Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 20, 1920, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    September 20, 1920
ieach Insertion,
11." m.ertlons, 6 cenu;
I tW " " month. 20
... ,i 5S cents.
law" to-
I'rtl.on!', n advance.
Iff. ws' nhone. unless
V.. monthly account.
ftff. fnrphone errors.
-ck for sine .
K. N. 4th St. Q"i
r fv'-
f. o.
Ereek M can
oKAne i. '".'."j - - -
''anftal Journal
' WALLPASTE" Perfect (or pa-1 fTvr cTTt""
per hanging; no cooking. Mux'. Yat"lZ . Movel'
Q Buren. 179 N. Com'l.
FOR SALE 5 room house with 4
lots. woodshed, good fence
around, nice fruit trees, all In
good order in Stayton, Or., for,
J I860. 2 room house for 'i'
with woodshed and 2 lots in
Aumsville, Or., close to depot
for $600. Address P O box 223
Btayton, Or. a229 348. ' UWrter St
6 ROOM house, bath, 2 large lots
1 block from car; furniture
gee. room 29, Murphy bldff. Cap
ital hotel bldg.
Eoid fir wood. Call
terSnT milk cow. lu
ll-"...., ut 3.
Fjlfg. iiamj,
SALE Large house nnrt
grounds, hot water furnace, all
built in features, cement base
ment, garage. 533 N. 16th St
- a236
Kg tor sale or traoe.
ll"'1' e230
-5XKMKR for chimney
fP" 1230
: i ,.it
WSlT.V. lirtlll'' inane, i'
P", .: N. 16th St.
i umv.
aSK for K-
I'" g227
5 per
head. C
(Hum wool
. W. Eoff
FOR SALE Modern g room house
on paved street; new garage; a
good variety of fruit and wal
nuts; ' beautiful lawn with all
kinds of flowers. priee $3200.
Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon oiog.
1915 FORD n,i. ...r-
dandy, faaxon roadster $225; Mo
"ll MHl good 'two
5 ' ' lra"er $60. Cherry City
BaVJLM 171 o J ny
- - St. u228'
FCJ,?S,ALK0r trade a 118 model
lord coupe, good om.SHJ .
rLS8"' trade for 'Fo
fig-f" Church
"'lutomuile salesmn ,1
PhnniT'l" fof. ,he right man.
ta. " .. Sa'em An
..,., company.
6 ROOM bungalow and a good
one, 2 large lots with fruit, one
block to car, south Salem. Yon
will like this. Price $2800, $1100
down, balance like rent. Barber
& Pearson, 200 Gray bldg. Phone
GJjaNt; school, lli
tnr inroi inauuu iti"
BjjP-Ford, good ctTnilitiim
. n. niiit hpI!.
SnBy a Elrstclass dress
if, se""B "'' S
Jfjg6 room cottage, ugni-
IKater, mm ana wuvmh
b paved street, ape uwutri
Ri ftommercial. . a'230
H rrwdern cottage on n
jlO, tour blocks or car, iou
ice like rent. v. n. riiuu,
Hate jitreet, room No. 7.
5-4Ien ana team te plow
16 15 acres. 2 miles on
VV. ill. niTiiurLL, XVI..
RENT 3 furnished house
nir rooms at tne ft. r.
tments. Call at 1132 Center
for phone 121LM. J227
Rn By man and wife,
1 and boa ril in private tam-
felosc in. State price. Oox R
mam Juurnal. lio
for lady wanted to nelp
1 housework, food wages to
Ipetent flerson. 1277 (South
imercial, ph. in.' SOU. g227
POR SALE 5 room cottage with
water, lights, bath and toilet
close in, 2 large English wal
nuts, cherries and apples, good
garden. Price $1660. Call after
rive, b 1 5 Broadway.
For Sale Farms
1916 Overlan.l
l& g,??d mechnical condition.
350. Phone 142. g 2";
readv tUCk', A"X condition.
Kt. 8, box 40, phone 1789W3.
For an m .
"""---ucieuaker car, will
Motors' VV0d at Vi".!:
- "
i bALE Ford roadster, extra
equipment, in fine condition.
Phone 1236R. q22g
For Sale Livestock
TOR BALB pigs. P'fion.
e 373.
IF you have $1500, why not buy
i- acres wnn buildings most all
in cultivation. You can drive to
Salem in a few minutes; the best
Duy; Dest place Tor a real hon
Must be sold soon. Magee. rnn
29 Murphy bldg, or Capital ho
tei piqg. n
twn J5uc. ueautltul country
niMiii', is acres ricn Drown loam
new 8" room . plastered house
gooa. .parii and out buildings.
span horses, 1 cow, all farm im
pminems, pari or crop, b mi
out. price $9500, terms. Hart
& Muller, 208- Oregon bldg. a
v tK. KBfi Mti acres located a
Lebanon, Or., 35 acres in cul
tivation, balance pasture; will
give a good deal to ihe right bar
ty. For full particulars write to
rt. v. Bates, Turner, Or., Rt. 2
box 57. b226
DAIRY and stock farms in Lin
. coin county, some of them stock
ed and equipped, very reasonable
prices. Wilson, room 8 D'Arcy
bldg. ; b22
SALE Large house, two
Itments, lot 65x165. fine lo-
good soil, fruit; terms.
her, 720 N. Church St. a227
IHEN7 To business men or
: students, electric lights,
furnace heated rooms.
II Center. J226
OH house, bath, 2 large lots.
Hock from ear; furniture,
ll to move Into, $2650. Ma-
, room 29. Murphy bldg, or
Ual hotel blilg.
I SALE 20 acres best of fruit
all in cultivation, good
mvements; a money maker
t the right parly. Terms if
N. Owner, F L, Capital
Irnal. 1227
BIRD To buy five or ten
cleared or unimproved
tor cash, McNary station
Irict preferred. Owner com-
piicate with H. M. Mead. Rt.
Itoi l, Salem. n227
FOR SALE 12 acres, all in culti
vation, good buildings, close in
Price $6170. Hart & Muller,
AUCTIONEER Ool. W. F. .right
the Turner auctioneer. See him
in regard to crying your sale.
Also some bargains in real es
tate. City phone 734. b
1TOR SALE -40 acres 6 miles
north near Pacific highway, all
under high state of cultivation,
good buildings. Price $14,000.
Hart & Muller, 208 Oregon bldg.
OR SALE 80 acres 8 miles south
V4 mile to Pacific highway, 35
in cultivation, 15 in pasture, 2
acres logans, young bearing ot
chard, balance good second
growth fir; fair buildings. Price
$125 per acre. Hart & Muller,
208 Oregon bldg. n'
I nicely furnished rooms for
(lemen students, modern con
mm, reasonable rent bv
I month. Inquire 1311 Court
W or 322 State street, room
Ik.!) or stolen, black Jersey
I with red stripes down hei-
p, left ear cropped and one
P knocked Off. Pleaso nnli.
fpolice or S27 N. Liberty bv
MOW. 22o
10 acre tracts on the Pn.
highway small payment
' lenns; ytiu wan t on
uaiance. he Wijf .-.f
to school and town. V. Ti'.
am, 322 State street, room
FOR SALE 10 acres logans, full
bearing, $8500. If interested
write box 443 Salem, Or. $4500
down. b225
FOR SALE A fine farm of 240
acres, 205 in cultivation, bal
ance pasture with living water
and some valuable oak grub tim
ber .This is one of the best
wheat and clover farms in the
valley. A rich, dark soil with na
tural drainage; no hills nor
gravel; good buildings. Price
$106 per acre. Hart & Muller,
208 Oregon blrg. b
China boa
registered Poland
1 voat nlrl t
W. Hogg stock, price reasonable.'
t. L. Hallberg, Independence.
SALE Lartrp. .Tr.u.-
fresh, four years old, very gentle
good milker. 2286 Mill St n2SS
school for deaf, phone 646.
"Jcoung man between
rhe ot 18 f 25 to learn the
a antt 10c business, must be will
...s 10 worn ana a good oppor
tunity IS OPen for thn rloht mn
iWi"5 ,the lftrgest concern of its
"'u in tne world. Apply in per
son to R. p. Jacobs, manager F.
W. Woolworth Co., Salem. Or
- g
Four room house and two lots
$1000. Five room house, two lots
$1300. Five room house, good
plumbing, $l50u. Seven room
bungalow, good plumbing, $2700.
Five room house $1100. Easy
terms. Seven room bungalow
strictly modern, $6500. Small
house and lot $250. Farms and
fruit tracts. F. L. Wood, S41
State street. a230
I HAVE listed a fine tract of fifty
acres, tor a home for you and
fo ryou to make some money,
as follows; 50 acres, half culti
vated, balance good pasture and
timber, four acres of seven year
old prunes, now loaded, 700 trees
mat are three rears old and
1U0U trees that are one year
Small house and barn ready to
set up, running water, good road
and mail route, for $7500, and
terms, with immediate posses
sion; also 2 Oacres close in all
cultivated on good road and mail
route, set with 1500 prune trees
ror bUOO, terms. Brown, room
29, over Busick's store, corner
State and Commercial. n227
H'l 1 W t) T .71 I
oiuirr-une iron gray P
" - v '"'iic ii years olu
1400. R. L. Hart, Rt. 2
Salem. ' , '
box 122
uxi bauk Young Holstein
calves, state school for Deaf.
$100. See Kinney & Smith, 469
State St. p5?
'OR SALE Sows and pigs. Reg
istered stock. Phone 13F21. e-
FOR LEASE 50 good grade Cots-
wum ewes. r. M. Chittenden, 5 42
N. Water. m2jj
"lrli"-t-'AiNiJ claims
uct. 0 as her dispersion sale.
Watch for bill later. m230
1 am going east on an ex
tended visit. I recommend
A. H. Clark as a competent work
man. Glenn L. Adams, 1396 J.
AT AUCTION Maxwell truck in
first class order to be sold at
the Roy Short sale Tuesday,
Sept 21, located 7 miles east
of Salem on the pen road, on
same terms of sale. q225
For Rent
TRANSFER L. A. Barrick Co.
Country trips, moving. Wood
for sale. Good service. Stand
271 North Commercial. Phone
Five room modern bungalow,
lose in. with large lot. Good buy
It $3200.
98 acres five miles from Salem,
best of prune and loganberry land,
85 acres under plow, balance pas-,
ture; 5 room house and barn.
Price $22,000.
27 cares on Liberty road in
Rosedale district, 18 acres bearing
prunes, 3 loganberries, 1 of cher
ries; modern house, prune drier,
etc. $660 per acre.
40 acres two miles from Liberty
store, 6 room house, 16 acres
prunes, 1 logans, family orchard
good buy, $350 per acre.
30 acres river bottom land, with
buildings, $135 per acre; about all
cleared, near Livesley.
331 u State St. 225
FOR RENT Prune diver i
mile east Salem, capacity 150
bushels per lay. Phone 101F3.
WANTED Carpenter work and
general repairing, painting done.
Call 1959. 1241
TRUNKS Stylish and low priced.
Max O.Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c
For Sale Wood
WOOD for sale. We can make
prompt delivery on 16-ln. mill
wood. Order now for your win
ter supply. Heavy 4-ft. 2d growth
fir. Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church
Phone 1542. ee
WOOD for sale, dry second growth
fir. Phone 314R. ee226
6 room plastered bungaloWt
fine condition and immediate pos
session, north Salem. $2500. Terms
Fine modern bungalow in south
Salem on Commercial, a real home
7 room house, modern In all par
ticulars, fine location, large lot.
east part of Salem. $6500. Terms
7 room plastered, most all mod
ern, fine condition and location.
$3000. Terms.
One close in 5 room plastered,
large lot and barn, needs some rfl"
pairs. $1375. Terms.
One 7 room plastered, llghtfL
bath, fireplace, good condition and
close in. $3000. Terms.
One 8 room house close in on
N. Commercial, good condition,
valuable lot. $3000. Terms.
Good small house and lot for
$750. Terms.
Good vacant lots for sale on
Room 29, Murphy, bldg, over
Busick's store, corner State and
Commercial. n227
MLh (Joinl I'nunil link lln-
room set, bed room set. blue
"hit? rotarv
P gwd as new. mahoeinv
et. Rnilnro r)int.H
P'rom 1 to r, Tuesday after-
2318 State St. 2-5
I Offer
1 terms.
several fine, heniiflfnl
it very im.. a
lew car load of niuna
e. One fine used niano at
out Drice. Tb. ttni.,. t
I Co- 519 Court St.. Salem,'
- 2!7
Junniow with y, block of
d. IU cemo... 1 .
Imds of fruit nr.A ci:i.
eoo.t t 1 j
,l - "" sr uarn ana
n house, good location, u,
1 ' e-ir line, f sol, soon
we owniif l.uic
1 13 at. azzt
FOR SALE 56 acres 9 miles from
Salem, 1 mile from Salem-Dal
las highway, new 7-room bun
galow, barn and silo. This is an
exceptionally good buy. Price
$10,000. Hart & Muller, 208
Oregon bldg. b
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Hen house and fence
cheap. 2425 Center St.
FOR SALE Pool hall, with soft
drinks, tobacco and cigars; do
ing good business. Address,
Horsfall & Plank, Dallas, Or.
PEAKS for canning 75c. bring
your box and pick them up at
the large prune dryer on Wal
lac troad. F. C. Ewing, phone
64F12. C326
FT"". Cheap, fullv Minfn
1 "over hnllim. . 1
x. nuner. 16 n
mMy Steam r.n!rin TJ.., '
LT. !ank and trucks. 7a I
Piinb- 1
ks. if p i, u'ei trucks.
oiewart, McCoy,
"Kb a faTn7P-,r-ir::
tres.if,.,. ""in ou to
! land, direct from
n nil the emiimnont 1.
L?' house. . , , , "r,n
C ,n fruit room, "T "2
AN Ideal range for sale, only been
used 2 months. Call at 565 N.
High street. c225
CHINA closet for sale $35.
FOR SALE Or lease, full equip
ped restaurant in Salem doing
good business, splendid location.
Phone 1768. c225
FOR SALE Large garage with
flat overhead, close in. Price
$3400. Hart & Muller, 208 Ore
gon bldg. a
WOOD for sale, 16inch fir pole
wood, 16 inch big second growth
Phone 23F15. ee232
Wanted Miscellaneous
LUMBER wanted, will trade IV.
ton truck and trailer, delivery
body and wood rack, for lum
ber and building material. 1215
Marion. c225
TRAINED nurse would care for
invalid or elderly person, for
small salary and maintenance;
willing to go in the country. Call
1620M or write Miss G. Alex
ander, gen, del.. Salem. 1226
WANTED Three or four
ished rooms. Phone 27.
WANTED Between 500 and 600
bushels of prunes large size, will
pay $1.50 per bushel delivered.
John Kuhnke, 1315 Shipping
street, Salem. 1225
WANTED To rent 4 or 5 rooms
within 8 or 10 blocks of Oregon
Electric depot. Address G P
care Journal. 1227
WANTED Typewriting to do at
home by experienced stenogra
pher. Address 2305 N. Liberty
St. 244
Wanted Help
FOR SALE Cabbage,
100 lbs. Phone 79F4.
$2.50 per
CUT flowers. Asters doz. 10 cents,
Dahlias. Gladiolus. Phone 1723.
1 1 j
. Ii. llnl,
prltf to
SLWi Salem
ELI?'' want ct r
I. I
,0 State St.
Jor Sale
"0r r, moaern house
"uller, 20S r
"'"5W11 UlUg
E fa. -,
; m er,o ,i
FOR SALE Good vetch seed. Far
mers Produce Co. Phone 10.
FOR SALE Tents at Capital
Junk & Bargain house, 215 Cen
ter St. Phone 398. 9
LEATHER hands bags, $6.75 and
up. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com
OATMEAL paper, 20-inch tan,
extra special, 34c double roll.
Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. a
WANTED Prune pickers and
dryer help at Twin Hill farm
Immediately; good picking, good
wages in dryer. C. H. Stevenson.
Phone 36F16. g2 2 6
17 acres, 4 acres prunes, 6 acre
in strawberries, 4 acres in logan
berries, 2 acres clover, 85 walnut
trees, family orchard, 6 room
house and basement, good barn,
on rock road 5 miles from Salem.
1920 income $4000 on this place.
Good terms.
10 acres 4 miles from Salem on
rock road, family orchard, large
greenhouse, black soil, house and
barn, gas engine and tank. Price
$3800; good terms.
Choice 5 acre tract, family or
chard, good garden, house and
barn, 1 acre corn and. potatoes,
well water, 2 horses, chickens, 2
pigs, hay in barn, harness and wa
gon, all implements; 5 miles from
Salem. Price $180o cash.
3 choice bungalows and 2 lots
for $3500.
6 room plastered bungalow, 3
bed rooms, fireplace, east front, 1
block to sohool, 1 block to street
car, electric lights, bath and toi
let. Price $2650, N. Cottage ci
5 room furnished cottage, plas
tered, electric lights, bath, gas.
basement, close in. Price $2500.
You can't beat it.
List your property with
for quick results. Room 3, Bay
bldg. - 1
very carefully. This place that is
c?,ileona,sta, of 60 "res. all
.r x. ui. ' "t"enala barn and oth
er buildings and an olrt
Z?,l wire cross fenced
w th game. Tnree borseSi two cowg
ail the farm Implements, chickens
J. v .:lne "nPiements. wa
gons, disc, binder, 503 bushels oats,
Now0"" " EverythInK fact.
There Is eight acres vt logans on
' ' p ace' If vou can show me
any place in Marion county its
equal I will buy von i.x-
They have averaged 4.U tons for
six years. The estimate for next
nnnri 8lX ton-There will be 80,-
--j. .biii ups proauceo. on the
Pit06 for wring delivery at say
00 per thousand, mnlnn.
Sa' N,w we w111 ay that the
Place only produces B
acre40 tons in all, and the price
o ijnis we win allow two
cents for picking. leavlritr lii(
net,, making $4800 nltn. tinnn t !
Al . S8UI' '"come, leaving;
V "B "l JUBl tne same kind
of land to make a living on and
Pay for the H C L. The price for
all this is $16,50.0 for just 14 flays
rrx , ol oepteniDer, 1920.
ihe place is one mile. from paved
road on a gravel road, 15 miles
num. ,-Nu em, north.
M.' W. Rnwr.i'v
10' acres. 8 acres, prunes 8 years
old, 1 acre timber and pasture.
lanuiy orchard; 3 room house,
barn and chicken house. $4000
terms. '
20 acres all in cultivation, 7
room house, barn 24x36. first class
land, 10 acres in. clover, family or
chard; 7 miles from Salem, $5200
11 acres near Liberty, 9 acres
in cultivation, 2 acres good timber.
2 acres strawberries, 1 4 acres
logans, all in bearing; good house
and barn. $4000 will handle it.
102 acres, 77 in cultivation, 25
timber and pasture, 8 room house
and large new barn, first oia
soil well drained, on the Willam
ette river 4 miles from Salem on
a good gravel road. Price with
stock and equipment $22,000,
341 State street. . . n
1 room house right in town,
splendid business location at $6 -500.
.,Si00? house on Capitol street,
$1600. A corner.
6 room modern bungalow, 2 lots
on Shipping street. $1000.
4 room house and 2 lots, 21st
street, $2000.
6 room bungalow on 20th street
6 room house on 20th street $2,
750, terms.
House on Mill street.
5 room house on N. Commercial.
6 room bungalow on N. 5th
kitchen range, linoleum, all for
$3500. A lot and a half.
6 room bungalow on N. Church
at $3000.
Six room house, electric lights,
.u.uijicie uatn room, witn all fur
nirute. $3250.
7 room house south 16th street,
2 lots. $2000. $800 down. easv
7 room house. 3 lots, variety nf
fruit at $2500, easy payments.
0 room cottage 011 Center street.
garage. $4200.
7 room house modern in v-v
detail on Chemeketa street, in very
good condition throughout. Large
lot, garage. $6000.
room house and all furniture.
piano included, almost rieht down
town at $7000.
5 room bungalow, new. at $5000
8 room house and very attmrt.
ive grounds. This makes a huniiti-
jful home. Only $6000.
A bungalow commete in evert
detail, garage, laree fruit
chicken house, gas range and wa
ter heater, linoleum, porch shades
all for $6000, on paved street.
Modern flats very close in, $6000
A modern 6 room house snlen-
didly located close In at $8000
6 room house and 3 lots on a
corner; has garage and paved
4 room modern bungalow with
basement and furnace, nearly new
A snap at 12300. Terms.
6 room bungalow, modern except
basement and furnace, east front.
$2000. Some terms.
5 room cottage modern except
basement, east front, nice lot with
some fruit and garden spot, gar
age. $2100.
7 room residence built 7 years,
modern except basement. A snap
at $2704. Terms.
6 room residence at 966 Oak
street, large lot, in fine residence
section and close in. A bargain at
$2800. $1000 down, balance 6 per
7 room residence, modern except
turnace. lots of bearing fruit.
chicken park and green house, close
to car line. A fine buy at $2850;
half cash.
469 State St. Ground floor. n
20 acre tract, 5 ii acres of lo
gans, 12 aeres of Italian prunes,
some strawberries, family orch
ard, good S room bungalow, barn,
chicken house, well, 3ft miles
south. Price $18,500.
10 acre tract, good bungalow,
barn, well, 6ft acres bearing
prunes, family orchard. Price $5,
500, $3000 down.
7ft acre tract located on rock
road 3ft miles out, 4 acres culti
vated, balance timber and pasture,
good spring. Price $1700," $1000
49 acre farm, 44 acres cultivat
ed, balance timber and pasture,
good 6 room house and barn, fam
ily orchard, stock and machinery.
Price $10,500.
66 acre farm located Close in,
all cultivated, buildings. Price
$175 per acre.
63 acre farm 5V4 miles out.
good fruit and berry soil, nearly
all cultivated, some timber, 6
room house, barn, well. Price
240 acre farm, an cuiuvaiea.
good buildings, prairie solu Price
$100' per acre.
10 acres. 7 acres 01 logans,
good buildings, running water.
Price $10,500.
5 acres ce good logan or straw
berry soil all cultivated, located
miles soutn, -acnic iiibwJ'
Price $1600. Terms.
64 acre tract, all cultivated,
houee. Price $125 per acre.
10 acres of good bottom soil,
some cheap buildings. Price $2200,
$600 down, balance terms.
275 State street.
5 room bungalow, lot 60x150.
toilet, bath, lights, fireplace, built
in kitchen, bookcase and window
seats all for $2900 terms.
8 room house, lot 132x132, toilet
bath, lights, garage, chicken house,
large fruit trees, shade 1 block
from street car, and good rich soil
for a garden. Price $3800, terms.
6 room house, good location.
Price $2500, $500 down, and $20
per month. See this, and us.
8 room house on paved street
hasement. furnace. 2 toilets, bath,
lights, chicken house, 30 fruit trees
logans, raspherries, blackberries,
prunes, grapes, apples and cher
ries. One acre lot. This is Just the
place 1'ou are looking for, a real
home. Price $7000, terms.
7 room house, large lot, on pav
ed street, plastered, full basement,
furnace, toilet, bath, electric lights
gas, fireplace, all for $6000, terms
60 acres all in cultivation,
miles from Salem, fenced and cross
fenced with woven wire. Has fam
ily Orchard' and some logans; 4
room house and good barn. Price
$9500 cash $5000.
. 25 acres on the Silverton road,
close to Salem; all in crop; has
family orchard and some logans;
3 room house ana gooa uara.
Price $6000 cash $3500.
10 acres, best of soil, fenced, run
ning water, house, barn, horse, 2
No. 1 cows, 8 hogs, chickens, crops
feed $2250, half cash.
25 acres, good house, complete
set out buildings; S acres prunes,
some logans, some fctrawberries,
took, chicken, implement, automo
bile, half mile out $6000, terms.
10 acres, 3ft logans, house, barn,
stock, implements, close in, pave
ment; $7600, terms.
10 acres, 5 finest bearing logans,
6 in blackberries, close to school,
10 acres close to school, house,
barn, tools, implements, growing
crop, furniture, $2250. ,
,,40 acres, 1 bearing prunes
house, barn, 2 logans, 7 miles out,
118 acres, 25 bearing prunes,
modern improvements. 4 miles of
Salem, $5000 cash, balance crop
40 acres good berry land, all
cultivated, 4 tnlles of Salem, paved
road, $225 per acre; at school
half cash.
20 acres Howell prairie, good
improvements, pavement, $5800;
some terms.
40 acres, finest improvements,
new strictly modern 7 room bun
galow, garage, new barn, 20 in
fruit, pavement, 3 miles from
court house. 320.000.
644 acre well improved stock
ranch .well fenced. 3 miles out.
$25,000 $10,000 cash, balance 6
tier pent.
176 acres Kelser bottom, finest
berry or hop lands, fine for sub
division, close in. $160 per aero
12 acres Portland highway, close
In. fair buildings. 10 in fruit. $7,
500 will take some trade, or sell
$2500 cash, balance to ult.
238 acres, 140 cultivated, bal
ance pasture and timber, modern
Improvements, close In $70 per
acre, $10,000 cash, balance 6 per
160 acres. 100 cultivated, 60
timber pasture, 10 young prunes,
50 acres summer fallow and the
finest loganberry land, close to
Pacific highway; fair buildings; 7
miles from Salem. A snap, $125
per acre; for a short time only.
43 acres, 20 cultivated. Home
logans, some prunes, house, well
fenced; $7000 $3000 cash, bal
ance to suit; located on pavement.
7 miles of Salem.
20 acres, 6 acres bearing prunes
7 years old, good buildings, close
to school and church. 5 miles of
Salem, $14.000 half cash.
160 . acres, 60 bottom, balance
rolling, close to school and post of
fice; $5,000, $1000 cash, balance
to' suit. , -
30 acres fine cleared berry land.
50 rods from pavement, only $4.
500; $2000 cash, balance to suit
at 6 per cent.
341 State street. . n
7 room modern bungalow, oloa
in. paved street, basement, furn
ace. $4750; $2750 cash, balance tf
7 room strictly modern house
pavement, garage, fruit, at 1458
Court street, only $6300 half cast
8 room modern house, lot 76.
150 feet, finest soil, pavement, on
ly $3800, easy terms. See it at.
1670 S. High street.
16 room fine, well arranged
apartment house, finest location i
Bee It at 1030 Chemeketa; only
$12,000; some terms.
Finest finished house In tho
city; located on one of the
corners, finest modern equipment
throughout; 8 rooms and fall .Mwe.
ment. It must be seen to X P -predated;
very close, only $1B.OO
on easy 'terms. We hare lots or
cheaper houses If you want them.
Oive us a call.
341 State street. ' n
Water Company
fioe oorner uommwosi
Trade Sts. Bills payable a
Iv in advance. Phono W.
Federal Farm Loans.
Any amount. Long time.
6ft and 6 percent interest.
City building loans.
401 Masonic Temple.
FURNITURE New and Id hand,
bought and sold. Economy Auo
tion House. 404 Ferry St. Phono
Farm Loans
FARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment privilege
Very prompt service. Ask about
our 20 -year loans at percent.
Hawkins St Roberts, 80S Oregon
Bldg., Salem, Ore.
metrist-optictan, eyes thorough
ly examined, glasses mad an8
fitted. 510-18 U. a bank. Tel-
ephone 341.
Stove Repairing
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. SO
years' experience; Depot. Na
tional and American fence, alaea
26 to 68 inches high. Paint,
oil and varnishes, eta. logan
berry and hop hooka, Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 860
Court street. Phone 184.
WE will pay you more cash for
your household gooda Get our
bid before you sell. People'e
Furniture and Hardware store,
271 N. Commercial street. Phono
15 acres all in bearing prunes,
streets at $3800, $1S00 down, easy ' only 6ft miles from Salem at a
payments. 'price of only $8000 with $3000
A splendid investment in a lor I cash and crop payments on the
821,4x165 with 5 modern dwellings ' balance. This is an excellent place,
for $21,000, $7000 down, easy pay ! 5 acres ft mile from street car
WANTED Girl for general house
work. Write to Mrs. Ed W.
Mueller, Rickreall, Or. Rt. 2, box
69. g2-'5
6 acres. with buildings, 3 miles
out, acre each of berries and
prunes, bearing; all cultivated.
$3150. Terms.
10 acres new land with build
ings, 6 miles out. 3 acres bearing
logans, 1-3 acre of strawberries.
Fine property.
5 acres bearing logans with
small buildings, near Mr line.
118 acres, 25 acres 8 year wal
nuts, fine place, mile from good
town. $100 per acre with good
210 Oregon bldg. 1)225''
Max O. Buren.
need suit cases.
179 N. Com'l. e
LESS HELP NEEDED if you ,iave
a Perfection Oil Cook Stove.
Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com'l. g
FOR SALE Best dry wood. Phone
1678W. T ee245
WANTED Dairyman,
good milker. Phone
6, box 34.
must be
38F15, Rt.
WANTED Chambermaid at once
Capital Hotel, apply in person.
9 ROOM house best location In the
city, near state house, corner
lot, extra large; beautiful shrub
bery and fruit trees, cement sit
walk, paved streets, basement,
furnace, garage; Just the place
to keep a few roomers at a good
rental; house is well construct
ed and looks good. Immediate
possession. Price for quick sale
$5000, $2000 down. Barber and
Pearson. 200 Gray bldg. Phone
790. a
6 room house on S. Winter street
$3150, $1000 down. $25 per month.
9 room house on N. Commercial
street, lot 82ftxl65, all kinds o
fruit, furnace, fireplace and base
ment, $10,000.
7 room house on N. Cottage St.
splendidly located.
Beautiful home on N. Cottage
street, large lot, much fruit, 3
garages, $15,000.
Modern in every way. 8 room
house on N. Capitol street for on
ly a few days at $5000. ,
One of Salem's most beautiful
ly located lots. Lots in this local
ity have sold at $7500. This house
and lot and lots of fruit to be sold
at $6500.
A splendid corner on N. Cottage
street and 7 room house at $6500.
. -A splendid investment in a large
apartment house 9 complete apts.
You are able to net 25 percent on
your investment. Close in at $!
Lots on Church street, on Va
ter street, on D street, on Capitol
street, and on N. 20th street for
This wonderful 90 acre farm
has 14 acres of cherries, 14 acref
of prunes, much other fruit, all
crop are yours if bought within a
short time. This farm is mo
beautifully located, has all neces
sary buildings. Will take home In
23 acres near Zena. Is complete
and buildings all in good condition.
Good soil for $5500.
10 acres in fruit tract
today at $2700, with buildings.
20 acre tract near St. Louis, a
small building, peach orchard, it
100 acres near Macleay at $150
an acre.
Other tracts of .land and many
other houses for sale. Kindly call
at 4 92 N. Cottage St. Phone US
line one acre bearing prunes. I
acres bearing logans. Price $4700
cash $2500.
33 ft acres all In cultivation, on
ly 8 miles out on graveled road;
5 acres pears and apples, bear
lng? 6 room house, barn and oth
er outbuildings. Price $7000 cash
$4000. Let us show you this.
or hunting houses.
How would you like to be buy
ing a home with your $10 to $50
a month instead of buying gas for
We have some homes for sale on
easy terms at cost and less than
cost, you haven't seen them either.
$1650 $500 down buys a good
liveable 7 room home with new
roof, plumbing, wiring large lot
66x132 12 large fruit trees main
car line.
$2000 $760 down for old six
room house with large lot and
fruit on main car and pavement.
$2600 $800 down takes brand
new strictly modern 4 room home
with large porch, dutch kitchen,
plastered, wired, fine bath, high
lot, east front, near school.
$2650 $900 down for strictly
modern 5 rooms with fireplace.
$2800 $1100 down takes 6
room bungalow with 2 large lots.
$3500 $500 down for wonder In
4 room class with basement and
$3800 $1000 down buys a large
east front, corner home, very close
in, with cement basement, gas.
porch, shade, car line.
Around $4200 to $6000 we can
show a dozen you can comb over.
We can show homes for less.
205 U. S. Natl bank bldg. Phone
161. n
5 room bungalow, basement, two
lots, paved street, east front. Price
K room modern bungalow except
basement and furnace, paved street
east front, several beautiful shade
trees. Price $4260.
k room bungalow. fireplace
basement, complete built in kitch
en in white enamel, lots of built
in work. Price $3200. Terms.
6 room home, basement, furn
ace, two fireplaces, gas and elec
tric liehts. large corner lot, paved
street, on car line. Price $4500.
This is a real buy, let us show you
before it is sold.
6 room house and garage, cor
ner lot located on "Summer street,
close in. Price $3200. $1700 cash,
balance $25 per month, interest
6 room house at 960 Union St.
Price $2200, ft cash balance terms
8 room house with modern con
veniences, corner lot, paved street,
garage .plenty of fruit. Located
three blocks from state house.
Price $5250.
6 room modern bungalow, large
corner lot, garage, fine fireplace,
built in work. Located on S. Com
mercial St. Price $6150. Terms.
7 room modern house, full ce
ment basement, fireplace, sleeping
porch, furnace and fine garage. Lo
cated close In on Saginaw St. Price
We have several 5 room bun
galows now under construction.
Plastered, bath, toilet, electric
lights, concrete foundation. Price
$2300, $260 cash, balance $25 per
month. Interest 7 percent. See
these before they are sold.
276 State St. a
The Markets
6 room cottage. 2 fine lots, good
location near carllne, $1450.
Good large modern 8 room house
basement, barn, 3 fine lots, ber
ries, fruit, paved street, nice loca
tion. $4200, terms.
6 room plastered cottage, base
ment, barn, 4 fine lots, orchard.
16 acres 3 miles out. paved road,
half In cultivation, good new 6
room house, barn, bearing prune
and cherry orchard. $6000.
40 acre farm 3 miles out, 30
acres in cultivation, 2 sets farm
buildings, 6 acres orchard and
berries, fine location, for sale or
exchange city property.
Highly improved 5 acre tract
close in, fine home, $5000.
Rooming house close In, mon
ey maker; will pay 100 percent on
Phone 907 n
Osteopathic physicians and sur
geons. 506 U. S. bank building
Phone 859. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall
residence phone 834.
San Francisco has more tele- j DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, osteopathic
phones in proportion to population 1 physician and surgeon. 403-4
than any other large city.
Oregon bldg. Res. phone 68F5.'
Jeff figured to poet Tennyson had nothi ng on this guy.
Copyright 1920 by
Trade mark Reg. 17.
mostly mnrtorn
h , """on. fine lo
",h em, jfaved
from fT,.. IK- few
! Sk :-,m- "00 down
earner .v
bldg. Phone
I W TiREb OF BE in O
poeTRt THAT wit-L
0 room
of iQ.a" acr f sronrd
n.LJV'W full bearinir'
WT:. . Prune raspber-
""'ifaw, OOIJ Burden
MUTT, t'N GomnA
MAKE 01-0
awakes pe At?e
VvKlTTfiM. J
THC RALL-f . THEt tier
- .- DT 1 M in
IN FACt, A"---
BuT, mvtT
. CLE UNt :
pa . on a twver,
w 211" llnf' all for 11.
" mam
(to,? fcave
!ri?5 SUte
farms with
t'tiyers waiting
of property.
rih. ,
H. C. FiKher
B. Pat. Office
: r-s-! 1
I -rUvT't ii ifnS 1 . 1 r. I
Bw'- MU ' classics AftetVT &ASHE& . mrrr . ' -
-Z ,.- - m p,.m K
vd . .1 I - - Taaer" VJ 1 I m ' S r ' BBBBBBBB 1 I 7 . aBBBBL BBBBBV C - 9 aBBBBBBB- I Z tmm BBBBBhr - M BkMWBBBBt. J - t
S.V . j. . -".YJirm.. ) . VJL V " '.ami -ti-.-l aaam a !i . .faaBBaaTC'--- JT mw & ! immr- " 1 BBBBBBi m
Grain: Wheat No. 1 $2.05 02.1
feed oats 70375c; oueat hay 3X7
18; oat hay $2031; clover hay
$2022; mill run t3 ton.
Butterfat: Butterfat 680; cream
ery butter 68 680.
Pork, veal and mutton: Pork
on foot DiV-jc; veal fancy l88o
steers 8 Vic; spring lambs Mi OOWS
6V10; ewes, i o; sheep, yearling
Eggs and poultry: Itv oaab
53c; light hens 18 20c; heavy
rens 24s; old roosters 18o; broil
ers 24c over two pound.
Vegetables: Walla Walla onions
per sack, 32.00; beets per aaok
$2.00; turnips per sack $3.11; ear-'
rots per sack $3.50; parsnips per
sack $3.50; malaga grapee 11c lb;
casabas $c; watermelon l4c;
potatoes 2 V4c; sweet potatoes 6Vi
7c; bunch beets 45c; cabbage 2c;
head lettuce 60c doz; tomatoes 90c
cantaloupes pony $2; standard
$2.50 Honeydevv $1.40 crate, flat
crate $1.00; watermelons $1.76;
casabas 314 c; green peppers 10c;
carrots $1.50 sack; Ice cream mel
on 2 He
Fruit: Oranges $8.50; lemons
$5.50; bananas Kllic; honey ex
tract 20c; peaches. Salway fl.00;
grapes 11c.
Retail prices: Eggs 60c; cream
ery butter 73 75c; country butter
65c; flour, hard wheat, $8,509
3.76; soft wheat $393.10.
Portland, Or., Sept. 20. Cattle
Hteady; receipts 2944; choice grassi
steers $9.26 & 10.00; good to choice
$8.26 & 9.25; medium to good $7.25
8.25; fair to good $6.757.25;
commont o fair $6.00(8.75; choice
cows and heifers $7.25g$8.e.; good
to choice $6.257.25; medium to
good $5.25 igi 6.25 ; fair to medium
$4.25 (g 5.25 ; canners $2.7604.85;
bulls $6. 0006.00; choice dairy
calves $13.00 015.60; prime light
calves $11.00313.00; medium light
$9.00011.00; heavy $7.00 0 8.00;
best feeders $6.5007.00; fair to
good $5.5006.50.
Hogs. hiKher; receipts 694;
in line mixed $1 9. 5 0 !& 20.00; medi
um $18.75019.25; smooth heavy
I 7.50 fe' 18.00; rough heavy $15,500
17.50; plgg $14.50W 18.00.
Sheep, lower; receipts 2590;
prime lambs $8.50 010.50; culls
$6.00(R 8.50; yearling! $6.5007.50;
wethers $6(6.50; ewes $2.2506.00.
Portland, Or., Sept. 20. Butter
steady, cubes extra 6 1 62c;parch
mentwrapped box lots 8c; cartons
67c; half boxes Vic more, leas than
H boxes lc more.
No. 1 churning cream butterfat
68c f o b Portland; under grades
Mlllstuffs: Mill run $5806t.
Hay: Buying price, timothy $3f
fob; alfalfa $25; grain $31; clov
er $18021.
Poultry and Kgics.
Portland, Or., Sept. 20. Egga ,
selling price. case count. Me;
buying price 53c; selling price
candled 60c; selected candled In
carton 62 0 65c; cold storage f$c.
Poultry, hens 20 031c lb; broil
ers 30032c; old roosters ltc; tar
keys 50 052c; geese 18o; ducks
Wheat: $2.40 sort. $3.85 hard,
bushel; barley feed $60; oats $4S0
47: corn No. 3 yellow $640:
scratch feed $87 0 88.
Miss Mabel David of McVTnn-
vlle. has been chtfti to teach in.'
th.' fcniiir bich school at Wllla-
Rains are proving harmful to
ranchers In Cook county who have
not stacked their second crop of
ha Hundreds of tons are mil!
on the ground.
Three new structures have
.-reeled .,n the Lane county fair
mounds. Kven with the additional ,
iparo provided, all stock OtailaH
have I" engaged.
Negotiations are reported to bo
penuing at Klamath Kails for the
merging of three banks. UmWt
oomMiwilon would be the largest
bank In the state n.rside of Portland.
1 1
" cars at your
- 1 . , , . 1 . - 1
IWI ' . -