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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1920)
. - r ,-.r OREGON i Tonight mid i-rlday futr north, rain or snow sontih portion, Milliner tonight sooth ami east portions, moderate easterly winds. LOCAL : Minimum temperature 23. Mnxfmum temperature 55. Mean 25. River .8, stationary. 1 . J. 1 S J ou rival j (.,r 9S0, . clem !00. I2S8; MU?;S. 120, 17,670. I1 - J 1920. 47,177; polk 1"lu". ...rtii Bureau or tsuou. PPf 01 Associated iw u" Lsed Wire- x - .Third ie-ji . ii k i-- ATn ra iffmi J I hfY FjATtlAnt In Building Trust War Vjc World Declares Investigation of iW . m n i. n ,..i.nnK r aces ResounsisjuuY ti iuur - Sympathizers with workers unven irom by Dig tomrac iur vrk Nov 11. The New York Evening World to mm, j fV,- i.M,ii;,. "h7h Mkhes a three page amcie uuu uwu Explosion Solved in wnicti it, gives me icsuii, ui it IS jmroefiiration of the disaster which took nearly BUI - - -, ... ... ,flc 3si j-ieuLcmuci v .....v uwu CIl'W - . ..... laHvp committee. Salem, Oregon, Thursday, November 11, 1920 Price Three Ceat Wftlng Ontl Ilia..." 0f "anarchists as Dv Chief Flynn ot tne ue ... .V,.. "tlllliJ ft.uv n r-harered by pri- ..ji-.Tnra was really a plot r labor svmpuimscio tti. mt-prsf njraiiist nuuvn !i L..iUiw imtiOY ML rtlU.1.1 ii.l i in n r r!i ( I jjindell men. nil mil nn tn Lints um K it niiii"' I had man t-nt-iuh-o i Ly tk IL'npIrl CIVS' Evening World here pro- k r ir.m isnfi nipn. nearly 'id well dISCipiinen, imve - -1-1.1. mn.,fUa ta space ot emiiLt'en uiv""" inbjected (o an amazing con- o( greet! and injustice arm plosion was the cuimmanon the union, ay a union, with lOtlll). 1L V;i HI" K l Dtiiiiiing juo in rsew lorn.;, 'they were half starved by oi uwew; inai unKnuwji bu mi it win o L ir niouiv rii or vmnHin Ixhps n trpi tngaged on the joh by the. E 1 IE Ilia 1 1 A IT n wagon became tied up and tw get near the building; 31 Ihll i l'ie., ..nn tn one. ine nnni h v viiun,a luiniiiiu Ull I IK JOli. i reported to have said he attempt to silence him for- Kvening World admits its In- emu HfiU U.l 'Anarchist fichtor" iff a mail box near the scene explosion. Boundaries of Counties Need Adjusting, Said The need for a readjustment of County boundaries as described in the Oregon statutes is set forth by the Oregon Geoghaphic board in submitting its request for r. budget of $260 for the operation of the department during the fort- coming' biennium. County boun dary lines as shown in the Ore gon laws are grossly incorrect, the ooara states, many of ttie boun daries being described and incorrect language vague Thanks Burglars for Finding Rye Atlanta, Ga., Nov. H. For mer Mayor James G. Woodward is happy because burglars who visited his home in 251 East Hunter street in their rambiings uliout his home discovered some old rye liquor which had been hid ten years as;o and which Mr. Woodward had forgotten long ago. When Mr. Woodward and his family returned home late sev eral half pint bottles of Lewis 66, Four Roses, Three Feathers and other brands were found on the floor in one of the rooms. Clothing worth several hundred dollars was taken. Why the burglars did not steal the liquor is the most itmazing tiling about the robber-. . I 1 dii in Jin'jf'n j Auto trash; Drunk .Said J nu M'rtle Stamm of Hood P badly bruised when an owned by H. C. Bo North Commercial I hich she wan rmino.' With a r,n . """rea today that P drivin on th the . ' said. Chief of Police ouPe4 thfe afternoon PB him with driving -;smg hih, with driving intoxicated. anH m snein's drive, Br1 from him. gWM said he was r state street 'th streets r,v u, nr driv- between when the Durdall Case On Docket for November Term With he evident intention of grouping various divorce pro ceedings now pending in Marion county circuit court departments, the court calendar for November lists six of these actions tor me period, November 19 to 30. This calendar is for department No. 2, Judge George G. Bingham presid ing. The suit of Hallie Prtrrish Dur dall against O. B. Durdall, which has been pending for several months has been set for hearing at 10 a. m., NovemDer 30. Both parties to the action have filed complaints and counter complaints .illpffiner marital strife resulting from rtisacreements arising from certain property rights. For the remaining portion of the month, there are 12 cases to be passed upon in department No. 2. Of this number, six are civil actions based upon sundry caus es, such os breach of contract or failure of individuals to Assume stipulated obligations. The calendar follows: November 12: Merly L. Smith vs Irvin Cox and others, 10:30 a. m; November 15. Aetna Casualty and Surety company vs Hall Soliem First National bank of Eugene, 10 11. m; November 16, J. W. Mc Kinney vs H. W. Smith and oth ers, 10 a. m; November 18, C. A. Cochran vs George Riggs. 10 a. m; November 22. William F. Kernz vs J. J. Kerns, 10:80 a. m.; No vember 19 at 10 a. m. Emma Wil son vs Arthur Wrilson and others: November 23 at 10 a. m. Emilie A. M. Fandrich vs Daniel Fandrich; November 24 at 10 a. m. Tuengen vs Elsie lunger: 10:30 a. m. November 24. Minnie Kreschke vs O. C. Kreschke: November 29, at 10 a. m. W. Mae Brown vs Philo G. Brown; November 30 it 10 a. m. Hallie Parrish Durdall vs O. B. Durdall. Marine And Navy Heroes Get Medals Second Anniversary of Armistice Day Mark ed by Distributon of Rewards ..Washington, Nov. 11. The sec ond anniversary of the signing of the armistice was celebrated in the navy and marine corps today by the distribution of nearly 2000 medals and letters of commenda tion for particularly valorous or dis tinguished performance of duty during the world war. The medals and letters awarded had been for warded to commanding officers in all parts of the world and upon signal by radio and telegraph today from Secretary Daniels' office here ine nonors were distributed with appropriate ceremonies. Sims Given Medal. The action marked the final phase of the controversy over naval decorations that resulted in a con gressional investigation last winter after Rear Admiral W. S. Sims had refused to accept the distinguished service medal intended for him on the ground that Injustice had mm sea tne manner of distributing v..- iccognition of distin guished war time service. Publication today of the list of awards as finally approved by the secretary shows the original list to be unchanged as far as deletions are concerned. Rear Admiral Sims name again appeared on theOist as having been awarded a D.S.M The medal, along with the navv crosses awarded Rear Admiral Benton G Decker and Captain Raymond Has brouck, who took action similar to that of Admiral Sims, had been de posted in the bureau of navigation for such future action regarding ac ceptance of the medals as the offi cers concerned might wish to take, it was explained at the depart partment. List Is Increased. The list of awards as finally ap proved showed a considerable in crease over the list published be fore congressional investigation A recapitulation of the awards as made today shows the following new awards for the navy over those made public last winter- Dis tinguished service medals, three; navy crosses, enlisted men, 150; of ficers, 161; letters of commenda tion, officers 63, enlisted men ss were made as follows Distinguished service medals, of ficers two; navy crosses, officers 32, enlisted men 34. Corruption On Shipping Board Denied Lack of Co-ordination is Responsible for Inefficiency; Salem Man Implicated New York, Nov. 11. Practices of the United States shipping board which led to the present investiga tion by the Walsh congressional committee have not been "corrupt" according to Commander- A. B. Clement executive assistant to Rear Admiral W. S. Benson, who was the principal witness at the commit tee's hearing here today. If there is ground, for criticising the shipping board administration Commander Clement declared, it is upon the ground that a perfect '"co ordination between the different departments has not been attain ed." Commander Clement admitted that the shipping board had in some cases paid exorbitant wages, common laborers having at times received the pay of experts. Ef forts were made, however, he said, to stop this. Siilem Man Involved. As to building contract cancella tions and hull removals the report now before the investigators asserts that the shipipng board entered in to a contract with George F. Rog ers to remove hulls which were on the ways in an unfinished state at the time the contract was signed or to secure from the builders or the owners of the land upon which the hulls and ways rested a release, from further liability. "For some reason," said the re port, -'the United States shipping board saw fit to make a contract with Rogers to pay him $5000 p hull for each hull thus handled by him. The result has been that in many cases the United States ship ping board has paid aq additional $5000 per hull to have Rogers sell tne nul or give it away, in many cases the cost of the hull represert ing several thousand dolars. Rog ers has found no difficulty in sell ing these hulls at a very fair price, which revenues revert to Rogers, in addition to which he collected from the United States shipping board emergency fleet corporation a $5000 fee." PIEZ SAYS COJIMITTEE SEEKS SENSATIONALISM Chicago, Nov. 11. Charles Piez, former director general of the emergency fleet corporation criti cized the house committee investi gating the fleet corporation in a statement here today, and declared the committee had overlooked the "wholesome atmosphere of the hold and deck of the structuic" and was "being just a bilge water committee." "Twice within eight months," Mr. Piez said, "the so caled Walsh committee has caused the publica tion of statements reflecting on the competency, honesty and integrity of the members of the United States Hhlnninar board and the emer in me marine corps new awards gency fleet corporation. Charge Fall Flat "The first statement was herald ed as indicating a billion dollar graft among the shipbuilders r.nd Allied Nations Celebrate Signing Of Armistice Ending World War Great Britain and France Make Day One o National Significancce with King Georg and President Millerand Participate; Am erican Observance is Local National Leaders Behind Boy Scouts-Are You? B EGINNING Monday Sa lem poople will be asked for contributions to a fund which will take care of this year's and :ast year's act ivities of the S.iljm Boy Sc juts. Efforts will be made to reite a budget of (MOO. Is the movement worth while? Theodore Roosevelt said it ts. Judge Ben Lindsey, fam ous authority on juvenjles, says it is. A half hundred prom inent Salem men who will work night and day to see the money raised, declare it is. 'If you are going to do any thing -permanent for the aver age man you hiive got to begin before he is a man. The chance of success lies in working with the boy and not with the man" Roosevelt said. "After 15 years of juvenile work, I gay without question, that if you will give the Boy Scout movement the moral iind financial support it rightfully demands, he juvenile court soon will no longer be needed," Judge Lindsey declares. Some of the biggest and busieest men in Salem are going to give not only their money, but their time in this work. They say that it Is imperative that the $7100 be raised. It will mean but a little from each Salemite. And the movement to go on, must hfive funds. Is it worth while? Police, Fire, Paving and Street Cleaning Bureaus Hit by Voters In Election Capture Wrangel Fore on v . -- no tfantM u: lne tit i '-enerat Wran- i.i- . l" me uri- ;n. v., . today. been occu- Qti, according 9 offcTal statement "M here hv JAncoln Loses to Washington, 43-0 In a hard-fought but one sided football game, the Washington grade school of Salem this morn ing defeated the Lincoln grade school eleven. The score was 43 to O. Better team work and crushing offensive work of the Washington youngsters told early in the session, and the gains of the Washington backfield were consistent. The Port Orford Tribune, con ducted for the past 10 years by H. T. Stewart, has been sold to a syndicate and will be edited here after by Walter Sutton. M - Employes of Svlvia Pankhurst Are Thrashed Xov 11 The ffirl em-,-rhA im- all iMffi halted and f Sylvia fank ' the great crowds stood respectfully nau-h,. Per the'at atten,ion- It ,s claimed mm i amidst this tribute there came from 'n Fleet ... .,, nefios n '!lv i. " "'ii- Irigntful racket an.i sonnns oi r- ? Bfn. " Partv which Thr mdinint i-ow.l waited until M.m J1 ,hat dur-jtwo minutes had passed, and then 'H fallen ' w 1 moh ' men a women, sain n de Art. ,ead- as lr- have been led by women, invaded - raj pro- : the Dreadnauzh offices. Papers &!!. j.'.'n !h' off ice were strewn about the place, and o. s -mi oang-ithe men stood iside while the wo- I men invaders gave the office girls a at lit sound trnunrinir. Thto continued throughout : until the police arrived. Legion Chief's Armistice Day Message Given New York, Nov. U. National Commander F. W. Galbraith', Jr.. of the American Legion,, today is sued the following statement aprop os of Armistice Day: "The swift triumph of our arms and those of our gallant allies, which two years ago gave us the victory, the anniversary of which we are celebrating today, marks the highlight of the present cen tury in American affairs. Victories such as Armistice Day commemor ates are not the isuess solely ot clashes of flesh and steel. They are of a finer quality than that. They are the triumph as well, of an un conquerable spirit. '"No victory, however complete, long can survive the spirit that conceived it. The annauls of man kind are replete with examples; splendid triumphs in behalf of the splendid causes that have gone for naught because the spirit that made them ceased to endure. "This is only the second anniver sary of Armistice Day a day des tined, if we will, to keep company with the immortals of the calendar that mark great moments of his tory that shall never die. Succeed ing generations will acclaim Armis tice Day. God grant they always shall acclaim it in the spirit tli-i made it and that this spirit, like the day, shall be imperishable! "With this prayer in cur hearts let us renew each year our vows of fealty, repledge and keep unshake able our faith in the high Ideals, the lofty purposes, the unselfish as lirfitioris and exalted holy hopes that fired the hearts of Americans in 191S and made ours a land from whence crusaders came, with souls aflame, worthy of their victory. To this end the American Lg lon. today and forever, solemnly pledges its all." Posts of the Legion in all parts of the country are celebrating Ar mistice Day today at which the Government Victory Medals will be distributed to veterans. emergency fleet corporation otii cials of the Pacific coast. "The indictments, when brought showed less than $30,000 involved, and the government's case was so fllumey that the judge decided it without letting it go to the jury. "The committee is again after a sensation, and so it publishes Un charges which two former minor employes of the shipping board have laid before it. It publislits these without giving the officials of the shipping board and the fleet corporation an opportunity to reply" Unless some means of providing the special budget item of $25,000. voted down by the electors in tho recent polling are devised the city of Salem will have to take retrench meat measures during the coming year which will strike at practically every branch of the city govern ment. This is the interpretation of the action of the voters in repudiating the council's request for a $25,000 deficiency levy as made by mem bers of the finance committee of the council. No Band Concerts. Just what items in the bndget will have to suffer if the $25,000 is not secured have not been definite ly determined, but retrenchments so far proposed include: Elimination of all puBllc band concerts during the coming year. No paving of street intersections by the city. Slashing of the fire department appropriation, thereby handicap ping the inauguration of the two platoon system approved by the voters as a sister measure to the budget item which they killed. Decreased police protection through cutting one man from each of the day and night forces of the police department. A blow at the city's health and cleanliness through reduction of the street cleaning department. Another Vote Lively. The possibility that these blows at efficiency in the city government may be avoided lie in proposal that the $25,00 budget item lie sub mitted again to the voters at a spe cial election, and this plan is be ing considered. It is thought that the defeat of the measure was due to a lack of undarstanding by the voters of the urgency of need embodied in request for the appropriation, that if properly explained measure would be ratified by people. Hurdle On Track; Train Is Stopped; Prank Is Serious Detective Kelly, of the Southern Pacific company, and Chief of Po lice Welsh are at present searching for the parties who placed a hurdle on the S. P. railroad track near the Washington junior high school Monday. A train was forced to come, to u stop while the hurdle was removed. That the hurdle was placed on the track by boys who believed they were doing something runny, is the belief of Chief Welsh. Had the train struck the hurdle the re sult might have been serious, he said, and every effort will be made to locate the guilty parties. (By the Associated Press) Impressive ceremonies were held in London and Paris It1 fday, the people of the French and British nations celebratiBi f the second anniversary of the closing of the world war aw' pavinp; tribute to the men who scrificed their lives durim fthe titanic struggle. The body of an unknown British soldie was buried in Westminister Abbey, King George, goveni- mental chiefs and relatives of missing soldiers witnessinj! the interment. In Paris, the body of a French soldier, taker i from a nameless grave at Verdun, was laid at rest under th( . Arc De Triomphe. President Millerand, three French marshals Joffre, Foofc and Petain stood by the open grave. King George unveiled in White-1 hall, London, a permanent cen otaph dedicated to "the glorious dead" and in Paris the hc.irt of Gambetta, tho French statesman who was virtual dictator during the troublesome days succeeding the collapse of the third empire in 1870, was deposited in the Pan theon. V. S. Observance Local No ceremonies of a rational character were held in the Unit ed States but men who served the country during the war onservea the day, which in some states was made a holiday. In others, gov ernors issued proclamations, point Ing out the significance of the oc casion. The exercises consisted, for the most part, of panades, memorial services, and meetings at which patriotic addressee were delivered. General Nlvelle, one of the men who commanded during the French defense of Verdun in 1916 was the guest at several celebra tions in Baltimore. The United States naval de- tyirtmerit observed the day by nwardtna crosses and medals to men who did neroic worn aurin the war. the ind the the Entire Truck Stolen Part By Part. Is Claim Kearney. N. J., Nov. 11 The po lice believe that they have solved the mystery of the disappearance some weeks ago of a complete but unassembled truck chassis from the Ford automobile factory here. Four men were arersted on the charge of taking the automobile from the plant piece by piece for the purpose of assembling it at the home of one of them. The men, who are held on a charge of grand larceny by the po lice cave their names as Howard Ferdinand. Wegman Parkway, .ft- Citv. Pasquale Denicollo, S56 Orand street. Union Mever. No. 4 North Fifth Woodside. L. L. and John Bolton. 55 Kingsley street. West Orange. Mever is a shipping clerk at the plant. The other men are in mi- un livery department. The police claim that they have obtained a confesison from Ferdi nand anr have discovered the as sembled automobile in the cellar "f Denlcollo's home in Union. The tr ick was valued at $2,200 and its loss was discovered when an inven j tory was taken September . Harding Speaks At Celebration In Texas Today Brownsville, Texas, Nov. 11. In terrupting his vacation at Point Isabel, President-elect Harding will make an Armistice day speech here late today before a large gathering of Americans and Mexicans frOm the lower Rio Grande valley" sec tion. Although most of the address Is to be devoted to a commemoration of the signing of the world war ar mistice two years ago, Mr. Harding is expected to take cognizance of the presence of Mexicans in his au dience and deliver an informal message of assurance and good fel lowship to the republic to the south. An escort of cavalry will ac company him in his movements through the city. CENTRAIilA HONORS FATAL PARADE VICTIMS Centralia Wash.. Nov. 11. The four former service men who were killed in the Armistice day pa rade lust year, were honored by their comrades this morning. Vet erans of the late war, joined by civic jind fraternal organizations, paraded through the streets and ended up at the graves of the four who were shot down. Denominat ing the graves as the "shrine 1$ the American egion," memorial addresses were delivered and ar mv honors given the dead men. TACOMA SCHOOLS PAY RESPECTS TO WAR DEAD Tacoma. Wash., Nov. 11. Spe eVil exercises in all public schools were held here today In observ ance of Armistice day. Veterans of the world war will have a ban- ouct and jollification this eve nine Public offices and banks were closed under proclamation of oovernor Hart declaring the day ,x legal holiday In the state. PORTLAND REVIEWS PARADE OF VETERANS Portland, Or., Nov. 11. Oregon celebrated Armistice day H holiday, Oovernor Ben W. Olcor having Issued a proclamation to that effect. In Portland. where Mayor George L. Baker also had Issued ti proclamation calling for suspension of business, a parade starting at 11 o'clock, an aviation meet this afternoon and a ball to night constituted tne program. Celebrations were planned at many cities ,and towns in the state Armistice Day Address Heard by Large Crowd A record crowd attended tkt Armistice day ceremonies at th Salem armory this morning. TR auditorium was decorated with tt national colors and the Elks o chestra provided a brief music: program prior to the appearance C Judge R. R. Butler, who deliver the principal address. A special number was a vo. solo by Miss Gertrude Aldrtel which elicited hearty respoiu from the audience. Judge Butler was introduced b offiicals of Capital Post No. American Legion. In the course his remarks, Judge Butler eraph sized the quality of patriotism di closed by the recent war and urg all to place full value uon the In .-ions learned through Americ: participation in the conflict. The ceremonies were under. U auspices of the American Legit and while marking the celebratii due to the successful termination i the war were. also in the nature a memorial service to those w sacrificed their lives for the can at stake. The Leglnfuilrcs will assembl . the armory, Thursday night for "Get Acquaint!" dance. The u fair is limited to members of ti Legion and invited friends. Centennary Plan Is Subject at Leslie Tonigh On the eve of Armistice day, stereoptican lecture will be Cv at the Leslie Methodist church. South CommercfrU street. A e lection of appropriate slldea v. show the week being accomplish ed with the centenary funds, r. ed by the Methodist Bplacot church. The work is embraced I five year (program inaugura about two years ago. There Is admission, and those interested the work die cordlall yurgeo a tend. Klamath Asks to Utilize Creek for Its Water Power Application for the right to ap propriate 70 second feet of water from Anna creek in Klamath county for the development of 1000 horsepower for lighting and pumping purposes has been filed with the stat, engineer's office here. The project contemplates the i instruction of a pipe line 10,000 feet long, the entire project to cost approximately $50,000. Railway Trestle Blown-Up Today Williamson, W. Va., Nov. 11. The Norfolk & Western railroad trestle over Grapevine creek at Thacker near here and the drum house of the Matta May Coal eom pany at Ajax, a few miles from Williamson, were blown up early this morning. State police with bloodhounds have been sent to the scene of the explosions. No. Adolph street. Says He Is Christ. Mexico City, Mexico. Nov. 11. A waisllon has been caused in Tam pieo by the appearance of a man wtio aserts that he is Christ. He i , I -n detained for examination as to his sanity. According to re uort from Tanipico. great crowds gaih -red about the jail to get a yiii.-.pse of the man. Cars Crash In Fog; Girl Dm Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 11. M Rhoda Baker 17, was killed em this morning when tan autoanob crashed into the reur end of the r III which she was riding. Jai Ryan, driver' of the car contain Miss Baker, reported to the po, that he heard an automobile c. ing behind his car at a terrific ra BRIDGE TO HEROES H,, d. Ryan turned aside, 1 the other car struck his ana wi out slowing down disappeared the fog. Police are looking for driver, whom Ryan reports was , dentlv Intoxicated. Excerpts from Audit Bureau of Circulations Auditor's Report THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon For the 12 Months period ending September 30, 1920 Total City 3,120 Total Suburban 1-J Total Country Total Net Paid 4-5 Short Term Subscribers in arrears w Total Total Unpaid Total Distribution 5-169 A complete analysis, including all essential facts pertaining to the above circulation, is embodied in the detailed Audit Report Issue by the Audit Bureau of Circulation. Copies may be had on appUcation to The Capital Journal. SPOKANE DEDICATES NEW Snokane. Wash.. Nov. 11. Ded Icatlon of two new concrete high way bridges in this locality to horuj or the memory of the nation's dead In the world war was a fea ture of the observance here of Ar mistice day. One of them has been named "Marne bridge." itnd the other "Argonne bridge." The former was built throughout by-ex-service men's labor, the con tractor and engineers also having served in the allied forces. Exercises In the schools, a lunch eon for disabled ex-service men. a parade, a football grime and danc ing this evening were other events scheduled. Three Officers In Booze Ra Winnipeg, Man. Nov. 11. Th provincial policemen were si ntie possibly fatally, by an unkn gunman who escaped at the St yards hotel. St. Boniface, today. The ahootint occurred when fi officers entered the building search of liquor. Reorganization Of State rw 1ft t in 1 ax do ar a assessors nv mad.! at clare that it Is Impossible to ge of the I square deal for the Individual pi the tax erty owner under the commls- of three as now consumed, sailing, um t r That an effort will be the forthcoming session legislature to reorganize !,..!.... in .finals! . . . ..i. men and is not the personnel of the one an office man. is Indicated by , mission but the system at -. sentiment expressed by assessors j t heir objections are directed of the various Oregon counties who Under the present plan, it Is are assembled here today in the an- plained, the county nual convention of the state as -absolutely In the dark as to the ",.U association. ! nation of the utility proper The proposed plan. It is stated, whereas the utilities have ready ... ni. .. .,.,. e.-ss ii, iii euuiii sion whieh Is composed of the gov ernor, secretary of state and state treasurer. Back of the move, it Is explained, is a feeling that the assessors are placed at a serious handicap under the present system in arriving at a valuation of public utility proper lies In the various counties Horn, sensors being compelled to dp, entirely upon the opinion of commission for the utility ral tlon and the commission as n constituted, it Is declared hn means of ascertaining the perc tage of assessed valuation aa re ed to actual value placed upon vate property in the various ct of the assesosrs fo so far as to de- i ties.