Vednesday, September 8, 1920 Capital Journal Vunes Here To Bring Growers Near 2 Million Approximately 16,000.000 pounds : prunes which, at ten cents a uud -the lowest price 'estimated buyers will bring glowers In e vicinity of Salem 1 1.600,000 11 he dried here this fall proml nt local brokers opined this irninjj. At 1 'i cent, the avOrage Ice paid last .year, the prunes uld be wor h in Ihe neighbor od of $2,560,000. Th crop near Salem, buyers said, 11 he far superior in quantity id quality this year than it has en for many seasons. In the orthwest, 50,000000 pound! Ot lines will be naaiea, it is oe--ived. Loc i I handlers hesitate in spceu tint; concerning the market, hlch has not yet opened, but they ?ree that it will be comparatively eak this year. Jobbers, who re ived r hard wallop while spar ing; in the sugar market, are not lrticularly interested In buying. Is said. Prune pickers in this vicinity will ldoubtedly receive less money per ushel this year than last, buyers ifreed. This, they say, is natural 1 this season's crop is far superior, nd will be much more easily hand- id, than was that of last hlle pickers of last year aid about 12 cents a bushel, ill receive about ten cents "ill, it is stated. the liaker hotel at Turner. Asher I is being held in the Mulnomah county Jail at Portland, facing other charges from that county I Several secret indictments are , also pending. Prosecutor Heltzel announces that individuals who I Haye h.-on bound over to the grand Jury and who have furnished bail will not he included in Tuesday's Investigation. Members of the grand jury are J. P. Steiwer, route I, Jefferson; Joseph .McDonald, St. TOul; .1. A. Bernardl, 458 Soulh High street, Salem. Anton Chrisiensen, I'air (rounds, Salem: VV. Wfr Neal. route 1. Sublimity; Charles R. Gellan, route 5, AUrora; U". II. liroylcs, Wood burn. -Marshfi the navy di rinc chaser to use as a to its fire 1 Actress Wife Is Suing for Divorce County Court Proceedings Tut'Veng. Q Mollwain, truck ha Bradley, A , scraping Lester, driving uling material. K, moving sand year, were Ihev I this ' Grand Jury Is , Scheduled to Adjourn Soon Willi several important cases to considered, the Marlon county and Jurv will convene Tuesday, ptember 14 at, 1030 p. m. This .as announced Tuesday by District ttornev .lames C Heltzel The case of the State against B, '. Davles is one of the important ises scheduled for Investigation v the jurymen. Davles, who ap eared in Department No. 1, while acing a civil action, created a fur re recently by swallowing a scrap t paper bearing a signature alleg d to have been forged by hhn Aftre strenuous efforts by the terit'f and the county physician, iavies disgorged the incriminating vldence which will constitute a ortion of the evidence to be .rought against him. Davies will 'ace forgery charges in connection vith a note for $1500 which he lalmed was made out to him byt als wife, but which is declared to iave been a forgery. The second case for considcra iton by the jurymen is the action f the State of Oregon against Lloyd avker. who is held in the Marion 1 ounty jail under charges of lar env from a building. With Al bert Asher Parker Is alleged to lleged to have stolen a trunk from ' w - - iH Hktkik. s 3MH for Wmm aKaKaKaKaKaW H iff- M, - 1 r frh ijmligiiiiBli LLk 1 fW41raP Co, Kay U for The. bids rd Abstrn bids, t. The, gravel Larmer ildw tools, etc Kelly, Hoy O, lumber Daily Capital journal. pub notice bonds UHly Record ' .notice for ullng Record-Abstract, The. notice lor bids, road bands Men, Carl, checkoiaii at bunkers cc. inglily .Machinery Co., scraper isher. Phillip, emery gi ind- 6.00 20.00 X.S5 ng.Bj 4.041 14.00 ill 114. 75 190.69 111.00 12.50 98.85 Many secret9 you will find revealed in the green box of Nadine Face Powder They are secrets which every wnmin would solve secrets of personal charm. The secret of a rose-petal com plexion -N A D 1 N E 'S gift to womanhood. The secret of lasting charm charm which endures through out the day. The secret of skin-comfort with never a hint of harm. To you, as to a million others, intimate secrets. You can procure NADINE from your favorite tonei sumuw or by mail 60c. NATIONAL TOILET CO., Psrit, Tens., U. S. A ' by Daniel ,T. Fry, whole md retail; Neiineyer Drug 'nd other toilet counters. (adv) JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT Capital Journal Classified Ads Bring Direct Results. Nervous Breakdown "I am so nervous it seems as though I should fly" "My nerves are all on edge" "I wish I were dead." How often have we heard these expressions or others quite as extravagant from seme loved one who has been brought to this state by some female trouble which has slowly developed until the nerves can no longer stand up under it. No woman should allow herself to drift into this condition without giving that good old-fashioned root and herb remedy Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. Read the Letters of These Two Women. Minneapolis,Minn. "I was run down North East, Mil. " I was in ill health four or five years and doctored with one doctor sifter another but nona helped me. I was irregular and had such terrible pain in my back, lower part of my body and down each side that I had to go to bed throe or four days every month. I wan very nervous, tired, could not si epand could not eat without getting stele A friend asked me to take Lydia K. Pinkhain's Vege table Compound and I am sorry I did not lake it sooner for it has helped me wonderfully. I don't have to go to bed with the pain, can eat wilhout being eiok and have more strength. I recom mend your medicine and you are at liberty to publish my testimonial." Ei.izAmmi Wbaver, Tt. If. 2, North and nervous, could no restat night and was more ureu in me morning than when I went to bed. I have two chil dren, the youngest three months old and it was drudgery to care for them as I felt so irritable and generally worn out. From lack of rest and apjvtito my baby did not get enough nourish ment from my milk so I started to give him t wo boule feedings a day. After taking three bottles of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable ( ompoilnd I felt liko a new woman, full of life and energy. It is a pleasure to care for my children, and I am very happy with them and feel fine. I nurse my baby exclusively again, and can't say too much for your medicine." Mrs. A. L Miller, M$3 E. 4th St., Minneapolis, Minn. East, Md. Nervous, Ailing Women Should Rely Upon FBI I Pi i I LVOIA . PINK HAW MEDICINE CO. I Herren, .1 II. chaining KinK. Elmer D, crushing rock 11 94. 0.1 Mi'hl, olirt J. PurveyiiiK, etc 69.75 Monitor Lumber Co., lumber 197.20 iregon Statesman, notice for bills tor gravel hauling.." Oregon Stat exman, notice for ills road bonds 10. SO lent Hardware Co., Spade and ave hill 1.15 leni Sand & Gravel Co, sand and gravel 819.60 a Hiding Logging Co, Chas K, grade stakes "rohat, c 1) and Grimra, 1C H, hauling gravel 449 ilishop, .lames, spreading gravel Klaus. A II, laying tile iVebert Louis, Laying tile,- for bids 4.30 'lli'i-kmiin, Chester, repair work on (rucks ... 177.53 Horrick, B H, use of car ' posting notices 1 llotho, Win, clearing light of way Hunt, 1 J, gravel Johnson, V O, deputy roail mater, salary and ex- pennes ...... Ijudaon, Leonard It, operat inf roller, elc .'. Lambert, L S, deputy road master, salary and ex penses .-..A Linde Air Products Cbm-pany-Pacific coast, oxy gen gas, elc Mehl, Hert .1, making maps i .1 oores & Co, Koss K, en velopes , I Oregon (ira vel Co, ijruvel, and, etc , Oregon (Sates Highway Com mission,' truck repairs .... I'.icific Tel & Tel Co. The. phone and calls in road- ' mii'ter's off Pocifie Tel & Tel Co. The lone atvd calls fur tool house v Patton Bros, memo book, pencils, etc ! Pearce ; Son, tot L coal oil , Porter, A It, operating B. Vista ferry, etc ! Portland Ry Light & Power it pav plant, f8,80 100.00 77.L-0 (1.17 20.U'5 8.06 1 30.40 3.30 Ml 1.90 1.16 8 5.00 i III. 00 i ii. on 1 1.(I0 10.011 10.00 1.00 S.0I) 20.00 power 12.50 ! 1 - ,' I .33 18.00 -4.00 ! The. Inc. A C, patrolman l' grade work ... .Mores do W .1, shoveling stuff, etc Clark, .1 D, grade work Cromwell, I) B, grade work, etc : Davis VV -M. raking hot stuff ! Dawson, Ralph,' driving truck, etc Bmpey, I .M, grade work.. i Hall, Dave B, shoveling hot rtuff j lleren Thomas, rock I Kerns, ESarl .grade work.... j Is lien. L A hauling asphalt Lewis, B, grade work 101.00 Likel, .1 V, do 8.00 I filpp, B S, foreman grade j crew 0very, Harry, work 1 ":i-"nicvt, etc .' ... , Vtellwain, Wm, helping j 'M'"rnon! etc B, grade, work lira, raking on lay 85.00 109.69 32.38 68.38 83.72 25.80 89.00 222.25 182.00 12.50 L 102.10 40.00 hot . 121.10 iljn, grade work ... 101.00 A. do 36.00 Blic shoveling hot 98.72 . 150.00 rolieriiian .. raiting hot Irvine, shoveling hot ' I m M'Mrh vlariii. HtUf .. ' I iii 'er, . '"derson Rowland, i tuff .. 'it'o ml. r Pade, Henery i'nff Wager, stuff Watson, Dave, grading gang etc Whitney B .1, shoveling hot stuff, etc Wilson, S B, shoveling dirt Road Roller Repair Account. Bart ruff, Errlck, wood 225.75 Buffalo Roller . Sales Co., rear roller and repairs ... Canfield, h W, moving rol ler, etc .: pital Junk Co., shaft Chapman, .James, operat ing roller Bail, H L, oil cup, etc armer Hdw Co, Ray L, repairs and supplies lorgensen, Ira. repair work Road Builder's equipment Co, pinion ACOt. Joint Willi Linn Co. Cunningham, George, work at ferry landing Giggey, B, operating N. Snn- tian ferry Kelly, L D. lumber for ile- Ixi ma bridge irker ,4 BanfleUl payment on Mehama bridge work.. aimsrm ftiore service, iiuinn .52 S2.S0 4.24 9.75 1 19. 6B 69.39 .1.01 128.60 98.22 58.13 70.93 10.00 12.00 2.50 167.00 .20 21.65 8.00 40.80 4.00 25.00 393.99 .1.40 1.40 1.20 4.75 1.40 2.75 d.s 1.40 1.50 2.15 1.50 1 5.00 15.00 1 2.50 15.00 17.50 25.00 do- do. Co, etc 46i5l est O-Lite Co, freight on cyl Salem Sand Gravel Co, gravel Siuem Water, Light & Pow er Co. water at tool house Scott, Harry W, oil, etc for 12.00 1 rnotorcvcle , 1 08.50 j Smith, B R, motorcycle dep- 101.38 uty sheriff 52.75 Spaulding Logging Co, Chas hot I K- lumber 10.00 i State Industrial Accident 8.00 I Commission, accident ins contribution Swart, H S, deputy roadmas- ter, sal and cxp 161.10 Valley Motor Co, repairing Pord, etc 153.87 ! Welesenfels tiros, repair work, supplies, (;tc 153.87 Weissenfcls Bros., repair work, supplies, etc 71.20 '.Viggin, II II, balance due hauling wood Il'O.OO Qoulet, VV" H, co com salary and expenses 109.00 Muni, J T, eo com salary and expenses ; GJONKHAI, I'VNl). MiSCCllnneous Accoimts. Bd wards, Lawrence A, boun ty on gophers, etc Oaastain, Warren, do Aufranc, Bmlle, do Btzel, J H, do Wodz'.'woda, oJe, do Smith, M B, do L'inke Hernia n, do Porter, Clay, do MftlMt, G W, do Smith, Russel, do Barnes Letta M, relief Branam, Emma R, do Buroh, Lillie B, do ... 'opnock, Lulu, do Garren, Alvirn Annie Gibson, Gussie, do Harmon, Ella (I, do 20.00 Harper Clara, do 7.50 Kliewer, Minnie Myrtle, do 17.50 McGrath, Etta, do 10.00 Seeger, Mary, do 17.50 851.80 i-'hields Berniee May, do 10.00 jSlavens, Blanche Elizabeth.. 17.80 Whedbee, Emma, do Van Nuys, C E, bounty on gophers, etc Pickens, Pearl, do Downing, Clarence, do Rolbe, Rudolph, do ''orrette Bniil, do Peters, eHnry, do Bahnsen, Mrs. eGorge Sterling, J H, do ... Zielaskowski, Edward, Kicnardson, o s, do Lukinbel, Edward, do Lindholm Elmo, do Tate, Thos K do Ekin, Maud, relief 280.58 I Holley, Flora L, do Pohlschr.elder, B, bounty on gophers, etc Brohmader, J K, do Dittcr, Mrs Jos A. do Darst, C P, do McNeil, Jerome, do Tweed Edgar, do Gucrin, A L, do Dozler, Walter, do Heiijum, Karl, do falklngton Cora M, bailiff. Benedict, Mike, bounty on gophers, etc Breltenstein, J B, do Patzer, Gustave, do Bery, Alva, do Town.send, M E, do Winell Conrad, do V Griebenow, Paul, bounty on gophers, etc Schafer. Alfred, do Schultz, Lillie, do Bliegel, Rudolph, dp Pearson, B. do Pearson Mervin, do Zimmerman. A E, do McAllister, V J, do Richardson, O S, do Russel Kenneth, do .... Gamble, R C. do ZZ Ewmlt, Harold P, do Miller, Mrs. Frank, do Hatchet Wm A, do 1 Burkhart. Juli 1. do 11.25 iKeefer, Royal, do ! Zager. Bred, do 21.00 ! Schulze, C B, do 18.00 j Moullet, Alhert, do 6.75 j Prantl, Frank, do " dickers Frank, do Loose, Victor B. do Loose, Cecil W, do . .. '. Inline Acooentt. Cashatt. C B. examination Myrd. W H, do Beauchamp, H A, do Smith. W Carlton, do iv rd, R 1). examination 2.25 i Cashatt, C B. do j VIcIlfresh, I M. bounty on 81.60 gophers Amar.n, W .1, dot niaco. Wavne, do Blaco, Bldon, do Cochran. E B. do - Shepherd Elvin U do Haverson. Walter, do Setnes, Hard, do McKay. Maxwell W, do .Moulding Chester, bounty on gophers, etc Larson. Kd, do Sterling. J H, do storage of I vurx, A O, do I'iMir Amimn. Armstrong, tleorge W, je- lief 8kM W A. do Barker. J F, do Barrier. Mr and Mrs, do Engelhurt, Mrs Anna, do I'el si h, Kmlly. do 'oster, Mrs, do lidden. J H. do 'iobin Llzetle, do Groshong, Mrs .1 N, do Haggard, Delia, do Hardwick, Charles, 1 , Haynes Mrs Caroline, do j'l-Ienry, Mrs olive , doi. ! rwln. W L. rtlief tf ii- Lela Cook and Mi ll'ord Conk Knott, Melvina. Mrs, relief J L1111 1 z, Catherine, do j La Rose, eGo, relief for self and Amanda La Rose i Leatherwood, Mrs Winnie I re Hot Llieier, Steve Jr, relief for self and mother Lnnn. Mrs O C, relief . Mack, E A, do ; McLeod. Mrs BUa, do Millar, Mis Winnie, relief i for eGo A I loilginau Miller, Mrs Vina H, relief.. j Miracle, Mrs A. do Newton, O D, do Old Peoples' Home relief for Mrs Julia D Hurle! 'edersen. (Men. relief : 'onto". Liul-ie, relief for Harry Penton : 'lunll, John .1. relief i Reiuhare. Rosajla, do ! Renick. Mrs W M. do Schmidt. Peter, do SehwinKler, Marv, do .''.mnions Anna May, do .... Skoog, Mrs Albert, do Smith, A H, do Sridderly, Mora, lo Stripling Hulda. do 1 Thompson, Mrs S, do I Wait, Gertrude, Mrs, relief for Clarence P Miller. . Wanless, Gilmer, relief Wells, H A, do i Wharton, Ella, do ; Williams Alice, do i Woolery. Nellie B, do Salaries Sheriff's office i Bower, O D. deputy sheriff Ills. 00 Lewis, C A, do, 115.00 liutler. S J do 10 mi ii7T" ""M'. li-nlT 20.00 11 '' An 1 5.(10 ;l''(.hl ,. 1 ' .Ml I -'.0(1 IV11UZ. 10.00 I'hlllii,, i "1 An...,? Vi . "'M Kelley , , "i f H'th 1 i..., Unfile Cii'rlor, 20.00 1 11.00 1 5.0fl 1 0.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Kirk ,.,."1'0 i,,,-Tl He Lorn, ' '" 1111. II M . "n, oe i..,;'' '".il' vs, I. w 'il'H'in I'linih, Ro.wlaaj 0 (i, Will", BL.d.1 (! I! .00 10.00 1 0.00 H.II0 15.00 I 3.00 ,. ."R1 1 ' ii. 1 e ;.,. m I. ' . M p. . . '' M I !..,...,. ''' "' "11 .111 in ,ln .in, 1 Mingmeea, G II, dn l.'HIBIlecil. l .71 M1"l. ,. "'1 2.50 5.00 0.00 S.00 0.011 ebold. I 00.110 1 10.00 95.00 100.00 85.00 75.00 7 7.02 95.00 1)0.00 5.65 70.00 4 0.66 i's Office. V. deputy 100.00 110.00 Till. wo 90.00 110.00 52.26 IMI. 1)0 10.00 2.40 2.90 4.05 1.10 2.40 1.40 3.05 2.50 1.50 16.85 2.10 1.65 11.90 25.00 I 10.00 E, tax clerk Clerk's Office. Hefrick AV A, deputy eoounfy clerk , Arms, A M, do j Ellis, C R, do I Wallace. Ruth B, do ."'alt" K '.!'"" clerk Marshall. Katherlne. ,i0 Itecoi ilo.-'s orricc. I Savage, Helen, deputy n corder I Webb, Vera, do ; Edmundson, Mur; i. c erk Jans, Iaurel, do Knox, lpha, do Treamart Richardson VV treasiirer Assessor's Office. Shelton, R, deputy assessor Brown, Vivian, clerk I Keefe, Irene, do ' West, G K, clerk McDuniel, Delilah, do I west, Mb'ei c, do Court House Acet. j Morgan Cal, janitor Chillies, J W, do Ilobson, L, do School Suptr Office. Ri id, Cora, clerk Bulkerson, Mai jr L. supervi sor ...... Poor Account Cont'd Byrd, Roy D, county physi cian Jackson, Hatlic M. special officer stock Inspector. .Morehouse, W G, county vet inarlan ellallh Officer. Cashatt,. C E, health officer cSaler of Weights & cMasuii Joner, J F, salary and ex penses 5 Co. Court anil Coinniissioiicis. Goulet, W H, County com missioner salary and ex penses 57.60 Hunt, J T, do S9.45 Registration anil Elections. Humphrey, eGo VV, brihg'ng ballot boxes 2.50 Rogers Paper Co, envelopes 28.50 Salem Hardware Co. nails .. 2.30 Expenses Sheriff's office. Mllll' v!, ( ., l.,"ttlM "' wm, w1 1 a.vtt , ii'i'iwiiiKl, K n- 1 "II fill .u:l , . -....uuiij in mqjj 1 1 ic ip.arui. de'J "11 111, 1 r'i.,i. . .. " -'""" p"'"s... ,1 11. ivj, '"'".11 ni .10113 j j Clough, A M ivs 'le'Uh nf eOoriK J 1 nil. 11 11 1 viougn, a y 'J"th of Mnry ja : HOU Clough, A si. m 1 011.00 1 05.00 75.00 33.60 5(1.00 03 Co, Itini- .55 .50 S.22 14.00 I 2.00 I 7.50 1 7.00 j 4.00 7.00 14.00 24.00 6.25 I 315.00 131.73 ! 7.50 j 00 12.00 i leathers Champ Son, S H, nails.. Lilly Hdw Co, powder, fuse, caps, etc Begin John, hauling poles etc Zimmerman, John, work on grade Chain), Steeve, blasting Dixon, Issaae, A, grading, etc :...!...'..' Windsor, Carl, picking rock Boge, G, work on fence, etc Loose, w H, patrolman Albany Iron Works, ferry trolley, etc Beebe Company, the, oakum Brown-Petzel Lumber Co, lumber Hammond Lunibe ber . : Canning, R a, hauling lum ber Champ, Steve, blasting rock Davidson. Dave, Mehama fer ry and bridge work I Havei land, c J, Mehama I ferry ork Hays, R M, do 24.00 Htatt, Amos, do 16 60 I Johnston, J H, hauling lum- I oer i Kean eGo K. Mehama rv work Levrich, A W, do Mercer. D H. hauling lbr.. ; Trask. B B, hauling timbers : Trask, L N, do ! Daily Capital Journal, bids Daily Capital oJurnal, The bids for lumber Davidson, W F, repairing b' idge Kirk, R E, mails Oregon statesman, bids for lumber Spaulding Logging Co, Chas K, lumber J Van Dyke. Theo, hauled I n'nk,.etc Vamhill Electric Co. New- berg bridge lights Miscellaneous Accounts. Vshhy.. Claude C, foreman at tool house 133.28 Vssociatcd Oil Co, script ' j books and distillate 1006.91 , ".irdwell. VV S. running roller, etc 167.;5 I Bliss, F VV. curtain for Ford Brey, eGo E, 8.5 0 3.05 1.55 11.75 4.45 -1.65 1.00 6.00 ! 2.85 j 39.00 1.90 2.60 2.00 1.35 3.00 I 3.55 i 1.50 3.85 5.90 1.50 4.25 1.05 1.20 j Z. DO 10.00 6.35 I 6.45 ' 1.90 j 3.40 10.55 ; 1.70 ! Wedharn, V I, auto hire .... Needham, W I, stamps Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The, phone and calls Patton Tiros, paper and pen oils Portland Railway, Light and Power Co, light Rowland Prlnt'g Co, stain li ed envelopes 31ms, Paul M, rent typewrit er, etc Clerk's Office. Boyer, U G, adv for stamps Hauser Bros, pencil sharp ener Pacific Tel & Tel Co. The, phone and calls Rogers Paper Co, binding and lettering Itee inter's Office. Brooks, Mildred R. stamps.. Pacific Tel Tel Co, The, phone Patton Bros, eraser and oil Treasurer's Office. Drager, 1.) G. adv for box rent in vault fer- Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The, phone and calls Surveyor's office. "rederick Post Co, the, blue print .cloth 2.50 ! "ax ivuner co. LutKins tape 2.30 I Claim Plats. 1 jj mail, etsrt j, reptating 110- 6.00 12.50 2.25 ! 11.00 6.02 1 12.00 4.13 wod 50.00 Capital Journal, The. no tices for bids g.10 Casotlt. Frank E, hauled material, etc 121.88 Culver. W J. roadmaster. ealarv and exKnses 288.05 "ulrer VV J, adv for freight. etc 4.71 Kimogalla. F A. hauling material, etc 136.56 Bimer, John W, tools, re pairs, etc Farmer Hdw Co, ray I supplies for tool house . . ;esner. C N, miscel work Jilnier. John W. helped haul 1.70 3.20 7.35 8.86 1.10 5.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.65 1.60 .18o 1.30 4.25 1.85 3.00 2.95 4.20 2.35 4.10 3.55 8.55 i: 2. M 50.00 W.00 15.00 12.00 10.00 30.00 nation land claims plat Assessor's Office. 3am forth, 0.II111, deputy us- I sessor I Mutton, E E. do Pacific Tel A Tel Co. The. I phone and calls Patton Bros, eraser, pens, pencils, etc R tgera Paper Co, twine and paper ; District Attorney. I'Garhart, Hazeile. stenogra pher Henlzel, Jas G, deputy dis trict attorney Comity CoOti and Com. Capital Journal, The. pub lishing claim docket 109.76 3rgori iSatesman. do 100. 1C Pacific Tel Tel Co, The. phone and calls Court House Accouuts. Hauser Bros, key eurttead Railway, Light & Power Co, lights Rogers Paper Co, one case toilet paper rtlem Hardware Co. wash ers, oil, elc Salem Ice Company, ice SiJem Water Light Powtr Co, water service death o( Rlchnnli ( tough, A M, oeath of John I t ,, , mvni n jurotil .1 Leonwdi Kdgar, p w, do ... " Mover, ,1 H. do Perlich, Ren 3, do 'Mllsnn. J ), fM k"fo .1 N. do Slelner, l)r R Eld nees 1 Lane. Li M, do: Plevent, It A. do Sinipsw, J C. do Patton, Karnes I!, it. Bnnls, Vv F, do .... Taylor, H 0, do... Martin, Jessie SI, Sol Wright, S U, do . Evans, l)r J C, do . Ross, I) K, do . Looney Dr VV VV, M Irvin, W J, do .... I'ettitt, W A, do . Stone, S A, do . Clough, A 51, inva death of Nlwtai It'll Clough, A M, inve death of Lois Iela8 it mi Clnugh, A M, invert death of Angus! M Insane .) .Miller, A, bringing 9 llrown to Salem .. School Suiwliiti Capital Journal, The,1! paper Commercial Book The. 53 sections t .use. FulkeMMi Miry Ui r"unt le ietiers' eO i.-nUjerrrah, Mart I .'t.e':l'':'. 'Ills. Oil, --..elfin Tel & Tel 0 I, hone and call j Priil. Cora E, on teachen exam field. Ciira E, to I1' Senteniber. 1111 Buffers Paner Co, 1 Kihes . 1 TU ticc teachers' nm ... t,.i i rpnairfl bering machine 1 Smith. E C, 0" iaeheis' esam ,ith. VV St, travel penses r ; Heallh ( Dr K E. ' HA. ... , 1 Van W inKie. .1 v. Ui-une, 8 E. do VhprL LOlliS- ll - C'eoding .1 11- '!o, 0 40 , T VV. 00 . l'riilt In'T Van Trump, S H'1 nv.icnses ! poor ACCO" I Burger, VVmHe house for Mr Central jeine far Mrs Ho ,n hlsin.RO' for Abner Smitn , hr Broth"4 . l fr 10" Hammond U$ ,-pr cf I"' . . . ... 1 board 1 11111:111. ' " c ravel CO. Oregon KW" : ' Tf! & Tel PaclficW' Plant, .las. u.-:- .l.inn H, I--. r"'" n-ca rnre 1 h Sato'ii 1" "' h 1 12.110 22 92 12. SO p..',0 2.06 Poitieroy, Hen 11 champ, 4.00 1.80 5.00 .50 6.8 0.1)0 4.25 .60 1 0.00 1,1.0s 11 40 1 em 1 ,(-vi'" of re ard Sail m ne" fine"' ,f Ha niilt'"J ;aleni i- gug 1 .,-m Vster. Ci. er i M- 10.10 .09 94. S4 S.50 4.9i .90 Hosi"' ttal. ' Siberton Nu" :.'l shiK Smith. H" rtots K SPliM Co. shine- I Taylor ; i. iniei" r .. . n,.r H"' . ' . . 1 : nr Helen Ne .ih im. ,- I. I'.uffun VV 1'.. do 10.00 I Stewart's Reiair Shop, re- SI. 69 4S.09 83.25 Narrows, W Fl do SO.OO McCormiek. Mrs chas. relief for Elsie Kartrow 8.00 Koegershausen. Chas, relief 5.00 .oys & Girls. Aid Society, do 25.00 ullis, Mrs Florence L. do. .. 10.00 :arlson. Carl C. do 10.00 ?halifauz. Mrs do 10.00 Clevinger, Mra S E, do 20.00 tckinson. S A. do 10.00 lodge Clvxsa Kllen. do 10.00 Hiommond lrs Adeiia, do.. 15.00 1.30 I 350.00 5.60 paired lock VYiggrin. H B, hauling wood Circuit OOOTt. Pacific Tel & Tel Co, The, phone and calls Justice Court. State vs Amlrcae. ,' ...ellna 5.8 Uelong, W E, constable State ts. . !!. Cnruh. C. E. justice Delong. W J- constable Benneit, L S, Mrs, witness i.lersen. l.m O club " Sol rut 1.70 1 23.80 3S.90 nopW.. rtoyer.