Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 11, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    The CRDftaf Innmol -
Th Capital Journal, SaJem, Oregon
ftce Two
.. -w -r It "T " mi -w-w
Tsi.tpt Ctvturri.'n.a (lentml Willamette Vallev $V Special Rphn
25-Acre Field
Yeild 26,000
Pounds of Hops
Aurora, Or., Nov. 11. Henry L.
Mrnta recently received lit bulew of
lioiw contracted for Strauss & Co.,
from J. Pi Ranzau of near New
berg. The 146 bales weighed 27,
568 jKHJiids net. More than 26,000
pounds of the crop was grown on
2i acres, the balance being grown
on five acres of red vines on up
land. All are first year hops and
are of excellent quality. The crop
has been contracted for three years
at 40 cents.
This year's crop was produced by
three men, Mr. Ranzau, his son and
one hired man. The crop -brought
over 111,000 and should bring $20,
000 next year. The yard was cul
tivated well, sprayed well and
cared for in an excellent manner in
every way.
Mia. Koy O. Malo is visiting In
Portland this week.
Mrs. Army Roberts left a few
days ago for Eugene where dhe will
MMU during the winter.
John Ogle, who spent the fall in
wastern Oregon has returned to
Aurora to spend the winter with his
Mr. ami .Mrs. J. p. Warnork of
Sllverton wire in Aurora the for
lart of the week visiting at the Ed
Ogle home.
If became known here this week
Thai Guy Ogle and Miss Vern Hen
uershot were married at Portland
xevmal weks ago. They will reside
in Portland, where he has one of
The leading barber shops. He was
-formerly of Aurora.
James Miller who has been In
Sgamnia during the recent cam
paign, returned this week to spend
.11 tew aays with his parents befor
returning to San Francisco to rt
iime the practice of law.
Kverett and Robert Shimmin of
Vancouver and Camp Lewis, re-
1 iM-ctively, are here to spend a (e
days with (heir mother.
a nauy boy was born to Mr. and
Mrs. John Krnus on Friday, No
vember G.
Oovernor Ben Olcott and wife
ana their sons, Chester, Richard
not Gordon, and Mr. and Mrs. L.
H. Cmnpton and baby visited In the
ritjr a short time Saturday while en
rwate to Portland, where the gov-
nt Mr. Compton went on
business for the state. Mrs. Olcott
visJted.with her sister, Mrs. Oswald
West mm Mrs. Compton spent sev
eral da,ys In Portland with friends.
The governor's car stopped a short
time at a local garage for minor re
jutir. Hiss Velma Bents and Miss
kludge Walker went to Portland
Tor a week-end visit.
Te Sunshine Rebekah nfaih ,.f
Willi Die will hold Its annual ba
aax on Tuesday, November 23
Sm S 11 .
.-.ra run man mis moved upon
The V. A. Snndberg farm south of
(Mi city, hnvlnrr le.'lHe.l fho
D v.... ,,1.,,,,-
I Bringing Up Father By George McManus
(Copyright 1920 by International F
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Southern Pacific company not to
receive any "bad money." The no
tice refers specifically to certain
$10 and $20 counterfeit federal re
serve notes that are in circulation.
The notes are made from photo
graphic plates, it is said, and are
rather crude. The number of the
notes Is J2990600A.
Robert Carlson of Wheeler was
ta the city the latter part of the
wee visiting friends. Be thinks
ertously of locating In Aurora in
'he near future.
Or. Oiesy and Zeno Schwab were
tandness visitors In Oregon City n
ew days imo. They were aecom
vanyled hy Mrs. Schwab.
Mrs. Henry F.hlen Is In the Good
Hamnrltnn hospital In Portland.
hTmu-c Mile underwent an operation
a few dnys ago for the removal of
s tumor. The operation was a suc
cess and she is recovering nicely.
Southern Pacific agent, George
Miner, has been notified by the
Official Count
Of Polk Votes
Is Completed
Dallas, Nov. 11. The official
count on the various offices and
measures dealt with bv the people
of Polk county in the recent elec
tion were announced today. They
President: Harding 2709; James
M. Cox 1653; Watknis 99; Debs
124; William W. Cox 11.
Senator; Chamberlain 2162; Hay
s 69; Slaughter 86; Stanfield 2314:
Svenson 17.
Representative: Hawley USUI:
Talbert 264.
Secretary of State: Kozer 3006;
Sears 264; Hpton 121.
Justice Supreme Court: Bean
3133; Benson 2903; Harris 2S285:
McBride 2880.
ustlce Supreme Court to fill the
Bennett vacancy: Coshow 178-
Bailey B0; Van Winkle 493.
Dairy and Food Commissioner:
Hawley 3410; Von Behren 290.
Commislsoner of Public Service
commission; Bennett 1259; Buch
tel 2445; Newman HI.
Judge of Circuit Court; Belt 3835
Koprescntative 11th district Polk
county: Brown 1907; Powell 2222.
Representative 12th district Polk
and Lincoln counties, Fletcher 2893
District Attorney Helgcrson 2543
Piasecki 1389.
County Clerk: Moore 3632.
County Sheriff: Orr 3757.
County Assessor: Holman 3432.
County School Superintendent:
Wills 3469.
County Treasurer: Snyder 3368.
County Commislsoner: Gardner
1M; Hart 2106.
County Coroner: Chapman 3218.
Coutily Surveyor: Himes, 1774;
Howe 1943.
Compulsory voting: Yes 1166; No
Legislative seslsons: Yes 1261'
No 2192.
Oleomargarine bill: A'es 1293;
No 2362.
Single Tax amendment:
469: No 3129.
Amendment fixing term of coun
ty officers: Yes 1000, No 1639.
Portland Dock: Yes 1307, No
Compulsory vaccination amend
ment: Yes 1066, No 2477.
Amendment fixing legal rate of
interest: Yes 525; No 3230.
Bird refuge measure: Yes 1051;
No 2549.
Divided legislative session: Yes
1053; No 2239.
State market
1 932; No 2486.
commission: Yes
Hazel Green Notes
Hazel Green, Nov. 11. C. A.
VailOleave and borther Lester went
to Portland Sunday to see thelr-
mother who is 111 with typhoid
Mrs. Stella Patterson and three
children from Washington, spent
Sunday here with her brother
Prof. F. W. Jones.
Mrs. W. G. Davis spent a part of
last week, with her mother in Al
bany. Mr. Kantleburg of Portland
spent Sunday at Jas. Wilson's.
Remember the revival services at
the U. B. church beginning nent
Sunday evening. Rev. Launer of
Salem will preach Sunday evening
una every mgnt following. The ti
em Inst week was a mistake saying
that Rev. Launer would not come
until Monday night.
Merle Chapman has returned to
Homer and Edna Davis, Arthur
Cordier. Bertha Williamson, Gene
aim ultima Fisher at
tended the county c. E. convention
in Salem Sunday afternoon.
The program at Labish Center
school house last Saturday evening
drew a large crowd. Recitations
were given by Mr. Weinert and
Mrs. Fulkerson. The young men
and young ladies sang two chorus
es and solos were rendered by Al
ma Rhodes and Jeff Tavener. Mrs.
Mailor delighted the audience with
her humorous readings and Mr.
Helm of Salem contributed several
Piano selections during the evening.
A dialogue "at The Restaurant "
anil the shadow nictniwa nt nh.i
occure in an operating room at the
nuupuai were quite amusing. Re
freshments of cake, sandwiches,
coffe and pies blot some more cash
to the piano fund.
First Store In
Hubbard Razed
Hubbard, Nov. 11. ln the re
moval of an old building a few
days ago by J. Scholl & Son at the
. u. .nci, uaruware store, an
omer one ot the old land marks
of Hubbard disappeared. It
"Follow Me
Frank Rich
1! I fl
Dugn ineatrei
Adult-begftiners taught in 12
lessons, by mail. No teacher re
quired. Self Instruction course for
advanced pianists.
Learn 67 styles of bass, 180
syncopated effects, Blue Har
mony, Oriental, Chime, Movie and
Cafe Jazz, Trick Endings, Clever
Breaks. Space Fillers, Sax Slurs,
lue Obllgato and 247 other sub
jects, including Ear Playing. On
ly course in existence teaching up
to the minute playing of popular
music In REAL Jazz form. A pos
tal brings our FREE Special Of
fer. State whether beginner, me
dium or advanced.
917 Willamette St. Eugene Ore.
Next Sunday H fl
one of the first
Hubbard and was occupied near
ly fifty years ago by a Mr. Fried
who conducted a general merchan
dislng business here for several
years. One of his sons is now a
wealthy merchant of Portland.
Messrs Scholl & Son are preparing
to erect d wareroom on the site
which will be more convenient for
their purpose. The building will
be 20x40.
Edgar Jones, formerly of this
place, has opened a store at Can
by which Is known as Jones' Cash
store. It is understood that he is
doing a good business.
W. J. Morton of Hubbard sign
ed a contract with Portland par
ties a few days dgo for a roofing
job on the Portland dock build-
l ings. The amount of money in
volved in the deal Is said to be
tore buildings in , Hubbard is yet too small a city
i to be effected by the new election
law and the municipal election will
be held on the first Monday in
December as usual. Many towns
in the state changed their date of
municipal election by reason of
this new law. At the election in
December a mayor, treasurer and
three councilmen are to be elect
ed. Young Hostettler, who is said to
have been a party to the moon
shine episode here a week ago, has
made good his escape, according
to reports current in this part of
the "ninty. His partner,, Robbins,
is held in the Clackamas county
jail in default of $500 bail. Rob
bins and Hostettler are the part
ies, who, it la alleged, compelled
a farmer living near here to haul
them md their stock of moon
shine to Portland at the point of
gun. The booze fs said to have
been obtained at the still of John
Owens, who is out on $500 bond,
which was furnished by his broth
er. Otto Blosser arrived here a few
days ago for i visit with relatives
and friends. He has been Jiving
at Nortons, Or. Mr, Blosser re
cently injured his shoulder and is
spending his forced vacation with
relatives here and at Aurora.
Dancing Barred
Sacramento. Cal., Nov. 11,
"Cheek-to -Cheok' dancing has been
banned in Sacramento high school
by Principal John P. Dale, who In
a talk to the students, declared
manv of the dances to be immodest
and destructive of character.
fi SS
Do you know where the purest and
best flavored maple sugar comes from?
The flavor of Maple Karo tells you
Over a thousand tons of rich maple
sugar from Vermont and Canada
to make Maple Karo for the
American family
The American housewife endorses
Maple Karo this way:
Over five million cans were consumed
last year. This is a greater sale, by far,
of any kind of maple sjjjup sold.
If you are particular about the syrup
you buy, and the price you pay for it
the new Maple Karo is your kind of
Perfectly delicious in rich maple
tang yet very moderate in price. So
moderate that you can serve it every
day, every meal. And all grocers every
where have it.
Go to your grocer today. Get one can
of Maple Karo. Try it just once.
you are not absolutely satisfied re
turn it and your grocer will give
you back your money .
Selling RtprtMentativM
The New
absolute purity its whole
someness and its delicious
ripe-tomato flavor have made
Del Monte Catsup the fa
vorite relish of discriminating
people everywhere.
You will be de
lighted with its
many possibilities.
It consists principally of the carbon content or portion
of coal.
is made by baking or roasting coal in silica clay ov
ens that are heated to 2,500 degrees.
This high temperature drives out of the coal all of the
oils and greases that make coal so dirty and disagree
able to handle.
These oils are vaporized as they come out of the coal,
and form the gas which is pumped out of the ovens,
cleaned, purified and sent out to your home thru pipes.
More about the story of Coke tomorrow.
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
(The Story of Coke Insallment No. 5)
We have just received a large ship
ment of Merchandise which we
offer to you at pre-war
For Our Ad on FRIDAY
o.v,,.. m v it rviu luc lusnunzaiur aay, trade on Friday to
Prompt Service and Quick Delivery.
Ask For
ill If WW- Writ. Corn PnJmr,
limits -'. A O. M tO I. AW Y.rk,
Ask For
"-'I'm ijiiifi ,..,
0,rtle Wlll'' attention b;
edict fnrhid.llng lh( i
iilgli school imiids t0e
hi it i nil H nam
war acuinst rlMt,. Jl
..1.. w
""'""B liariicularly oj
" ' nno 'sought
Go after It right
iv nn, t. n
" jci sun wno
opportunity of proving
a convert. He eirriA
liriat ,re M..-.I..-,. J L.I
. " '.'. I, ajiu UU
lies are in he mno rpli,u.
R.'ipre, bronchitis, hopt
:out how promptly it u
; effecting a complttt
..1,1 j . n.
I Today right now-pt
I J - Hfl
uii iiiiu 4s a saieguarc
30c., 60c, $1.20.
fV T 44
vi. um
used freely relieves the
snd other skin troubles
rv TT 4
' AS X .JL JLmTAmf
m Jfti In V. Jll I
o ct
o. i. ozone,
Call at 404 Ferry
Phono 1177
t r n
A E.
4 - " f
chinery, of all kinds
s n
tlf 11 Ml II I
rTt sinf unu m
. trV
WE AL5" w-
rim 1 "
0v. ,5U. orerFW-
Trunks, Bafr
Rolls od .
144 COL'" I
ilk -"' -
Music Rol
enr a-T
3aJ-m. Ore