FOB SALE S; 'ree " on" month, HO g cents, one 12 one yer' l l0i 25 cents. ! "lmV K New To fl"clt ads, cum. n unleS8 "K monthly account. ftnS tor VIS '."r"ra- . - .-.. 7V2. ee27i n'inter. TTT a - - .,. r.i lot. vim Bonier. Phon; FSKurntohe.1 "rtetrttat i PuiwJ TTT WrZL to nay good price. EL 817 Marionjmtel. !71 KtATOnTmTl'"'- light Capitol. 29 feH'RKNT'-Rooia with Tin'lo street. Phone linn rd U84W 209 - TTTTX- . S:!!l(l. alii tit 2 UEKSU.-' I"""" P old. com $ new 329 269 good "700 b SA1.K-1S-" ui.evro.oi, Edition, ilrivon niioui 19th or White's (1 L' !s t plastered Id,, cit ron lights. " ,,. lot sunn. I ,.n i !IL 'hone .1271 of 4 iihr wTvTt:r) for family t" r i... .,,-l.oiln home ;;f;r;l,.Roo,i,2i7 m 'ion 1271 hdfl piHGAIN House -I barn some 172fi 869 lots. , Owner I HI' lilll " fruit, block to v Slimmer. i-riT-iTuKs in dig on share 1 I'"'" .. i, ...... ...,.. -o. mile W6S1 oi in ' i io. i3i sacks and fork. Ph "F4. Jng Ed 2C9 i .i. SHETLAND pony for trade I ... - ,.l,i,kuns WlilO H A. .lory. for K. 1, RidBout. Indertendence, Rt or e2 71 I F0RI! bug, good condition, for of n i I I'." ft 1 ' ,,,.... Tho. G, t-ais, .Ml. Angel, Or. ; F0K quirk sale, bungalow, five rooms, fireplace, pa veil street, large lot. near car line iinil school. Owner, 1875J. 209 LOST Botany. English and Latin book and notebook. Return to high .school r Lynn Plimpton, Rt. 4. 2 h i KICK six for sale, 1917. 5 pas senger, IJ-45, in excellent con dition. A snap if taken this week Can lie seen at 474 Court St. q270' FOR SALE Child's leather top sulkey $7; 7 year old boy's high top shoes '; 5 year old boy's white wash suil $1. Phone UMW. e270 HlWBING, repairing anil coil work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1517.1. m W ACRES, 15 cultivated, 200 cords ot wooii. i'k miles out. $2250, )750 msh. Magee, room 29 cor ner State and Commercial, over Busiek's. rt' FOR SALK Fordson tractor, all laernauten, l Oliver 3 10-inch gang plow, l Roderick beam 7 foot tandem disc, 2 oil barrels some oil, $1000 cash. Address nns 5 cure .lournal. r271 WE represent the Oregon Fire Relief association of McMinn fflle. Or. See us for low cost de 1 penihlile Insurance. Standley fi ii,leJ' ao"ts, j & 2 Bush . Mng.. Salem. Or. ico fFOR SALK 2n lire l,l,,o,l ih,.i Jorn heifers, one yearling $4.1, 1 seven weeks old $30. Stock ogs ,0 lbs up. W. H. Bgan & Sons. GervalB, Kt. 2, phone SF Trrr. p271" iPMi-One big Shepherd do. "HT bteck hair, bush tail, tan Wtt aiK.e eyes, tan under body name Pup. PIease noUf j ,c JjWWKIal St., siem, 0r.. if en and receivp I ' j'K "Vliest io,' s ro"on; -use n, Salem for Mx thousand and fly hundred dollars, oon- "7 U' "am f one block r , 'p, Ult S0 wit" 't, good n"S Phone r,4n nn Sta in "0''es Kood 'and. 40 i, t, ltlvaon. 12 cres in h ;"" pastuie'. Plwe well from u i "catec 3 miles m t, .,'ri,'e $S000' Ca!1 " Hosition .as hnnw. o he' Ca,'e f("- "'valid, reas- ' 4i V,rs',im,Ist have of wo ""h me- "o afraid 4u"'k'.,,ut have good home; . Housek ' : ,Ma box g;BRKg: "."e Journal. 1,271 r tM.i ', "u,nen) over 17 Pnr ""'lu, unneces f&o,rJL, '"" oartlcular of 'fonoeTi, "'ite J- Lenard, '" Bid , !Tic PX-'minei-) ton. rt c ls " '"h? s Room i n27i sooo wol'i""', P'awSo. lot Med 1 sh'"' fu" uf wood. blok froo ' ","""t i sold , ' r hriH' This must E? h Pri0 -ftn i.uiw r i,;o.. 71 ' I fOR sat , . xiouses house ci ' room plastered ,5ll5. re "J" ' niall fruit, lot fe5?r. 7",; vn :l'iP for cash. ' P.Or7rr---l Lh uch a2 7 0 Tlfi,io.0t "ItUOfeet, a' 5f. ovi-re, "I- must -io,o. ei O'ng east. 147 v i r? - "? mod"' " r "ale-. 7 room. ZtoZ except Payment, Nt ri1",' Metric lights. nT.''.ces, 2 fart.;' "a ft? "walk, a bargain I ".SR. TH a m, good home terr ' ,'"'"ent down and st? Tt,.' M ,he rest, whv nnv fhone '"vj rplacps 'or sale I '-srrwiy modem f tcei,- ;" ' clo!w in. This , , , ' ' Bood buy. Price "us. Hart & Mul- Pidg. p. - ft- -.- "King on n E -- o,i i',Ver, Rna acre of! Usee- , to "" at $1, J im A'"1 28 -ner of y'i vummercial over I rooms rincA j-. cU.han i so wrong on "lnce Vearly Aree. room ? , kt , 502. r2 u'O K. i'' ,. J-r-ToTTn for spnn ISEvSKi' sale ' i ,, c2?1 $.',iHlit on a 540 FSi" Oregon. Will K. acre ranch'" v - 20n . FOR 8ALE--For 10 days only at the price of $3590, an apartment bouBe of 18 rooms, including moat of the furniture, good lot in good location. Now rents for $74.50 per month. Let us show you. L. A. Hayford, 30a Stute St. a269 FOR SALE Lot and fi room house with basement, Hione 20S7R. 1239 Broadway. n269 GOING east, will sell my C room bungalow, 2 lots very cheap. $1S00 cash will buy this. You will have to hurry. Call 1924 N. Water St. a269 I'OR SALE By owner, 7 room bungalow, bodern except base ment, lot 50x150, 1745 S. Com'l St. Inquire at 245 Lincoln St. n.209 for Sale 5 houses by owner, prices from $1500 to $3500. Emil Krpeplln. 790 N. 17th St. a272 FOR SALE Or trade a nearly new 2-ton Diamond T truck cheap for quick sale. Phone 1608.1. q282 FOR SALE Large bouse and grounds, hot water furnace, all built in features, cement base ment, garage. 533 N. 16th St.. owner. a292 t-uK SALE 9 room plastered house, full basement, furnace, bath, toilet, wash trays in base ment, 2 lots, garage, immediate possession. Price $3150. Hart & Mullen. 208 Oregon bldg. a WALLPASTE" Pertect for pa per hanging; no cooking. Max O Buren. 179 N. Com'l. a For Sale Farms TRACT of 16 acres all but four acres under cultivation, straw berries, loganberries, big chicken house and brooder. About $700 worth of strawberry plants ready to dig. Loganberries tipped.Oen good house, two good lyirns. a few cherry trees, good terms. H. E. Bolinger, 328 Oregon bldg. b269 6 ACRES, 3 loganberries, 4 miles out close to- Keizer school; 6 room house, good v-ell and other outbuildings. Price $3000, half 'cash, balance terms. Rt. 8, box 62, b269 FOR SALE Loganberry tract, 8 acres in full bearing, trellised with cedar posts, rich loam soil. Price $4500, cash, balance easy payments at 7 per cent. Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg b SNAP 35 acres right in the city, five minutes from Ladd & Bush all in cultivation, close to city street" car best of berry land, good for sublivision. Price only $8000. $2000 will handle it. M. W. Rowley, L. A. Hayford Co., 305 State street. b For Sale Miscellaneous GOATS for sale. Call 5F3. e270 FOR SALE Pigeons, phone 1128. C270 FOR SALE Range and some fur niture .173 S. Cottage. c270 B1TKRBURG 121 strawberry plants $1 m. in patch. W. A. Hernd. Turner. Or.. Rt. 2 d270 FOR SALE Sonora in good con dition, reasonable. Mrs. W. I. Needham. court house. c272 WILSON strawberry plants 50c per 1000. Harry E. Martin, Sa lem, Rt. 5, phone 26F24. d271 FOR SALE-FUU blooded New Zealand rabbits, cheap. Cherry City Rabbit ry. Phone 1332J e270 CUT FLOWERS, potted plants; also specialize In funeral de signs. Plants Greenhouse, 13tfi and Wilbur, 1298 S. 13th. Phone 12 SOW. 273 FOR SALE Potatoes $1.75 per hundred delivered. Phone 26F15. c269 FOR SALE Army overcoat and uniform. J D N care Journal. c272 FOR SALE Vetch and oats seed 3 He. M. M. Magee. Salem. Rt. 5. Phone 81F25. c272 FOR SALE Wilson strawberry plants. Phone 60F11. D. E. Hall. d272 OATMEAL paper, 20-lnch tan, extra special, 34c double roll. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l a FOR SALE Wilson and Oregon improved strawnerry piams, well rooted and stemmed, $2 per 1000; will book oiders for fu ture delivery. These pV.nts are from voung thi-tf'y yards. .1 B. Peterson, Shaw, Or Phone 22F 11. ''2-0 LEATHER hands bags. $6.75 and up. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Cora- wnrhl m For Sale Automobiles FOR SALE New Chevrolet road ster. Phone 520. q2C9 1 OLDS six. nearly new $1300; 1 Overland 90. 1919, 6 tires, bump er, spotlight, $950; 1 Brisco 1917 $425. terms. ' J. E. Ringrose Chemeketa and Commercial, for merly Barnes Cash store q CHEVROLET touring for sale, good condition; also Maxwell touring car for $375. 185 S. Com. street. Cj26' For Sale Livestock FOR SALE 2 A-l.. large type, fresh Jersey cows, with calves. W. K. Henry, phoie 2F13. e270 FOR SALE Sow and six pigs, 1 full Wooded Poland China male hoc. seven 6-weeks old pigs. Phone 45F24. e269 FOR SALE Sows and pigs. Reg istered stock. Phone 13F21. e- As a skipper Jeff is riUTT, MAfBe X A-M'T IN SeFT. IR SIDNC'S 6eio(v'A cRuie the seueM SEAS AMD Jf THING M Wnlt UNTIL PROHIBITION C AKAC 'Mi Jvrr. KKiaaaaf' ; , s mum FOR SALE For Sale Wood DKY wood Phong 1678W ee294 ANY kind ot dry fir wood or coal' Empey & Moisnn Trn0f -. ' 1 Ferry. ee273 WOOD for sale, 16 in. old fir and second erowth. Judd Bros. lvt- ce26S FOR SALE Old fir and second growth 16-Inch and 4 foot Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church. Phone 1642- ee WOOD for sale, 16-ln. fir pole wood $8; 16-in. fir limb wood $9. 16-in. oak grub wood $12 a cord, delivered. Phone 23F15. ee271 FOR SALE Good dry and green slab wood delivered any place in Salem, for prices call phone 8-25 Turner, Or., or 1438 Sa-lem- ee270 For Rent COMFORTABLE sleeping for rent. 415 S. Cotta ge . room J269 A SIX room, unfurnished apart ment for rent. Phone 540. J270 FOR RENT Single housekeeping room, furnace heat. 1040 Les lie. 1260 nouiii Sleeping room for rent, nicely furnished, new; toilet and bath. 155 8. 19th. J277 FOR RENT 150 acre farm seven miles from Salem. F. S. Lamport care U. S. Nat, bank. J MISCELLANEOUS GREAT WESTERN GARAGE TIRE AND TOWING SERVICE. OPP. COURT HOUSE. Phone 44. 0290 WHY pay more? Fair ground shop will do your shoeing. Nos 1, 2, 3 and 4, $2.50 per set; No. 5 $3; No. 6 and 7. $3.50; No. 8 $3.75. All work guaranteed. C. L. Wright. Prop. c270 FOR plumbing and repair work call 287 W. n!270 NOTARY work will be done eve nings after 6 p. m. Address 817 Mill or phone 281J. 1281 TREBLA strawberry, the most productive and best canning berry on the market today, se lected vigorous plants $1.50 per 100 post paid. Apply for price on large lots; set them out now. Allen Fruit Co., 145 Division St. Salem, Or. Phone 150. d278 WE Have some good farm mort gages to sell. Hawkins & Rob erts, 205 Oregon bldg., Salem. Wanted Help WANTED Dishwasher and clean er at Willamette sanitorium. g270 WANTED First class stenograph er and familiar with filing, also some bookkeeping experience. Good salary with large growing industry. Answer in own hand writing Box 72 Capital Journal. g272 LESS HELP NEEDED if you iave a Perfection Oil Cook Stove. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. g WANTED Woman to help in kitchen and laundry. State school for deaf. Phone 646. g269 GIRLS wanted at Glove factory, 1455 Oak St. Steady work. Wag es paid beginners. g269 Wanted Miscellaneous BOY desires farm work. Florence hotel, phone 928. h269 EXPERIENCED typist would like evening work. Phone 1524. h270 WANTED Unfurnished room with heat and lights, near Church and Chemeketii or near univer sity, Phone 958. 270 WANTED A refined home tor a girl ten years of age, a reason able sum will be allowed for board, and clothes will be furn ished. Phone 332 or call on Red Cross, post office buiding. i270 WANTED To borrow $2500 on 5 acres well improved, worth $6, 000. H. E. Bolinger, Oregon bldg TRANSFER L. A. Barrlck Co. Country trips, moving. Wood for sale. Good service. Stand 271 North Commercial. Phone 734. LOOKERS who need suit cases. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. g WANTED Carpenter work of any I kind. Phone 1688W. m278 j TRUNKS Stylish and low priced. Max O.Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c COTTAGE FOR AUTOMOBILE Small cottage semi-modern, pav ed streets, north Salem, large lot, barn and garage; will sell cheap or take in light car as part pay and some cash. Owner leaving city Priced cheap. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray bldgJ a; REAL ESTATE L. A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE 305 STATE ST. 5 room plastered house close In on N 4th St. Modern except heat. Price $2000, terms. 5 room plastered bungalow, mod ern except heat, Vs block to car. Price $1800, terms. 6 room house close in on paved street and car line. Price $3300, half cash. 6 room plastered house, large lot. cheap at $1600, good terms. 7 room plastered house, base ment, on paved street . and car line. Price $4000, terms. 8 room plastered house close In : 011 paved street and car hub, bw terms. ern. $5500, terms. 3 room house, large lot. $400, 9 room plastered house on State 10( down, balance like rent, street, modern, good garage. Price 10 acreg near Salem most all in $6000, part terms. v,earing orchard, new set farm IS room furnished apartment buiIdinss. snap $4200. house, close In. Price $4800, good , 30 mjiij0n (eet saw timber well terms. located in Willamette valley at If you are looking for a good , sacrifice prjee for sale or exchange home in the city we have it. If; Half geo,,,, good wheal land you are looking for a home on I subject to iirigation in Pendleton easy payments we have it. If 5'ou JistrJct to exchange for income ore looking for any kind of farm , rt or fruit proposition we have it. pkrrinE & MARSTERS See us. 1211-12 Com. club bldg. n Li. A. riAironL, 305 State street. there like a duck. f L DovjfeT F "iOvJ EUCKJ) I j Y KNOW WHAT AM J OCCAM ''S. '- v t 1 M) ocewJ is: rfV , lAKCKt SOrWe I REAL ESTATE 6 room house close in $3150, $1000 down, $25 per month. 6 room house on paved street, $2400. $1200 down. 5 room bungalow, 1 lot $3500, all in good repair. 8 room house, m lots, $3200. $1200 down. 7 room house 3 lots, many fruit trees, only $2500, $800 down. 6 room house, electric lights, bath, splendid location, large grounds, one of the best invest ments in Salem, $1800, $1200 down. 8 room house, furnace and all is needed for comlort, close In. $50.00. 8 room house in splendid condi tion, close In, $5500. $1500 down. 8 room house n very best con dition, fireplace, furnace, base ment all cemented, 4 bed rooms, garage. ,arge beautiful gjrfcunds, in splendid location. $6000. A beautiful home, hardwood floors, on one of our best streets, $8500; another beautiful home on an attractive corner $9000; still another beautful home on a large attractive coiner $11,000; close in near car line, a large home com plete in every detail, $10,000. Close in property, splendid for business $6500; another business lot $5500, old house. 7 room house right down town, large lot, $4500. 7 room house on Saginaw, $4500 4 room house, 2 lots at $2000, $500 down. 7 room house, a splendid busi ness location, $4500, come and let me explain this to you. 7 room house on a corner, $3500. $500 down. The best located lots at the old price, truly splendid buys. 90 acre farm, will take house 11 trade; ths is a good farm, In fruit. 32 acres with all stock and machinery, 3 acres of small fruit, close to town ; see me about these farms, you will like them. Many smaller tracts close to Sa lem. Have a beautiful home close to town with all equipments and sev eral acres of ground, $10,000. (I room house n West Salem $L', 500. 6 room bungalow all in good re pair $4500, $500 down. Have a splendid lot located in the very best part of Salem and 7 room house, $6500, terms, I have one of the best buys on D street, a good house and lots of fruit for a little money, for only a few days. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 492 N. Cottage. Phone 1186. n BESTBUYS One acre. acre logans, bear ing; chicken coops, wood shed, 5 room house, half block from car line; $2800, $1700 cash, balance at 6 per cent. 10 acres all cultivated; five acres to fruit; good 8 room house, con crete basement, wood house, chick en house. All fenced, at city lim its; a good buy at $8000. 160 acres, 100 cleared, 60 tim ber, 10 acres prunes; 9 room house, good barn, good well and two springs; 7 miles from Salem, $105 per acre. 120 acres, 20 cleared, 90 acres slashed and seeded to pasture; 90 acres tillable land 30 acres in timber. Small house, new Barn, complete set of outbuildings. All fenced with woven and barb wire. Running water and well. Portion of land can be irrigated from spring; IV2 miles from town; $5, 250. cash, balance at 6 percent. 26 acres all cleared, 5 acres to nruries. bearing; 9 room houfce, large barn, milk house and other outbuildings; 2 wells on tne place 1 mile from town; $5000. HOUSES 5 room new modern bungalow, paved street, finest of shade trees, garage; good location. $4500, $3, 250 cash, balance like rent. 7 room house, close in; paved street; east front, big shade tree in front of house; $3000. 5 room house, lot 112x210 feet. Lots of fruit, walnut trees, small barn, chicken house and largo pen; 4 blocks of car line, 3 blocks from school; $3200, $1000 I cash, balance balance at 7 per cent. . 4 room house, east front, paved street, two blocks of O. E. station $875, $250 cash, balance at 7 per cent 7 room house 111 Tine locality, strictly modern, furnace; has ga rage; 1 block from school, at car line; $6500, $2500 cash, balance at 7 per cent. 5 room house on paved street; $2500, $1500 cash, balance at 7 per cent. 7 room house, corner lot, east front, 4 blocks from school and car line, $2200, $1000 cash, bal ance at 7 per cent. A good buy. D. D. SOCOLOFSKY 341 Sthte St. Bayne bldg, room 1 n GET A HOME Just listed a 6 room bungalow, modern except furnace and fire place, close to street car, fine lo cation, immediate possession ' $3, 500. 7 room plastered, lights, bath, city water, concrete foundation, garage, $2700. half cash. BKun Over Busick's store, corner State ,-md Commercial. a272 FIRST CLASS INVESTMENTS 0 finros nlnso In. COOll buildings. stock. machinery, feed, tools. $2,- JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT IF X-THOUGHT you . T- Tx yovl IN Trie t Tt Go on! vuHAT' INLAND fr REAL ESTATE GET A HOME 3 room house, good lot $850 5 room house, good lot. $1000 5 room house, 4 acre, $1050 4 room house, corner lot, $1200 flood building lot, near car $150 Good lot. paved street, $250 H. E. BROWN Over Busick's store corner State and Commercial. n272 GUARANTEED USED CARS Chandler 4 passenger speedster 3600 miles, 1921 model, $1800. 19D1 Dodge roadster, just like new, run S600 miles. $950 1919 Dodge roadster, run 6600 miles, $1050. 1920 Maxwell touring, just new, run 1600 miles, $975 Republic truck, 2H-ton, $2450; Republic truck, l-ton, $1350; Ford touring $300 Overland touring $150 Bethlehem 2 M -ton $2250 W. H. HILDERBRANDT CO. 279 N. Commercial. ij ' FARMS OF RHAL VALUE 38 ACRES RIVER .BOTTOM About 18 acres cultivated, bal ohos is pasture and some timber. This is absolutely A No. 1 sandy loam soil; 6 room house, good barn, etc; cow, team, Implements, feed, spuds included with farm. A snap at $5000. half cash; close to school and mile to electric station. FINE 60 ACRES On fine main road, paved most of way to Salem. All in cultivation, black loam soil; close to school and shipping station. Fair farm house, barn, chicken houses, etc. Pries $175 per acre. Will take smaller fruit farm as part pay ment. FINE LARGE STOCK RANCH 750 acres, located about 15 miles from Corvallis and 3 miles from shipping station; county road thru place, 150 acres cultivated, all in one body; 400 acres open hill pas ture and 200 acres timber pasture; will cruise 3 million feet or more. All fenced; nice creek and numtaT ous springs in pasture: 4 room house, good sized stock barn and some outbuildings. This is a good paying p'nce and is a bargain at $22.50 per acre. Will give reason able terms or will take some good trade in Salem. KINNEY St SMITH GOOD BUYS 240 acre farm all cultivated, house and barn, main highway, close to town. Price $100 per acre 113 acre farm, 80 acres culti vated, balance pasture and tim ber, good buildings. Price $14,125. 130 acre farm, 120 acres culti vated, good 5 room modern bun galow, barn, part of crop in. Price $19,500. 160 acre farm, 120 acres culti vated, two houses and large barn, fine clover land, all stock and ma chinery goes. Price $200 per acre. 203 acre river bottom, 100 acres cultivated, balance pasture and timber, 70 acres of hops, 6 horses, 1 cow, machinery, two hop hous es, several dwelling houses. Price $32,000. $17,000 down. 280 acre farm northeast of Sa lem, 100 acres of cultivated land, 25 acres of beaver dam under cul tivation, balance pasture and tim ber, two sets of buildings, good clover land, dark soil. Price $125 per acre. 50 acre farm, 30 acres cultivat ed, balance pasture and timber, house and barn, spring water, some fine bottom soil, good dairy and fruit land. Price $8500. 56 acre farm, all cultivated, house and barn, 5 miles from "Sa lem, good dark prairie soil. Price $165 per acre; terms. 10 acres of fine bearing prunes, good road, 4 4 miles south. Price $5500. 120 acre farm, 80 acres cultivat ed, house and barn. Price $90 per acre. 64 acre farm, nearly all culti vated, house, barn. Price $125 per acre. 13 acre tract, small house, six acres cultivated, good road, five miles out. Price $1650, $650 down Improved 1 Oacre tract, 5 acres of prunes, 5 room bungalow, barn. Price $5500. 54 acre tract, two acres prunes, prunes, bearing four room house, barn, well 4 miles south. Price $1, 750, $950 down, balance 2 years 6 per cent, interest. If you want to buy, trade or se'll, see W. H. GRAB ENHORST & CO. 275 State street. n LOOK AT THIS 9 room house and a good one extra lage lot, with bearing fruit trees, location best 111 city, paved. street and sidewalk, corner ioc, modern, bath, 2 toilets, fireplace, etc. Mast iront near sunuoi unu car line. This house must be sold this week at the sacrifice price of $3000. terms 4 cash. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray bldg. a 65 ACRES EQUIPPED Well improved, close to town excellent farm fully equipped with stock, grain and machinery. Pos session. $3500 will handle this. We are selling some good farms look us up. HAKBEK & 1'EAUSUIN 1 20" Grav bldg. GET A HOME 3 room houe, good lot $850 j R .nnm linllHI' Stood lot. $1000 c V.,.. U. unra SlOO U 1UUIII IIUUS, T ww 4 room house, corner lot, $1200 Good building lot, near car $150 Good lot, paved street, $250 H. E. BROWN over Busick's store corner State ajiilojnmjecaah a.267 Farm Loans FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask about our 20-year loans at 6 percent. Hawkins & Roberts, 20:1 Oregon bldg., i-'iilem, Or. JOURNAL WANT ADS PA t wepe r ft 1 I HiJ fffAKf.M'. BuT Mj I - I 1 KAt nn . - 1 . v, mow in . i jt yfS A PiMPi-e on "tv Jck:' Quer0 t - TrVs CA AMD REAL ESTATE DON'T BUY Until you see our listings. 107 acres, 75 in cultivation, all sown to grain and clover, 7 room hmiwi pnn.l rtii i-i, nn,1 nlhpr hmlri ings, family orchard and berrieS.4 A fine farm with all stock aTtd, machinery, including tractor. Price $15,000. Will take improved acreage near Salem. 10 acres, river bottom land, all in cultivation. 7 room house, barn, ets., family orchard, 6 miles from town, good road. Price $3200, easy terms. 5 acres 1 4 miles from the city limits, all in cultivation, 1 acre prunes, 8 room house, barn and garage, buildings nearly new. $,5, 250. terms. 25 acres fine lumber, only fivo nines 110111 miieiu 011 gooil i)tvei road, about 3000 cords wood and lots of saw timber, fine land when cleared. See us about this. Terms easy. 25 acre fruit farm, in the Rose dale district, 15 acres in prunes, 4 acre strawberries. 7 room house good lam, well and spring wa ter, close to good school. $9000, terms. 8 room modern house close in, a fine rooming house, good loca tion. $5500, terms. 8 rooms, modern, garage, lot 50x150. fruit. $3200. 6 rooms, modern, close In, fine location, paved street, screened porch, basement, laundry tubs. $4250. terms. RADCL1FF WARING 341 SHate St. n DIRECTORY Osteopathy DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians and sur geons. 506 U. S. bank building. PhonVe 859. Dr. WWite, Resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic physician and surgeon, 403-4 Oregon bldg. Res, phone 58F5. IF YOU WANT TO SELL BUILDING LOANS MADE May be replaced like rent. Life, Fire. Health. Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. Water Company SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable month ly in advance. Phone 57. Furniture ,'URNITURE New and 2d hand, bought and sold. Economy Auc tion House, 404 Ferry St. Fhone 1177. Optician DR. ALBERT R. MILLER Optometrist-optician, eyes thorough ly examined, glasses made and fitted. 510-12 U. S. bank. Tel ephone 341. Stove Repairing1 STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60 years' experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 58 Inches high. Paints oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124. WHY SELL FOR LESS? WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get out bid before you sell. People's Furniture and Hardware store, 271 N. Commercial street. Phone 734. The Markets Grain: Wheat $1.501.60; feed oats 65c; cheat hay $20.00 22.00 ; oat hay $21.00 23.00; clover hay $20.0022.00; mill run $54.00. Butterfat: Butterfat 54c; cream ery butter 58 59c. Pork, veal and mutton, pork on foot $13.50; veal fancy $13. OQ 19.00; steers 68c; cows 4c; bulls 5c; spring lambs 7c; sheep yearling 5c; ewes Sc. Eggs and poultry: XU aaa 70c; light hens 18 20c; heavy hens 24c; old roosters 12c- broil ers 22c over two pounds. Vegetables: Oregon onions $1.7$ per sack; California onions $2.40 per cwt.; beets per sack $2.00; turnips per sack; ear rots per sack $1.50; parsnips per sack $2.00; potatoes $1.75; sweet potatoes 4450; cabbage $1.25 cwt; head lettuce 60c dozen; to matoes 90c; green peppers 12c; carrots $1.50 sack Fruit: Oranges $9.80; lemons 1 c bananas 13 4c; honey ex tv.lcl 20; emperor grapes $3.2:i crate; cranberries $5.7 5 crate; huckleberries 20c. Retail prices: Eggs 76 80c; creamery butter 60c; country but ter 55c; flour, hard wheat $3.25 3.50; soft wheat $2.75. LIVESTOCK Portland, Or., Nov, 10.- -Cattle si, -aily; receipts 161; choice grass $8. 50 9. 26; nn dlunr to good $6.50 7.50; fair to good $6.006.50, common to fair $5.25 fw 6.00 ; choice cows and heifers $8.25ii7.00; me-1 dium to good $4.255.25; fair to medlom $3.25 iv 4.25 ; eannor.s $2.50 3.25; bulls $45.00 6.00 1 choice GUIM CalVCS lll.OQ fifl 1 V y VftiH' ; light calves $ll.0013u0: medium light $9.0011.00; heavv $7,000 19.00; best feeders $7.007.60; fair ! to good $6.007.00. j Hogs steady: receipts 311; p line i mlvo1 $14.50 1 5.00; medium 1 14 I 14.50; smooth heavy $14.00 14.uo; rougn neavy 1 1 0. ,") 1 ; feeder pigs $1113.0. Sheep steady; receipt) 40!- f.ast of mountain lambs $9.50 10.00; valley lamps $8.509.00; culls $5.006.00: yearlings $6.60 07.P 1 wethers $606.60; ewes $21K4.AA 1 v 1 til 1 " m 1 jz?y -vi Batter. Portland, Or., Mo. 10. Butter steady; cubes extra 52 54c; parch ment wrapped box lots 56c; car tons 57c; half boxes 4 c more less pian 4 box lots lc more. mh UN 64 f o b Portland Poultry and Eggs. Portland, Or.. IT, Jt'.-Ertgs selling price, case count 72 74c; buying price 70672c; selling price candled 747c; selected candled in cartons 78 82c. Poultry: Hens heavy 2?30c; light 20 22c; broilers 27 30c; old roosters Uc; turkeys dressed 50c; geese nominal; ducks nomi nal. Wheat: Hard viute $i.5ri. rote white $1.50; white club $1.50; northern spring $1,50; red Wal'n $1.47; barley $44; oats $42.50 45; corn No. 3 yellow $4041. Mill stuffs Mill run $49 50; 29; alfalfa $$3; grain mixed $23; clover $2022. Hay Buying price timothT til LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a oad district meeting will be held lit Pleasant Point School house in road district No. 46 in Marion county, Oregon, on Saturday, Nov. 27. 1920 at the hour of one o'clock p. m. for the purpose of levying an additional tax for read purpos es in said district. W. M. BUSHEY. Judge. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a road district meeting will be held at tne resinence 01 iur. inn vuu,, lard on old Prlnglle road in S."' Oregon: on 'satuayT Nov! "7 1920. at the hour 01 1:30 o ciock for the purpose of levying additional tax for read purpos in said district. W. M. BUSHEY. .ludge. Writer Credits Explorer With Hero Qualities "All the world's heroism has not been concentrated on the battle field during the past few years," says Harper's Magazine some time ago. "While thew ar has engross ed the world's attention this ex plorer has dared and won Impor tant bloodless battles against sun, pt and darkness. "For five years Valhjalniur Stef ansson was extending the boundar ies of the scientific world, his prog ress only guessed at by those who waited eagerly for news of him. His success marks a new era in arctic exploration. Like great military commanders he has solved the problem of supplies. Heretofore explorers have been limited In their trips by thet amount of food they could carry depending upon rat ing their dogs on the return. Stef ansson, traveling wtlh a minimum of provisions, has lived off the land for months at a time and yet re turned with men and dogs in good health." The foregoing is typical of the lavish press tribute which appeared in almost every newspaper and magazine in the country and in many other countries as well, fol lowing Mr. Stefansson's return to civilization. His thrilling story "My Five Years in the Arctic" is to be personally told by the noted explor er on the evening of November 19 at the Salem armory. Mr. Stefansson's appearance In Salem is as a special number with the Ellison-White lyecurn bureau. Normal Notes Monmouth, Nov. 10. An electric al self winding clock has been In stalled in the office of the normal during the past week. It Is plan ned that this clock will ring all bells and will regulate the sec ondary clocks in the training school the dormitory, the chapel and li brary. Only two members of the fac ulty are doing institute work this week, Mr. Beattie, who is at Bend, and President Ackerman, who plans to be at Tillamook on Fri day. Tentative plans for enlarging the dormitory are ready to be sub mitted to the building and execu tive committee. The normal was honored to have - 1 as guests on Monday Mrs. George H. Gerllnger, Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbctt, Mrs. E. R. Corbett and Mrs. Lee Hoffman, all of Port land, and Mrs. A. N. Bush and Miss Cornelia Marvin of Salem, Mrs. Gerlinger r,ivr a brief, inter esting talk at the chapel hour. Miss West Is entertaining Miss Green, formerly of the art de- partment this week. The candy sale last Saturday evening before the picture was a complete financial success, netting the juniors the money requdsit fnr tnejr dancing r.irty on Novem- ber 20. The children's orchestra, under the direction of Miss Schuett two well rendered selections ga ve at the chapel hour o nMnnday. A program with the American legion as guests of honor will he given In the chapel on Armistice day, Thursday at ten o'clock. Jas. Elvln of Salem will give the prin cipal address. Marion Marion, Nov. 10. Thomas Winn unit son John have returned from Copyright 1920 by H. C. Fisher Trade mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Office southern Oregon where they been hunting. Mrs. Frank Sherwood is ing a visit from her father lives in Walla Walla. Mr. C. A. George started Friday morning for easteri gon to visit his daughter, Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Boy Salem spent last Sunday . M. A. Barber home. Miss Winnie Pemberton 1 other day and severely hu hip. She is confined to, h at the home of her 1 George Stevens. Mr. Paul of Salem is visit son H. L. Daul and family. Dr. and Mrs. Harris of v the bed spent last Saturday night an I day at the nome 0f Mr. ar, Mr. D. A. Hong. Mr. R. O. Small, who h; visiting nt the home of nndj Mrs. R. Klvter. left Saturo r his home in Toledo. Mrs. E. Worthing of Trt ton was a visitor at the h Mrs. Griffith for a few day While cuttinB wood, Car I. n- sel had the misfortune to s -rely cut his hand. tile 11 nft Russell has start' ' viohniil neain after a month ' sence on account of sickm Mr. and Mrs. Alvro Ncal ' vallls spent the week end iv with Mr. Neat's parents. a merry chase they were c, bv their friends who gave 1 ., ni,i fashioned charivari v . nj(ya))e time was spent 1 1 games. Gladys Hansel, who has 1 v.sUg friends at WeUaand , nuns, i""""-" """" ning. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Gent y 11 family, and Miss Pearl Christ- n so t of Jefferson were guests Ni and Mrs. Mote last Sunr'ay Mr. Leslie DeHaven from "ash ington spent last Saturday an-! Sunrlav lit the home Of M Mrs. Doerfler. Mr. Enos Pressnell a Marion resident was wounded while cutting d cherry tree. The ax caugi clothes line, causing two bruises on his head. Walter Hansel's house fire last Sunday afternoon I flames were extinguished mul'.t t the etore much damage was done. Mrs. John W. Hall of u is visiting her husoand's 1 Mr. find Mrs. Will Hall. Carl Beckett has some 1 ters busy remodelling his h Mrs. John Rhoten of Da visiting at the home of her ter, Mrs. M. A. Barber. Mr. R. W. Dimmick and have gone to Notl to reside Lewis Lloyd has returned Cottage Grove where he v visit his parents. Mr. J. A. Cilgau spent tv of last week in Portland wl went on business. Raymond Colgan who ha working In Salem has retiu his home here. Homer Johnson hasd home from a mountain tr Mr. and Mrs. Ben Runs, returned from Seattle who. were visiting their daughter Hill entsj rh - Guy Hammllt, a rormer boy, and Miss Lola Powell banon were recently marrh have been visiting relativ Mr. and Mrs. H. Beckma Wednesday visiting friends . Li- Jef- ferson. Delia Hansel, who has bi n ..,,i,ni for some time n count of sickness, has resun d hsr school work. ',m prnu-n mother of M S'3 ter and Mrs. Peterson, w been in Kentucky for the pu ; yeiu is expected home tnis we.-. Mr. Vein CMrk of Ph has been visiting relatives ' Rev. Ogden has purcas, property where Mr. Albert lives, and will soon mov, Mr. and Mrs. Fennell wi: where Rev. Ogden now IK Mrs. H. W. Llbby has Lebanon where she will isi ives until after Thnnksgiv. Miss Daisy Bouck is in P on a visit. imatl I th ehnel there mov me t relal Hotel Is Taken Over by New I ai SHverton, Nov. 10. leased the SHverton hoi purchased the furniture 1 I .. n T.TI . in the building, u. r. r-e Seaside took possession property Sunday evening. During the summer loi chants took over the fcoti and fixtures from C. M. mtWty hills aggregating thousand dollars. Since tlv ment of the property " Coy moved to Portland tt lea ,.y -over 1 dg ma 1 tl f &s t mei hotel has been m cnaige nr,,i T.iis Ijirgont, who owned the property. vt- rionnrv has been In the hotel business for ber of years and is IWU successful landlord. He ii make substantial Improvi the properly and will cat' traveling public. The Port of Astoria co has authorized the issu $91,000 In port bonds to the Issue of $.'.00,000 reci To date the receipts 1 cheese factories at Gold I the season total about The price now being rece cents. n ils ,11, pi ly i Notice to Subscribers In order to give piompt service during the v months, the Capital J is going to press at 3 o daily, giving carriers time to deliver paper Subscribers not rev papers by 6 o'clock i quested to notify the to insure prompt deliv future. If vou fail to r paper, phone 81 I 7:30 o'clock and pape be sent out. We request the coopera tion of subscribers in per fecting service. N has IN'SeWc". and Commercial a'