Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, November 10, 1920, Image 1

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.M0. 6250.
The Weather
ou rival
OREGOX: Tonight and Thurs
day fair, continued cold, moder
ate easterly winds.
LOCAIj: Minimum temperature
23. Maximum temperature 58.
Mean 24. No rainfall. Klvcr JB,
O" 1 181.
.": !,., Bureau of Circa-
01 fluted FW"
. T' otftl
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, November 10, 1920
Price Three
jots wire
r C. Spencer,
k Takes Own
. 0er Wounding
rL, himself to death at
iLin after shoot -
K. Ke' poUce reported.
the side. An
i-formed. Her
... hnriues sain
Mi shot "i
E. .u to Of 1" '
I '"" a H.mvn 111..
K) today anil reacm..s .
summoned the police
oor Health Blamed.
$5 Frank Howell and
g. Wilbur, partners of
the law firm oi v 11-
..... b. n. .wiill
Mcer, eccu v
Bid ten suttenns unuvi
. th,, 1 1; I HI
i4us wain uun"6 -
Whs from the effects ot two
Strokes- Tne nrsi
jfered nearly two nionmo
d Was Spencer was reco -
Horn this, he was stricaen
and time wnne pacing
lit the Multnomah club of
k. has been a member for
gpencer, who was 58 years
had been a resident of Port-
thfc most pnmuaem iiivih
the Multnomah county bur.
Hi. ...11m i-tmi-a ha arna :JP-
nii erti uci j v.,. .. ... ,.
politics and during the ad-
is a colonel on the gover-
Refused Vacation.
i," said iallih Wilbur this
"and positively refused to
in ctusf UHiun wiLii vile
'tut It was evident that he
writing under nervous strain.
Salem Man
Is Alleged
A warrant for the arrest of W.
L, Buchanan, well known in Salem
us one of the proprietors of the
Standard, Auto Repair Shop, Com
mercial and CHemeketa streets,
charging him With larceny by em
bezzlement, was issued from the
Justice coim this morning by Judge
(!. E. Unruh. Officers say that
Huchnnaii has disappeared from
the city.
The alleged embezzler, according
to his business associate, W. H.
Wright, left Salem yesterday morn
ing owing Mr. Wright more than
$300 and indebted to. Salem busi
ness houses several hundred dol
lars, police said.
The whereabouts of Buchanan,
whose father is said to be an un
dertaker in Spokane, are not
known. He is said to have a daugh
ter in Oakland, Cal., and a son at
Colfax, Wash, At various times, it
was stated he has sent money to
one Mrs. David Leach, in care of
Mrs. M. Freeman of Colfax.
Buchanan is well known among
Salem business men, and is said to
have established a large credit
business here.
He is about thirty years, of age,
dark complexioned, with large
chec k bones, bald-headed, of stocky
build, square-shouldered, and has
considerable, gold in his teeth, ac
cording to the description furnish
ed police. officers are putting forth ev
ery effort to locate the man.
udents Will
I 111 I
aw nn inav
On Thursday
a holiday for Salem school
its regular meeting1 last
A SilPdal rnPPTincr nr wVtioVi
OSf fill' IhP unimntr vjo. i ill
for tonieht. A hio- strand.
Br VOVD 10 ApfULt'ti ac trie
tf- . '"""""I gaiilC IU'
hlinrimrt cnJ P.. i ii.
- ... BM J1UU1 II-
MDEf the atnrlanrc
aonth past, according t0 the
It-... --.-wv. n Lt'llll I.
K neuHine; .inn rr-
s luiaitu iuoy( tne re-
Petrograd Soon
To Be Deserted,
Figures Show
Berlin, Nov. 10. Petrograd will
soon ' be a deserted city, a mere
memory of the past like Troy or
Carthage, according to figures in
the Deutsche Medizinische Woch
enschrift. The death rate in peace
time in Petrograd was far from
low; in 1914 it was 22.5 for each
1000 population. In 1916 the fig
ures increased to 23.5, in 1918 to
43.0 and in 1919, 74.9 persons died
of every 1000 residents.
If the rate of 74.9 is really 25 to
30 per cent below the truth, as re
liable medical reports- indicate, the
death; rate in Petrograd has reach
ed the appalling ratio of 100 per
sons of every thousand, or 10 per
cent. ,
In Berlin the death rate is 13.6,
In London 9.5 in Stockholm if and
in Amsterdam 8.4 of every 1000.
According to this, Petrograd's
death rate is seven times that of
Berlin and ten times that of Lon
don. Hand in hand with this stead
ily increasing death rate is an ex
traordinary decrease in the birth
rale, which has dropped from 20.4
births for each thousand in the
year 1914 to 13 to the thousand in
1919. You can figure for yourself
how long it will be, at this rate,
until Petrograd is a deserted city.
Parish House
In Ohio City
Is Dynamited
Bomb Destroys Porch
On Home of Priest
Appointed Over Pro
test of Charges
Struthers, Ohio, Nov. 10. The
parish house of Holy Trinity
Czecho-Slovak Catholic church was
dynamited early today, the porch
being blown off. No one was in
jured. The house is occupied by
Rev. John Frena, recently installed
priest, against whose appointment
a protest was made by members of
the church who for a time main
tained an armed guard to prevent
his taking possession.
Protesting members of the
church declared that the former
pastor. Rev. Joseph Zalibara, was
removed because he urged auton
omy for the Slovaks and thai ,ev.
Frena was installed because he fa
voted the Czecho-Slovakian union.
Officials cf the church organization
in Cleveland, however, denied any
political motive in the church.
Rattles and
Football In
Same Class
Lansing, Mich., Nov. 10. Infants
rattles are henceforth to be cn.aed
as athletic appartus by the Michi
gan state boxing commisison. Ap
plication for a "bale of baby rat
tles" was made by Superintendent
Montgomery of the state school for
ophans and abandoned qhildren at
Cold Water. ,
Among the commission's duties
is the distribution to schools of
athletic goods purchased with a
"fund drawn from boxing bouts in
the state. .
The requisition was the first to
include athletic equipment for
such young athletes but Chairman
Biggers was quick to decide "that
rattles could be so classed.
Over Production
of Gasoline In
States Charged
Washington, Nov. 10 "Over
production" in the United States
is the reason assigned by British
oil companies for an unexpected
reduction of six cents a gallon in
the price of gasoline in Great Bri
tain After a sudden increase of 14
cents a gallon in August, accord
ing to advices from the American
chamber of Commerce in London
British consumers, however,
chamber reported, attributed
slump to the investigation of
central profiteering committee
to the increase in price.
a a.
It 111 IB V
Chief Resigns
Nov. 10. John .T
nmniwon this afternoon.
-- "mi urr s i.r.i-,,... ....
r Wis appointed chief
TV hn I
.. cc Unaer. fjre 1
" me investigation
PJ rihg scandal in the
...ui:m anil n ennnao.
1 crime conditions.
t 'a
Howard Passei
u. S.
.Nov. 10. Ratal
Howard, 66
f-, retirPll rtiorl
at his apartments here
ffaa fnima ,
m tub and died within
""nutes. nM,v, ,.... ..;
lO to Irto i.
er he 8nak.- n. ,
, . "n an ill-
!!i"-ening program.
Cherrians Have
Lively Time at
Musical Smoker
Those Who under estimate if
such there be the punch which
can be dealt by that organization
Of Salem boosters the Cherrians
should have attended last night's
"musical smoker." held at the
Commercial club. Business was
transacted with a bang, but the
giithering was chiefly of a social
Encored several times, Walter
Jenkirs, Portland's community sing
ing director, offered several vocal
selections and gave a short talk in
which he told of the place he be
lieved singing should hold in ev
ery city. Long applause made ob
vious the extent to which the Cher
rians appreciated the several se
lections played by the Elks or
chestra. At the business session it wa3
decided that the membership lists
should be re-arranged. In the fu
ture those who have been mem
bers of the organization for five
years will be placed on the hon
orary list, as will all ex-King Bings
During the evening the entire
audience rng several songs under
the leadership of Mr. Jenkins.
48 Lives Lost
In Shipwreck
Mariners Fear
Manila, P. I., Nov. 9 Forty-eirnt
persons are believed to have per
ished when the coastwise steamer
San Basilio was struck by a ty
phoon last Wednesday en route to
Puerto Bello, Leyte island, South
Philippines, according to a survivor
reaching here today. Fifteen sur
vivors reached Cebu. There were
64 people aboard the vessel.
News of the disaster was brought
here today by Concerdia Eardo, a
survivor picked up by the steamer
Samal after drifting four days in an
open boat.
Puerto Bello is located on the
south coast of Leyte, more than 300
miles south of, Manila, and is the
center of a typhoon belt. It is the
only safe anchorage from typhoons
on the Pacific coast of Leyte.
Red Cross
Are Ready
Teams to Conduct An
nual Roll Call All
Set for Opening on
Armstice Day
The Fourth Annual Red Cross
Roll Call for Marion and Polk
counties opens tomorrow and con
Unuees for two weeks, closing on
the evening of Thanksgiving Day.
The organization for the two coun
ties has been completed and covers
every town within the jurisdiction
of the Willamette Chapter. Man
agers have been appointed in each
town and the chairman of each
school district has also been em-
,rf tn conduct the Roll Call in
his section. The city of. Salem is
MvMmI into 41 sections. Each
division has a captain in
under whom the workers
solicit the residences and
100 Pupils Have
Poor Teeth; 140
Throats are Bad
are to
"The Roll Call this year bids fari
t i,u nn,. nf the most successful we
have had since the Red Cross has
been operating on a Peace uasis.
p.palrlent H. Meyers, of the
Willamette Chapter today. "We
expect to have unmeu
from all the outlying ui"
the workers by noon today.
Contrary to former practices, the
Willamette Chapter nas
snecial receipts which will De give..
to each person subscribing, in ad
dition to the regulation rea u.u
Tko window flags are to
1 11111111. jmv .. ...
be in use again and vary in
from those of last season.
Workers rtanitu
Among the local and
nrtnii-ating are:
WUlllCii . v. - . ,
.,..v,i BoAAer. Mrs. A
-Vassall, Mrs. G. Terwilliger.
nn Vick. Mrs. Curtiss Cross
m Tt. Vandevort
htm David Wright
Roberts, Mrs. P. C
-, r TXToters. Mrs. A. ti. BBU
Mrs. r. - Mrs. Jennie
man, airs, neon o... - -
Miller. Mrs. H. Halvorsen, Mrs. A.
C. Bohrnstedt. Mrs. Dr. Fairchi d.
Chester Cox, jm"
Clark, MJss Fisher,
Mrs. Harwooa nan,
Mrs. J. Steelhammer,
Woodburn, Mrs. Alice "-
Mrs. Rena swmt'"
Short Hours
Are Forecast
Growers Will Organ
ize to Fix Prices Un
less Better Returns
Insured, Claim
Boston, Nov. 10. The establish
ment of "nation wide selling organ
ization;; which shall fix the price of
farm products'' if the farmer does
not receive "the same pay for the
same hours work that others re
celve," was predicted today by Sher
man J. Lowell of Fredonia, N.
master of the National Grange of
the Patrons of Husbandry, in open
ing the annual convention of the
Rqualit.v Demanded.
"Wc are willing to have a fair
understanding of values, the farm
ers receiving the same pay for the
same hours work that others re
celve, no more, no less, but we feel
that this is the last call" he said;
"if no attention is paid to this now
by bankers, manufacturers, rail
roads and labor organizations and
If the government continues to use
its great power to import raw ma
terial free of duty to reduce costs,
then the grange will be the first to
help organize nation-wide selling
organizations which shall fix the
price of farm products. Not Made.
mere is not tnreat in this; we
will have been driven to it In self-
defense to preserve our agricul
Mr. Lowell rejoiced that labor
has been able to secure a much
higher rate of wage, but added:
"Wc little expected that they
would turn and demand cheaper
food from us without first ascer
taining the cost of production, and
thereby proving whether or not we
were taking too large a margin of
The master declared that the
greater changes that have taken
place since the beginning ot the
war have been to the disadvantage
of agriculture and many laws and
ruling of our national government
have proved of Injury to the farm
ers. Past Efforts Fall.
We have searched faithfully to
find one law Or ruling to our ad
vantage and failed to find it. We
have urged for a fair show, but all
our efforts have met with a like
fate." '
' Mr. Lowell said that the recent
census showe'. a net decrease of
100,000 farms in seven states, and
he charged that the attitude of the
men In legislative halls and depart
ments of government was responsi
ble to a large degree for this con
So long as we remain passive
this state of affairs will continue
he declared.
Four Killed and Eight
Injured In Explosion
Aboard Freight Shif
Council Fills
Seat Vacated
At Silverton
Silverton, Nov. 10. At the first
meeting of the newly elected coun
cil held Monday evening S. E.
Richardson was elected as coun
cilman to fill the vacancy caused
by the resignation of L. O. East
man, who was elected nyiyor at
the recent municipal election. Af
ter canvassing the ballots of the
city election the new officers took
the oath of office and proceeded
with the regular routine of busi
ness. Mayor Adams and Council
men Latham, Hubbs and Rlstelgen
retired and their vacancies wee
filled by L. C. Eastman, mayor,
and Geo. I. Bnrr, A. E. Johnson
and L. M. Larson, councllmen. L.
Yates was re-elected by the coun
cil as chief of police and street
commissioner and his son, Orover
Yates, was elected night police.
The meeting adjourned after May
or Eastman appojnted the follow
ing committees: Judiciary com
mittee, Councllmen Barr. Welch
and Richardson; finance commit
tee, Councllmen Richardson, Steal
hammer and Barr; street commit
tee, Councllmen Johnson, Steel
hammer and Barr; health, lire
and water committee, ' Lir-son,
Welch and Johnson; park com
mittee, Councilmen. Welch, John
son and Richardson.
Catastrophe in Engine Room of Souther
Pacific Vessel at New York Dock Faafc
to Workers; Burstin g Oil Tank Spreai
Death and Destructi on Over Craft
New York, Nov. 10. An explosion occurred this afte
noon in the engine room of the Southern Pacific freight,
'El Mundo, lying at pier 51, Hudson river.
Four killed and eight injured was the toll reported 1
the. police at 3 :30 o'clock, half an hour after the blast.
officii s
Mrs. H.
Mrs. W. P. Bin-
Mrs. C. M.
.Mrs. M.
Mathews, Mrs.
Cosner. Mrs. O.
Miss Willett,
Miss Cramer,
Avera McPherson of Harper has
lost 1S00 out of a band of 1700
i heep. They were turned out to
forage and ate considerably of the
leaves of grease wood and the out
crops of alkali.
n-u... ,.naa In , t, . Qdlom aohnols iWubbal'd.
l'l"" , :-- . Tiirrmr MiSS L"-
far from perfect physically, is iaa . ""' ", 'Saal9' other friends who
e palin in the report made to ?K. E. Balch, Fruitiana, , ,,i ... ,h
Brewer, Silverton, rwura
Silverton. Bernice Larsen. Suver,
ia ir i. Martin. Macleay. Mrs.
D.-l, W S'lutz. Salem, Miss Mag-
a re
made pal
the school board at tis meeting last
night by Miss Grace Taylor, school
Thrpp hundred and sixtv-one
...j,., ,.. ...mUi ht. nriaa!i Diiui. Monmouth. Mrs.
kUUBII licit tAttiim.u ........ git- i.w. t.iM
To, .In- f,nm nr-lnlior 1 5 tr, K'flVfin- Curl Hlckreall. MrS, UertrUUB
ber 1, and although this is but a
small percentage of the whole, the
figures derived are interesting.
Nine of the student were referred
to a physician. Miss Taylor s reportj
stated. Ten of the pupils were ex
amined for uncleanliness. two were
tested for vision, and one was
found defective in this respect.
Eight students were bothered with
other types of eye trouble, the re
port said.
One hundred students had en
larged tonsils and inflamed throats
Miss Taylor said and 140 others
were hadlcapped by poor teeth.
The hospital board is expected to
vacate the McKinley school some
time betwen December 1 and Da
cember 15. it was stated. This will
mean that the building cannot be
taken over for school work before
Christmas, George W. Hug, super
intendent of schools, stated this
fylOVPC I hofiYA Woefo nf
runds by Shipping Board
10. Cnrpesi ploy es of the shipping board emer
the shipping gency fleet corporation, and of the
1 nry I I A nlhcr infllienCe
. "-I vmw uf I'l IHIIUILI ami
01 Btanmu, ... . for
.unu lunasim me negouauug ui cuim
report submit construction and allocation of ves
The report charged that payrolls
had ben padded by some of the
firms which repaired government
owned vessels and that there had
been a heavy loss to the govern
ment as a reit of wholesale thefts
of supplies and equipment from
ships. . t .fc. ; . : . lun wnnrfPlI
. ., - i lie iueM!saiuii. "... - -1-
at th
- i
ue i..
ward T".
Wl.ll.v ... D' WO
ami . ooara. A.
SL kX' Rhardson.
n a year "ve
'nation for the
'anp.i . ..
' '"" committee of
is chair
n srait m th
I for
shi.. BOV-
ntjt,,,1': ct corruption
that companies operating govern
ment vessels had in some instances
owned stock in companies
furnished supplies to the ships at
prices ranging as high as 50 per
Y. M. Boys Will Go
On Hike Thursday
T7 rinilliu Tndeoendence, Mrs
nuuiin. unoii Mrs. Leona Miller,
Hibbard. Mrs. Susie Ramson,
Aumsville, Miss Gray. Turner, Mrs.
W. W. Neal, Sublimity, Mrs. . W.
Wendland, Salem. Mrs. Clara Pat
terson. Salem. Mrs. Leffler, Hub
bard. Mrs. Marie Ferschweilier,
Gervals. Mrs. Harry Mason, Mrs.
Ira Merhling. Falls City and Black
.,.,1. Mrs Adams. Blind School.
Salem. Mrs. Grace Palmer, Silver
'ton, Mrs. Oscar Gingrich, Salem,
Mrs. Ha M. Harris and Miss Ore
leans Thomas, Salem
Mathewson Wins
In Fight Against
White Plague
New York. Nov. 10 After a
vear's fight against tuberculosis.
Christ'- Matthewson, one time ma
jor league star pitcher today was re
ported recovering at Saranac Lake.
Although he still spends his days
reclining in a darkened room his
.uronirin will not permit of the
Is Keynote at
Thank-you Feed
Co-operation, demanded of the
city council of Salem as necessary
if the police administratoin of
Marshal-elect Verden U. Moffit is
to succeed, by Louis Compton,
warden at the Oregon State Peni
tentiary, was the keynote of
post-election banquet given by
Chief Moffkt to the members of
the Moffltt for Marshal club anu
supported him
for election, at the Hotel Marion
last evening.
About forty representatives of
mercantile, professional and inuus
trial circles in the city
members of the clergy
Rose in congratulating Mr
S. h
well as
Moffitt upon
I his election and tendered their co
operation in the future whenever it
should be needed by the police in
, i' forcing law and order.
Chief Moffitt's reply to the many
impromptu talks of the evening
pledged his best efforts to the ad
ministration of the city's police af
fairs during his term ot office and
gave an expression or me maims
he felt toward those friends whose
untiring efforts made his election
Among th" speakers who re
sponded to the calls of Toastmaster
James Elvin were Dr. B. F. Pound,
president of the Moffltt for Mar
shal club; Louis Compton, warden
of the Oregon state penitentiary;
Percv Varney, state parole officer
and former chief of police here;
Harry N. Crain. of The Capital
Journal; John Carson, district ai-(
. . . . ii..i,.,n ,,..,ti i "in
lorney-eieui ui m .
Pasco Tragilo. of the Salem labor
council; R. J- Hendricks of the
Statesman: Dr. E. K. Fisher and
All Salem Will
Observe Nov. 11
Armistice Day
Armistice day will be observed In
Salem, Thursday, November 11,
with ceremonies at the armory at
ll o'clock In the morning. Busi
ness house of the city will be closed
as well as state and county offices.
Judge R. R. Butler of The Dal
les, jurist arid legislator, will give
the principal address at the armory
Judge Butler became a central
figure through his activities in war
service enterprises during tne win
and is known as one of the premier
orators in the northwest.
The armory program follows:
Overture by the Elks orchestra.
Selection by the orchestra.
Vocal solo by Miss Gertrude Al
drich, "The Americans Come."
Address by Judge R. R. Butler.
Selection by the orchestra.
Finale. "The Star Spangled lian
ner," Organizations Invited.
Capital Post No. 9. American Le
gions, has devoted much time to
plans for this morning ceremony
and has issued a general invitation
for the attendance of the Salem
War Mothers' association, the G. A.
R.. . W. R. Cm Spanish-American
War Veterans, Sons and Daughters
of Veterans. Boy Ecouts and kin
dred organizations as well as . the
general public.
By universal observance of this
holiday it is hoped that all Salem
residents will be able to attend the
"zero hour" seremony nt 11 a. m.
Evening Soiree.
Only Legion members and
friends will be admitted to the
dance at the armory Thursday
night. Legionaries will be admitted
upon identification and other
guests will be required to present
their invitation cards. Legion men
who desire these cards for their
friends can obtain them upon ap
plication to Miller McGilchriHt or
Dr. B. F. Pound.
Music will be furnished by the
Elks' orchestra. During the dance.
the Legionaircs and their friends
will be entertained by special num
bers. There will be a novelty dance
by the pupils of Mrs. Ralph White.
Mrs. White, whose programs al
ways elicit the highest praise, has
provided this number as a compli
ment to Captlal Post No. 9.
The Willamette Glee club and
quartet will present a number of
popular melodies and novelty
Other Event Noted.
Other events during the day are
as follows: Hill climb for motor
cyclists at Riverside hill, three
miles south of Salem; 1:30 p. m.;
football game, Salem high school
vs. McMlnnvllle high, Sweetland
field; minstrel show at Oregon
state penitentiary.
The annual Red Cross roll call
open on Armistice day and Sa
lem residents are being urged to
support the American neu
organization by having their dol-
Board Names
Hendricks as
Coach at $200
Paul "Tubby" Hendricks who,
for several days, has been serving
as mentor of the Salem high school
football team, was formally select
ed as coach and physical director
of the " Salem eleven when the
school board met last night. Hen
dricks will receive a salary of $200
a month. .
Hendricks has done exceptional
ly good work in whipping the Sa
lem team into shape and a great
deal is expected of the black and
red aggregation.
Nothing definte has been decided
relative to a game with Washing
ton high of Portland, but Captain
Reinhart of Salem stated this morn
Ing that, if satisfactory arrange
ments cannot be made for a lire
llmlnory game with the Portland
ers here Thanksgiving, efforts will
be made to mett Washington on
Multnomah field.
The Washington-Salem clash. It
Is pointed out, would be one of the
best interscholasic games of the
year, and it is hoped that It may
be played before the Willamette
Whitman battle.
According to company
the explosion occurred in one
the ship's oil tanks and flame
threatened to spread to anothei
tank containing 8500 gallons oi
At 3:45 o'clock steamship oil -via
Is checking up with the po
reported that only three perse t
were missing and six injured.
At 3:55 o'clock the flames :
spread to the other fuel tank o
the vessel was a torch from St.
to stern. No second explosion I.
occurred bu the freighter listed n
threatened to overturn as tugs
tempted to get her into mid-stie ,
for fire boats to play water on hi .
Peace Possible
In Ball War Is
Today's Word
Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 10.
Peace is In sight in the major
league baseball war. This was the
statement of Garry Herrmann, rep
resenting the National league when
he appeared today to address the
National Association of Minor
league. He said an informal meet
ing of the sixteen club owners of
the Nationul and American leagues
would be held In Chicago Friday.
Before Mr. Herrmann had pro
ceeded very far in his address to
the minor leaguers he was hunded
a telegram. He read is slowly and
then announced:
"1 told you gentlemen that I be
lieve peace in baseball was going to
come in the very near future. I
have Just receive a telegram asking
that an informal meeting of the 16
clubs in the American and Nationul
leagues will be held In Chicago
Tacoma Police
Halt McAddt
And Girl P
Flrmen McAddoo, 17, and Eat
Planting, 16, who disappeared fi
Salem, Friday. November 5, w
apprehended at Tacoma, Tuesd
by police of the Puget Bound .
and are being held for 8he
Needham. according to word
ceived by the Marion county .
cer Tuesday night.
McAddoo was recently arret-. I
here and charged with the late
of an automobile. Pending s
hearing which was1 to have l i
Monday, he was released un
$400 bond. When peace officer i
peared in justice court. Mom
McAddoo failed to appear an,
was ascertained that he had
the city with Miss Planting, wt.
a charge of the state indus
school for girls.
Sheriff Need ha in departed V
neaday for Tiiconiu and expect,
return vvtih MeAddob Thursday of
Friday. An officer from the gi Ik
school is reported to have left o
similar mission in regard to 1
girl runaway. Officers believe I
the pair were planning to cros
Canadian border. 4,
Espee Is Denied
Government Lo r
Cafeterias Daily
Feed Many Pupils;
Board Has Report
That the Salem school cafeterias
are filling a big need at several of ,
the local institutions, was made i
obvious last night when the reports
from thev arious schools were pre
sented to the school board.
Thirty pupils are fed dally at the
Grant school, it was stated. Ap
proximately 63 students get lunches
at the Lincoln school, and 48 are
fed at the Washington school.
Arrangements by which the girls
who assist in the preparing and
serving of food are given their
lunches for their work, are made,
and the cafeterias reported small
profits. No report frorj) the senior
high school cafeteria was available
last night.
Washington. Nov. 10. The
terstate commerce commission
day ; denied application ot
Southern Pacific railroad for
government loan of $5,028,001
aid It in purchasing new e.
meat. The railroad (oiled to
that it was unable to provld
self with funds from other ,
es, the commission said.
Trail Is Blazed
For Hill Climb
Members of the Salem M
cycle club have mj&rked the e
to the site of the hill climb ( I i"
held on. the afternoon i.f An
tice day.
The hill is situated tnree n
south of Salem and Is in the
yon road about a half mile S ii
Riverside drive. A path has
slashed up the steep gryide
is reputed to be the most dif ,
of any recognized grade In
The free event Is s-hedulei
1:30 In the afternoon, the i
being Invited' tattend.
All Assessors ot
State Now in C
Idaho Remains
In Coast Zone
Washington, Nov. 10.
tion of the Idaho public utilities
commission asking that Idaho be
placed In the standard mountain i
time zone rather than In the Pacific
....... uinH denied todav bv the.
Interstate' commerce commission. I Thursday afternoon.
Practically every uounty
sor In Oregon Is here toda
tending the annual conf
with the state tax comn
The petl . lives of nublii:
ities operating in the state. A
era! discussion of taxation ,
lems will be held at a meetiu
the state assessors' association
Halvorsem may-.,-' elect r''auy "r the call.
George K.
of Salem.
"America." led by Rev. H. N
drieh and sunir bv the guests, elos
the ages of eight and' 12 years will i fresh air cure, the affected right , ed ,e program of the evening.
meet at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow . lur.g has improved under the trial 1
. ' . ...i,i .,. iments. his fever has vanished and;
morning at aim m a, - - . d
hike into the country. L. A. Pick- he is gaining In
ett. boVs secretary, announced this 'strength, his physician said.
morning. The hike was originally
p,anned for next Saturday, but the
date was changed when it beca me
known that tomorrow would be a
holiday, he said.
After playing games in the coun
try', the boys will return to the Y.
r A. for a swim, Mr. Kicnei-
said. All Y. M. C. A. beginners are ,
requested to be out tomorrow mora
Not Children Chk-kens.
Cineinnatti. Ohio, Nov. ...
still alarm was sent in by Mrs. Jas
Flavin from her home.
Frank Keating, operator, at the
fire department headquarters, un
derstood her to say that her child
ren were burning
Reds Penetrate
Peninsula Line
London. Nov. 10 Penetration of
the Crimean ieninsula is claimed In
the soviet official statement Ot
Tuesday received here today by
' Cherrians To Be
Feted By Albany
Boosters Tonight
Italy Outlines Minimum
Claims In Adriatic Ar
Rapallo, Italy. Nov. 9. In what
may be considered an ultimatum
. T...i-cliii' deleirat ion
. ., Ml II, 111," JUhu -. .
weaving mis anernoon in auto- - . v, jin M,.,rn.
7 .i i i I 'here regarding the pending nego
mobiles for Albahy, in accordance , '"- i-h anA Inim
. .... , . I nations between Italian ana jugo
with plans made at their last. Tar tho Adriatic question,
night's meeting. Salem Cherrians! ;ount sf()rza, the Italian foreign
will tonight be dinner guests of n,,.,iBt.r u head of the Italian del
Albany boosters Following the ; ( ,SIltiotl jaid down Italy's definite
dinner the Cherrians will attend a , ,,,.' eialms. These, the docu-
and em t cen above wholesale costs.
Perrv Leonard Anderson, an em
plove of the Klamath Lumber com
pany, was intsantly killed when he
became entangled in a cable that
was being used to lower a truck
load of lumber.
Several hie companies were dis , wireless.
patched to the Flavin horn.. The statement says.
But Keating had misunderstood. "In the perekop legion we are
A chicken-house had caught on fighting for possession of the ene
fire . IttLl fortified positions.
i eini H-irin fighting we
..I . . . .... a v w
at Klama'n ernssid the river Sl'.a;cn into me -
fn.niaivr PFimMn .en i n fill la and debouched arlans, waR
dance In the huh city. They ex
pect to return here late this even
ing. A committee to -meet with the
Vancouver Prunarlans to make
plans for a dinner-dance to oe
ment stated, were:
The Istrlan frontier, including
the Julian Alps, Nevaso mountain
and the railway from Fiume to St.
Peter Junction.
Territorial ocntlguity nerween
The Star theatre
Falls has installed
given in Portland during the holi-1 Kieumc and Italy.
by the Cherrians and I'run- rnuna to pa a siaie ramoj
nnnolnted at the meet- d ident. without any control Dy
organ at a cost of $11,000.
at Kartizhanaia.
, Ing last night.
'the league of nations.
Annexation of the islam'
I.ussin-Piccolo and Chcrso to .
Annexation of Sara to Ha!.
Annexatio n of several o.
Jugo slav Islands to Italy for
tegleal reasons.
Ottaranteea for the protect,
the Italian minorities In Dab
remaining unler Serbian rule
Demllitarlation of aom oi
Dalmatian positions which w.
alotted to Serbia.
It Is stated that the Italian
Imum terms were presented
request of the Jugoslav del
tlofr. The J u go-Slavs were sa
consider the Italian terms esc
but they reserved their reply
the eialms bad been further e