (Signed) S. P. BECKWITH,
Pacific Net & Twine Co., SeatUe, Wn.; Ex-manager
Rogue River Valley Fruit & Produce Ass'n.
Medford, Oregon, Appraiser California Land Bank
Company, San Francisco.
Refer by permission to First National Bank, Medford. Oregon;
First National bank of Ashland and E. D. Briggs, Esq., of' Ashland!
Fruit has been marketed through the Oregon Co-Operatlve
FruH Growers' Association.
Medford is recognised as the best pear producing section In
the country. Its late pears cannot be eqaaled.
The ranch offered for sale above, and now called the Black Oak
ranch, is perhaps better known as the old Stewart place Mr
Stewart was the original orcnardist in the valley, and this place
was chosen by him for himself or his son to own. It was laid
out under his personal supervision and care, and for this reason
the ranch is favorably known throughout the valley.
The house is admirably suited for a countrv L. m-
t 2 "t?"n,: ?!,!LJa"n Cr-k -'"o 'our' and a
Worn Out In Mind and
Your child is quick to observe disturbances in your n
physical condition. And when he asks: 'What s tne
thoro'a o r 1 ..'..-.. Itlc lll-fla VOlCC
Stamned lirton Xinti vallanlB infanoah, nnmi him hVcSUSe Ol I'fl
itude. He at once drops his playthings and rushes to yrtj
I. ....... . 1 J! . 'j 1 1 I- anii-MaMB
""PW amue nas uisappeareu ana nis uuujmui. or"- - -i
DV ft fminlmm,.. nf nmrn, an.l a KQrino" of llODeleSSM!
You owe it to the happiness and welfare of your family to .M
mteilect. Vo th ot,a tha inr.i,in nf their lives. Dart,.un
oyer their heads the instant yo show Bigna of being "out of sorts
"un t imperil their future by neglecting your healtn. mgm
The Great GenffM
will banish that tired ffJja
look. It will renew ??"r,Ftfl
the ravishine effects of
issr aonetizer. a valuab e WS
promoter of the (general "f sjl
vitalising and reconstrucjuvejaj
desiraMe in casesi
! exhaustion. swatfT
"".r:;f ..,,i tores omm:
urueiiueuk, . "tviii; rm uZSd
Vlf- . ...
r or Saie by alt Drurfeists. Always 3nJU '
I half miles from the Medford depot, and two miles from Central I
t ro't' Tne roads t0 town are in fine condition tS I
I in front of the house one e-t ? . . 4
Of ft At.T a. .
the risht. Mounts n " "llJ"8' sjio to
t o . ku Asuiana.
4 property at any time befor. "aullne ranch
. .......
.win. rf
Snnil-i .
Oregon Pulp & Paper Co.s
As a Safe 8 Home Investment writ or I
A. G. Riach, Bligh Hotel
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