Thursday, October i Page Ten The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon 1920 Former Salemite Is Charged With Having Shot John Frohmader Tpiis4ah TI I. , nt Of K-iIwi Wrt nrrouil'A In .Portland Wednesday niht bv O! cer Verden M. M' ffltt and Is rttx-nt in the county Jail here charged with the shooting of John Frohmader, following h hul 1 up staged In Salem last winter. Another Salem man li., Orfl r Moffitt stated :odiy, has con xeosea mat he wmi impllcatea in e hold up, and who claimed that Bock did the shooting. Is also In the county jaU. Moffitt went to Portland yesterday afternoon, im mediately following the Salem man's alleged confession to Mof fltt and Judge G. E. Unruh. The name of tin. accomplice is at pres nt 'withheld at th)e request of Judge Unruh. Beck, who has heon operating a. taxi In Portland, was arrested F the Salem officer after a sev eral hours' search In east Portland. Handcuffs were placed on his hands when Reck arrived at a certain house from which Officer Moffitt had told him he wished take a taxi. When arrested Beck declared that he was innocent, the Salem sfficer said, and that he had lived straight for several years. On the way to Salem Beck said, according to the officer, that he would not talk until he could see his attor ney. John Frohmader was shot in the back here last winter after two men had attempted to rot im, according to his statement. Frohmader attempted to run and was felled. The Salem man who, It Is be lieved, will turn state's evidence, stated according to Moffitt, that, when Frohmader ran, Heck re marked as he shot him: "I'll give you something to run tor." Beck was arraigned before Judge Unruh Thursday morning auid will plead In the justice court Friday morning. He Is charged with assnult with a dangerous weapon with Intent to kill. Officer Moffitt stated today thai tie hn been working on the eas for months. A third party, who fcm not yet been arrested. Is also sejd to be Implicated In the hold Pasauale Tells Of Capture and jEstacada Team Bulgin Funeral To Be Saturday The funeral of Arthur Klwood Bulgin, son of Evangelist B. J. Bulgin, who is well known In this city, will occur In Portland, Sat urday, October 1 6, at 3 o'clock at the undertaking parlors of Pindley & Son. He met his death by accidental shooting while hunting in the Yak ima valley last Saturday. He was assisting as soloist and choir director in evangelistic meet, ings being conducted by his father at Sunnyslde, Washington. The family home is in Portland. Man Confesses Slaying Babes Of His Daughter Bakersfield, Cal., Oct. 14. W. E. YVillbanks, an Itinerant farmer taken Into custody today following an aleged attempt on the life of his daughter, Mrs, Mary Mldkiff, con fessed today according to a state, ment by District Attorney J. R. Oorsey that he had killed his daughter's two young children. A statement by Mrs. Midkiff cor roborated her father's confession, District Attorney Dorsey said. According to the confession made public by Attorney Dorsey, the first baby was killed by stran gulation near Fresno, .lone 24, 1919, and the second child was killed at a ranch near Hanford last July, and was burled in a cotton field on the ranch. vVIUbanki had been In Arizona several months but returned to Bakersfleld yesterday and it is charged that he attacked his da Ugh ter Willi a knife and later with a shotgun, but each attempt was frustrated by his sons. Mrs. Mid kiff laid her father's attack appar ently was due to Jealousy. YVillbanks was taken to Hanford today to face a murder charge, ac cording to District Atotrney Dor sey. YVillbunkl confessed that he was the father of the two dead children District Attorney Dorsey announced. Death of Baby To Play Salem Here Saturday Stanfield Is Oregon's Hope Senator Says Declaring that only by ynafntain Ing the present republican majority in the United States senate can the senatorial lethargy now existing, be eliminated, Senator H. Piles of Seattle, asasiled the Wilson admin istration and attacked Senator George E. Chamberlain in an ad dress at the Salem armory Wed nesday night. The speaker minimized the cf. facacy of the league of nations, contending that the "court of jus tice" plan offers a solution of the problems involved In efforts to pre serve international peace. An audience of about 2!0 per sons heard the speaker's laudatory survey of the candidacy of Robert N. Stanfield for election to the United States senate. Senator Piles conrtsated the present democratic administration and its accomplish ments with records made by re publican administrations, asserting that G. O. P. rule was always con structive. "Even with a republican presw dent how are we going to put these sound republican policies into ef fect?" asked the speaker , "We must elect only republicans to the senate. In Oregon, it can be done only by electing Robert N, Stan, field." Senator Piles declared that final results from the south will be a shock and a surprise to democratic henchmen and asserted that a re publican landslide would carry Warren (I. Harding into the presi dential chair. Tinning his attention to present costs of necessities, the Washing ton senator charged that existing high prices can only be blamed upon the democratic administra tion. In connection with this charge, the senator said that the administration had failed to look Into the future and make immense purchases in order to control prices of commodities. Because of this lack of foresight, sugar and other products have fal len Into the hands of profiteers, Senator piles said. Prettiest Girl in France Arrives Hoover Urges Regulation of Trade Boards Topeka, Kan., Oct. 14. Control of boards of trade to prevent price speculation in farm products was advocated by Herbert Hoover, to day at a conference of heads of Kansas farm organizations, bank ers, grainmen and business men here. .... hAmovAi. main tained that boards of trade hav as important a part to maintain in ! the economic life of the nation as have banks and that the regula tion should be under legal regula tions similar to those applied to banks, in particular, that manipu iminn of Drices should be elimin ated by limiting the volume of trade to the amounts of grain I available and to the respective needs of the purchasers. I The cooperative marketing move ! ment was indorsed by Mr. Hoover. If a national market could be I established to compel free, open j trading on hedging contracts, with prices for future delivery fixed for J six months or a year in advance, , the effect would be to stabilize prices, subject only to world-wide I conditions, Mr. Hoover, said. The j farmer then would have no object i in holding his grain for higher prices, he said. America Asked ToBe Party In League Session Washington, Oct. 14. The league of nations council has un officially invited the United States to appoint a representative on the league commission which to under take settlement of the dispute be tween Finland and Sweden over the Aland Islands, it was stated to day at the state department. Officials would not disclose what ietion had been taken. ! e asm T " toted by morrJrS aaaw' aawsv m w Brown Assumes Place on Bench Philadelphia, Oct. 14. District Attorney K. X. Rennlnger today Cave out the detailed confession al leged to have been wrlten by Au gust., Panquale, "the crank" in Which he told ,,f kidnaping and smothering thirteen monlHs old Blakeley Ooughlin. The confession, as made nubile. Says Pasquule, was In the vlcinitv I schools had been made late Thurs ra ornsiown last May In raid tele- "ay afternoon. Hone pay stations anil while walk- The Salem high school football learn will Stage its Initial clash of the season with the Bstacads high ichooi eleven on Willamette field here next Saturday, it became cer tain after negotiations between the ing along the road heard a baby rylng, saw lis mother put it to Steep and leave the room. From his Incident be conceived tin idea to steal the child for ransom, which he carried out a few nights later. "J killed him by holding him too tight ogulnst by breast a little too ng," the confession said. "So 1 took him to the river and sat there jr the truck with boy on my lap til 1 saw daylight coming. Then Ijat daring to hold him any longer 1 tied dim with a siring to a piece f rail. Then i threw him in tit. river." The confession said Pusauule Had to wait until tbe ,..- - :umo out wtlh the story of the kid- I napliig before he rouid learn the i .I..IH. OI IOC I ' , I 1 1 1 I K I,:,, ,.,,( I It Is now Justice George M. Brown of the Oregon supreme court. Mr. Brown who was nam ed by Governor Olcott to succeed Justice A. S. Bennett of The Dalles, resigned, was sworn into 'his new office at 1 o'clock this afternoon by Chief Justice McBride, the ceremony taking place in the su preme court room in the presence of the other members of the court. Mmultanously with taking the onth of office as justice Brown automatically relinquished his post as attorney general to which I. II. j VnnWiukle, first assistant in the office, was immediately named by Governor Olcott, according to his ! intention announced several days ago. ksatacada, according to "Pete" . Ileinhart, captain of the Salem team, has a fast machine, and a good game Is expected. The local team, It is believed, will have a slight edge. Nightly scrimmage has been held by the local gridders all this week, anil they are in excellent con dttlon. Sugar Quoted at $11 In Frisco Harding Invades Tennessee Today parents money, a name sit wrllo to them for - , mi.. ;i name s t,,.,,- nough lot myself." I'asnm.l., ,i "houM retail at $11 j grades ranged on an average ..f iwniy .-.tils IOWT, The Jll Miliar cents a pound. reged to have written. He said he lecll,"'H "' ""' raw outP"' " ere lad no Intention of hiinni,. n, 'given as the cause. WUIlld have I'M- "" en if he did not On Hoard Senator Harding Spe cial Train, Oct. 14. After his one day invasion of Tennessee, Senator Harding was on his way today to Louisville, Ky to speak tonight. The republican nominee left Chat tanooga late hist night after deliv ering addresses in the municipal ivudltorlum and to an overflow I 'rowd outside. j The train was scheduled to make Mix short stops. San Francisco, Oct. 14. Sugar Asia his Chattanooga speech, dropped from $12 to $ii a bun- the nominee today made the record dredweight for "beal grades" at Of the present administration the tlie refineries here today, Oih basis for bis appeal for republican support in tin' south. He also em. phastsed that his party preached no doctrine it COtild nut apply to all sections without discrimination. sstoy, and thai he turned tin child receive any money. Socialists May Speak On Streets Court Declares White Plains, X. v.. , .t- nt Supreme Court Justice Keogl! in. lay declared unconstitutional the JMount Vi num. N. y., ordinance iiuder which tin socialist speakers fcave been arested while attempt ing to spiak en the slrets without a. iiermit. Thorpe Battles Johnny McCarthy To Tie Decision Portland, Or., Dot 14. Hwim Thorpe. Kansas City welterweight, and Johnny McCarthy of San Frnnclrcii (ought tan rounds to' h drew here last night. MrCartln was the aggressor bin Thorpe re tuSSd to give ground and as the re. suit s Bkl grinf match ensued. Mc Carthy came out of his corner In tlie first round and unlinibered a right cross oti Thorpe's chin that nc decision was claimed i,j the spun I horpc around, but tbe Kan- aged 10 suffered fracture American Civil Liberties mil,... ... sat City batttler came back stromi arm and Murmtrel .,,..., , Ms nrsl i Ictory Sssisplgn lor' speech." union as in tlie uaiton-wiib "est ora Hon of free Bank President Shot by Bandits in the latter rounds , l-.ddlr Shannon of Los Angeles won a close eight round decision lover Muff Hronson of Portland. I They lire lightweights I Boy Killed and Entire Family Hurt In Wreck Vancouver, Wash., Oct. H. William Donald Benedict, aged 11. son of H. S. Benedict, Los Ange les, was fatally Injured today when the auto in which Mr. Ben-; edict and his family were motor ing from Los Angeles to Chehalls. Wash., went over a bank three miles north of here. Mr. Bene- j dict"s head was bruised and one ear torn Mrs. Benedict's back was injured, a daughter, Jeanette, I of an1 d.iugll- Oakland, May, pre.-ui Alameda at Football Team Is Still Alive Has New Captain For Every Week KM.i Oct. 14. August nt of the tllr,k f Alvar.ldo. twentc-flc miles east pf here, win. was shot twice yestcrd i when the l.ank was tohbe.t ,,t more than ll'tl.Oad n four bandits, pass,,) ., quiet nlghl ms condition Mill is critic. I necording to hospital phvsieians to- John efforts by eit and count authorities .,11 night ' result, ,: only one new development, discov. ry in West Oakland of the auto-, mebile which (he I. audits j,,k from a farmer at tin point of shot- sans ana in which they The police theorv is that tin hun. ilits dropped from th,, BSe by one and that probably only of them got as far as oakl.iml The boy died on the hospltnl. way t,i tbe l'rlncess Mary celves an annuitv of England of $30,000. Open installation of officers of Mount Angel council. Knights of Columbus, was held Tuesday night. District Deputy xnvey assisted at the ceremony. Washington Oct. 14. of football teams have bad a re volving formation, but Georgetown I'niverslly Is the onlv team so far to have a revolving captaincy. The leadership of the lleorgetown team changes weekly Alex Anderson , center, started the season and led tlie team against St. John's in the initial game. When the lust wMsUa sounded he retired lo the ranks. Dutch! I.cighty. fullback, succeeded him ami pr.maoiy win direct the team s play against North Carolina After that game another player will be come captain. Some first string man. however is going to he disappointed. Th. t ' 'i-ssssssllssi .ocn trachea. Greenvib. Ala.. Oct. 1 Select Heid. a negro, was ly nch. ,1 by a snob near Gre. nville tod.,. ,r alleged attack on A. 11. Arrlngton, superintendent of the Southern Cot ton Oil company plant. (season onlv l .sls ten weeks and mu of the eleven regulars will miss be I Ing captain this year. Georgetown is expected to wind up the season with ten captains all playing on the same team. One regular will finish the season as lonesome ns a private In the Mexican army. The enrollment of the Albany public schools is 1234, ., increase Southern Pacific officials ire WfJ 51 over a corresponding period . visiting Keodsport w;, ., 1 . ' f mat year. , building a new station iml.i i I 'uaioot .Keeps I irigKakWtliij I - ByusingWildrootrecularh'.Ikrep - - myscalpentirelylreelromiheitchinr crust of dandruff, the cause of mast : r hair trouble, lowemv lexunant ha r - Z tne envy of my friends to this : ; ousnnteed dandruff remedy." : : Wlldn tiq.ld Shampoo or Wiiarrot ! I Muri.w iaon.a.c inn : : WiMnv4 Hxr 'I uaw, will . f ta : I - treatment. WliDHOOT H THE GUARANTEED HAIR TONIC ; Fm aM Aw mrnOtr a Mile. Delysia, said to have been acclaimed the pret tiest girl in all of France, has arrived in the '"United States. Arriving on the steamship Olympic. Mile. De lysia wore a startling red patent leather coat which was the envy of all the women on the vessel. Another start ling innovation credited to her is the diamond bracelet she wears about her ankle. Mile. Delysia has been com manded to appear before three European queens. MIHHIMHMtMttttttiHHHMMlM it 'Better Safe Than Sorry' ! This slogan f.pplies with peculiar force to present ! day incestment problems. There is a state of unrest that is world-wide. Conditions in our own country are far from normal. Frequent changes have a tendency to unsettle. It behooves the investor, therefore, to look for SAFETY first. THE FARM MORTGAGE an is recognized by the largest insurance companies and savings banks, as well as by the individual investor, as standard at all times. The security does not depreciate and the interest is certain and prompt. Whatever the general conditions may be, our people must eat. What our soil produces is a matter of concern to every citizen ALL THE TIME. Land is, therefore, the most vital thing and securities based thereon the most dependable. One of our mortgages is a worry killer. Amounts of $500.00 to $10,000 IMPORTANT Your interest and principal collected and remitted to reach you on due date. No charge. Our methods and service gladly explained. HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregon Building Salem, Ore. J Negro Opposes Police; Is Shot Portland, Or., Oct. 14. Henry Johnson, a negro, was shot to death early today while two policemen were searching his room where they said he had been quarreling with a woman companion. The police reported finding a bottle of whiskey on a table and that when they started to search for more Johnson drew a revolver. Patrol man McMahon said he fired at Johnson because he had no chance to disarm him. "Man O' War May Kutv. Philadelphia, Oct. 14. Samuel I). Riddle, owner of Man O' War, said today he was considering the offer of the Kentucky Jockey club for a race between his champion and Willis Sharp Kilmer's five year old Exterminator for a purse of $50,0110. JOURNAL, WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY s" Tr w. . KhMEMBER Tomorrow l:3Qni South 16th 1 Piano, Ram neater, etc. f. n. woonny The Auctioneer Portland Cops Seek Lost Man Portland, Or., Oct. 14. Portland police yesterday were asked to search for Joseph H. Morris, aged 34. of Medford, Or., who was said to have disappeared August 12 last while on a fishing trip, The Med ford police said relatives of the missing man there had received a telegram from Portland purported to havt been signed by him say ing: 'Just returned from Japan. Lost money and clothes. Send $25." Ships Smuggling Liquor Are To Be Confiscated Norfolk, Va Oct. 14. Ships Smuggling liquor into this port will be seized under the prohibition en forcement act, S. P. Brume, federal prohibition commissioner for this district, announced today. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY sr . "we wan is" a -srw -WW. mans slj w. ' w m m m w . r m m ' -i ail . w n and HAND BAGS A new shipment just received from New York Leather Kodak Bags Morocco Bags Plain Black Pocket Books Hand Tooled Pocket Books Prices range from 59c T0 $7.50 Each Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & CO. tat Commercial and Court Sts. Formely Chicago Store TIL SATURDAY It's New Today Another Special Jack London's Celebrated Novel "MUTINY OF THE SSbK 1 ELSINORE"- H BUSTER K EATON in his first big special comedy flllBHI "ONE WEEK" BB Exclusive Pathe News Topics jsaHssaB YE LIBERTY B One of the Most Intense and Gripping Photo .dramas of the season Are You Prepared for WINTER? Jl "ut 'uu snuuia come in and get your winter supplies early while you get better selections and while we have all sizes. We will save you money on Underwear, Sweaters, Blankets, Bath Robes, Dry-Goods, Ready-to-Wear and SHOES Daniel J. Kry, druggist. Capital Journal Want Ads! Will Bring You Results WHITE Outing Flannel 21c YARD Bath Towels Plain White 29c to 69c Fancy Bath Towels 49c $U9 RUBBERS Men's 98C Women's - 69c Children's .... 49c 85 THE NEW Kimonette crepe 59c YARD m Mir lUTTa ifw im it . I t IflOll'1' aasassV IHW T aaWl ' . SS I V'Vsssssssr r-sssssssssW-. v