nrtober U, 1920 ... . i i . - - UkPerormon 1 Plane Negro Preacher Baptizes Four White People The Capital Journal, Salem. Oregon Pajte Five eVtiL,., , 1 3PP For tne flrt turn' L performs rt Btunts lh.r mu- nun"- Wilier the history of aviation two ts simultaneously on one aero. The i Long Beach, Cal,, by Clarencs .mil Wesley May, rcct in ine air, wane I ,1... l.hilK, I'll. v h I 111 1 II ,11 '.V .IS tOMMF' i""'" " ' 8ed i f" f 111 erw wind which en- H rte Sanger "1 tne airmen, i ne uwn luuw I, Bragiiln" ioiite- nie slums cm the "Hymn tra- riDjK liii-'- balancius th achclne. I lie nhotn fe.jhitwH the men swiiikiiik mt-ir arum in -.i.v imyw fc-bythm. LiiPtf S'g' Language Is Again Used by Traders im I llgufl tu pot tl ifter a lis M1.VSK" ee to the frail'.' : absence nf th,-' picas'), WTO'"' i lay mind and c lack into ine with the recenl pesiuuntion wt tU-alint; i:i wheal future delivery "ii Hie Chicago Hoard of Trade, the simple movement nf tin' lingers buyeru ami IS in tue HOttu Ur i irnvi m;1 wncre uiiy ami nc- i are ne dominiuiiiii influence make tr.niKaotfpnn ring ttlOtlsHtins el uuiiairt uniu.i ine jiiiim, a f-W ids. there is seldom an error despite the volume of busi- eacii diiy. "said Israel I'. Runisey, who becarnc a Iber of the board just sixty years ago this montn. Ber the lioard's rigid rules no contract, oral or writ- mk more binding than the contracts to which a beard Iber is a party. litise a clenched fist, pal mtiirned outward, and you fegnalliitg that you'll sell at an even price of, say, A finger extended means I S cent, two fingers kd apart cent, and so on. Turn the palm, inward lit simmics a (lesii'e in purchase, When the ringers peld vertically the quantity is indicated, each finger wenting 5,000 bushels. To the onlooker it is eon- g to sec u hundred arms and several hundred fin- lin the air at one time. Hut to the official report- Iho record each transaction and lo the traders the ni ls there is no doubt of misinterpretation." HIlllS. fliaSSl.. I MM 1 I n-i. end of feast week of the Holv Christian church of tb Apostolic Faith, was signalized here bv the baptism in the waters a! Hyannis port shore, of four while persons and a negro child l,v lit a,,,,. 1..1 .. i RWward Harris, a negro nreacher j of ollston. lie was asls I baplisnial riles In Senior HHder .,1 . bvrl Anderson, a negro. The four white residents of Jy UiuiiS 10 be bu.ptisscd mere Mrs Neltle Cilllele and Hlarj Cnltcle ' WW d son- of a railroad ii,, ! 'man. who wants to sell his home '.ind lake nit 1, reaching under IJish op -lobn 'Kogcis. aged 7 4. a car shop worker, Utd Percy Lorlm Cjnrtt-, a railroad brakeniau. I -VT,IV' Wttlmp stood on a ,X ripiii ffltfSSHMtoi P'cacbe.l for ion v.. 'Tiy... minutes l.efoic ihe binitlania rW('J;;,-l'Jl'' ((ingr. glitioi, f mye,l 'j CV? ',Wlin' Hal mi lobster pots and ; TroatV. 'I. Kcjf eoninuinlc.ini iyus baptl.etl 'U'y 'being I'mcibly '.thrust Cbrwai'd jtlir.i. times hiuiciith the water I Too M any Jail Breaks; Jailer Resigns His Job Tuylorville, III., (let. 1 -j. After seven prisoners had escaped from the "boost- saw" in as many days Jailer John Mldenhelmer resigned bis job. Relatives who brought saws, hammers and other Imple ments of assisianee in Jail break ing to in mates were blamed for the wholesale escapes by the jnrler. ', ; ; THI-: i:akii:st WAV TO END DAXimriT ;; ) $ $ ! j! - There is one sure way that nec r fails to rainive dandruff com pletely and that is to dissolve it. Ibis destroys it entirely. To do ibis Just get about four ounces of plain, ordinary tEquId arvon; ap ply il at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the sculp and nib it in gently wilb the finger tips. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will lie gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and en tirely destroy every single sign and trace of ii, mi matter how much dandruff you may have. You will "find, too. thai all itch ing and digging of the sculp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hun dred times better. You can get liciuad arvon at one drug store. It is inexpensive, ami four ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known 10 fail. fadvi Banks of Illinois Show Large Gains Springfield, m,, (H,t. 1.Ag. gi cguie r. source of all stale banks in Illinois on September 8, as com pared with Ihe last slateineol ,,f 80, 1980, show an increase loans ami deposit of -I u n fro 1 11,51 a. n 711.1102. 1 1 iH-posils, according to the off I cm! statement compiled slai, nouse, amount to (1,440 23, other total Nfurea n J 1,509,064.5 7 $8. 307, 22S, 11:1 of $11,070,481) serve to bunks, s lin. in in 1.- .. I Wool Warehouse eoni Banks n Chcago i the number UpoaUoa also has dock of i:!0 show an noreas n resources troiu loans and dscounts of $14, .177, Oil. 8. e'ash on band s est-i- 1. inte.d at t-2H6, 214,024.48. Toi.-il re b in increast) of 7dl.TS4.T5. The per cent of reserve Construction of the first unit will Cottage Grove. Within a moiHh ami due from to hanks is eaieulated at 21.0-1. I begin within 110 days. fie eom'-jaa iron foundry will be placed in 1 pany expects to be able to make, np'-rati' SJortland. -Three acres have ; by re-discounts, from $i,0flV,Q0 to of fills been purchased at St. Johns as n It0,000,d00 in wool loans. In off ! mill II warehouse site for Hie Weistern seasons the building will be en- new lv ed to store grain and oilier en dities. .0 is. iicludng d In all thero The ilitles. b; nook. It is to he brought dsporl and ;wil occupy a -story building. 11 will be handle a casting up lo thrcu i &' Hi surplus 3S7,3j57i04S4l '" sc of $7-.(i:iU.;U"i.4U; suui-ci-s are 1 . :'li:, ;i;,, 1,17 4 .7,. Tile total -apltal surplus s $14(1141- (8i7.-l BOJ.22, an Increase of $4. 66,100,78 I Capital A (It.-reaw of $HI,510,i39.K an in-; shown moial cash and due froin-l lleposns I..M1KS. tile tlgure iieing sel al S2U.1 From the maple groves of Vermont and Canada comes the rich flavor of the new Karo Miaple 11 in ....i .ini iii.ij.-ii,.. . i :r. JOURNAL WANT AOS PAY Special-Six Every impulse of the SPECIAL-SlX motor carries it smooth flow of energy to the rear wheels. There's no choking or sputtering no inter ruption of action. You travel evenly at all speeds and under all conditions over rough roads or up sceep grades, with throttle low or wide open. BO-H. P. detachable -head motor; intermedial: transmission; 1 1 9-inch heelbase, giving maximum comfort for five passengers. All StudftLaLer Crrs arc equipped with Cerd Ties another .Studebaker precedent. "This is a Studebaker Year" Marion Automobile Co. Delicious maple flavor and moderate price sold over five million cam of Karo Maple last year. A money-saving hint to many mothers Over a thousand tons of the purest and finest flavored maple sugar are used annually to make Karo Maple delicious enough to be the preference of those who enjoy maple syrup. The world's largest users of maple sugar are the makers of Karo Maple. Karo Maple outsells, byfar, every kind of maple syrup. The price is remarkably moderate econom ical enough to serve daily to all the family. Serve it to the children on their bread, and to fill the folks on waffles, griddle cakes, or crisp, buttered toast. Our belief that you will like Karo Maple equally as well as millions of others is best ex- pressed by the following suggestion: Ak your grocer far Kara Maple in r10 Gett iv CAN. It is guaranteed to please you or your grocer returna your money. Selling Repreuentativea JOHNSON-LIEBER COMPANY Portland The New 64-page Corn Product I ISXsC- Cook Book - beautifully illustrated. Write Com ProducttRe fininr Co. . P. O. Box IS I, New York. 235 South Commercial, Salem, Ore. Phone 362 "MEN" Friday and Saturday BISHOP'S FABRIC SUITS and OVERCOATS HART SHAFFNER & MARX Suits and O'Coats m MEN, Tomorrow and Sat- urday we expect to show our Fall Clothing to over 1000 ladies and men. Are you going to be here? Sure you are. You want to see the new clothes as well as any one else. You take no chance fo kse if you purch- ma MICHEA LS-STERNS SUITS and OVERCOA TS JUST WRIGHT SHOES STETSON and MALLORY HATS MA NHA TTA N and EMER Y SHIR TS Our CUSTOMERS all know that OUR PRICES are RIGHT. Many of them compliment us upon this fact. PRICES-Suits $35 t0 $75 PRICESr-Overcoats $20 to $75 MEN Bring your WIVES, be Here TOMORROW &se here Salem Woolen Mills Store Every family in Marion and P oik counties a patron. C. P. BISHOP. I'roprielor y i