Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 14, 1920, Page Page Two, Image 2

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JlWreda, October 14
Ac Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
TtesfNewsCovering Central Willamette Valley By Special Reporu
Bringing Up Father By George McManus
' "nvrlffnf 1
City Officers of
Are Nominated,
Independence, Or., Oct. 14.
Pursuant to a call Issued by Mayor
W. H. Walker a mass meotinB was
fceld in the ctiy boll Monday even
ing wbcn nominations were made
tor ctly officers. The meeting was
not very larRly attended. The
ticket was made up, however, and
fa as follows: For mayor, Ray
Walker; recorder, B. F. Swope;
twuncilmen, four year term, C. V.
Calbreath. A. h. Thomas and
Claude Skinner. W. E. Craven was
nominated as councilman for two
year term to fill a vacancy. The
city treasurer is appointed by the
Ordinarily two or more tickets
are placed In the field each year,
fcut it is the opinion of many cltj.
Bens that only one ticket will be In
the field this year. The candidates
named are good representative
trasinesa men and popular with the
elector. Their ' election November
2 in practically assured.
SVV" """"'"" () 1920 BY INTL FffTUB GrV'Ct. w:. " """1
tomorrow to attend one of the
The Southern Pacific company s
warehouse in this city is the busiest
place in town at the present time.
Hops are being delivered from all
parts of the tributary country.
Many were sold on contract and
stared in the warehouse awaiting
shipment to the purchasers. Few
xales have been made here since
lioppicklng. The growers are of
fered, it is said, only 35 cents per
e V... ..w,., in,l tin. nf
them seem disposed to sell at the "f. ' property and
prevailing price.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson of
Portland, former residents of In
iftpondence, visited his parents In
the city Sunday.
K. K. Tripp left Sunday for Chl
voko, where he will spend several
m eUH visiting relatives and trans
mrting business.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ci. Mcintosh,
ajrff. J. I). Davidson anil Mrs. I'eter
Kurre motored to Portland Sunday
turning Tuesday evening by way
ft Salem
K. W. Mackey moved his family
to Pedee yesterday. Mr. Mackey 14
engaged in lumbering for the lum- ; turn to her home in this city this
berlng company operating there. week.
About fifty people from Inde- j Murphy ei Son of Buena "Vista
pendence go to Albany today and estimate their loss in nmnes this
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schumacher for road by Xsal Macomber et ux
fall on account of rain at about
spent Monday in Albany.
The Rebekah lodge of Independ
ence is making plans for a big
Hallow'een soeial .in Oddfellows
hall next Tuesday evening.
and O. E. Dennis et ux be accept
ed and a portion of old road be
Polk County Court
XV. w
Circuit Court.
Mix et al vs. (3. Benson
(Political Advert Im 'lit.)
for Stanfield
Harding Needs Repub
lican Senate
Oregon Needs Protect
ive Tariff
sensational divorce cases that 'has
been started In this country for) $1500. This is said to be more than
some time. It is the ease of Mrs. fifty per cent of the value.
Venl Hill against her husband, al Clifford McBeth was in Mon-
prominent farmer of Independence mouth off business yesterday.
and formerly representative in the, I'eter Kurre, whois said to have
, !"'' ""c numiieo nais mat work ;,i. Demurrer filed bv Warren
Mrs. Hill alleges cruel and lnhu- of constructing the new sawmill 1 Construction company. Demurre r
' -""'.. ,...... wuuiu uegin lieioie UClOtjer filed t,v fin. Imletinnrli.nt ,-
of his property and custody of the 16th, states now that the mill will ing company. Demurrer filed by
.u ' u UK Dum m inuepeiid- state highway commission..
home nearly a year ago, taking thejence but the starting has been de- H. E. Allen et ux vs. the un-
v....H " u niwei aa nasn t bought known heirs of William W. Lynch
nun teu in ijiiin euumj. , un me nam yet.
The Civic club will begin thej Miss (Jretchen Kraemer was here
season's work next Tuesday after- from Salem Saturday and Sunday
noon with an informal reception I visiting her parents,
and meeting for the Miss Gladys Reynolds was here
newcomers and friends of the club, i from Albany a few days ago. Sue
Members of the club are looking Is a teacher in that city,
forward to a big time. Mrs. Mary Lornmon -.-., iters
Cards are out announcing the from Salem this week visitimr her i.i.j
coming wedding of Miss Florence daughter, Mrs. Nellie Burnett, die z ' I I a Rue vi Henrv Petite
? W: PSS'S T".?r'ltWfK "' f,onl county I Ce?tifkattfo attachment filed!
a"""" """ imu winn sue nan oeen to attend the
on Monmouth street next Tuesday. ' Wedding of her son Xory, which
The, Dadics' Aid and friends of j took place last Thursday." '
the Methodist church tendered a A trio of violinists including Rev.
i.ueweii reeepi.oii o nev. 0,1114 .vn a. j-rojipe, Isaac Compton and Paul'orde
..uurv jfivvwun .u ...... uvi.nun, oiuu 1 u i n in n 'd musie at the Bap-
iin ilaisey, their new charge. ! tlst church Sunday evening. This
J. F. Ulrich of Alrlle has re-j was their intiul performance and
turned from North Dakota Where the feature was greatly appreciated)
he V'lUit ulfl;l I ituebff i, tttft vll V. 1, lt . h ' i
business. I rflaa He.anTn ... """Ulon. vs. C. b. Crlder. Jault
et al. Order approving bond am!
directing decree to be entered. De
fault and decree. Mary A. Swltzer
affidavit as to whereabout of de
fendants. Order for publication.
Hannah E. Evans vs. W. H. Mc
Daniels Sr. Order dismissing for
mer cause. Oitection to cost bill
left open.
In re transferring funds from
dog fund No. 2 to general fund.
Order that $564.48 be transferred
from dog fund No. 2
fund to correct error.
Probate Court.
In re estate of P. F. Clark, de
ceased. Order setting October 27,
1920, as time for hearing applica
tion to compel payment of indebt
edness. Marriage Licenses.
E. H. St. Louis, age 42, mill
wright of Dallas, to Chrintena L.
Olson, age 36, of Dallas.
samiiei u. Bpriusm-ccii, iee .....
I railroad man of Dallas, to Helen
I Greenwood, legal age, of Dallas.
Fairfield, Oct. 14. Mr. and Mrs.
S. T. Parker and son, Frank, spent
Saturday and Sunday with their
daughter, Mrs. Jameson, in Mil-
waukie. I
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Dultettei
to general ; werc Salem visitors Saturday.
Miss Naideen Smith attended th-
wedding of Miss Naileen Blanch
arl at Oregon City Saturlay. Miss
Smith acted as bridesmaid at the
Mr. and Mrs. John Imlah speni
a few days In Portland last week
on business.
The little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David Moses underwent an
operation last week to have a piece
of steel filing removed from her
The pupils from the 2:30, don't foTglT
rlisit rHni :i rp n 1 1 mirl i n of iiir) lu.n, n
uwj oU... out Bcv a- icttunei mis ; were Portland visitors.
Sunday school every Sunday at
10:30 and church twice a month
r m . r i . i isr
I ou Must nepiace me w ear
vs. Ralph L,
publication of
Nina E. Collins
Collins, order for
C. G. Burton vs, Phillips et al.
dismissing suit.
I John Pi Sumpter vs. Ada Stimp
ter. Order of default. Decree of
. divorce.
Mayfield Woolen Mills, a cor.
and Tear on the Human System
s eff'
)l Iflfl tU fi. j
Mr. imA Mrs. .1. K. Muhliunl havo i uiu r-"-?n JUrovni mfu
- " I----"-- "leu bsvwvj hum fiuei (a i
movea trova inv larm no reovnuy i tn o. A. c. at Corvallia
.sold to tnoir noma in cnu city. Air.; Air. and Mra. K.
Hubbard nuys independenoe is trood ed in McMtanyiUe
noUffh for him and h3 has no in
tention of moving to Portland as
was reported when hfl Hold hi
K. Craven visit
a few days ago.
i iti'in.
Mrn. w. II. Wftlker, who hi
been receiving medical treatment uet
i ime
rtlsou noffpikti
expected to Vie
i lor some
able to re-
As in generally known, the pres
nt (republican majority in the
Ll(ed CKalei senate is Just one'
ote. Repuhllcun control 0( that
body in. therefore. 111 Jeopardy, '.t'
is the realisation of this fact which!
h causing Oregon's republicans '.o'
unite in support of ih,. candidacy
f the republican nominee fori
Uattsd Stales senator. Robert N.I
Stanfield. With .1 d4fference f
uMly one in the present senate, re-i
imblk'Hii voters have awakened to
the fact that if tiny vote for
tSeorge K. Chamberlain Ihey may!
br HiHt very act he turning the
emtrtd v( (he senate over to the
democrats on the other hand, bj
tacUng Robert N. Stanfield It is
fMwlble that his single voir may
Kive the republicans control of
th- senate, ami thus put that body!
mildly back of Harding.
Oregon producers an. fearful of
the effeet that the election of Cox
hl s democratic senate wouM
have upon them. It Is quite
dent that under democratic rule;
rival products of foreign origin
would offer a seriouii menace to1
many Oregon products If the Am
erican standard of living Is t,. t.
nisintsiined. Oregon farmers, live '
took men. fruit growers, lumber
men and wool growers must re-1
ctMve a price for their products!
which will enable them . make ..
reasonable profit ovei and sbove
the cost of production. They will
fee unable to obtain such reason
able profit, or any profit at all, un-t-ww
a rasiubllcan a dmmlst ration Is
elected to levy pu-ttecti'e lariff
amies Just high enough to navel
Mr priducers frtuii the ruinous:
(Vtinpctitioii threaten.'il l.
t Home-made Remedy
t Stops Coughs Quickly
T Thr sail M Jrfb niitielne MB Miff
T iiinril A fimdly HUiuily silly ami
T ipriekly msde. (aN about I.
You miglit be surprised to know
that the best thing you eun use for
a severe cough, is a remedy which
is easily prepared at home in JtMt
a few moments. It's cheap, hut for
I prompt results it bents anything else
you ever tried. 1'xuully stops the
, ordinarj cough or chest cold in 24
hours. Tastes pleasant, too- children
like it and it is pure and good.
I'our 2 ounces of Plnsx in a
pint bottle) then fill it up with plain
granulated sugar syrup. Or use clari
lied mNasjai, honey, or com syrup,
Instead of sugar syrup, if desired.
Thus yoii make a full pint a family
supply hut costing no mine than a
small buttle of ready-mads' cough
Anil as a cough medicine, there is
really nothing better to lie had at
any price. It goes right tti the spot
and gives quick, lasting relief. It
nioinnllv hems tne iiiiiani'ii nu-m
brand that line the throat
and ait
passages, stops tne annoying mimu
tickle, loosens the phlegm, and soon
vour cough stops entirely, Splendid
for bronchitis, croup. hoarieDSia and
bronchial asthma.
Plnel is a highly concent rated com
pound of Norway pine extract,
famous fur healing the membranes,
To avoid disappointment ask youi
diuggist lor "4 i ounces of liiic
with directions and don't accept any
thing else. Guaraateed to give abso
lute sat isfnetion or monev rsfuadM
The Piael Co., 't. Wayne, lnd.
Juvenile Court.
In re adoption of Gunda
Ham Hanson, minors. Order al
lowing Herbert and Ada Rideout to
adopt minor children of Peter G.
County Court.
Order directing deeds for land
Did you ever stop to consider
what a tremendous task is placed
upon your human system every
Your heart is constantly pump
ing life and vitality to every part
of your body. This is being rap
idly consumed after being turned
into energy end strength that
keeps your system performing its
various functions.
Every day there is a certain
amount of wear and tear that must
be replaced, if you are to enjoy
good health.
Many people have found S. S. S.
a great aid in keeping their system
in good condition. Being such a
fine blood tonic and system-builder
S. S. S. strengthens and enriches
the blood supply, and gives new
vigor and vitality to the whole
S. S. S. is sold by all druggists.
Write for free literature and full
information to Chief Medical Ad
viser, 162 Swift Laboratory, At
lanta, Ga.
Don't Suffer
From Piles
!To Matter If Yon Have Been t
Long-time Sufferer There's Re
lief With Pyramid Pile
Try PyramK
no matter what
else you havt
used. It shoulc
give quick re.
lief and hai
saved mini
from an opera,
tion. Get a 61
cent box ot
Pyramid Pill
Suppositories al
any drug store
It is the righl
thing to do, t
relieve itching
bleeding oi
piles, pernor, i
rectal troubles
Use coupon foi
the week.
umpqua post of the 2
region, at Roseburg, ,
stage a big celebratli
nay, November 11.
W. W. MM
Home of the View
Buy Remm
Remnant Sto
Call at 404
Phone 1177
rhoids and such
Take no substitute
free trial.
505 pyramid Bills,, Marshall, Mich.
Kindly send tne a Free sample of Pyramid
Pile Suppositories, io plain wrapper.
Name .,
Street , gaj
City Bute
out your h,,iii, of filoan'i
Liniment and knock the pain
"galley -west"
WlOKKN'T ready for the Inst
W qutak switch in temperature,
were you? Left you stiff, son,, full
of rheuniiitic twingea ?
Vou should have had a bottle
of Slonn's Liniment handy that
would have penetrated without rub
bing, warmed and soon eased up
the muscles, quieted the Jumpy,
painful, affected part and brouKht
gratifying relief.
Helpful In attacks of lumhapo.
sciatica, external sorenvus, (stiff- j
new, strains, ache.'!, sprains. Get I
bottle at your drunKlst's. 35c, 7lV
7 iM
al ff F'
aV . U i
Shop Where The Crowds Buy
The Joy Of hjf
Perfect Skint
i . Knnw lhf inu and t
: I , miMii.-,.. ......'
to one thru possessing?
a skin ot purity anot
beauty. The soft, dis-
tinguished appearance it r
enuers brines out your
natural beauty to its full'F
est. In use over 70 years.
New Fall Footwear at
Shoes Low Prices
Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes, Men's Brown English Walk-
values to $12.50.
greys, browns and black kid ing Shoe, regular
lace, broken sizes, PO QO $12.00 value
ran snoes.
latest style
Ladies' N e w
New style heels
$8.98, $7.08, $6.78,
Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps,
Misses', Growing Girls' Heel,
new fall styles, blacks and
browns, lace and button
Prosperity Days,
$5.98, $4.98.'$3.98,
Children's and Infants' Shoes
for fall wear, wide assortment
of styles and sizes, ranging in
prices $3.98. $2.98, KA
$2.48 down to "OC
Men's Heavy
Shoes, all solid
leather, price
Fall Work
Vici Kid
Goodyear Welt,
regular $14.
Men's High Top
leather. Regular
$11.00 value
Boys' Fall Shoes, dress and
heavy styles, solid leather,
prices $5.98, $4.98, t?0 QP
$4.48, $3.98 WfiatRJ
Youths' and Little Fellows'
Shoes, lace, button and scuf
fer styles, real fall and win
ter shoes, $2.98,
$3.48, $2.98, $2.48,
Hoys' Youths' High Top
Shoes, made to stand rough
and hard wear,
$6.48, $5.98, $4.98,
Hundreds of other Shoe Bargains which will go fast at
Low Prices
700 BLANKETS in a great clear
away Sale, bought at a big discount
and will be sold accordingly.
size 72x80 $4. .70
size 64x76
QUILTS, heavy full-sized Quilts, leg
ular $4.50, three-day Sale
Get rour Mi
Fall Hat Tomm
We have the best and 1
assortment to be foi
this community.
Salem Woolenl
136 N. Commercial
$3.00 PILLOWS all-feather
Cotton Batts
white stitched
.1 I In,,. I . . N .... r
a . H U rrmrv km portray. if th human
land butler. Australian wool. Ar- kody .t .t. bwt. On belwld. .n u, tmSSS
jpftflflB corn ami beef. Kiu'opeur til true avmbul of strenitt. It pnvnuB
bet war. South Anifvica n 7
nd hkle and Manfhlilliiii l..-ms neaair ntrtee aai Inn maeek'.. fairly iNral -
Mid ppiiH ! "f " ninwlioa- - km. alert, fresh, and
. . , aptrrtrel; with aa air of unbornuM onlUence
To hajnpei .1 r.ul!i. ,,n i,-si aad a fare ratlaal in eW an4 lluminatad
MHat Wttb a dPliu.i : , I ., : s "aa aaw i bop. and ctaccrluioeu.
in the face of tin-
prtaerpl thai eovi man
wment ahoulii
tlaat the pol I'l.irp
Ifae rattHoHflbil i' H or
OtUnr. Tlii' feellnif aiming in.--jeu
republicans it
atac aiuite arenera.
There's No Picture Like the
Picture of Health
nc4u'! I
rrrr ol I I
rfeal I
rnera i )
The proatest master-piece in the
Irt Gallery of Life is Nature's
Picture of Health".
Could Nature have taken tou for her aataW
""I may youreell in the mh-ror ,
the reMnt unil compare your hks. vour fee
in... rimI vor i-an,iiti,m with th a ,hi picture of the humar
body in perfect working order, ail part, ol
which are aound. well organixeri and diepoeed
performing their function, freely, naturally !
If you fail in any .ingle point of men
blancc, you are not the picture of health
11 a imperative, then, that you look to
mean, to rebuild your strength, energy anc ,
vigor-to bring your body up to a norma 1
attte ot efficiency in all of it. part.. '
ihe sup
ite MUd
ft elect evi. iH entil
of a rubrirHii n.
therefore. Oregt
the republican si
ilallllllHW. Robert .V Starfii
TreJu back up Harding. Stai
lor Senatt r Renubllcaa Club.
aft- PMili itdVfrt.Jh. ..;.;.
The Great General Tonic
. ae. I l Jl 1 1 II a. . refcwMcr ,,r rihauw.
fairweai fueca. taa. Ll IO. Uar great general loaie It lei
Ike ey lllllll , eeateairii tne Mono, create new now.
aace. nd ih. ihiW of Ihoae a ho ... k hLii
IT 1" " fc'.?artoa..e.eea.i.catr.. werri Tor over
wort 11 1 . MaM. aaartnier. a .JeodM aid toaaaaetiao Url a tlw.
raweaaaa.1 teg. 1. 1 f igtW . ktaaaji ad heweai
KO Get a bolt). TO-DAV aad you'll eran-
f picture at aeeltk.
tele Maaafartatert I YKO MEDICINE COMPANY
i oi awaa lay aUa lkrumaa. kigv ays in dtoat at fm
Greases, Oil Specials
pounds lor fl9 gallon
CRISCO, 6 pounds
CRISCO, 3 pounds
LARD in bulk
Shortening, in bulk 9Qtf
Bring your can or nails.
a Kitnoii wesson uil tor CO iC 4 pound
1 - gallon Mazola Oil for J
8 pounds Cottolene for jj Q
4 pounds Cottolene for jj
bnow Drift, 8 pounds.
Army Blankets, dark grev, 4 fkC
fmi she ; 4.35
FLANNEL GOWNS. Ladies' and
men's flannel weight gowns - rwrf
regular $3.25 L,UO
Most everyone has a desire to Save.
Start today by saving your Premium
Tickets given with every dollar pur
chase, redeemable for Beautiful
for long :
Valley Tram
Ranges 1
See the Capital Jun
Satan nuutt.
We also buy second hJ
lure, hardware, machllHl
and junk of all kinto J
The Sauar, Dl Hot!
Capital Junk i
Bargain Ho
15 Center St-
phene 3
LVKO U aaad k. rrlaanil aar
aaetav hM-
all aubOHulu
"e Ul ua aKot e. i
Watch Our Tremendous Saturday Sale in All Departments
Save Your
Given With Each Dollarj.
Redeemable for Useful
and Beautiful Presents
Start Saving
Save Your Rail
road Fares
By taklits atlvantape of
this offer. With every $15
purchase or over in Dry
Goods, and with every S29
purchase in Groceries. H.'Lr
:s miles, rtnx, fake
with every fio anrj over in
Dry Goods $;5 and over in
tirocerles. except su6i
A aatisfie
jsiomef i
Thone 1612, "ver
Trunks, Bags,
Music Rolls r.d Brfc '
i an COURT ST"
Care ot
Yick So T
lee . is
Salem, Oreft
Ha nr
cure a