i rgeTwo ! Capital Journal, 8alem, Oregon . Tuesday, S Latest News Covering Central Willamette Valley By Special Repon The Oanft.r . Independence Stores to Close Armistice Day Independence, Ore.. Nov. 10 j;ukid-ks houses of this city wjll ilune doors Thursday and Join Monmouth and Dallas In the cele bration ot Armistice ay at Dallas. The American Legion, National 'iunrd. and Civil War veterans will tnu-Ucipate in the celebration and it Is expected to be the greatest stajt ever held in Polk county. An attractive program has been pro vided for by the schools of the ttotmty. l'roiiiincnt speakers, and iMuida will add to the enjoyment of the occasion. To abut', furtliir possibility of rlxagw in crossing the "fill" be tween Independence and what is known an "old town" the city coun cil in making provisions to build a vhink aldewalk on a railing be tween the walk and the road the entire length of the fill. The ma trrrlal has already been ordered and Ota -work will probably be com menced this week. A street light in also to be installed in that part of the city by the power company. Havers! accidents have occurred at Itiat point during the past few months and the council has de rided to remove further possibility of danger. The annual teachers' institute JU be held at Dallas November 17. IS and 19, In the Dallas high liool building. Independence leachers will be in attendance and ihere will be no school in session in those days. The following Polk county men fi.nv been drawn on the Federal hi jury wmon Is in session at 1 on la nd: Levi J, Hurbank of Air Bti W. T. Hubbard of Dallas, C. W. 1-i onard. Monmouth, Frank Lough ary, Monmoutii, .VI. Scafford, Suvcr, mid W. T. Trent, Rickreall. J. C. Ward, who was in the gen M3 n.creantile business here for rauaber of years, wns a business visitor in the city yesterday. iir. Allen, a former practicing ierilist of this city, has been visit inst friends here for Hevcral days. B3e la now retired and living at lflue Kiver GO miles east of Kugene. fc and Mrs. J. G. Mcintosh and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Davidson mo tored to Corvallls Sunday and spent ( day with relatives. . ParanOKian of Bringing Up Father By George McManus frtf,nk I r.4 ' II J Nil m 4 (Copyright 1M0 by international K iSjjjjj VOU MAKE ME tlCK - WHY DON'T VOO TRY TO CET ACQUAINTED WITH t)OME OT THESE FINE PEOPLE " LL NEVER TAKE TOU TO A RECEPTION A-iAHi: f THE OfctjT NEW?) I'VE HEARD IN WEEKS- r TV Mm i h mr rji .n I I WI5H I COULD tT ME HAND5 ON ME HAT AN COAT I'D LIKE TO SEE DINTV TONIGHT I HAVEN'T EVEN OT CAR FARE HERE COMCa ANOTHER CUEST - I MI4HT Ar Wll LET HIM IN IT HELPS KILL TIME! JAMES TAKE MY HAT AND COAT I PRESUME YOUR NAME IS JAMEb MOST BUTLER'S' NAMES ARE JAMES - in this neighborhood and living at Moser for the past few months, Dave Duvall has returned to Inde pendence more convinced than ever that there is no bther such a locality on earth. Wm. Hill expects to move his family here from Dallas this win ter. He is employed as blacksmith in one of the Independence shops. Polk Farmers May Affiliate With National Monmouth, Nov. 9. At a meet ing to be held In this city tomor row evening, which has been call ed by County Agent Paul Carpenter of Dallas, the members of the Polk county farm bureau and oth ers interested will discuss the ad visability of affiliating with the suite a:id national federations of this movement. The question has been up for discussion at previous meetings, and it is believed that there is growing interest in the proposition In Polk county. There are 86. states now united ber of the American farm bureau federation, and by Paul V. Maris, director of extension of the O. A. C. at Corvfillis. At this meeting the Polk county federation will de cide whether or not they will Join the state unit, and vote on the question of the state becoming a part of the national movement. A large attendance Is expected at the meeting as the questions coming up are regarded (is of vital Im portance to agricultural interests or Oregon. The meeting will be held In the commercial club rooms J. Craig audi . i hit- w h a. a l ar ui ut n V P L tH. 120 INTL SIRVIC. INC -" I Ington. Summons returned and filed. IS County Court Palmii Fliflet, Mrs, Mrs. Anna Kunke. A surprise party was given Mr rin.l Vvu fit TXrfl.. ni tv. . . I Order granting petitioners in . II V - luieweu oyi,.0;id district No. 14 permission to their friends and relatives here j eaj, specla, election No. 27 for the ,Mr. and Mrs. Will Everett of' $2500 special with the American farm bureau Salem federation. " ftietnotnsi church and It is now proposed that Oro !.e Sunday evening. Ron form a 8t(lt(, and at(iu.Ue X A Itelber has purchased two with the national body. P. O. Pow r three lots from C. K. Kldridge Wl Of this city, who has been prom- baaed the old residence formerly I inent in the organization of a u iui:i nixiii street, and also pur- temporary stale federation, which tiwned by C. V. Irvine, which will i will become permanent nnon the Independence Boy Killed by Gun Discharge Independence, Or., Nov. (I, The body of Clyde Hull, son of lilmor Hull of this ctiy, reached here from Port Russell, Wyoming, avd inter ment was made in the Independ ence cemetery. He wan serving his second enlistment and fourth r ear In the service when killed sndd mly one day last week by the accidental discharge of a gun. The Hull fam ily formerly lived in Cottage Grov ami nad been living here a little more than a year. The young man was not very well known in Inde pendence, having been awav from nome most of the time patents moved here. Oregon City visited here Satur rtiiy with Mrs. Butsky. Mrs. George Mason and chil dren were shopping in Salem Sat urday. Mrs. John Thomas nas Just had a new system of water works in- purpose of voting road tax. Order commmitting Floyd Cam eron to reform school at Salem. Order closing Buell-Sherldan road from Buell postoffice to north side of Polk county. Order granting road district No. permission to call meeting- for the same. In re guardianship of Leonard E. Comstock et a1 minors. Order granting $20 for each minor to take music lessons. In re guardianship of minor heirs of Oust Peterson et ux. Sev enteenth report and final account tiled. Vouchers numbered 149 to 1 6 r filed. Order discharging guardian as to Alexander, Mamie and Blimer Peterson. stalled in her home. Henry Earl of purpose of levying a special road Turner did the work. i tax. Mrs. Butsky leaves here today Probate Court. for Denver, Colo., for the bedside of her brother, who is In the hos pital there with very little hopes of his recovery. At the road meeting held at the Cloverdnle school house a heavy special road tax was voted, with hopes of having our road improv ed in the near future. Albert Hennis left here Thurs day for Portland where he expects to be employed for the winter. Miss Violet Craig is employed in Salem this winter. since his mm moved to his recently purchased property. Mr. Itelher is an Ad vratlst minister and It is under Joi.d lhat a new church Is soon to In- erected on the lots. Mrs. Frank Hush has returned from Portland where she recently underwent an operation which was found necessary by reason of In juries sustained some time ago when she was run down by an automobile in this city. A feature of the Civic Club meet ton to be held at the home of Mrs. IT. K. Klil- Ulge tomorrow afternoon will be an .uldress by Miss Todd on aer trip to the orient. She will have m: -,iy souvenirs of the east to xhihH C. H. Smith and wife will leave this week for California Where they Kjcc to spend most of the winter. 3aa Milliard has purchased the i nas UiKiipv reshli nee on ratification of the constitution by twelve counties, believes that ev ery county in the state, will event ually become part of the state body. The meeting tomorrow night will be addressed by Geo. A. Mansfield, of Jackson county, president of the temporary state federation, by Chester H. Gray of Missouri, mem- Cloverdale wioveraate, Nov. a. George Vuieruj nas ;.mrchl -led a five acre ranch ,it Falls City and ex pects to leave heiv '.'uesday witi his family for hu i ew home. Mn- Hazel Fliflet of Salem en entertained the Pleasant View W. T. 11. at her home Wednesday! Among those present were Mrs. I w. j, rludley, Mrs. M. Fliflet, Miss Polk County Court Circuit Court. Adda A. Thrasher vs. B. F. Thrasher. Default filed. Decree granting Adda A. Thrasher a di vorce. Entered of record Novem ber 6, 1920 . C. O. Dunnette vs. Claud Hois. In re estate of Mary Virginia Smith, deceased. Bond of Ella El lis as administratrix filed. Order approving bond. Letters issued to Ella Ellis. In re estate of Edwin McDougal, deceased. Order fixing inheritance tax. In re estate of John E., Granville O., Sarah E., Evan, May E., and Carl A. Boslar minors. Order ap pointing E. K. Piasecki guardian. Order approving bond. Order ap pointing John R. Allgood, J. R. Sibley and Ed. F. Coad appraisers. Bond filed. Inventory and ap praisement filed. Letters of guard ianship issued. Order aproving in ventory and appraisement. In re estate of Vincent Thomp son, deceased. Order setting De cember 11 as time to hear final ac count. In re estate of Richard B. Pearce. Bond of Lot Pearce. ad Students Seek Temporary Gym Independence, O.; Nov. 9. Ow ing to unavoidable delay in the con struction of the new gymnasium in this city the high school boys have been soliciting among the business men for funds to pay for temporary quarters for the winter, and they have been remarkably .successful. Over tSOOO has been subscribed to the fund and the stude.it body will probably expend the money ir. :.'e pairing a building in the city own ed by Walter Winslow of Salem, which he has kindly offered the school the use of until such time as the new gymnasium can be provided. in the circuit, court at Laim county some lime ago against her husband stands the same as it .was before she instituted the proceedings. AM er having the matter under advii.e meut for some time Judge Bing ham threw it out of court without granting a divorce to either party and without favor to either. Mrs. Hill, in her complaint, asked for the custody of the child, $20,000, and one-third of his property, be sides an absolute decree of divorce. Hill Divorce Case Dismissed Independence, Or., Nov. 9. The divorce case of Mrs. Verd Hill filed Sunday Schools To Hold Annual Meet at Dallas Dallas, Or., Nov. 9. The annual Polk County Sunday School con vention will he held In Dallas, No- " NOURISHMENT is Nature's first aid to the body in times of weakness. Scott's Emulsion on Lo e, ,i Somof Norma,, ;:!! '"us ii.d ueatin 'i.n iv" a -ion and P0wer" Rv i.v..,. kt...... ' . " Jam. "Fml - -Tin, artier 0( ... .... JtOI.CI." Mrs. Pembe,. . ... I Tedrow of Elk convention. unsurpassed in purity and goodness, is 1 nourishment in a form that seldom fails. Scott Si Bowiw. BkxanfteU, K.J. HM9 Dsmim.. i- ij BeaufifytKCompIenon Baby Blinded kx w y i i nnr ft aft posset aialn street and will take sson oi tne same this week. -.trthnr B. Morton has moved his f-iiiiily here from Parker and th.-v i.-re wcupying the home he recent -Wy Jiurrhascd from Home,- Wood, Alter spending most tt his life from Eczema I It child bead and fac wen almoat , s aaltd an. The area perfectly blind. Doctor aald the worit can he had ever ceil. Dm tampU ot D. D. D. did won- dcrful work. A complete cure fob limed." Tlioft. J. Dormmer. Jenlaon, Ala. YOU wide. tOO. til the 1) n n fnmn. n ,. , "i ' for a aample and rat Immediate relief. jr. come in ana wa wu tell vnu whRt , , n North rrompliihed in your own neirhborliood. four money back unleu Uie Brat bottla relievei iou. aoc, aoe ana 91 .00. M lotion &r Shin Disease 0. Perry's. Nadbola CREAM lis UlSfSsM Baasti&ei Vtmet and EnJorfJ By Thousand Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples. liver-spots, etc. ejc treme cases 20 dan. Rids Dores and tissues oi impurities. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. At leading toilet counters. If they haven't it, by mail, tiro sizes, 60c. and $1.20. NATIONAL TOILET CO.. far it. !W Sold by Daniel J. Fry, whole sale and retail: Nelmeyer Drug ICo. ; Capital Drug Store, and other 'toilet counters. (adv) WOOD -- COAL OR COKE? Which Shall I Use? We gave you our suggestions regarding Wood yes- terday. -COAL is the best to use in forges, and under large boilers where the surfaces to be heated are considerable distance from the grates, and where the heat must be carried for long distances thru or around the tubes of the boiler. The burning coal forms a gas that does not ig nite and burn until it is considerable distance from. the coaly which is very desirable in such boilers. Well tell you about Coke tomorrow. Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. 237 N. Liberty St.y Salem, Ore. Further Proof that We Are GIVING SALEM LOWER PRICES AT OUR 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE 1 Thousands of people from all over this country are crowding our stores dilyy which goes to show that we have THE ONLY REAL SALE Where GENUINE Reductions have been made. Every article is on sale. Thousands have been satisfied and have proclaimed this store to be A STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Come and see for yourself. Come early. EXTRA SPECIAL FOR TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY CUTICURA SKIN J InPimplesOnFacy So Had To Rub IN Burned and y "My face was s mind and 1 had an unusual my forehead and chin. bard snd led and lata lis; I wnite neace. 1 ney itc&M h rub them, snd then they i burn snd butt. "I tow an advenltaf cura Soap and Ointment a them and loand they helps purchased more and he used three cakes of Cuoo and one and a half boietef Ointment I was compltttlj J (Signed Mif 6 AnnaFjilkiJ Wash.. Dec. 6, 1919. Give Cuticura Soap.i Talcum the care of youtsl auAlaEMl.rrMbvlbJl.ian1 where. Soap . OmtimtSwtMtl nsa Luticura soap mum a TO THE POLICYHOLDEl THE PRUDENTIAL I INSURANCE COMPANY Or 1 NOTICE it hereby (iven that ll the policyholder of THB PRCl INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1 will be heldattbeHonwOttMi p?ny in the Cty of Nck,N(wl M onday, t he Sixth Diy of Uefeista twelve o ciock noon.torlnepDm i no four D'TBons to be vottdforbi hold rs" Trustee as merobenof lbs n r -mr i.r tne unniifil electiOD rfi of the CoT peny, a be held Mthtl of January, 1921 Af ' i . ! i r:.. r - .1:1' nvorv curport'on vhc cl thirfj y-ars or upwards and wGo pouj in tnrco i it pi leust oDpycarUttpi entitled toc-Etoae votcmpeffHfl T ORJiEST F. DBI-'W GROCERY DEPT. 9 lbs. Sugar $1.00 Bulk Coffee 21c lb. Hard Wheat Flour $2.63 Apples Box 90c Cocoa in Bulk 2 lbs. 35c BEST ROYAL CLUB TEA at Regular 85c 55c " DRY GOODS All-LEATHER GLOVES SPECIAL at JO. Pr. Nashuna Wool-Nap $4.50 64x76 BLANKETS JUST ARRIVED, a case of Men's Bear Brand HALF HOSE Fireman Enerineer These come in black, and brown. All put On Sale at TWO PAIR aci .7C Children's Wool-Mixed SWEATERS Dark, red and grey only VERY SPECIAL at49c Heavy CANVAS GLOVES ribbed top, fleece lined SPECIAL at 1 C PAIR 1 Dozen S1.75 BOYS' Heavy FLANNEL SHIRTS khaki color, at Special price of 98c Leather-faced Heavy Fleeced CANVAS GLOVES PAIR 39c Men's Wool-Mixed HOSE 29c For Barga of all kinds, snch s i ture, stoves, mg chinery, of all kinds i Capitol Junk & Bfl Mouse 91 s Center. PhonfJ W. W. MOOl HOUSE FUBW8HB Hnme oi the ff TOU GET MOM MONEY mZM FOR LO.VG BPf ACT O TKDCKI'8 WUlameM Valley Tt Co. FHONB 1M WE ALSO DO LU Don't Forget to ask for our PREMIUM COUPONS un EOPLF 'C sll.f m inn PRINTlm Rowland W Pnon. 1611. "er rsj Trunk.';. DUW Cases mm 11 Muslo Boils and Bfl ii ; ,40 COt T Broom FREE with each or der of $10 or over L.M.HU! Csre oi Yick So Tot Cheese MediB "can snJ Wlil " lt3 St--B 'pb Sslrm,